Select Statement That Will Output Related Rows With Different Column Data Per Row?

Apr 27, 2008

Is there a way to build a select statement that will output related rows with different column data per row? I want to return something like:

rowtype| ID | value
A | 123 | alpha
B | 123 | beta
C | 123 | delta
A | 124 | some val
B | 124 | some val 2
C | 124 | some val 3

where for each ID, I have 3 rows that are associated with it and with different corresponding values.

I'm thinking that I will have to build a temp table/cursor that will get all the ID data and then loop through it to insert each rowtype data into another temp table.

i.e. each ID iteration will do something like:
insert into #someTempTable (rowtype, ID, value) values ('A', 123, 'alpha')
insert into #someTempTable (rowtype, ID, value) values ('B', 123, 'beta')
insert into #someTempTable (rowtype, ID, value) values ('C', 123, 'delta')

After my loop, I will just do a select * from #someTempTable

Is there a better, more elegant way instead of using two temp tables? I am using MSSQL 2005

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Hiding Or Removing Column Output From Select Statement

Feb 22, 2005

I'm executing the following...

select COL1, min(COL2) from TABLE group by COL1

the table has many duplicate entries, where COL2 is the primary key and unique, but its the duplicate COL1 entries that have to be removed.

I was hoping a simple
"delete from table where COL1 not in (select COL1, min(COL2) from TABLE group by COL1)"

would do the trick, but obviously in returning two columns from the subselect this won't work. Can I hide the COL2 output from the query that will be put in the subselect?

this is a one-off thing, so i'm not overly concerned about overhead or elegance. just need to make it so.



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Script To Output Only 2 Decimal Places For Amount Column From Select Statement?

Jul 22, 2015

I have a routine that generates an HTML email and sends it just fine, but one of the columns ends up with 4 decimal places for a column datatype of money. How can I get the script to output only 2 decimal places for the amount column from the select statement?

Here's the script:
declare @tableHTML nvarchar(max) ;
set @tableHTML =
N'<h1>Revenue Report</h1>' +
N'<table border="1">' +
N'<tr><th>Amount</th><th>Index</th><th>CompObj</th><th>Rev Type</th><th>Program</th>'+
CAST ((SELECT td=SUM(dbo.tblAllocations.Amount),'',


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How To Use SP's Output In The SELECT Statement

Sep 8, 2006

hi guys!it's very very simple question for you mighty sql DBAs. but very hardfor a developer like me who is very very new to MS SQL.anyways the problem is i want to use one SPs out to in the SELectstatement. here is an example :select * from sp_tables tablename like 'syscolumns'please note that this is just an example. i'm using different SP but iwant to use in the same way.if anybody has anything to say. please write to me. i would be glade toread your repliesThanks,Lucky

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Output Parameter Vs Select Statement

Mar 7, 2008

If you want to return a single value should I use OUTPUT or Scaler which one is more effiecient?

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Select Statement To Output A Date

Oct 7, 2007

Hello Guys,

Please could you help me formulate a SELECT statement to output a date in the format (Month, Date Year), eg
October, 07 2007. Thanks.

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Interesting Output In A Select Statement

Nov 26, 2007


If I query like this, am getting the following Output.. Why is the part before '_ ' gets truncated and gets displayed as result ?

SELECT 10_to_100


SELECT 25_from


If anybody is familiar with the reason,pls share...

cheers !

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How To Assign The SELECT Statement Output To A Local Variable?

May 7, 2008

In my program i have function that will get one value from Database.
Here i want to assign the output of the sql query to a local variable.
Its like      select emp_id    into      Num   from emp where emp_roll=222; 
here NUM  is local variable which was declared in my program.
Is it correct.?
can anyone please guide me..?

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Can You Have Multiple Output Parameters? Difference Between A Select Statement?

Mar 9, 2004

I have a user login scenario where I would like to make sure that they not only exist in the user table, but also make sure there account is "verified" and "active". I'm trying to return 3 output parameters. UserID, verified, active. Is this possible?

Do I need just a select statement to do this? What is the difference between the output and select statements?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL 2012 :: Store Procedure Only Output One Select Statement

May 28, 2014

There are about 10 select statements in a store procedure.

All select statements are need.

Is it possible to output only the result of last select statement?

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Using A Select Statement To Only Insert In Certain Rows

Jan 14, 2005


I am not sure how to really explain this, but I'll give it a try.

I am looking to use a select statement in a way that I can tell it which rows to insert in depending on when only one result is returned. For example, if I run this statement:

SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3
FROM #Temp1

The result set is:


Column3 as only the one returned value, so I do not want it associated with any of the other rows, so I need this:


Another example:

The returned result now is:


So I need:


Does this make sense, and/or is it even possible?

I know it could be more of a presentation thing, but I would like to know how to do it in the code behind.


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Select Statement Combining Rows

Mar 30, 2008

I need some help with a query . I have two tables "config" and "item".

I have table config as follows:

With Values
ConfigID ItemID
14583 2776
14583 2798
14583 3112

And table item as follows:

With Values
ItemID ItermTypeID ItemValue
2776 1 123
2798 2 ABC
3112 3 789

So the query:
(SELECT ItemValue WHERE ItemTypeID = '1') AS Model,
(SELECT ItemValue WHERE ItemTypeID = '3') AS Minor,
(SELECT ItemValue WHERE ItemTypeID = '2') AS Customer
FROM config c, item i
WHERE ConfigID = '14583'
AND c.ItemID = i.ItemID

Produces the result:
ConfigID Model Minor Customer
14583 123 NULL NULL
14583 NULL 789 NULL

How do I change the above query to get one row:
ConfigID Model Minor Customer
14583 123 789 ABC

Thanks for your help

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Using Column Number Inplace Of Column Name In SQL Select Statement

Jul 20, 2005

Hello All,Is there a way to run sql select statements with column numbers inplace of column names in SQLServer.Current SQL ==> select AddressId,Name,City from AddressIs this possible ==> select 1,2,5 from AddressThanks in Advance,-Sandeep

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Return Number Of Rows In Select Statement As Value

Sep 3, 2007

Can anyone just point me in the right direction.  All I want to do is add some T-SQL to an existing stored procedure to return the number of rows selected into a return value.Does anyone know how to do this? 

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Select Statement Not Importing All Rows From AS400

Oct 4, 2006

Hello all,
I am trying to select a specific amount of rows from an AS400 table and when I do so it only shows a specific amount of rows regardless of how many there actually is. If we run it multiple times, it displays the same amount of rows. We went into the iSeries ODBC and changed the timeout setting and the Record Blocking Size (increased it) and it did pull more rows but still not what we were looking for. We suspect it has something to do with pulling the specific amount of blocks and instead of continue to pull, it stops when it reaches the first blocking limit. I can however pull the information through MS Access with the same settings. The query we are using to pull the information is

Select * Into Table From Openquery(AS400,'Select * From Tablename')

Was wondering if anyone has seen this before and if so if they found a fix so we can pull everything we are looking for.


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Retrieve Distinct Rows From Select Statement

Jan 10, 2014

Is it possible to retrieve Distinct rows from this Select Statement?

I'm getting the correct results, but duplicate rows because some customers place more than one order on the same day.

SELECT dbo.Customers.CustomerID, dbo.Customers.Title, dbo.Customers.FirstName, dbo.Customers.LastName, dbo.Customers.CustomerEmail, dbo.Customers.DateCreated,
CONVERT(char, dbo.Customers.DateCreated, 103) AS [DD/MM/YYYY], dbo.loyalty_points.LPoints, dbo.Orders.OrderID
FROM dbo.Customers INNER JOIN
dbo.loyalty_points ON dbo.Customers.CustomerID = dbo.loyalty_points.CustomerID INNER JOIN
dbo.Orders ON dbo.Customers.CustomerID = dbo.Orders.CustomerID
WHERE (CONVERT(char, dbo.Customers.DateCreated, 103) = CONVERT(char, GETDATE() - 6, 103))

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Getting Data (rows) And Output Params From A Query

May 15, 2005

I have a stored procedure that I use to return Purchase Orders from our PO system. It returns the data rows for PO's that match the criteria passed in (including the page to show etc.) + it returns two output params, Number of rows and Number of Pages.
Using query analyzer I can confirm the query works exactly as we want. I cannot however seem to get the data out to our app.
Here is a function that I use in one of my classes:
Function fnListPOsByCoordinatorIDPaged(ByVal strCoordinatorID As String, ByVal intPOStatusID As Int16, _
ByVal intUserTypeID As Int16, ByVal intArchived As Int16, _ByVal intPageNum As Int32, ByVal intPerPage As Int32, _ByVal strConn As String) As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim dr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
SqlConnection1.ConnectionString = strConn
prListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@CoordinatorID").Value = strCoordinatorIDprListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@POStatusID").Value = intPOStatusIDprListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@UserTypeID").Value = intUserTypeIDprListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@Archived").Value = intArchivedprListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@PageNum").Value = intPageNumprListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@PerPage").Value = intPerPage
SqlConnection1.Open()dr = prListPOByCoordinatorPaged.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Me.Pages = prListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@Pages").ValueMe.Rows = prListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@Rows").Value
If Me.Rows / intPerPage > Me.Pages Then   Me.Pages = Me.Pages + 1End If
Return dr
End Function
It does not crash, it returns my data reader with the correct records. Unfortunately my property values are returned as 0. They should have values.
Anyone know how to do this?

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Finding Rows With Missing Related Rows

Apr 2, 2008

Hi, I need to write a query which I have never attempted before and could do with some help.... I have a Groups table and a Users_Groups look up table. In this model, users can only be assigned to 1 group. If a group is deleted, a trigger should fire and delete any rows in User_Groups having a matching Groups.Ref. Unfortunately, the trigger hasn't been firing and I now have a load of defunct rows in Users_Groups relating users to groups which do not exist.I now need to find all of these defunct rows in Users_Groups so that I can delete them. How can I find rows in Users_Groups where the parent rows and refs in Groups are null? I've tried searching the net for something similar but don't even know how to word the search properly to get any half relevant results. Cheers PS, I do realise I need to tighten the constraints on my database  

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Copy Rows To The Same Table And Its Related Data In The Other Table

Nov 23, 2007

Hi All,
I have 2 tables People & PeopleCosts.

PeopleID in People Table is the primarykey and foreign Key in PeopleCosts Table. PeopleID is an autonumber

The major fields in People Table are PeopleID | MajorVersion | SubVersion. I want to create a new copy of data for existing subversion (say from sub version 1 to 2) in the same table. when the new data is copied my PeopleID is getting incremented and how to copy the related data in the other table (PeopleCosts Table) with the new set of PeopleIDs..

Kindly help. thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Pivot Output Data Into Multiple Rows

Nov 4, 2015

Is it possible to pivot the output data into multiple rows?

I wanted one row for deleted data and another row for Inserted data, I was looking at UNION ALL and CROSS APPLY but to no avail.

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Transact SQL :: Transpose Part Of Rows To Columns In Single Select Statement

Aug 31, 2015

Below. I have also pasted the current result of this query and the desired result. 

Query can be updated to get the desired result as given below?

From MMIT_CLAIM_ITEM b, mmit_tpl c , mmit_attachment_link d, MMIT_TPL_GROUP_RSN_ADJ f
where b.CLAIM_ICN_NU = d.CLAIM_ICN and b.CLAIM_ITEM_LINE_NU = d.CLAIM_LINE_NUM and c.TPL_TS = d.TPL_TS and f.TPL_TS = c.TPL_TS and b.CLAIM_ICN_NU = '123456788444'

Current Result which I am getting with this query

5501 07/13/2015 CO 11 23.87
5501 07/13/2015 PR 12 3.76
5501 07/13/2015 OT 32 33.45
2032 07/14/2015 CO 12 23.87
2032 07/14/2015 OT 14 43.01

Desired/Expected Result for which I need updated query


5501 07/13/2015 CO 11 23.87 PR 12 3.76 OT 32 33.45 2032 07/14/2015 CO 12 23.87 OT 14 43.01

Using DB2.

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Select All Rows With Certain Day In Datetime Column

Jun 29, 2005

I have a datetime column that holds dates and times like
30/06/2005 1:31:00 PM
How would I find all rows that match a certain date regardless of the time, (IE, select all rows with a date of 30/06/2005 with any time)


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Integration Services :: Using If Then Statement In Derived Column To Count Rows?

Jun 4, 2015

there is a way to write an if statement for a derived column to count rows?

for example:

Row 35: PRI      7010
Row 100: PRI 7011

formula that when it gets to row 100. it will go back and look at 35 and use that data if the 7010 = 7010, if not use 7011,,,

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Column With Select Statement

Sep 24, 2006

Hi, i have a doubt, can a column have the value of a select? I mean, i'm making a photo gallery and on the categories table i need to know how many photos i have, so i need to count in the table photos the ones associated with the id of the category, the problem is that i'm listing categories with a datalist, is there a way so that a column on the categories table have the result of the count? Thanks in advance, if you don't understood my question feel free to ask me again and i'll try to explain it better, i really need this. 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Insert Multiple Rows In A Table With A Single Select Statement?

Feb 12, 2014

I have created a trigger that is set off every time a new item has been added to TableA.The trigger then inserts 4 rows into TableB that contains two columns (item, task type).

Each row will have the same item, but with a different task

TableA.item, 'Planning'
TableA.item, 'Design'
TableA.item, 'Program'
TableA.item, 'Production'

How can I do this with tSQL using a single select statement?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Select Statement Returning Too Many Rows For Backup Start Date

Jun 3, 2015

Here's my statement below. What I'm trying to get is joining the name column in master.sys.databases with a sub query for the database name, file location and backup start date from the MSDB database. The reason for this, if a new database has never been backed up, It should be returning as a NULL value, which is my goal. However, I'm getting multiple results for the backups.

select CONVERT(CHAR(100), SERVERPROPERTY('Servername')) AS Server,,File_Location=b.physical_device_name,backup_start_date=max(backup_start_date)
from master.sys.databases a
left join(select c.database_name,backup_start_date=max(backup_start_date),b.physical_device_name
from msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily b join msdb.dbo.backupset c on c.media_set_id=c.backup_set_id
where c.type='D'

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Update Statement Will Not Update Data Beyond 7 Million Plus Rows Out Of 38 Millions Rows

Dec 12, 2014

I run the following statement and it will not update beyond 7 million plus rows and I have about 38 million to complete. I keep checking updated row counts and after 1/2 day it's still the same so I know something is wrong because it was rolling through no problem when I initiated it. I need to complete ASAP so it's adding to my frustration. The 'Acct_Num_CH' field is an encrypted field (fyi).

SET rowcount 10000
UPDATE [dbo].[CC_Info_T]
SET [Acct_Num_CH] = 'ayIWt6C8sgimC6t61EJ9d8BB3+bfIZ8v'
SET rowcount 10000
UPDATE [dbo].[CC_Info_T]
SET [Acct_Num_CH] = 'ayIWt6C8sgimC6t61EJ9d8BB3+bfIZ8v'
SET rowcount 0

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Select Multiple Rows In One Column With Comma

Jul 26, 2013

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[x1](
[nomer] [varchar](15) NOT NULL,
[tgl] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[nomer] ASC,

[Code] ....

Result :
nomer tanggal
12013-07-28 00:00:00.000
12013-07-29 00:00:00.000
12013-07-30 00:00:00.000

I Want to make :
nomer tanggal
1 28,29,30

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SELECT Query (rows Returned In One Column)?

Aug 17, 2005

Hi there,

I¡¦ve got a table with the following as well as other info:

User ID
DirectoryTypeID (int)
Region ID (int)

I need to run a query where I could get the region ID, then, in the second column, I¡¦d get all distinct directory types within that region. For example, if I run the query:

subRegionAreaID directoryTypeID
--------------- ---------------
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 9

If need these results to be:

subRegionAreaID directoryTypeID
--------------- ---------------
3 1, 2, 3, 9

Is this possible?

Many Thanks!! ļ


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How To Output Data To Different Column

Mar 12, 2013

l am fresh in SQL...

select hierarchy.hiername,devicefail.deviceid
,sum(DATEDIFF(minute,started,ended)) as duration
,100 - SUM(datediff(minute,started,ended))/(672 * 60.0000)*100 AS Uptime from devicefail
LEFT JOIN device ON device.deviceid = devicefail.deviceid
LEFT JOIN hierarchy ON device.hierlevel = hierarchy.hierlevel
where devicefail.started >= '2013-02-01 00:00:00'and
devicefail.ended <='2013-02-28 23:59:59'
and devicefail.componentid like 201 or devicefail.componentid like 0
group by devicefail.deviceid,hierarchy.hiername,devicefail. componentid
order by hiername

the above output as:

hiernamedeviceidduration Uptime
Airp 95412092548.10267857
Airp 95411891953.07787699
Airp 9542187295.35714286
Airp 9542155296.15079365

How could I achieve the result as following:

hiernamedeviceidduration1 duration2 Uptime1 Uptime2
Airp 954120925 18919 48.10267857 53.07787699
Airp 954218721552 95.35714286 96.15079365

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Return SP In A SELECT Statement Column

Jan 13, 2005

I have a stored procedure which contains a complex scripting that is not an option to rewrite as a single SELECT statement.

I want the following output:

CatID | CatTitle | CatTree
001 | News | exec sp_DisplayTree(@CatID)

My code I tried doesn't work:

C.CatID As CatID,
C.CatTitle As CatTitle,
CatTree = (exec sp_DisplayTree C.CatID)
Cats As C WITH (nolock)

I cannot find a solution to my solution, please help...

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Create New Column In Select Statement

May 28, 2014

I am trying to create a new column 'COL_4' and, in the same step, create a case statement off of the new col. I know that the code below will not execute. I realize that I could get ride of COL_4 in my code below and concatonate but I need to keep Col_4 in the output.

,COL_4 = COL_1 + COL_2

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Can You Use Column Order Value In Select Statement

Nov 6, 2005

Is there a shortcut to spelling out column names when you are doing a select statement?

For instance could you write Select 1, 5, 6 from table where whatever...

I tried this but didn't get any results so if you can I must be using wrong syntax.


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