1. 2 Dimensional tables(Parent), DIM1 with 50000 rows, and DIM2 with 1000 rows
2. Fact 1 with 50 columns, 25 Million rows and with FK to DIM1 and DIM2
3. Fact 2 with 40 columns, and 25 Million rows and with FK to DIM1 & DIM2 tables.
Actually the fact 1 and fact 2 have same related data but since our Analysis cube person wanted the fact table not to have more than 50 columns we divided the tables into 2, but they have the same compound key.
Above said, I have a situation where I have to select all the columns, in both fact tables, and do a group by. I wrote the query and ran "Analyze Query in the Database Engine Tuning Advisor" for it. It gave bunch of recomendations about the statistics and indexes which I created. When I executed the query the result came up in matter of seconds, which was good.
In the query I had a condition having MarketName='Bridgeview' and DateID = 344 (FK of today-1).
When I wanted the data for last 30 days I changed to DateID in ( > FK of today -32 and < FK of today), the query responded and worked fine.
But when I changed the query to get MarketName='Aurora' (other than I used when I ran Tuning Advisor), the result returned is empty set. When I removed the MarketName condition, it is supposed to return all markets' data, but it returns only Bridgeview data.
I know the data is in the table for all markets, since reports are rendered from these fact tables for all of these markets(also ran queries to check the fact table data).
I am unable to point out the reason why the query behaves like this. It responds to the date change, but not to the MarketName change.
I really appreciate if anyone can help me point out the problem.
Actually in my transformation i am transferring huge amount of data.
i have been using oledb command finally to dump my incoming data to respective tables.
For Example :
if you have two tables
table 1,table 2
in my incoming data i have a lookup and check for two unique columns with that of the unique columns in the table 1.if the record does not exsist i try inserting a record into table 2 and get the unique filed of the record and store that in particular column of table 1.
the data is very large an is this the better why or any suggesstions do let me know..
I'm currently setting up a Tabular Model to do some research between several fact tables. In this example i have two fact tables (table 1 and table 2) which I've created a 1 to 1 relationship on phone number. Typically I create a relationship between these tables to find common data between the two. However, in this case I am trying to figure out the best way to model the data so that I can easily surface data from one table that does not exist in the other. I would liken this to a LEFT JOIN or a WHERE NOT EXISTS in SQL.
Table 1 has all of the data and Table 2 Only has a subset of the data from Table 1. What I'm trying to do here is display what attributes in Table 1 may play a part in records not existing in Table 2. What is the best way to model this?
Hi I have a fact table in which i have a String column now i want to show it in the mdx queries..when i add it as a measure it shows some numerical values in the cube i cannot even add it as a member propeties due to some datwarehouse design constraints..so can anyone out there help me please....it urgent Thankx in advance regards Hemant
I need to compare if two developers did the job correctly and created identical tables.
The problem is more complex, but I will try to solve it somehow if I solve the problem of comparing two tables (let them be in different SQL Server 2008 databases) and their properties. No data needs to be compared.
I am building a health care application that marries transaction-level data (health care services provided) with person-level characteristics that have a time-dimension. The person-level characteristics are diseases that the person has (these disease all have a start and some have an end date). The diseases are stored in a table in which the foreign keys are a person-identifier, a time identifier (month/year) and a surrogate for the disease. Persons can have more than one disease at a time (the diseases are NOT mutually-exclusive). There are no measures in this table. The transaction table has a foreign key for person and time (month/day/year), a procedure code (the type of service rendered) and money (the cost of the services).
How do I answer the following questions:
What is the total cost of care (the sum of all service costs) last year for persons with "disease A"?
What is the total cost of care last year for persons with "disease A" AND "disease B"?
What is the total cost of care last year for persons with "disease A" OR "disease B"?
I've tried a factless fact table but can't get it to work. If anyone has the right solution and can communicate to me before I slit my wrists, I would be greatly appreciative!!!
What is the best way to move data from Online system tro data warehouse? I have created 3 dimension tables(product,date and customer tables) and I wanna create fact table and get foreign keys from dimension tables. What is the best method to do that in SSIS?
I am new at SSIS and I am trying to create a Datawarehouse using SSIS. I have the data files as flat files I have the Dimensional Model ready on Paper and Now I need to use the SSIS for the ETL process.
I am trying to figure out how to make dimension tables in SSIS? I mean I want to create the 5 Dimension tables and then create a Fact table out of it but I cant understand where to start? Can any one tell me how we create Dimesion tables in SSIS. Like one of the dimesion tables I need to create uses 2 flat files and is like a flattened dimension, How would I create this in SSIS?
Even if there is any tutorial which shows this step by step do let me know. I would really appreciate any guidance on this.
Hi All, I want you an urgent respones, I want to add a column to a Dim_table and Fact_table, the Dim_table is sourcing from different database table and now the new column is going to source from another DB, thus without changing the structure of the table relationship can i add a column? To make it clear Dim_table has got Clomun1 from table1, Clomun2 from table2, Clomun3 From table3, Clomun4 From table4. Now I want Clomun5 From table5. How do i add and let it source from table5. Thank you for your qiuck response.
Hi All,I've the following table with a PK defined on an IDENTITY column(INSERT_SEQ):CREATE TABLE MYDATA (MID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,MYVALUE FLOAT NOT NULL,TIMEKEY INTEGER NOT NULL,TIMEKEY_DTTM DATETIME NULL,IID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,EID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,INSERT_SEQ NUMERIC(19,0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL)GOALTER TABLE MYDATAADD CONSTRAINT PK_MYDATAPRIMARY KEY (INSERT_SEQ)GOThe TIMEKEY_DTTM field is generated, from the value actually insertedinto theTIMEKEY field, by the following trigger:CREATE TRIGGER TIMEKEY1ON MYDATAFOR INSERT ASBEGINDECLARE @M_TIMEKEY_DTTM DATETIMESELECT @M_TIMEKEY_DTTM = DATEADD(SECOND, INS.TIMEKEY +EP.GMT_OFFSET * 0 ,'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000')FROM INSERTED INS, LOCATIONINFO EPWHERE INS.EID = EP.EIDUPDATE MYDATASET TIMEKEY_DTTM = @M_TIMEKEY_DTTMFROM INSERTED INS, MYDATA MDWHERE MD.INSERT_SEQ = INS.INSERT_SEQENDGOThere is also a composite, non unique, index defined on thetuple:(MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EID)CREATE INDEX IX_METDATA ON MYDATA (MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EID)GOAs a consequence of an application design change, I would also changethis index to be UNIQUE, but when I try to drop and create it I get anerror, because the tables stores some duplicated rows...In order to succesfully upgrade the index definition, I wrote some DMLstaementsto lookup and remove the duplicated rows, keeping only the firstrecord inserted, i.e. the one with the lowest INSERT_SEQ:---- This table stores then umber of duplicated records eventuallydiscovered-- into the MYDATA table; the initial value for the NUM_DUPLICATESfield is-- 0 (no duplicated record)--DROP TABLE DUPLICATESGOCREATE TABLE DUPLICATES (TABLENAME VARCHAR(17),NUM_DUPLICATES NUMERIC(19,0) )GOINSERT INTO DUPLICATES VALUES ('MYDATA',0)GOINSERT INTO DUPLICATES VALUES ('CATEGORIESDATA',0)GO---- ///////// CLEAN UP OF MYDATA TABLE--DROP TABLE TMP_MYDATAGOCREATE TABLE TMP_MYDATA (MID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,TIMEKEY INTEGER NOT NULL,IID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,EID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,INSERT_SEQ NUMERIC(19,0) )GO---- Insert into the TMP_MYDATA table all the duplicated records for-- the tuple (MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EID) and NULL for the INSERT_SEQ field--INSERT INTO TMP_MYDATA (MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EID)SELECT MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EIDFROM MYDATAGROUP BY MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EIDHAVING COUNT(*)>1GO---- Updates the INSERT_SEQ field to the lowest value in the group-- of duplicated records--UPDATE TMP_MYDATASET TMP_MYDATA.INSERT_SEQ = (SELECT MIN(INSERT_SEQ)FROM MYDATAWHERE TMP_MYDATA.MID = MYDATA.MID ANDTMP_MYDATA.IID = MYDATA.IID ANDTMP_MYDATA.TIMEKEY = MYDATA.TIMEKEY ANDTMP_MYDATA.EID = MYDATA.EID )GO---- Updates the value of NUM_DUPLICATES for the MYDATA table.--UPDATE DUPLICATESSET NUM_DUPLICATES = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TMP_MYDATA)WHERE TABLENAME = 'MYDATA'GO---- Delete from the MYDATA table all the duplicated records,-- keeping only the row with the lowest INSERT_SEQ-- The delete is performed only if there are duplicated recors;-- this is achieved using a "short circuit" AND on the number ofrecords-- stored into the NUM_DUPLICATES field of the DUPLICATES table for-- the MYDATA table...--DELETE FROM MYDATAWHERE ( SELECT NUM_DUPLICATES FROM DUPLICATES WHERE TABLENAME ='MYDATA') > 0 ANDEXISTS ( SELECT 1FROM TMP_MYDATAWHERE MYDATA.MID = TMP_MYDATA.MID ANDMYDATA.IID = TMP_MYDATA.IID ANDMYDATA.TIMEKEY = TMP_MYDATA.TIMEKEY ANDMYDATA.EID = TMP_MYDATA.EID ANDMYDATA.INSERT_SEQ > TMP_MYDATA.INSERT_SEQ )GOThis tecnique works fine on a normal table (1M recs) but is not veryperformanton huge tables (>10M records)!Do you know a better way to achieve the task of removing all theduplicates records, preserving the lowest INSERT_SEQ betwee theduplicates and also preserving the sequence seed, so that a new recordinserted at time t1>t0 is enumerated with an INSERT_SEQ|t1 >max(INSERT_SEQ)|t0 ?Thanks a lot for your help!PatrizioPS. sorry for such a large post!
i have a fact table which loads through package,when i m trying to load this table by running the package,i m truncating the fact table and loading the fresh data,instaed of this without truncating the fact table i have to implement the incremental logic in this.
For this i can use SCD or Conditional split,but problem here is i have many source tables to load this fact table,so its very difficult to trace the changes in different source tables.
Hi there, my question is really simple. I want to setup an automatic task in SSIS that drops the tables in the target database and substitutes them with tables from the source database. We are talking about two or three dimension tables and one fact table. The dimension tables are pretty small. The fact table will contain, at maximum, 300,000 rows and 12 columns. I do not use delta or flag historisation btw. What tasks in SSIS would you suggest to use?
I have situation where I get data from SRC Flat file and have to load Dimensional table and also fact table, using same data flow(have no other choice since I have to unpivot some src data). Since I have to load both tables in same data flow, I have to have a way to put load ordering constraint (I know informatica allows that). Does any one have any idea on how this can be done in SSIS?
Iam new to SQLl2005. Iam using DTS to transfer data from my source to the warehouse. I have a couple of tables in my source whein I have to join these to tables fields and insert the same in teh warehouse fact table. I have used a Join query in my Oledb source component, What other component needs to be used to insert the data into the fact table. I also need to extract same data with aggregation and insert the same into an another Fact table.
I have many tables, and I just want to print the relationships between them. The ones without foreign keys to primary key relations are irrelevant. I made a diagram of all tables in sql server management studio, and it shows the key relations, but its a very large diagram horizontally and vertically. Is there a way to print the whole thing so that it doesn't take endless pages that I don't know how to piece together?
I have encountered a problem with a specific set of tables. The same select yields slightly differing execution plans in two different environments (instances). But the slight variation seems to contain a huge differences in stats. I don't know the significance of these stats. The two tables have the exact same indices.
This is the selcet statement:
SELECT 'xx' FROM DUKS.dbo.Profiler WHERE DNA_Løbenummer IN (SELECT DNA_Løbenummer FROM DUKS.dbo.Effektregister WHERE Sagsnummer = '2015-00002')
I am in the process of designing a SQL 2005 database with tables that may hold several hundreds of millions of rows.
Due to various constraints, I am trying to save as much space as possible by optimizing the size of a row. Currently one row contains the following columns:
byte(4), byte(3), byte(3) = 10 bytes.
Adding 4 bytes for the row header, plus 3 bytes for the null bitmap (as described in BOL) I am ending up with 17 bytes/row. In a real world test it was an average of 18.3 bytes/row.
There are no indexes, no primary key and all columns are not NULL. Hence my question: since no column allows a null value, is there a possibility to "remove" the 3 bytes Null Bitmap?
Is there any other way to shave off one or two more bytes by using a clustered index etc?
I am modelling cube in SSAS. Cube has around 20 dimensions and 6 fact tables. Some of the dimensions are common among the fact tables. e.g. Time dimension. Fact_PNL has 3 date columns for those we have 3 role playing dimensions in the dimension usages.
Another fact table has 5 date columns for them as well we have separate role playing dimensions in dimension usage tab. We have a common dimension Company which is foreign key in all fact tables. We might need to combine the data from multiple facts to get final output.
Should i create 6 role playing dimension for each of the fact table or use the same dimension for all fact tables?
Role playing dimensions should be created when we have multiple columns pointing to the same dimension ?
I built my first tabular model and see that my fact tables are also appearing as dimensions. In Multi dimensional mode i could choose which are the dimensions. How do i do that in tabular model.
I created a Fact Table with 3 Keys from dimension tables, like Customer Key, property key and territory key. Since I can ONLY have one Identity key on a table, what do I need to do to avoid populating NULLs on these columns..
I need to periodically import a (HUGE) table of data from an external data source (not SQL Server) into SQL Server, with the following scenarios: Some of the records in the external data source may not exist in SQL.Some of the records in the external data source may have a different value at different imports, but this records are identified univocally by the same primary key in the external datasource and in SQL Server.Some of the records in the external data source may be the same in SQL.
Due to the massive volume of the import, I would like to import only the records which are different from what I have in SQL Server (cases 1 and 2 above). In fact case 2 is the most critical.
I thought of making a query with a left outer join between the data in the external data source table (SOURCE) and the data in the SQL Server table (DESTIN). The join is done on the respective primary keys (composed keys of up to 10 columns) and one of the WHERE conditions will be that the value in SOURCE is different from the value in DESTIN.
The result of this query would be exactly what I need to import. How to do this in SSIS??? I couldn't figure out how to join tables in different data sources yet.
In fact I cannot write a stored procedure to do that, since one of the sources is in a datasources not SQL Server. I have seen the Lookup transformation in this article http://www.sqlis.com/default.aspx?311 but this is not exacltly what I want to do. Another possibility is to use the merge join, but due to the sorting I believe its performances would be terrible!
We have a daily process, which copies millions of rows of data from one DB to another over Linked Server. Just checking on the best practise, are there more efficient ways than the Linked server to copy millions of rows of data from one DB to another? I checked bulk insert but that transfers the data from the file to DB not DB to DB.
I have below tables in my power pivot.Fact 1 & Fact 2 - connected directly to Mainframes - Data is from the same table broken up due to size of the data.Date Table - Relation ship between both the fact tables.How do i create a summary pivot to get the number of tasks that have been completed in each month.
I have a table of students, and a table of lecturers, and I wish to use one select statement to return a list of users.
What I really need to do is something like this:
SELECT Students.UserID AS UserID, Lecturers.UserID AS UserID, Students.FullName AS FullName, Lecturers.FullName AS FullName FROM Students, Lecturers
which would (in my dream world!) produce something like:
UserID FullName s0002131 Darren Student s0054242 Richard Student e13412 Michael Lecturer x92342 Linda Lecturer
Does anyone know how I should do this? Should I be doing it in an stored proceedure and returning the record set from that? Currently I'm only using ASP and one line SQL statements, and would like to continue doing so.
I try to compare and select data from table that which not in other table
Select AAA_Id ,BBB From dbo.Table1 a Where AAA_Id not in(Select b.AAA_Id From dbo.Table2 b, dbo.Table1 a Where b.AAA_Id = 11)
But when I modified it like:
Select AAA_Id ,BBB From dbo.Table1 a union Select 0 ,'Select' From dbo.Table1 a Where AAA_Id not in(Select b.AAA_Id From dbo.Table2 b, dbo.Table1 a Where b.AAA_Id = 11) Order by 2
Hi, I have a number of related tables: RGData is related to RGCrossReference RCPPositionData is related to RCPCrossReference RGCrossReference is also related to RCPCrossReference. The data is returned correctly from these tables. However, I also want to return data from another table - RComments. How do I do this? RComments is related to either RGData or RCPPositionData only. Thanks.
Code Snippet SELECT cm.CommentImage AS ViewComment, gd.PositionID AS GPositionID, cd.UniquePositionID AS CPPositionID FROM RGData gd INNER JOIN RGCrossReference g ON g.GPositionID = gd.PositionID INNER JOIN RCPCrossReference c ON c.GMatchID = g.GMatchID INNER JOIN RCPPositionData cd ON cd.UniquePositionID = c.CPPositionID left outer JOIN RComments cm ON ((cm.CPPositionID = cd.UniquePositionID) or (cm.GPositionID = gd.PositionID)) AND cm.CommentsDate = (SELECT MAX(CommentsDate) AS Expr1 FROM RComments WHERE (GPositionID = g.GPositionID)) WHERE (cd.Quantity != gd.Quantity OR cd.Currency != gd.Currency) AND g.ForcedMatch = 'no';