Secure Database ,only For 1 User

Jan 10, 2007

Is possible to create database file with only one user(No local acount used by Windows authentication)?

I want copy with my aplication also database mdf file with secret data .I don't want so as user loged to sql server as 'dbo' user ( Windows authentication) can view or edit it.

It is possible?


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How To Secure The Database

Jul 10, 2007


I develop a .NET Application which uses a SQL Express Database. The application will be distributet to several customers. That means the customer must have (or install) SQL Server Express Edition .

But we dont want that the users manual access to the database.

As far as understand that is not possible because the user (customer) will be the administrator for the SQL Server Express because it runs in his own PC (no password security).

Am I right? Thank you..

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How Can I Secure My Database??

Jun 16, 2007

hello all,

I've recently started using sql express 2005. I've used the features very conveniently.

But one thing i coudn't understand is how can i secure my database from unwanted access.

I've Installed Sql Express 2005 with mixed mode authentication (Sql authentication) and attached my Database. But it also connects with Windows authentication, and all my data tables are openly visible.!!

How can i Secure my database now..!!!

My intention is to restrict access to my databases only to certain users (may be SQL Logins)

Please guide me how to accomplish this...


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Secure Access To Database

Nov 1, 2006

Hello Experts!!

Let me start off by saying I'm not a SQL expert and have very limited knowledge on the topic.Here is my question:Our organization has an archiving solution that stores data in a SQL database. This applicaton creates two SQL accounts. One that is used to archive to the database. The second to browse the database from a search interface provided by the application. With all the federal compliance issues I see that they require the data to be stored in "a non-rewriteable and non-erasable format". My question is. How can I prevent the database from being erased in the SQL database? As 'Administrator' I can open Enterprise Manager and open a table in the database and simply delete any record that I wish. I understand that might have this ability because I'm logged on as Administrator. How do I prevent access to this database and prevent access modify the records. I believe the only two accounts that should have access to the database are the Archive and Browse accounts required by the application.

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Secure Database Files For Sp_attach_db

Oct 29, 2007


My problem is, I am going to ship MSDE with our product. Now the problem is that if some one copies the .MDF and .LDF files and uses "sp_attach_db" to attach the db files to his own server then my database will be exposed to him. I have tried this and it gets exosed. I cant deploy NT Authentication for the database, bcoz if the end user installes Enterprise manager then my database will be exposed to him. Is there any way that i can sequre the LDF and MDF files of my database so that no one can use that with sp_attach_db? I m using MSDE(Sql server 2000).

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DTS Connect To Access 97 Secure Database Trouble...

Oct 7, 2005

Ok, I need to give some details. I have a secure Access Database using WorkGroup Security logon. It is an Access 97 database (yes I know it is "old").

I tried to create a DTS package in SQL Server 2000 to connect to it, but I am getting the same error that I got before I "joined" the workgroup when attempting to access the DB. So I changed the Service logon identites to mimic <me> as the logon, and still I can't get it to connect. The user name and password I put in the connection are correct.

It seems like nothing is working and I am all out of ideas. Does anyone have any recommendations? Has anyone done anything like this successfully?

PS: I can manually logon to the database, and extract the data 1 table at a time, but I don't want to export 40 tables each time I have to load this data. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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SQL 2012 :: Secure Login To Database For Web Users?

Feb 21, 2014

We build up a new website in .net mvc 4.0 on a w2012 server with MSSQL 2012 database.We use windows autentification and normal anonymous access through NT AUTHORITYIUSR who is also a login in the database.But we make extra login possibility for users who are registered and they can insert and modify data in some tables in the database. And I'am afraid of giving NT AUTHORITYIUSR insert and update for some column in tables.I think of set up a new login for the database. Run a new connection string on login and set up special permission for that extra user on the database, and let the user become a member of the ordinary user on the database.

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SQL Security :: How To Organize And Secure Database Users

Apr 21, 2015

Is there any way in which I could distinguish a group of Database users from the other users. Say for e.g. store the Database users hierarchically, etc. Adding a Prefix/Suffix to the user name as a distinguish-er will not work in my case. I want to restrict the deletion of these Database users. Even the login with sysadmin or serveradmin rights should not be able to DROP those Database users.

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Secure Social Security Number In My DataBase

Jun 13, 2006

Hi, i have a data base in SQL 2005 and i it has many tables with confidencial information Like Social Security numbers, Credit card Numbers, etc. And i would like to encrypt this information or make something to make this info invisible to any hacker, or any person that logs on the server.

Here are the limitations:

1 - I cant make any changes in the front end, so if i encrypt the data, I have to make all the modifications in the database, and if the front end needs some encrypted information, the database should dencrypt it.

Any one has any idea ???

Best Regards.

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Secure A Single SQL Server Database + Make Float Fields Encrypted

Mar 21, 2007

Hi all,

I am developing an application for a big office which uses SQL Server 2000.
Apart from my database, on that server, there are two databases by other companies.
The administrator also has access to server but the client only wants him to backup the database.

I have two questions:

1) First of all (if it is possible) I would like to protect my own database from the other companies.

I don't want them to:

see the data in the tables (around 20 tables)
make changes to the stored procedures (more than 100 stored procedures)
be able to backup the database

2) The client will save sensitive data to the database (mainly currency amounts, salaries etc) which he wants to keep hidden.
I am using float type for these fields and I would like to make the data encrypted. I could do it for nvarchar fields but changing these float to nvarchar would be time consuming.

Thanks for your patience reading this!

Would really appreciate some help on any of these


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How Do We Determine Which User Database Tables Are Mostly Retrieved By User Or Modified By User?

May 22, 2008

Please give the T-SQL script for this ? Thanks


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Creating Database User And Set User To Owner Of Database

Nov 30, 2007

Hi there,

I want to create database login and set that login to owner of the database? Can anyone help me?


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Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed For User 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'

Mar 3, 2008

 Cannot open user default database. Login failed.Login failed for user
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and
where it originated in the code. Exception Details:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open user default database. Login
failed.Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.  I have This Error When i try to log into My online web site, i have no idea how to fix it,one day it was working and the next it wasnt, is there any way to find out what database the default is and if it's either incorrect or not present change the web.config in a way that will make my system work. i have the NT Authority/Network Service in my Server Properties Permissions, its given the type login and is granted Connect SQL by sa i have 3 colder copies of the web site on my server my question is, how would i use of of these to restore the original site configuration is there a way to restore the original configuration to undo whatever it is i've done to break the system ChrisStressed 

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Second User Trying To Connect Generates: Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed.

Apr 25, 2007

Hi, I'm new to SQL Express 2005.
I found information regarding : "Cannot open user default database. Login failed."on this forum but I think that in my case it's a bit different issue.
I have a website (ASP.NET 2.0) accessing DB, in the mean time Windows Service tries to update some data in the same DB (Service runs as NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SYSTEM). The second connection is rejected: "Cannot open user default database. Login failed.Login failed for user ....".
Problem occurs only when both: service and website are running at the same time. So service and website are running without problems when they are connecting DB exclusively.
My connection string is:
"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="|DataDirectory|spider-lab.mdf";Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"

I would be grateful if you can help me

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Reporting Services :: Login Failed For User (xxxx) - Cannot Open User Default Database

Jul 21, 2015

Running a report on sqlserver RS 2008 R2 that uses a data source that looks at a database on a sql express 2012 server.

I can run the report in preview mode from bits on the sql 2008 r2 server.

I have tested the connection of the  deployed data source on the sql 2008 R2 reporting services web page and connection has been successful.

I can logon to sql express 2012 using  management studio and logon as the user and access the database run stored procedures etc.

windows server 2003, sql server 2008 R2 reporting services server.

windows server 2012 sql express 2012 data source database location.

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Cannot Open User Default Database. User Login Failed.

Jan 15, 2004


I'm sorry if this is simple, I'm no DBA but have been tasked with solving this problem...

We have a website that connects via ODBC to SQL Server (2k sp1) and at the moment I am getting back about every other time:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open user default database. Login failed.

So this is NOT happening every single time. Now I have seen Microsoft KB - 307864 and I can see that none of the databases are marked as suspect, the database I am trying to connect to does exist and is attached and, I have run the command to switch the database to multi-user mode.

The probable cause of this problem is that a while ago we had a hard-drive failure and I was forced to reattach some old datafiles (mdf,ldf) as the database. This seemed ok and I can view data etc in enterprise manager no problem.

I have checked for orphaned users and the user I am logging in with from the webpage is not listed.

So does anyone have a clue as to why this is happening, and more frustratingly for me, why is it only happening some of the time.

Thanks for your help, appreciated.


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Set Database Back To Multi User From Single User

Feb 27, 2008

I am using SharePoint Services 3.0 (SP1) with default configuration options, which installs the Microsoft##SSEE instance of SQL to my local C: drive.

While attempting to relocate the files to another drive, I set one of the databases (as recommended) to Single User by using the SQL Server Management Express tool.

I cannot now reset that database to Multi User, even by executing the query

exec sp_dboption 'database_name', 'single user', ''FALSE'

again by using the Management Express Tool.

Can someone please help, in plain english???? Thanks

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Cannot Logon With Authenticated User When User Database Is Removed

Dec 12, 2007


We have a new production server with SQLserver 2005.
Our department responsible ofr the installation made it as secure as possible, however.
I have to put a new backup on to the server from the old production server.
We ran into a problem when we removed the old database.
I could not longer logon to the server with an authenticated user.

"A connection was successfully established with the server, but an error occured during the login process"
"Shared memory provider : error 0 : No process is on the other end of the pipe"

Strange thing is when i create a new database with the same name. The user can logon to the server again.

Any idea's ?


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Error : Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User 'server/user'

Nov 22, 2007

i'm using the Enterpirse library logger to write logs into a database.
When choosing connection string i choose the database i want in the "connection properties" dialog box and
push 'Test connection' button.
everything goes well.

then i open the SQL Server Management studio express and connect to the databse to check some things,
from that point on , when i push the 'Test Connection' button in the Enterprise library i get the error:

"cannot open user default database. Login failed. login failed for user My'server/MyuserName'"

even when i close the sql server manager , it is still stuck - the connection test doesn't work anymore....
it only work when i restart the computer.

why ?

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Adding A User/role To All User Database

Jan 23, 2001

Hi everyone,

I try to add a db_role or a user to all my databases with one script. Although parsing doesn't report any problem I get a Syntax error during execution.
I first select the database names into a #temp table which has two columns, ID and dbname.
After that I use the following code:

DECLARE @Count smallint
declare @dbVarchar(20)

SET @Count = 1

WHILE (@Count <=(SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #temp))


Exec ("USE @db")

EXEC sp_adduser 'test'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'my_role', 'testrole'

SET @db = (SELECT dbname FROM #temp WHERE ID = @Count)

It seems that the "Use @db" part has no value for the variable @db.
Does anybody knows how to solve this?

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Database Says User Already Exist When Trying To Add The User...

Jan 26, 2001

I inherited a screwed up Database and I have to straighten out the pemissions and owners. There were several tables listed with an owner of DSSADMIN. However when I logged into Query Analyzer as DSSADMIN, I could not query the DSSADMIN owned tables unless I prefaced the table with DSSADMIN as the owner (ex: DSSADMIN.table).

At the recommendation of our Developer we restored the database from tape thinking that this would reset the proper permissions and table owners. After the restore a user called BCUSER had ownership of the previously mentioned tables (that DSSADMIN owned before the restore); however when I open the Users list, BCUSER is not listed as a user.

If I try to add BCUSER to the database I get an error stating that the USER or ROLE BCUSER already exist in this database. There is a role called DSS listed for this Database that BCUSER was listed a member of. I removed BCUSER from the DSS role and yet I still am not able to add BCUSER as a user for this database. (Yet, as I stated earlier BCUSER is now the owner of the tables the DSSADMIN was the owner of before the restore)

BCUSER is a user in the other databases on this SQL Server.

Does anyone out there understand this problem and/ or can suggestion some possible solutions?

Any input is greatly appreciated, Thank you!!!

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How To Secure Mdf

Sep 24, 2005

I am designing an application built on sql server 2000
how can I prohibit other sql server users from accessing my database and allowing only acceesing it through my application or through owner designer of sql server database.

my situation needs sometimes copying the db from the end user platforms to
my designer computer to analyze some problems or maintainenace or modification, and also I have no control on users windows environment and I need the end user professional not to enter the my db from outside my application.

is there anything I can do to secure an MDF (MSDE/SQL Server 2000) file so that a user cannot see my schema under any circumstances.

Even if I lock the MDF down and secure the instance, a smart user can just shut off the SQL server, copy the MDF to another instance, sp_attachdb and open it with sa rights. I need a way to prevent others from getting inside my schema.

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Secure FTP

Apr 28, 2008

Do you guys know how to call secure FTP from a script task in an SSIS package which can be done by invoking the exe like winscp from a script task

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Secure FTP

Apr 9, 2008

hi everybody ,
Can anybody tell me about Secure FTP
and how the code for uploading and downloading of files can be write using Visual C#
actually i have created code for Standad FTP(normal FTP), but when I am using it for secure FTP then the compiler is giving an Exception: "Unable to create Remote Server"
very confuse about what to do....??
even very small help would be very very appreciable
thanx .... Nics

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How To Secure (.mdf And .ldf) DB Files?

Aug 9, 2004

Database files (.mdf and .ldf) could be copied and explored by attaching them to any other instance of sqlserver.
How we could secure those files as we can do for Access file using a password ?

Thanks for any comment.


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How Can I Keep My DB Secure On SQL Server

Nov 11, 2005

this is my 1st time on this forum, I need to keep my DB secure on SQL server, that no body can enter into my DB and couldnt see my tables and other elements of DB.


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Secure Dts Packages

Mar 21, 2006

i need to set up a sql server login that can query the database, but i don't want it to be able to see scheduled jobs or dts packages

actually if i could keep it out of enterprise manager altogether that would be great

how can i set this up?

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How Can I Secure My MDF File?

Jun 30, 2005

If a user is a local admin of the box they can gain full access to the database via integrated security. They can create their own database and attach .MDF
How can i secure the .MDF so that no one can gain access to it?

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How Secure Is Sql Ce Password?

Mar 5, 2008

I have developed an application that uses a SQL Server compact edition database (.sdf). The database contains important data that I do not wish people to access.

My question is if I choose to Encrypt the database using the option available when you create the database and specify a password how secure is it ?

Are there tools on the market that will be able to crack this password and therefore gain access ?


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Is Installation Secure ?

Jul 20, 2005

We can find a lot of recommandations about how to secure a SQL*Server configuration.Does anyone have scripts to do it ?Any advices or links are welcome

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Secure Replication

Jul 20, 2005

How would I set up secure replication between 2 servers that are indifferent cities?Would I need to define linked servers first?Would I use SSL?Help appreciated. Thanks.Steve*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Possible To Secure Using .Net StrongNameIdentityPermission?

Oct 24, 2006

Is it possible to secure a SQL Server database or schema using a technique such as the .Net StrongNameIdentityPermission attribute? The intent is that SQL Server would only permit transactions coming from assemblies which were signed with a particular .Net StrongName private key.

We are installing a 3rd party SQL Server / ASP.Net application which must run in our DMZ and we are looking for all possible measures to secure the SQL Server database.


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How Can I Secure My MDF File?

Jun 30, 2005

If a user is a local admin of the box they can gain full access to the database via integrated security. They can create their own database and attach .MDF

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