Security For MS Access Frontend && SQL Server Backend?
Jan 23, 2004
Hi, this is my first post (hopefully of many) on this board. Just wanted to say a quick hello before I dive into my question. :)
As the title suggested, I have to develop a MS Access form app (yes, it has to be Access - I know it sucks) that will post and query data to and from a remote SQL Server db. While I have no problem linking the two through the default ODBC drivers, my question is security. Some (actually most all) of the data being passed back and forth is sensative information, and I would like to know the best way to keep it safe.
If anybody has any suggestions, instructions, or can redirect me to a good FAQ site on the subject, I would be most appreciative. I have already done a search on these forums for an answer, but have sadly come up short.
I have a database with a sql backend and an access frontend. I put it in a folder on the network for users to access. First, they were getting errors like not being able to access the database if someone else had it open and not being able to perform certain functionality. It was suggested that i put a mde on each of the users pc. i gave them all access to their own front ends on the folder because they use different pcs. this solved the problem. however, i need a way to perform updates without manually creating mdes for every user. i used to work for a co that there was one mde was put into a folder on the network with a config file. The users access the database through CITRIX. Whenever they accessed the shortcut on the server, it created the users their own front end. Whenever we need to provide updates, we simply made a new mde from the mdb and whenever the user accessed the database again, they would have the latest mde and it would created an update frontend for the user. Does anyone know of such an utility or know what I am referring too? I encounted several suggestions like a batch file; but they refer to putting the file and the mde on each users pc. This is not how i'm set up. Thanks
Hello. I have an Access 97 frontend and a SQL 7 backend. When I try to open up the linked SQL tables in the frontend I recieve the error " This recordset is not updatable" from Access. I have the permissions in SQL set at this point to public having all permissions but it still does not change my problem. Does anyone know the answer?
Ok, little frustrated hence the excessive exclamation points.
I'm designing a database in access to use a sql backend. Table structures are setup and am creating a view to join multiple tables together for data entry purposes. Tables are joined properly but when I add more than one join, ie adding more than two tables, I can't add records!?!
I checked the joins, it's not the table, since if I add one table its ok, remove table, add another table and that works, but when I add both tables together, it prevents me from adding records!
And another thing, when I have just two tables joined together and add a record, it comes up with this save changes, drop changes or cancel thingie!!! WTF!!!?
Is there something simple i'm missing or is it my table structure????
We are new Access users and trying to take our database are some of the problems we're facing.
When we split our Access database into a Backend and Frontends, a couple of strange things happened in the Frontend: 1.) When we run our queries, multiple copies of the same record are displayed (this is wrong). 2.) When we look at those queries in design view, the field names are preceded by Expr1, Expr2, Expr3, etc.
We have a large number of queries. How can we fix this problem?
Also, if anyone knows any websites or resources that can help us understand what things like Expr1 mean (a reference) that would be helpful too!
We are not a very advanced group of access users and are trying to split our database for a research is our question:
When we split our Access database into a Backend and Frontends, a couple of strange things happened in the Frontend: 1.) When we run our queries, multiple copies of the same record are displayed (this is wrong). 2.) When we look at those queries in design view, the field names are preceded by Expr1, Expr2, Expr3, etc.
We have a large number of queries. How can we fix this problem?
Also if anyone has a good source for trouble shooting this or simmilar difficulties we'd appriciate any spots or advice.
Hi,Simple question: A customer has an application using Access 2000frontend and SQL Server 2000 backend. Data connection is over ODBC.There are almost 250 concurrent users and is growing. Have theysqueezed everything out of Access? Should the move to a VB.Net frontendtaken place ages ago?CheersMike
We are using an Access 2000 project to view our SQL Tables and using Access 2000 Runtime to Access the forms in the project. We have written in a locking system in VB and removed the video controls to prevent users from accessing the same records. But of course now we need to make the video controls available. This has now thrown up the problem of multiple users accessing the same records. We have tried to write code to lock records when then video controls are used but this is not working as well as we hoped. Can anyone please suggest any way of setting up locking on SQL using triggers from the Access frontend? or any other types of locking systems that could be written in the Access front end.
Hi! I am evaluating an architecture for one of our project... a SQL database containing the data (backend) and a second database containing the development code (frontend) linked to the backend with synonyms.
It enables to upgrade the code without touching the data. Or to change the backend / use a different set of data at will.
Everything was going fine, the behavior was expected to be EXACTLY the same with synonyms as with real tables. But I came accross a problem: Let's say we have a synonym (frontend) dbo.TABLE1 that points to a table (backend) with a IDENTITY column.
I have a sp (frontend) with the following code: INSERT INTO dbo.TABLE1... SELECT @SCOPE_IDENTITY = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
Well in that case, @SCOPE_IDENTITY is NULL!
Anyone has ever faced that problem? Should I use another function to return the last ID inserted? Or is it the backend/frontend architecture that is completely flawed? I also heard there's a way, by creating the tables and the code on different filegroups, to restore only the tables or the code...
Hi All, I have recently migrated from Access to SQL Server. I have come across a strange problem. I have got a table in my database whihc is not linked to any other table, but does include data and is used from time to time for reports. It is more used as a sort of lookup table. Now I had the frontend in Access and I have retained it. So I connect all the SQL Server tables via ODBC to Access. The problem with this table is for some reason it wont allow to add new records on Access side. You can just view the contents, but cannot add anything to it e.g a new record, etc. I tried giving explicit permissions of Select, Insert, update, etc. but still no result. There are other look up tables as well, that have the same problem. Can anybody tell me why this is so and is there any way to fix it?
I am creating a Access frontend to some SQL Server Tables. One of these tables has an int type field and several money type fields. I am trying to populate the table based on text boxes on an Access form. Because of other reasons instead of just using the SQL table as the record source of the form I am using "INSERT INTO" statements to update the data.
Here is my problem if I leave the textfields that are supposed to populate the int and money fields blank I get an syntax error message on the INSERT statement. If I populate the textfields with a 0 the INSERT works fine.
The int field and money fields are defined to accept nulls so why is the blank textfield generating an error message instead of inserting a null into the table?
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I have a website which runs off a Access database which I am currentlyconverting to sql server database. I would like to still use my accessfront end for reporting and queries..I created an odbc connection on my computer to the remote sql serverand created a link in access to my sql server tables. All my report andQueries run fine I just have one problem it keeps on prompting me forther password of the remote sqlserver database. I check the odbcconnection and I see the password is not saved in there even though Iput it in. Is there a way I can have the password saved. I do not wantkeep on having to enter the password.
I have a sql server 2005 db. Is there anyway I can link access to be used as a frontend by my client for viewing the data? is this possible through linked table manager?
we are having performance problems with a pure MS Access database across a WAN. As a test we want to setup a MSSQL server , move the data to the server and run the MS Access clients through a ODBC interface. The application uses much SQL methods to get the data ( docmd.runsql commands ). Only a few native queries are used.
Will this help the performance ? If not , what do i need to do to get a better performance ? It is a lot of work to build a new application so if it is possible whith the existing code it would be very nice .
My company is currently using access to manage equipment in 4-5 different locations. I want to move this to a sql database and have a front-end to do the same thing access is doing now.
Should I use access as a front-end or should I develop a custom front end using vb?
Just a fyi 5-7 tables 7-9 queries 10 or so reports and the front end is currently a switchboard that links to many other forms.
I have a ms acssess db acting as a frontend to a Sql Server 2005 db. I have need to have the db setup as a standalone to distribute with the application for times when the 2005 server is unreachable. I have a created CE db that replicates the 2005 version.
What I want to do now is put the CE db on the desktop with the MS access frontend. Based on a user's preferences the connection would direct to the CE version.
The CE engine is loaded on the desktop, I have modified the ADODb connection string to point to the CE db. When I run it I get an error that says: "The provider can't be found. It may not be properly installed."
Here's the connection string:cnxn: ConnectionString = ";Data Source=spcd.sdf;User ID=;Password=;"
Am I trying to do something that just isn't going to happen?
I created a SQl Server 7 database and used an Access 97 frontend on the same computer. The Access frontend uses linked tables to reach the SQl server. The security setup I have is based on the NT Domain Accounts and whatever group I have them in (example: Mr. D is in Marketing therefore he is in a NT Domain Group called "SQL_MARKETING"...the SQL Server recognizes that everyone in this group has access to whatever role I have designated for it in the database"). I can access the linked tables fine on my computer at my desk or at the server. Another person with the exact same administration rights as me can get to the server through the network neigborhood or by mapping..and they can access the Access frontend with no problem from their computer. But when they try to open a linked table they recieve an error message that the ODBC connection has failed. We are all running Access 97 service pack 2 and another person and me have the exact same administration..but only I am able to access the Access linked SQL tables but not him.I tried deleting the ODBC system dsn on the server and the linked tables and then re-adding them and the ODBC link but to no avail. Does anyone know why this would be occuring? Thank You in advance. and the
We are entertaining the idea of moving our data to a cloud and I need to know how to convert my Access backend DB to SQL. which version of SQL will I need to use to do the conversion and will also work in a cloud environment.
If I'm using an Access front-end, and the data is on SQL Server being accesses via a linked table, and I create a query in Access, Where is all the work done?
I know access has the option of using a pass-through method, but if I do not use it, is Access processing the query locally? I plan on migrating several tables to SQL because the sizes are getting to large for Access and want to know if their will be a performance increase with out re-writing the queries in Access.
My company currently has about 20-25 Ms Access Database that they want toreplace the FE with .net and the BE on SQL.This will be done using Visual Studio 2005. Once the FE is converted to .netand the BE is SQL they all will be accessed through our intranet (sharepoint).I work in Ms Access and intermediate at VBA and just learing SQL through theENTERPRISE MANAGER SCREEN.I am just now looking at what Visual Studio 2005 is, but can some one tell mehow this will all connect?What is the typical route for this process?Ms access to SQL - upsizing wizard or SQL importing?????Ms Access FE to .net - summarize how this is done in visual studio (user facerebuilt) then placed on sharepoint?Can anyone sum this up?--Message posted via
I have an application that uses Acces as a backend and VBA as front end. Application is secured and is supplied on a CD with setup.exe.
Can I use VB 2005 and MS SQL to achieve the same?
Would I be able to package my application with all the neccessery files (assuming that client does not have any e.g. SQL server) so that multiple front ends can access data from common source?
Would I be able to secure such an application using only VS 2005?
What would I need to quickly learn how to achieve the above ( any books you can suggest maybe)?
Hi there,I sincerely hope that someone out there can help. I have twoinstances of the SQL 2000 Desktop Engine running. One is on my localmachine for development and the other is on another machine on ournetwork which is the production environment. I have built an Access2003 front end application which connects to this database. Thisworks fine locally, as you would expect. I successfully installed thedatabase on the production machine and am able to connect to it viaAccess 2003 (using the Data Link Properties window) and from thirdparty database manager software (similar to Enterprise Manager). I amnot able to to connect to the database via my application.I am using the "sa" account with a strong password. This is myconnection string:strConnection = "Provider=sqloledb;DataSource=server02;UserId=sa;Password=strong;Initial Catalog=Test"The error I'm getting is:"Connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is eitherclosed or invalid in this context."The connection string is the only thing that changes in my code when Iswitch from my local to my production database. Is there some reasonthat I can't use the "sa" account in this fashion that I'm not awareof? I'd rather not use integrated security for simplicity's sake asthis is a small, internal application. Also, I would have thoughtthat if that was the issue, I couldn't use "sa" at all, even locally.I'm going to post to the Access group as well but thought someone heremight have some advice to offer as well.Thanks,Barb
In the process of reviewing all Security access into our production servers, I found a user login name of 'BUILTIN/Administrators' with the type 'NT Group' in our production DB. I am not sure whether this Login was setup automatically when SQLServer was installed or it was setup by the administrator, who is no longer with the company? I was able to find out all the users in the Administrators NT group, but what threw me was the word 'BUILTIN' . Are there other Logins besides 'sa' that get setup during the install?
Does anyone know of a component or other mini application that can be run on the IIS server and allow IIS to access SQL Server 7 databases using Trusted Security.
Our security unit has required us to run SQL Server with Trusted Security so changing to Mixed mode is not an option. We are also not allowed to use Basic Authentication for Active Server Pages with IIS. IIS and SQL server are also on different machines.
We are looking into the possibility of trying to create a component that would run on the IIS machine to allow us to use Trusted Security to the SQL Server (in effect try to make it work the same way that the Cold Fusion product does).
Is there a way to implement Access-like password protection on a SQL Server Express dataset?
The database will be deployed on individual's PCs with no centralization of control. I want to restrict users from being able to see table definitions, stored procedures, etc. Access-like password protection is what I want, but I don't see any similar feature within SQL Server Express. Am I missing something?
I am writing an Internet/Extranet based (ASP.Net 2.0) web application that uses SQL server 2005 as the database. I am using forms authentication on my web application. I am also storing the connection string to SQL server in my web config file. The conn string is encrypted using DPAPI with entropy. I currently have created a SQL login account on my SQL server for use by the web application. This is the user ID I am using in my conn string. The reason for this is because all persons using the application will NOT have a windows login.
Here is my question: The login I created currently has defaulted to the "dbo" role and therefore has "dbo" rights to the database. I want to setup up this login account so that all it can do is execute stored procedures. I dont want this SQL login to be able to do anything else. In my application I am using stored procedures for ALL data access functions, via a data access layer in my application. Can someone guide me step by step as to how to setup this type of access for this SQL login.