Seek Help To Understand The Jet Database Engine

Oct 4, 2007


I am reading the book by Steven Roman:

"Access Database : Design and Programming" 3rd edition.

On page 120, Figure 7-2, he showed the the structure of the Jet Database Engine, which is very confusing to me.

According to this picture, I come to such an understanding:

1) VBA is just the hosting language for the Jet Database Engine;

2) Microsoft Visual Basic, Excel, Access, Word are hosting languages for VBA.

Isn't this weird? VB hosts VBA?

Thanks for any input!

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Help Me Understand How To Move The Express Database To Live

Mar 23, 2006

im using the the login controls with
when i test locally everything works great, its see the ASPNETDB.MDF file, checks the login info and passes the user on to the next page.However when i move the application to the live server it fails, it cant find the datasource that contains users/password etc. here is there error:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) So im missing something here, im used to connecting directly to a remote SQL database and accessing the info from there.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Can the MDF file not be used off the server itself without SQL express installed? Do i need to migrate those tables into a real SQL database?Thanks,Sean

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Query To Understand The Names Of All Available Tables In Database

Aug 31, 2014

SQL query to understand the names of all the available tables in the database , number of records in these tables and size of these tables ?

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IRowsetIndex()::Seek In SQL CE

Jul 30, 2007

Dear All,

I'm working in eVC++3.0 with SQL CE2.0.

I've developed the application to fetch the data from the mdf file by passing the index field and using the command IRowsetIndex()::Seek.
Consider TableExample with Columns A,B,C,D and index Index1 with column A and Index2 with column B,C,D.
Its working fine when index1 is passed for the indexvalue.But when i pass index2 of the same table,its throwing the error as BADINDEX.

I'm passing the correct keyvalues in the Seek command also.

Kindly help me in this regard.


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How To Get Index Seek

May 7, 2008


Can I use index seek and still keep 'like' 'or' functionality for the following statement?

--prepare test table

create table entity (Id int identity(1,1), FamName varchar(200), LastName varchar(200))
create clustered index entity_id on entity (id)
create nonclustered index entity_lastName on entity (lastName)
insert into entity select famName,FirstName from table

--test index

declare @LastName varchar(10)
set @LastName = 'a'

select FamName
from entity
where @LastName is null or LastName like @LastName --clustered index scan

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Index Seek Vs Scan

Nov 4, 2002

I have created a nolock view off a table to prevent locks. I have users coming in through MS Access that have switched their queries to run against the views. Now we are noticing that queries that used to run as a clustered index seek against the table are running as a clustered index scan against the table and performance in the queries has dropped.

Is there any way that the same query that hits the view instead of the table can be made to run faster or at least use the index seek?



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Seek To Find A Table

May 18, 2006

Hello I want to seek and find the table named NewCustomer from the database so what would be the query ?


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Seek In A SQL Table From Access

Dec 20, 2006

I have an MS Access 2003 database from which I want to seek a specific record in a SQL Server Express 2005 database. I can connect to the table and get a recordcount but the recordset.supports (adseek) and recordset.Supports(adIndex) both return false. Any suggestions? Specific code I'm using is as follows:

Dim cnxn As ADODB.Connection
Dim strCnxn As String
Set cnxn = New ADODB.Connection
cnxn.Provider = "sqloledb"
strCnxn = "Data Source=SERVERSQLEXPRESS2005;Initial Catalog=RAMPSQL;Integrated Security='SSPI';"

cnxn.Open strCnxn

Set rsWSC = New ADODB.Recordset
rsWSC.CursorLocation = adUseServer
strSQL = "DailyData"
rsWSC.Open strSQL, cnxn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly, adCmdTableDirect

Thank you!

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Slowly Seek In Access

Nov 30, 2006


I have a frontend Access and backend SQL
works fine but when i in my customer table seek in name
it takes very very long time . I use ODBC to my connection

is there anayway to this better.?



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SQL 2012 :: Database Mirroring And NT Authority Account For Database Engine?

Dec 2, 2014

I have just finished configuring my first test mirrored environment (High safety mode). I setup the database engine service accounts on each of the servers with domainuser. I inherited a production mirrored environment set up by someone else. On the production servers the database engine service account is NT Authorityuser a local account. I am trying to practice installing Windows updates within a mirrored environment and I not sure how to proceed when the service account is NT Authority user account. should I change the service account to a domainuser?

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Optimize Query - How To Make It An Index Seek

Jun 21, 2004

create table t1(a varchar(50) , b varchar(50))

create index i1 on t1(a)
create index i2 on t1(b)

create view v1
select * from t1 where isnull(a,b) = 'test'

select * from v1

The above SQL "select * from v1" is doing a table scan.
What do I do to make it perform an index seek ????



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Seek Table Column In Stored Procedure

Dec 13, 2007

Hi All,

The script below may be use to find out what stored procedure uses a specified column from any of the table. This could be helpful in cases you have change a field name of a table and want to find out what stored procedure uses that column.

create procedure seek_sp_for_columns
@colname_para varchar(500)


create table #temp_t
textcol varchar(1000)

create table #temp_t2
procname varchar(500)

declare @procname as varchar(500)
declare @found as int
declare @colname as varchar(500)
declare @valid_colname as int

select @valid_colname = count(id)
from syscolumns
where name = @colname_para

if (@valid_colname > 1)
set @colname = '%' + @colname_para + '%'

declare sp_cursor cursor
for select name
from sysobjects
where xtype = 'P'

open sp_cursor

fetch next from sp_cursor
into @procname

while @@fetch_status = 0
insert into #temp_t
exec sp_helptext @procname

set @found = 0
select @found = count(textcol)
from #temp_t
where textcol like @colname

if (@found > 0)
insert #temp_t2 values(@procname)

delete #temp_t

fetch next from sp_cursor
into @procname

close sp_cursor
deallocate sp_cursor

select *
from #temp_t2

drop table #temp_t
drop table #temp_t2
select 'Please verify column name'


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Seek Method, Table-direct, And Sql Server2005

Jul 23, 2005

From what I've read in the docs, currently supports opening sqlserver ce tables in table-direct mode and performing Seek operations on them(using SqlCeDataReader), but not on the full-blown sql server. Is this(will this be) still true with 2.0 & sql server 2005?

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The Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Open MS-Access Database

Aug 18, 2007

I have MS-Access as data source for one of the reports. I can preview the report fine from BI studio however, it does not work when I deploy it on report server.

The error is :

An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot create a connection to data source '<data source name>'.

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '<UNC location of the MS-Access database>'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

MS-Access database is located on a different server.

Any help to solve this? I understand it has something to do with permission both on server where reporting service is running as well as the server where MS-access database is located. Pls help.

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How Can We Modify The Files Path For The Database In Database Engine?

May 14, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am trying to modify the files path (primary file, log file) of databases, but it looks like I am not able to mofidy their files path directly from the database property dialogue? Would please any experts here give me some ideas on what else can I try to figure it out? Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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DB_E_ROWSNOTRELEASED ADO2.81 Recodset-&&>Seek() After Recordset&&>Update()

May 11, 2006

I am getting error 0x80040E25 when I try to call seek after update on a Recordset opened as (adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect)

9 - (13.250) - <2> - *** error in .DbRecordset.cpp, line 908
10 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERRORS FOR pRs = 200a420, seek, err=-2147217883(80040e25)
11 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERROR: E R R O R 1 of 1.
12 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERROR: DESCRIPTION: All HROWs must be released before new ones can be obtained. [,,,,,].
13 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERROR: NUMBER: 80040E25
14 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERROR: NATIVE_ERROR: 0
15 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERROR: SOURCE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition OLE DB Provider

I registered SQL Mobile 3.0 dlls using regsvr32.exe so now I can connect to SQLCE3.0 databases on desktop using plain ADO with such connection string _T("Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.MOBILE.OLEDB.3.0; Data Source=") + name of the file

I have not asked this question before as it did not make sense -> there was no official SQLCE3.0 support on desktop. Now, since SQL CE is promiced to be supported on desktop as SQL/E I decided to ask.

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Northwind - Execution Plan Bug? Why Index Seek And No Bookmark Lookup?

Dec 10, 2006

If you display the execution plan and run the following:SET STATISTICS IO ONgoSELECT ProductID, SupplierIDFROM ProductsWHERE SupplierID = 1I don't understand how come there is noBookmark Lookup operation happening to get theProductID?I only see an Index Seek happening on SupplierID.There is no composite index SupplierID + ProductIDso what am I not understanding here?Thank you

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SQL Server 2014 :: Memory-optimized Queries Using Table Scan Instead Of Seek?

Sep 19, 2015

I've been having some trouble getting a single-column "varchar(5)" field to reliably use a table seek instead of a table scan. The production table in this case contains 25 million rows. As impressive as it is to scan 25 million rows in 35 seconds, the query should run much faster.

Here's a partial table description:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Summaries_MO]
[SummaryId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[zipcode] [char](5) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2 NOT NULL,
[Golf] [bit] NULL,
[Homeowner] [bit] NULL,

[Code] .....

Typically, this table is accessed with a query that includes:

FROM SummaryTable

This query insists on using a table scan. I've tried WITH (FORCESEEK) for example, but that just makes the query fail.

As I've investigated this issue I also tried:

SELECT * FROM Summaries WHERE ZipCode IN ('xxxxx', 'xxxxx', 'xxxxx')

When I run this query with 64 or fewer (actual, valid) ZIP codes, the query uses a table seek.But when I give it 65 or more ZIP codes it uses a table scan.

To summarize, the production query always uses a table scan, and when I specify 65 or more ZIP codes the query also uses a table scan. I'm wondering if the data type of the indexed column (Latin1_General_100_BIN2) is somehow the problem. I'll likely try converting the ZIP codes to an integer to see what happens.

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Database Search Engine

Jul 9, 2004

Hi folks,
Whts up........??? M back, after a long gap.
I have come across with a major issue. And u know wht th issue is.........???
It is about th DATABASE SEARCH TOOL. I have a database of around 30 tables. Now I wud like to have aa search engine on my .asp page. There will be a text box on th page and one submit button. After typing some text in th text area n submitting th page, my package sud check tht perticular text in all th COLUMNS of all th TABLES, n whrevr it gets a match (exactly same, or by speech recognition), it sud through th links on th next page.

Nw i wud like u guys to take this problem, at th earliest n come up with a up to th mark solution.


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How Come I Don't See Database Engine Under MSSQLSERVER

May 21, 2007

in Surface Area Configuration for Features.

What the problem is?

Thanks in advance.

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Cannot Connect To Database Engine

Jan 7, 2012

i installed sql server 2005 but cant connect to database engine. i write (computer name)sqlexpress but it failed. error is:

TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to rezasqlexpress.

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

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How Come I Don't See Database Engine Under MSSQLSE

May 21, 2007

in Surface Area Configuration for Features.

What the problem is?

Thanks in advance.

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Cannot Connect To Database Engine

Apr 30, 2008


I've just installed a brand new instance of SQL on a new server. It's for our Helpdesk/Inventory software. All I needed to install was the DB Components and the Tools (primarily for Management Studio). I did not install SQL as a default instance, but called it TRACKIT8 (software using this instance). I have subsequently installs SP2 before trying to connect to the DB.

I am unable to conect to the DB Engine via Management Studio. In the Server name: field, there is a blank space, so I try to browse for a server, but I get nothing. I try to manually type the name of the server (NIASSQL2, localhost etc) into the field, but I cannot connect to the engine at all. I can see the services for the Server and Server Agent have started in the SQL Server Configuration Manager and I am able to change certain field in the properties of the Server and Agent (change the path of the error logs).

Is there something I am supposed to configure before I try to connect via the Management Studio? I am looking to change the paths of the Data Files, as I don't want them on my C: partition. Plus I have other instances I want to create and install. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Sp2 Failed For Database Engine

Mar 14, 2007

SP2 failed for database engine.

Following is the error:

EventType : sqlsesetup     P1 : do_sqlgroupmember     P2 : 0x7348    
P3 : do_sqlgroupmember     P4 : 0x7348     P5 : sqlca_sqlsecurityca.cpp@1132
P6 : unknown     P7 : sql9     P8 : hotfix@     P9 : x86     P10 : 3042 


Product                   : Database Services (MSSQLSERVER)
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final)   :
Status                    : Failure
Log File                  : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log
Error Number              : 29512
Error Description         : MSP Error: 29512  SQL Server Setup was unable add user NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM to local group DCCIBERSQLServer2005SQLAgentUser$DCSQL01$MSSQLSERVER.

any help appreciated...

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Deleting A Database Engine

Mar 14, 2008

I have recently installed SQL server 2005 express edition along with Sql server management studio expressI have run the installation twice and during the installation I have created two instances of SQL server one named instance having Windows authentication and the other default instance having mixed mode authentication. Now I want to delete the named instance. Could anybody tellme I can delete the named instance?

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I Cannot Connect To The Database Engine ...

May 4, 2007

I can connect to Analysis Service and Integration Service but I can not connect to the Database Engine. I receive the following error message:

Cannot connect to homebase.

Additional Information:

An error has occurred whlie establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server doesn not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 - COnnection string is not valid)(Microsoft SQL Server, Error:87)

(Click on OK to continue)

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DB Engine :: No Database Encryption Key Is Set

Jul 15, 2015

I'm a newbie to SQL and I inherited a 2008 R2 Sql server with about 20 different databases on it.  I've noticed that more than half of the databases are encrypted and I was looking to encrypt the rest but for some reason I am unable to do so.  I'm assuming I already have a master key created but when I go to Options of the DB and change Encryption Enabled from False to True I get and error, "Cannot change database encryption state because no database encryption key is set."  How I could use my existing key to encrypt the databases or would I have to create a separate key for each db?

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Upgrading Database Engine To 64 Bit

May 7, 2008

If I am upgrading the SQL Server 2005 32 bit to 64 bit (only DB Server), Do Applications that communicate with Database need to be upgraded to 64 bit as well???


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Apr 17, 2007

hello everybody!!!

I am very new to SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS EDITION

while connecting to DATABASE ENGINE i got this error message.....

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

any solution please??????????

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Cannot Connect To Database Engine

May 22, 2007

Hi! I have a little problem and I need your help.

I have recently installed SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. I did not install all the features, just the Database engine and Analysis Services. I also updated everything with SQL Server SP2.

So far, so good. But when I tried to connect to the Database Engine, I get a little window with the following message:

"Cannot connect to Valentin-PC (server name)."

"Login failed for user - User Name - ( Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456 )".

I have tried just about everything, but to no avail. What is strange is the fact that I can connect to the other server type that I have installed (Analysis Services). No connection problems there.

Can anyone help?

Mucho gracias!

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Can't Connect The Database Engine

Sep 21, 2007

I just installed SQL server Enterprise 2005 and connected database engine in SQL server management studio, but it is blank space when choose 'browse for more' at server name field. What's reason to cause this problem?

Questions for this problem:

1. Do I need to open the TCP port 1433 in firewall by hand for connect database engine?

2. I can€™t find the sqlbrowser.exe in SQL server/90/ folder, can I copy this file into it.

3. The SQL server mobile is work; I can connect the new created database. What€™s different to use SQL server mobile and database engine?

4. I got five discs from Microsoft; I have installed DVD server application and pack 2. Do I need to install the library?

Thanks for any help.

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Free Distribution Of Database Engine

May 3, 2006

I'm an programmer and my database is in access format.My server is Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1.I do not need microsoft access installed on my server to access my database through
I want migrate my database to sql server 2005
Could I access my database in sql server 2005 format (mdf) through without sql server 2005 installed on the server?
could I buy to microsoft only "Database Engine"? orIs there a free distribution of "Database Engine"?

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Database Engine Tuning Advisor

Sep 7, 2007

Hi experts! I would like to ask for some help regarding Database Engine Tuning Advisor. I was trying to create Session Monitor then I choose TABLE as a workload. Then after creating and selecting the corresponding setup then I start the analysis, during the analysis it prompted an error?

Error MSG:
The specified workload(file or table) has no tunable events. Events must be one of the following types - SQL:BatchStarting, SQL:BatchCompleted, RPC:Starting, RPC:Completed, SP:StmtStarting or SP:StmtCompleted for workload trace file or table.

But if I tried to use the Workload FILE instead of the table the session is successful and completed the analysis. My SQL current setup is client only, I was just accessing the server. Pls help me how to fix or do I need to configure something? Badly needed your help experts. Thanks in advance.

Tatas move

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