Select All Fields But Using Method Of Distinct

Jul 28, 2015

I have a code that gives me the sample I am looking for, but only displays one field.

NuminHH is my field

7320EN_Var is my Table

Proof is the new table I want to create.

from 7320EN_Var

View 21 Replies


Select Distinct One Some Fields, But Return All Feilds

Jul 23, 2005

I was curious...Is there a way to select distinct on a combination of some fields andthe for each record returned also get the other fields of anarbitrarily chosen record matching the fields in the distinct record.For example, if I have a select distinct on say three fields:SELECT DISTINCT Code1, Code2, Code3but the table also has other fields, maybe Foo1 and Foo2, and I wantFoo1 and Foo2 to also be displayed. Since there may be multiplerecords that match a particular Code1, Code2, Code3, then I just wantone of those to be arbitrarily chosen.

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Best Method: 'TOP 1' Or 'DISTINCT' Or 'MAX'

Feb 26, 2004

'TOP 1' or 'DISTINCT' or 'MAX'
Any sugestions on which is better to use if I need to select a record that has the highest value - could be a INT or sometimes a DATETIME.

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Select DISTINCT On Multiple Columns Is Not Returning Distinct Rows?

Jul 6, 2007

Hi, I have the following script segment which is failing:

CREATE TABLE #LatLong (Latitude DECIMAL, Longitude DECIMAL, PRIMARY KEY (Latitude, Longitude))

INSERT INTO #LatLong SELECT DISTINCT Latitude, Longitude FROM RGCcache

When I run it I get the following error: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#LatLong__________7CE3D9D4'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#LatLong'."

Im not sure how this is failing as when I try creating another table with 2 decimal columns and repeated values, select distinct only returns distinct pairs of values.

The failure may be related to the fact that RGCcache has about 10 million rows, but I can't see why.

Any ideas?

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Use DISTINCT On Subset Of All Fields

Jul 5, 2001

My table contains customer records with multiple records per customer. As a result of a query, I´m only interested in one record per customer with the highest value of a certain field in the record.

I thought of using DISTINCT, but can I use DISTINCT on a subset of all fields? Or sort the table in a certain way that the query result only shows the first unique records for a customer.

Other ideas are welcome to.

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Group By Or Distinct - But Several Fields

Feb 11, 2014

How can I use a Distinct or Group by statement on 1 field when calling All or at least several ones.

SELECT id_product, description_fr, DiffMAtrice, id_mark, id_type, NbDiffMatrice, nom_fr, nouveaute
From C_Product_Tempo

And I want Distinct or Group By nom_fr

View 19 Replies View Related

Trying To Return Whole Records With Distinct Fields

Oct 17, 2006


I am trying to write a query that will return a full record with a particular distinct field (the rest of the record being the first such record that includes the distinct field).

For example, for the following:

Fruit Like? Colour
Apple Y Green
Orange N Orange
Banana Y Yellow
Grape Y Green
Grapefruit N Yellow

I would want to return (assuming Colour was the distinct field):

Fruit Like? Colour
Apple Y Green
Orange N Orange
Banana Y Yellow

How do I do this? I've tried using a join (of all different kinds) with a subquery that uses SELECT DISTINCT but this doesn't seem to work. I've tried GROUP BY but none of the aggregate functions seem to just take the first found field.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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Any Easy Class Method To Update About 100 Fields Of A Database Using Stored Procedure?

Feb 1, 2007

Hi all,
 I am using  C# for ASP.NEt 2003.
I would like to know if there is any easy method to update a database with about 100 fields in it.
At present, I pass all the values of the controls on the web form to the stored procedure as parameters like :-
myCommand.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = txtCustomerID.text
Like this,  I add all 100 parameters.
Is there any easy method to do it using a class or any other methods?
Thanking you in advance,

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SELECT Top. Which Method Is Best?

Jul 20, 2005

HiSQL Server 7.0 using stored procedures.I need to do a SELECT Top but I always need to find the record countfor the entire SELECT statement.ID Name-- ----1 Abraham20 Barrington32 Callaway54 Dennis58 EmmettIf I do a SELECT TOP 3, I'll get the required records but get arecordcount of 3.I cant use the ROWCOUNT method either becuase the recordcount willalso be 3.I can see two different options for getting back the information Ineed:1 - Run the select statement twice, first to retrieve the recordcountand then with top to get the recordset2 - Use a temp table to get the entire recordset and recordcount, andthen extract the Top N recordsI'd like to know if anyone has any other suggestions. Currently, I'mtempted to go for the second option....ThanksSam

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Is There A Method To Convert Select * From Table To Select Field1,field2,...fieldn From Table ?

Nov 29, 2007

Is there a method to convert "Select * From Table" to "Select field1,field2,...fieldn From Table" ?

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Use Select Method Of SqlDatasource

Dec 1, 2005

hiplz can any one tellHow should i use select method of SqlDatasourceplz show little code toothanks

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Which Method For SELECT Is Prefered?

Nov 19, 2007

Hi guys,

I'm just curious if there is a prefered method when it comes to SELECT statements that include multiple tables. I have two versions:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, ProductName, SalePrice
WHERE MONTH(SaleDate) = '2'
AND YEAR(SaleDate) = '2005'

SELECT FirstName, LastName, ProductName, SalePrice
WHERE MONTH(SaleDate) = '2'
AND YEAR(SaleDate) = '2005';

Could you tell me if either of these methods are favored over the other or if there is another way of producing the same output that is used over both these methods.

Thank you in advance


View 4 Replies View Related Method

Oct 12, 2006


Can I use "like" in method??


Dim exp As String = "c.cDesc like " & txtSearch.Text & " + N'%' "
Dim rows() As DataRow = dtCenters.Select(exp)

knowing that txtSearch.text has unicode characters

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Correct Syntax For Recordset's Select Method.

Feb 17, 2006

I have a interger stored in x.

I want to use x in a SELECT statement like so :

SELECT * from aTable WHERE A_Column = x

This select statement is then assigned to and passed as a string like :

sql = "SELECT * from aTable WHERE A_Column = x"

How does the x get interpreted correctly ?

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Oct 16, 2006

OK I have a Forum on my website make up of 3 tablesTopisThreadsMessageI show a list of the 10 most recent Changed Threads.  My Problem is that my Subject field is in the messages Table, IF I link Threads to Messages then try to use Select Disticnt I get mutliple Subject fields as the messsges are not unique (obvisally) So I want to get the top 10 Threads by postdate and link to the Messages table to get the Subject headerAny help? Or questions to explain it better?

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SELECT Distinct Help

Apr 19, 2007

Hello Everyone
Hopefully someone can help me create a SQL statement for this.
I need the ff: fields
Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme, LOC_city, LOC_Zip_CODE, Specialty
Let say I have a table.
Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme,     LOC_city,   LOC_Zip_CODE.    Specialty1000      999       Mike James      Plano       75023         Internal Medicine1000      998       Mike James      Allen       75021         Internal Medicine3333      700       John Smith      Arlington   70081         Dermatologist3333      701       John Smith      Dallas      72002         Dermatologist2222      630       Terry Walker    Frisco      75001         Optalmologist2222      632       Terry Walker    Dallas      76023         Optalmologist4444      454       Tim Johnson     San Anontio 72500         Internal Medicine 4444      464       Tim Johnson     Frisco      72660         Internal Medicine 
I want to select only "one" instance of the provider it doesnt matter what is selected
either the first address or the second address.
It should show
Prov_ID, Record_ID, PROV_NAme,     LOC_city,   LOC_Zip_CODE.   Specialty1000      999       Mike James      Plano       75023         Internal Medicine3333      700       John Smith      Arlington   70081         Dermatologist2222      632       Terry Walker    Dallas      76023         Optalmologist4444      464       Tim Johnson     Frisco      72660         Internal Medicine 
And yes, the table is not Normalized..Is there anyway I could get away with it without having to normalize?

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Select Not Distinct?

Apr 8, 2008

Is their a way to select all items from a table that are not distinct? Meaning, I want to know which items in a column occur more than once.
Suppose we have a table with student names, ss# and address. I want to display only records where their is more than one studen with the same name. So for example their could be ten people with the name of "Mike" in a class?

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May 31, 2008

 I have a table myTable (ID, Year, Name, Note)data in this table:ID       Year         Name           Note  1       2008          Petter          hdjhs2        2008          Nute            jfdkfd3         2007          Suna          dkfdkf4         2007          Para           jfdfjd5         2009          Ute            dfdlkf  Please help me to Select DISTINCT [Year]]ex:1        2008         Petter           hdfdfd3        2007         Suna             fdkfdk5        2009          Ute               fkdfkdfd Thank! 

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Select Distinct

Jun 25, 2001

Can I run Select distinct on one fieldname only while I'm selecting more than one fielname, like

Select Distinct col1, col2, col3 from table

I need distinct on col1 only and not on the other 2 columns, is it possible.


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Select Distinct

Feb 15, 2000

Hi! I have 4 tables and they have a common column (eg. regionid). These
4 tables have data overlapping with the others. Some data exist in a table
but not on the others. What I want to do is to do a select that will display
all distinct regionid from these tables. It should be total of all the tables but will suppress any duplicates with the others.

Note that UNION is working but I can't use that. Why ? because UNION is not supported or maybe not working properly with RDB database. I'm doing an appliaction for heterogenous datasource.

Any tips, hints or info will be appreciated.
thanks in advance.


Table REGION1 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
10 Place1
11 Place11
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern
(6 row(s) affected)

Table REGION2 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
21 Place21
22 Place22
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern
(6 row(s) affected)

Table REGION3 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
33 Place33
31 Place31
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern

(6 row(s) affected)

Table REGION4 :
RegionID RegionDescription
----------- --------------------------------------------------
41 Place41
42 Place42
1 Eastern
2 Western
3 Northern
4 Southern

(6 row(s) affected)

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Select Distinct

Aug 5, 2004

Does anyone know why this does not work?

SELECT DISTINCT tb2.column20 tb2.column20, tb1.column10, tb2.column21, tb2.column22, tb3.column30
FROM table1 tb1, table2 tb2, table3 tb3
WHERE tb1.column11 = 'P'
AND tb2.column23 = 'P'
AND tb1.column12 = tb2.column24
AND tb2.column25 = tb3.column31
ORDER BY tb2.column20

Its supposed to return only the distinct entries in tb2.column20

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Select Distinct Help?

Jan 19, 2005

Can you have "Select Distinct" in Union Query,because that is what I am trying to do and this is the error message I get.

"The text, ntext, or image data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT."

I would need to do that because i have duplicate records,because these records are getting written into the db when templates are generated and sometimes if they double click it generates two and writes that many results as well, so that is why I was thinking that select distinct would solve my problem.

Thanks for your help

This is the query in question:

SELECT Distinct 'O' AS Origin, a.RecordID, a.RelocateID, a.SupplierID, a.DateIn, a.DateOut, a.NoOfDays, a.AgreeAmt, a.PaymentMethod, a.AccomType, a.Reason,
a.InvRecvd, a.RelocateeTempAccomTS, a.BedConfiguration, a.NumberOfPax, a.AdditionalItems, a.Currency, a.TotalAmount, a.EnteredBy,
a.LastModifiedBy, a.ReferenceNumber, a.Location, a.Comments, a.ArrivalTime, a.PONumber,CommissionRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates c
WHERE a.Currency = c.CurrencyID AND a.DateIn >= c.ActiveDate), 1.0) AS ForeignExchangeRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates c
WHERE 'AUD' = c.CurrencyID AND a.DateIn >= c.ActiveDate), 1.0) AS AUDExchangeRate, a.WhenConfirmed, e.RequestID AS RequestID,
e.DocumentID AS DocRequestID, e.RequestWhen AS RequestWhen, e.WhereClause AS WhereClause,
dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerName AS DecisionMadeBy, dbo.viewZYesno.Description AS CommissionableDesc
FROM dbo.RelocateeTempAccom a LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.luDecisionMaker ON a.DecisionMaker = dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.viewZYesno ON a.Commissionable = dbo.viewZYesno.[Value] LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.docRequests e ON '{RelocateeTempAccom.RecordID}=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR a.RecordID) = e.WhereClause
WHERE (ISNULL(a.Cancelled, 0) = 0)


SELECT Distinct 'D' AS Origin, RecordID, RelocateID, DTASupplierID AS SupplierID, DTADateIn AS DateIn, DTADateOut AS DateOut, DTANoOfDays AS NoOfDays,
DTAAgreeAmt AS AgreeAmt, DTAPaymentMethod AS PaymentMethod, DTAAccomType AS AccomType, Reason, InvRecvd,
RelocateeDTATS AS RelocateeTempAccomTS, BedConfiguration, NumberOfPax, AdditionalItems, Currency, DailyTotal AS TotalAmount, EnteredBy,
LastModifiedBy, ReferenceNumber, Location, Comments, ArrivalTime, PONumber,CommissionRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates d
WHERE b.Currency = d .CurrencyID AND b.DTADateIn >= d .ActiveDate), 1.0) AS ForeignExchangeRate, ISNULL
((SELECT TOP 1 ExchangeRateToUSD
FROM luCurrencyExchangeRates d
WHERE 'AUD' = d .CurrencyID AND b.DTADateIn >= d .ActiveDate), 1.0) AS AUDExchangeRate, WhenConfirmed, e.RequestID AS RequestID,
e.DocumentID AS DocRequestID, e.RequestWhen AS RequestWhen, e.WhereClause AS WhereClause,
dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerName AS DecisionMadeBy, dbo.viewZYesno.Description AS CommissionableDesc
FROM dbo.RelocateeDTA b LEFT JOIN
dbo.luDecisionMaker ON b.DecisionMaker = dbo.luDecisionMaker.DecisionMakerID LEFT JOIN
dbo.viewZYesno ON b.Commissionable = dbo.viewZYesno.[Value] LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.docRequests e ON '{RelocateeDTA.RecordID}=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, b.RecordID) = e.WhereClause
WHERE ISNULL(Cancelled, 0) = 0

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Select Distinct

Oct 26, 2006


I wonder if anyone here can shed some light on why the query below produces duplicate EmailAddress values even though we specify the DISTINCT clause.

SELECT DISTINCT(EmailAddress) SubscriberID, FirstName, Surname, SubscriberID
FROM TestMailingList
ORDER BY EmailAddress


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Using Distinct And * In Select

Mar 2, 2006

Bahrudeen writes "Hi..
hw to use Select query for both distinct and *

(eg) select * , distinct(building_id) from g_building where

i want all information with distinct building id..
give a solution

advance thanx..."

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Help With A Distinct Select?

May 10, 2006


I am new to this forum so hello to everyone!

I need some help getting unique records from a query, I have a large amount of nested selects and i want to only display distinct records, I have a unique identifier (party ID) but the code was written by someone else (who is on holiday!) and i need to work out where to insert the disctinct select (if at all? - open to a better way?) this query should pull back records and then the results are pasted in to excel, however would a DTS solve the issue with duplicates??

Any help more than appreciated!

Heres the code...

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.negative_surplus_report


SELECT dbo.Cubit_Override_ID.UserName AS [User], dbo.Cubit_Customers.RecordDateTime AS Date,

dbo.Cubit_Customers.Customer_Status AS [Customer Status], dbo.Cubit_Customers.Call_Prompted_By AS [Call Prompted By],

dbo.Cubit_Outcomes.Outcome_Description AS [Outcome], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Balance, 0) AS [Egg Debt], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total,

0) AS Income, ISNULL

((SELECT SUM(Balance)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Card Debt], ISNULL

((SELECT SUM(Balance)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Loan Debt], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Mortgage, 0)

AS [Mortgage Payment], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Rent, 0) AS [Rent Payment], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Mortgage_Balance, 0)

AS [Mortgage Balance], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Property_Value, 0) AS Property, ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Customers.Party_ID, '') AS [Party ID],

ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID, '') AS [Cubit ID], ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Total, 0) AS Outgoings,

ISNULL(dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt, 0) AS [Egg Payments], ISNULL

((SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Card Paymements], ISNULL

((SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID), 0) AS [External Loan Payments], dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total -

(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) -

(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) - dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Total - dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt AS Surplus,


FROM dbo.Cubit_Customers INNER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Managers ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Manager_ID = dbo.Cubit_Managers.Manager_ID INNER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Areas ON dbo.Cubit_Managers.Area_ID = dbo.Cubit_Areas.Area_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_EPH ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_EPH.Cust_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Spending ON dbo.Cubit_Spending.Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID INNER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Outcomes ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Outcome_ID = dbo.Cubit_Outcomes.Outcome_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Additional_MI_Data ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_Additional_MI_Data.Cubit_Cust_ID INNER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Override_ID ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Input_By_NTID = dbo.Cubit_Override_ID.NT_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.Cubit_Debt ON dbo.Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID = dbo.Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID

WHERE (dbo.Cubit_Areas.Area_ID IN (2, 3, 4, 11, 12)) AND (dbo.Cubit_Customers.Non_Relevant_Call = 0) AND (dbo.Cubit_Customers.Spending_Assessed = 1)

AND (dbo.Cubit_Customers.Debt_Assessed = 1) AND (dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total > 0) AND (dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt < 999999) AND

(dbo.Cubit_Debt.Income_Total -

(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Card.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) -

(SELECT SUM(Monthly_Pmt)


Cubit_Debt ON Cubit_Debt_Loan.Debt_ID = Cubit_Debt.Debt_ID

WHERE Cubit_Debt.Cust_ID = Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID) - dbo.Cubit_Spending.Out_Total - dbo.Cubit_EPH.Total_Monthly_Pmt < 0) AND

(dbo.Cubit_Customers.RecordDateTime >= '04/11/2006')

ORDER BY dbo.Cubit_Areas.Area_ID, dbo.Cubit_Override_ID.UserName, dbo.Cubit_Customers.RecordDateTime, Cubit_Customers.Cubit_Cust_ID



SQL newbie!

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Oct 16, 2006


When I try the SELECT DISTINCT like this:


DAT01.[_@550] AS LoanType,
DAT01.[_@051] AS Branch,
DAT01.[_@TP] AS ProdTypeDescr,
SMT_Branches.[BranchTranType] AS TranType,
--SMT_Branches.[AUCode] AS AuCode,
COUNT(*) AS Totals
ON DAT01.[_@040] = [_@040]
ON SMT_Branches.[BranchTranType] = SMT_BRANCHES.[BranchTranType]
DAT01.[_@040] Between '06/01/2006' And '06/30/2006'
And SMT_BRANCHES.[BranchTranType] = 'RETAIL'
AND DAT01.[_@051] = '540'
--And SMT_Branches.[AUCode] = '1882'
And DAT01.[_@TP] = '115'
And DAT01.[_@550] = '3'
DayofMonth ASC
--SMT_Branches.[AUCode] ASC
--COMPUTE sum(count(*))

I get the same result set as before.

What do I need to change?


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Select Distinct

May 16, 2007

Hi. I am trying to create a view where it will find out the sum of hours for each employee, for each month and year.

SUM(Hours) AS Hours,
YEAR(WeekStartDate) AS startyear,
MONTH(WeekStartDate) AS startmonth
FROM dbo.BankHours_History
GROUP BY EmpId, WeekStartDate

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Select Distinct

Oct 16, 2007

I have a select query
Select distinct a,b,c,d from xyz
I would like to know what the syntax is if I want only a,b,c to be distinct and not d.
I tried something like
Select (distinct a,b,c),d
but getting error what is the correct query to do this.
Please help.

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Jul 20, 2005

I don't know what the correct syntax is to do what I want with the DISTINCTfunction (if it's actually possible).I have a query which displays a variety of fields from a variety of tables(pretty standard).However, I only want to show records where the contents of one particularcolumn in the query are unique - I do not want to perform the function onthe entire record because other fields in the records may be duplicated foras reason.

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Select Distinct

Mar 4, 2008

Hi members,

Is there a way to count the number of data with distinct column a and column b (combination)??


col A Col B
1 1
1 2
1 1
2 1
3 3
3 3
4 3

should give 5.
The ones in red are duplicates that I want to eliminate.

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Aug 31, 2007


Just a question

I have a query that selects profile data for members, if I don€™t do a select distinct it gives me a lot of correct values, (unique values) of members i.e. only one record per member, but every now and then I get duplicate values for one member, multiple times.

Why does this occure?

I know SELECT DISTINCT is there to remove duplicates, but without SELECT DISTINCT why would this €śmistake€? happen?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


2 | 3 | John | Slack | Philips |5
1 | 2 | Jason | Limrick | Jones | 3
1 | 2 | Jason | Limrick | Jones | 3
1 | 2 | Jason | Limrick | Jones | 3
1 | 2 | Jason | Limrick | Jones | 3
1 | 2 | Jason | Limrick | Jones | 3
2 | 3 | Jane | John | Parker |4

Why would it create duplicate records if the values are the same?

Kind Regards
Carel Greaves

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Select Distinct Help

Sep 28, 2006

select distinct ISNULL (a.account,'') as "Account", ISNULL (c.address1,'') as "Address",
ISNULL (,'') as "City", ISNULL (c.state,'') as "State",
ISNULL (c.postalcode,'') as "Zip Code", ISNULL (a.mainphone,'') as "Phone",
a.userfield1 as "GID", s.division
from sysdba.account as a
join sysdba.address as c on a.addressid = c.addressid
join sysdba.staff as s on a.accountid = s.accountid
where a.type like '%client%' and a.userfield1 is not null and (s.division like '%HR%' or s.division like '%db%') and s.type = 'client'

So what happens now is that if an account is listed in two division I get two distinct rows returned, but each with the same GID column. When I try to push this to a new database that has GID as the primary key I get duplicate on that column and it errors out.

I need to be able to get only a single row if the division is both HR and db. how to tackle this problem.


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Select Distinct???

Dec 14, 2007

select ExpenseCodeID, [Group], SubGroup, GLAccount,ExpenseCode, ProjType

from BridgeFinance..OPS_ExpenseCodes

Order By ExpenseCode

I have this query only thing wrong with it is that I dont know how to only select different values from my expenseCode column that looks like below....I dont want to select "Employee Only Meals" as many times as it appears in the table just once do i want to select it....any help with how i should write my query would be great! thanks!

Administrative contract work
Cell phone
Employee only Meals
Employee only Meals
Employee only Meals
Employee only Meals
Employee only Meals
Employee trans/parking
Health Club Memberships
Home Office Expenses
IT equipment-non capitalizable

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