Select ROWS In Table A That Aren't In Table B

Jan 28, 2008

I've been scratching my head over this one.
It should be pretty easy to do, but I keep going over the same problem.

I have 3 tables (Suppliers, Categories & Suppliers_To_Categories).

Suppliers_To_Categories contains which suppliers are related to which categories.

The set-up is so (simplified):

1 Supplier 1
2 Supplier 2
3 Supplier 3
4 Supplier 4

1 Category A
2 Category B
3 Category C
4 Category D

id supplierId categoryId
1 1 1
1 1 2
1 1 3
2 2 3
3 3 1
3 3 3

What I am after is an SQL statement which tells me for a particular category, which suppliers ARE NOT related to it, so they can be assigned.

Category D has Suppliers 1-4 unassigned
Category C has Supplier 4 unassigned
Category B has 2, 3, 4 unassigned
Category A has Supplier 2, 4 unassigned etc...

I've got the other side of the SQL statement which tells me which suppliers are assigned to a category (see below):
SELECT Suppliers.*
Suppliers ON CatToSupplier.supplierId = Suppliers.supplierId
WHERE (CatToSupplier.CatId = @CatId)

This is probably really easy, but I've become unstuck!

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Dec 7, 2007

I have the following data



I want a perform a query where i can get all the rows of the master table which have no relationed rows in detail table.

How can I do that???

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Select First N Rows Of Table

Mar 28, 2006

Let us say that I have a table with two sets of values as such:Item Extension--- ----100023 1100025 1100025 2100028 1100029 1100029 2100029 3[...]Note that a given item number can appear multiple times if it has morethan one extension number.I want to be able to select the first N entries as grouped by itemnumber. So if N = 3, that would return 100023, 100025 and 10028 withtheir associated extentions. I would also like to be able to selectsay, the 2nd through 9th entries grouped by item number.I've tried something like this to give me row counts:select rank = count(1), t1.item, t1.extensionfrom ItemTable t1 inner join itemTable t2on t1.item >= t2.itemgroup by t1.item, t1.extensionorder by rankBut that gives me this sort of result:Rank Item Extension---- --- ----1 100023 13 100025 13 100025 24 100028 17 100029 17 100029 27 100029 3[...]Any suggestions would be welcome.

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Reports Rows Written But They Aren't

Oct 16, 2006

I have a 3 data flows with an oledb source, a script component and a sql server destination that reports success and that it wrote the rows to the table in question. However, the rows are not written to the SQL Server 2005 table that is the destination. I have many other data flows in the same package that work exactly the same way that insert the rows they should insert in the destination table.

An example of the message I get indicating success is as follows:

[DTS.Pipeline] Information: "component "SQL Server Destination" (75)" wrote 289 rows.

Has anyone else seen this behavior or have an idea what might be wrong? Why would the data flow report success when the rows were not, in fact, inserted in the destination table?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Select Top 200 To 300 Rows From A Table

Mar 9, 2015

Select top 100 * from tab1 order by col1 ---gives me the top 100 order by col1

Select top 200 * from tab1 order by col1 ---gives me the top 200 order by col1

How do I select the top 100 to 200

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How To Create SELECT For Rows In Table

Oct 20, 2014

I have two db-tables:

"TAB01" with structure:

Name varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,

It contains only name of some object.And "TAB02" with structure:

PositionA int,
PositionB int,
StringVal varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,

which contains following data:



and I need to find a sequence of values in column "StringVal", for example: A B.I look for a suitable SELECT, that returns (in this case) following result:


Data inserted in "TAB02" represents real-life structure:


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Select Rows Once That Do Not Exist Twice In Same Table

Dec 6, 2007


I have a table of row IDs, order numbers, and status. Status is a value of 1 or 2. Some rows only exist as a 1, some only as a 2, and some exist twice -- once as 1 and once as 2. I want to select orders that are 2 as well as rows that are 1 but do not also exist in the table as 2. Ultimately I will only see each order number once. Is there a better/faster way than doing multiple selects and comparing them to each other?

Example data:

RowID OrderNum Status
1 101 1
2 102 1
3 102 2
4 103 2

Desired results when selecting ID and ordernum from that table:
1 101
3 102
4 103


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Is There A Way To Alphabetically Select Rows From Table?

Oct 9, 2006

I have SQL mobile database. Due to the size and speed, I would like to select only rows that start with a certain set of alphabets. Is there a way to do this? I just don't want to query everything and use only a small number of rows since the recources on the device is limited.


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I Have Created A Table Table With Name As Varchar And Id As Int. Now I Have Started Inserting The Rows Like, Insert Into Table Values ('arun',20).

Jan 31, 2008

I have created a table Table with name as Varchar and id as int. Now i have started inserting the rows like, insert into Table values ('arun',20).Yes i have inserted a row in the table. Now i have got the values " arun's ", 50.                 insert into Table values('arun's',20)  My sqlserver is giving me an error instead of inserting the row. How will you solve this problem? 

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How To Select Specific 2 Rows Out Of A Huge Table

Jul 24, 2013

I have a very large table , and from that table I need just 2 records with column1 = 'A' and column1 = 'B' .

Here I don't think if I can not use OR or IN or Case operators because I need exactly 2 records not more.

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Affecting SELECT Rows To A Table Variable

Aug 16, 2006


I would like to know how to add SELECT row to a table variable. It's not for my SELECT syntax(code following is just an ugly example) that I want help it's for the use of table variable.
Your help will greatly appreciate!!!

ex :
DECLARE @MyTestVar table (
idTest int NOT NULL,
anotherColumn int NOT NULL)

SET @MyTestVar = (SELECT idTest, anotherColumn FROM tTest)-- This cause an error :-- Must declare the variable '@MyTestVar'. ???? What?

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Get The Id Of Inserted Rows --&&> Insert Into Table1 Select * From Table 2 ?

Apr 17, 2008


I want to do a "bulk" insert and then get the id (primary key) of the inseret rows:

insert into table1 select * from table2

If I get the value of the @@identity, I always get the last inserted record.

Any idea how to get the ids of all inserted values?



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Select Multiple Rows Of Data Not From Any Pre-existing Table

Apr 29, 2008

I know that this is legal sql: "SELECT 1 AS Blah"
I want to do something like this except for I need to select multiple rows each with a different value for Blah. The query needs to be legal to be passed to the SqlCommand.ExecuteReader Method. Is this possible?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Rows With Sum Of Column From Joined Table?

May 2, 2015

I want to return all rows in table giftregistryitems with an additional column that holds the sum of column `amount` in table giftregistrypurchases for the respective item in table giftregistryitems.

What I tried, but what returns NULL for purchasedamount:

SELECT (SELECT SUM(amount) from giftregistrypurchases gps where registryid=gi.registryid AND gp.itemid=gps.itemid) as purchasedamount,*
FROM giftregistryitems gi
LEFT JOIN giftregistrypurchases gp on
WHERE gi.registryid=2

How can I achieve what I need?

Here are my table definitions and data:

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[giftregistryitems] Script Date: 02-05-15 22:37:11 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[giftregistryitems](
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,


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Select Multiple Rows Based On Date Interval From Table

Apr 7, 2015

I have a table in which each record has a initial date and a final date. I would like to create I query that gives me one row for each month between the initial date and the final date. It would be something like this:



Resulting view:


I would like to do that, because these dates correspond to the time in which the products are in possession of sellers, so I would to use this resulting query to generate a pivot chart in Excel to illustrate the value of the goods that are with our sellers in each month.

Is it possible to do it? I think I could do that direct in VBA, but I think that maybe it would be faster if I could do it directly in SQL.

By the way, I am using MS SQL Server and SQL Server Manegement Studio 2012.

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Randomly Order Selected Rows From Table - Select Procedure Vs Application

Jun 21, 2012

I need to randomly order the selected rows from my table. Is this better to do on the Application level or in a stored procedure using "orderby NewID()"?

Which is faster? There will be about 100 rows returned with 10 columns.

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Transact SQL :: Select 1000 Rows At A Time From / Into A Large Temp Table?

May 12, 2015

I am using SQL SERVER 2008R2, not Denali, so I cannot use OFFSET FETCH Clause.

In my stored procedure, I am doing a SELECT INTO #tblTemp FROM... Working fine. This resultset is going to be used in an SSIS package which will generate a pipe-delimited .txt file... Working fine.

For recoverability sake, I am trying to throttle back on the commit chunks to 1000 rows per commit until there are no more rows. I am trying to avoid large rollbacks.

Q: Am I supposed to handle the transactions (begin/commit/rollback/end trans) when the records are being inserted into the temp table? Or when they are being selected form the temp table?

Q: Or can I handle this in my SSIS package for a flat file destination? I don't see option for a flat file destination like I do for an OLE DB Destination (like Rows per batch, Maximum insert commit size).

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Nov 21, 2006

For reasons that are not relevant (though I explain them below *), Iwant, for all my users whatever privelige level, an SP which createsand inserts into a temporary table and then another SP which reads anddrops the same temporary table.My users are not able to create dbo tables (eg dbo.tblTest), but arepermitted to create tables under their own user (eg MyUser.tblTest). Ihave found that I can achieve my aim by using code like this . . .SET @SQL = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @MyUserName + '.' + 'tblTest(tstIDDATETIME)'EXEC (@SQL)SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO ' + @MyUserName + '.' + 'tblTest(tstID) VALUES(GETDATE())'EXEC (@SQL)This becomes exceptionally cumbersome for the complex INSERT & SELECTcode. I'm looking for a simpler way.Simplified down, I am looking for something like this . . .CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TestInsert ASCREATE TABLE tblTest(tstID DATETIME)INSERT INTO tblTest(tstID) VALUES(GETDATE())GOCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TestSelect ASSELECT * FROM tblTestDROP TABLE tblTestIn the above example, if the SPs are owned by dbo (as above), CREATETABLE & DROP TABLE use MyUser.tblTest while INSERT & SELECT usedbo.tblTest.If the SPs are owned by the user (eg MyUser.TestInsert), it workscorrectly (MyUser.tblTest is used throughout) but I would have to havea pair of SPs for each user.* I have MS Access ADP front end linked to a SQL Server database. Forreports with complex datasets, it times out. Therefore it suit mypurposes to create a temporary table first and then to open the reportbased on that temporary table.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Insert Multiple Rows In A Table With A Single Select Statement?

Feb 12, 2014

I have created a trigger that is set off every time a new item has been added to TableA.The trigger then inserts 4 rows into TableB that contains two columns (item, task type).

Each row will have the same item, but with a different task

TableA.item, 'Planning'
TableA.item, 'Design'
TableA.item, 'Program'
TableA.item, 'Production'

How can I do this with tSQL using a single select statement?

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Is There A Method To Convert Select * From Table To Select Field1,field2,...fieldn From Table ?

Nov 29, 2007

Is there a method to convert "Select * From Table" to "Select field1,field2,...fieldn From Table" ?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Statement That Take Upper Table And Select Lower Table

Jul 31, 2014

I need to write a select statement that take the upper table and select the lower table.

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Declaring A Table Variable Within A Select Table Joined To Other Select Tables In Query

Oct 15, 2007


I hope someone can answer this, I'm not even sure where to start looking for documentation on this. The SQL query I'm referencing is included at the bottom of this post.

I have a query with 3 select statements joined together like tables. It works great, except for the fact that I need to declare a variable and make it a table within two of those 3. The example is below. You'll see that I have three select statements made into tables A, B, and C, and that table A has a variable @years, which is a table.

This works when I just run table A by itself, but when I execute the entire query, I get an error about the "declare" keyword, and then some other errors near the word "as" and the ")" character. These are some of those errors that I find pretty meaningless that just mean I've really thrown something off.

So, am I not allowed to declare a variable within these SELECT tables that I'm creating and joining?

Thanks in advance,

Select * from


declare @years table (years int);

insert into @years



WHEN month(getdate()) in (1) THEN year(getdate())-1

WHEN month(getdate()) in (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) THEN year(getdate())




, sum(tx.Dm_Time) LastMonthBillhours

, sum(tx.Dm_Time)/((select dm_billabledays from dm_billabledays where Dm_Month = Month(GetDate()))*8) lasmosbillingpercentage


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


Month(tx.Dm_Date) = Month(getdate())-1


year(dm_date) = (select years from @years)

and tx.dm_billable = 1

group by u.fullname

) as A

left outer join



, sum(tx.Dm_Time) Billhours

, ((sum(tx.Dm_Time))


((day(getdate()) * ((5.0)/(7.0))) * 8)) perc


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


tx.Dm_Billable = '1'


month(tx.Dm_Date) = month(GetDate())


year(tx.Dm_Date) = year(GetDate())

group by u.fullname) as B


A.Fullname = B.Fullname

Left Outer Join




, sum(tx.Dm_Time) TwomosagoBillhours

, sum(tx.Dm_Time)/((select dm_billabledays from dm_billabledays where Dm_Month = Month(GetDate()))*8) twomosagobillingpercentage


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


Month(tx.Dm_Date) = Month(getdate())-2

group by u.fullname

) as C


A.Fullname = C.Fullname

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Select * From Table Is Processed Much Faster Than Select MyField From Table ¿?¿?

Oct 1, 2007

I have a query that has the following structure

Select *
From Table
Where Condition And ... (some 'Exists' conditions)

When I run the query using field names the query gets much slower, and I cannot understand Why!

Select MyField
From Table
Where Condition And ... (some 'Exists' conditions)

I'm talking about three times slower using the Select MyField sintax.

Any ideas???

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Count All Table Rows Then Insert Into Test Table Using SSIS Packages

Jul 15, 2013

I have database test007DB and I need count all table rows then insert into test99 table using ssis packages .

test99: tableName countRows
t1 20
t2 30
t3 25

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Delete Child Table Rows Based On Predicates In A Parent Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables that are related by keys. For instance,Table employee {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,department_name char(40) not null,age int not null,...}Employee table has a primary key (combination of last_name and first_name).Table address {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,street char(200) not null,city char(100) not null,...}Address table has a primary key (combination of last_name, first_name andstreet in which (last_name, first_name) reference (last_name, first_name) inemployee table.Now I want to delete some rows in Address table based on department_name inEmployee table. What is sql for this delete?I appreciate your help. Please ignore table design and I just use it for myproblem illustration.Jim

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Transact SQL :: How To Get First Table All Rows In Left Join If Condition Is Applied On Second Table

Aug 15, 2015

I am using stored procedure to load gridview but problem is that i am not getting all rows from first table[ Subject] on applying conditions on second table[ Faculty_Subject table] ,as you can see below if i apply condition :-


Then i don't get all subjects from subject table, how this can be achieved.

Sql Code:-
ALTER Proc [dbo].[SP_Get_Subjects_Faculty_Details]
@Class_Id int

[code] ....

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SQL Call To Count The Total Rows In Table B For Each User In Table A

Jan 17, 2006

I have 2 tables:
Table B:
Name               Data
UserA              xxx
UserB              asdasd
UserB              ewrsad
UserC              dsafasc
UserA              sdf
UserB              dfvr4
I want to count the total entries in Table B for every user in Table A.  The output would be:
Name               Count
UserA              2
UserB              3
UserC              1
I can use a Select Count statement, but I will have to make a SQL call for every user in Table A.  Also, Table A is dynamic, so the users are always changing.  Can this be incorporated into one SQL call to count the total rows in Table B for each user in Table A?

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Stored Procedure That Fetch Each Row Of A Table And Update Rows In Another Table

Jan 31, 2006

I am working with the following two tables:


All fields are of Integer Type.

I need to write a stored procedure in sql 2000 which works as follows:

Select all the NewID and OldID from the Category Table
(SELECT NewID,OldID FROM Category)

Then for each rows fetched from last query, execute a update query in the Link table.

For Example,

Let @NID be the NewID for each rows and @OID be the OldID for each rows.
Then the query for each row should be..


Please help me with the code.


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Copying All Rows From One Table Into Another Existing Table And Overwriting Data

Feb 15, 2005

i have 2 tables (both containing the same column names/datatypes), say table1 and table2.. table1 is the most recent, but some rows were deleted on accident.. table2 was a backup that has all the data we need, but some of it is old, so what i want to do is overwrrite the rows in table 2 that also exist in table 1 with the table 1 rows, but the rows in table 2 that do not exist in table one, leave those as is.. both tables have a primary key, user_id.

any ideas on how i could do this easily?


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Trigger On Table LeaveRegister And Inserting Rows In Audit Table

Oct 22, 2012

I write a insert trigger on my table LeaveRegister(1000 rows) and inserting rows in audit table, but when i inserting a row in LeaveRegister table. In audit table 1000 + 1 rows are inserting every time.

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How To Archiv Table To Another Table With Unique Number For All Rows Once + Date

Apr 28, 2008

need help
how to archiv table to another table with unique number for all rows once + date time (not the second only day time +minute)
i need whan i insert to the another table add 2 more fields (unique number , date_time )

this is the table 1 i select from
ID fname new_date val_holiday

111 aaaa 15/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 16/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 18/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 19/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 20/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 21/03/2008 1

222 bbb 02/05/2008 3
222 bbb 03/05/2008 3
222 bbb 04/05/2008 3
222 bbb 05/05/2008 3
222 bbb 06/05/2008 3
222 bbb 07/05/2008 3
222 bbb 08/05/2008 3
222 bbb 09/05/2008 3

333 ccc 03/04/2008 4
333 ccc 04/04/2008 4

this is the table 2 i insert into
ID fname new_date val_holiday unique number date_time

111 aaaa 15/03/2008 1 666 15/04/2008 17:03
111 aaaa 16/03/2008 1 666 15/04/2008 17:03
111 aaaa 18/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 19/03/2008 1 666 15/04/2008 17:03
111 aaaa 20/03/2008 1 666 15/04/2008 17:03
111 aaaa 21/03/2008 1 666 15/04/2008 17:03

222 bbb 02/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 03/05/2008 3
222 bbb 04/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 05/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 06/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 07/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 08/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 09/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03

333 ccc 03/04/2008 4 666 15/04/2008 17:03
333 ccc 04/04/2008 4 666 15/04/2008 17:03

for evry archiv table to another table (insert) i need to get a unique number + date time (not the second only day time +minute)

next insert ......
ID fname new_date val_holiday unique number date_time

111 aaaa 15/03/2008 1 667 15/04/2008 17:15
111 aaaa 16/03/2008 1 667 15/04/2008 17:15
111 aaaa 18/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 19/03/2008 1 667 15/04/2008 17:15

.....................................................................667 15/04/2008 17:15

next insert ......
ID fname new_date val_holiday unique number date_time

111 aaaa 15/03/2008 1 668 15/04/2008 08:15
111 aaaa 16/03/2008 1 668 15/04/2008 08:15
111 aaaa 18/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 19/03/2008 1 668 15/04/2008 08:15

.....................................................................668 15/04/2008 08:15


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Transact SQL :: How To Select Rows From Table Where DATE Column Is Today's Date

Aug 31, 2015

So my data column [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is defined as a DATE column. I am trying to SELECT from my table where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is today's date.


Is this not working because GETDATE() is like a timestamp format? How can I get this to work to return those rows where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is equal to today's date?

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Delete Rows In One Table By Referencing Another Table Info

Sep 16, 2004

I have one table that has unique id's associated with each row of information. I want to delete rows of information in one table that have a unique ID that references information in another table.

Here is a basic breakdown of what I am trying to do:

Table1 (the table where the rows need to be deleted from)
Column_x (Holds the id that is unique to the various rows of data - User ID)

Table2 (Holds the user information & has the associated ID)
Column_z (holds the User ID)

I tried this on a test set of tables and could not get it to work. What I am trying to do is skip all rows of Table1 that have ID's present in Table2, and delete the rows of ID's that are not present in Table2.


SELECT Column_z
FROM dbo.Table2
DELETE FROM dbo.Table1
WHERE Column_z <> Column_x

This did not seem to do what I needed, it did not delete any rows at all.

I wanted it to delete all rows in Table1 that did not have a reference to a user ID that matched any ID's in Column_z of Table2

Then I tried another scenerio that I also needed to do:


SELECT Column_z, Column_a
FROM dbo.Table2
DELETE FROM dbo.Table1
WHERE Column_z = Column_x AND Column_a='0'

'0' being the user id is inactive so I wanted to delete rows in Table1 and remove all references to users that were in an inactive status in Table2.

Neither one of the Queries wanted to work for me in the Query Analyzer when I ran them. It just said (0) rows affected.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong here?

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