Select 'many Values' From One Column

Jul 17, 2007

I'm building a textbox with search functionality towards SQL 2000.

The textbox is to include various search phrases, like "phrase1 phrase2 phrase3". Sort of like search engines where all words are considered. Do keep in mind that it's SQL2000 and not 2005. I've got all the strings I want to perform the search against in one column but various values in this column.

The only thing I've come up with is to create "WHERE columnName LIKE @phrase1 OR columnName LIKE @phrase2" where I inject % as apropiate and chop up the string, but I'm hoping this is not the solution because it doesn't seem really clean (with 10 search words) and today I'm not having a 'bad-hack' day so I want it better.

Whats is the best way of doing this?



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Select Same Values From A Column.

May 22, 2007


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Select Row Values To Be Column Name

Jul 20, 2005

I am new to sql query and have a question.I would like to display row column values as column names.questions table consisted ofquestion_id, group_id, questionresponse table consisted ofresponse_id, group_id, question_id, answerI would like to display the answer responses under the columns ofquestions : such asresponse_id, question(1), question(2), question(3)...It will be greatly appreciated if someone help me to get this down.Jason

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How To Select A Column To Compare Two Values In It

Apr 24, 2015

How to select a column to compare two values in it with AND

Select distinct c.reg#, a.fname, a.lname, to_char(b.L#) as "L"
from employee a, driver b, trip c
where a.e#=b.e#
and b.l#=c.l#
and (c.reg#='PKR3344'AND c.reg#='WWF1155')
order by c.reg#;

error no rows selected..I want c.reg# for the two values inclusive

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Select..where Mutiples Values Same Column

Mar 20, 2008

I need to do the below, however rather than typing A = everytime(I need to do it multiple times) can I somehow do A = 1,2,3 - how can I do this? thanks MArco

Select * from X
where A = 1 OR A = 2 OR A = 3 etc...

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Adding Column Values Together In SQL SELECT Statement

Aug 22, 2007

I have an SQL Select statement that I need to add a column to called SalePrice, the SalePrice column needs to be calculated by adding together the values of 12 columns, then multiplying that value by the value in a another column to calculate margin.  My issue is that I can only get it to add 7 column values together, if I add any more columns to the equation it just returns and null result.  My DB is SQL 2005 Express SP2.  My select statement is below:  SELECT dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.ID, dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.MachineName, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CPU.PartDescription AS CPU,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CPU.PartCost AS CPUCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Motherboard.PartDescription AS Motherboard,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Motherboard.PartCost AS MotherboardCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_RAM.PartDescription AS RAM,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_RAM.PartCost AS RAMCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_HDD.PartDescription AS HDD,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_HDD.PartCost AS HDDCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OpticalDrive.PartDescription AS OpticalDrive,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OpticalDrive.PartCost AS OpticalDriveCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Video.PartDescription AS Video,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Video.PartCost AS VideoCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OS.PartDescription AS OS, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OS.PartCost AS OSCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Modem.PartDescription AS Modem, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Modem.PartCost AS ModemCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_FloppyDrive.PartDescription AS FloppyDrive, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_FloppyDrive.PartCost AS FloppyDriveCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CardReader.PartDescription AS CardReader, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CardReader.PartCost AS CardReaderCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_PowerSupply.PartDescription AS PowerSupply, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_PowerSupply.PartCost AS PowerSupplyCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CaseType.PartDescription AS CaseType, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CaseType.PartCost AS CaseTypeCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.Notes, dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.MarginPercent, dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.PriceOverride,
(dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CPU.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Motherboard.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_RAM.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_HDD.PartCost
+ dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OpticalDrive.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Video.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OS.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Modem.PartCost
+ dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_FloppyDrive.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CardReader.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_PowerSupply.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CaseType.PartCost)
* ((dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.MarginPercent + 100) / 100) AS SalePrice
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CaseType ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.CaseType = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CaseType.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Motherboard ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.Motherboard = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Motherboard.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Video ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.Video = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Video.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_PowerSupply ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.PowerSupply = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_PowerSupply.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OpticalDrive ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.OpticalDrive = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OpticalDrive.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Modem ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.Modem = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Modem.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_HDD ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.HardDisk = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_HDD.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_FloppyDrive ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.FloppyDrive = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_FloppyDrive.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CardReader ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.CardReader = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CardReader.ID  

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Concatenating Column Values In SELECT Statement

Aug 31, 2000

I'm puzzled as to how to express what I want in a stored procedure. Assume two columns, Surname and GivenName. The surname might be missing. When I originally wrote this app in Access, I used the following expression:

SELECT Iif( IsNull(Surname), GivenName, Surname + ", " + GivenName ) AS Agent
FROM Agents;

I've looked at the syntax for CASE but I can't figure out exactly how to say what I intend, particularly the AS Agent column aliasing.

Any help greatly appreciated. Please cc me privately so I receive your assistance at once!


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Select Statment On Column That Can Contain Alpha And Numeric Values

Sep 13, 2007

I have a little bit of a problem I cannot seem to figure it out. Is it possible to write a Select statement that contains a WHERE column_name > desired_numeric_value
The tricky part it that the column is of CHAR type and can contain numeric grades ranging from 0-100 or the letter I for Incomplete.
My SQL was working perfect when this column contained only numbers as soon as a record with I was added I get the following error:
Character to numeric conversion error
 This report will be used to find students who have failing grades. Thanks for any help! 

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Select Distinct Column Data With Other Values From The Table

Dec 16, 2004

I have a table 'wRelated' with the following columns

[related_id] [int]
[channel_id] [int]
[mui] [varchar]
[type_id] [int]
[related_mui] [varchar] (100)
[date_started] [smalldatetime]
[date_ended] [smalldatetime]
[date_entered] [datetime]
[deleted] [tinyint],
[rank] [int]
data in column [mui] is repeated as the table has more than one entries for the same [mui],
The requirement is to select the distinct[mui] but value in all the other columns for the same mui should be select in the next row with null for the same [mui]
The recordset expected should be something like this.

[mui],[related_mui],[price_group_id],[date_entered],[date_ended] m123,rm345,'pr','12-10-2003',12-12-2004'

I have tried Unions and temporary table inserts.

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Select Comma Separated Values From Single Column

May 27, 2008


I have a table -- Table1.
It has two columns -- Name and Alpha.
Alpha has comma separated values like -- (A,B,C,D,E,F), (E,F), (D,E,F), (F), (A,B,C).

I need to pick the values of column -- Name , where in values of Alpha is less than or equal to 'D'.

I tried <=, but got only values less than 'D', but was not able to get equal to 'D'.

Any suggestions??

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Transact SQL :: SELECT Unique Values In Single Column?

Jun 8, 2015

I have the following two tables...


I need to write a select query that gets the values of all columns but only returns unique sites because some sites are load balanced across several servers and where this is the case I don't want the site to appear multiple times in the list.

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SQL 2012 :: Select Multiple Values From Same Column And Make Them To Show In A Row

Jun 10, 2015

I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?

CARE_Nbr||Cust_Nbr||Legal_Name||||||| Address_Tpye |||Addr_Line_1 ||||||||||||||||Addr_Line_2
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Billing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Mailing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Primary Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Physical Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Suite 1||NULL

My script is here, and the sample result is attached. How should I modify this query to get my expected result?

select a.CARE_Number,
FROM dw_mart.dbo.DimCustomer a


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HELP With SQL Query: Select Multiple Values From One Column Based On &&<= Condition.

Aug 7, 2007

Hello all. I hope someone can offer me some help. I'm trying to construct a SQL statement that will be run on a Dataset that I have. The trick is that there are many conditions that can apply. I'll describe my situation:

I have about 1700 records in a datatable titled "AISC_Shapes_Table" with 49 columns. What I would like to do is allow the user of my VB application to 'create' a custom query (i.e. advanced search). For now, I'll just discuss two columns; The Section Label titled "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" and the Weight column "W". The data appears in the following manner:


W44x300 300
W42x200 200
(and so on)
WT22x150 150
WT21x100 100

(and so on)
MT12.5x12.4 12.4
MT12x10 10

I have a listbox which users can select MULTIPLE "Manual Labels" or shapes. They then select a property (W for weight, in this case) and a limitation (greater than a value, less than a value, or between two values). From all this, I create a custom Query string or filter to apply to my BindingSource.Filter method. However I have to use the % wildcard to deal with exceptions. If the user only wants W shapes, I use "...LIKE 'W%'" and "...NOT LIKE 'WT%" to be sure to select ONLY W shapes and no WT's. The problems arises, however, when the user wants multiple shapes in general. If I want to select all the "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" values with W <= 40, I can't do it. An example of a statement I tried to use to select WT% Labels and MT% labels with weight (W)<=100 is:

FROM AISC_Shape_Table

It returns a NULL value to me, which i know is NOT because no such values exist. So, I further investigated and tried to use a subquery seeing if IN, ANY, or ALL would work, but to no avail. Can anyone offer up any suggestions? I know that if I can get an example of ONE of them to work, then I'll easily be able to apply it to all of my cases. Otherwise, am I just going about this the hard way or is it even possible? Please, ANY suggestions will help. Thank you in advance.


Steve G.

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Add Column With Fixed Number Of Values (text) To The Select Statement

Aug 1, 2007


I have such a problem. Need to add additional column to my query. The column should consist of set of fixed number (same as number of query rows) values (text). At start thought it's simple but now Im lost. Is there any chance to do it. Apreciate any help. I need to tell that I have only access to select on this database so no use of operation on tables.

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Transact SQL :: Returning Multiple Values From Column In Select Statement?

Nov 26, 2015

I am writing a query and have the bulk of it already written. 

I am looking at a table that contains customer orders. There is a column named Customer_Order.Status Available values for this column is R, F, H, and C.

I'd like for my query to return all lines that have the value R, F, H.

My where clause is written like this 


I know I'm missing something....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Select Multiple Values From Same Column And Make Them To Show In A Row

Jun 10, 2015

I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?

CARE_Nbr||Cust_Nbr||Legal_Name||||||| Address_Tpye |||Addr_Line_1 ||||||||||||||||Addr_Line_2
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Billing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Mailing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Primary Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Physical Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Suite 1||NULL

How should I modify this query to get my expected result?

select a.CARE_Number,


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Reporting Services :: Count Values In A Column Based Upon Distinct Values In Another Column In SharePoint List

Sep 7, 2015

We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.

Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.

Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.

A typical view of list can be:

Column A - Column B
red  - pen
red - pencil
red - highlighter
blue - marker
blue - pencil
green - pen
green - highlighter
red  - pen
blue - pencil
blue - highlighter
blue - pencil

We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:

                    red     blue   green
    pen            2       0      1
    marker       0       1      0
    pencil          1       3      0
    highlighter  1       1      1 

We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Package - Replacing Null Values In One Column With Values From Another Column

Sep 3, 2015

I have an SSIS package that imports data from an Excel file, replaces any value in Excel that reads "NULL" to "", then writes the data to a couple of databases.

What I have discovered today, is I have two columns of dates, an admit date and discharge date column, and what I need to do is anywhere I have a null value in the discharge date column, I have to replace it with the value in the admit date column. 

I have searched around online and tried a few things using the Replace funtion in Derived columns but no dice so far. 

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Add Symbol To Column Values And Convert Column Values To Western Number System

Feb 12, 2014

I want to add $ symbol to column values and convert the column values to western number system

Column values

Expected Output:
$ 4,255
$ 25,454
$ 467,834

My Query:
select ID, MAX(Date) Date, SUM(Cost) Dollars, MAX(Funded) Funding from Application

COST is the int datatype and needs to be changed.

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Transact SQL :: Select Specific Values From All Rows Where Value Of A Specific Column Is (Active)

May 23, 2015

I need to select specific values from all rows where the value of a specific column is "Active"

This part works: SELECT LastName, FirstName, MiddleInit, ClientId FROM dbo.Client

But I want to add: WHERE StatusType = (Active) and how to do this.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Reads Nvarchar Values As Null When Excel Column Includes Decimal And String Values

Dec 9, 2013

I have SQL Server 2012 SSIS. I have Excel source and OLE DB Destination.I have problem with importing CustomerSales column.CustomerSales values like 1000.00,2000.10,3000.30,NotAvailable.So I have decimal values and nvarchar mixed in on Excel column. This is requirement for solution.However SSIS reads only numeric values correctly and nvarchar values are set as Null. Why?

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Import_CustomerSales](
 [CustomerId] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
 [CustomeName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
 [CustomerSales] [nvarchar](50) NULL

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Analysis :: Bitmask Column Values As Dimension Values

Jun 18, 2015

Bitmask fields! I am capturing row changes manually via a high frequency ETL task.  It works effectively however i am capturing the movement of multiple fields.  A simple example, for Order lines, i have a price, a discount and a date.  I am capturing a 001, 010, 100 respectively for each change.  

I would like my users to be able to select from a dimension which has the 3 members in it and they can select one, multiples, or all values (i.e. only want to see rows that have had the date and price changed). 

Obviously if i only had 3 columns i would use bit's and be done with it, i have many different values (currently around 24 and growing).

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Select Values From One Table Based Upon Values In Another...

May 19, 2006

How do I:Select f1, f2, f3, from tb1 where f1=Select f1 from tb2 where f1='condition'?

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Transact SQL :: Calculate DateTime Column By Merging Values From Date Column And Only Time Part Of DateTime Column?

Aug 3, 2015

How can I calculate a DateTime column by merging values from a Date column and only the time part of a DateTime column?

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Transact SQL :: Convert Certain Row Values To Next Column Values

Jul 9, 2015

I have a table with 2 columns and my source data looks like this..

PolicyNum   InsCode    

1ABC12          1001        
1ABC12          1002        
1ABC12          1003       
1ABC12          1004       
1ABC12          1005        

[Code] ....

My output should look like this..I need T-sql to get below output.

PolicyNum   InsCode1   InsCode2    

1ABC12             1001       1005       
1ABC12             1002       1006        
1ABC12             1003       1004       
1ABC20             1001       1005        

[Code] ...

Basically it's converting certain row values to new column. Every PloicyNum will have 1001 to 1006 Fixed InsCode values as a group.

Rule-1: InsCode value 1001 should always mapped to 1005   
            InsCode value 1002 should always mapped to 1006
            InsCode value 1003 should always mapped to 1004 

Rule-2: For a policyNum, If any Inscode value is missed from the group values 1001 to 1006, still need to mapped with corresponding values as shown in Rule-1

In the above sample data..

for PolicyNum - 1ABC20 , group values 1003,1006 are missing
for PolicyNum - 1ABC25 , group values 1002,1003,1004,1005,1006 are missing

Create Table sampleDate (PolicyNum varchar(10) not null, InsCode Varchar(4) not null)
Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1001')        

Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1002')       
Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1003')      

[Code] ....

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Choosing Between Two Column Values To Return As Single Column Value

Sep 14, 2007

I'm working on a social network where I store my friend GUIDs in a table with the following structure:user1_guid       user2_guidI am trying to write a query to return a single list of all a users' friends in a single column.  Depending on who initiates the friendship, a users' guid value can be in either of the two columns.  Here is the crazy sql I have come up with to give what I want, but I'm sure there's a better way...  Any ideas?SELECT DISTINCT UserIdFROM espace_ProfilePropertyWHERE (UserId IN
(SELECT CAST(REPLACE(CAST(user1_guid AS VarChar(36)) + CAST(user2_guid AS VarChar(36)), @userGuid, '') AS uniqueidentifier) AS UserId FROM espace_UserConnection WHERE (user1_guid = @userGuid) OR
(user2_guid = @userGuid))) AND (UserId IN
(SELECT UserId FROM espace_ProfileProperty))  

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Counting Multiple Values From The Same Column And Grouping By A Another Column

Sep 16, 2004

This is a report I'm trying to build in SQL Reporting Services. I can do it in a hacky way adding two data sets and showing two tables, but I'm sure there is a better way.

Order# Customer Status

STATUS has valid values of PROCESSED and INPROGRESS

The query I'm trying to build is Count of Processed and INProgress orders for a given Customer.

I can get them one at a time with something like this in two different datasets and showing two tables, but how do I achieve the same in one query?

Select Customer, Count (*) As Status1
FROM TheTable
Where (Status = N'Shipped')
Group By Customer

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Altering Column Values Using Derived Column Component

Dec 21, 2007

Can anyone show how to alter the value in a column using DerivedColumn component when creating an SSIS package programatically.

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Table Column Names = Dataset Column Values?!

Apr 28, 2008

I need to create the following table in reporting services

PRODUCT April March Feb

2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007
chair 8 9 7 4 4 4
table 3 4 5 6 4 6

My problem is the month names are a column in the dataset, but I dont know how to get it to fill as column headers???

Thanks in advance!!!

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Column Defaults As Parameters And/or Column Values

Jan 7, 2008

Good afternoon,

I am trying to figure out a way to use a columns default value when using a stored procedure to insert a new row into a table. I know you are thinking "that is what the default value is for", but bare with me on this.

Take the following table and subsequent stored procedure. In the table below, I have four columns, one of which is NOT NULL and has a default value set for that column.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestTable](
[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[LastName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[SSN] [nvarchar](15) NULL,
[IsGeek] [bit] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_TestTable_IsGeek] DEFAULT ((1))

I then created the following stored procedure:

@FirstName nvarchar(50),
@LastName nvarchar(50),
@SSN nvarchar(15),
@geek bit = NULL
INSERT INTO TestTable (FirstName, LastName, SSN, IsGeek)
VALUEs (@FirstName, @LastName, @SSN, @geek)

and executed it as follows (without passing the @geek parameter value)

EXEC TestTable_Insert 'scott', 'klein', '555-55-5555'

The error I got back (and somewhat expected) is the following:

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'IsGeek', table 'ScottTest.dbo.TestTable'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

What I would like to happen is for the table to use the columns default value and not the NULL value if I don't pass a parameter for @geek. OR, it would be really cool to be able to do something like this:

INSERT INTO TestTable (FirstName, LastName, SSN, IsGeek)
VALUEs (@FirstName, @LastName, @SSN, ISNULL(@geek, DEFAULT))

Does this make sense?

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How To Create A New Column And Insert Values Into The New Column

Mar 3, 2008

Can anyone assist me with a script that adds a new column to a table then inserts new values into the new column based on the Table below. i have included an explanation of what the script should do.

Column from
Parts Table Column from
MiniParts New Column in
(Table 1 ) (Table 2 ) MiniParts (Table2)

























I have 2 tables in a database. Table 1 is Parts and Table 2 is MiniParts. I need a script that adds a new column in the MiniParts table. and then populate the new column (NewMinipartsCL) based on Values that exist in the PartsNum column in the Parts Table, and MiniPartsCL column in the MiniParts columns.

The new column is NewMiniPartsCL. The table above shows the values that the new column (NewMiniPartsCL) should contain.

For Example
Anytime you have "1" in the PartsNum column of the Parts Table and the MiniPartsCL column of the MiniParts Table has a "K" , the NewMiniPartsCL column in the MiniParts Table should be populated with "DK" ( as shown in the table above).

Anytime you have "1" in the PartsNum column of the Parts Table and the MiniPartsCL column of the MiniParts Table has a "K" , the NewMiniPartsCL column in the MiniParts Table should be populated with "K" ( as shown in the table above). etc..

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Add Values To A Column With Derived Column Expression?

Feb 25, 2008

Hi, how are you?
I'm having a problem and I don't know if it can be solved with a derived column expression. This is the problem:

We are looking data in a a sql database.

We are writting the SQL result in a flat file.

We need to transform data in one of the columns.

For example: we can have 3 digits as value in a column but that column must be 10 digit length. So we have to complete all the missing digits with a zero. So, that column will have the original 3 digits and 7 zeros. How we can do that tranformation? We must do it from de the flat file or it can be a previous step?
Thanks for any help you can give me.


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Transact SQL :: Return Set Of Values From SELECT As One Of Return Values From Stored Procedure

Aug 19, 2015

I have a stored procedure that selects the unique Name of an item from one table. 

SELECT DISTINCT ChainName from Chains

For each ChainName, there exists 0 or more StoreNames in the Stores. I want to return the result of this select as the second field in each row of the result set.

SELECT DISTINCT StoreName FROM Stores WHERE Stores.ChainName = ChainName

Each row of the result set returned by the stored procedure would contain:

ChainName, Array of StoreNames (or comma separated strings or whatever)

How can I code a stored procedure to do this?

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