Select Product Based On Date?

Sep 23, 2012

Product Date
pd0 2012-08-11 18:45:55.780
Pd1 2012-08-11 18:55:17.020
pd2 2012-08-11 19:06:58.623
pd3 2012-08-18 12:00:01.193
pd4 2012-08-25 12:13:04.077
pd5 2012-08-25 17:28:30.347
pd6 2012-08-25 18:23:16.473
pd7 2012-09-18 18:29:58.360

I want select the product based on from date and to date.

For Example

I want the select the product date in between 2012-08-11 to 2012-08-18

Note:dont check the time.

I want the query for select product based on only date not depend upon time

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Select Price For A Product Based On Price Break?

Dec 12, 2014

I have to add the unit price on the order acknowledgement for products on our shelf.

Each product has different price breaks stored in a table called MaterialUnitCost.

I don't know how to pull the correct price based on the order quantity.

Let's say the customer orders 200 pieces,

I sell 1 pcs @ $20
50 pcs @$15
200 pcs @$10.

My order acknowledgement should pull a unit price of $10, but it pulls $20 instead, because in my select statement I have

select materialunitcost.unitcost.

I thought I should do a loop or use the row_number function, but I am new to SQL, and I never used any of these two.

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Select Statement Based On A Date

Feb 19, 2004

i am not getting a result back when i run the query below.

select * from users where DateCreated = '2004-02-19'

so i went into the table and looked at the record. for DateCreated field i have both date and time. ex: 2004-02-19 08:40:00

how can i select this record with out using the time in the select statement. what i want to see is how many users signed up for a day. any ideas?

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Select Record Based On Max Date

Sep 12, 2012

I have the following table:

Occ_Num Feature_Num Trans_Date Peril_Desc
123 1 1-2-2012 Water
123 1 1-11-2012 Ice
123 2 1-2-2012 Other
123 2 1-13-2012 Other
123 2 1-19-2012 Wind

I want to select each Occ_Num, Feature_NUM, Trans_Date, and PERIL_Desc but with only the Peril that was part of the max trans_date.

So i would want the following from above:

Occ_Num Feature_Num Trans_Date Peril_Desc
123 1 1-11-2012 Ice
123 2 1-19-2012 Wind

I'm having trouble with the syntax need to accomplish this.

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Select Latest Date Based On ID

Dec 3, 2012

I want to select the latest single value based on ProductID. The value should be the last value inserted from the Date column.

I want to use this as part of a query to delete this value when a button is slected in ASP.Net C#.

Here is my code which does not work

select basketID, SessionID, UserID, MAX(Date), productID from ShoppingBasket
where userID = '1'
group by productID, basketID, SessionID, UserID

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Select/where Based On Date, Advice Needed

Jun 2, 2008

I'm very green with SQL so I could do with some advice please.

I need to pull some data from a table based on the year portion of a datetime field, so far I've got this...

USE MfgSys803

SELECT orderdate, ordernum FROM orderhed


... the field 'orderdate' is the datetime. The purpose of the WHERE statement is to get the current year fromt he system and then compare this to the current year of the field 'orderdate'.

Unfortunately I get the error...

Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

... the 'SELECT CONVERT' portions of the WHERE work fine on thier own but I can't use them together.

Hopefully this makes sense, thanks :)

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SELECT From DateTime Field Based On Current Date

Feb 5, 2008

I am trying to match records that are >= the current date. I have tried using:
FROM table
WHERE datefield >= DATEPART(month, GETDATE()) AND datefield >= DATEPART(day, GETDATE()) AND datefield >= DATEPART(year, GETDATE())
but this is not giving me the result that I am looking for. What is the best way to match a DateTime field type using the current date without the time?

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Select Criteria Based On Date - Cleaner Way To Write?

Sep 7, 2005



I need to sum these amounts running from July to the month prior to whatever the current month is. So if it was August, it would only be



Is there a cleaner (shorter) way to iterate through the twelve months than either writing the query 12 times in an IF statement, or 12 CASE statements? This is only part of a query that joins several tables (not shown).

Any suggestions on the best way to write this would be valued.

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Select Rows Based On Multiple Date Conditions

Jun 5, 2008

I have 1 table with 5 rows. One of the rows has dateTime values. I want to know how many rows there are with a value in that column < today AND how many rows there are with a value in that column > today.
I'm not sure how to do this.

SELECT Count(*) WHERE dateColumn <= today AND dateColumn > today gives me everything.
I like to end up with a column containing the count of rows <= today
and a column with rows where date > today.

Is this possible in SQL or do I have to retrieve all rows and then loop over the resultset and check each row?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Query To Select Every 2 Rows Based On A Date?

Sep 6, 2015

I have a table like the following (with much more data, but the concept is the same) with Dates and Actions for People and a column called Action with beginning Dates and end dates.

(I attached a picture because I could not figure out how to Format it)

begin Date end Date Name

begin 2014-10-15 end 2014-10-31 phil
begin 2014-09-18 end 2014-09-30 phil
begin 2014-08-21 end 2014-08-23 John

I need the query to be like this. The idea is to have the query grab the next 'END' not all Ends, which my attempts have done i.e. I get not just the closest end to the begin date, but ALL Ends with the same Person.

I Need it to look like this:

begin Date end Date Name

begin 2014-10-15 end 2014-10-31 phil
begin 2014-09-18 end 2014-09-30 phil
begin 2014-08-21 end 2014-08-23 John

There can be different People so the query Needs to return the beginning and end rows for the Person in sequential order.I can't figure out how to select only the 'next' end. My query always gets 'end' values that have a 'begin'. I

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Select Multiple Rows Based On Date Interval From Table

Apr 7, 2015

I have a table in which each record has a initial date and a final date. I would like to create I query that gives me one row for each month between the initial date and the final date. It would be something like this:



Resulting view:


I would like to do that, because these dates correspond to the time in which the products are in possession of sellers, so I would to use this resulting query to generate a pivot chart in Excel to illustrate the value of the goods that are with our sellers in each month.

Is it possible to do it? I think I could do that direct in VBA, but I think that maybe it would be faster if I could do it directly in SQL.

By the way, I am using MS SQL Server and SQL Server Manegement Studio 2012.

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Transact SQL :: Get List Of Items Present In Order Based On Confidentiality Code Of Product

Sep 29, 2015

I want to get the list of items present in that order based on the confidentiality code of that product or Item and confidentiality code of the user.

I display the list of orders in first grid, by selecting the order in first grid I display the Items present in that order based on the confidentiality code of that item.

whenever order in 1st grid is selected i want to display the items that the item code should be less than or equal to the confidentiality code of the logged-in user other items should not display.

If the all the items present in the order having confidentiality code greater than Logged-in user at that time the order no# should not display in the first grid.

Table 1:Order

Order_Id Order_No Customer_Id

2401 1234567 23
2402 1246001 24
2403 1246002 25

Table 2 : OrderedItems

OrderItem_Id Order_Id Item_Id Sequence

1567 2401 1001 1
1568 2401 1003 2
1569 2402 1005 1
1570 2402 1007 2
1571 2403 1010 1

Table 3: ItemMaster

Item_Id Item_Name confidentCode

1001 Rice Null
1003 Wheet 7
1005 Badham Null
1007 Oil 6
1010 Pista 8

Out put for 1st grid 

**Note :** Logged-in user have confidentiality code 6

Order No Customer
1234567 23
1246001 24

3rd order is not displayed in the grid

After user selects the 1st order in the grid then the items present in that 1st order should be displayed as 

1001     Rice

the second item not displayed because that having confidentiality code greater than user.

After user selects the 2nd order in the grid then the items present in that order should displays

1005 Badham
1007 Oil

I need the query to display the order details in 1st grid.

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Need To Select No Product Categories

Jan 19, 2014

I want to get a list of any Categories where ALL the products in that Category are not published (Published = 0). (I want to get the Categories where no products are listed for it). Here are the tables, not sure where to begin :

SELECT [Id], Published
FROM Product
WHERE Published = 0

SELECT [Id] ,[Name]
FROM Category

SELECT [Id] ,[ProductId] ,[CategoryId]
FROM Product_Category_Mapping

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Select Most Recent Record By Product &#043; Supplier

Aug 27, 2005

I am trying to pickup the most recent record by Product and Supplier.

Rec Prod Supp Date
1 1000 WES01 Jan 1/2005
2 1000 WES01 Apr 8/2005
3 1001 WES01 Apr 8/2005
4 1001 NAN04 Feb 15/2005
The Result I want is as follows:

Rec Prod Supp Date
2 1000 WES01 Apr 8/2005
3 1001 WES01 Apr 8/2005
4 1001 NAN04 Feb 15/2005
I have tried various methods with the TOP 1 and DISTINCT statements, but have not been able to get the results I am looking for. Help would be appreciated.

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Product Information Otherthan Select @@Version

Nov 10, 2007

How can i get the product information otherthan Select @@Version

Thanks in advance


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Power Pivot :: Get Order First Date For A Specific Product And Customer?

Nov 18, 2015

I have a table with all my orders lines, I need to identify (DAX formula) for a specific customer which is the first order of a specific article (first date filtered for customer and article) and use this information to tag the order line for that article for the specific customer as "Newly Ordered article" if the order date = first order date or as "Reordered article" if the date on the specific order line is subsequent to the first order date.

I imagine I need to combine a Lookup date filtered for customer and article and use it with a IF formula.

Similar to this I would also like to define that if the first order for a product for the specific custumer is older then a certain date, then this would be defined as and historical customer for the specific article, if the first order on the article is more recent the a specific date, then this will be defined as "new customer for that article".

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Power Pivot :: First Sales Date By Customer For Specific Product Only

Dec 21, 2012

I have a sales order table that has customer, sales, product and sales date.  I am looking to return the first sales date by customer for a specific product.


Sales Date
First Bike Date


[Code] ....

I would like to return the date of the first bike purchase date by each customer and repeat that date for each row and customer.  Can I use function to complete?  I have a datedim table as well related to the sales date.

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Add Calculated Field In Order Table Based On Price Column In Product Table

Nov 18, 2014

I have 2 tables: Order(ID, Quantity) and Product(ID,Name, Price) and I want to add a calculated field in Order table based on the price column in the Product table. How do i do that?

this query returns the values i want in the table.

select a.quantity * b.price
from tblCustomerPurchases as a
join tblProduct as b
on a.ID=b.ID

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Transact SQL :: Get All Children Of A Product With Product ID In Result Set

Aug 30, 2015

I am using the code below to get all the children of a particular product and it is working fine. How to get the particular product's id in the select statement. for example, i need to show 891 in a separate column for all the records returned by the query below.

DECLARE @Hierarchy TABLE (Product_Id INT, Parent_Product_Id INT)
INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (123, 234)
INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (234, 456)
INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (456, 678)
INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (678, 891)

[Code] .....

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Reporting Services :: Expression To Return Date Value Based On Most Recent Date Only

Oct 7, 2015

How do you Write an expression to Return the date value based on the most recent date only?

Eg.  Date 10-7-2015,  action - done, notes - all items fixed.
       Date 4-5-2016, action - not yet done, notes - buying parts

All these dates are returned based on a search parameter based on a project number.  I only want the most current date and associated fields displayed.

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Problem Inserting Integers And Date In A Sql Server 2005 Datatable Row And Selecting It Afterwards Based On The Date

May 4, 2007

I have soma code that inserts 7 parameters in a database ( a date, 6  integers).
I also use a self incrementing ID but the date is set as primary key because for each series of 6 numbers of a certain date there may only be 1 entry.  Moreover only 1 entry of 6 integers is possible for 2 days of the week, (tue and fr).
I manage to insert a row of data in the database, where the date is set as smalldatetime and displays as follows:  1/05/2007 0:00:00 in the table.
I want to retrieve the series of numbers for a certain date that has been entered (without taking in account the hours and seconds).
A where clause seems to be needed but I don’t know the syntax or don’t find the right function
I use the following code to insert the row :
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Date", SqlDbType.DateTime, 40, "LDate"));
command.Parameters[6].Value = DateTime.Today.ToString();
and the following code to get the row back (to put in arraylist):
“SELECT C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 FROM Series WHERE (LDate = Today())?
 WHERE LDate =  '" + DateTime.Today.ToString() + "'"
Which is the correct syntax?  Is there a better way to insert and select based on the date?
I don’t get any error messages and the code executes fine but I only get an empty datatable in my dataset (the table isn’t looped for rows I noticed while debugging).
Today’s date is in the database but isn’t found by my tsql code I think.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Calculate Number Of Days Based On Computer System Date And Due Date Row

Mar 18, 2014

I have a query to run a report where the results has a column named “Due Date” which holds a date value based on the project submission date.Now, I need to add 4 columns named, “45 Days Expectant”, “30 Days Overdue”, “60 Days Overdue” and “90 Days Overdue”.I need to do a calculation based on the “Due Date” and “System (I mean default computer date) Date” that if “System Date” is 45 days+ to “Due Date” than put “Yes” in “45 Days Expectant” row.

Also, if “Due Date” is less than or equal to system date by 30 days, put “Yes” in “30 Days Overdue” and same for the 60 and 90 to write this Case Statement? I have some answers how to do it in SSRS (Report Designer) but I want to get the results using T-SQl.

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Reporting Services :: Date Range Filter Based On Date Values Returned In Report?

Aug 27, 2015

I have a QA Deployment Date field that is being returned in a custom report I created. I also found a sample date range parameter:

What I want to accomplish:

I want to select a From and To Date and filter the report to only display the rows that have the QA Deployment Date within the selected range.

For example.. I want to select From Date (8/1/2105) and To Date (8/31/2015) and I only want to return only the results that have a QA Deployment date between that selected range.

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Form Criteria Based On An Entered Date And Date Today

Mar 16, 2007


I am very new to SQL so please excuse me if my question seems too easy to answer.

Basically I need to populate a form based with records based on the criteria that the next mot date and todays are +/- 10 days.

i.e if todays date is 13/05/07 and the next mot date is 3/05/07 or later OR 23/05/07 or less then various fields will be shown in the form.

Can you please help.


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Insert Date Into Column Based On Date Field

Feb 26, 2008


I need to insert into a column (lets say column x) a date based on the date on another column (lets say column y).

What I need is:

Take the day and month from column x (all records are formated yyyy-mm-dd)

Place it in column y

The yyyy in column y should be - currenct year +1 and no the year in column x.
All help welcome.

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Reporting Services :: Select Text Field Dataset Based On User Select Option?

Aug 4, 2015

I have a report that uses different datasets based on the year selected by a user.

I have a year_id parameter that sets a report variable named dataset_chosen. I have varified that these are working correctly together.

I have attempted populating table cell data to display from the chosen dataset. As yet to no avail.

How could I display data from the dataset a user selects via the year_id options?

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How To: Create A SELECT To Select Records From A Table Based On The First Letter.......

Aug 16, 2007

Dear All
I need to cerate a SP that SELECTS all the records from a table WHERE the first letter of each records starts with 'A' or 'B' or 'C' and so on. The letter is passed via a parameter from a aspx web page, I was wondering that someone can help me in the what TSQL to use I am not looking for a solution just a poin in the right direction. Can you help.
Thanks Ross

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SQL 2012 :: Use Date Trunc Or Date Function To Select Date Range For Month On Month View

Jul 29, 2015

My goal is to select values from the same date range for a month on month view to compare values month over month. I've tried using the date trunc function but I'm not sure what the best way to attack this is. My thoughts are I need to somehow select first day of every month + interval 'x days' (but I don't know the syntax).In other words, I want to see

Jan 1- 23rd
feb 1-23rd
march 1-23rd
april 1-23rd

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How To Select All Dates Upto Todays Date And Include The First Next Future Date

Jan 11, 2006

how can i select all dates upto todays date and include the first next future date in a given data base

say todays date was the 01/06/2006 (MM,DD,YYYY)

below is a mock data base
id date (MM,DD,YYYY)
1 01/02/2006
2 01/04/2006
3 01/06/2006
4 01/09/2006
5 01/20/2006

i want to select all dates equal or less that 01/06/2006 and include the first next future date .. and in this case it would be 01/09/2006

so the results would return

1 01/02/2006
2 01/04/2006
3 01/06/2006
4 01/09/2006

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Transact SQL :: How To Select Rows From Table Where DATE Column Is Today's Date

Aug 31, 2015

So my data column [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is defined as a DATE column. I am trying to SELECT from my table where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is today's date.


Is this not working because GETDATE() is like a timestamp format? How can I get this to work to return those rows where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is equal to today's date?

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Date Format - Column Which Select First Day Of Given Month Of Converted Date

Oct 21, 2013

Aim – Convert the following field ”[INSTALLATION_DATE]” date format from “20090709” Into this “2009-07-09” ,

Also create a new column called “BegMonth” which selects first day of the given month of the converted date column

The table is ;

FROM [FDMS].[dbo].[stg_LMPAB501]


Required Results

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Find Value Based On Max(date)

Aug 3, 2007

I know I have done this before, but cannot for the life of me remember how.

I am trying to determine return the current (last added) deduction amount for each deduction type for each employee

Sample Table:

Any suggestions?

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Select A Date Minus Whatever Todays Date Is?

Feb 15, 2008

At the moment i have a query that is dependent on a date which is 42 days before whatever the date may be today.

The statement in my query I have to use is:

MailDate <= '2008-01-05'

I am wondering if i could make that statement automatically take off 42 days from todays date?

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