I am using a sql server 2000 database to log the results from a monitor
that I have running - essentially every minuite, the table described
below has a insert and delete statements similar to the ones below run
againt it.
Everything is fine for a few weeks, and then without fail, all accesses
to the table start slowing down, to the point where even trying to
select all rows starts timing out.
At that point, the only way to make things right that I have found, is
to delete the table and recreate it.
Am I doing something specific that sql server really doesn't like? Is
there a better solution then deleting and recreating the table?
I have a co-worker whose sql server 2005 is exhibiting strange behavior. We have already re-installed sql server 2005 and service packed it to SP2 to try and see if the behavior stops but it has not.
Every so often during the day sql server 2005 will start to slow down to the point that my co-worker's queries begin to time out. He turned on profiler to look at what was going on behind the scenes.
We see where sa is releasing and acquring locks to the tune of 180,000 rows in a fifteen minute span when this behavior starts so does his time outs. He has reporting options and analysis services installed but not configured. His only connection is to his local database. Occasionally, you see a number like - (03000d8f0ecc) appear in the Text Data column in profiler for sa. I read something about reporting options using sa for clean up but I don't think that is what is happening here.
Does someone have a clue as to what is happening and a way we can prevent the behavior? It is affecting his ability to work on his application.
I've got four pages with in the first page a insert, in the second a select, in the thirth a update and in the fourth a delete statement. First the values of a textbox will be inserted in the database, then the values will be shown in labels and than it is possible to edit or delete the values inserted. Every inserted item belonging to each other has one ID. The follwing values has a second ID etc. How can I make that possible?? I think that I should pass the ID's between the pages so I'm sure that I edit or delete the values that I want. So insert value 1 in page 1, show with select value 1 in page 2, edit or delete value 1 in page 3 and 4. Maybe I didn't explain it good enough for you, please tell me then!! Thanks!!
I am trying to do the following for a few tables in my DB. I have an ODBC datasource and would simply like to update my DB from this datasource. I want to pull the table data from my ODBC datasource, delete any existing data in my SQL tables and then insert the data from my ODBC datasource into SQL. I am trying to create an SSIS package to do this but am not sure where to start. Any help or examples would be appreciated.
hi i have form view that retrieves a single row i dont want to use SQLDataSource default Select/Update/Insert/Delete buttons i am using Stored Procedures I want to have my own buttons, the select has parameters, how to retrieve data for that parameter?
Greetings. I have been trying to develop an SSIS package that updates external data (Visual FoxPro tables) from SQL Server 2005. I have tried this various ways: using various Data Flow task components that flow to an OLEB Destination; using an Execute T-SQL Task; and even trying Management Studio interactively with the OpenDataSource('vfpoledb', etc.) statement. For each of these techniques, I have no problem performing a SELECT from the VFP data. Also, I have no problems performing an INSERT of new records using any of these techniques. However, both UPDATE and DELETE of existing records fail.
Is it possible the the OLE DB driver doesn't support UPDATE and DELETE operations? It appears that I'm not allowed to change or delete existing records, only add new ones. Or, are there other techniques I can be trying?
I am aware that updating FoxPro data can be performed by pulling the data from SQL Server into FoxPro. For our purposes, it would be more convenient if the processes could be initiated and managed from the SQL Server side of things instead.
Hi All, As known its recommended to use stored procedures when executing on database for perfermance issue. I am thinking to create 4 stored procedures on my database (spSelectQuery, spInsertQuery, spUpdateQuery, spDeleteQuery) that accept any query and execute it and return the result, rather than having a number of stored procedures for all tables? create PROCEDURE spSelectQuery ( @select_query nvarchar(500) ) as begin
exec sp_executesql @select_query, N'@col_val varchar(50) out', @col_val out
Hello, I recently view a webcast of sql injection, and at this moment I created a user, and give dbo to this user, and this same user, is the one I have in the connection string of my web application, I want to create a user to prevent sql injection attacks, I mean that user wont be able to drop or create objects, only select views, tables, exec insert,update, deletes and exec stored procedures.
Is any easy way to do this?
A database role and then assing that role to the user?
I have been experimenting with the preview release of the SQL Server 2005 driver for PHP. I have used the PHP MSSQL extension a lot as well as connecting thru COM. I am glad we finally will see a Microsoft supported extension.
With the current release I am able to do most things my current MSSQL driver does. It does require some workarounds (there is no sqlsrv_num_rows nor sqlsrv_data_seek) here and there. But nothing major.
Now to get to the issue at hand. When I run a DELETE query, there is no statement resource returned and my application incorrectly detects an error.
Far below (in section "original 3 steps"), you see the following:1. a temp table is created2. some data is inserted into this table3. some of the inserted data is removed based on a join with the sametable that the original select was made fromIn my opinion, there is no way that the join could produce more rowsthan were originally retrieved from viewD. Hence, we could get rid ofthe DELETE step by simply changing the query to be:INSERT INTO #details ( rec_id, orig_corr, bene_corr )SELECT rec_id, 0, 0FROM viewDWHERE SOURCE_SYS NOT IN ( 'G', 'K' )AND MONTH( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = MONTH( @date )AND YEAR( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = YEAR( @date )AND INMESS NOT LIKE '2__' ---- the added line===== original 3 steps (mentioned above) =====CREATE TABLE #details (rec_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,orig VARCHAR(35) NULL,bene VARCHAR(35) NULL,orig_corr TINYINT NULL,bene_corr TINYINT NULL)INSERT INTO #details ( rec_id, orig_corr, bene_corr )SELECT rec_id, 0, 0FROM viewDWHERE SOURCE_SYS NOT IN ( 'G', 'K' )AND MONTH( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = MONTH( @date )AND YEAR( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = YEAR( @date )DELETE dFROM #details dJOIN viewD v ON ( d.rec_id = v.rec_id )WHERE INMESS LIKE '2__'
Is there any way to use a graphical designer to build your insert & update SQL statements in Enterprise manager? I mean Access has an EASY way to build them, surely SQL does too?
I would just build them in Access and copy the SQL, but then I'm stuck replacing all the "dbo_" with "dbo." and other little nuances.
In Sql 2005, I can't get this to work. I am getting an error that says SQL does not support subquery. SQL has a problem with my subquery. It works fine with one subquery, but adding multiple gives me an an error.
INSERT INTO STU_SUMMARY (SUMMARY_PERIOD, CHILD_COUNT, NO_DATA_ERRORS, PROG_CD_DESCREP, TOT_CURR_SPEDSTU) VALUES (GETDATE(), (select count(*) counter from DATA_ERROR_DETAIL), (select count(*) counter from DATA_ERROR_DETAIL), (select count(*) counter from DATA_ERROR_DETAIL), (select count(*) counter from DATA_ERROR_DETAIL), )
I'm having problems executing TOP n queries on a database that was migrated from 6.5 to 7. I can get it to work on the Authors table in pubs, not in my other dbs. Here is an example:
CREATE TABLE dbo.tblsapParentCust ( Parent char (10) NOT NULL , Name varchar (40) NULL, IsSoldTo bit NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PK_tblsapParentCust PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (Parent) ) GO
<load in some data>
SELECT TOP 10 * FROM tblsapParentCust
The select statement results in a syntax error:
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '10'.
I can switch over to pubs and change the query to reference the Authors table, and it runs fine.
If anyone can explain this behavior to me, I would appreciate it.
Hi,Ive got a class in my code which contains data from several tables. A user profile has a single record in a user_profile tables, for each of these records there is several records in a another table, which itself has several records in a tags table.So far the save method on the class saves the record to the user profile table, then loops through the next two tables info to insert each record. I want to decrease the number of trips to the database and am wondering if anyone can advise on the best way to do this.I am considering using a dataset to retrieve and store the records, instead of a datareader Im using currently. Then when Im done altering the data in the dataset (all three tables) I can commit all the changes in one database transaction?? I have been avoiding datasets due to the fact datareaders are apparently faster.My other option is to try make three calls to the database, one per table, updating my stored procedures to accept arrays of data using XML?? Can anyone tell me what is the best option for me?Thanks,C
Can someone please help me modify the following pivot query into an INSERT INTO query (i.e. results are exported into a new table)... SELECT RespondantID, [1] As Q1, [2] As Q2, [3] As Q3, [4] As Q4, [5] As Q5, [6] As Q6, [7] As Q7, [8] As Q8, [9] As Q9, [10]
As Q10 FROM (SELECT RespondantID, QuestionID, Answer FROM [3_Temp]
WHERE SurveyID=1) AS preData PIVOT
( MAX(Answer) FOR QuestionID IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]) )
I have a question about something odd happening with an insert query.
I am working on a password protected site and I want to moniter general student use. I have an on page load even which picks up their user id and the url and sends it to the database
Because my site is a beta site, I also want the users to be able to add their comments as and when they want, so I built a small feedback form on each page.
The quick feedback form has a panel to hide it until a user clicks on a radio button and this reveals a text box and a submit button.
However, since I have added this second sql connection with an insert, I now get an error message I was getting a connection string error when I tried to point at the connection string in the web.config file, so I put the full path in to the database and now I get an error message that says the conTrackUser has not been declared, but as you can see from the code it certainly has. So I'm beginning to thing that the error is something entierly different, but that's probably me being thick.
I've pasted the two insert blocks below, I can't see anything wrong with them, but then I'm mostly groping about in the dark with asp.net.
Is it not possible to have two insert commands on a page? That would be daft.
Here is the code.
Track and initilize the radio button and panel for the feedback:
Sub Page_Load(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs) Dim UserID as String = session("UserID") pnlQuickFeedback.Visible = False If Not Page.IsPostback Then Dim conTrackUser As SqlConnection Dim strInsert As String Dim cmdInsert As SqlCommand
conTrackUser = New SqlConnection("server='server'; user id='me'; password='nuts'; database='database'")
Does anyone know how to improve performance on insert statements. I have to run a query of several thousand insert statements, but it just takes too long. Does anyone know of any good tips to improve performance?
In my database I have a field with the type decimal. In the select query I want to return true if this field is smaller than 1 and false if this field is 1. How can I do this?
I need something like that:
Select id, name, (mydecimalField < 1) from mytable
when I try and insert something like sp_PRO '123154', 'it's good', '23.23', 1
I can't insert "'" and "," because that is specific to how each item is delimited inorder to insert into the stored procedure. But if I hard code this into a aspx page and don't create a stored procedure I can insert "'" and ",". I have a scenario where I have to use a stored procedure...confused.
I'm writing an application for Windows Mobile 5 / Pocket PC using VB.NET 2005. The database is connected using an instance of SqlCeConnection and updated by an SqlCeCommand.
The application can perform select queries on data originally entered into the database through Visual Studio, or perform update / insert queries at run time. Anything inserted or updated can be returned by a select query whilst the application is running, however, anything I have inserted or updated doesn't appear to be written to the SDF file and hence is not in the database after restarting the application.
Am I missing something that's different between performing queries on an SQL CE database on Pocket PC and an ODBC source in a normal Windows application?
I wrote a simple select query that counts the number of records I have in certain zip codes. How can I get a total of the "count" column at the bottom of the results? For example, my results may look like this:
ZIP | (no column name for "count") _____________________________________ 89502 | 10 89509 | 15 89521 | 25
What statement would I use to get the total of '50' displayed in the resluts? Thank you in advance
Hi Will somebody please explain how to combine asp.net dropdown lists to write a SQL database select query. I am using VWdeveloper and C Sharp. For example, say I have 3 dropdownlists on my webpage as below, List 1, Cities, London, Rome, Barcelona etc List 2, Restaurants by Type, Italian, chinese, Indian etc List 3, Number of tables/ seats 10-20, 20- 40, 50 -100 I want someone to be able to search for a restaurant by selecting an item from each dropdownlist such as, "Barcelona" "Italian" "50-100" This search query would return all the Italian restaurants in Barcelona with 50-100 tables/seats. I would also like the select query to work even if one of the dropdownlists items is not selected. Hope somebody can clear this up? Also would sql injection attacks be a threat by doing it this way? Thanks all
I'm trying to code a query in Access that finds rows w/ duplicate "ContactKeys" then finds duplicate "AddressLine1s" out of the list of duplicate "ContactKeys." (I tried subqueries but it was really slow)
I am trying to create a new table with only duplicate ContactKey rows, and then I wanted to use that table to pick out the duplicate AddressLine1 rows.
SELECT * INTO dupContactKeys FROM Contacts WHERE ContactKey IN ( SELECT ContactKey FROM Contacts GROUP BY ContactKey HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
SELECT * FROM dupContactKeys WHERE ContactKey IN ( SELECT AddressLine1, Zip FROM Contacts GROUP BY AddressLine1, Zip HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) ORDER BY ContactKey, TypeKey;
drop table dupContactKeys
This of course doesn't work. Please help, as I am going slightly mad!
I'm reporting from a Microsoft SQL database (poorly documented unfortunately) and would like to find a 3rd party application to assist me in rapidly making Select queries. The ability to browse data in a field from the interface would be a plus.
What are the best alternatives for rapidly creating these queries from some sort of builder or wizard?
I am trying to select the max for each Schedule_Number when ProcessDescription = 'Exit Cold Rinse'. In the following table, 2:00 and4:00 should be returned for 12345_001 and 12345_002 respectively. Ihave tried to join the two queries and would like to use the currentSchedule_Number as one of the criteria when determining the max.Below is some code that I've used thus far? Does anyone havesuggestions?*Schedule_Number * Process_Description * TMDT*12345_001 * Exit Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 01:00:00 PM*12345_001 * Enter Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 01:30:00 PM*12345_001 * Exit Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 02:00:00 PM*12345_002 * Enter Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 02:30:00 PM*12345_002 * Exit Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 03:00:00 PM*12345_002 * Enter Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 03:30:00 PM*12345_002 * Exit Cold Rinse * 1/07/08 04:00:00 PMSelect *From(Select distinct Schedule_NumberFrom dbo.Process_DataWHERE left(Schedule_Number,5) = '12345') as Query1left join(Select *From dbo.Process_DataWhere TMDT =(SELECT Max(TMDT)FROM dbo.Process_DataWHERE Process_Description = 'Exit Cold Rinse' andQuery1.Schedule_Number = Query2.Schedule_Number)) as Query2on Query1.Schedule_Number=Query2.Schedule_Number