Select A Value From Column Which Is Named Index

Dec 17, 2011

I want to Select a value from a Column which is named "Index" - and I don't want to change the name naturally. Is there a way to get a value without mentioning the Column name itself, rather the column number? "Incorrect syntax near 'Index'. If this is intended as a part of a table hint, A WITH keyword and parenthesis are now required. See SQL Server Books Online for proper syntax."

Occurs when I try to simply..
-> SELECT Index FROM Table WHERE Name like 'xyz' <-

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How Can I Create A New Table With Its Column Named From Another Table's One Column Value By Using A Select Sentence?

Sep 27, 2006

For example,I have a table "authors" with a column "author_name",and it has three value "Anne Ringer,Ann Dull,Johnson White".Here I want to create a new table by using a select sentence,its columns come from the values of the column "author_name".

can you tell me how can I complete this with the SQL?

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SELECT Columns By Column-index NOT By Columnname!

Nov 20, 2005

Hello all,

how can I select one or more columns from a table by column-index and NOT by columnname?


SELECT tbl1.[1], tbl1.[2], tbl1.[3] FROM Orders AS tbl1

and NOT like this:

SELECT tbl1.OrderNo, tbl1.ProductNo, tbl1.Price FROM Orders AS tbl1

Is that possible in MS-SQL 2000?

Thanks a lot in advance

kind regards


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Index Table1 And Select For 647.600 Records.. It Is So Slow.. But I Have No Index :)???

Jun 20, 2008

hello friends
i have table1 and 200 coulumn of table1 :) i have 647.600 records. i entered my records to table1 with for step to code lines in one day :)
i select category1 category2 and category3 with select code but i have just one index.. it is productnumber and it is primarykey..So my select code lines is so slow.. it is 7-9 second.. how can i select in 0.1 second ? Should i create index for category1 and category2 and category3 ? But i dont know create index.. My select code lines is below.. Could you learn me and show me index for it ?? or Could you learn me and show me fast Select code lines and index or etc ??? Also my search code line have a dangerous releated to attaching table1 with hackers :)
cheersi send 3 value of treview1 node and childnode and child.childnode to below page.aspx :)
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Me.IsPostBack Then
If Request("TextBox1") IsNot Nothing ThenTextBox1.Text = Request("TextBox1")
End If
If Request("TextBox2") IsNot Nothing ThenTextBox2.Text = Request("TextBox2")
End If
If Request("TextBox3") IsNot Nothing ThenTextBox3.Text = Request("TextBox3")
End If
End If
Dim searchword As String
If Request("TextBox3") = "" And Request("TextBox2") = "" Then
searchword = "Select * from urunlistesi where kategori= '" & Request("TextBox1") & "'"
End If
If Request("TextBox3") = "" Then
searchword = "Select * from urunlistesi where kategori= '" & Request("TextBox1") & "' and kategori1= '" & Request("TextBox2") & "'"
End If
If Request("TextBox3") <> "" And Request("TextBox2") <> "" And Request("TextBox1") <> "" Then
searchword = "Select * from urunlistesi where kategori= '" & Request("TextBox1") & "' and kategori1= '" & Request("TextBox2") & "' and kategori2= '" & Request("TextBox3") & "'"
End If
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = searchword
End Sub

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Clustered Index On Client_ID+ORderNO+OrdersubNo, If I Create 3 Noncluster Index On Said Column Will It Imporve Performance

Dec 5, 2007

Dear All.

We had Teradata 4700 SMP. We have moved data from TD to MS_SQL SERVER 2003. records are 19.65 Millions.

table is >> Order_Dtl

Columns are:-

Client_ID varchar 10
Order_ID varchar 50
Order_Sub_ID decimal
Pk is (ClientID+OrderId+OrderSubID)

Web Base application or PDA devices use to initiate the order from all over the country. The issue is this table is not Partioned but good HP with 30 GB RAM is installed. this is main table that receive 18,0000 hits or more. All brokers and users are using this table to see the status of their order.

The always search by OrderID, or ClientID or order_SubNo, or enter any two like (Client_ID+Order_Sub_ID) or any combination.

Query takes to much time when ever server receive more querys. some orther indexes are also created on the same table like (OrderDate, OrdCreate Date and Status)

My Question are:-

Q1. IF Person "A" query to DB on Client_ID, then what Index will use ? (If any one do Query on any two combination like Client_ID+Order_ID, So what index will be uesd.? How does MS-SQL SERVER deal with these kind of issues.?

Q2. If i create 3 more indexes on ClientID, ORderID and OrdersubID. will this improve the performance of query.if person "A" search record on orderNo so what index will be used. (Mind it their would be 3 seprate indexes for Each PK columns) and composite-Clustered index is also available.?

Q3. I want to check what indexes has been used? on what search?

Q4. How can i check what table was populated when, or last date of update (DML)?

My Limitation is i Dont Create a Partioned table. I dont have permission to do it.

In Teradata we had more than 4 tb record of CRM data with no issue. i am not new baby in db line but not expert in sql server 2003.

I am thank u to all who read or reply.


Manager Database

(Teradata Master)
10g OCP

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Index/performance Index For SELECT.... IN Statement

Sep 10, 2007

Hi All,

I 'm working to improve some sql performance.

One of the major syntax inside the SELECT statment is ..


(It's to compare the field content with some user input parameter inside a parameter table... )

I think properly is that the SELECT ... IN is causing much slowness in the sql statement. I have indexed FIELDA , FIELDB, FILEDC etc and those PARAVALUE and PARATYPE in the PARATABLE table. But perfromance is still slow and execution takes >20 seconds for 200000 rows of records.

Do any one know if still any chance to improvide the performance like this?

Much Thanks,


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Select From A Named Instance

Mar 27, 2008

I have sql2000 and sql2005 on one machine.
When I try to query a named instance of sql2005 from query analyzer in sql 2000 I recieved an error regarding an entry not being in the sysservers table. I added an entry pointing to the new install of sql2005. Now I get an error message saying
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Line 2: Incorrect syntax near '-'.
My server name is BB-SERVER1 It definitly does not like the hyphen. Any thoughts?
Changing the server name is not really an option.


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Differnce Between A Column That S A Primary Key And A Column That S A Key/index With Isunique=true

Sep 13, 2007


Please, What s the differnce between a column that s a primary key and a column that s a "key/index with Isunique=true"?

Thanks a lot.

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Multi-column Index Vs Single Column Indexes

Aug 14, 2007

Hi,Would like to know the performance differenece between Multi-columnIndex vs Single Column Indexes. Let's say I have a table with col1,col2, col3 along with a primary key column and non-indexed columns.In queries, I will use col1, col2, and col3 together and some timesjust one or two of these three columns. My questions is, should Icreate one index contains col1, col2, and col3, or create 3 seperatedcolumns. I.e. each column has its own index. Any performancedifference?Thanks a lot.

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FK On A Column To A Table Where The Column Is Not The PK But A Unique Index

Jul 23, 2005

Hello everyone, I am new to ERWIN and I need helps from the experts outthere.We are using ERWin 4.1.2771 and have reversed engineered some MS SQLServer 2000 databases.The problem we are having is that we have a FK on a column to a tablewhere the PK of the referencing table is on another column (such as anidentity column). We have a unique index on the column in the PK tableand SQL Server allows you to build a FK reference even though thecolumn is not defined as the PK.Does anyone know how to create this type of FK within Erwin?Thank You

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How To Get The Index Of Each Row From A SELECT Query In SQL ?

Aug 11, 2005

Hi,I am making as SELECT query to fill a repeater, and I need to retrieve the index of each line of the, I want to get a dataset like :"0", "dataCol1", "dataCol2" for the first line"1", "dataCol1", "dataCol2" for the second line"2", "dataCol1", "dataCol2" for the third lineetc.Anyone knows if there is a sql statement that does it ?ThanksJohann

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Jan 16, 2007

for MS SQL 2000

the following will work if I want to have UNIQUE Users.Name >>
INSERT INTO [Users] (Name)
SELECT Names FROM OtherUsers
where OtherUsers.Names not in (select Name from Users)

but if I have an UNIQUE INDEX on Users
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IX_Users] ON [Users] ([Name],[Category]) ON [PRIMARY]
how can I do it ?

INSERT INTO [Users] (Name, Category)
SELECT Names,Categories FROM OtherUsers
where OtherUsers.Names + OtherUsers.Categories not in (select Name, Category from Users) ?

how can I insert it wih an index on 2 or 3 columns ?

thank you for helping

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Should The INDEX Name Be Used In SELECT Statement

Apr 19, 2007

I am new to SQL, especially use SQL in VC++ 6.0 framework.

I am told that creating INDEX on field(s) could speed up a query.

if I create a INDEX like the following
CREATE nonclustered INDEX IX_XYZ on TableA.field1
Should I use the INDEX name IX_XYZ in some way in the following SELECT statement. Or the following SELECT statement will be carried out automatically based on the INDEX IX_XYZ.

SELECT * FROM TableA WHERE field1 = xxx

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Add Index To Select Result

Mar 20, 2007

Eliko writes "i would like to add a coloumn to a select result, so there will be another coloumn with indexed running numbers for each record.
how can i do it?

thank you

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HELP!, How I Can Describe The Name Of Index Which I Like To Use In SELECT Statement

Sep 19, 2000


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SELECT Result Without Index Sorting

Mar 16, 2004

I want to SELECT the result from table, but i want the result return in record entry order, instead of sort by index or ORDER BY certain field.

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Index On Bit Column

Nov 7, 2004


MSSql2000: According to docs:
"Columns of type bit cannot have indexes on them"

Its impossible to define index on bit column using EM but ‘create index …’ command in QA is working and the index is created.
I understand why not to create index like this but … its valid or invalid operation to create index on BIT column ?


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Which Column To Put Index

May 6, 2008

i've these following table and data

TransID | BranchID | X | Y | TransDate
1 | 12 | 90 | 76 | 3/12/2007
2 | 9 | 45 | 79 | 3/12/2007
3 | 12 | 69 | 34 | 3/12/2007
4 | 12 | 78 | 56 | 3/12/2007
5 | 9 | 67 | 35 | 3/12/2007
6 | 12 | 78 | 56 | 3/12/2007
*TransID is a primary key

BranchID | BranchName
9 | Kota Raja
10 | Kota Alam
11 | Kota Lama
12 | Kota Tua
13 | Kota Hantu
*BranchID is a primary key

Which column need to put an index? Can anyone show me the best way?

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CI And NC Index On Same Column

May 5, 2014

If i have cluster and NC index on same column,does it degrade performance on DML statements ? any advantage on select statements.

Is it good to have both indexes on same column ?

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Key And Index On Same Column?

Aug 26, 2005

Is there any advantage to doing this:ALTER TABLE testtable ADDCONSTRAINT PK_sysUserPRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (UserID)WITH FILLFACTOR = 100,CONSTRAINT IX_sysUserUNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (UserID)WITH FILLFACTOR = 100GOover just having the primary key? Does having both an index and aprimary key add anything?thankschris

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Is It Possible To Re-reference A Column Alias From A Select Clause In Another Column Of The Same Select Clause?

Jul 20, 2005

Example, suppose you have these 2 tables(NOTE: My example is totally different, but I'm simply trying to setupthe a simpler version, so excuse the bad design; not the point here)CarsSold {CarsSoldID int (primary key)MonthID intDealershipID intNumberCarsSold int}Dealership {DealershipID int, (primary key)SalesTax decimal}so you may have many delearships selling cars the same month, and youwanted a report to sum up totals of all dealerships per cs.MonthID,sum(cs.NumberCarsSold) as 'TotalCarsSoldInMonth',sum(cs.NumberCarsSold) * d.SalesTax as 'TotalRevenue'from CarsSold csjoin Dealership d on d.DealershipID = cs.DealershipIDgroup by cs.MonthIDMy question is, is there a way to achieve something like this:select cs.MonthID,sum(cs.NumberCarsSold) as 'TotalCarsSoldInMonth',TotalCarsSoldInMonth * d.SalesTax as 'TotalRevenue'from CarsSold csjoin Dealership d on d.DealershipID = cs.DealershipIDgroup by cs.MonthIDNotice the only difference is the 3rd column in the select. Myparticular query is performing some crazy math and the only way I knowof how to get it to work is to copy and past the logic which isgetting out way out of hand...Thanks,Dave

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Select Col42 From Tbl With (NOT INDEX (myidx)) - Hint Saying Do Not Use Possible?

Nov 28, 2007

I would like when I compare query plans to be able to compare
2 queries where the 1. is the "normal" version and the 2. the version where I forced compiler
not to use a specific index (i don't want to force at table scan, so hint index(0) can't be used).

The only way I see how I could achieve something similar is to to drop the index and compare response time
before and after. But building index could be time consuming...

Is it possible?

select col42 from tbl;
select col42 from tbl with...

pressing CTRL+L


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Can't Add Bit Column To Unique Index

Feb 6, 2007

This is for SQL 2000 (SP 2) using Enterprise Manager. I have a table with a unique index comprised of several int fields. The index needs to include an additional bit field that is part of the table. But when I go to modify the index, the bit field name doesn't appear in the Column Name list.
Can anyone shed any light on the problem?

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Index On Identity Column

Feb 18, 1999

I have an non-clustered index defined on an identity column(statusid) on a table containing 200k rows. The query optimizer chooses to do a table scan when doing the following select. Why would this be.

WHERE statusid = 10000

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SQL 2012 :: CI And NC Index On Same Column?

May 5, 2014

I have a question regarding indexes.

If i have cluster and NC index on same column,does it degrade performance on DML statements ? any advantage on select statements.

Is it good to have both indexes on same column ?

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Multi Column Index

Apr 22, 2008

Hi there,

My 'where' clause contains the following...

startdate <= @Date AND enddate > @Date

Should I put one index on 'startDate' and another on 'endDate' or should I have one index that covers both columns?

I don't know what the difference would be.

Cheers, XF.

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Insert A Column At Particular Index

Nov 20, 2013

I am using SQL Server2012. Is it possible to insert a new_column to table at 10th of it's column_index ? Ofcourse I can select, but I wish to insert at particular index...Is it possible? Alter table Table1 add New_Column varchar(20) at 10 ??????

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Index Computed Column?

Jul 28, 2006

Can I create an index on a variation of a column that isn't actually inthe table?I have a ParcelNumber column, with values like123 AB-67012345ABC 000-00-04012-345-67AP34567890The blanks and non-alphanumeric characters cause problems with users,because sometimes they're there, and sometimes they aren't. So I wouldlike to create an index based on this column, with the non-alphanumericcharacters squeezed out. Of course I can add such a column to thetable and index it, but I'm wondering if it can be done withoutactually adding the column.Thanks,Jim

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Index On A Varchar Column?

Jul 20, 2005

In an effort to improve the speed of queries against my main table,I'll be indexing a column whose data type is varchar(50).Would I be better off (better performance) if I changed the column'sdata type to some numeric type? I would have to update the column'sdata to accomodate this, but I would do it if this offers aperformance gain.-- Bill

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DateTime Column Not Using Index

Jul 11, 2006

I'm having a hard time getting one of my tables to use a non clustered index that I have on a DateTime column.

A sample version of the table is something like this

CREATE TABLE Appointments
AppointmentDate DateTime NOT NULL

with a clustered primary key on ID and a nonclustered key on AppointmentDate.

This production table has over 1million rows and the problem I have is this:

If I do a SELECT * FROM Appointments where AppointmentDate >= '20060701' AND AppointmentDate < '20060702' the Non clustered index on the AppointmentDate column works fine. i.e. I'm returning all appointments for the 1st of July.

Now if I run the exact same query using datetime parameters, a Clustered index scan is performed instead of an index seek.

DECLARE @AppDate DateTime

SET @AppDate = '20060701'

SELECT * FROM Appointments WHERE AppointmentDate >= @AppDate and AppointmentDate < DATEADD(day, 1, @AppDate)

Any ideas why it would do this?

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Difference Between Index Seek &&amp; Index Scan &&amp; Index Lookup Operations?

Oct 20, 2006

please explain the differences btween this logical & phisicall operations that we can see therir graphical icons in execution plan tab in Management Studio

thank you in advance

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SELECT Column Aliases: Refer To Alias In Another Column?

Apr 9, 2008

Using SQL Server 2000.  How can I refer to one alias in another column?E.g., (this a contrived example but you get the idea)SELECT time, distance, (distance / time) AS speed, (speed / time) AS acceleration FROM dataNote how the speed alias is used in the definition of acceleration alias but this doesn't seem to work.

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SELECT Column Aliases: Refer To Alias In Another Column?

Apr 10, 2008

Using SQL Server 2000. How can I refer to one alias in another column?

E.g., (this a contrived example but you get the idea)

SELECT time, distance, (distance / time) AS speed, (speed / time) AS acceleration FROM data

Note how the "speed" alias is used in the definition of "acceleration" alias but this doesn't work.

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