Script To Copy Entire Table
Jul 20, 2005
I'm a newbie to script writing. I'm trying to write a script to copy all
data from a table to the same table in a 2nd database. Both databases are
on the same server and are identical in design. I can do this with DTS but
wanted a script I could email to a user to run in Query Analyzer.
Copy entire table called 'Customers' in the 'Data01' database to
table 'Customers' in the 'Data02' database
I want to overwrite all data in the destination table.
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Mar 5, 2008
I have table in my SQL database, I want to copy(or insert) one record(one entire row using primary key, which is auto)
I am thinking something like this
Insert Into Table1 (a, b, c,d,e) values(select a,b,c,d,e from Table1 where Primarykey=1 or any number)
telll me how do I do that
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Jun 3, 2004
Hi All,
Could anybody tell me how to make a copy of an entire database on the same server? The copy wizard won't allow the a copy to be made on the same server.
And I believe I won't be able to detach the database and re-attach it to a newly created database with a different name.
Thanks in advance!
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Dec 14, 2007
I have read the previous threads on the bugs with this task mainly: . These are great posts that helpmed me avoid wasting time. I haven't seen one yet that addresses copying an entire database including the sql server logins.
I would like to import the ENTIRE database from one (2005) server to another(2005) using the SSIS Transfer SQL Object task (not just sprocs,tables,views and functions). I have figured out how to pull the tables,views,sprocs and functions ... by using an execute sql task to drop these objects. But I cannot get this to work for users since the user dbo cannot be dropped and guest can only be disabled. I am creating a new database (this is the database where the sql objects will be copied to) via management studio to test this. There has to ba a way to get this working ... Microsoft must have published some sort of KB article on this task or a Script Task using SMO object calls. If need be I can drop the entire database on the target machine and have SSIS recreate it.
The only reason I'm willing to take a risk with SSIS rather than backup and restore is because of time constraints (I assume the SSIS task is faster) and backup storage administration.
declare @name varchar(200)
declare @object varchar(200)
select table_name,table_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
Select name,'SPROC' table_type from sys.procedures Where [type] = 'P' and is_ms_shipped = 0 and [name] not like 'sp[_]%diagram%'
select name,'FN' from sys.objects where type_desc like '%FUNCTION'
OPEN object_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM object_cursor INTO @name,@object
PRINT ' <<None>>'
if @object = 'BASE TABLE'
exec ('drop table ' + @name)
else if @object = 'VIEW'
exec ('drop view ' + @name)
else if @object = 'SPROC'
exec ('drop procedure ' + @name)
else if @object = 'FN'
exec ('drop function ' + @name)
FETCH NEXT FROM object_cursor INTO @name,@object
CLOSE object_cursor
DEALLOCATE object_cursor
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Feb 11, 2004
How can I copy the entire database (all the objects from one database to another database)?
thanks in advance.
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May 16, 2006
Hi! I've some data in a table, and I want to add these records to another table, but I tried yet with select ... Into ... and I lose all the data from this one. I need to ADD the data from table to table. Any suggestion?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I need to lock a table so that Inserts are prevented as well as deleted andupdates. At present I'm thinking this might do it:SELECT * FROM myTable WITH(UPLOCK)but then again I'm not sure whether this will cover the insert case.Thanks,Robin
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Mar 13, 2008
How can I do in order that a table show all its rows in a page?And if the table can only show a number of rows cause arrive to the end of the page show the table in the next page?
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May 14, 2014
how to copy one database tables, columns, store-procedures. to another database without any error
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Feb 19, 2006
I am giving the following statement outside the begin tran block in a stored procedure:
select * from table1 with (holdlock) where column1 = @colValue
I have the following two questions regarding above situation:
Being outside the begin tran block, will the select statement cause a lock to be held or it has to be within the begin tran block for the lock to be held?
Will the select statement hold a lock only on the row or rows matching the where clause, or it may lock a page or even the entire table in this situation?
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Aug 17, 1999
How can I instruct SQL Server to keep entire table in memory? ie the memory pages should not be swapped to HD.
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Sep 20, 2007
The problem that I am having is that I am not getting the results from an entire table, just a small subset. The sql command is "Select * from login", which has always implied to me, get everything, to end of table, or, until I tell you to stop. I am getting exactly, 10 items as input, and then it stops. I am including the code below in the hopes that someone can spot what it is that I am doing wrong.
The purpose of the routine is to convert a user login database into a new, expanded format.
TIA, Tom
Imports Common.Utility.Utils
Partial Class UserDatabaseConversion
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = getSQLConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("utilityDbName"))
Dim sqlConnN As SqlConnection = getSQLConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("utilityDbName"))
Dim sqlStringOld As String = "Select * from login"
Dim sqlStringNew As String = "usp_UT_AddNewUser"
Dim buildCnt As Integer = 0
Dim oldUserCnt As Integer = 0
Dim newUserCnt As Integer = 0
Dim oLocation As String = Nothing
Dim errors As Integer = 0
Dim mesg As String = Nothing
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub
Sub getOldUsers()
Dim odate As Date = Date.Today
Dim sqlCmdOld As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()
sqlCmdOld.CommandText = sqlStringOld
sqlCmdOld.CommandType = CommandType.Text
sqlCmdOld.Connection = sqlConn
Dim dbReader As SqlDataReader = Nothing
dbReader = sqlCmdOld.ExecuteReader()
If dbReader.HasRows Then
Do While dbReader.Read()
oldUserCnt += 1
Select Case IsDBNull(dbReader.Item("reg_date"))
Case True
buildNewUser(dbReader.Item("name"), dbReader.Item("password"), dbReader.Item("email"), dbReader.Item("type"), dbReader.Item("org"), dbReader.Item("occupation"), dbReader.Item("location"), odate)
Case False
buildNewUser(dbReader.Item("name"), dbReader.Item("password"), dbReader.Item("email"), dbReader.Item("type"), dbReader.Item("org"), dbReader.Item("occupation"), dbReader.Item("location"), dbReader.Item("reg_date"))
End Select
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If errors = 0 Then
lblMesg.Text = "Conversion completed succesfully.<br />Users In: " & oldUserCnt & " , Users Out:" & newUserCnt
lblMesg.Text = "Conversion comleted with errors.<br />Users In: " & oldUserCnt & " , Users Out:" & newUserCnt & "<br />"
lblMesg.Text += mesg
End If
End Sub
Sub buildNewUser(ByVal oname As String, ByVal opassword As String, _
ByVal oemail As String, ByVal otype As String, _
ByVal oorg As String, ByVal oocc As String, _
ByVal oloc As String, ByVal oregdate As Date)
Dim sqlCmdNew As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()
sqlCmdNew.CommandText = sqlStringNew
sqlCmdNew.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
sqlCmdNew.Connection = sqlConnN
Dim userName As String = Nothing
Dim firstName As String = Nothing
Dim middleName As String = Nothing
Dim lastName As String = Nothing
Dim title As String = Nothing
Dim emailAddress As String = Nothing
Dim passWord As String = Nothing
Dim userType As String = Nothing
Dim org As String = Nothing
Dim occ As String = Nothing
Dim loc As String = Nothing
Dim rdate As Date = Nothing
oLocation = oloc
' user name will be the first part of the email address
emailAddress = oemail
Dim uname() As String = oemail.Split("@")
' extend the length of the user name to at least 5 characters
Select Case uname(0).Length
Case Is > 4
userName = uname(0)
Case Is = 4
userName = uname(0) & "1"
Case Is = 3
userName = uname(0) & "12"
Case Is = 2
userName = uname(0) & "123"
Case Is = 1
userName = uname(0) & "1234"
End Select
' check for suffixes
Dim suffix() As String = oname.Split(",")
Select Case suffix.Length > 1
Case True
title = suffix(1)
End Select
' split names out
Dim names() As String = suffix(0).Split(" ")
' possibly 3 components to the name
Select Case names.Length
Case Is = 1
firstName = names(0)
Case Is = 2
firstName = names(0)
lastName = names(1)
Case Is = 3
firstName = names(0)
middleName = names(1)
lastName = names(2)
End Select
' setup password. must be at least 6 characters.
' if less, extend to 6.
Select Case opassword
Case Is > 5
passWord = opassword
Case Is = 5
passWord = opassword & "1"
Case Is = 4
passWord = opassword & "12"
Case Is = 3
passWord = opassword & "123"
Case Is = 2
passWord = opassword & "1234"
Case Is = 1
passWord = opassword & "12345"
End Select
' user type, organization and occupation
userType = otype
org = oorg
occ = oocc
' registration date
Select Case IsDBNull(oregdate) Or IsNothing(oregdate)
Case True
rdate = Today.Date
Case False
rdate = oregdate
End Select
' try to extract the location
' get the country
Dim country As String = getCountry(oloc)
' get the state
Dim state As String = getState(oloc)
' only thing left is the city
Dim city() As String = oloc.Split(",")
' add parameter values
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NamePrefix", System.DBNull.Value)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstName", replaceSingleQuote(firstName))
Select Case IsNothing(middleName)
Case True
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MiddleName", System.DBNull.Value)
Case False
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MiddleName", replaceSingleQuote(middleName))
End Select
Select Case IsNothing(lastName)
Case True
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LastName", System.DBNull.Value)
Case False
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LastName", replaceSingleQuote(lastName))
End Select
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserName", replaceSingleQuote(userName))
Select Case IsNothing(title)
Case True
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NameTitle", System.DBNull.Value)
Case False
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NameTitle", title)
End Select
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", replaceSingleQuote(passWord))
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EmailAddress", emailAddress)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PasswordHint", userName)
Select Case isEmpty(org)
Case True
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Organization", System.DBNull.Value)
Case False
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Organization", replaceSingleQuote(org))
End Select
Select Case isEmpty(occ)
Case True
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Occupation", System.DBNull.Value)
Case False
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Occupation", replaceSingleQuote(occ))
End Select
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address1", System.DBNull.Value)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address2", System.DBNull.Value)
Select Case isEmpty(city(0))
Case True
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", System.DBNull.Value)
Case False
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", replaceSingleQuote(city(0)))
End Select
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ZipCode", System.DBNull.Value)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PostalCode", System.DBNull.Value)
Select Case IsNothing(state)
Case True
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@State", System.DBNull.Value)
Case False
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@State", state)
End Select
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Other", System.DBNull.Value)
Select Case IsNothing(country)
Case True
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Country", System.DBNull.Value)
Case False
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Country", country)
End Select
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GeneralEmail", False)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FundRaiseEmail", False)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GeneralUSPSMail", False)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FundRaiseUSPSMail", False)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateAdded", rdate)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateUpdated", rdate)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Active", True)
sqlCmdNew.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserType", userType)
Dim iRows As Integer = 0
' try to insert the row into the table
iRows = sqlCmdNew.ExecuteNonQuery()
If iRows <> 1 Then
errors += 1
mesg += "<br />User: " & firstName & " " & lastName & " was not added.<br />"
End If
newUserCnt += 1
Catch ex As Exception
Dim exMsg As String = ex.Message.ToString()
writeApplicationLog(exMsg, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("UtilityDBName"))
errors += 1
mesg += "<br />User: " & firstName & " " & lastName & " was not added due to " & exMsg & "<br />"
End Try
End Sub
Function getState(ByVal loc As String) As String
Dim state As String = Nothing
If loc.Contains("NY") Then
state = "NY"
ElseIf loc.Contains("WA") Then
state = "WA"
ElseIf loc.Contains("PA") Then
state = "PA"
ElseIf loc.Contains("AZ") Then
state = "AZ"
ElseIf loc.Contains("MI") Then
state = "MI"
ElseIf loc.Contains("WI") Then
state = "WI"
ElseIf loc.Contains("CT") Then
state = "CT"
ElseIf loc.Contains("NC") Then
state = "NC"
ElseIf loc.Contains("CA") Then
state = "CA"
ElseIf loc.Contains("NY") Then
state = "NJ"
End If
Return state
End Function
Function getCountry(ByVal cntry As String) As String
Dim country As String = "US"
If cntry.Contains("Canada") Then
country = "CA"
End If
Return country
End Function
End Class
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Feb 11, 2008
I have a table that I want to cache. So, if this is my query "SELECT * FROM myTable" that I create the cache from, how can I filter the data?
I really need to cache the whole table, since there are a myriad of different statements being executed against the table, so just caching a specific query won't do.
I've found the best approach to make a question is writing it in code, so how can I do the following:
SELECT ColNames FROM MyTableWhichShouldNowBeCached WHERE whereColumns=someParams.
ColNames and someParams make up for a variation of about to 120 different queries. I use SQL 2005 express edition with advanced services.
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May 26, 2000
Hi Guys!
This SQL statement, though carefully written to delete only selected rows, deletes the entire A_Shift_Times table:
(A_Shift_Times.time_in >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2000-05-29 00:00:00', 102)) AND
((Users.User_Password LIKE N'mrr%') OR (Users.User_Password LIKE N'work%')))
What gives? What am I doing wrong here?
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Aug 19, 2002
Hi everybody,
We are using SQl-2000 Sp2 clustured on two compaq servers
We have to modify our database shema every month.
We are using sp_repladdcolum and sp_repldropcolum to
modify table without snapshot.
Owever I would like to add/delete entire table in shema
database without using snapshot ?
Is it possible ?
How to do ?
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Oct 21, 2014
I convert EBCDIC file to text file at C:orderorder.txt. There are about 1400000 rows. The length of line is 1500.
How to insert entire line into one column of the table? (only one column, named as [LineDetail])
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Sep 18, 2013
I'm trying to create a query that searches an entire database for keywords inside of the columns for each table within the database. For instance my tables have 2 columns one named ID and the other Permission, I'd like it be able to return all the lines that are associated with that keyword. So if I search "Schedule" it returns all the lines containing that word in it within that database.
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Nov 16, 2015
I usually go for the largest datafile and then query in-there...But now I need to automate it for several instances... I need to be able with one script quickly retrieve the top 5 largest tables for the entire instance,not by database...
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Jan 9, 2008
Hi all,
The following dbo.Tables of Northwind.mdf in my .SQLEXPRESS (SQL Server Management Studio Express) are missing:
dbo.Order Details
But, I have these dbo.Tables in a different Database "xyzDatabase". How can I copy each of these dbo.Tables to the another blank dbo.Table of Northwind Database?
I right clicked on the dbo.Categories and I saw the following thing:
New Table...
Open Table
Script Table as |> CREATYE To |>
DROP To |>
INSERT To |> New Query Editor Window
DELETE to |>
From the above observation,I think it is possible to copy the dbo.Table from the one Database to the Northwind Database that needs to be repaired. Please help and advise me how to do this task or tell me where I can find the Microsoft document that gives the details of this X-copy thing.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
P. S. I am using VB 2005 Express to create a project to learn "Calling Stored Procedures with ADO.NET" (see Paul Kimmel's article in that needs the dbo.Tables of Northwind Database and my Northwind Database has been screwed up for quite a while and needs a big repair.
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Jan 26, 2006
Just wondering if there is an easy transact statement to copy table 1 to table 2, appending the data in table 2.with SQL2000, thanks.
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Oct 1, 2001
How do I copy a column(or colums) from a table in one database to another table in a different database
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Nov 23, 2007
Hi All,
I have 2 tables People & PeopleCosts.
PeopleID in People Table is the primarykey and foreign Key in PeopleCosts Table. PeopleID is an autonumber
The major fields in People Table are PeopleID | MajorVersion | SubVersion. I want to create a new copy of data for existing subversion (say from sub version 1 to 2) in the same table. when the new data is copied my PeopleID is getting incremented and how to copy the related data in the other table (PeopleCosts Table) with the new set of PeopleIDs..
Kindly help. thanks in advance.
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Jan 20, 2007
Hi allI have two tables in SqlServer with Exactly Same Structure,I want to Copy all Records fromone of them to another one.I came across to "" statement But i have two problem
1) I don't know any thing about Columns name!!! i just know they have same structure and as far as i know , "" need the Column list to operate correctly, am i right?
2) these two table have One Prinary Key column with IDENTITY feature.
Any Help Greatly appriciated.Regards.
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Dec 10, 2007
Hi i have set up two very simple tables, I want a user to be able to create a basic account ( data stored in User_Profile table with Id set as the Primery Key as Identity) I
want the user to be able to be able to return to their account at a later date
and then post multiple reviews of different bands they have seen at a later date.
I kept the tables in my example very simple so I could get my head
around the concept, but generally, I want to connect the Id (PK) value in
User_Profile table to the User_Id filed in the User_Review table,
so every review that user writes, will be connected directly to their Id.
Any help you could give would be fantastic a i have no idea where to start!!!
Id int, ( as primary Identity Key)
I have a second table called User Reviews
Revew_Id int , ( as primary Identity Key)
User_Id int, ( I want this to contain the Id value in
the User profile Table)
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Nov 30, 2004
Hi, All,
I have agentID in product table.
Now I add agentID column in transaction table. Now I want to copy all agentID from product table to transaction table based on the order_id
in both table. Can you show me an example?
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Jun 21, 2007
I need to copy existing row data from one table into a new row in a different table, both in the same database. Can this be done in a stored procedure where the selected row is passed in as parameter value?
Thank you,
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Apr 24, 2005
Hello everyone,
I have a local MSSQL server (I guess it's called MSDE), with some tables that I would like to use as a template for a set of new tables. I would simply like a Stored Procedure that takes these 3 tables, makes a copy of their structure (not data, since they will be empty), and name them by using a parameter given to the SP. I have made something that I thought would work, but after testing it a bit more, it seems to forget default values for the fields, which is of course not good enough :). I hope that someone can tell me how to duplicate these 3 tables, including every detail for the fields!
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Apr 21, 2008
I need to recover a table.
I have restored completed database to a temp DB.
I do know,how to use export and import.
Any one can help me?
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Jun 4, 2007
Hi.Like the title says - how do i do this?I was given the following example:INSERT INTO TABLE2 SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE COL1 = 'A'The above statement threw the following error:An explicit value for the identity column in table 'TABLE2' can onlybe specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.Then, after filling in all the column names in my above selectstatement I kept getting an error to the effect that the number ofsource and destination columns don't match. This is because one column"confirm_hash" does not exist in the destination table, just thesource table.could somebody show me how to get this to work?thanks!PS - MS SQL SERVER EXPRESS 2005
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Oct 23, 2007
I want to put fields from four tables into one table. I created a new table, but how do i get the same fields from the other tables to this table along with primary and foreign keys.
Table Fields
Tbl_Date_Dimension [Date_Dimension_Year], [Date_Dimension_Period], [Date_Dimension_Fiscal_Week]
Tbl_Report_Level Report_Level_Id
Tbl_Customer Customer_Code
[Sales Fact] [Gross Turnover] , Quantity, Consolidated_Sales_Tables_Id
The new table is called Tbl_Sales_Growth
Here's the information on the new table:
Code Block
[Date_Dimension_Year] [int] NOT NULL,
[Date_Dimension_Period] [int] NOT NULL,
[Date_Dimension_Fiscal_Week] [int] NULL,
[Report_Level_Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[Customer_code] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Consolidated_Sales_Tables_Id] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
[Quantity] [decimal](18, 0) NOT NULL,
[Gross turnover] [decimal](18, 0) NOT NULL
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Jan 8, 2008
I have a number of large tables (50,000,000 + rows and 30+ columns) that are refreshed once per month with data from another system. Data is first loaded into a staging table, that has an indentical strcuture to the final table, cleansed and then copy to the final table.
The current copy process is simple but inefficient:
Truncate Table <final-table>
Insert Into <final-table>
Select * from <staging-table>
If possible I don't want to use DTS for this and I'd like to use a batch size of around 10,000 rows to help reduce the size of the log file because I have 3 of these types of Inserts running concurrently.
What is the fatest way to copy data from one table to another, within a stored procedure using SQL 2000 on a large, clustered server that uses logging?
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Mar 1, 2008
hai friends.............. I want to know how to copy table from one database to another in a same sql server 2005? ex : i have one table called sample1 in database db1. we want to copy it and and paste it to database can i do this explain me elaborately. regards Samuel Chandradoss .J
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Apr 3, 2008
How to copy one databse table into another database as a same table with same same tablename?
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