Script To Export SQL Tables To Access

Jul 20, 2005


I am not sure if this is eaven possible but I need a script to quickly
export selected tables from a SQL database into Access.

The script should preferably run from an ASP page on demand or perhaps
be triggered by an update of one of the selected tables.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Export Database Tables To Ms Access

Nov 20, 2007

How would I be able to export all my sql server tables back to MS Access?


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Export Alll Tables And Data Into A Ms Access File?

Jul 20, 2005

HI, can i export all tables and data into a ms access file? thanks:)

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Can I Export Tables So That Existing Tables In Destination Database Will Be Modified?

Jul 20, 2005

I'm working on an ASP.Net project where I want to test code on a localmachine using a local database as a back-end, and then export it tothe production machine where it uses the hosting provider's SQL Serverdatabase on the back-end. Is there a way to export tables from oneSQL Server database to another in such a way that if a table alreadyexists in the destination database, it will be updated to reflect thechanges to the local table, without existing data in the destinationtable being lost? e.g. suppose I change some tables in my localdatabase by adding new fields. Can I "export" these changes to thedestination database so that the new fields will be added to thedestination tables (and filled in with default values), without losingdata in the destination tables?If I run the DTS Import/Export Wizard that comes with SQL Server andchoose "Copy table(s) and view(s) from the source database" and choosethe tables I want to copy, there is apparently no option *not* to copythe data, and since I don't want to copy the data, that choice doesn'twork. If instead of "Copy table(s) and view(s) from the sourcedatabase", I choose "Copy objects and data between SQL Serverdatabases", then on the following options I can uncheck the "CopyData" box to prevent data being copied. But for the "CreateDestination Objects" choices, I have to uncheck "Drop destinationobjects first" since I don't want to lose the existing data. But whenI uncheck that and try to do the copy, I get collisions between theproperties of the local table and the existing destination table,e.g.:"Table 'wbuser' already has a primary key defined on it."Is there no way to do what I want using the DTS Import/Export Wizard?Can it be done some other way?-Bennett

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Why Would Tables Pulled In From ODBC In Access Be Different Than Tables In SQL 2005 Tables?

Jan 24, 2008

I'm new to my company, although not new to SQL 2005 and I found something interesting. I don't have an ERD yet, and so I was asking a co-worker what table some data was in, they told me a table that is NOT in SQL Server 2005's list of tables, views or synonyms.

I thought that was strange, and so I searched over and over again and still I couldn't find it. Then I did a select statement the table that Access thinks exists and SQL Server does not show and to my shock, the select statement pulled in data!

So how did this happen? How can I find the object in SSMS folder listing of tables/views or whatever and what am I overlooking?


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Import Access Tables (set Up As Pass-through Table Types To Oracle )--OLE DB Connection To Access Cannot See Them

Mar 17, 2008

Access Connection

create a new Connection Manager by right-clicking in the Connection Managers section of the design area of the screen. Select New OLE DB Connection to bring up the Configure OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box. Click New to open the Connection Manager. In the Provider drop-down list, choose the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider and click OK.
Browse to the Access database file and connection set up---all good!!!

Dataflow task
Add an OLE DB Source component
Double-click the icon to open the OLE DB Source Editor. Set the OLE DB Connection Manager property to the Connection Manager that I created . Select Table from the Data Access Mode drop-down list.
I cannot see the tables set up as set up as pass-through table types to a Oracle 9i db

Any ideas please help

thanks in advance

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List Groups That Have Access To Application And Use Grid Format To Show Access To Specific Tables

Jun 23, 2014

i am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.

I am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.

Role Loans Payments Transactions Accounts Customer Emplo
Internal Auditor S S S S S S
Loan Officer SUID SUI SUI S S
Tellers S S S S SU
Customers U

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SQL Export To Access

Feb 14, 2007

I'm exporting SQL 2005 data to Access.  Two fields are varchar(MAX) if that matters, and all of the fields are being copied over as LONGTEXT.  I was importing into a new table.  I'm getting the following errors reported:
- Executing (Error)

Error 0xc0202009: {F1536EC8-87FD-4BA6-8A05-EC8E51CCAF05}: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E73.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040E73 Description: "Format of the initialization string does not conform to the OLE DB specification.".(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc00291ec: Drop table(s) SQL Task: Failed to acquire connection "DestinationConnectionOLEDB". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0202009: {F1536EC8-87FD-4BA6-8A05-EC8E51CCAF05}: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E73.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040E73 Description: "Format of the initialization string does not conform to the OLE DB specification.".(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc00291ec: Preparation SQL Task: Failed to acquire connection "DestinationConnectionOLEDB". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
What are these errors from? 

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Solution!-Create Access/Jet DB, Tables, Delete Tables, Compact Database

Feb 5, 2007

From Newbie to Newbie,

Add reference to:

'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library

'Microsoft ADO Ext.2.8 for DDL and Security

'Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.6 Library


Imports System.IO

Imports System.IO.File

Code Snippet


Public Shared Sub Restart()

End Sub

'You have to have a BackUps folder included into your release!

Private Sub BackUpDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BackUpDB.Click
Dim addtimestamp As String
Dim f As String
Dim z As String
Dim g As String
Dim Dialogbox1 As New Backupinfo

addtimestamp = Format(Now(), "_MMddyy_HHmm")
z = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb"
g = addtimestamp + ".mdb"

'Add timestamp and .mdb endging to NewAppDB
f = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissBackUpsNewAppDB" & g & ""


File.Copy(z, f)

Catch ex As System.Exception


End Try

MsgBox("Backup completed succesfully.")
If Dialogbox1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

Code Snippet


Private Sub RestoreDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

Dim Filename As String
Dim Restart1 As New RestoreRestart
Dim overwrite As Boolean
overwrite = True
Dim xi As String

With OpenFileDialog1
.Filter = "Database files (*.mdb)|*.mdb|" & "All files|*.*"
If .ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Filename = .FileName

'Strips restored database from the timestamp
xi = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb"
File.Copy(Filename, xi, overwrite)
End If
End With

'Notify user
MsgBox("Data restored successfully")

If Restart1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

Code Snippet


Private Sub CreateNewDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

Dim L As New DatabaseEraseWarning
Dim Cat As ADOX.Catalog
Cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Dim Restart2 As New NewDBRestart
If File.Exists("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb") Then
If L.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then
Exit Sub
File.Delete("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")
End If
End If
Cat.Create("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb;

Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5")

Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
'Dim Cat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim Tablename As ADOX.Table
'Taylor these according to your need - add so many column as you need.
Dim col As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col1 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col2 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col3 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col4 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col5 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col6 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col7 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col8 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column

Cn = New ADODB.Connection
Cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Tablename = New ADOX.Table

'Open the connection
Cn.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb;Jet

OLEDB:Engine Type=5")

'Open the Catalog
Cat.ActiveConnection = Cn

'Create the table (you can name it anyway you want)
Tablename.Name = "Table1"

'Taylor according to your need - add so many column as you need. Watch for the DataType!
col.Name = "ID"
col.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger
col1.Name = "MA"
col1.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger
col1.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col2.Name = "FName"
col2.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col2.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col3.Name = "LName"
col3.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col3.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col4.Name = "DOB"
col4.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adDate
col4.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col5.Name = "Gender"
col5.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col5.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col6.Name = "Phone1"
col6.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col6.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col7.Name = "Phone2"
col7.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col7.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col8.Name = "Notes"
col8.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col8.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable

Tablename.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "ID")

'You have to append all your columns you have created above

'Append the newly created table to the Tables Collection

'User notification )
MsgBox("A new empty database was created successfully")

'clean up objects
Tablename = Nothing
Cat = Nothing
Cn = Nothing

'Restart application
If Restart2.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If

End Sub

Code Snippet


Private Sub CompactDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

Dim JRO As JRO.JetEngine
JRO = New JRO.JetEngine

'The first source is the original, the second is the compacted database under an other name.
JRO.CompactDatabase("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program

FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb; Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5", "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;

Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDBComp.mdb; JetOLEDB:Engine Type=5")

'Original (not compacted database is deleted)
File.Delete("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")

'Compacted database is renamed to the original databas's neme.
Rename("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDBComp.mdb", "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")

'User notification
MsgBox("The database was compacted successfully")

End Sub

End Class

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Access 2007 Linked Tables (vs Access 2003)

May 15, 2007

We migrated a MS Access 2003 mdb into MS Access 2007. The mdb has linked tables to SQL Server via a DSN and utilizes a mdw file. In 2003, the username/password is "passed" to SQL Server, so the UID/PWD that is used for opening the mdb, is used in SQL Server.

Opening the same file in 2007 using the same mdw, gives a secondary login on SQL Server.

Is there a way to have MS Access 2007 pass the UID/PWD to SQL Server on linked tables, the same way that 2003 does?


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Export Data From SQL To Access Using ASP

May 10, 2001

Is there anyone can help me?
How can I export data from SQL to Access in the ASP file? Is it possible?

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SQL 6.5 Export To Access Or Excel

Nov 15, 2002

In SQL7 you can use a wizard to export database to access or excel. Any known scripts or procedures? I need to give the data in one of these formats so it can be massaged into Oracle by our Oracle vendor. Any help or referals will be greatly appreciated.

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Access -export-&> MS SQL 2005

Feb 19, 2006

how can i export all the content of an access database into a MS SQL 2005 database, with of course similar tables ?

thank you

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How To Export Access Mdb To Sql Database....

Jun 16, 2006

I have a mdb in Access named test1.mdb with tabale named test_table and a Db Sql test2.mdf with tabale named test_table.
Each table of database have the same name fileds: prova1, prova2, prova3...prova20.
Now with vba or vb classic is possible to transfer the data from Access .mdb into Sql table, Record by Record


prova1 from .Mdb to Prova1 slq table
prova2 from .Mdb to Prova2 slq table
prova3 from .Mdb to Prova3 slq table
prova20 from .Mdb to Prova20 slq table

Tks to all.
I use this code to pass dta with excel and inseted Excel i would want to use access mbd to sql table...
In effect import into sql databse record by record from access mdb....

Sub ADOExcelSQLServer()

Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim Server_Name As String
Dim Database_Name As String
Dim User_ID As String
Dim Password As String
Dim SQLStr As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim RowNo As Long

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

Server_Name = "USER-E114319F02"
Database_Name = "northwind"
User_ID = ""
Password = ""
SQLStr = "SELECT * FROM customers"

Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
Cn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & Server_Name & ";Database=" & Database_Name & _
";Uid=" & User_ID & ";Pwd=" & Password & ";"

rs.Open SQLStr, Cn, adOpenStatic
RowNo = 2

Do While Not rs.EOF
Range("a" & RowNo).Value = rs(1)
Range("b" & RowNo).Value = rs(2)
Range("c" & RowNo).Value = rs(3)
RowNo = RowNo + 1

Set rs = Nothing
Set Cn = Nothing
End Sub

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How To Export Db As Access Mdb File

Sep 6, 2006

hi, subject says all infact,
my question is, is there any way to export database as a access mdb files using management studio express edition ..

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Export To Excel In MS Access

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I have one form in access application which shows various fields fromthe database. The fields are like No of PCs a client has,No ofemployees,revenue etc.Need of the user is to filter the data on the form and export theresults.I am using a Qury as the base for this form.Can I do it easily or ineed to write the code to do this.Secondly can I provide a separate interface to allow user to Query andextract the data.Say, PC between <SomeRange> AND/ ORRevenue Between <Some Range>whatever result comes will be exported to the Excel file.Please tell me if you have any solution.Thanks in Advance.Rohit--Posted using the interface, at author's requestArticles individually checked for conformance to usenet standardsTopic URL: Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd). Report abuse:

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Export Db Tables

Mar 27, 2007


I would like to export db tables to another server. I have try to use export feature but it will not exporting index triggers, constraint, etc. Is there any efficient way to export table data as well as other info?

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How To Use DTS To Export To Access Using Global Variables ...

May 6, 2002


I am trying to export data from SQL7 to Access using a DTS package. I want to use the global variables within the package in sql statements.

How can I do that?
I have 2 global variables set: @DID & @Rowid

When tranfering data I used the sql statement to get the data from SQL7:
Select * from Tablex where ColumnX=@DID AND ColumnY > @rowid

but when I do that I get an error: You must declare the variable @DID

Why is that, if I declared it in the global variables section????


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Import-export (MS-Access To SQL SERVER)

Mar 11, 2000

Hi everybody,

Do all the relationship between the tables
breaks while importing from MS-Access to
MS-SQL Server

Thanks in Advance

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SQL Server To MS Access Data Export

Oct 30, 2006

Hi, I'd be delighted to receive some suggestions re how best to approach the following MS SQL Server data export scenario.

Its a VB.NET, MS SQL Server 2000 web application project. An ad-hoc reporting requirement is that the end-user can click a button on the web application to receive a link to download a data export in MS Access. I have a prototype working which executes a series of DTS packages to create and populate tables in a blank MS Access database from the SQL Server database

I found the DTS export wizard helpful in that it makes light work of the numerous lookup tables, but I am looking for suggestions as to how best to export the 8+ data tables?

In my prototype I currently use a DTS package to export the full contents of each data table but I need to get it to filter the export of each by two parameters. I tried to use the DTS package global variable approach but although this works with a simple query, I appear to need to use nested queries to identify which table rows to include in the export (at which point DTS seems to give up).

I played around with the linked server functionality today but I don't see how that can help me. I was only able to execute a query on the MS Access database. I was hoping to maybe be able to do a "select * into <table_name> where ... " from MS SQL Server to MS Access.

I also tried editing the DTS package to call a user defined function (UDF) but DTS didn't seem to want to let me pass parameters via global variables. It only worked if I hard-coded the parameters which would not be satisfactory.

Should I be looking at doing it via OleDbConnection in VB.NET?

Many thanks,

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Export SQL05 Data To Access

Nov 21, 2006

I'm trying to help a client export some data from SQL 2005 to an Accessdatabase or even an Excel file. Either way I get an error like this:- Setting Destination Connection (Error)MessagesError 0xc0204016: DTS.Pipeline: The "output column "press_release_body"(1500)" has a length that is not valid. The length must be between 0and 4000.(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0204016(Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)The ultimate goal is to be able to export this and import it into a SQL2000 server, this client does not have SQL 2005, but the db they havehosted is on a 2005 server. It is in compatibility mode 80 btw in theoptions. Thanks!

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Export Data To MS Access File

Nov 11, 2005

Hi guys,

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SSIS Export Access --&&> SQL Server

Sep 6, 2006

Im trying to export data from Access into SQL Server using SQL Native Client for the import. I can run the exp/imp just fine when I select maybe 30 tables but when I select 200 the process errors out. Is there a registry setting I could set for the Access for a bigger bugger size???


Error 0xc0202009: {9E29C0D7-23D0-4BFD-8459-843D3755A05B}: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc020801c: Data Flow Task: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)


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Cannot Get Access To My Access 2003 Database Tables

Feb 5, 2007

I developed a database with Access 2003 and everything was working good until my tech came in and reformated my hard drive and install a new Ghost image that met our company standards.

Now I cannot go in and make any changes to any of the tables, queries and forms. All of this started when a new Ghost image was installed on my pc.

The message I get when I try to open my database is "You do not have permission to run "tblSwitchboard." I get the same error message when I try to do anything at all on the database.

I am at a loss as to what to do. Please help.

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Export Tables To Csv File

Aug 5, 2007

Hi...I have 4 connected table in sql, and i have view that query this 4 and create 1 table, can i export that to csv file?thank you... 

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Export Multiple Tables

Apr 6, 2006

Hi all,

I work on a data warehouse. My source system is moving from Oracle to Sql Server. I'm looking for a way to export multiple tables into distinct files. I've started using DTS 'Export Data' function, but that is one table at a time. I'd like to put multiple input/outputs into a package so that I can run one package to take care of a bunch of small tables while I run my larger tables simulataneously. Right now, it seems that I'll need to make one DTS package per table. Any suggestions how I might be able to avoid that? Thanks.

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Import And Export Tables

Sep 7, 2006

I am really new to SQL Server so be patient i guess. I have installed sql server 2005 on my home computer but at first i wasnt able to connect to the server at school where i had started creating tables already. Instead of going up to the school i opted to do it from home and start over. Well I am wondering if there is a way to copy all the tables that i have created on my home computer and just import them into the database on the server at school. Hope this isnt confusing. Anyways, this forum always has helped me in the past, so i am confident someone will be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.

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How To Export Tables From The Database?

Oct 17, 2007

A very simple question
I have two tables in the database on one server
I want to export it to another database on another server
How can I do this?
I tried DTS but I guess it works from one server to another server on same network
When I went to Query Analyzer, I can see scripting options but that only gives me the structure of the table in .sql format
Is it possible to get the whole data in .sql format and then run it on another server
Please suggest methods

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How To Export Many Tables To MS Excel?

Jun 19, 2008

Hello everybody,

I am new to this forum and I dont know much about MS SQL Server and SQL Language at all. Anyway, I just wrote a SQL Script (Query) that pulls one sql table from a large database. Because I need this script for many similar cases (only one parameter changes), I will write a java program which produces the specific sql code with respect to the particular situation. Thus my Query will produce many tables. How can automate to export each of them in an excel? It can not be the case that I have to build a excel file for each sql-table manually. The SQL Script should produce the excel file automaticly.

My question for short:

"select * from final"

how can i export the resulting table to an excel file (which should be built by ms sql server in exactly this moment)?

Thanks a lot

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Export Db Tables For Use Locally On Another Pc

Dec 14, 2007

Hi,I've used SQL Enterprise Manager to Export my selected db's locally.My main question is how do I move the export to another pc - whichfiles need to be moved, etc?ThanksLouis

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Sql 2000 Tables Export

Apr 24, 2006

hi, i installed sql server 2005 express on my tests server, i need to move a database from my sql server 2000 to test how it works with 2005.
i understood that the export/import option is not available in express version. but i still need to pass my database, other wise i cant check the power of the 2005 version.
please tell me about other way to do!

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Export Multiple Tables To .csv / .txt

Nov 24, 2007

Hi ,

I need to export data from sql data base tables to .csv files with vertical bar (column seperator).The names of the .csv file is to be similar to table name. Eg. exporting Employee table should result in Employee.txt / Employee.csv
Using export / import wizard I could export only 1 table at a time to text file.

The content in the file will be as shown below:
EMP |ALL |103000353|102000001|104000000|n
EQUP|ALL |104000117|104000001|105000000|n

As there are huge number of tables and I need to transfer all the user tables to text files seperately, Is there any method / sql query / script to export multiple tables at a time , such that with a single execution i could export 100 tables to 100 text files individually.

Looking forward for solution

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Export Access DB To MSSQL Server 2000

Jun 19, 2004


I am working on a couple fo the ASP.NET walkthoughs and I would like to practice with a Database that I created in Access. I realize that I could use the Access DB, but I would like to learn to work with a more industrial strength DB. Is there a method to export to MSSQL server 2000 from Access ?



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