Search For Records That Begins With A Number (0-9)?

Aug 2, 2007

Hi all,
For now I can use this code to display all the records that begins with a Letter:
Now how do I search for records that begins with a number (from 0-9), as an add-on to the above query?
Thank you very much,

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How To Number Records / Duplicates Receiving Same Number

Feb 19, 2013

I have a large table of customers. I would like to add a column that contains an integer, unique to that customer. The trick is that this file contains many duplicate customers, so I want the duplicates to all have the same number between them.the numbers dont have to be sequential or anything, just like customers having the same one.

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Search The Records After The Records Populated

Aug 17, 2007


I have to search the records after the records populated.

I mean to say, i have displayed records in report, if i enter some strings in the textbox and clicked find, then it will highlight the particular records, instead of highlighting the values, is it possible to display only those particular records.

For example, say i have 50 records in a page,i entered some strings in the textbox and clicked find, then it will highlight the particular 5 records one by one which match the criteria i have entered in the texbox, instead of that i have to display only those 5 records.

Please tell me how to implement in this report,

Thanks and Regards
Altaf Nizamuddin

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The Log In This Backup Set Begins At LSN...

Aug 16, 2004


I am trying to backup a database (FULL) and subsequent logs and trying to restore them onto another database. I successfully backed up the FULL database and 6 subsequent logs.

When I tried to restore them onto the target database, the restore of the FULL backup succeeded and the next 4 log restores succeeded.

When I attempted the 5th log restore, I got the following error:

The log in this backup set begins at LSN 22000000035900001, which is too late to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 22000000035000001 can be restored.

Any help on this will be highly appreciated.

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Page Number && Records Number

Jun 20, 2006

1. how to show page number & total page number in report body?

2. how to show total records number?

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Is There A 'Where Column Begins With Whatever' Action In SQL?

Jul 5, 2005

I want to pull up records where the record begins with a letter. I have
a customer table and I want to pull up all customers whose names
BeginWith whatever letter.I was wondering if Sql had anything along
these lines, like:
"Select * From Customers Where Name Begins With A"

I know that is not a function in Sql, but I was wondering if there was
something like that, or if there is a better way to do this.

Austin W.

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Select Tables Where Name Begins With 'a'

Oct 4, 2005

how would i go about selecting data from a table...using the first letter of the staff_name field...

eg: i have a list at the top of my page..links, A - Z...for a staff directory page...and i want it so when you click on a link (A - Z), it display's only the people whose name begins with the letter clicked..

ive tried working my head arround it, using the left function to get the first letter...but i dont know how to structure my queries or my loop...

would anyone have any suggestions about this??

Thanks, Justin

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SQL Server Table Begins To Fail

Jul 9, 1998

I have a client that has a table that after recreating the database from scratch it has a table that can not drop one of the eight indexes. Has anyone seen something like that? What did you do?


Steven Dunker

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Single Number Search Problem

Apr 10, 2008

Hi All,

Table structure is Column1 - Column2 - column3 - column4.
E.g. 0-134-00-99, thus the number is 013400 to 013499.
consider the following scenario:
User enters a number as 018030015* --> * means any number starting with this and contained in the range. Hence the above range should be returned. i.e. (0-1803-0000-9999). The issue is to do this search, i will have to check all 1000 NUMBERS because using 'LIKE' will only search for all numbers starting with 018030015.
(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE Column1+Column2+Column3 LIKE '018030015%') this query won't return the row 0-1803-0000-9999
If i write a cursor to check for 1000 such numbers, i can get the result, but is there a better solution?

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Using Variable Number Of Search Strings With VBA

Mar 5, 2015

I have created a kind of search function in my Excel sheet where the user can select multiple items from different listboxes.

To save the items I use an array. So in one case only 1 items off the array is filled, but another time maybe 3 items are filled in the array.

I use the array to search in a SQL database (this is string rva(i) in the code). But when the array is empty it results in an error.

This is what I have so far. (the rule at the bottom won't work also )

rc.Open "SELECT [Datum],[RvA_Nr], [RvA_Letter], [Afdeling], [EVAL], [Matrix], [Component], [AS3000], [AP04], [Rec] FROM dbo.QHSE_2ndline_history " _
& "WHERE [Afdeling] = '" & afd & "' AND [Datum] >= '" & datum1 & "' AND [Datum] <= '" & datum2 & "' AND " _
& "CASE WHEN '" & rva(1) & "' <> '' then [RvA_Nr] = '" & rva(1) & "' END AND" _
& "([Matrix] LIKE '%" & matrix(1) & "%' OR [Matrix] LIKE '%" & matrix(2) & "%' OR [Matrix] LIKE '%" & matrix(3) & "%' OR

[Code] .....

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Arabic Text And Number Search

Nov 6, 2007

Hi Team Members,

I am planning to develop application using VB.NET and MS SQL Server Express.

Complete application (Forms and Reports) will be in Arabic,
1. Can I use SQL Server Express for this senario
2. Can I perform search in Arabic (Numeric and Text)
3. Can I take back up of Database
4. Just to make sure, can I have Stored Procedures, Views and security features in SQL Server Express


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Query To Search For Reference Number That May Appear In Two Different Columns?

Mar 20, 2012

How can I run a query that searches for a reference number that may appear in two different columns? I want to pull all records for idenification numbers that can also show up in a secondary identification column.

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Search On Error Number Returns Nothing: 0x016F9EA4

Jun 22, 2007

I googled on the latter error number and got nothing back
Error: 0xC0048006 at Set Destination File, ActiveX Script Task: Retrieving the file name for a component failed with error code 0x016F9EA4.

The former only returns one result which does not explain my problem

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How To Run Search On 800,000 Records

Apr 6, 2005

Hi !!
We are doing a project where we have a table with 800,000 records. We need to implement a search on this 800,000 records. How do we do that?
Assue State = NJ
Criteria: Select County, Select City, Enter Zip Code, First Name and Last Name
This should bring up Information about the person.
How can we implement it efficiently ?

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Search Records

Dec 11, 2007

Hello I am trying to create a stored procedure where the users can either type in the last name, or a wild card in order to get the values they are looking for. Sometimes they are not sure how to spell the last name and they will type in the first 2 letters or an * for all to see if they can find it that way. How can I do this??

Here is what I have so far

Code Block
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AdvSearchRevocations]
(@Enter_LastName nvarchar(25))
SET @Enter_LastName = REPLACE(@Enter_Lastname, '*', '%')
SELECT LastName, FirstName, ReasonOfRevocation, TM#, [I/R #], Date
FROM dbo.Revocations_Tbl

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Stored Procedure - Variable Number Of Parameters For Search

Dec 4, 2003

I have a repeater control which I populate with search results from SQL Server.

But I can't figure out how to cope with users who submit multiple search items and still use my stored procedure. Is this possible or do you have to build the query with a StringBuilder and execute it manually?

I'm using a stored procedure with parameters:

input parameters <-- PageSize & CurrentPage
output parameter --> TotalRecords

Am using a temporary table to store all records before Select-ing those required for the particular page.

If I compose the query manually then I can't figure out how to get TotalRecords back as a return parameter. Would appreciate help on this one.

Am hoping that stored procedures can cope with an unknown number of parameters.

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Search For Text In Records

Apr 6, 2004

I have to create a search textbox where if i key in the word "dog",it will search against a field called "Name" in a table.Then it will return all records where the text/data in the "Name" field contains the word "dog".For example,it will return the records where the text/data in the "Name" field has words such as "hotdog","doggie","dog barking","big dog" etc etc.

Can i use simple SQL for this or do i need to configure the full text search service on SQL server 2000 and use the FREETEXT predicate?Thank you in advance for any replies.

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Search Duplicate Records

Dec 4, 2000

Just like Unique/Distinct command, is these some way I could list just the duplicate records from a table . The field is numeric.
Thanks a lot for you help.

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How To Search For Records That Don't Exist?

Mar 21, 2006

I'm just learning to join tables and I'm trying to construct a query to tell me the following:

Table names and related columns:
Table2.HdrSysNum and HdrSys

Table3 contains the detail info for Table2. Table1 is the header table for Table2. So.. If I want all records in Table3 that don't have a related record in Table1, is this even possible?

I started with:
select * from Table3 a
join Table2 b on a.HdrSysNum = b.HdrSysNum
join Table1 c on b.HdrSys= c.HdrSys
-- Now.. how do I qualify the statement.. or can I with just this. Thx! Hope I wasn't too confusing.. because I tend to get that way when I'm confused!

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56 Million Records Search

Jul 20, 2005

Hey folks...So I have a table that looks like this:CREATE TABLE [tblStation] ([CAMPAIGN] [varchar] (8),[LISTNUM] [varchar] (10),[PHONE] [varchar] (10),[EVENTTIME] [datetime] ,[STATION] [int],[OPERATOR] [varchar] (16),[EVENTCODE] [varchar],[CALLSPAN] [decimal](18, 0),[FDISP] [int],[RECORDNUM] [varchar],[STC] [varchar],[PROMOC] [varchar],[EXP_CAMP] [varchar],[PROMO3] [varchar],[MAXATT] [char],[LISTNAME] [varchar],[SITENAME] [char],[Row_id] [int] IDENTITYIt's taking nine seconds to run the following command:SELECT count([fdisp])FROM [TrunkFiles_new].[dbo].[tblStation] WITH (NOLOCK)WHERE fdisp IS NULLAnyone familiar with a table of this size having performance likethis? The [fdisp] column has a non clustered index on it.Thanks in advance...

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SQL Search :: Query To Sum Records?

May 4, 2015

having some issues trying to create a query in excel 2013. I can get the data I want from sql, but I get individual transactions and I want to sum them by plu number. here is my query, I tried using group by but every time I add the field, I get an error that some other field is invalid because it's not contained in an aggregate or group by clause. btw, I didn't name these fields.

SELECT RPT_ITM_D.F254 as [Date], RPT_ITM_D.F01 As [PLU], RPT_ITM_D.F64 As [Qty Sold], RPT_ITM_D.F65 As [SOLD], OBJ_TAB.F17 As [RCode], OBJ_TAB.F29 As [Description], PRICE_TAB.F30 As [EL Price], PRICE_TAB.F31 As [Qty]

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Does Full-text Search Could Count Words Occurrence Number

May 15, 2008

I use the full-text search utility in SQL Server 2005 to find word in PDFs document.
This is my 'Documents' table:
id (PK), data (VarBinary(max)), extension (nvarchar(4))
My full-text catalog on 'data' column works fine because when I search 'Microsoft', my document containing this word is returned as result.

SELECT * FROM Documents WHERE freetext([data], 'Microsoft');
1 | 0x255044.... | .pdf

But I need to know how many times 'Microsoft' word appears in this document.
Do you have any idea how can I retrieve this information?
Thanks in advance!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Search For A String In Expression By Number Of Its Appearance - Charindex

Apr 3, 2015

I have written a query to search for a string in an expression by the number of it's appearance. Script is like this:

DECLARE @Expression VARCHAR(8000) = 'abcd_e_fgh',
@SearchString VARCHAR(10)= '_',
@OccuranceNumber SMALLINT = 1
DECLARE @SearchIndex INT = 0, @SearchIndexPrevious INT = 0, @Sno INT = 0
WHILE @Sno < @OccuranceNumber BEGIN

[Code] .....

Here i'm trying to search "_" in expression "abcd_e_fgh" where it is appearing for first time. it gives me 5 correctly. Now when i change the @OccurenceNumber to 2 or 3, it gives correct values 7 and -1 respectively. However now when i change it to 4, it gives me 5. So when it's trying to check for fifth appearance of "_", it's not actually giving 0 or -1 but repeating the value 5.

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Track All Records Retrieved From Search

Jun 29, 2004


I have a table full of items which can be searched.
I also have another table with the ID of each item and columns for no of times details shown, no of times saved etc.

What I would like to do is increment a value in this second table for each item every time it is returned in a search.

What would be the best way to do this?

(Im using a Stored Procedure)

Thanks in advance,


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Search No Existing Sets Of Records

Jan 19, 2014

I need to query the contents: Look in Table A of such sets (A, B), which are not present in table B

To illustrate:

Tab A
A....B - this set does not occur in Tab B


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Best Way To Search For All Records (Using A Case Statement In A SP)

Jul 20, 2005

I have a form with a dropdown or combo box, the user can select <All>or pick a user name. If they pick a user name my where clause worksfine, buts what's the best way to write "Select All" if they choosethe <All>This is what I have so far, but I don't think I should be using theLIKE operator.WHERE tblCase.qarep LIKE CASE @myqarep WHEN '<All>' THEN '%' ELSE@myqarep ENDand tblOffice.officecode LIKE CASE @myoffice WHEN -1 THEN '%' ELSE@myoffice ENDthanks for your help!!

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Search Records Against Extensions (JPEG,GIF,BMP)

Feb 28, 2008

Hello all,
I am making a query which will select those records from table where a column data ends with a particular extension,i.e.
I want the query to fetch the rocords where FileName(column name) ends with .JPEG or .GIF or .BMP.
I have five records in table and FileName(columns name) contains three .JPEG ,one .GIF & one .BMP files name.
How can i get for a particular extension?
Thanks in advance

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NO Records In Result Set When Non-alphanumerics Are Used In Search Criteria

Nov 5, 1999

I'm trying to figure out why I am not getting any result set back from a search that includes non-alphanumeric
or non-printable characters. For instance, if I have a table with a 20 character name column with names with
beginning ranges from A-Z, why doesn't the following return any rows:
select * from table where name < CHAR(126).
In the ASCII character set, 126 is a tilde (~) which is numerically above the alphanumeric ranges 1-9,a-z, and
A-Z. Shouldn't all records that sort lower in the character range be included in the result set ?

I'm assuming this has something to do with the default collation sequence being used which somehow does
not include characters outside the alphanumeric range. Any ideas ?

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Free Text Search For 2 Million Records

Apr 23, 2007


I have a new client with an existing system that has just over 2 million business listings in one table. Each business listing is associated with one business category.

* Company Table (around 20 fields):


* Category Table (5 fields)


We are using MSSQL 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services

A free text search needs to be performed on the companyName and categoryName limited by region (state and or postcode).

1) What kind of response times should I expect for the free text search (I have not used the free text search before)

2) How should I index the companyName and categoryName so they are both used in a joined query? i.e. Do I just configure the free text search index on each field separately and it should work?

Any suggestions appreciated.

Best Regards


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MS SQL Server 2000 - Search A Table With 300,000+ Records In Less Then A Second Or Two

Oct 14, 2005

I have one table with 300,000 records and 30 columns.For example columns are ID, COMPANY, PhONE, NOTES ...ID - nvarchar lenth-9COMPANY - nvarchar lenth-30NOTES - nvarchar length-250Select * from databasewhere NOTES like '%something%'Is there a way to get results from this query in less then 1-2 secondand how?

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Specify The Number Of Records

Apr 26, 2001

I want to the users to specify the number of TOPn records to be returned by the query.It has to be a query and not a stored proceedure.

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How To Get Each Number Of Records...

Dec 2, 2006

This is my procedure
@Title nvarchar(256)

SELECT ID,Title,Price FROM [tbl_Sim] WHERE ([Title] LIKE '%' + @Title + '%') Order by Price desc
I exec procedure and it returns 12 results with diffirents ID
and want to get these values 1,2,3....12
How do I get these...
I am a beginner.
Thanks for help..

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Get TOP Number Of Records

May 29, 2015

I'm using SQLCE. I'm using this sql statement:

sSQL = "Select Top (5) fldStatus,
Count(fldStatus) As CountOfSummaryItem From tbl_Records_DR GROUP BY

It gets the top 5 of fldStatus but I need the top 5 of CountOfSummaryItem.

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