Select Rows By Page

Sep 22, 2007

What is the best way to do this (least amount of memory required)
Example table
id bigint
name nvarchar(255)

select rows 20 to 30

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS - Put 10 Rows On First Page And Rest (1000+) Rows On Second Page

May 1, 2014

Is there any way to control this scenario, I know trick to put 10 on each row ,but I need to split them unevenly, 10 on first page and the rest on second page. is it possible ?

=Ceiling((RowNumber(Nothing)) / 10)

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Rows Per Page

May 16, 2000

What's the maximum rows I can have on a page in SQL 7.0...?


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Page Break After Few Rows

Apr 11, 2008

Can anyone pls let me know how to insert page break after few rows in a report(SSRS)?

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How To Set No Of Rows Per Page In Ssrs

Feb 12, 2007

Hi All,

By default in ssrs there are some fixed records..per page.......i mean each page contains (n) no of records.........per page..........?I want to display 100 records per page...for this what can i do ..please suggest .......

Thank's in Advance....

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Counting Rows Per Page In SQL Server 7.0

Aug 11, 1998

Hi all,

Can anyone explain to me how to count number of rows per page? I need to calculate an index size, and I think the factor that contributes the most to my formula`s inaccuracies is the number of rows per page.


Venus Lee.

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Need All Rows Within Each Group To Be Shown On 1 Page

Jan 2, 2007


I have data that is grouped by a code number. One of the code numbers have over 600 rows, while other code numbers have around 10 to 20 rows within it.

When I run the report the code number that has over 600 rows gets split over 2 pages while the other code numbers each get their own page.

How do I make it so that when I run the report the code number that has over 600 rows gets all displayed on the 1 page instead of being split over 2?



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Select Distinct Rows From Duplicate Rows....

Nov 28, 2007

Dear Gurus,I have table with following entriesTable name = CustomerName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 85Sanjeev 75Rajeev 80Rajeev 45Sandy 35Sandy 30Harry 15Harry 45I need a output as followName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 85Rajeev 80Sandy 30Harry 45ORName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 75Rajeev 45Sandy 35Harry 15i.e. only distinct Name should display with only one value of Weight.I tried with 'group by' on Name column but it shows me all rows.Could anyone help me for above.Thanking in Advance.RegardsSanjeevJoin Bytes!

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Reporting Services :: How To Fix No Of Rows Per Page In SSRS

Dec 10, 2008

I have 400 records in my report , i  want display 20 records per page , how can i do the same in ssrs.

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How To Limit Number Of Rows Showing Each Page?

Dec 17, 2006

Hi All,

i couldn't find how to set up the number of rows displaying on each page?

i wanna each page display 20 rows.



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Extending The Number Of Rows Returned Per Page In RS

Jun 7, 2007

Is there a way to extend the number of rows that will be returned so that Reporting services doesn't display such a large number of pages for the users to page through? It would be easier for them to "wheel mouse" through a long page on the screen.

Anyone out there have any thoughts on how this might be accomplished?



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No HTML Page Breaks And Slow Expanding Rows

Jun 18, 2007

I have a report with a single table, single grouping level, single data set and no sub-reports. It has 3 rows for a grouping header and 3 rows per dataset row of detail. The detail rows are initially hidden and can be expanded by clicking on the header +. Its a fairly standard master-detail report.

Regardless of data size, I get NO page breaks in HTML. I have the Interactive size set to 8.5x11, KeepTogether is set to False, and PageBreakAtEnd is set to False. I would like it to break based on the visible grouping rows.

As it is now, everytime you expand any section, it takes forever to reload for a larger recordset.

I know that "HTML renderer and Preview (which are soft page break renderers) will ignore page breaks of conditionally hidden items and their children.", but how do I get this report to page break?? I've seen a lot of posts on this, but none that seem to have an answer.

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Retrieving Specific Page(number Of Rows) Form Table

Sep 27, 2005


i need SP that receive 2 integers ,@NUM_ROWS and @PAGE_NUMBER,
and return the rows in that page.
for example:

SP(4,2) will return 4 rows in page number 2 .

So if i have table with 9 rows i will get rows 5-8,
the first page is rows 1-4 the second page is 5-8 and the 3 page is row 9.

i have to assume that rows can be deleted form that table.

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Reporting Services :: Report - Change Number Of Rows Per Page

May 29, 2008

I am fairly new to reporting services and recently created a simple tabular report. There is one table which queries the database and I would like to change the table so there are more than 25 rows of data per page. How do I do this? Also it would be advantageous to know how to set the report to only create a new page for every different item in a column. E.g., if I have various data for each date, I would like to only create a new page when the date changes so that all data for a specific date is on one page etc etc.

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How Do I Show All Columns In A Matrix Even If There Are No Data Rows Using The Column On A Given Page?

May 31, 2007

I have one column in a matrix component and it has about 7 items, but the only the items which have values on the page appear at the top of that page.

This is for a labratory so the columns are the different Patient Types and the rows are the different Test Mnemonics. If one of the Patient Types is not used in any of the tests on that page, it doesnt show up. How to I make sure all Patient Types show up on every page?

Thank you all.

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Displaying Total Number Of Rows In A Report In Page Header.

Jun 20, 2007


I have requirement to display Total number of Rows in a Report in Page Header.

I have written the following code in Page header it shows RowCount for the Page only.


Can anyone please help on this?



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Controlling Number Of Rows To Display In A Table And Matrix On One Page

Jul 19, 2007

Is there a way to control how many Detail Rows are displayed on one page in Table and Matrix controls?

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How To Make A Table To Display Perticular Number Of Rows Per Page??

Nov 29, 2007

Can anybody tell how to ristrict the number of rows per page in SSRS?
I have a table in my report.I know we have to use" =Int(RowNumber(Nothing)/25)" in group expression.But I already have 3 group expression in my table.Where to write??

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SELECT * Not Returning Any Rows, But SELECT COL_NAME Does!

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table which is returning inconsistent results when I queryit!In query analyzer:If I do "SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME" I get no rows returned.If I do "SELECT COL1, COL2 FROM TABLE_NAME" I get 4 rows returned.In Enterprise manager:If I do "return all rows" I get 4 rows returned, and the SQL is listedas being "SELECT * FROM dbo.TABLE_NAME".I've tried adding the "dbo." before my table name in QA, but it seemsto make no difference.I'm using SQL Server 2000, which is apparently 8.00534.Can anyone help me, or give me ideas about what to check?Thanks,Rowland.

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DB Design :: How To Return Only 25 Rows At A Time From Query To Web Page That Interact With Server

Sep 16, 2015

How to design at database level such a way so that when I implement a SQL query that returns one hundred thousand rows only display 25 rows at the client (Web page at a time). How can I accomplish this?

Once I display first 25 rows then how do I bring next 25 rows and so on. Can it be done via paging or there are other techniques. However I asked to design this in the database level. I am using MS SQL Server 2008. Front end Visual Studio 2010. I use C# for coding. 

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Help With An SQL SELECT Statement In ASP Page

Mar 19, 2004

I have built this SQL statement which should
create the RS I need.


This Line:

objRS1.Open strSQL1, objConn

Causes this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid length parameter
passed to the substring function.

I have searched google, and found reference to the error meaning it found a
space in the first position. I tried adding LTRIM into my statement to cure
it but it made no difference, I may be barking up the wrong tree so to speak
;) but I cant find any other information on it.

If anyone has any ideas why this statement does not work I'd be very
grateful, the project has to be completed today, and this is the last thing
to get working now!


Paul McGuire

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Using SELECT LIKE With ADO Parameter In ASP Page

Jul 23, 2005

Is it possible and how do I do use a select like query with an adocommand's parameter object?For Example:Instead of this:command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE field LIKE'%searchString%'This:command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE field LIKE '%?%'command.Parameters.Append(command.CreateParameter ....Thanks

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Reporting Services :: How To Display Fixed Number Of Rows In Page Wise Using List

Sep 10, 2015

i want to break 2 by 2 rows in reportceiling(rownumber(nothing)/2).i used this expression in row group. URL....but i want to use this expression in matrix and that matirx is with in list . so i  am getting error . how to use rownumber in i used list to break the page wise id

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Reporting Services :: All Record Are Displaying On One Page - How To Display Page By Page

Nov 11, 2015

I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.

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Displaying Select Results On The Page

Aug 28, 2006

I have the following select statement on my page: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:prbc_hrConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT emp_lname + ', ' + emp_fname + ' ' + emp_minitial + '.' AS emp_fullname FROM employee WHERE (emp_username = @emp_username)">
<asp:SessionParameter Name="emp_username" SessionField="Username" Type="String" />
</SelectParameters>I want to say "Welcome, emp_fullname" at the top of the page, but can't figure out how to write the results to the page.  I am moving to ASP.NET 2.0 from PHP and am banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to do these little things. I appreciate any help you can give.

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Select Records From Two Tables, Plus Page And Order Them?

Feb 7, 2008


I'm trying to look for an efficient way to select records from two tables, combine them (not just one set above the other) and also efficiently page the results as well as dynamically order by specific columns. So far I have this....


SELECT i.ID, i.Name, Type = 'I' FROM Item i
SELECT p.ID, p.Name, Type = 'P'FROM Package p


I was going to then implement some sort of of ROW_NUMBER like paging and ordering on the @Temp table variable. Problem is there could be potentially 1000's or more Items and Packages and they would all go in this single Temp table before having records 1 to 10 returned. Is there a more efficient way of doing this before I proceed any further?

Many thanks for any help! :)

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Sqldatasource, Does It Select If Not Bound To A Gridview, Formview On The Page?

Feb 22, 2008

Using 3.5
If I have a sqldatasource on the page, is it run if it is not bound to a data object like a gridview?
Seems like if i want to access the data (like set a label text) from the sqldatasource I have to use code to first create a dataview then pick throught it. This seems like I'm running it twice. I'm new at .net so I dont know how to tell.
I don't want to write data select code programatically when I can just through an SDS on the page, but wondered it it ran just because it's on the page.

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Page 2 - How To Select Multiple Fields From A Joined Table

Mar 11, 2008


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MSDE [SQL 2000] -- Server Balks When Web Page Loads -- Select Permission Denied

Oct 28, 2006

Hi folks,

I'm having trouble getting off the ground with the Web application walkthrough "Walkthrough: Creating a Web Application Using Visual C# or Visual Basic" in VS.NET Pro 2002 [Academic] documentation. After a bit of fishing around, and consulting the MS Knowledge Base, I got the pubs database installed. I also got the connection to work well enough that the dataset would fill in the IDE.

The problem is that when I try to run the web form, either from the IDE debug menu, or by accessing the .aspx file on localhost using Firefox, I get the error:
SELECT permission denied on object 'titles', database 'pubs', owner 'dbo'.
showing in the browser.
My understanding is that this page is running as ASPNET, and I did already carry out the recommended commands to enable access:
C:>osql -E -S MY-MACHINE-NAMEVSDOTNET -d Pubs -Q "sp_grantdbaccess 'MY-MACHINE-NAMEASPNET'"
both of which commands returned successfully. Any suggestions as to what else I should do to get the necessary permissions to actually display the data in my browser? Does the IIS user account need permission also?

Thanks for any insight into this vexing problem. I must say that along the way, I have had some fun exploring the osql comand-line tool. Using the -E switch, I have been able to run select and upgrade queries, but this is all pretty much fishing in the dark. I would like to get back to actually working with the walthroughs in the Visual Studio documentation.



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Select All Rows Except Some Rows

Feb 3, 2006

Hi all,

Is it possible to say something like

Book.* EXCEPT (a,c,d)

Something like WITHOUT


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Page Header And Table Header Display But Groups And Rows Do Not

Nov 6, 2007

I have a report that I created and the report was working until I added some fields to a group footer row in a table.

My table has 5 group levels. I had information displaying in the 5th level header group and detail. It was working fine. Then I added some fields to the 4th level group footer. Now it displays only the Page header, Table header, and the 4th level group footer data.

What happened to the rest of the data?

All the cells and rows I want to display have the Visibility Hidden set to false. I tried removing the objects I added (to the 4th level group footer) and it still does not work. Is this a bug or did I set something that is hiding the data.



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I Want To Select All Rows Between 10 And 20 .......

Feb 15, 2007

I want to select all rows between 10 and 20 from aview
 how can I do this?

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Select Last Rows

Feb 13, 2001

How can I SELECT the last rows inserted in a table?

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