Searching For Dates In A Column Of Type Varchar

Feb 22, 2008

I have a DB named zCIFRecord with a column named CIFUpdateDate which is of datatype varchar. The data is a date MM/DD/YYYY 01/30/2008, this is al that is in this column. I can search this colum for individual dates and for a range of dates. My problem is with a range of dates that is not within the same year, such as;





FROM [FutureSoft].[dbo].[zCIFRecord]

WHERE [CIFUpdateDate] between '12/01/2007' and '01/30/2008'

will return nothing because it seems to only search on the 12 then the 01 then the 2008. this search can be performed properly on dates within the same year such as;





FROM [FutureSoft].[dbo].[zCIFRecord]

WHERE [CIFUpdateDate] between '01/01/2008' and '01/30/2008'

will return the proper values because now all the numbers are in correct order. How can i create a search that lets me perform the first query as well as the second query. I tried to convert to a float but you cant convert a varchar to a float.

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Searching Varchar Field That Contains Future Dates Error

Feb 25, 2008

I am doing a search on a column of type varchar, the columns all contain dates in the future. When i perform a query






FROM [FutureSoft].[dbo].[zCIFRecord]

WHERE CAST([CIFExpDate] AS smalldatetime) between '12/01/2000' and '01/30/2015'

I get error:

Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Line 1

Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type.

I can use this same query on an exactly same other field that contains dates in the past. Is there some kind of limitation on the dates as far as them being in the future or past?

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Problems Converting Dates As Varchar To Datetime Data Type

Sep 11, 2007

Hi all,

I need to migrate from a DB with a column containing dates as varchar to a new DB which will have a column with the same content as the source DB but in datetime format.

I have tried to use the cast function but i always get a message saying that the conversion result in an out of range error.

Someone can help me? PLEASE


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Encrypted Value Shown As '??????' In A Column Of Type Varchar

Jun 2, 2006

Dear All,

I inserted a record in table on DB created on SQLServer 2005 and found out that the one of the column values is shown as '??????' instead of showing the encrypted value that I sent with the insert statement.3

............................ Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this?

Thanks and regards,

Z Z.

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How? : Using A Varchar, Text Data Type Variable As Valid Column Name.

Jun 2, 2008

Cannot use dynamic sql in current context. So need some help regarding this.I am developing a stored procedure to update a table. Sending Column names as parameters, but not able to use them as given below.INSERT INTO Books (@Column1, @Column2) values.. Any way to execute without using dynamic sql?..Thanx.   

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Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value '*' To A Column Of Data Type Int.

Oct 14, 2005

This is my complete trigger.

ALTER TRIGGER DeleteTriggerC_Middleware_Exception ON dbo.C_Middleware_Exception AFTER DELETE AS
SET @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT

DECLARE @TableName_Deleted AS VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @ErrorMsg_Deleted AS VARCHAR(255)
DECLARE @AddlErrMsg_Deleted AS VARCHAR(255)
DECLARE @SubjectArea_Deleted AS VARCHAR(25)

SELECT @TableName_Deleted = table_name , @ErrorMsg_Deleted = cast(error_msg AS varchar(255)) , @AddlErrMsg_Deleted = cast(addl_error_msg AS varchar(255)),
@SubjectArea_Deleted = cast(SUBJECT_AREA AS varchar(25)), @CHKPT_Deleted = cast(CHKPT AS varchar(255))FROM DELETED
--where subject_area = 'inventory'

UPDATE dbo.Error_Log SET No_Of_Occurance = No_Of_Occurance + @RowCount WHERE Table_Name = @TableName_Deleted
UPDATE dbo.Error_Log SET No_Of_Occurance = No_Of_Occurance + @RowCount WHERE @ErrorMsg_Deleted like Error_Msg and Subject_Area IS NULL and ChkPoint IS NULL
UPDATE dbo.Error_Log SET No_Of_Occurance = No_Of_Occurance + @RowCount WHERE @AddlErrMsg_Deleted like Addl_Error_Msg
UPDATE dbo.Error_Log SET No_Of_Occurance = No_Of_Occurance + @RowCount WHERE @ErrorMsg_Deleted like Error_Msg and Subject_Area = @SubjectArea_Deleted and ChkPoint = @CHKPT_Deleted


when i am executing the follwing query i am gettin systax error.

Query :delete from dbo.c_middleware_exception where subject_area = 'eap_room'

Error :
Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DeleteTriggerC_Middleware_Exception, Line 17
Syntax error converting the varchar value '*' to a column of data type int.

what could be the solution.

Thanks in advance

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Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value '' To A Column Of Data Type Int.

Jul 20, 2005

I have an inventory database that Im trying to create a report out ofthe IP address are a lookup on a seperat table but I keep getting theabove error can I change the table row to something to fix this orwhat.SELECT i.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID AS [IP Address],i.HOST_NAME AS [ServerName], '' AS Flag, i.MEMO AS Comments, 'Seattle' AS City, 'Washington'AS State,CASE WHEN fv.value = 'EL EET1410' THEN '1111 3rdAve.' WHEN fv.value = 'EL WFL17' THEN '999 3rd Ave.' ELSE '' END AS[Address 1],' ' AS [Address 2], CASE WHEN fv.value = 'ELEET1410' THEN '1111' WHEN fv.value = 'EL WFL17' THEN '2222' ELSE ''END AS [Building ID],fv.VALUE AS Building, '98101' AS Zip,CASE WHEN fv.value = 'EL EET1410' THEN '14' WHENfv.value = 'EL WFL17' THEN '17' ELSE '' END AS [Computing FacilityLevel],CASE WHEN fv.value = 'EL EET1410' THEN '14' WHENfv.value = 'EL WFL17' THEN '17' ELSE '' END AS [Bldg Floor],CASE WHEN fv.value = 'EL EET1410' THEN 'C028'WHEN fv.value = 'EL WFL17' THEN 'C123' ELSE '' END AS WSPID,i.LOCATION_IN_FACILITY AS Location,i.SERIAL_NUMBER AS [Serial Number], i.ASSET_TAG AS [Asset Tag], ' ' AS[Second Asset Tag(s)],vv.VALUE AS Manufacture, mv.VALUE AS Model,'Yes' AS [Rack Mountable], rv.VALUE AS [Rack Units], 'DEV' AS [ServerEnviroment],lv.VALUE AS [Sever Type], ov.VALUE AS OS,CASE WHEN lv.value = 'Server - Intel Blade' THEN'Windows' WHEN lv.value = 'Server - Intel' THEN 'Windows' WHENlv.value = 'Server - Unix' THEN 'Unix'ELSE '' END AS [OS Type], '19x28' AS Footprint,ev.VALUE AS [Technical Owner of Server], 'N/A' AS [SLA Category],i.ON_BOARD_NIC_PORT_COUNT AS [NW Connectionquantity], 'Devlopment/Test Machine' AS [Application(s) Name],ev.VALUE AS [PW Contact],'N/A' AS RTO, 'N/A' AS RPO, 'No' AS [Is BoxClustered?], 'N/A' AS [Buisness Critical],CASE WHEN mv.value = 'Proliant DL580G1' THEN'90lbs' WHEN mv.value = 'Proliant DL360G2' THEN '85lbs' WHEN mv.value= 'Enterprise 220R' THEN'45lbs' ELSE '' END AS Weight,i.LAST_MODIFIED_DATE AS [Date of Last Install], 'No' AS [DedicatedCircuit]FROM dbo.INVENTORY_ITEM i LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.IP_TO_INVENTORY pv ON pv.IP_ADDRESS = i.INVENTORY_ITEM_IDLEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE lv ON lv.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.DEVICE_TYPE_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE fv ON fv.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.FACILITY_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE vv ON vv.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.VENDOR_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE mv ON mv.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.MODEL_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE ov ON ov.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE ev ON ev.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.CHECKED_OUT_BY_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE rv ON rv.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.U_HEIGHT_ID

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How To Return FTS Results From Varchar(MAX) Or Text Data Type Column?

Aug 15, 2007

I am unable to get FTS working where the column to be searched is type varchar(MAX) or Text. I can get this to work if my column to be indexed is some statically assigned array size such as varchar(1000).

For instance this works, and will return all applicable results.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestHtml](

[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[PageText] [varchar](1000) NOT NULL,


SELECT * FROM TestHTML WHERE Contains(PageText, @searchterm);

And this does not. It returns zero results what so ever.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestHtml](

[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[PageText] [varchar](MAX) NOT NULL,


SELECT * FROM TestHTML WHERE Contains(PageText, @searchterm);

Could someone please tell me what I need to do to enable FTS on varchar(MAX) or Text columns?

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Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value To A Column Of Data Type Int

Aug 29, 2007

SQL server 2000

Note : GRP_ID integer

declare @SchDnGRP VARCHAR(50)
SET @SchDnGRP='29,30'

i got error like

Syntax error converting the varchar value '29,30' to a column of data type int.

if need any sql server Configuration requie, please advice to me

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Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value 'a' To A Column Of Data Type Int

Feb 10, 2006

I have a table(tab1) with a column(col1) of type varchar. I insert a row with an integer value(1). And when i query the table using the sql, select col1 from tab1 where col1 = 1, it works fine.

But after i insert a varchar, say 'a' and then do the same query, i get an error message saying, "Syntax error converting the varchar value 'a' to a column of data type int.". Why is this so? Please reply.

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Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value 'email' To A Column Of Data Type Int.

Nov 4, 2005

Well I am doing a simple insert through a stored procedure..., but I am getting this error. In my table I have the UserID as a VARCHAR 100. I am storing from a textbox that will have number because its there email. But I am not converting anything. Do I need to convert in this scenario?? 
Server Error in '/pickem' Application.

Syntax error converting the varchar value '' to a column of data type int. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax error converting the varchar value '' to a column of data type int.Source Error:

Line 113:
Line 114: dbConnection.Open
Line 115: Dim Dr As System.Data.IDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Line 116:
Line 117: Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0
Here is the code:             Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connString"))
             Dim myCommand as New SqlCommand("prcAddTeam", dbConnection)             myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
             myCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserID", SqlDbType.Varchar, 100).Value = TRIM(emailBox.Text)             myCommand.Parameters.Add("@TeamName", SqlDbType.Varchar, 40).Value = TRIM(teamBox.Text)             myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Address1", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).Value = TRIM(addressBox.Text)             myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Address2", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).Value = TRIM(address2Box.Text)             myCommand.Parameters.Add("@City", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).Value = TRIM(cityBox.Text)             myCommand.Parameters.Add("@State", SqlDbType.Varchar, 30).Value = stateList1.SelectedItem.Value             myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Zip", SqlDbType.Varchar, 11).Value = TRIM(zipBox.Text)             myCommand.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).Value = TRIM(firstNameBox.Text)             myCommand.Parameters.Add("@LastName", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).Value = TRIM(lastnameBox.Text)
             dbConnection.Open             Dim Dr As System.Data.IDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
             Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0
             dbConnection.OpenStored procedure:CREATE                  PROCEDURE prcAddTeam                 @UserID    VARCHAR(100)                ,@TeamName  VARCHAR(40)                ,@Address1  VARCHAR(50)                ,@Address2  VARCHAR(50)                ,@City      VARCHAR(50)                ,@State     VARCHAR(30)                ,@Zip       VARCHAR(11)                ,@FirstName VARCHAR(50)                ,@LastName  VARCHAR(50)   ASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @ID   INTSET @ID = 0SELECT @ID = ISNULL((SELECT UserID from tblUserInfo      where UserID = @UserID),0)IF @ID = 0    BEGIN      INSERT INTO tblUserInfo (UserID,TeamName,Address1,Address2,City,State,Zip,FirstName,LastName,CreateDate)      VALUES(@UserID,@TeamName,@Address1,@Address2,@City,@State,@Zip,@FirstName,@LastName,GetDate())             SET @ID = @@IDENTITY      END

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Am Using Sql Server 2005, Column Data Type Is Varchar, How To Write A Query To Sort

Aug 2, 2006

this data. need help
Sort following numbers by asc and desc order

Before query sort

Sort asc

Sort Desc

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SQL Server 2012 :: Determine Which Column Is Causing Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Numeric?

Aug 14, 2014

I'm moving data from one database to another (INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM ....) and am encountering this error:

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 6
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

My problem is that Line 6 is:

set @brn_pk = '0D4BDE66347C440F'

so that is obviously not the problem and my query has almost 200 columns. I can go through one by one and compare what column is int in my destination table and what is varchar in my source tables, but that could take quite a while. How I can work out what column is causing the problem?

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Searching Dates

Oct 17, 2007


I have a table that looks similar to this. How would i write a query that will show me the price of the product on mondays?


Date Price
16/10/2007 16.75
15/10/2007 16.25
12/10/2007 15.7
11/10/2007 15.64
10/10/2007 15.17
09/10/2007 14.9
05/10/2007 14.75
04/10/2007 14.52
03/10/2007 14.84
02/10/2007 14.9
01/10/2007 14.84
28/09/2007 15.3

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Problem With Searching Dates Again

Feb 20, 2006

after more than one week asking on the forum .. i get allways an erro searching on dates in MS SQL 2000

myDate = smalldatetime

SELECT myDate FROM dbo.myTable WHERE (myDate >= '2003-12-15') AND (myDate < '2003-12-16')

i get the error :conversion from CHAR to SMALLMONEY out of the limits

why smallmoney ??

if i try

myDate = datetime

SELECT myDate FROM dbo.myTable WHERE (myDate >= '2003-12-15') AND (myDate < '2003-12-16')

i get the error :conversion from CHAR to DATETIME out of the limits

so much time and energy lost for those dates !

thank you for helping again

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Searching In A Varchar Field

Jul 12, 2001

I have a varchar column which containd comma delimited values like
Rec# Fruits
1 Apple, Peach, Strawberry
2 Orange, Mango
3 Banana, Grape

Now i have to add search facility so that a user could search for more than 1 fruit at a time. I have a Stored Procedure which returns records from this table. that SP has a Parameter @SearchFruit Varchar(500) and the user could pass in values like 'Apple, Mango' to this parameter.

Now how should i write the SQL so that i get back the records Rec# 1 & 2 since apple is there in 1st record and mango is there in the 2nd ??

I know if a put the comma delimited values as individual records in a temporary table and also do the same for the parameter values then i can get the desired results. But i want to avoid doing that. Any other way ?


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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value 'V' To A Column Of Data Type Int

Aug 31, 2006

 I am using  a stored procedure which returns a value of charecter datatype 'V' to the calling program.I am getting an sql exception System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax error converting the varchar value 'V' to a column of data type inti didnot define any int datatype in my tablethis is my codeSqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("StoredProcedure4", connection);com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;  SqlParameter p1 = com.Parameters.Add("@uname", SqlDbType.NVarChar);SqlParameter p2 = com.Parameters.Add("@opwd", SqlDbType.NVarChar);SqlParameter p3 = com.Parameters.Add("@role", SqlDbType.NVarChar);p3.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;p1.Value = username.Text.Trim();p2.Value = password.Text.Trim();com.ExecuteReader();lblerror2.Text = (string)(com.Parameters["@role"].Value); can your figure out what is the error ? Is it a coding error or error of the databse

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Searching Dates In Query Analyzer

Dec 7, 2007

Hello Gang,

I have a strange problem that I haven't dealt with before.

I need to execute a piece of code based on date ranges. If the date range is:

Scenario 1:between 02/28 (Feb 28) and 07/31 (July 31) do x
Scenario 2:between 08/01 (Aug 1) and 01/31 (Jan 31) do y

Can anyone help me with this code. I am having a SCD (Stupid Coder Day) and can't seem to do anything that is scalable - like accounting for leap years (Feb issue) and the fact that Scenario # 2 above is between 2 different calender years.

Your help is much appreciated.


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Searching Dates In Query Analyzer

Dec 11, 2007

Hello Gang,

I have a strange problem that I haven't dealt with before.

I need to execute a piece of code based on date ranges. If the date range is:

Scenario 1:between 02/28 (Feb 28) and 07/31 (July 31) do x
Scenario 2:between 08/01 (Aug 1) and 01/31 (Jan 31) do y

I am trying to automate a report. The report is supposed to generate a result that will differ based on the date ranges going into the future. E.g.

[1]. If the run date of the report is between '2/1/20xx' and '7/31/20xx' display <ABC> or

[2]. If the run date of the report is between '8/1/20xx' and '1/31/20xx' display <PQR>

In example # 2. I am moving from one year to the next (July to Dec and the one extra month of Jan). So for example, if the guy runs the report between August of 2008 and January of 2009, display <PQR>.

How do I achieve both # 1 & 2 above in a code? Does this explain better.

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Searching For A Partial Match In A Varchar Field

Jan 12, 2006

I have a customer who wants to SELECT records based on a partial match in atext field. For example, in a list of telephone numbers they want to searchfor all records that contain the digits '777' in any part of the string. Howdo I formulate such a query?Many thanks.

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Problems Moving Data Over 8000k In DB2 Varchar Column Into SQL Server Varchar(max) Using SSIS

Nov 20, 2007

I have looked far and wide and have not found anything that works to allow me to resolve this issue.

I am moving data from DB2 using the MS OLEDB Provider for DB2. The OLEDB source sees the column of data as DT_TEXT. I setup a destination to SQL Server 2005 and everything looks good until I try and run the package.

I get the error:
[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft DB2 OLE DB Provider" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: Failed to retrieve long data for column "LIST_DATA_RCVD".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: There was an error with output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324) on output "OLE DB Source Output" (287). The column status returned was: "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: The "output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324)" failed because error code 0xC0209071 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "OLE DB Source" (277) returned error code 0xC0209029. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Any suggestions on how I can get the large string data in the varchar column in DB2 into the varchar(max) column in SQL Server 2005?

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Putting Dates Into Varchar

Mar 8, 2004

I've got 2 tables :

TABLE DateSqlServer
Date as DateTime

Date as VarChar(26)

I run these queries :

INSERT INTO DateSqlServer (Date) VALUES (GetDate())

Then, when I run :


I get
"march 8 2004 3:45 PM"

instead of
"2004-03-08 03:45:12:000"

How can I transfer the date as I see it in table DateSQLServer
WITHOUT doing FORMATs on the Date column ?

Why does the INSERT transform the date format ?

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Varchar Type

Aug 23, 2004

I want to order my varchar from alphanumeric to numeric
ex : ABCD....Z0123456789..
rather than

for one session.

How can i do this.
There is a database parameter to do that ?

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Sum Of A Field That Has A Type Varchar

Mar 28, 2007

Hi guys
        I need immediate help with a query that I am trying to write. I want to sum the values in a query but the field has a type of varchar and it has decimal numbers too. So if I do the query something like that, that converts the field to int, I get the error message.
I tried converting it into real or float but I get error message on that too. I need help with adding the calculatedValues and getting there sum. I would appreciate any help with that.
Select SUM(Convert(int, calculatedValue))
from monitor.dbo.monHistory
where LocalTimeWithoutDst > '8/26/06' and LocalTimeWithoutDst < '8/28/06'
This is the error message I recieve:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '274.2' to data type int.

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Varchar Data Type

Dec 10, 2007

Can i still get the sum of a field even if the data type is of type varchar?



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Data Type Varchar And Text

Oct 27, 2007

I encounter this particular error.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The data types varchar and text are incompatible in the equal to operator.
Line 21:             Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader() 
This is the first time I'm trying out with MS SQL so I'm abit lost. I hope my code is correct and I've did a little search. I did not set "Text" in my database, I use int and varchar. Here's the affected part of my code and the database. Dim password As String = ""
Dim querystring As String = "SELECT Password FROM Member WHERE Username = @username"

'Dim conn as SqlConnection
Using conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("mainconnect").ConnectionString)
Dim command As New SqlCommand(querystring, conn)
command.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.Text)
command.Parameters("@username").Value = txtLogin.Text

Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
While reader.Read()
password = reader("Password").ToString()
End While


End Using
My database:
User_ID int(4)
Username varchar(50)
Password varchar(255)
Email varchar(50)
Any ideas?

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HOw To Order Fields Of Type Varchar?

Mar 22, 2000

I have a varchar field which holds IDs like (1, 3, 5, 19, 23) when I order it, i get it ordered in ASCII order like (1, 19, 23, 3, 5) rather than (1, 3, 5, 19, 23) Even if I convert it to int, I won't be able to order it.

is there any way I can order a varchar field numerically?


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Convert Varchar To Money Type

Mar 10, 2006

I write using the SQL ODBC driver from software into a SLQ table called UPSSHIPMENT the format is as followed:
JobNumber varchar 50
Weight real 4
FreightCost varchar 8
TrackingNumber varchar 50
Shipmethod varchar 50
VOIDID varchar 3

I then have a trigger set to update the PACKAGE table as followed


WHERE inserted.VOIDID = 'N'

WHERE inserted.VOIDID = 'Y'


The format of the PACKAGE table is as followed
Jobnumber varchar 50
FreightCost money 8
TrackingNumber varchar 50
Comments varchar 2000
Weight real 4

I am getting the following error
Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)
Error 260: Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'TESTing.dbo.Package', column 'FreightCost'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

How do you use the convert function to change the data before the update? Thank You!

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Varchar Data Type Issue

Oct 26, 2004

I am parsing a documnet and i am grabbing that document into a variable of datatype varchar. The document contains more than 8k(upto 30k characters) characters. So how can I handle this situation.How can I get that document into my local varchar variable.


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How To Convert Varchar Type To Integer

Sep 19, 2014

SQL command ....

declare @found int;
set @found = 'select sid from StickyContent where StickyId='+0+' and UserId='+171
exec (@found)
delete from StickyContent where sid = @found

I need to pass this statement from my UI i.e in a single query. I am getting this error.

"Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'select sid from StickyContent where StickyId=' to data type int.

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How To Convert Image Type To Varchar (max)

Jul 12, 2011

A table contains image type data. Actually it is text file. I don't know how to convert it to text and display. The image data size is about 20kb.

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It Can't Convert Varchar To A Datetime Type

Dec 14, 2007

I have this procedure and it can't convert this date to datetime type:

Exec scnr.prc_tblScannersReemplazarClasificacion
'NO aplica',
'NO aplica',

and after that i tried to execute it, but I changed the date like next:

Exec scnr.prc_tblScannersReemplazarClasificacion
'NO aplica',
'NO aplica',

and the procedure reseive this parameter:

CREATE PROCEDURE scnr.prc_tblScannersReemplazarClasificacion(@tipoclasificacion varchar(200),
@categoriaV varchar(200),
@categoriaN varchar(200),
@subcategoriaV varchar(200),
@subcategoriaN varchar(200),
@tipoV varchar(200),
@tipoN varchar(200),
@subtipoV varchar(200),
@subtipoN varchar(200),
@fechascanner datetime,
@fechaingreso datetime,
@usuarioscanner varchar(200) )

The error is:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure prc_tblScannersReemplazarClasificacion, Line 0
Error converting data type varchar to datetime.

Why can't this procedure reseive these dates?
What can I do?

Help me...

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Type Casting Varchar As Time

Apr 16, 2007


Current development setup: Visual Studio 2005 (C# language), SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

I am at this point changing some of my application. It stores a lot of information for times of trains. I decode a file which is text based and my times are stored in varchar(4) columns with the format "HHmm".

I am now at a stage where I need to add values to these times and perform a search based on two time values (a minimum time and maximum time).

I really need to be able to add another varchar(4) value to the times stored in my database (also varchar(4) - may look at this again in future). I have absolutely no interest in storing seconds, modifying the database to include the time colon, nor am I interested in the date portion of a time string, only the 4 digits representing the hours and minutes.

Can this be done easily in SQL server? For example:

varchar(4) of 0445 + varchar(4) of 0027 should result in the time 0512.

Similarly a varchar(4) of 2358 + varchar(4) of 0015 should result in the time 0013.

This has to be very quick to execute.

Thanks for any help you can offer!


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