Select Distinct
Mar 4, 2008
Hi members,
Is there a way to count the number of data with distinct column a and column b (combination)??
col A Col B
1 1
1 2
1 1
2 1
3 3
3 3
4 3
should give 5.
The ones in red are duplicates that I want to eliminate.
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Jul 6, 2007
Hi, I have the following script segment which is failing:
CREATE TABLE #LatLong (Latitude DECIMAL, Longitude DECIMAL, PRIMARY KEY (Latitude, Longitude))
INSERT INTO #LatLong SELECT DISTINCT Latitude, Longitude FROM RGCcache
When I run it I get the following error: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#LatLong__________7CE3D9D4'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#LatLong'."
Im not sure how this is failing as when I try creating another table with 2 decimal columns and repeated values, select distinct only returns distinct pairs of values.
The failure may be related to the fact that RGCcache has about 10 million rows, but I can't see why.
Any ideas?
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Oct 16, 2006
OK I have a Forum on my website make up of 3 tablesTopisThreadsMessageI show a list of the 10 most recent Changed Threads. My Problem is that my Subject field is in the messages Table, IF I link Threads to Messages then try to use Select Disticnt I get mutliple Subject fields as the messsges are not unique (obvisally) So I want to get the top 10 Threads by postdate and link to the Messages table to get the Subject headerAny help? Or questions to explain it better?
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Apr 19, 2007
Hello Everyone
Hopefully someone can help me create a SQL statement for this.
I need the ff: fields
Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme, LOC_city, LOC_Zip_CODE, Specialty
Let say I have a table.
Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme, LOC_city, LOC_Zip_CODE. Specialty1000 999 Mike James Plano 75023 Internal Medicine1000 998 Mike James Allen 75021 Internal Medicine3333 700 John Smith Arlington 70081 Dermatologist3333 701 John Smith Dallas 72002 Dermatologist2222 630 Terry Walker Frisco 75001 Optalmologist2222 632 Terry Walker Dallas 76023 Optalmologist4444 454 Tim Johnson San Anontio 72500 Internal Medicine 4444 464 Tim Johnson Frisco 72660 Internal Medicine
I want to select only "one" instance of the provider it doesnt matter what is selected
either the first address or the second address.
It should show
Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme, LOC_city, LOC_Zip_CODE. Specialty1000 999 Mike James Plano 75023 Internal Medicine3333 700 John Smith Arlington 70081 Dermatologist2222 632 Terry Walker Dallas 76023 Optalmologist4444 464 Tim Johnson Frisco 72660 Internal Medicine
And yes, the table is not Normalized..Is there anyway I could get away with it without having to normalize?
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Apr 8, 2008
Is their a way to select all items from a table that are not distinct? Meaning, I want to know which items in a column occur more than once.
Suppose we have a table with student names, ss# and address. I want to display only records where their is more than one studen with the same name. So for example their could be ten people with the name of "Mike" in a class?
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May 31, 2008
I have a table myTable (ID, Year, Name, Note)data in this table:ID Year Name Note 1 2008 Petter hdjhs2 2008 Nute jfdkfd3 2007 Suna dkfdkf4 2007 Para jfdfjd5 2009 Ute dfdlkf Please help me to Select DISTINCT [Year]]ex:1 2008 Petter hdfdfd3 2007 Suna fdkfdk5 2009 Ute fkdfkdfd Thank!
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Jun 25, 2001
Can I run Select distinct on one fieldname only while I'm selecting more than one fielname, like
Select Distinct col1, col2, col3 from table
I need distinct on col1 only and not on the other 2 columns, is it possible.
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Feb 15, 2000
Hi! I have 4 tables and they have a common column (eg. regionid). These
4 tables have data overlapping with the others. Some data exist in a table
but not on the others. What I want to do is to do a select that will display
all distinct regionid from these tables. It should be total of all the tables but will suppress any duplicates with the others.
Note that UNION is working but I can't use that. Why ? because UNION is not supported or maybe not working properly with RDB database. I'm doing an appliaction for heterogenous datasource.
Any tips, hints or info will be appreciated.
thanks in advance.
Table REGION1 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
10 Place1
11 Place11
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern
(6 row(s) affected)
Table REGION2 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
21 Place21
22 Place22
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern
(6 row(s) affected)
Table REGION3 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
33 Place33
31 Place31
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern
(6 row(s) affected)
Table REGION4 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
41 Place41
42 Place42
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern
(6 row(s) affected)
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Aug 5, 2004
Does anyone know why this does not work?
SELECT DISTINCT tb2.column20 tb2.column20, tb1.column10, tb2.column21, tb2.column22, tb3.column30
FROM table1 tb1, table2 tb2, table3 tb3
WHERE tb1.column11 = 'P'
AND tb2.column23 = 'P'
AND tb1.column12 = tb2.column24
AND tb2.column25 = tb3.column31
ORDER BY tb2.column20
Its supposed to return only the distinct entries in tb2.column20
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Jan 19, 2005
Can you have "Select Distinct" in Union Query,because that is what I am trying to do and this is the error message I get.
"The text, ntext, or image data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT."
I would need to do that because i have duplicate records,because these records are getting written into the db when templates are generated and sometimes if they double click it generates two and writes that many results as well, so that is why I was thinking that select distinct would solve my problem.
Thanks for your help
This is the query in question:
SELECT Distinct 'O' AS Origin, a.RecordID, a.RelocateID, a.SupplierID, a.DateIn, a.DateOut, a.NoOfDays, a.AgreeAmt, a.PaymentMethod, a.AccomType, a.Reason,
a.InvRecvd, a.RelocateeTempAccomTS, a.BedConfiguration, a.NumberOfPax, a.AdditionalItems, a.Currency, a.TotalAmount, a.EnteredBy,
a.LastModifiedBy, a.ReferenceNumber, a.Location, a.Comments, a.ArrivalTime, a.PONumber,CommissionRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates c
WHERE a.Currency = c.CurrencyID AND a.DateIn >= c.ActiveDate), 1.0) AS ForeignExchangeRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates c
WHERE 'AUD' = c.CurrencyID AND a.DateIn >= c.ActiveDate), 1.0) AS AUDExchangeRate, a.WhenConfirmed, e.RequestID AS RequestID,
e.DocumentID AS DocRequestID, e.RequestWhen AS RequestWhen, e.WhereClause AS WhereClause,
dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerName AS DecisionMadeBy, dbo.viewZYesno.Description AS CommissionableDesc
FROM dbo.RelocateeTempAccom a LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.luDecisionMaker ON a.DecisionMaker = dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.viewZYesno ON a.Commissionable = dbo.viewZYesno.[Value] LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.docRequests e ON '{RelocateeTempAccom.RecordID}=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR a.RecordID) = e.WhereClause
WHERE (ISNULL(a.Cancelled, 0) = 0)
SELECT Distinct 'D' AS Origin, RecordID, RelocateID, DTASupplierID AS SupplierID, DTADateIn AS DateIn, DTADateOut AS DateOut, DTANoOfDays AS NoOfDays,
DTAAgreeAmt AS AgreeAmt, DTAPaymentMethod AS PaymentMethod, DTAAccomType AS AccomType, Reason, InvRecvd,
RelocateeDTATS AS RelocateeTempAccomTS, BedConfiguration, NumberOfPax, AdditionalItems, Currency, DailyTotal AS TotalAmount, EnteredBy,
LastModifiedBy, ReferenceNumber, Location, Comments, ArrivalTime, PONumber,CommissionRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates d
WHERE b.Currency = d .CurrencyID AND b.DTADateIn >= d .ActiveDate), 1.0) AS ForeignExchangeRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates d
WHERE 'AUD' = d .CurrencyID AND b.DTADateIn >= d .ActiveDate), 1.0) AS AUDExchangeRate, WhenConfirmed, e.RequestID AS RequestID,
e.DocumentID AS DocRequestID, e.RequestWhen AS RequestWhen, e.WhereClause AS WhereClause,
dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerName AS DecisionMadeBy, dbo.viewZYesno.Description AS CommissionableDesc
FROM dbo.RelocateeDTA b LEFT JOIN
dbo.luDecisionMaker ON b.DecisionMaker = dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerID LEFT JOIN
dbo.viewZYesno ON b.Commissionable = dbo.viewZYesno.[Value] LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.docRequests e ON '{RelocateeDTA.RecordID}=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, b.RecordID) = e.WhereClause
WHERE ISNULL(Cancelled, 0) = 0
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Oct 26, 2006
I wonder if anyone here can shed some light on why the query below produces duplicate EmailAddress values even though we specify the DISTINCT clause.
SELECT DISTINCT(EmailAddress) SubscriberID, FirstName, Surname, SubscriberID
FROM TestMailingList
ORDER BY EmailAddress
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Mar 2, 2006
Bahrudeen writes "Hi..
hw to use Select query for both distinct and *
(eg) select * , distinct(building_id) from g_building where
i want all information with distinct building id..
give a solution
advance thanx..."
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May 10, 2006
I am new to this forum so hello to everyone!
I need some help getting unique records from a query, I have a large amount of nested selects and i want to only display distinct records, I have a unique identifier (party ID) but the code was written by someone else (who is on holiday!) and i need to work out where to insert the disctinct select (if at all? - open to a better way?) this query should pull back records and then the results are pasted in to excel, however would a DTS solve the issue with duplicates??
Any help more than appreciated!
Heres the code...
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.negative_surplus_report
SELECT dbo.Cubit_Override_ID.UserName AS [User], dbo.Cubit_Customers.RecordDateTime AS Date,
dbo.Cubit_Customers.Customer_Status AS [Customer Status], dbo.Cubit_Customers.Call_Prompted_By AS [Call Prompted By],
dbo.Cubit_Outcomes.Outcome_Description AS [Outcome], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Balance, 0) AS [Egg Debt], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total,
0) AS Income, ISNULL
((SELECT SUM(Balance)
Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID
WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Card Debt], ISNULL
((SELECT SUM(Balance)
Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID
WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Loan Debt], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Mortgage, 0)
AS [Mortgage Payment], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Rent, 0) AS [Rent Payment], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Mortgage_Balance, 0)
AS [Mortgage Balance], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Property_Value, 0) AS Property, ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Customers.Party_ID, '') AS [Party ID],
ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID, '') AS [Cubit ID], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Total, 0) AS Outgoings,
ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt, 0) AS [Egg Payments], ISNULL
((SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)
Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID
WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Card Paymements], ISNULL
((SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)
Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID
WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Loan Payments], dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total -
(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)
Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID
WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) -
(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)
Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID
WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) - dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Total - dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt AS Surplus,
FROM dbo.Cubit_Customers INNER JOIN
dbo.Cubit_Managers ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Manager_ID = dbo.Cubit_Managers.Manager_ID INNER JOIN
dbo.Cubit_Areas ON dbo.Cubit_Managers.Area_ID = dbo.Cubit_Areas.Area_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Cubit_EPH ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_EPH.Cust_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Cubit_Spending ON dbo.Cubit_Spending.Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID INNER JOIN
dbo.Cubit_Outcomes ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Outcome_ID = dbo.Cubit_Outcomes.Outcome_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Cubit_Additional_MI_Data ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_Additional_MI_Data.Cubit_Cust_ID INNER JOIN
dbo.Cubit_Override_ID ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Input_By_NTID = dbo.Cubit_Override_ID.NT_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Cubit_Debt ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID
WHERE (dbo.Cubit_Areas.Area_ID IN (2, 3, 4, 11, 12)) AND (dbo.Cubit_Customers.Non_Relevant_Call = 0) AND (dbo.Cubit_Customers.Spending_Assessed = 1)
AND (dbo.Cubit_Customers.Debt_Assessed = 1) AND (dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total > 0) AND (dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt < 999999) AND
(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total -
(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)
Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID
WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) -
(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)
Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID
WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) - dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Total - dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt < 0) AND
(dbo.Cubit_Customers.RecordDateTime >= '04/11/2006')
ORDER BY dbo.Cubit_Areas.Area_ID, dbo.Cubit_Override_ID.UserName, dbo.Cubit_Customers.RecordDateTime, Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID
SQL newbie!
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Oct 16, 2006
When I try the SELECT DISTINCT like this:
DAT01.[_@550] AS LoanType,
DAT01.[_@051] AS Branch,
DAT01.[_@TP] AS ProdTypeDescr,
SMT_Branches.[BranchTranType] AS TranType,
--SMT_Branches.[AUCode] AS AuCode,
COUNT(*) AS Totals
ON DAT01.[_@040] = [_@040]
ON SMT_Branches.[BranchTranType] = SMT_BRANCHES.[BranchTranType]
DAT01.[_@040] Between '06/01/2006' And '06/30/2006'
And SMT_BRANCHES.[BranchTranType] = 'RETAIL'
AND DAT01.[_@051] = '540'
--And SMT_Branches.[AUCode] = '1882'
And DAT01.[_@TP] = '115'
And DAT01.[_@550] = '3'
DayofMonth ASC
--SMT_Branches.[AUCode] ASC
--COMPUTE sum(count(*))
I get the same result set as before.
What do I need to change?
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May 16, 2007
Hi. I am trying to create a view where it will find out the sum of hours for each employee, for each month and year.
SUM(Hours) AS Hours,
YEAR(WeekStartDate) AS startyear,
MONTH(WeekStartDate) AS startmonth
FROM dbo.BankHours_History
GROUP BY EmpId, WeekStartDate
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Oct 16, 2007
I have a select query
Select distinct a,b,c,d from xyz
I would like to know what the syntax is if I want only a,b,c to be distinct and not d.
I tried something like
Select (distinct a,b,c),d
but getting error what is the correct query to do this.
Please help.
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Jul 20, 2005
I don't know what the correct syntax is to do what I want with the DISTINCTfunction (if it's actually possible).I have a query which displays a variety of fields from a variety of tables(pretty standard).However, I only want to show records where the contents of one particularcolumn in the query are unique - I do not want to perform the function onthe entire record because other fields in the records may be duplicated foras reason.
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Aug 31, 2007
Just a question
I have a query that selects profile data for members, if I don€™t do a select distinct it gives me a lot of correct values, (unique values) of members i.e. only one record per member, but every now and then I get duplicate values for one member, multiple times.
Why does this occure?
I know SELECT DISTINCT is there to remove duplicates, but without SELECT DISTINCT why would this €œmistake€? happen?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2 | 3 | John | Slack | Philips |5
1 | 2 | Jason | Limrick | Jones | 3
1 | 2 | Jason | Limrick | Jones | 3
1 | 2 | Jason | Limrick | Jones | 3
1 | 2 | Jason | Limrick | Jones | 3
1 | 2 | Jason | Limrick | Jones | 3
2 | 3 | Jane | John | Parker |4
Why would it create duplicate records if the values are the same?
Kind Regards
Carel Greaves
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Sep 28, 2006
select distinct ISNULL (a.account,'') as "Account", ISNULL (c.address1,'') as "Address",
ISNULL (,'') as "City", ISNULL (c.state,'') as "State",
ISNULL (c.postalcode,'') as "Zip Code", ISNULL (a.mainphone,'') as "Phone",
a.userfield1 as "GID", s.division
from sysdba.account as a
join sysdba.address as c on a.addressid = c.addressid
join sysdba.staff as s on a.accountid = s.accountid
where a.type like '%client%' and a.userfield1 is not null and (s.division like '%HR%' or s.division like '%db%') and s.type = 'client'
So what happens now is that if an account is listed in two division I get two distinct rows returned, but each with the same GID column. When I try to push this to a new database that has GID as the primary key I get duplicate on that column and it errors out.
I need to be able to get only a single row if the division is both HR and db. how to tackle this problem.
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Dec 14, 2007
select ExpenseCodeID, [Group], SubGroup, GLAccount,ExpenseCode, ProjType
from BridgeFinance..OPS_ExpenseCodes
Order By ExpenseCode
I have this query only thing wrong with it is that I dont know how to only select different values from my expenseCode column that looks like below....I dont want to select "Employee Only Meals" as many times as it appears in the table just once do i want to select it....any help with how i should write my query would be great! thanks!
Administrative contract work
Cell phone
Employee only Meals
Employee only Meals
Employee only Meals
Employee only Meals
Employee only Meals
Employee trans/parking
Health Club Memberships
Home Office Expenses
IT equipment-non capitalizable
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May 21, 2008
I may be new at this but I can't find any explanation why
shows distinct occurrences for each Stno-Grade combination rather than just distinct occurences of Stno. What is the solution?
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Feb 5, 2007
Newbie question
SELECT DISTINCT F1, F2, F3, F4 FROM 'table name' returns distinct rows for whole table. Is there a way to just return distinct rows from say column F1 instead of all the fields. I suppose i could just do SELECT DISTINCT F1, but also would like to display other fields. Thanks in advance
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Oct 2, 2007
Is there a way to do a Select Distinct on a single column in a result set?
Select Distinct(PersonID) PersonID, FirstName, LastName From People
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Oct 10, 2007
Hello, I have the following tables: declare @B table (Bid int identity, description varchar(50)) declare @P table (Pid int identity, Bid int, description varchar(50)) declare @T table (Tid int identity, description varchar(50)) declare @TinP table (TinPid int identity, Tid int, Pid int) insert into @B (description) select 'B1' insert into @B (description) select 'B2' insert into @P (description, Bid) select 'P1', 1 insert into @P (description, Bid) select 'P2', 1 insert into @P (description, Bid) select 'P3', 2 insert into @T (description) select 'T1' insert into @T (description) select 'T2' insert into @T (description) select 'T3' insert into @TinP (Tid, Pid) select 1, 2 insert into @TinP (Tid, Pid) select 2, 2 insert into @TinP (Tid, Pid) select 3, 3 select * from @B select * from @P select * from @T select * from @TinP I need to get all records in T (Tid and description) which are related to a given BId So for @Bi = 1 I would get: Tid Description 1 T1 2 T2 So I need the distinct values. How to solve this? Thanks, Miguel
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May 6, 2008
I have a query which returns some rows.. what happens if i use a select distinct instead of a select.. this is my sproc
PlanId int,
FundId int,
ClientFundName varchar(110),
DisplayOrder int IDENTITY(1,1),
IsDefault bit,
IsPortfolioFundOnly bit
CASE WHEN Lower(p.FundType) = 'modfundonly' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
PlanDetail d
INNER JOIN Statements..Fund f
d.Ticker = f.Ticker
d.Ticker = f.ClientFundId
d.CUSIP = f.ClientFundId
-- Do an internal join on the PlanDetail table to get the value of the FundType to derive whether
--fund can only be chosen as part of a portfolio.
LEFT JOIN PlanDetail p
ON d.FundName = p.FundName
d.PortfolioName = p.PortfolioName
d.PlanNumber IS NOT NULL
p.PortFundPercent IS NULL
-- d.Ticker,
any help will be appreciated.
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Mar 19, 2004
I'm having a little bit of trouble trying to figure out how to do this query, right now I have:
SELECT I.AppItemId, P.ProductID, P.PartNum, P.Relist, I.AppUserId
FROM ProductsToRelist I join Products P on P.ProductID = I.AppSKU
WHERE P.Relist = 1 and I.AppStatus = 5 and Not I.AppItemId is Null
and it returns something like this:
AppItemId ProductID PartNum Relist AppUserId
2786 -32730 SELECT_OOS11
2787 -32729 SELECT12
2788 -32727 SELECT_OOS11
4269 -30987 SELECT_OOS12
1665 -30987 SELECT_OOS11
2433 -30987 SELECT_OOS11
4272 -30984 SELECT11
2436 -30984 SELECT11
2793 -32708 SELECT11
But I only it want it to return 1 record for each ProductID like so:
AppItemId ProductID PartNum Relist AppUserId
2786 -32730 SELECT_OOS11
2787 -32729 SELECT12
2788 -32727 SELECT_OOS11
4269 -30987 SELECT_OOS12
4272 -30984 SELECT11
2793 -32708 SELECT11
ProductID is the primary key for the Products table, and a product can be in the ProductsToRelist table many times but each row would have a unique AppItemId. I know that I need to use Distinct or a different kind of join, but I'm not sure which. How would you suggest to do this?
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May 12, 2004
Hey there, is there a way I can use command such as distinct in a select statement to do the following. Lets say I want to do a search of products based off their location and I want to list the companies that will have products in that area. I only want to list the company once, but if I’m searching by products in the area I might come up with 15 results for that company. I have not written the code yet for this, I’m just planning ahead.
I’m programming using VB so I guess I would do something like this.
State = Trim(Request.QueryString("State"))
SelectStatement = "Select * From Products Where State='" & _
State & "'"
This would of course give me hypothetically speaking a list as long as the amount of products in one given area. Is there a way to cut this down and only list the company once? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Mar 29, 2006
hi all,
i wanna ask a question regarding select distinct statement.....
this is my sql query : select distinct [name] from merchantcategory
how can i get the other attribute from the result of the query ???
is this possible ?
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Jun 5, 2006
I have the following tablecolumns: [col1], [col2],[col3] and [NAME].I want to select the name column for each row where [col1]='07'.The problem is that there are several rows where [col1] contains '07' and also the name is the same. [col2] and [col3] contain different data for these double rows...however, I cant use the [col1] and [col2] values in my query because I dont know what values they contain beforehand.So now, when I execute my query and add the DISTINCT key I still get all the double rows!I hope this explains my problem, help is really appreciated...ow, btw: deleting the double rows is not an option....
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Jul 12, 2000
I have been trying to run a query using select distinct(column_name) on a column that is an nvarchar but the query still gives me all of the items including duplicates. I have removing any trailing spaces and still no good. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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Jul 29, 2005
I try to use this code in query analyzer
DECLARE @SendTo VarChar(4000)
SET @SendTo = ''
SELECT DISTINCT @SendTo = @SendTo + UserEmail + ';' FROM dbo.tbl_AccountInfo WHERE (UserEmail <> '')
The purpose of this code is to build up a ; seperated string of email adresses that I can use sending mail from SQL server.
It works but it only give me one record (should give me 130 records) , but if I remove the DISTINCT part it give me all records, duplicates too. Does anyone know why and how can I get this to work? Or maybe do it in another way?
Best regards
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Nov 14, 2007
That's about it (subject line), I have used UNION and now I want to select DISCTINCT from that resultset
That code gives me half of what I want.
I would like a list of the unique results.
I know I could use a TempTable and do the DISTINCT on that, but I'm hoping there is a more elegant way.
EDIT: The following code gives me the result I want:
TempCol VARCHAR (20) collate database_default,
SELECT * FROM #TempTable
. . . but, can it be done without a TempTable??
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Jul 4, 2006
I the following table:
member_name legacy_id team_name
Bill 1234 nationals
Bill 1234 nationals
Tom 3456 nationals
Tom 3456 orioles
I wish I could restructure the data or normalize it but this is unfortunately what I have to deal with.
I need a query that returns the team name and the number of times it appears in the table excluding duplicates for each person. I have duplicates all over the place in this tables. Bill could have nationals listed a couple hundred times.
My query should return
team_name count
nationals 2 - because it occurs for bill, and tom
orioles 1 - because it occurs for tom
If I do something like:
from table1
group by team_name
I get back:
team_name count
nationals 3 - because it occurs for bill twice, and tom once
orioles 1 - because it occurs for tom once
I've tried something like:
where legacy_id in (
select distinct legacy_id from table1
I get a syntax error. Regardless, I'm not sure this will give me what I need.
I've tried over a dozen variations of select distinct, joins, etc but with no luck.
Any of you sql gurus know how to solve this problem? I've been banging my head against it for a couple days and boy does my head hurt.
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