Search And Replace Only Replaces One Char Per Field
Sep 22, 2006
I am attempting to find quotes (") in a column and replace with the string '--THIS-WAS-QUOTES--'. Right now my script only converts the first quote it finds in the description column, converts to the string and moves to the next row leaving the other quotes as they were. Below is my query script
I am attempting to find quotes (") in a column and replace with the string '--THIS-WAS-QUOTES--'. Right now my script only converts the first quote it finds in the description column, converts to the string and moves to the next row leaving the other quotes as they were. Below is my query script
#1 This stored procedure can be used to search and replace substring in the char, nchar, varchar and nvarchar columns in all tables in the current database. You should pass the text value to search and the text value to replace. So, to replace all char, nchar, varchar and nvarchar columns which contain the substring 'John' with the substring 'Bill', you can use the following (in comparison with the SetTbColValues stored procedure, this stored procedure replace only substring, not the entire column's value):
Here is the example data <qMultipleChoice><qText>The%20AE%20understands%20what%20conditions%20the%2 0Account%20Manager%20is%20allowed%20to%20sign-off 20on.</qText><qChoice>Strongly20Disagree</qChoice><qChoice>Disagree </qChoice><qChoice>Agree</qChoice><qChoice>Strongly%20Agree</qCh
I want result look like this First Column:The AE Understands what conditions the Account Manager is allowed to sign-off. Second Column: Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
This is what i had so far Select (SUBSTRING(QuestionText, (PATINDEX(N'%<qText>%', QuestionText) + 7),(PATINDEX(N'%</qText>%', QuestionText) - (PATINDEX(N'%<qText>%', QuestionText) + 7)))) From tblQuestion
my result: The%20AE%20understands%20what%20conditions%20the%2 0Account%20Manager%20is%20allowed%20to%20sign-off%20on.
I have problem with replace '%20' and how to make the second column. Any Help? Thanks Shan
I have a table where this one column(varchar) has rows of data with a period at the end of the string. Is there any function I could use to remove all the periods?
I have several fileds in a sql table which holds some text and a hell of a lot of white spaces (char(32)) which is causing some problems when I show the data on the front-end
What I want to do is use sql replace function to replace the char(32). However, because there is text I can't do a simple replace as the text will become just one word !
Can anyone tell me how to loop through the field to find the char(32), where the char(32) is greater than say 5 sapces and then replace this with just one single space
E.g. a field in a table contains the following :
"my text field and loads of spaces then some more text with loads of spaces "
I want to replace the char(32) with just one space so it looks like this : "my text filed and loads of spaces then some more text with loads of spaces"
Hi ,Have a Visual C++ app that use odbc to access sql server database.Doing a select to get value of binary field and bind a char to thatfield as follows , field in database in binary(16)char lpResourceID[32+1];rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR,&lpResourceID,RESOURCE_ID_LEN_PLUS_NULL , &nLen1);and this works fine , however trying to move codebase to UNICODE antested the followingWCHAR lpResourceID[32+1];rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_W_CHAR,&lpResourceID,RESOURCE_ID_LEN_PLUS_NULL , &nLen1);but only returns 1/2 the data .Any ideas , thoughts this would work fine , nit sure why loosing dataAll ideas welcome.JOhn
I have a text field in a table that contains number along with chars.Is there a way i can write a query to show all the fields that containsjust Numbers or Char in a field??TBALE ExampleCOL1 : COL2(nvarchar)---------------------------100 345G01200 123456789300 GQ9220
Hi guys, first post here. It's been a few years since I've worked with ODBC, so I'm a bit rusty. I'm having trouble figuring out how to use a char* string as a parameter for a SELECT statement. I'm trying to compare the contents of a varchar column (with size=20) against the string.
When SQLFetch() runs, it returns 100 (SQL_NO_DATA). If I type the query manually into my Enterprise Manager console, I get several results, so I know the query is correct. Any idea what I might be doing wrong with the ODBC calls?
i have data in a table which is in format #12345;#22211;#12112; and so on... its a long string.
i want to replace only the numbers using nchar() function. in above example i want to replace 12345, 22211, 12112 with nchar(12345), nchar(22211), nchar(12112).
i have managed to do this using loop and substring function. but now i have performance issue.
63K records will take many hours to update. i have to do following steps: 1. read record from table. 2. replace numbers with nchar() function. 3. update the same table with new text.
i have to do this using a stored procedure.
i am looking for some quick way to do this. any idea?
I have a notes table in which I have 10,000 rows. Unfortunately some of the notes are compressed together as one long string. I can fix the issue if I can do a search and replace on ';' and replace with '; ' is there a way to do this?
Hi Everyone- i woder if someone know Built in function to search the occurence of char in string in T-SQL
and iam not talking about the Index of the first occurence (e.g CHARINDEX ) but it is more generic
i want to send to the function to ask about the index the second or the third or N occurence of the char. and i wonder if it is built in for performance reasons
example getseachIndex("M|d|d","|",2)==> the result is 4
I have a question about the best method of going about doing this.
I have a records table which stores visitor information from IISlogs (dbo.records)
I have added IP tables to try and resolve where the visitors are from. They are labeled 'ip4_##' where ## is the first section of the ip.. so if my IP was I would need to look in table ip4_24 and inside there look for 150 in column B and then 66 in column C. From that it will say which country is attached, that way I can update the countrycode in the dbo.records.
I am not sure how to do this search, so any ideas would be great.
Thanks in advance
* Table structre for the ip_## tables are COLUMN 'b' int (represents the 2nd section of an IP) COLUMN 'c' int (represents the third section of an IP) COLUMN 'country' int
I'm looking for a stored procedure (or query) to search an entiredatabase for a specific string value and replace it with another. I'msure I saw an SP for this a while back by someone, but cannot find itagain. The SP took the search string and replace string as parametersand did the rest. Any ideas where I can find this ?Bear in mind, the idea is that this can be re-used and run on anydatabase, so it would have to find all tables and search through those.TaRyan
I am developing a complex database-driven application with SQL Server 2000. My database has dozens of stored procedures, and whenever I want to rename a database field, I have to go through my stored procedures, finding where that field is used. This is a laborious and error-prone process, even when I look up depenencies.
Is there an easier way to work stored procedure code – some tool to search/replace the text perhaps?
I found a search-and-replace program for SQL server that works GREAT, but I have a list of about 200 words to search for, with corresponding replacements. Rather than editing the code below for *each* word and running it 200 separate times, I'd like to iterate through the list, but my MS-SQL programming skills are...light (to say the least). Anyone have any ideas how I can create a list or hash-type variable and use the code to loop through and do the replacements all at once?
/* * * Search & Replace * * Use Ctrl+Shift+M to replace template values * */
set xact_abort on begin tran
declare @otxt varchar(1000) set @otxt = '<string1, text, text to be replaced>'
declare @ntxt varchar(1000) set @ntxt = '<string2, text, replacing text>'
declare @txtlen int set @txtlen = len(@otxt)
declare @ptr binary(16) declare @pos int declare @id int
declare curs cursor local fast_forward for select id, textptr(<field_name, sysname, target text field>), charindex(@otxt, <field_name, sysname, target text field>)-1 from <table_name, sysname, target table> where <field_name, sysname, target text field> like '%' + @otxt +'%'
open curs
fetch next from curs into @id, @ptr, @pos
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin print 'Text found in row id=' + cast(@id as varchar) + ' at pos=' + cast(@pos as varchar)
Is there a way to search all the tables in a database for a value that is found in a specific column? Another problem is that although this specific column will be found in most of the tables in the database, it has a different two or three digit prefix in the column name for each table.
I think the logic will go something like this...
As the script jumps from table to table, it should first look for a column whose name ends with ***ITM. If it does not find a column with ***ITM it should move on to the next table. If it does, then search the ***ITM column for my value. If it does not find my value, then move to the next table. But if it does, change my value to a new value.
Hi All, I am experiencing problem to select text wich has carriage return in my search functionality.
I have two tables called @searchwordTable and @DataTable.
@searchWordTable will have search criteria words(data type is varchar) and @DataTable will titles(data type is ntext) need to be searched. Some of titles have carriage return,line feed and tab characters. I am preseting here script to reproduce my problem.
DECLARE @searchwordTable TABLE
searchword VARCHAR(MAX)
INSERT INTO @searchwordTable (searchword) VALUES('carriage long description')
title ntext
INSERT INTO @DataTable (title) values('carriage long description'+char(13)+char(10)+'carriagelong')
SELECT * FROM @DataTable dTable,@searchwordTable srcWrdTable
WHERE '% ' + REPLACE(CAST(dTable.title AS VARCHAR(MAX)),char(13),'') + ' %' like '% ' + srcWrdTable.searchword + ' %'
I am expecting the above select statement should select title from @DataTable but not getting .I am not understanding what is going wrong with above select.
In my DB i have hundreds on queries setup for all different reporting purposes..
We have just changed they way our system handles costing and are moving from a average cost function to a standard cost function.. This in turns, means that i need to replace any reports where i use the average cost field and replace it with the standard cost field.
Is it possible, that i can do a full search and replace over all my queries, looking for a specific field name and replacing it with something else.
I am dreading the idea of opening each individual queries and checking if it exists..
If anyone knows of software or someway to write a SP to accomadate this, please let me know. I would be most grateful.
I'm extracting a char(2) field from a table that has a value of '1' and writing it to another table but want the output field to be padded with a zero. I have tried this below:
right('00' + isnull(Field1, ' '),2
but the output field comes out as '1 ' (that's 1 followed by a space). Does anyone have any idea how I can do this or please point out what I'm doing wrong in my 'right(' fucntion above. Thanks, Jeff
I have been asked to investigate the feasibility of converting an Invoice Number field from 6 to 7 digits, and allowing alpha characters. This means CHAR. The Invoice Number is not used outside of the application, but changes would have to be made to the database, and VB code that runs the app. Any ideas on how to proceed?
Any responses would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
ok, so we have a field in one of our db's, a do_not_synch field. this field has a datatype of char...
the following sql statement does not update the field..
update contacts set do_not_synch = 'Y' where id=1
and if i open up the table in sql server management studio, and cannot type in and save the value Y...yes i can update other fields in this its not a permissions issue?
I have a varchar field that contains values to represent the month and year in the format mmyy (eg. 0107, 0207, 0307 etc).
I want to be able to select the value that is 6 months before the current month and year, for example if I were running the query in the current month/year (April 08) I would return the value 1007 (October 07).
I have followed many tutorials on selecting and replacing text in text fields, varchar fields and char fields, but I have yet to find a single script that will to all 3 based on field type. Let's assume for a moment that I don't know where all in my database a certain value that I need changed resides ... i.e., the data's tablename and fieldname. How would I go about doing the following ... or more importantly, is this even possible in a SQL only procedure?1) Loop over entire database and get all user tables2) Loop over all user tables and get all fields3) Loop over all fields and determine the field type4) switch between field types and change a string of text from 'a' to 'b'Please be gentle, I'm a procedure newb.
I've got an nvarchar(max) column that I need to transform with some simple text processing: insert some markup at the very beginning, and insert some markup just before a particular regular expression is matched (or at the end, if no match is found).
Since the SSIS expression language doesn't support anything like this, is a Script Component the only way to go? Does Visual Basic .NET provide regular expression matching?
If I want to make a field of characters to be unlimited length(or maybe 2k for example), what datatype should I use? Char, varchar and text have a max. limit of 255...
I have a table with several million rows of data. There is a date field defined as a char(8) with some bad rows. i tried to locate them with below
select date_stopped from patient_medication where isdate(convert(datetime,date_stopped)) = 1
This won't work, I get the Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1 The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value