My problem is, I am going to ship MSDE with our product. Now the problem is that if some one copies the .MDF and .LDF files and uses "sp_attach_db" to attach the db files to his own server then my database will be exposed to him. I have tried this and it gets exosed. I cant deploy NT Authentication for the database, bcoz if the end user installes Enterprise manager then my database will be exposed to him. Is there any way that i can sequre the LDF and MDF files of my database so that no one can use that with sp_attach_db? I m using MSDE(Sql server 2000).
Database files (.mdf and .ldf) could be copied and explored by attaching them to any other instance of sqlserver. How we could secure those files as we can do for Access file using a password ?
€™m just starting out with SSIS and am trying to establish architecture standards that are sound and workable. We will be developing BI solutions for customers who use our banking and finance package that runs on an IBM System i. Modularity is important as all our BI solutions will have a combination of re-used functionality along with varying degrees of unique functionality for each customer. My current area of interest is in externalizing all environmental factors and ensuring such things as passwords are protected.
I understand how configuration files work and how to use environment variables to provide a layer of indirection to them. At this stage we want to avoid encryption of packages and plan to use file system based deployment. We plan to use windows security for SQL server so I have no issue in exposing connection info here but for our DB2 connections we need to include user id and passwords. As I understand it, configuration files can not be encrypted so how do I store this externally while preserving its security. Nothing I have read so far has given me exactly what I need.
Problem: Script Task using Third Party DLL for Secure FTP mainly "Eldos" is not able to load dll ,when deployed on integration server.
Resolution: Usually i Follow and it works even : Copy and Paste Dll in below location depending on Server Configuration.
If Server is Window 32 Bit "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100DTSBinn" If Server is Window 64 Bit "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100DTSBinn"
Tried Another Resolution:
If Server is Window 32 Bit "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100SDKAssemblies" If Server is Window 64 Bit "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100SDKAssemblies"
I develop a .NET Application which uses a SQL Express Database. The application will be distributet to several customers. That means the customer must have (or install) SQL Server Express Edition .
But we dont want that the users manual access to the database.
As far as understand that is not possible because the user (customer) will be the administrator for the SQL Server Express because it runs in his own PC (no password security).
I've recently started using sql express 2005. I've used the features very conveniently.
But one thing i coudn't understand is how can i secure my database from unwanted access.
I've Installed Sql Express 2005 with mixed mode authentication (Sql authentication) and attached my Database. But it also connects with Windows authentication, and all my data tables are openly visible.!!
How can i Secure my database now..!!!
My intention is to restrict access to my databases only to certain users (may be SQL Logins)
Hello, Is possible to create database file with only one user(No local acount used by Windows authentication)?
I want copy with my aplication also database mdf file with secret data .I don't want so as user loged to sql server as 'dbo' user ( Windows authentication) can view or edit it.
Let me start off by saying I'm not a SQL expert and have very limited knowledge on the topic.Here is my question:Our organization has an archiving solution that stores data in a SQL database. This applicaton creates two SQL accounts. One that is used to archive to the database. The second to browse the database from a search interface provided by the application. With all the federal compliance issues I see that they require the data to be stored in "a non-rewriteable and non-erasable format". My question is. How can I prevent the database from being erased in the SQL database? As 'Administrator' I can open Enterprise Manager and open a table in the database and simply delete any record that I wish. I understand that might have this ability because I'm logged on as Administrator. How do I prevent access to this database and prevent access modify the records. I believe the only two accounts that should have access to the database are the Archive and Browse accounts required by the application.
Ok, I need to give some details. I have a secure Access Database using WorkGroup Security logon. It is an Access 97 database (yes I know it is "old").
I tried to create a DTS package in SQL Server 2000 to connect to it, but I am getting the same error that I got before I "joined" the workgroup when attempting to access the DB. So I changed the Service logon identites to mimic <me> as the logon, and still I can't get it to connect. The user name and password I put in the connection are correct.
It seems like nothing is working and I am all out of ideas. Does anyone have any recommendations? Has anyone done anything like this successfully?
PS: I can manually logon to the database, and extract the data 1 table at a time, but I don't want to export 40 tables each time I have to load this data. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
We build up a new website in .net mvc 4.0 on a w2012 server with MSSQL 2012 database.We use windows autentification and normal anonymous access through NT AUTHORITYIUSR who is also a login in the database.But we make extra login possibility for users who are registered and they can insert and modify data in some tables in the database. And I'am afraid of giving NT AUTHORITYIUSR insert and update for some column in tables.I think of set up a new login for the database. Run a new connection string on login and set up special permission for that extra user on the database, and let the user become a member of the ordinary user on the database.
Is there any way in which I could distinguish a group of Database users from the other users. Say for e.g. store the Database users hierarchically, etc. Adding a Prefix/Suffix to the user name as a distinguish-er will not work in my case. I want to restrict the deletion of these Database users. Even the login with sysadmin or serveradmin rights should not be able to DROP those Database users.
Hi, i have a data base in SQL 2005 and i it has many tables with confidencial information Like Social Security numbers, Credit card Numbers, etc. And i would like to encrypt this information or make something to make this info invisible to any hacker, or any person that logs on the server.
Here are the limitations:
1 - I cant make any changes in the front end, so if i encrypt the data, I have to make all the modifications in the database, and if the front end needs some encrypted information, the database should dencrypt it.
I am developing an application for a big office which uses SQL Server 2000. Apart from my database, on that server, there are two databases by other companies. The administrator also has access to server but the client only wants him to backup the database.
I have two questions:
1) First of all (if it is possible) I would like to protect my own database from the other companies.
I don't want them to:
see the data in the tables (around 20 tables) make changes to the stored procedures (more than 100 stored procedures) be able to backup the database
2) The client will save sensitive data to the database (mainly currency amounts, salaries etc) which he wants to keep hidden. I am using float type for these fields and I would like to make the data encrypted. I could do it for nvarchar fields but changing these float to nvarchar would be time consuming.
Can anyone spread any light on the following. I've created a database of 2 tables which exists over 2 drives. I had a 6 Gig log file on one drive and a 1 Gig log file on the other so I used sp_detach_db to detach it. I then deleted the log files and attempted to sp_attach_db with the following: "sp_attach_db @dbname =N'cwc_load', @filename1 = N'f:cwc_loadcwc_load_data.mdf', @filename2 = N'e:cwc_loadcwc_load_data2.mdf'" which are the locations of the .mdf files. I get the error messages 5105 and 945 (which cannot be tracked down using either the Microsoft site or on-line help) but the messages are "Device Activation error. The physical file name 'F:cwc_loadcwc_load_log.ldf' may be incorrect" "Database 'cwc_load' cannot be opened because some of the files cannot be activated" which to me tends to suggest that the database is looking for the log files (now deleted). I've tried forcing a new log file I created using the same locations for the mdfs. I've tried using create database cwc_load on primary (filename = 'etc) which gives the same error message, please tell me someone out there has a resolution for this.
As part of moving to SQL2K from SQL7 I'm doing sp_detach_db and sp_attach_db on the source server. For those databases that have multiple .ldf files do I need to add a separate filename= line to the sp_attach_db command for each .ldf, or only reference the original .ldf in a single filename?
P.S. Given that I've done a few databases already, what's the effect of entering only the single filename line if multiple filename lines were required?
can any one of u tell where i went wrong I am getting this errror "Device activation error. The physical file name 'D:AssetaaAsset_data.mdf' may be incorrect."
I am trying to use the database provided from to practise stored procedures.
I'm doing some work for a client who has not been backing up his databases. After a server crash he has been left with the .MDF and .LDF files. I have managed to successfully use sp_attach_db on all but two databases. When attempting to use sp_attach_db I get the following error message :
1> sp_attach_db @dbname = N'CSGDEV', @filename1 = N'e:SQL_DataDirDataCSGDEV_Data.MDF', @filename2 = N'e:SQL_DataDirDataCSGDEV_Log.LDF' 2> go Warning: sort order 51 in database differs from server sort order of 52. Warning: Unicode comparison flags 196608 in database differs from server Unicode comparison flags of 196609. Msg 1816, Level 16, State 1, Server CSGSERVER, Line 1 Could not attach the database because the character set, sort order, or Unicode collation for the database differs from this server. Warning: sort order 51 in database differs from server sort order of 52. Warning: Unicode comparison flags 196608 in database differs from server Unicode comparison flags of 196609. Msg 1816, Level 16, State 1, Server CSGSERVER, Line 1 Could not attach the database because the character set, sort order, or Unicode collation for the database differs from this server.
I'd appreciate any ideas. I'm not a SQL Server expert (heck, I'm not even a Windows expert...) as you can probably tell.
Server: Msg 5172, Level 16, State 15, Line 1 The header for file 'd:ds2004_data.MDF' is not a valid database file header. The PageAudit property is incorrect
I can find nothing about PageAudit property.
What is it and how do I need to modify the command?
HiWith the sql server on line help , The syntax for the sp_attach_db hasthe file name .It is aslo given that max of 16 files can be geven. Iattached a db with a single d.mdf .could u pls tell what r the 16 file types or how a db can be attachedwith 16 files.With thanks
We use local server windows groups to allow or disallow use of our SQL databases. We are now being asked to move off of our current server. My thoughts are to dettach and attach the database. What is going to happen to all my permissions based on the user groups of our old server? I intend to create the same group names on the new server but they will be newservergroupname as opposed to oldservergroupname. Is it just a case of scripting the database user, roles and object level permissions an manually changing oldserver to newserver?
I am attaching a database with 3 data files.When I execute "exe sp_attache_db..." I obtain this error:database 'POINT' cannot be opened because some of the files could not beactivated.I have deleted its LDF file.Usually I detach my db, then I delete transaction log, and reattach 3 datafiles...Now it doesn'work!!!!!!!!!!Someone can help me?Thanks.
This works...sometimes. But Many times I wll get a permissions error on the folder "C:Program FilesAPP_NAME". If I go and give "Everyone" "Full Permission" to the works fine.
My questions are: 1) What system users need access (and at what level) to this folder to do an attach? Because obviously giving everyone full access is bad.
2) Is there a better method for deploying a populated database with my application that this?
Here's one. :) I have Database A in Server 1 which contains objects (tables and SPs) that are owned by users other than dbo. Then I detach this database from Server 1 using sp_detach_db and attach it to Server2 (sp_attach_db). Even if the same logins exist or are created in Server 2, I still won't be able to access the objects in Database A using these logins. I know that this happens because of different SIDs for the same login names across the 2 servers. So given that I want to achieve this without having to use the Import Wizard or any other method, how do I go around this lil bit of a problem? Any thoughts? :)
Msg 5105, Level 16, State 4, Line 1 Device activation error. The physical file name 'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_Log.LDF' may be incorrect. Device activation error. The physical file name 'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_Log.LDF' may be incorrect. Msg 5170, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot create file 'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_log.LDF' because it already exists. Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Could not open new database 'TestDB'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
Here is my attach script: USE [master] GO sp_attach_db @dbname= N'TestDB', @filename1 = N'S:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataTestDB.MDF', @filename2 = N'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_Log.LDF'
This server has a Raid 5 Disk Array partitioned into three Logic Drives C:, S:, L:. Not sure, why the server was configured this way. If I attach the database with the data and log files on the same logical drive, the DB attaches successfully. When I try to put the data and log files on separate logical drives, it fails. Issue seems to be with the drive partitioning. Any Ideas?
I downloaded and ran AdventureWorks.msi into my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) one year ago.But I did not know how to attach it to my SSMSE then. Last week, I deleted it from the "Add or Remove" of Control Panel and I downloaded the new AdventureWork.msi and installed it my SSMSE. Today, I tried to use the Database Explorer of VB 2005 Express for the first Stored Procedure programming. I clicked on AdventureWorks.mdf and I got the following error: One or more files do not match the primary of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation with the correct files. If this is an existing database, the file may be corrupt and should be restored from a backup. Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'CENADe1enxshc'. Log file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataAdventureWorks_Data_log.ldf' does not match the primary file. It may be from a different database of the log may have been rebuilt previously. Please help and advise me how to correct this problem.
Hi all (newbie @ @ ASP 3)What is the purpose of using an attached MDF database files in the App_Data folder on a web site as to importing it into the SQL server directly or creating it on the SQL server. Does a mdf database attached file purely use the SQL server as a connection interface.Is it something similiar to DSN(ODBC) Connections for ms access databases.
I am trying to modify the files path (primary file, log file) of databases, but it looks like I am not able to mofidy their files path directly from the database property dialogue? Would please any experts here give me some ideas on what else can I try to figure it out? Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
I am designing an application built on sql server 2000 how can I prohibit other sql server users from accessing my database and allowing only acceesing it through my application or through owner designer of sql server database.
my situation needs sometimes copying the db from the end user platforms to my designer computer to analyze some problems or maintainenace or modification, and also I have no control on users windows environment and I need the end user professional not to enter the my db from outside my application.
So, is there anything I can do to secure an MDF (MSDE/SQL Server 2000) file so that a user cannot see my schema under any circumstances.
Even if I lock the MDF down and secure the instance, a smart user can just shut off the SQL server, copy the MDF to another instance, sp_attachdb and open it with sa rights. I need a way to prevent others from getting inside my schema.