Select Top (n) From &&<table&&> Missing From Management Studio

Sep 14, 2006

In sql 2000 one could right-click a table (under Enterprise Manager) and have it return the "top n" rows in the table. That feature seems to be missing from Management Studio. Am I correct or is it just hiding somewhere?



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Management Studio Is Missing Suddenly

Nov 20, 2007

Hi all,

This issue is on PRODUCTION.

The server is in use almost a year now, but suddenly this afternoon , i saw that Management Studio is missing in start --> Sql Server 2005 --> Management Studio is missing here. ( SQL Server 2005 , Standard Edition, 32-bit, SP1 )

Could somebody tell what could be the reason and how to fix it.

What i need to do , so that i get back the management studio & where should i go & investigate what file is missing.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Missing SQL Server Management Studio

Feb 23, 2007


I am a novice at SQl Server, so apologise in advance if you think this is a really stupid question.

I have a windows XP laptop with Visual Studio 2005. I installed SQl Server 2005 Developer Edition but do not see the SQl Server Management Studio anywhere. The only thing in Programs/ SQL Server 2005 is SQL Server Configuration Manager. I then uninstalled it & installed SQL Server Express but encountered the same issue.

I would like to install the Developer Edition if possible. I have tried uninstalling & reinstalling a few times but it does not work.

Could someone please help in resolving this. Appreciate it!

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SQL Management Studio Express: Missing Features

Jul 6, 2006

Much of the (full) SQL Management Studio tutorial works fine, until I come to "projects and solutions", which are supposed to be creatable at File - New ?

Found a list of missing features for the "Express" version, but that just tells of rather sophisticated stuff only.

Did I get something wrong?

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Management Studio Missing After Installing SQL Server 2005 Dev

Aug 23, 2006

I've just installed SQL Server 2005 Development Edition x64 on Windows XP x64bit. The actual server (as well as Integration, Reporting Services etc) installs fine, I can connect to it via Visual Studio 2005 fine. However, all of the software tools are missing including Management Studio, Business Intelligence Studio etc. They don't show up in the start menu at all and I can't find them in the Program Files directory.

Anyone know how I can get them back? I've tried reinstalling SQL Server 2005, reformatting Windows XP x64, I'm at my wits end!! Many thanks!

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Show Server Trace Missing In SQL Management Studio?

Feb 9, 2006

In Query Analyzer I could go to the Query menu and select Show ServerTrace and it would give me trace information with duration, CPU, Readsand Writes cost. I have been using SQL Server 2005 for a couple monthsnow and I can't seem to find that option in SQL Management Studio. Am Imissing something?Jason

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SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Is Missing After Install

Feb 7, 2008

I have several servers that do not have SSMS installed. A couple of them are running as a clustered server. How do I install SSMS on these servers? they are running and have production databases on them. I have tried re-installing the management tools but that didn't work.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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Generate Scripts Missing Option In Management Studio

Jun 13, 2006

I was hoping this would be fixed in SP1, but it is still missing. Particularly in a development environment, I find it very useful to have scripts DROP first, then do a CREATE for tables. There is an option called Script Behavior that is supposed to allow this, according to the help text. There are supposed to be 3 options, DROP only, CREATE only and DROP + CREATE. This third option (the one I need) is missing. It does not show up on the drop down.

Sorry, I don't want to be rude, but before anyone suggests it, yes, I know I can create a DROP script first and then go back in and create a CREATE script and then run both. And I don't want to change my methodology, and I don't want to do twice the work. All I would like to know is if anyone knows how to get this 3rd option to appear, or if its a known bug, is there a hotfix or a plan to fix it soon.



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SQL Server 2005 64bit Install - Missing Management Studio

May 27, 2007

Good Afternoon,

I just installed SQL Server 2005 64bit on a fresh system with no other applications loaded on running on the new server.

The only other component that was installed with the SS2K5 database services is SSIS. The base installation and the SP2 patch went on perfect.

I went looking for the Management Studio thru the Start menu options and it is NOT under the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 group. The only options under the SS2K5 group are "Configuration Tools" and "Docs and Tutorials".

Here are file names that I downloaded from the MS website and installed.

SW CD SQL Svr Enterprise Edtn 2005 64Bit X64 English #1 x64 MLF.x11-57796 (which is a zipped)


There was also another zipped file that I tried to install but it seems to be a duplicate of the zipped file above:

SW CD SQL Svr Enterprise Edtn 2005 64Bit X64 English #2 x64 MLF.x11-57797

Any help would be greatly appriciated.

Thanks ALL!

J Kusch

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Missing Data Mining Provider In Management Studio Linked Server Definition

Dec 7, 2006

I'm trying to define a linked server using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Data Mining Services. MSDMine data provider is missing. Do you know where I can get this? Thanks in advance.

I'm have a Xeon 64bit proc. using SP2. And had installed:

SQLServer2005_ADOMD_x64.msi, SLQServer2005_ASOLEDB9_x64.msi,SQLServer2005_OLAPDM_x64.msi, and SQLServer2005_XMO_x64.msi.

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SQL Server Express 2008 - Missing Client Tools / Management Studio / Profiler

Dec 13, 2007

I downloaded and performed a full install of SQL Server Express 2008 Nov CTP. It was installed on a fresh installation of Windows Vista Enterprise x64.

During setup, I checked the 'Client Tools' box which has the description:
"Includes management and development tools: SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Configuration Manager, SQL Server Profiler, and Database Engine Tuning Advisor"

The installation ran fine with no errors. After install I looked for the Management Studio but couldnt find it anywhere. No SQL Server Profiler or Database Tuning Advisor either. The only tool that appears to have installed is the SQL Server Configuration Manager.

If I check my Start Menu, the only 2008 items that exist are
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 >

Configuration Tools >

SQL Server Configuration Manager
SQL Server Error and Usage Reporting
SQL Server Installation Center

I checked the summary log and everythign PASSED:
Package results:
Execution statistics:
Exit code: 0x00000000
Exit message: Passed
Package start time: 12/13/2007 14:05:39
Package end time: 12/13/2007 14:09:06
Package install location: c:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup Bootstrap
Package initial action: Install
Media source location: Install
Media version: 10.0.1075.23
Machine properties:
Machine name: xxx
Machine processor count: 2
OS version: Windows Vista
OS service pack:
OS language: English (United States)
OS architecture: x64
Process architecture: 32 Bit
Properties provided in package.xml file:
LegalProductName: SQL Server Database Services 2008
Description: SQL Server Database Services 2008
Details: Install for SQL Server Database Services 2008
ProductName: SQL2008
Version: 10
SPLevel: 0
KBArticle: KB876234
Command line arguments provided:
ACTION: Install
Product features discovered:
Product: SQL2005
Product: SQL2008
Feature status after execution:
Database Engine Services: Passed
Replication: Passed
Client Tools: Passed
Windows Installer logs generated during execution:
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_Snac_Cpu64_1.log
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_Msxml6_Cpu64_1.log
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_Tools_Cpu32_1.log
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_SqlWriter_Cpu64_1.log
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_SqlBrowser_Cpu32_1.log
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_Sql_Cpu32_1.log

What is the issue here?

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In SqlServer Management Studio Express, Server Type Option Is Greyed Out, Also Publication Option Missing

Apr 27, 2008

Hi everyone In my SqlServer Management Studio Express, on start up it shows the server type option, but greyed.So that value is fixed to database engine. ( I'm trying to work on an SqlServer Compact Edition database through the SSMStudiothat's why I'm trying to get this to change.)Besides, after I connect i go to the Object Explorer, expand the server node, and go to Replication.When i expand replication, i get the "Local Subscription" option, but nothng for Publication.( I want to work on Merge Replication, that's why I desparately need Publication to work)Am i missing something here? I did not install SqlServer separately, I only have what comes bundled with the Visual Studio  2005 Setup.

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HELP! Unable To Select Database Engine In Management Studio

Mar 15, 2007

Hi All,
I am new to SQL Server and having trouble using SQL Server Management Studio. I am unable to select the Database Engine in management studio.
I am able to see the instance of default database engine (MSSQLServer) running in Reporting Services manager as well as in Surface area configuration manager, but it is not visible in the drop down list in Management Studio's "Select Database Engine" menu.
I had removed Sql server 2005 earlier ( I was able to select the database engine in Management Studio then). But when I installed it again, I was unable to install the Sql Server Tools (it said that my Upgrade is blocked). So, I cleaned the Windows Registry of all keys containing 'Sql'. After this I tried installing it again and successfully installed Sql Server 2005 + ALL TOOLS. But this time I am unable to select the database engine in management studio.
Thanks and Regards to ALL 

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SELECT Statement Works In SQL Server Management Studio But Not In SSRS

Mar 14, 2008


I'm attempting to extract some yearly average figures from our DB. I've written a SELECT statement in SQL Server MS which returns exactly what I need:

SELECT YEAR, CAllSource, AVG(CallTotal) AS [Average calls per day]

FROM (SELECT COUNT(CallID) AS CallTotal, DATEPART(YEAR, Recvddate) AS Year, CASE WHEN CallSource IN ('Auto Ticket', 'Email')

THEN 'Email' WHEN CallSource IN ('Phone') THEN 'Phone' ELSE 'Other' END AS CallSource

FROM Calllog where

DATEPART(MONTH, Recvddate) = 3

AND DATEPART(dw, RecvdDate) NOT IN ('7', '1')

GROUP BY RecvdDATE, callsource) as sub



The problem is that when I attempt to use this in SSRS I get the following error:

"sub.Year is not a recognised DATEPART Option".

Now as you can see, "sub.Year" is not even mentioned in the expression. However I noticed that when running the query, SSRS automatically adds "sub." before the YEAR in the section highlighted in yellow above. a) Why is it doing this, and b) does anyone know of a workaround/fix?


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I Imported A SQL Table Into SQL DataBase, But I Can Not Update This Table Even With SQL Server Management Studio

Jan 8, 2008

I imported a SQL Table into SQL DataBase, But I can not update this table even with SQL Server management Studio
When I change any data on mentioned table above, Red exclamation sign appears left of the record .
How can I correct this problem?

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How Do I Copy Table From One DB To Another In Management Studio?

Mar 6, 2007

hey. I need to copy some tables from one database to another. I found a script to do it, but isnt there some way in the management studio to copy the table from one database to another?


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Opening Table In Management Studio Is Very Slow

Apr 30, 2007

Dear Gurus

When I open a large table (say more than 1,000,000 Rows) in the SSMS by right clicking on the table name, it takes a very big time to fully open the table.More than 20 minutes for 1,000,000 records on a local instance.

SQL Server 2000 EM was extremely faster. Does any one knows a work around?

I need to be able to view and edit the data in SSMS.

Thanks in advance.


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CREATE TABLE Template, Management Studio Express

Jul 8, 2006

I accidentally overwrote the CREATE TABLE template in SQL Server Management Studio Express.  Could someone please post the original template?

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Cannot Open Table In Sql Server Management Studio Express

Aug 24, 2006

Hello all.

I have uploaded a table into sql management studio express. However, when I right click on the table and try and open it, I get an error message saying;

"SQL Execution Error.

Executed SQL statement: select columnName1, columnName2 etc....

Error source: Microsoft. VisualStudio.DataTools

Error Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation"

Because of this error, I cannot manually edit the table. However, when I write a query running select * from Table X, the table does appear that way.

Any help regarding how to open the table would be very much appreciated!!

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Creating A Table In 2014 Express Using Studio Management?

Aug 12, 2015

I am executing the Query shown below in Studio Management.  I get the following error message:

Column ModifiedDate has an invalid data type on last line. I would also like to make agentname as primary key.

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Cannot Edit Table Data With SQL Server Management Studio?

Apr 15, 2008

HI all,

I'm just posting this to make sure I didn't mess anything.

Is the only way to enter/edit table data (in grid view) is through the VS (Express) IDE?

The reason why I ask is because I installed the Sql Server 2008 developer trial to get the Management Studio and pretty much the only things I can do are create/edit/delete databases, tables and the like.

It would be nice for the Management Studio (and Express at that) to have those capabilites. It would be nice to not have to create connections in the VS IDE to diffferent databases to edit them. Opening up the Management Studio and selecting the database seems like the proper (if not accustomed) way to do it.


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Move Table In Sql Server Management Studio 2005 Express

Feb 7, 2007

I have two databases in sql server management studio and I want to move tables from one into another.  Is this possible?  and how?  Thanks

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Creating A Table And Adding Rows To Database In Studio Management

Aug 12, 2015

I am trying to use the following Query to create the table Agents and add rows to it.

IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.Agents', 'U') IS NOT NULL

[Code] ....

I get the following error messages:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 34 Incorrect syntax near '0.25'
Msg 105, Level 15 mark after the character string ');

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Common Table Expression (CTE):How To Delete A Wrong CTE That Is In SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE)?

Feb 25, 2008

Hi all,

I ran the following CTE sql code:

Use ChemDatabase


WITH PivotedTestResults AS


SELECT TR.AnalyteName, TR.Unit,

Prim = MIN(CASE S.SampleType WHEN 'Primary' THEN TR.Result END),

Dupl = MIN(CASE S.SampleType WHEN 'Duplicate' THEN TR.Result END),

QA = MIN(CASE S.SampleType WHEN 'QA' THEN TR.Result END)

FROM TestResults TR

JOIN Samples S ON TR.SampleID = S.SampleID

GROUP BY TR.AnalyteName, TR.Unit


SELECT AnalyteName, UnitForConc,

avg1 = abs(Prim + Dupl) / 2,

avg2 = abs(Prim + QA) / 2,

avg3 = abs(Dupl + QA) / 2,

RPD1 = abs(Prim - Dupl) / abs(Prim + Dupl) * 2,

RPD2 = abs(Prim - QA) / abs(Prim + QA) * 2,

RPD2 = abs(Dupl - QA) / abs(Dupl + QA) * 2

FROM PivotedTestResults


I got the following errors:

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 9

Invalid column name 'Unit'.

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

Invalid column name 'Unit'.


I guess that I had "Unit" (instead of "UnitForConc"), when I executed the sql code last time!!!???
How can I delete the old, wrong CTE that is already in the ChemDatabase of my SSMSE?

Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Management Studion Express Alongside Full-blown Management Studio?

Oct 9, 2006

Is it possible to run both Sql Server Management Studio: Express and full blown side by side?

I am developing with the full blown product but would like to test Management Studio Express on the same box.
Is this possible?



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SQL Server Management Studio Express:Cannot Access Destination Table ‘dbo.FromExcel’in SqlConnection-VBExpress Programming(P.1)

Oct 18, 2007

Hi all,
In the Object Explorer of my SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express, I do not have €˜Northwind€™ Database installed yet. I executed the following source code (that was copied from a book) in my VB 2005 Express:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Public Class Form9

Dim cnn1 As New SqlConnection

Private Sub Form5_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

'Compute top-level project folder and use it as a prefix for
'the primary data file
Dim int1 As Integer = InStr(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "bin")
Dim strPath As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, int1 - 1)
Dim pdbfph As String = strPath & "northwnd.mdf"
Dim cst As String = "Data Source=.sqlexpress;" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
"AttachDBFileName=" & pdbfph
cnn1.ConnectionString = cst

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

'Create a command to create a table
Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand
cmd1.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE FromExcel (" & _
"FirstName nvarchar(15), " & _
"LastName nvarchar(20), " & _
"PersonID int Not Null)"
cmd1.Connection = cnn1

'Invoke the command
MessageBox.Show("Command succeeded.", "Outcome", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

'Create a command to drop a table
Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand
cmd1.CommandText = "DROP TABLE FromExcel"
cmd1.Connection = cnn1

'Invoke the command
MessageBox.Show("Command succeeded.", "Outcome", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

'Declare FromExcel Data Table and RowForExcel DataRow
Dim FromExcel As New DataTable
Dim RowForExcel As DataRow

FromExcel.Columns.Add("FirstName", GetType(SqlTypes.SqlString))
FromExcel.Columns.Add("LastName", GetType(SqlTypes.SqlString))
FromExcel.Columns.Add("PersonID", GetType(SqlTypes.SqlInt32))

'Create TextFieldParser for CSV file from spreadsheet
Dim crd1 As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser
Dim strPath As String = _
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left( _
My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, _
InStr(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "bin") - 1)
crd1 = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFieldParser _
(My.Computer.FileSystem.CombinePath(strPath, "Book1.csv"))
crd1.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
crd1.Delimiters = New String() {","}

'Loop through rows of CSV file and populate
'RowForExcel DataRow for adding to FromExcel
'Rows collection
Dim currentRow As String()
Do Until crd1.EndOfData
currentRow = crd1.ReadFields()
Dim currentField As String
Dim int1 As Integer = 1
RowForExcel = FromExcel.NewRow
For Each currentField In currentRow
Select Case int1
Case 1
RowForExcel("FirstName") = currentField
Case 2
RowForExcel("LastName") = currentField
Case 3
RowForExcel("PersonID") = CInt(currentField)
End Select
int1 += 1
int1 = 1
RowForExcel = FromExcel.NewRow
Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException
MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & _
"is not valid and will be skipped.")
End Try
Using sqc1 As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(cnn1)
sqc1.DestinationTableName = "dbo.FromExcel"
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

'Read the FromExcel table and display results in
'a message box
Dim strQuery As String = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM dbo.FromExcel "
Dim str1 As String = ""

Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand(strQuery, cnn1)
Dim rdr1 As SqlDataReader
rdr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
While rdr1.Read()
str1 += rdr1.GetString(0) & ", " & _
rdr1.GetString(1) & ", " & _
rdr1.GetSqlInt32(2).ToString & ControlChars.CrLf
End While
End Try
MessageBox.Show(str1, "FromExcel")

End Sub

End Class
This is Part 1 (The length of input exceeds 50000 characters). Part 2 will be posted in this site shortly.

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SQL Server Management Express Studio Management Tools

Apr 5, 2007

I have recently installed the SQL Server Management Studio Express but I do not find Management Tools in order to create scheduled backups and shrinking of the databases. I was under the impression that this should be included in the Management Studio. I use the SQL 2005 Express for smaller customers who run the SQL on a desktop unit. I need a way to backup the data to a server machine for backup purposes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail.

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Visual Studio Database File And SQL Server Management Studio Express Question

Mar 17, 2007

I have a database in my "App_Data" folder of my visual studio project.  I can view it fine in Visual Studio's built-in tools for managing a database attached to a solution.  However i recently started playing around with the SQL Server Management Studio Express program.  When i attach my database to Management Studio, and try to run my program it crashes.  I think it might be a permissions error?!? When i detatch it and reattach it in visual studio it runs fine again.   Any suggestions? ThanksJason 

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Visual Studio 2005 Standard And SQL Server Management Studio?

Sep 4, 2007

I am new to visual studio and I am still not sure of all its components and features.

I installed visual studio 2005 standard edition but cannot find SQL Server Management Studio?

I guess this must be because it is not included with Visual studio 2005 standard. Is it included with VS 2005 professional?

I want to add pictures of products to my shopping site using an SQL database and I’ve been told that SQL Server Management studio is required as it is a graphical tool.

How would I go about obtaining the SQL server management studio. There seems to be different versions of SQL server that it is confusing to know which one to purchase.

Will the SQL server 2005 version that comes with Visual studio standard be sufficient for me now right? I want to create a shopping site with hundreds, perhaps even thousands of products. I want to use an SQL server 2005 database. The database will include ‘dynamically generated’ product images if that is the correct terminology.

My goodness, it seems I still have so much to learn.


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The Database Created Using Management Studio Cannot Be Connected To Visual Studio???help

May 13, 2008

I have created a database under management studio and i want it to be connected in visual studio but it failed
the error msgs said that the database can't be connected coz the database with same name exits but that is not true

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How Do I Get The Database That I Am Using In Visual Studio Into My SQL Server Management Studio?

Sep 12, 2007

How do i get the database that i am using in visual studio into my SQL server management studio?
i need to create some scripts to create stored procedures on a live server.

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Is Management Studio Express Compatible With Visual Studio?

Sep 13, 2006

I have installed Visual Studio 2005 which includes SQL Server Express but not the Management Studio.

Can I install SQL Server Management Studio Express?

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What Is The Different Between Manangement Studio And Management Studio Express

Jan 18, 2007

In Microsoft.COM website do we have a comparision between Management Studio and Management Studio express in term of functions and features of the tool ? (Not SQL Server and SQL Server Express !)

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