Script When Database Backup Fails

Aug 28, 2006


I would like to have a script , that sends a mail to the dba mail box when the database backup fails . The mail should be sent to the SMTP server.

I have the script which gives the whole output of the backup status but I would like it to change so that it fires only when a backup fails. Please suggest me what to do..

RIGHT(bmf.physical_device_name, CHARINDEX('', REVERSE(bmf.physical_device_name))-1) as physical_device_file,
into #backup
msdb.dbo.backupset bs,
msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bmf
where bmf.media_set_id = bs.media_set_id
and bs.backup_finish_date is not null
AND bs.type = 'D'
AND bs.backup_start_date = (select max(backup_start_date) from msdb.dbo.backupset WHERE type = bs.type and database_name = bs.database_name)
order by bs.database_name, bs.backup_start_date asc

select @message = @message + char(13) + Char(13) + 'Backup Status' + Char(13)

select database_name, backup_finish_date from #backup order by database_name

OPEN GetBackup
FETCH NEXT FROM GetBackup INTO @dbname, @Status

select @message = @message + @dbname + ' backup up on ' + @Status + Char(13)
FETCH NEXT FROM GetBackup INTO @dbname, @Status
Close GetBackup
Deallocate GetBackup

drop table #backup

print @message

EXEC master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
@FROM = N'',
@TO = N'',
@server = N'',
@subject = N'Status of sqlserver!',
@type = N'text/html',
@message = @message


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SQL 2012 :: Backup Database Fails

Aug 21, 2014

If I try to backup of database in sql 2012 with t-Sql as follows:

Backup database db1
to disk='c:myfullbkup.bak' with init

This code works absolutely fine.

But if I try to take backup through SSMS -Task -Backup in object explorer and gave the same path of c: drive or any other folder outside sql default "Backup" folder.It gives error as access denied.This was not the scene in Sql server 2008.

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SQL Maintenence Plan And Database Backup Fails

Jan 8, 2008

Hi everyone,
I am running SQL 2000 SP3. I have one maintenence plan that is backing up one database and that is working fine. I am trying to create another maintenence plan for another database but the job does not execute and it gives me errors. Both SQL server and the agent uses 'local system account' to run the service. I have tried changing this to a domain account to see if it fixes anything. Also on the jobs, the job owner is a domain account. Below are two erros I am getting when running the jobs.
BackupDiskFile::CreateMedia: Backup device 'D:SQL Backups....mybackupfile.bak' failed to create. Operating system error = 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).

BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [Database_Name] TO DISK = N'D:SQL Backups....mybackupfile.bak' WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT

Any help would be appreciated.


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SP2 Maintenance Backup Fails On Offline Database.

May 29, 2007

I have a maintenance plan step to perform transaction log backups. There are a few databases that are offline. The backup seems to fail because it tries to backup the offline databases. The backup step is by itself as one of three subplans, although it also fails when it is the only step in a plan with only one subplan.

I have another server that is only on SP1 and it does not have problems handling the offline databases.

Is this an issue with SP2(9.0.3054)?

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SQL2000 Mainenance Plan Database Backup Fails

Dec 3, 2001

The database is SQL Server 2000. Recover Plan = 'Simple'. Maintenance Plan always fails when DBCC tries to put database in single-user mode so it can do the backup, if there is a user has a connection to it from EssBase. No queries running - just a connection. How can I get SQL Server to automatically kill the connections so it can do the backup?

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Differential Backup Fails Because Of Erroneous Full Backup

Jul 19, 2007


I am using the Simple recovery model and I'm taking a weekly full backup each Monday morning with differentials taken every 4 hours during the day.

On Wednesday afternoon, a programmer ran a process that corrupted the db and I had to restore to the most recent differential. It was 5pm in the afternoon and a differential backup had just occured at 4pm. No problem, I figured.

I restored the full backup from Monday morning and tried to restore the most recent differential backup. The differential restore failed. Since I had used T-SQL for the initial attempt, I tried using Enterprise Manager to try again.

When viewing the backup history, I see my initial full backup taken on Monday plus all the differentials. BUT, on closer inspection, I noticed another full backup in the backup history that was taken early Tuesday morning. I can't figure out where this Tuesday morning full backup came from. It wasn't taken by me (or scheduled by me) and I'm the only one with access to the server. My full backups are usually named something like HCMPRP_20070718_FULL.bak. This erroneous full backup was named something like HCMPRP_03a_361adk2k_dd53.bak. It seemed like it was a system generated name. Not something I would choose. To top it off, I could not find this backup file anywhere on the server and when I tried to restore using this full backup, it failed.

Does anyone have any clues as to where this full backup might come from? Does SQL Server trigger a full backup on its own if some threshold is reached?

I ended up having to restore using the differential taken just before this erroneous full backup and lost a day of transactions.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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The Backup Set Holds A Backup Of A Database Other Than Existing Database. Restore Database Is Terminating Abnormally

Apr 9, 2008

I have a problem when i restore my .DAT_BAK file. I am getting error like "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than existing database. Restore Database is terminating abnormally".

I tried by using


And also i tried like



When i use like this,

RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'D:DATAMYTEST.DAT_BAK'. I am able to get the output as LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, etc.

Can i anyone please help me out?

Thanks in Advance,
Anand Rajagopal

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BACKUP LOG Cannot Be Performed Because There Is No Current Database Backup. BACKUP LOG Is Terminating Abnormally.

Jan 31, 2008

Hi there

I'm getting this message on my third automated backup of the transaction logs of the day. Both databases are in full recovery mode, both successfully backed up at 01.00. The transaction logs backed up perfectly happily at 01:30 and 05:30, but failed at 09:30.

The only difference between 05:30 and 09:30's backups is that the log files were shrunk at 08:15 (the databases in question are the ones that sit under ILM2007, and keeping the log files small keeps the system running better).

Is it possible that shrinking the log files causes the database to think that there hasn't been a full database backup?



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BackUp Fails

Dec 17, 2007

Guys I was wondering if you can help me figure out the problem with the script.

1) I am getting the following error message on one of the job which is backing up all the databases on the server.

...ges for database 'AdminWorkFlow_Reports', file 'AdminWorkFlow_Reports_Data' on file 1.
[SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Processed 1 pages for database 'AdminWorkFlow_Reports',
file 'AdminWorkFlow_Reports_Log' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Backup or
restore operation successfully processed 433177 pages in 64.328 seconds (55.163 MB/sec).
[SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 3014) Processed 113720 pages for database 'BMSRep', file 'BMS_Data'
on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Processed 1 pages for database 'BMSRep', file '
BMS_Log' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Backup or restore operation
successfully processed 113721 pages in 17.200 seconds (54.162 MB/sec). [SQLSTATE 01000]
(Message 3014) Processed 208 pages for database 'EmailAddress', file 'EMailAddress_STGE_Data'
on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Processed 1 pages for database 'EmailAddress',
file 'EMailAddress_STGE_Log' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Backup or restore
operation succe... The step failed.

Not sure where to start. I looked up the backup script it looks fine.

BackUp Database AdminWorkFlow_Reports to Disk = 'q:\AdminWorkFlow_Reports12-17-2007.bak'


BackUp Database EmailAddress to Disk = 'q:\EmailAddress12-17-2007.bak'

2)Also I have another script which for some reason doesn't run on some nights. Its enabled and the job is scheduled daily but its not running for about a week.

SQL server agent is running though.

Any help in this regard would be appreciated.

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Backup Job Sometimes Fails

Jul 18, 2007


We have a nightly job on a production server which backs up all databases
(about 90 on the server)

Sometimes it'll only backup some of them, yet it reports success.

Our proc to manage the process is below:

Any ideas on what we need to do to make it reliable ?


DECLARE @DB_Name varchar(32)
DECLARE @Backup_Path varchar(255)
DECLARE @Backup_Name varchar(255)


OPEN DB_Cursor


IF @DB_Name <> 'tempdb' AND @DB_Name <> 'model'
print '--------------------------------<< ' + @db_name + '
SET @Backup_Path = N'd:sql2005backupsightly' + @DB_Name + 'Daily' +
SET @Backup_Name = @DB_Name + N' backup'
print ''

Print "Finished backing up the databases"

CLOSE DB_cursor

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Trans Log Backup Fails

Nov 4, 2005

I have a trans log backup that runs every 15 minutes on san, works fine until I do a backup after a large load. I get the below error message. Anyone had this before?

Executed as user: DPSCSDOMsqlexec. The file on device 'n:sqllogsmdentallgdmp' is not a valid Microsoft Tape Format backup set. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3242) BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step fail

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Transaction Log Backup Fails

May 7, 2001

My transaction log backup is failing with the following error:
Does anyone know how I can fix it?
Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version 8.00.194 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
Logged on to SQL Server as 'NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM' (trusted) Starting maintenance plan 'Maint Plan - TLogs' on 5/7/2001 8:18:11 AM Backup can not be performed on database. This sub task is ignored. (null)

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Backup To Tape Fails Sometimes

Jul 2, 2001

I am trying to backup a database to a tape. It works when it wants to. I get a 3013 error. The drive is fully functional. Seagate backup works fine. SQL Backup does not. I think it might be that the tape needs retensioning sometimes. Here is the sql statement: BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO TAPE='.ape0' WITH FORMAT. Is there a retension parameter I am failing to see?

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Transaction Log Backup Job Fails

Jan 21, 2004

Our Transaction Log backup job runs every two hours from 7:00am to 8:59pm. Today, our Full backup job and the first Transaction Lob backup job ran successfully. Subsequent Transaction Log Backups have failed with the following error message under Job History:

"The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 13 (Schedule 1). The last step to run was step 1 (Step 1)."

The caveats are that the database is in Full recovery mode and a .TRN file is generated on the server. Also, the SQL Server log says the job ran successfully. Any ideas?

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SQL Transaction Log Backup Fails.

Jul 11, 2007


I'm a clueless SQL noob trying to set a maintenance plan to backup my databases.

This is SQL 2005 running on Windows SBS 2003 R2.

I've created two maintenance plans one to do a full backup of all DBs and one to do transaction log backups every 4 hours of the databases.

The full backups run but the transaction log backup fails with

DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0). in the logs.

I can run the backup manually from the SQL Studio but not automatically.

Any clues on what can cause this not to work?


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Backup Fails Using SMO With Big Databases

Feb 11, 2007

HelloI'm seeing the backup using SMO fails with big databases (>15GB). Ihave a 2GB database and I can see the command go thru. in Profiler butafter it's about 50-70% done, I get an exception saying backup failed.There is no details on the SQLServer log.Here's the code snippet:bk.Initialize = m_backupInit;bk.PercentCompleteNotification = 10;bk.PercentComplete += newPercentCompleteEventHandler(bk_PercentComplete);bk.SqlBackup(m_Server);Here's the command as captured by SQL-Profiler:BACKUP DATABASE [Test_MODEL] TO DISK = N'D:TempTest_Model_Backup.dat' WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NOSKIP, REWIND,NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10Has anyone else seen this. The wierd thing is it works using old SQL-DMO.thanksSunit

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Jun 13, 2006

I've problems with backing up the certificate (on the Witness Server). On principal and mirror, it works fine (Win 2003 Server, US English), but on my local PC (XP Prof, German) what i use as witness Server following backup command raises an error:

USE master;


CREATE CERTIFICATE HOST_W_cert WITH SUBJECT = 'HOST_W certificate for database mirroring', START_DATE = '01/01/2006', EXPIRY_DATE = '12/31/2050';


The error message is:

Msg 15240, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Cannot write into file 'C:HOST_W_cert.cer'. Verify that you have write permissions, that the file path is valid, and that the file does not already exist.

I connect to the database with a domain user what is a local admin on the witness server (my local user), so this couldn't be a permission reason. The file doesn't already exists, so that is not the problem.

What could it be?

Greetings, Torsten

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Backup Fails On Network Drive???

Nov 14, 2000

I have creted a backup device on network drive and getting the following error when I run the backup command as a job.SQL server and the agent are running on a domain account which has full permission on the network drive.Any help is greatly appreciated.

"Cannot open backup device 'mccdiffbkpond2build'.
Device error or device off-line. See the SQL Server error
log for more details. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3201) Backup or
restore operation terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000]
(Error 3013). The step failed"

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Transaction Log Backup Via SQL Maint Fails

Jul 5, 2002

I have setup a SQL maintenance plan to backup the transaction log file to be backup every one hour M-F.

But now I have been getting the following error:

sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

Any clues what does this error mean ?


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Master Transaction Log Backup Fails

Nov 9, 2004


Okay. I changed the times that the transaction logs are backed up, via the built in maintenance schedule. It was then that I started to get failures only on the Transaction log backup for the master. The error that I get from the history log is Backup can not be performed on this database. This sub task is ignored. If I look in the file that is saved to disk :

Starting maintenance plan 'DB Maintenance Plan1' on 09/11/2004 02:30:00
Backup can not be performed on database 'master'. This sub task is ignored.

[1] Database onyx: Transaction Log Backup...
Destination: [R:BACKUPonyxonyx_tlog_200411090230.TRN]

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 23 secs **

[2] Database onyx: Verifying Backup...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 8 secs **

Deleting old text reports... 1 file(s) deleted.

End of maintenance plan 'DB Maintenance Plan1' on 09/11/2004 02:30:31
SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)

I changed the backup back to its original time as this was the only change made. This has not resolved the problem. As I am new to SQL and still finding my feet All the other SQL maintenance plans that I changed are working fine.



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Scheduled Backup Silently Fails

Jul 20, 2005

I am running a SQL Server 2000 installation with several databases. Eachdatabase and log is backed-up using a maintenance plan.The scheduled maintance plan for the latest database does not run, butdisplays no error. There is no entry in the job history. The same thinghappens when I try to run the individual jobs from Enterprise Manager.I've checked the database recovery model (full), the location of the backupfiles (same as the other databases), and just about everything else I canthink of. The scheduled maintenance plan for every other database runs asit should.What am I missing?ThanksIain

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DB Maintenance - Backup Transaction Log Fails

Jul 23, 2007


I'm running SQL 2005 SP2 and having a problem with a Database Maintenance task created in SSMS doing transaction log backups of all user databases.

When I look at dbo.sysmaintplan_logdetail I see the message:

Database 'Database1' will not be backed up because it does not have its recovery model set to Full or BulkLogged.

Great - that's what we want! Skip the SIMPLE recovery mode databases. However, the next entry is the following error message:

Executing the query "BACKUP LOG [Database1] TO DISK = N'D:\MSSQL$Windows\MSSQL.2\MSSQL\Backup\Database1\Database1_backup_200707231600.trn' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Database1_backup_20070723160023', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10 " failed with the following error: "The statement BACKUP LOG is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE. Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE. BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Which says to me it is trying to backup the same database(s) it just said it was skipping!

What's going on? I see that there is a fix to a similar error message with the cumulative update KB936305 ( for maintenance cleanup tasks.

Does anybody else have such a problem?

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SQL Server 2000 Backup Fails

Nov 1, 2007

Hi all,

I am using SQL Server 2000 for one of our web application system called eRoom. eRoom uses SQL Server 2000 as a database. Now I have used SQL Server 2000 Database backup features to run the 4 database backup every night at 10pm. The backup runs fine. But recently I have found that for some reason when Our server machine which is hosting eRoom and SQL Server (Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition) is restarted, the database backup does not run anymore.

Now I have checked SQL Server settings and the settings allow SQL Server and SQL Server agent to restart both the services when the operating system starts. But still the database backup does not run when the server machine is restarted. It happened twice last week. Can anyone please help me?

Here are some information to help you understand the problem.

Backup Process Followed:

I went to SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager, then went to the appropriate server and then right click the Database>All Tasks> Backup Database> and then selected the backup file which is a (.BAK) file and then scheduled the database to be backed up at 10:00pm every night. I followed the same procedure for all 4 databases.

I am running SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition R2


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Backup Fails To Local Disk

Nov 6, 2007

SQL 2000 backup to C dirve fails with event 17055 Operating system error = 5 access is denied. Creating and running a backup job wizards errors with SQL State 42000, Deveice error or device off line. SQL is running as LocalSystem. The backup destination has every Windows group added with Full Control.

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Differential Backup File Fails To Restore.

Jul 19, 2007

We are doing the following steps:-

1. Weekly Full Bckup

2.Daily Differential backup Log back up

The following command works fine for all the Backups. it means backup file is fine.





Also The full back up restoration works fine:

RESTORE DATABASE Test3 FROM DISK = 'D:BackupewTest_full.BAK'

WITH MOVE 'Test2_Data' TO 'F:MSSQL2KMSSQLdataTest2Net_Data.MDF',

MOVE 'Test2_Log' TO 'F:MSSQL2KMSSQLdataTest2Net_Log.LDF',




Processed 1032 pages for database 'Test3', file 'test2_Data' on file 1.

Processed 1 pages for database 'Test3', file 'test2_Log' on file 1.

RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 1033 pages in 1.907 seconds (4.433 MB/sec).


But While restoring the Differential file it throws error:

RESTORE DATABASE Test3 from DISK = 'D:Backupew est2_Diff1.bak'



Msg 3136, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

Cannot apply the backup on device 'D:Backupew est2_Diff1.bak' to database 'Test3'.

Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

I checked the SQL Server Log no error msg corresponding Differential backup restore.

I don't know how to proceed further.Can any one guide me how to over come this..

Thanks !

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Backup Fails With Error Message SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState:42000) - Need Help !!!

Nov 15, 2007


This is my first posting and actually I have big problem which I need to resolve immediately:

I have a 38 GB Database on my SQL Server which I want to full-backup. Until now backup was created on the same volume where the database resides. But now the volume is out of disk space. So what we did is that we connected an external USB disk drive with 500 GB to the SQL Server and try to backup there.

But our first and all consecutive backup attemps failed with error SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000). It's working fine the first few minutes as we can see that the backup file is continously growing. But then it abruptly aborts with above error message.

Can anyone figure out why ? Any help is appreciated.


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SQL 2012 :: If Transaction Log Backup Fails Due To Conflict Could It Break Log Chain?

Oct 5, 2015

If Transaction Log Backup fails due to a conflict could it break the Log Chain?

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SQL 2000 Fails To Delete Old Backup Files From The Network Share

Jul 21, 2006


I am experiencing an issue with SQL Server 2000 Maintenance Plan.
DB Backup job fails to delete old backup files from the file server (I am backing up to the network share - actually, a DFS).
Backup part of the maintenance plan/job succeeds, but then cleanup part fails.

I made sure that service account under which SQL Server Agent is running, has sufficient privileges over the network share by logging in and successfully deleting files in question.

I was not able to locate any log entries either on the SQL Server machine or on the file server machine that would indicate the root of the problem. Even though I turned on auditing for Delete operations for the destination folder, its subfolders and files, I could not find anything in the Security event log.

I would appreciate any ideas on how to troubleshoot and correct this problem.

Thanks in advance,

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SQL Security :: Full Backup Needed After Restoration Of Database Before Transaction Log Backup

Jul 15, 2015

We take a full backup in the early morning and hourly transaction log back during the working hours for one database in the production server. The application team made certain changes to the design of the said database in their development server. The backup from the development server was restored to the production server during working hours. After the restoration should we take a full backup before next transactional logbackup? Would the transactional log backup with out a full backup after the restoration of a database be valid?

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Recovery :: Differential Backup Much Larger Than Database / Full Backup

Nov 16, 2015

I have a database that is just over 1.5GB and the Full backup that is 13GB not sure how this is since we have compression on for full backups and my other full backups are much smaller than there respective databases...Now my full backup is taken every Sunday night and the differentials are taken every 6 hours after the full backup. Now I have been thrown into this DBA role with little to no experience just what I have picked up and read. So my understanding of backups are limited but what I think I understand is that we take a full backup and the differential only captures what changes in the database so my question is why is my database 1.5GB but my differential is 15.4GB? I have others database that are on the same instance and don't seem to have this problem. I also just noticed that we do not rebuild the index before a full backup like we do on other instances...

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Backup Failed To Complete The Command Backup Database

Aug 4, 2007

Backup failed to complete the command backup database [ ] TO VIRTUAL DEVICE = ' { 853D3FC0 - 45EA -85B1 - 54F0EA379CAC } 24 ' WITH SNAPSHOT , BUFFERCOUNT = 1 , BLOCKSIZE = 1024

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How To Restore A Database From Backup With A Splitted Backup File

Apr 1, 2008

I should restore a SQL Server 2005 Database from backup. The backup contains three files, named user.bak0, user.bak1 and user.bak2.

How is the syntax of the restore filelistonly and the restore database ... ?

I usualy write
restore filelistonly from disk = 'path and filenam.bak'
restore database. zy
from disk = 'path and filename.bak'
with replace,

This works but I cannot use it with a splitted backup file. The files are much too big to put together to one file.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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How To Restore Database From Full Backup And Several Diff Backup

Oct 17, 2006

I have a full backup and several diff backup,now i want to restore

firstly,I restore full backup

FROM DISK = 'D:databackup200610140000.bak'

it's working,then i don;'t know how to continue

Thanks in advance

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