Search Database And Display In Gridview

Feb 23, 2008

I'm trying to do a search but it seems like it couldnt get the text in my text book and run the command. Can anyone help me here?Function searchBook(ByVal booking_id As Integer) As System.Data.DataSet

Dim search As Integer = txtSearch.Text

Dim connectionString As String = "server='(local)'; trusted_connection=true; database='Speedo'"Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)

Dim queryString As String = "SELECT [booking].* FROM [booking] WHERE [booking].[booking_id] LIKE '%1%'"Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand

dbCommand.CommandText = queryString

dbCommand.Connection = dbConnectionDim dbParam_booking_id As System.Data.IDataParameter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter

dbParam_booking_id.ParameterName = "@booking_id"

dbParam_booking_id.Value = booking_id

dbParam_booking_id.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Int32

dbCommand.Parameters.Add(dbParam_booking_id)Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter

dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommandDim dataSet As System.Data.DataSet = New System.Data.DataSet

dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet)Return dataSet

End Function

 Protected Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click

' If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

'Dim search As String = txtSearch.Text


If ddSearchCat.SelectedValue = "booking" ThenMsgBox("you have selected booking")

GVSearch.DataSource = searchBook(txtSearch.Text)


ElseIf ddSearchCat.SelectedValue = "Log" ThenMsgBox("you have selected Log")

GVSearch.DataSource = searchLog(txtSearch.Text)


ElseIf ddSearchCat.SelectedValue = "UserName" ThenMsgBox("you have selected UserName")

GVSearch.DataSource = searchUserName(txtSearch.Text)MsgBox("HELLO IN GRID")


GVSearch.Visible = TrueMsgBox("out of grid")

End If

'End If

End Sub

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Display Data From A Database Without Using Gridview Etc.

Mar 19, 2008

I have a webform that I am wanting to display data from a database. Right now I am using the gridview but for future purposes when it comes to maintenance what would be the easiest way to do updates? For example, if I add a new record into the database I would like the webform to automatically update itself to show all the records including the new record I added. Do I need to use a "table" and somehow connect it to a database? Do any stored procedures need to be created? Suggestions/ideas/codes help help help would be verrrry much appreciated!!! Also I am using MS Server 2003 and C# as the programming language. Thank you!!!!

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Stored Procedure To Display The Relevant Data Of The IDs In The Database To A Gridview

Mar 7, 2008

Here is the Stored procedure 
ALTER procedure [dbo].[ActAuditInfo](@IndustryName nvarchar(50) output,@CompanyName nvarchar(50) output,@PlantName nvarchar(50) output,@GroupName nvarchar(50) output,@UserName nvarchar(50) output
)asbegindeclare @AuidtID as varchar(30)Select @IndustryName=Industry_Name from Industry whereIndustry.Ind_Id_PK =(Select Audit_Industry from Audits whereAd_ID_PK=@AuidtID)Select @CompanyName=Company_Name from Company whereCompany.Cmp_ID_PK =(Select Audit_Company from Audits whereAd_ID_PK=@AuidtID)Select @PlantName=Plant_Name from Plant where Plant.Pl_ID_PK=(Select Audit_Plant from Audits where Ad_ID_PK=@AuidtID)Select @GroupName=Groups_Name from Groups whereGroups.G_ID_PK =(Select Audit_Group from Audits whereAd_ID_PK=@AuidtID)Select @UserName=Login_Uname from RegistrationDetails whereRegistrationDetails.UID_PK =(Select Audit_Created_By fromAudits where Ad_ID_PK=@AuidtID)SELECT Ad_ID_PK, Audit_Name, @IndustryName, @CompanyName, @PlantName,@GroupName, Audit_Started_On, Audit_Scheduledto, @UserName FROMAudits where Audit_Status='Active'end
U can see here different parameters,my requirement is that iam havingID's of Industry,company,plant,group,username stored in a table calledPcra_Audits and i must display their related names in the front this is the query iam using for that.
Data in the database:Commercial83312 2       2       2       1       1       InactiveHere u can see  2,2,2,1,1 these are the IDs ofindustry,company,plant,group and username and Commercial83312 is tehaudit i want to display this data in teh front end as i cannot displaythe IDs i am retrieving the names of the particular IDs from therelated tables.Like iam getting name of the IndustryID from Industry Table,in thesame way others too.when iam running this procedure iam getting the gridview blank.iam passing the output parameters:@IndustryName nvarchar(50) output,@CompanyName nvarchar(50) output,@PlantName nvarchar(50) output,@GroupName nvarchar(50) output,@UserName nvarchar(50) outputinto the function in the frontend and iam calling that into the pageload method.please help me with this.

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Ready-made Sample Script To Display A Search Reslut From A Database

Jan 25, 2007

Hi all,
Can anyone give me a ready-made sample script to display a search reslut from a database?
My intention is to give a dynamic web page for the search in the BookStore website.
The result will show the following:-
First the picture of the book.
To the right of it,  'Title' field, below that, 'description' field
It should be created programatically as the contents are in the database.
I tried several ways, but could not succeed. I have the BookID, Title, BookPicture, and the Description fields
Thanking you in advance,

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Want Error Message To Appear When No Database Results Were Returned In GridView, Also Other GridView Issues.

Jun 12, 2008

Hi, I am seeking a hopefully easy solution to spit back an error message when a user receives no results from a SQL server db with no results. My code looks like this What is in bold is the relevant subroutine for this problem I'm having.   Partial Class collegedb_Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submit.Click SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [college_db] WHERE [name] like '%" & textbox1.Text & "%'" SqlDataSource1.DataBind() If (SqlDataSource1 = System.DBNull) Then no_match.Text = "Your search returned no results, try looking manually." End If End Sub Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [college_db] ORDER BY [name]" SqlDataSource1.DataBind() End Sub Protected Sub reset_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles reset.Click SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [college_db] ORDER BY [name]" SqlDataSource1.DataBind() End SubEnd Class  I'm probably doing this completely wrong, I'm a .net newb. Any help would be appreciated. Basically I have GridView spitting out info from a db upon Page Load, but i also have a search bar above that. The search function works, but when it returns nothing, I want an error message to be displayed. I have a label setup called "no_match" but I'm getting compiler errors. Also, next to the submit button, I also have another button (Protected sub reset) that I was hoping to be able to return all results back on the page, similar to if a user is just loading the page fresh. I'd think that my logic would be OK, by just repeating the source code from page_load, but that doens't work.The button just does nothing. One final question, unrelated. After I set this default.aspx page up, sorting by number on the bottom of gridview, ie. 1,2,3,4, etc, worked fine. But now that paging feature, as long with the sorting headers, don't work! I do notice on the status bar in the browser, that I receive an error that says, "error on page...and it referers to javascript:_doPostBack('GridView1, etc etc)...I have no clue why this happened. Any help would be appreciated, thanks! 

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Display Data In A Gridview In A Little Diiferent Way

Apr 25, 2008

Good Day, Please help me, I have a database that looks like this, Building No.        Floor No.        Room No.        Customer Name            Appliances          Appliances Codea                        1                    01                    John                            TV                    12a                        1                    02                             //up tob                        20                  10                    james                       Ref.                       22b                        20                  10                    joe                           Microwave             15 //and soon so if you would notice some rooms are vacant, as it usually happens, the buildings, floors and rooms are fixed except for the customers and the appliances. so at first i made this gridview and display this data in this manner:Customer Location (Building + floor)           total rooms         Used Rooms         Available rooms       A1                                                             2                  1                              1       B2010                                                        2                  2                              0 so if you would look at the table above, it just SUM up all tenants in a specific Location then Group it by Customer location,but i need to add the appliances in a different format like this: Customer Location (Building + floor)           total rooms         Used Rooms         Available rooms            TV         Ref            Microwave
     2                  1                              1                         tick
     2                  2                              0                                       tick               tick so this is what i need to show, i already have done the first table (w'o appliances) but how can i make this second table?? please help me, SALAMAT PO.,Thanks  

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Gridview Search

Jan 15, 2007

I tried doing a text box search within Gridview. My code are as follows. However, when I clicked on the search button, nothing shown.
Any help would be appreciated. I'm using an ODBC connection to MySql database. Could it be due to the parameters not accepted in MySql?
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
           SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM carrier_list WHERE carrierName LIKE '%' + @carrierName + '%'"
End Sub
Sub doSearch(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
GridViewCarrierList.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1"
End Sub
HTML CODES (Snippet)
<asp:Button ID="btnSearchCarrier" runat="server" onclick="doSearch" Text="Search" />
' Gridview<asp:GridView ID="GridViewCarrierList" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" >
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM carrier_list">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtSearchCarrier" Name="carrierName" PropertyName="Text" Type="String"></asp:ControlParameter>

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Display A Table From A Gridview But Every Column Has Its Own Where Arguments??

Mar 10, 2008

Hi,please help me, i have a data driven site,i need to display a table who look like this Name            Total            Used            RemainingA                    10                5                    5B                    20                13                  7C                    12                                    12  if you would look on the field of total, used and remaining, they look like an excel formula which is total - used = remaining or vise versa.but the problem in this table is the database, it look like thisname         On/OffA                  1A                   1A                    0and soon....... B                     1B                     0B                     1and soon.... until C so how do i count the total, is the number of A's or B's or C's in the whole database then Group By the 'name' fieldthen how do i count the used is the number of ON in the On/Off field while remaining is counting the Off,so my question is i have RUN this using 3 different gridview each has its own datasource, that look like this for the used  select name, count(on/off)
from myTable
where on/off = 1
group by name for the  remaining select name, count(on/off)
from myTable
where on/off = 0
group by name and for the total, just used the same Select but without the where clause,i get this problem when the field "used"  (please refer from the 1st table) it has a blank value, which is because my data base show that in deed name "C" has not been used, but eve though it should show '0' instead of a blank,  so how can i do that???please help me, thanks 

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Need Gridview To Display Different Columns Based On New SELECT Statement

Apr 23, 2008

I have built an Advanced Search page which allows users to select which columns to return (via checkbox) and to enter search criteria for any of the selected columns (into textboxes). I build the SQL statement from the properties of the controls. Works great.
My problem is getting my gridview control to play nicely. At first I used a SqlDataReader and bound the gridview to it, thus giving me the ability to run new SQL statements through it (with different columns each time). Worked nicely. But, per Microsoft, sorting can only be done if the gridview is bound to a datasource control like the SqlDataSource. So I wrote the code to handle sorting. No big deal; worked nicely. But I could not adjust the column widths programmatically unless bound to a datasource control like the SqlDataSource. And could not figure out a work around.
So, I decided to use the SqlDataSource. Works great. Except, I cannot figure out how to run a new SELECT statement through the SQLDataSource and have the gridview respond accordingly. If I try to return anything other than the exact same columns defined declaratively in the html, it pukes. But I need to be able to return a new selection of columns each time. For example, first time through the user selects columns 1,2,3,4 – the gridview should show those 4 columns. The second time the user selects columns 2,5,7 – the gridview should those 3 columns (and ONLY those 3 columns). Plus support selection and sorting.
I am desperate on this. I've burned 2.5 days researching and testing.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

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How To Display The Search Result Of A BookStore With Pictures Of Books, In A Proper Format.

Jan 22, 2007

Hi all,
I am using ASP.NET 2003 with SQL Server as database. 
I have a database of a book store with BookPicture, Author, Title, and Description of the Book.
Now when the user searchers for a  book with a keyword, how can I display the results which should show:
1. The picture of the book, 2. The at it right, Title of Book, 3. The author,4. The descritionThen the image of "Add to cart"
Each search result must be separated by a box like the cell of a table. 
Is it possible to be done?
Thanking you in advance

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How To Search A Database For A Key Word Based Search?

Mar 1, 2007

Can anyone tell me how to search an SQL database for a given key word in a textbox? I basically have a database that has a qualifications column and this column needs to be searched for the data given in the textbox. Which is the best method to search for the data? Is it a simple SQL query or an XML based search engine type? Can anyone give any suggestions regarding this? If XML is efficient then how do I use it to query my database, as I'm pretty new in XML based searching.Thanks 

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How To Make A Search Engine To Search My Database

Nov 22, 2007

hi there,
 i am doing a school project and i need to have this search engine that will search the data that i have stored inside the database and display the results out
can anyone help?

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Gridview To Database Rpoblem?

Mar 3, 2008

HiI have page where gridview is loaded from the Excel sheet and when the button is clicked it must insert those values in to the table and  ........the code for loading the gridview from the excel if working fine but when i click on the Insert button i am getting the errors the code behind for button is as follows:  Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Dim constr As String = "...." 'your connection string
' Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(constr)
Dim i As Integer
Dim ia As Integer = ds.Tables("table").Rows.Count - 1
For i = 0 To ia
Dim one As String = ds.Tables("table").Rows(i)("Column1")
Dim two As String = ds.Tables("table").Rows(i)("Column2")
Dim three As String = ds.Tables("table").Rows(i)("Column3")
Dim four As String = ds.Tables("table").Rows(i)("Column4")
Dim five As String = ds.Tables("table").Rows(i)("Column5")
Dim six As String = ds.Tables("table").Rows(i)("Column6")
Dim seven As String = ds.Tables("table").Rows(i)("Column7")
Dim eight As String = ds.Tables("table").Rows(i)("Column8")
Dim nine As String = ds.Tables("table").Rows(i)("Column9")
Dim ten As String = ds.Tables("table").Rows(i)("Column10")

'get every cell content of this row like the above line
' Dim sqlsel As String = "insert into table('ID') values('" + one + "')"
Dim cmdSavegrd As OdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand("INSERT INTO gd_master VALUES( " & one & ",'" & two & "', '" & three & "'," & four & ",'" & five & "'," & six & "," & seven & ",'" & eight & "'," & nine & ",'" & ten & "')", con)
'Dim sdc As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlsel, con)
' sdc.CommandType = CommandType.Text

End Sub   The Error i am getting is as follows ........."Object reference not set to an instance of an object. " Please can any help me in this?>? 

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Error While Using Database Procedure In A Gridview Control

Dec 19, 2006

Dear Forum,
I have a gridview control  which is associated to a storedprocedure  with a parameter(Customer Number) to be supplied.  In the Define Custom Statement or stored procedure section  I selected stored procedure and selected the stored procedure.  The Define Parameter window I defaulted the Parameter Source as 'none' and default value as '%'.   In the next screen, I do a test query which retuns the following error
There was an error executing the query.  Please check the syntax of the command and if present, the type and values of the parameters  and ensure that they are correct.
[Error 42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Drive][SQL Server] Procedure 'SP_TransactionDetails' expects parameter '@cnum' which was not supplied.
I am using SQL server studio  2005 version2.0. 
But the same procedure, if I use as SQL Statement, it works.
Can somebody help me.

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How Too Show Stored Image From Database To Gridview Column

Mar 22, 2008

Dear people,
When i test my page for uploading image too my sql database everthing goes ok (i think) en when i look into my database table i see 3 colums filled
1 column with: Image_title    text
1 column with:Image_stream  <binary data>
1 column with image_type  image/pjpeg
How can i show this image in a gridview column..... i have search for this problem but non of them i find i can use because its a too heavy script, or something i dont want.
Is there a helping hand
Below is the script for uploading the image.....and more
2 Imports System.Data
3 Imports System.Data.SqlClient
4 Imports System.IO
6 Partial Class Images_toevoegen
7 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
10 Protected Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpload.Click
12 Dim imageSize As Int64
13 Dim imageType As String
14 Dim imageStream As Stream
16 ' kijkt wat de groote van de image is
17 imageSize = fileImgUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength
19 ' kijk welke type image het is
20 imageType = fileImgUpload.PostedFile.ContentType
22 ' Reads the Image stream
23 imageStream = fileImgUpload.PostedFile.InputStream
25 Dim imageContent(imageSize) As Byte
26 Dim intStatus As Integer
27 intStatus = imageStream.Read(imageContent, 0, imageSize)
29 ' connectie maken met de database
30 Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Personal").ConnectionString)
31 Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("insert into tblMateriaal(Image_title,Image_stream,Image_type,ArtikelGroep,ArtikelMaat,Aantal,Vestiging,ArtikelNaam,ContactPersoon,DatumOnline) values(@Image_title,@Image_stream,@Image_type,@ArtikelGroep,@ArtikelMaat,@Aantal,@Vestiging,@ArtikelNaam,@ContactPersoon,@DatumOnline)", myConnection)
33 ' Mark the Command as a Text
34 myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
36 ' geef alle parameters mee aan het command
37 Dim Image_title As New SqlParameter("@Image_title", SqlDbType.VarChar)
38 Image_title.Value = txtImgTitle.Text
39 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Image_title)
41 Dim Image_stream As New SqlParameter("@Image_stream", SqlDbType.Image)
42 Image_stream.Value = imageContent
43 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Image_stream)
45 Dim Image_type As New SqlParameter("@Image_type", SqlDbType.VarChar)
46 Image_type.Value = imageType
47 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Image_type)
49 Dim ArtikelGroep As New SqlParameter("@ArtikelGroep", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
50 ArtikelGroep.Value = ddl1.SelectedValue
51 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ArtikelGroep)
53 Dim ArtikelMaat As New SqlParameter("@ArtikelMaat", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
54 ArtikelMaat.Value = ddl2.SelectedValue
55 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ArtikelMaat)
58 Dim Aantal As New SqlParameter("@Aantal", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
59 Aantal.Value = ddl3.SelectedValue
60 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Aantal)
62 Dim Vestiging As New SqlParameter("@Vestiging", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
63 Vestiging.Value = ddl4.SelectedValue
64 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Vestiging)
66 Dim ArtikelNaam As New SqlParameter("@ArtikelNaam", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
67 ArtikelNaam.Value = tb6.Text
68 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ArtikelNaam)
70 Dim ContactPersoon As New SqlParameter("@ContactPersoon", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
71 ContactPersoon.Value = tb1.Text
72 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ContactPersoon)
74 Dim DatumOnline As New SqlParameter("@DatumOnline", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
75 DatumOnline.Value = tb2.Text
76 myCommand.Parameters.Add(DatumOnline)
78 Try
79 myConnection.Open()
80 myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
81 myConnection.Close()
83 Response.Redirect("toevoegen.aspx")
84 Catch SQLexc As SqlException
85 Response.Write("Insert Failure. Error Details : " & SQLexc.ToString())
86 End Try
89 End Sub
90 End class

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SQL 2000 MS Search: Boolean Search Doesn't Work When Search By Phrase

Aug 9, 2006

I'm just wonder if this is a bug in MS Search or am I doing something wrong.

I have a query below

declare @search_clause varchar(255)

set @Search_Clause = ' "hepatitis b" and "hepatocellular carcinoma"'

select * from results

where contains(finding,@search_clause)

I don't get the correct result at all.

If I change my search_clause to "hepatitis" and "hepatocellular carcinoma -- without the "b"

then i get the correct result.

It seems MS Search doesn't like the phrase contain one letter or some sort or is it a know bug?

Anyone know?


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Display Any Database On The Web

Mar 6, 2006

Hello. I've been searching for a couple of hours online and can't quite seem to find what I'm looking for. I've found plenty of database administration programs, but that's not what I need.

I'm looking for a program (or online service or whatever) that has the ability to basically take any database I choose and display the information within on a web page in which others can access. Such as, if my company wants to take on a few other company's databases and have them log in to our server through the web to display information from their (and only their) database dynamically on the web, then this program allows me to set all of that up. Information could be formatted in tables, charts, etc., whatever the program is capable of. Is there such a thing and where can I find more information?

Thanks for everyone's help. :-)

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Display Data From Database

Oct 10, 2006

  I've always bound data to a do I display data without a dataSet? This is how i usually display data...                 SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(conn);                string sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM questions";                SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlQuery, myConnection);                DataSet ds = new DataSet();                myCommand.Fill(ds, "questions");                MyDataGrid.DataSource = ds.Tables["questions"].DefaultView;                MyDataGrid.DataBind(); <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "answer3")%>  

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Display TABLE_NAME From Database

Dec 19, 2006

Hi, I would like to display the TABLE_NAME variable where the table.ID =@IDSo far I got here:   SELECT TABLE_NAME
WHERE (TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE') AND (TABLE_NAME.ID = @ID)  but the last part AND (TABLE_NAME.ID = @ID) does not work. Thanks, dg 

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Database Display/manipulation

May 24, 2007

I have a web page called homepage.aspx created in Visual Studio 2005 using VB. It contains some hyperlinks on the left side. I have a database created in SQL Server 2005. I need to add, delete, edit, update data in the database directly from this same page. How can I achieve this?. i.e is it possible to, say, have a form on a section of this same web page that would allow me to directly manipulate/modify and update the database? (If you may give code, you may use abstract names for the database, tables and column and/or field names-I will understand). Many thanks in advance.

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Extract XML From DataBase And Display It

May 21, 2008


How can I extract an XML from my data base and display it on reporting services?
I want to make a list of team (it's already do) and a link to a report wich display the XML

But I don't know how can I display this XML into a table.

Database Design:
_ id : bigint
_ nameTeam : nvarchar
_ playerInfo : xml

DataBase Table
1 | "Mancherter" | "<team><player><name>Mick All</name><postion>Defense</postion></player><player><name>Pete Kolo</name><postion>Atack</postion></player></team>"
2 | "Liverpool" | "<team><player><name>John Back</name><postion>Defense</postion></player><player><name>Alex Pol</name><postion>Atack</postion></player></team>"

Example of a XML:


<name>Mick All</name>

<name>Pete Kolo</name>

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Display First Part Of Data In Database

Mar 28, 2008

I have a tabe in my sql server 2005 database which contains a long description and I want to display the first 100 charactors  on my web page but not sure how to do this I can only display the whole description. I'm not sure if I need to write the query to the database so it only brings the first 100 charactors back or query the whole description and then take the first 100 charactors in and display that can any one help

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I Have A Pdf File In The Database That I Want To Display In A Browser

Sep 28, 2004

I have the following sql that retrieves the file from the database:

SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (ConnectionString);
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand ("get_document", connection);
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

What do I need to do to actually display this pdf file?

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How To Display All The Database Using Osql Utility

Oct 13, 2006

I am using the osql utility to access my sql server express edition.

My problem is that i don't know how many database is in the sql server so can any teach me how to list out all the name of the database in the sql server using a sql statment?

Oh, and can anyone teach me how i can attach and detach a database in the sql server using sql statment.

Thanks for the help...

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Display In Report Which Database You Are Running From

Apr 11, 2008


I searched in the previous posting but can't find any or miss them. We have a few databases that users can run reports from, i.e. production, training & development. Is there any way, say put it in either in the header or footer, to display from which database that the report are running from? Sometimes they got confused whether the data is current or like few days old.

Any input is very much appreciated. Thanks in advance ..

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Display Database Column In Alphabetical Order

Mar 12, 2007

I know how I can display a list of names in alphebetical order on my website:
Select L as [Last Name]
From  Name_CatEWhere Education = 'yes'Order ByLName ASC
However, to make things a little more orginised I would like to view my database table column in alphabetical order also, but ithie code does not work within my database.
What do I need to change in the following code, to view my database table column in a-z order?

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Retrieve Data From Database And Display It In A Label

Jan 21, 2008

Below is code for inserting data into the database that I know works, so I thought if I replace  "Insert" with "Select" I could retrieve a specific row from my database and present it in a label or text box but nothing happened. How can I retrieve a row or rows from a database using vb code and display it in a textbox? I'm using visual web developer 2008 which is similar to 2005.
Thank you.
 Dim UserDatasource As New SqlDataSourceUserDatasource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBConnectionString1").ToString()
UserDatasource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
UserDatasource.InsertCommand = "insert into table1 (Username, comments, points,totalpoints, ipaddress, datatimestamp) values (@Username, @comments, @points,@totalpoints, @ipaddress, @datatimestamp)"
 UserDatasource.InsertParameters.Add("username", Context.User.Identity.Name)
UserDatasource.InsertParameters.Add("comments", txtSearch.Text)UserDatasource.InsertParameters.Add("points", points)
UserDatasource.InsertParameters.Add("ipaddress", Request.UserHostAddress)UserDatasource.InsertParameters.Add("datatimestamp", DateTime.Now())
 Dim rowaffected As Integer = 0
rowaffected = UserDatasource.Insert()MsgBox("Thanks for the post", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Post Executed")
txtSearch.Text = ""Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Please sign in or sign up to post comment", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Login Error")
End Try

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How To Display A Loged In User's Profile From Database

May 25, 2008

 after i login, i should be able to see the login person's profile, and edit it. anyone know how to do this?currently i am using grid view to display the profile, and created a store procedure in database ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[select_customer_by_login]     -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here(@Username nvarchar(50))AS    SELECT C.CustomerName, C.TFN, C.Address, C.City, C.State, C.PostCode, C.Phone    From dbo.Login L, dbo.Customer C    Where L.CustomerID = C.CustomerID and L.UserID=@Username; @Username is the login account when people login. the error output is Procedure or Function 'select_customer_by_login' expects parameter
'@Username', which was not supplied.  

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Alternate Week Database Records Display

Oct 4, 2013

In our organization we have fixed two weeks menu. On our intranet i have database entries with two weeeks menu without dates. I want first six entries to appear in one week and next six entries to appear in another week. How can i achieve this with SQL query.

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To Display Two Values In Combobox But In Database Will Store Only One Value Out Of That

Jan 24, 2008

hi friends
i am using visual studio 2005. i need one combo box which will display two values. one is "Designation" i.e.("clerk,accountant,manager,officer,shopkeeper) and another "Designation ID" i.e.(1,2,3,4,5 and respectively) i made table of "Designation Master" in sql server 2000 including field of "Designation ID, Designation". manually i am inserting id and designation in that table.
what i want exactly i have one customer form which contain a "combobox" for "Designation" column i achieved "Designation ID" and "Designation" in that combo box also but when i will go for save i want that i will store only "Designation ID" i don't want to store "Designation" in my "Designation" column which is in "Customer table" i am attaching code which store "Designation ID" and "Designation" in customer table but i want only "Designation ID" only
bold line which is difficult for me to inserting only "designationId" in customer table.


cmdstr = "Select DesigID,Designation from Designation_Master"

cmd = New SqlCommand(cmdstr, Inventory_Master.cntData)

cdrCustomer = cmd.ExecuteReader()

If cdrCustomer.HasRows = True Then

While cdrCustomer.Read()

cmddesig = cdrCustomer.Item(0).ToString.PadLeft(1) + cdrCustomer.Item(1).ToString.PadLeft(25)


End While


End If



cmd = New SqlCommand("insert CUSTOMER(Membership_No,Member_Initial,Member_Name,Member_Birthdate,Gender,Res_Telno,Mobile_No,Res_Addr1,Res_Addr2,Res_City,Res_Pincode,Landmark,Company_Name,Comp_Addr1,Comp_Addr2,Comp_Telno,Comp_City,Comp_Pincode,Designation,Credit_Limit,Income_Mthly,Email_ID,Note) values (@Membership_No,@Member_Initial,@Member_Name,@Member_Birthdate,@Gender,@Res_Telno,@Mobile_No,@Res_Addr1,@Res_Addr2,@Res_City,@Res_Pincode,@Landmark,@Company_Name,@Comp_Addr1,@Comp_Addr2,@Comp_Telno,@Comp_City,@Comp_Pincode,@Designation,Convert(money,@creditlimit),@Income_Mthly,@Email_ID,@Note)", Inventory_Master.cntData)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Membership_No", txtmebno.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Member_Initial", cbomebname.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Member_Name", txtmebname.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Member_Birthdate", dtime.Value)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Gender", cbogender.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Res_Telno", txttelno.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Mobile_No", txtmobileno.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Res_Addr1", txtresaddr1.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Res_Addr2", txtresaddr2.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Res_City", txtrescity.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Res_Pincode", txtrespin.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Landmark", txtlandmark.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Company_Name", txtcompname.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comp_Addr1", txtcompaddr1.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comp_Addr2", txtcompaddr2.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comp_Telno", txtcomptelno.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comp_City", txtcompcity.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comp_Pincode", txtcomppin.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Designation", cbodesignation.Text.PadLeft(1, CChar(CStr(1)))) [ help me for inserting designation in this line]

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@creditlimit", txtcreditlimit.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Income_Mthly", txtincomemthly.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email_ID", txtemailid.Text)

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Note", rtxtNote.Text)




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How To Display List Of Tables &&amp; SP &&amp; Views In A Database?

Aug 16, 2007

In SQL Server 2000 & 2005

How to Display list of Tables & S.Ps & Views in a Database?

Please advise


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Reporting Services :: Display Columns When There Is No Data To Display

Apr 30, 2015

I would like to display a portion of report where there is data or no data

There is data subreport  display   

     Product Name Latex Gloves  
     Product ID      

 There NO data in the subReport
  Product Name                          
   Product ID    

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Display Summary Week Total Rows From Sql Database

Sep 22, 2007

(I moved this thread from datagrid area) I have a sql database that has individual records consisting of name, date, hours worked among other fields.Date and name is part of a unique identifier, so there can NOT be two records for the same person for the same date. My users need a grid view that displays days worked in ONE LINE per user. I have gotten close, but can't quite get the last part. Ive tried group by, distinct, and with rollup and no luck.TABLE:dan       12/13/2012 12:00:00 AM9.123dan       12/14/2012 12:00:00 AM3.123123cara      12/12/2012 12:00:00 AM4.222cara      12/16/2012 12:00:00 AM3.3333cara      12/17/2012 12:00:00 AM2   CODE: Select distinct(name), (select (y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours = YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Sunday')as Sunday, (select (y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours = YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Monday')as Monday, (select (y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours = YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Tuesday')as Tuesday, (select
(y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours =
YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Wednesday')as Wednesday, (select
(y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours =
YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Thursday')as Thursday, (select (y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours = YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Friday')as Friday, (select
(y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours =
YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Saturday')as Saturday,(select sum(hours)from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours = YT.hours) as Totalfrom dbo.testtime YTgroup by date, name, hours RESULTS: cara          NULL    NULL    NULL    4.222    NULL    NULL    NULL    4.222cara          NULL    2    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    2cara          3.3333    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    3.3333dan           NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    3.123123    NULL    3.123123dan           NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    9.123    NULL    NULL    9.123 Like I said, I am SO close, I just need it to look like;NAME    SUN    MIN    TU    WED    TH    FR    SA    TOTAL  cara          3.333    2                            4.222            9.555
dan                        9.125    3.125                              12.5  TIAdan  

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