Select For Cursor Returns 0 Same Select Highlighted Returns 2,000+
Jul 23, 2005
I'm trying to run a script:
print 'Declaring cursor'
declare cInv cursor forward_only static for
dedupe.dbo.ln_invoice as inv
left join
dedupe.dbo.customerid as cid
dbo.fnCleanString( = cid.searchco
((inv.customerid is null
and cid.searchco is null)
and ( >= '01/01/2003' or ( < '01/01/2003' and
inv.outstanding > 0.01))
and not is null)
print 'Cursor declared'
@contact varchar(75),
@company varchar(50),
@address1 varchar(75),
@city varchar(30),
@state varchar(20),
@zip varchar(10),
@cmcompanyid varchar(32),
@iCount int,
@FetchString varchar(512)
open cInv
print 'cursor opened'
fetch cInv into
@company,@contact,@address1,@city,@state,@zip,@cmc ompanyid
print 'Cursor fetched @@Cursor_rows = ' + cast(@@cursor_rows as
All the prints are there to help me figure out what's going on!
When I get to the Print 'Cursor fetched @@cursor_rows....
the value is 0 and the script skips down to the close and deallocate.
BUT, if I just highlight the Select...When section, I get over 2,000
rows. What am I missing?
HiI have a query that is performing very strangely.I f I put a top statement in it returns rows,soSelect top 10 * from .......returns 10 rowsbut without it then no data is returnedSelect * from ..........returns 0 rows.
Goodmorning,Could I have a SELECT statement that normally returns two rows,but that instead returns one row appending to the first row the secondone of the result ?For exampleQuery: "SELECT username from tab1 where year in (2001,2002)"Result:1° - "'John'"2° - "'Adam'"Instead I need:Result:"'John','Adam'"?I have Win2000 Pro , SqlServer2000.Thank You--Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG
i have the following query to sum the total due balance for a customer:
select sum(outstanding)from out where customer = 'myvariable' the problem is when the customer has no outstanding it returns NULL is there a way to return 0 when there are no outstanding?
I have DB monitoring jobs which use Sysperfinfo to monitor some of the counters. On One SQL 2K Server since few days the select on sysperfinfo returns 0.
Do you think I need to start any service from the OS side to enable this?
I am using the following conditional select statement but it returns no results.
Declare @DepartmentName as varchar Set @DepartmentName = null Declare @status as bigint Set @status = 4 IF (@DepartmentName = null) BEGIN
SELECT CallNumber AS [Call Number], Problem, Solution, Note FROM AdminView WHERE (Status = @status) ORDER BY CallLoggedDT END ELSE IF (@DepartmentName <> null) Begin
SELECT CallNumber AS [Call Number], Problem, Solution, Note FROM dbo.AdminView WHERE (Status = @status) AND (DepartmentName = @DepartmentName) ORDER BY CallLoggedDT end
when i run the 2nd half by itself it tells me to declare @status but not @departmentname. whats going on???
The test.sql scripts I write to test CLR stored procedures run successfully, but when I want to display the resulting data in the database with a simple "SELECT * from Employee"
I get the result as: Name Address ---- ------- No rows affected. (1 row(s) returned)
But not the actual row is displayed whereas I would expect to see something like:
Name Address
---- -------
John Doe
No rows affected.
(1 row(s) returned)
I have another database project where doing the same thing displays the row information but there doesn't seem to be a lot different between the two.
If I run this statement in Query Analyzer, it properly returns 1for my testing table. But if I put the statement into a storedprocedure, the stored procedure returns NULL. What am I doingwrong? I suspect it may be related to how I defined the parametersfor the stored procedure. Perhaps my definition of TableName andColumnName don't match what COLUMNPROPERTY and OBJECT_ID expect toreceive, but I don't know where to look for the function declarationsfor those. Any pointers would be appreciated.Select statement:SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('Table1'), 'TestID', 'IsIdentity') ASIsIdentityTable definition:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1] ([TestID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[Description] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]Stored Procedure definition:CREATE PROCEDURE spTest(@TableName varchar,@ColumnName varchar)AS SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableName), @ColumnName,'IsIdentity') AS IsIdentity
Does anyone know a select statement that would return the column namesand keys and indexes of a table?Thanks,TGru*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
I have quite a few tables which allow NULL values. I have to struggle a lot with DBnull Exceptions :|example: col1,col2,... are all columns of type Integer and possibly NULL. var query = from person in table select new { person.col1, test = (int?) person.col2, person.col3, person.col4, ...}; As soon as my result encounters a DBNull value.. the whole query fails. This is really bad.How would I return the valid values.. and set the keys where there is no value to a null type? (e.g. int -> 0)I tried using "(int?)" but I'm not *really* sure what it does :-) Anyway.. it has no effect :-)
Hello: I need assistance writing a SELECT statement. I need data from a table that matches one (or more) of multiple criteria, and I need to know which of those criteria it matched. For instance, looking at the Orders table in the Northwind database, I might want all the rows with an OrderDate after Jan 1, 1997 and all the rows with a ShippedDate after June 1, 1997. Depending on which of those criteria the row matches, it should include a field stating whether it is in the result set because of its OrderDate, or its ShippedDate. One way of doing this that I've already tried is: SELECT 'OrderDate' AS [ChosenReason], Orders.*FROM OrdersWHERE OrderDate > '1-1-1997'UNIONSELECT 'ShippedDate' AS [ChosenReason], Orders.*FROM OrdersWHERE ShippedDate > '6-1-1997' In my application, scanning a table with thousands of records for five sets of criteria takes a few seconds to run, which is not acceptable to my boss. Is there a better way of doing this than with the UNION operator? Thank you
OK heres the situation, I have a Categories table and a Products table, each Category can have one or many Products, but a product can only belong to one Category hence one-to-many relationship.
Now I want to do a SELECT query that outputs all of the Categories onto an ASP page, but also displays how many Products are in each category eg.
CatID | Name | Description | No. Products
0001 | Cars | Blah blah blah | 5
etc etc
At the moment I'm doing nesting in my application logic so that for each category that is displayed, another query is run that returns the number of products for that particular category. It works ok!
However, is there a way to write a SQL Statement that returns all the Categories AND number products from just the one SELECT statement, rather than with the method I'm using outlined above? The reason I'm asking is that I want to be able to order by the number of products for each category and my method doesn't allow me to do this.
Summary * The fetch next statement returns multiple rows when using a dynamic cursor on the sys.dm_db_partition_stats. * As far as I know a fetch-next-statement always returns a single row? * Using a static cursor works as aspected. * Works on production OLTP as well as on a local SQL server instance.
Now the Skript to reproduce the whole thing.
create database objects
-- create the partition function create partition function fnTestPartition01( smallint ) as range right for values ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10 ) ;
Why does the fetch statement return more than 1 row? It returns the whole result of the select-statement. When using a STATIC cursors instead I get the first row of the cursor as I would expect. Selecting a "normal" user table using a dynamic cursor I get the first row only, again as expected.
Sorry for asking stupid questions...I can't remember which settings in MS SQL define the behaviour of this comparison:select * from table where 'Anna ' = 'Anna'to be TRUE. Both strings are different because the first contains trailing blanks.How to change it to return FALSE what is my expected value?
buddies,situation: a processing must take place on every row of a table, andoutput results to another table, that can't be done via an query (let's assume that it's not possible for now).There're 2 solutions I have in mind:1) open a cursor and cycle through each row (The table can have up to1M rows)2) create a clustered index (i.e on an identity column) then have aloop like:declare @i int, @rows int,@col1 varchar(20), @col2 varchar(20),... @coln varchar(20),@outval1 varchar(20),... -- output valuesselect @i=1, @rows = max(xid) from tblname -- xid is clustered indexedwhile (@i<=@rows)beginselect @col1 = col1, @col2 = col2,...@coln = colnfrom tblnamewhere xid = i-- do the processing on the variables-- then insert results to another tableset @i = @i+1endI'd like to know your ideas of which one would be more efficient. Anyother solutions are much appreciatedthanks,Tamy
In my previous post I asked how to do the bottom question. I got a response to use a cursor, now I made an attempt to use a cursor but I still get the same response. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
empID Rank Skills ------- ---- -------------------------------------------------- 2924 1 Create Documents 2924 2 Mail Merge 2924 3 Create Header and footer 2924 3 Create Spreadsheet 2924 3 Joining Tables in a Query
empID Rank Skills ------ ---- ------------ 2924 1 Create Documents 2924 2 Mail Merge 2924 3 Create Header and footer, Joining Tables in a Query, Create Spreadsheet
--Here is the cursor script.--
Declare @skills varchar(255),@skills2 varchar(255),@message varchar(255),@empID varchar(255), @Rank varchar(255) DECLARE emp_skills CURSOR For select C.empID, B.Rank,B.Text1 as Skills from tbl_survey_rank B , tbl_survey_valueID C where PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and C.empID = '2924'and (B.Rank ='1'or B.Rank ='2' or B.Rank ='3') or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924'
DECLARE emp_skills2 CURSOR For select B.Text1 as Skills from tbl_survey_rank B , tbl_survey_valueID C where PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and C.empID = '2924'and (B.Rank ='1'or B.Rank ='2' or B.Rank ='3') or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' OPEN emp_skills OPEN emp_skills2 FETCH NEXT FROM emp_skills into @empID, @Rank, @skills FETCH NEXT FROM emp_skills2 into @skills2 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT @message = @skills2 FETCH NEXT FROM emp_skills2 into @skills2 Print @empID + ' '+ @Rank + ' ' + @message
FETCH NEXT FROM emp_skills into @empID, @Rank, @skills
End CLOSE emp_skills DEALLOCATE emp_skills CLOSE emp_skills2 DEALLOCATE emp_skills2
--Previous Post--
Another question for all you SQL experts, I have a lot of them. I am trying to select from a table wher some conditions need to be met based on an employee ID. What I am doing is when the rank is a 1,2, or 3 I pick up the text description of that rank. Can I make it so that I get the ID only once and all the text descriptions are on the same line. Here is the sql script along with my current output and my desired output.
select C.empID, B.Rank,B.Text1 as Skills from tbl_survey_rank B , tbl_survey_valueID C where PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and C.empID = '2924'and (B.Rank ='1'or B.Rank ='2' or B.Rank ='3')
empID Rank Skills ------- ---- -------------------------------------------------- 2924 1 Create Documents 2924 2 Mail Merge 2924 3 Create Header and footer 2924 3 Create Spreadsheet 2924 3 Joining Tables in a Query
empID Rank Skills ------ ---- ------------ 2924 1 Create Documents 2924 2 Mail Merge 2924 3 Create Header and footer, Joining Tables in a Query, Create Spreadsheet
I have a stored procedure that rertrieves data from an sql database and sends out a mail to each receipient who meets the criteria
I am using SQL mail.
I dynamically generate the where clause for my sql query based on criteria taken from other stored procedures and store it in a varchar variable called @sqlquery
When i have the following code to run my cursor
DECLARE overdue3 CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT DISTINCT Events.E_Name, Events.E_SDate, Events.E_City, Events.E_ID FROM Events, IndustryEvents + @sqlquery2 OPEN overdue3
I get an error message at the '+' sign which says, cannot use empty object or column names, use a single space if necessary.
What should i do. i have tested the variable @sqlquery and it is definately not blank. There is no bracket error or anything.
ssn sex dob rel_code 111111111 m 19500403 m 111111111 f 19570908 w 111111111 f 19770804 d 111111111 f 19801203 d 111111111 f 19869712 d 111111111 m 19870907 s 111111111 m 19901211 s
I have to convert the rel_code into a specific manner so the data will look as below in TableB:
ssn sex dob rel_code 111111111 m 19500403 01 111111111 f 19570908 02 111111111 f 19770804 20 111111111 f 19801203 21 111111111 f 19869712 22 111111111 m 19870907 30 111111111 m 19901211 31
Member's rel_code = 01 spouse's rel_code = 02 daughter's rel_code starts from 20 with the oldest and increments by 1. Son's rel_code starts from 30 and increments by 1 from oldest to the youngest.
I know You can write a Sp with cursor and do this, but I would like to know if you can accomplish the same thing by a select or case or something else instead of a cursor.
I am trying to do dynamic Select for Cursor. The dynamic would be like this: IF CONDITION1 IS TRUE: SELECT CustomerTenderID, CustomerSiteID, ContractPeriod, SupplierID FROM dbo.tnd_TenderSiteRateConsumptionView WHERE CustomerTenderID = @CustomerTenderID IF CONDITION2 IS TRUE: SELECT CustomerTenderID, CustomerSiteID, ContractPeriod, SupplierID FROM dbo.tnd_TenderSiteRateConsumptionView WHERE CustomerTenderID = @CustomerTenderID AND CustomerSiteID = @CustomerSiteID
etc etc
Here's the cursor
DECLARE RateList CURSOR FOR SELECT CustomerTenderID, CustomerSiteID, ContractPeriod, SupplierID FROM dbo.tnd_TenderSiteRateConsumptionView WHERE (BASED ON CONDITION) ORDER BY CustomerTenderID, CustomerSiteID, SupplierID, ContractPeriod
OPEN RateList FETCH NEXT FROM RateList INTO@CustomerTenderID, @ReturnedCustomerSiteID, @ReturnedContractPeriod, @ReturnedSupplierID WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @rowNum = @rowNum + 1
FETCH NEXT FROM RateList INTO@CustomerTenderID, @ReturnedCustomerSiteID, @ReturnedContractPeriod, @ReturnedSupplierID
I need to dynamically construct the field order of a cursor based on fixed labels from another table, but when I put that resulting query I receive the error:
Server: Msg 16924, Level 16, State 1, Line 78 Cursorfetch: The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns.
I have 6 fields defined in the cursor select, and 6 parameters in the fetch. The results of running the @sql portion returns valid data. Should this be possible to define a parameter containing the select clause of the cursor?
select colnum, coldesc, colname into #ae_defs from ae_adefs select @Sql = (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'PATIENT NAME') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'PATIENT NUMBER') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'ACCOUNT NUMBER') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'VISIT DATE') + ', ' + (select colname from #ae_defs where coldesc = 'VISIT TYPE') + ', DocID from ae_dtl1'
OPEN myCursor print @@Cursor_rows FETCH NEXT FROM myCursor into @var1, @var2, @var3, @var4, @var5, @DocID
I have problems to place my variable into the select statement.
DECLARE @DB_NAME varchar(64) DECLARE MR_ReqPro_DB_cursor CURSOR FOR select name from dbo.sysdatabases where name like '%MR_req%' OPEN MR_ReqPro_DB_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM MR_ReqPro_DB_cursor INTO @DB_NAME
WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN print @DB_NAME; --works fine
How could i use a variable like @DB_Name in my select ?
I'm trying to build a select statement for a CURSOR where part of the SQL statement is built using a variable. The following fails to parse:
Declare Cursor1 Cursor For 'select table_name from ' + @database + '.Information_Schema.Tables Where Table_Type = ''Base Table'' order by Table_Name' Open cursor1
That doesn't work, I've also tried using an Execute() statement, no luck there either. Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I can't seem to get a cursor to work when I'm passing in a variable for a column name of the select statement. For example:
declare @col varchar(50)
set @col = 'Temperature'
declare notifycurs cursor scroll for select @col from Table
Obviously this won't work correctly (since the result will simply be 'Temperature' instead of the actual float value for temperature). I tried to use quotes for the entire statement with an EXEC (ie. exec('select '+@col+' from Table' ) but that gave me an error.
Is there a way to pass in a variable for a column name for a curor select statement????
Using the sys.databases & sys.sysindexes views to display all the columns with a clustered index for all tables and all databases in a given server. So the end result will have 3 columns:
Database name Table name Column name from that table with a clustered index
I have already created the following script which displays all the databases for a given server:
declare @DBname nvarchar(128) declare testCursorForDB cursor for select name from sys.databases with (nolock) where name not in ('master','tempdb','model','msdb') order by name
open testCursorForDB fetch next from testCursorForDB into @DBname
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin print @DBname fetch next from testCursorForDB into @DBname end
close testCursorForDB deallocate testCursorForDB
I also have created the following query which will display all the table and column names which have a clustered index for a given database:
select object_name( as TableName, as IndexName from sys.sysindexes as i with (nolock) where i.indid = '1'
However, what I need help/advice on is how do I combine these two together into one working script (either using nested cursors or a better way). In other words, how can I specify which database to use (ie. using the "use database_name") so that my query above will be applied to each database found within the cursor.
Whats wrong with the following code,its compiling but returning only first memberid. i want all memberids to be returned DECLARE @memberList VARCHAR(4000),@hDoc INT SET @memberList = '<MemberList><MemberID>7136</MemberID><MemberID>7137</MemberID><MemberID>7138</MemberID></MemberList>'exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @memberListSELECT MemberID FROM OPENXML (@hdoc, 'MemberList', 2) WITH (MemberID BIGINT) EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hDoc
@Names is a query string passed in, I need to count the number of records as a result of the below query/
Dim test As String Dim sqlConnection3 As New SqlConnection("data Source=EQ-520-WEBSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=CRDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True") Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim returnValue As Object cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(ReqID) AS Expr1, LineManager FROM TblReqMain GROUP BY LineManager HAVING (LineManager = @Names)" cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text cmd.Connection = sqlConnection3 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Names", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar) sqlConnection3.Open() cmd.Parameters("@Names").Value = test If test = "" Then Response.Write("An error occured") Exit Sub Else returnValue = cmd.ExecuteScalar() sqlConnection3.Close() Label6.Text = "Number " & returnValue
I have a stored procedure with an output bit variable. When I set this variable to 0, I get an output of 0. When I set this variable to 1, I get an output of -1. What is going on?
The following query returns 0 when executing in Query Analyzer:SELECT isnull(Count(*),0) as total FROM SplitDetail WHERE SiteCode = 14 AND ProjectID = 4367Yet ExecuteScalar() in return a -1.
I have an sp (attached below) that returns records as desired when run in the query analyzer, but when run from within my adp I get only a "the sp ran successfully but did not return any records" message box. I would like to use it as a record source for a report, and when I try to do that I get a message box saying that the "Provider command for child rowset does not produce a rowset".
To repeat, the sp runs fine in QA, just not in access.
Any thoughts, anybody? Many thanks. David
Alter Procedure spDailyMicroLabel @Date Datetime = null
SET @Date=getdate()
SELECT FERMID, fldfermtank AS "Tank", CONVERT(varchar(12), fldfilltime, 101) AS "Filled", fldfermprod AS "Brand", CONVERT(varchar(15),fldfilltime, 108) AS "FillTime", CONVERT(varchar(12), @Date, 101) as "ReportDate", fldfermidold AS "FermenterCode", CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) AS "FillDay", "Sample Test" = CASE WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int)=1 THEN 'HLP/UBA' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 3 THEN 'XTF' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 4 THEN 'HLP, TF' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 6 THEN 'TA' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 7 THEN 'HLP/UBA, BU/Color' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 10 THEN 'HLP' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 13 THEN 'HLP/UBA' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 16 THEN 'HLP' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 19 THEN 'HLP/UBA' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 90 THEN 'HLP/UBA' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 91 THEN 'HLP/UBA' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 92 THEN 'HLP/UBA' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 93 THEN 'HLP/UBA' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 94 THEN 'HLP/UBA' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 95 THEN 'HLP/UBA' WHEN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime) - flddtferfil AS int) = 96 THEN 'HLP/UBA' ELSE 'No Test Micro' END INTO #tblTempA FROM vwUnfilteredFermenters
SELECT #tblTempA.FermenterCode AS "Fermenter ID", #tblTempA.Filled AS "Fill Date", #tblTempA.FillDay, tblMicroTestDays.Test, tblMicroTestDays.HLPResults AS "HLP Results", tblMicroTestDays.UBAResults AS "UBA Results" FROM tblMicroTestDays RIGHT JOIN #tblTempA ON tblMicroTestDays.TestDay = #tblTempA.FillDay