Security Gurus - Questions For You

Sep 25, 2006

I want to create an MS Access front-end for my SQL database.
I want to create user accounts with passwords for each user.
Should I change SQL Server to "MIXED authentication mode" (SQL Server authentication and Windows authentication) ?

*** Thank you very much in advanced, security gurus ***

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Performance Questions For Gurus

Apr 15, 2003

We are new to SQL 2000, and would like to bounce a couple questions off some of you gurus out there.
We are using SQL Server 2000 to build a data repository to assist us in transitioning from our old flatfile legacy system to SAP. We are also looking to use the SQL Server 2000 repository to build a smallish Enterprise Data Warehouse on the same SQL 2000 platform.

Here is our problem:
We have SQL Server 2000 loaded on a little scrapper PC with 1.4GHZ single processor, 1GB of memory, and a single 40 GB IDE drive.

When we are initially loading any of our repository tables the process cruises along pretty well, even respective of trying to locate the record for update before doing an insert. But, if we do something as simple as selecting count(*) against the table that's loading, performance on the load goes to its knees.
We understand we're pretty much at the mercy of the hardware we have (that's the budget), but we'd like to get as much bang as we can out of what's there.

Our questions are:
1. Is there anything we can do with our server configuration (short of new hardware) that will help us?
2. Are there any recommendations as far as monitors to help us better tune this specific configuration?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Silly Question - For SQL Gurus And SWYNK Gurus

Nov 3, 2000

Probably this will be a silly question?

1. How can I Put all the Q documents from Microsoft that are related to SQL server? So that I can search fast.

2. How can I search SWYNK for all the ANSWERS that MAK/CRAIG/RAY replied to the threads. Its so weird that I answered someone and now I forgot the answer what I posted. Now I am having the same problem. I cant search.

3. I wanna put all SWYNK's Questions responses in one database say SQLSERVER, so that I can search all the threads.

I had sent many emails to SWYNK. No reply so far.

Any inputs r well appreciated!!!!!!


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Security Questions.

Oct 10, 2006


The apps that connect to my SQL DB's (for internet use) use SQL
authentication (the app login so to speak). Anyways, a Java developer showed
me that he built into his app a way to retrieve that app login and password
from SQL Server. Obviously I wasn't very happy about this. So my questions:

1; Does anyone know if the same thing can be done using .NET code?
2; I've heard of a method using .Net Web Services (WS) for using WINNT
authentication even for internet apps. It would be that the app calls a WS,
that WS the passes in WIINT authentication to the DB and all is good. Has
anyone else out there used this type of security? Is there a link you can
3; If number 2 is implemented, does it then eliminate the possibility of
apps being able to retieve the sensitive information?

TIA, ChrisR

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SQL Server Security - Questions

Sep 25, 2006

I have created logins and user accounts in SQL Server.
How come, when I open SQL Server, it did not prompt for passwords ?
How can I make it to do so ?

*** Thank you very much in advance, security gurus ***

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SSIS And Security - Questions

Mar 15, 2007


I realize that I am confused about SSIS and security.

In BIDS, I work on and modify my packages. That part I understand. Then, I want to build my project, then deploy to SQL Server 2005. I know how to do that too (for the most part, please see below):

My confusion arises around the "Protection Level" options in the package properties. Right now I have everything set to "EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey". My understanding is that I need to change this in order to run my packages from SQL Server jobs, because only the creator of the package can currently run the job.

So my question is, since I want to deploy to SQL Server, don't I want to change the "Protection Level" to "ServerStorage"?

However, it will not let me change the protection level to ServerStorage. It says "The protection level, ServerStorage, cannot be used when saving to this destination"... presumably because it is attempting to save to the file system.

However, even when I built out my packages and saved to SQL Server, I could not change the protection level either.

Which is why I am really confused... Once you save your packages to SQL Server, how do you make changes to the packages, so that the changes are reflected in the packages stored on SQL Server?

There is some concept I am not understanding here.

Thanks for any help

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Dialog Security Questions

Aug 10, 2006

Hi Remus

Thank you for the email reply.

However i am still not 100% clear, dialog security with certificates when there are hundreds of remote services seems a bit complicated.

I have a few more questions.

1. you said "When sending the first message (any direction), we look up the 'best' certificate for each user"

My inititor sevice is owned by dbo, i have created certificates only for named users not dbo, how would this work?

2. I am going to try settin gup this again, but at the central service i will create a seprate user for each remote service, authorize the remote certificate for this user and use this user in the remote service binding for that remote service, is this correct or am i still doing somehting wrong?

3. How does all of this relate to the endpoint security, i ahve the same scenario, 1 pricipal id with all remote certificates authorized for it for the endpoint? I have no idea how i would have to setup different user for each remote servcie as far as the endpoint goes as there is no remote service binding to dictate which user to use ?

I will keep try and experimenting maybe i will get it right sooner or later.

Thank You

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More Custom Security Questions

Jun 25, 2007

Still working on custom security
Since I can't get a name of file (path) from within CheckAccess method it becomes somewhat useless. Is there a way to maybe overload GetPermissions or Policies methods? Or maybe CreateReport method so that I can include some custom code there? Is there an example of something like that?

I wish the catalog tree was transparent to Authentication extension, I don't see a point in acl for a custom extension, all I want is names and I can build on top of that. Something along the lines -

Code Snippet

public bool CheckAccess(...file...)
string[] permissions ;
permissions = server.GetPermissions(file);
Maybe I am missing something simple and I can tie everything to a security descriptor but I don't see how I can if there is no information such as name, date, modified by name and so on. All we get is principal name which is not very useful since I don't use built-in security names.


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Several 2005 Security Questions

May 28, 2008

I am an Oracle DBA who inherited SQL Server administration. I have been to some 2005 training and I've been supporting several DB's for a while now but I still have some nagging security questions and would appreciate some help.

1) I needed to grant execute on a specific procedure but when I drilled down, I found that it already had execute in the EFFECTIVE PERMISSIONS. I would like to know how to tell where it got this permission from. I did some digging and found that execute appears to have been granted to the schema itself. I didn't know you could do that. Would this result in the effective permission that I observed?

2) I am trying to audit the permissions on existing principles. In Management Studio I drilled down and found permissions under Security and under Server Properties. There are also more permissions under Database Properties and Security and still more assigned at the specific object level. Where can I go or what can I query to see ALL the permissions a principle has been granted across the entire server?

3) If I grant a principle CONTROL to a schema does that also automatically confer DDL rights to said schema or would additional privs be required to perform DDL?

Thanks in advance,
Roger Westbrook

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Basic Security Questions

Sep 5, 2006


I am new to SQL 2005, can someone give me some details instructions about how to do below two tasks:

All my developers are in a window domain user group, I need to grant dbo privileges to that domain group so then can do the their development work. The rule is all objects they create need to be owned by dbo not by there ID. ( I can€™t do it because I got €œ The €œDeafult_Schema clause cannot be used with a windows group€?)
Same as above but this time they only need select permission on tables nothing else.

Many thanks.


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Security Patch/Service Pack Questions

Sep 17, 2007

<!--[if !supportLists]--><!--[endif]-->

I posted this question before, and got a response about Windows Update. However, I work in a larger corp. and need to know if there are any other answers to this? We use a patch client that rolls out patches and service packs after we have tested them in our environment. What can we do to stay as up to date as possible for security patches?

How are security patches for SQL Server Express made available (e.g., as separate distributions or bundled into other Microsoft patch distribution mechanisms)? Are there specific procedures that I need to put in place to ensure that it gets patched on end user machines?


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Custom Security Extension - Authorization Questions Using Forms Authentication

Nov 9, 2007

Greetings. I have developed our own custom security extension, implemented forms based authentication, and can authenticate from report manager, report server and sql studio. So far so good.

However, when it comes to Authorization, i'm unclear in a few areas and would appreciate if someone could help me out with the following questions. It should be noted that in the code I have granted an administrator user full access to all operations and permissions, and then tested against both an administrator user and a normal user.

IAuthorizationExtension.GetPermissions summary says

"Returns the set of permissions granted a specific user for an item in the report server database."

Inparticular, the secDesc parameter is supposed to contain the security descriptor associated with the item.

However, with our extension this parameter is always null, even if I have already granted access for a user, which is confirmed through logging in CreateSecurityDescriptor.

Through the report manager or sql studio I can see that the permissions have been created, so I can't understand why I never see them in the GetPermissions method? This then (seems to) flow through to the various CheckAccess methods, where the users are authenticated, but are not authorized to perform any operations. i.e. in report manager a user has no folders or reports available.

Is RS authorization designed around the concept that the details will always be stored in it's own database?

Ideally, we'd like to have the various roles, users and function authorizations defined in our own security framework. This is working great for the authentication aspect of the extension, but unless there is a mechanism which exposes the details of the particular authorization process (e.g. the name of the folder being viewed or report being run), then I can't see a way we can implement it. Unless i'm missing something fundamental of course!

Using Report Builder as the Administrator user (or any other user), I can see no data models available, even though I have created them via Report Manager, and I get the following exception trying to open up the list of reports:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The permissions granted to user '' are insufficient for performing this operation. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.AccessDeniedException: The permissions granted to user '' are insufficient for performing this operation. at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ListChildrenAction.PerformActionNow() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSSoapAction.Execute() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2005.ListChildren(String Item, Boolean Recursive, CatalogItem[]& CatalogItems)

I have implemented a report server proxy (inherited from ReportService2005) as per the example, to pass through the authorization cookie. Any clues as to what could be wrong?

Finally, I suspect part of my problem may be in assignment of users to System Roles ("System Administrator" and "System User"), I'm not sure if these are meant only for Windows Authentication? I can see no way of assigning these roles to any of my users using Forms Authentication.

Thanks for any help or advice you can give!

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SQL Gurus Help!!!

Oct 16, 2006

My boss has a crazy idea that he want to implement using SQL 2005 and ASP.NET 2. Its something like this... If a user retrieve a record and someone is updating that same record a control on a page would warn that user that its being updated. Just like a stop light, green for go, yellow for warning, and red for stop. Were implementing optimistic here not pessimistic. Is this possible? I know pessimistic can lock that certain record. But what about in optimistic? Is it possible to monitor or know if a certain record or row in SQL 2005 is being access, updated, and deleted? How?

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Sql Gurus

Feb 14, 2001


How to hide my database with the users, I am deploying my application, i want to hide my database to client. Please help me regarding this.


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Sep 22, 2000

Our company is looking for fulltime Java/ASP/SQL gurus immediately.Big pay.If interested please send resume to

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SQL Gurus Please Help

May 14, 2002

I have 2 tables :
tab1 col1 char(10), col2 char(10), col3 char(10)....Primary key on col1+col2
tab2 col4 char(10),col5 char(10),col6 char(10)......Primary key on col4+col5

I want to insert a row from tab2 if its not there in tab1.
And I want to update col3 of tab1 from col6 of tab2 if col1+col2 matches col4+col5.

Any thoughts on doing these 2 tasks. I am sure these will be 2 differnet commads.

SQL Gurus please help....


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SQL Gurus, Please Help

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I have a table in which two fields(FirstID, SecondID) together make theprimary key for the table. Let's look at the following example:FirstID SecondID******* ********2 22 32 55 55 78 79 1011 12Here is what I am trying to do. For a given FirstID (say, 2) find allSecondID with this FirstID (2,3,5). Now for these second ID's is therea FirstID other than 2? (Yes, 5). I would say FirstID=2 is related toFirstID = 5. Extending the logic FirstID = 5 is related to FirstID = 8.I am trying to write a SQL (some kind of self join, I think) which willgive me all related FirstID for a given First ID. For First ID = 2 theSQL will give me 5 and 8 in the above example. For First ID = 9 the SQLwill give me 11.Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!-Raj

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For All MS SQL Gurus :( Please Advice

Aug 30, 2005

Hi guys,we has accidently restored our Database with a back up file created months ago. we have no back up for the huge data and Stored procedures ( I know it is very stupid :( and i m sad abt it all ), guys is there any way by which i can get restore my db back to what it was before restoration.the flks in team have also deleted(shift + delete) the transaction log file ( I know it is very stupid again  :( and i m very sad abt it all )..please adviceThanx in advance    ashish

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SQL Question...for Gurus!!

Oct 24, 2000

We need to return the results of a query as a single string.For example if the query returns 10 rows,all the 10 rows should be concatenated and put it in an output @returnstring. Is that possible in SQL stored procedures ??

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Calling All GURUS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

May 19, 2002

SQL Server Load Balancing -- Any ideas?

There is no inherent mechanism available in SQL Server (replication, log shipping, or clustering) which allows you to load balance you database server.
Clustering is only useful for a failover situation and does not allow active/active balancing.

Is is possible to use merge replication between two identical OLTP servers
and manage transactions via MSMQ? Will this mechanism allow for a load balanced OLTP server?

Will this work? If not, why not?
What will work? Will federated servers work for an entire database??

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Attn: Sql Gurus

Jul 15, 2002

I need to determine the differences between two tables with the same structure. The primary key for these tables would be a combination of all the columnhs. They use the ID field to join all their records. (i know ID is a reserved word - the client made the tables) Below is the structure of the tables.


ID int
ComBank int
inboth int
EqorMA int
TranType int

I need to know the rows that Are different in TableA from TableB.

Any help would be appreciated.



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TSQL Gurus - Need Your Help

Oct 9, 2001

Hi there!

I'm trying to insert a MSWord/Bitmap/Powerpoint file into a table in SQL 2000. Unfortunately, I haven't had the luck to get it work. Here is my table structure :

Create table tbl_blob (
doc_id varchar(20) not null,
doc_blob image null )

My question is, do you have any script on how I can insert a MSWord/Bitmap file in my blob table. I will be running the script using Query Analyser.


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Any Cursor Gurus Out There?

Jun 28, 2006

i realize i am starting to ask a lot of questions here so, thanks to all who tolerate me.

In my previous post, i figured out (with the help of r937) how to create a non-identity column using a cursor. I now have some resulting questions.

1. where do cursors live? there is no folder like triggers or stored procedures. is a cursor its own file or is it embedded in a stored procedure?

2. how do i get my cursor to "act" upon my stored procedure? I want the values in my cursor's "relativeposition" column to replace the values in my stored procedure's photo_number column. how do i do this?



ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_NewPersonalPic

@photo_name VARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@photo_location VARCHAR(100) = NULL,
@photo_size VARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@user_name VARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@photo_caption VARCHAR(150) = NULL,
@photo_default BIT = NULL,
@photo_private BIT = NULL,
@photo_number INTEGER = NULL,
@photo_date DATETIME = NULL


SELECT @photo_date = CONVERT(DATETIME,convert(char(26), getdate(), 109))

INSERT INTO PersonalPhotos
(photo_name, photo_location, photo_size, user_name, photo_caption, photo_default, photo_private, photo_number, photo_date)

VALUES (@photo_name, @photo_location, @photo_size, @user_name, @photo_caption, @photo_default, @photo_private, @photo_number, @photo_date)





DECLARE RelativePositionCursor

SELECT photoId, photo_date
FROM PersonalPhotos
ORDER BY photo_date ASC

OPEN RelativePositionCursor

DECLARE @curs_id INT
DECLARE @totalRows INT

SET @firstRow = 0

curs_date DATETIME,
RelativePosition INT

FETCH NEXT FROM RelativePositionCursor
INTO @curs_id, @curs_date


SELECT @totalRows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PersonalPhotos)

WHILE(@firstRow <= @totalRows)
SET @firstRow = @firstRow + 1

INSERT @Results
VALUES (@curs_id, @curs_date, @firstRow)

FETCH NEXT FROM RelativePositionCursor
INTO @curs_id, @curs_date

CLOSE RelativePositionCursor

DEALLOCATE RelativePositionCursor

FROM @Results
ORDER BY curs_date

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Q: Calling All Gurus

Jul 20, 2005

The Scenario:We have some data that can be in three states. One is a saved state,a temporary state, and a complete state.The complete state is the bulk of the data. This data will berequested 1% of the time, maybe even less.The saved state and temporary state will only number 10-15 records.This data will be used 99% of the time, very frequently.So to summarize there will be 10-15 records that will be used ALL thetime…. And 50,000-100,000 that will be used very infrequently.The programmer that I work with wants to combine the tables. I wantto keep the tables sepperate.My logic is that it will be much faster to work with 10-15 recordsthan sift threw 50-100k most of which are unnecessary to 99% of therequests. Also there are frequent deletions/modifications in thetemporary table(10-15 records). The complete table can NOT havemodifications or deletions (50-100k records). The optimization forthese tables is also very different.He says that since the structures are almost identical they should bein the same table, that we should just use a field to denote thedifferent types of records. He insists that my view is wrong and thatI know nothing about databases.I may be new to SQL, but am I really that out to lunch? Would it notmake sense to keep these tables separate?(Thank you for taking the time to read this)Sat

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For The SQL Gurus Out There, A Question

Jul 20, 2005

I am not good at SQL - hence here goesConsider this scenario of 2 tables X and Y with a many to manyrelationshipTable X (name,weightage)X1 2X2 1X3 5X4 1Table Y (name ,attrib)Y1 attrib1Y2 attrib2Y3 attrib3Y4 attrib4Relationship table Z (id,id)X1 Y1X1 Y2X2 Y1X3 Y1X3 Y2X3 Y4X4 Y4So based on Z the distribution (count of Y/ Total Y ) is likeY1 = 100*3/7 Y2=100*2/7 Y3=100*0/7 Y4=100*2/7Now I want to factor in the weighatge column in X alsoSoX1 Y1 2*1X1 Y2 2*1X2 Y1 1*1X3 Y1 5*1X3 Y2 5*1X3 Y4 5*1X4 Y4 1*1Sum: 21Given these tables ,How would I factor in the weights and get thedistribution in a single SQL query.Desired Output of SQL QueryId AttribDistrib--------------------------------Y1 attrib1 100*8/21Y2 attrib2 100*7/21Y3 attrib3 0Y4 attrib4 100*6/21ThxJP

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Guidance From The Gurus.......

May 2, 2007

Greetings All,

I have a SQL2005 table that I'm needing to export to a 'formatted' csv flat-file to emulate a mainframe output. I'm new to SSIS so don't beat me up to bad... The current output of my ssis csv file is as follows:

95752,95725,0001,0, ,N
11473,8704,0001,0, ,N
1279215,436612,0001,0, ,N
43595,43592,0038,0, ,N

and I need to get to here:

95752 ,95725 ,1 ,0 ," ","N ",0

11473 ,8704 ,1 ,0 ," ","N ",0

1279215 ,436612 ,1 ,0 ," ","N ",0

43595 ,43592 ,38 ,0 ," ","N ",0

Basically I need to pad the first 2 columns with trailing spaces to a fixed width of 11 characters, 3rd column convert number format and pad to fixed 5, 4th column pad to fixed 3, 5th column add double quotes around 20 character fixed. 6th column add double quotes around and pad to fixed 2. Finally adding a , 0 to each row which is used a LF/CR.

Any feedback in regards to getting pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated...

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Code Help Needed VB Gurus

Feb 20, 2008

I have a problem.. My code below works fine but when I want to add user to the database, it gives me error.
I added this part
u = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name)
nice = u.ToString()
and it gives error here
Thanks Protected Sub Submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submit.Click
Dim name, address, nice As StringDim sConnString, sSQL As String
Dim u As MembershipUser 'Receiving values from Form, assign the values entered to variablesname = Request.Form("name")address = Request.Form("address")
u = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name)
nice = u.ToString()
'comments = Request.Form("comments")'declare SQL statement that will query the database
sSQL = "INSERT into test (name, address, user) values ('" & _
name & "', '" & address & "', '" & nice & "')"
'define the connection string, specify database'driver and the location of database
sConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("aspnetdbConnectionString1").ConnectionString.ToString() 'create an ADO connection object Using MyConnection As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(sConnString)Dim MyCmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sSQL, MyConnection)
MyCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()End Using
Response.Write("The form information was inserted successfully.") End Sub
End Class

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For SQL Gurus ... Problem With Matrix

Jun 15, 2008

Are many days that I've a problem with a matrix.... I hope that somebody can help me :-(( CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Matrice](    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,    [IDProfilo] [int] NULL,    [IDAttivita] [int] NULL,    [CodiceCompetenza] [varchar](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,    [ObiettivoAttivita] [int] NULL,    [PesoCompetenza] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Matrice] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (    [ID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]in this table I've a matrix with ... for each profile ... IDAttivita e CodiceCompetenzain the row I've a list of activites (3) and for each activity I've an "ObiettivoAttivia"in the columns I've all "CodiceCompetenza"In excel I have a table like thisAttività - Obiettivo attività - SM - CO - CM - CTatt 1 - 4 - ...att 2 - 3 - ...att 3 - 2 - ..."Obiettivo attività " is the same for all SM - CO - CM - CT of the same "Attività "In my SQL table I've[IDAttivita] row[CodiceCompetenza] column[ObiettivoAttivita] one for each activity[PesoCompetenza] row/column valuethis is an example:in my external table I'veProfile116 IDProfiloActivities1 att 12 att 23 att 3CompetenzeSMCOCMCTINSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,1,'SM',4,1)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,1,'CO',4,2)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,1,'CM',4,3)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,1,'CT',4,1)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,2,'SM',3,1)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,2,'CO',3,1)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,2,'CM',3,2)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,2,'CT',3,2)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,3,'SM',2,1)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,3,'CO',2,3)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,3,'CM',2,4)INSERT INTO Matrice VALUES (116,3,'CT',2,1)with these inserts I see that:attività 1 has "obiettivo attivita" 4attività 2 has "obiettivo attivita" 3attività 3 has "obiettivo attivita" 2my problem:I calculate the "valore peso" ... the product (obiettivo attivita * PesoCompetenza) for each rowNow I've to to sum all "valore peso" of the same "CodiceCompetenza"I will havefor SM4*1=13*1=32*1=2Total SM 9for CO4*2=83*1=32*3=6Total CO 17...Total CM 26Total CT 12now I've to se a variable @range_massimo = 4and calculate the  "Max" variable as a sum of all "obiettivi attività " * @range_massimo(I've to consider only the 3 different activities for the "obiettivo attivita" and not all 12 activities of the matrix)"Max" will be:(4*4)+(3*4)+(2*4) = 36 -> "Max"The final step is Total / Max(for each Total of my  Competenza)Total SMTotal COTotal CMTotal CT...(9/36)*100 = 25(17/36)*100 = 47,2(26/36)*100 = 72,2(12/36)*100 = 33,3now  * @range_massimo /100(25*4)/100= 1,0(47,2*4)/100=1,9(72,2*4)/100=2,9(33,3*4)/100=1,3I hope you can help me!!Please note that I will have dinamic IDAttivita and CodiceCompetenza for each IDProfilo!Thanks 

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SQL Gurus, Need Help Joining 2 Tables.

Jan 18, 2004

Hi, I need help in joining 2 tables. This is not a regular 2 table join. it's little bit more complicated. Below is the working query I use. it gets the data I need. The problem I am having is joining the query below with another table.

FROM (SELECT TOP 20 BuddyID FROM Buddies Where UserID = 100025 ORDER by BuddyID) as a ORDER by BuddyID DESC) as b
ORDER by BuddyID

the query above will give me the BuddyID for about 75 records. I want to join the BuddyID on the "Buddies" table to the BuddyID on the "Users" table. I just don't know where to put "INNER JOIN Buddies ON Users.BuddyID = Buddies.BuddyID"

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Question On Jobs For Gurus!

Sep 28, 2001

Some of my jobs hang at FTP step for several hours until some one kills the FTP (it's a perl process) on the box. Is there a way to find how much time a particular step of the job is executing? and know it by somehow if it's hanging at that step?? If we know this,I want to kill the perl process(FTP) on the box in an automated way whenever the job hangs! Any ideas welcome!! Thanks. :-)


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Concatination Help Required From Gurus!!

Oct 17, 2001

I need to execute the following code by passing the username as a parameter.Can I get help to complete the SQL statement??

exec ('sp_changeobjectowner '+ @Table_name +','+@ToUser) ---> This works fine.

But I need to have something like this:

exec ('sp_changeobjectowner '@username.+ @Table_name +','+@ToUser)

Here is the sample working syntax:
sp_changeobjectowner 'user1.eb_sku', user2

So,I need user1 and user2 as two different parameters.

As you see,I need to qualify the table name with the owner name which itself I want to pass as a parameter.

Any help with syntax is greatly appreciated!!

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Question For Replication&#39;s Gurus

Dec 2, 1999

I have push transactional replication to set up.
I have 2 publisher’s servers with tables, which replicate data in the same table on subscriber.
Tables on both publishers already have data.
When I set up replication between first publisher and subscriber
Snapshot of existing data was done, so I didn't miss any data from the
First publisher table.
But I don't have idea what to do with second publisher, because if I
will make snapshot it will overwrite the data have been replicated from
First publisher. If I won't make snapshot I will miss already existing data
in second publisher.
I have headache. Can you help me to resolve the problem?

Thanks a lot in advance,

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Urgently Need Help From SQL Server Gurus

Aug 17, 2000

4 days ago we had a Server crash luckily we have the daily full database backups...Since the server which was crashed is unusable I installed SQL 7.0 on another machine...I tried to restore databases from our backup tapes...Here is the T-SQL I am running:

restore database pentatel from tape='.ape0' with file=2,move 'PentaTel_dat' TO 'D:mssql7datapentatel.mdf', move 'pentatel_log' to 'D:mssql7datapentatel.ldf'

The error message I am getting is:

Processed 8992 pages for database 'pentatel', file 'PentaTel_dat' on file 2.
Processed 1 pages for database 'pentatel', file 'PentaTel_log' on file 2.
Server: Msg 9004, Level 21, State 1, Line 1
The log for database 'pentatel' is corrupt.

Connection Broken

After these when I look at the SQL Enterprise manager I see that the database is in loading status...I left it in that status for hours but there was no reaction...So I tried to detach and attach a single file.Here are the TSQLs and Error messages...

exec sp_attach_single_file_db pentatel, 'd:mssql7datapentatel.mdf'

Server: Msg 945, Level 14, State 2, Line 1
Database 'pentatel' cannot be opened because some of the files could not be activated.
Server: Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not open new database 'pentatel'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.

We have 7 backups and I tried all of them...Same error messages...

When I try to change the status from loading to emergency or normal the database is always inaccessible

I are running these statements

exec sp_configure 'allow',1
reconfigure with override
update sysdatabases set status=32768 where db_id=6

and I stop and start the Mssql7 service but still inaccessible

Any idea???

I despretaly need help...Any recomendation is greatly apreciated...

Sefa Sevtekin

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