Selecting Fields On The Fly

Sep 20, 2005


I have a content management system that I am building. My CMS has a
pages table which contains 60 fields, some are varchars, some are ntext
some are dates etc. They have field names which match their purpose
like varchar1, ntext3 etc. These fields are used up depending on which
template is applied to the page.

The templatefields table holds holds the information about each field
in a template. It's control type (rich text control, date control etc)
and the field in the pages table that the data will be stored in
(varchar1,ntext3 etc)

What I want to be able to do is loop through the templatefeilds table
for a particular template and then using the field name for the pages
table, go to the pages table and get the value to populate the control.

So to clarify, I would like to produce a stored procedure which outputs
the page field name (varchar1) from the templatefields table and
varchar1's value in the pages table. Maybe in a temporary table.

Is this possible?

Any guidance would be appreciated..

Thanks in advance

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Selecting Fields From 2 Datasets

Mar 16, 2006

Need syntax for selecting fields from 2 different datasets in one report.

Each dataset connects to a different server.

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Selecting NOT EXISTS With Text Fields...?

Jul 31, 2007

I have three user tables (identical structure) that holds customer information. Each has about 1200 records, give or take a dozen, 99% of which are identical. However, there are a few records in each table that differ. Im trying to select the differences in these tables using a query.Each customer has a custmer ID, but cust_id 1234 in table a may not be the same customer as cust_id 1234 in table b. Therefore, i am trying to compare using the cuLoginName field which is the username/email address text field. This is  what differentiates the records.
I have tried using
select cust_id, cuLoginNamefrom tblCustomerAwhere NOT exists (select cuLoginName from tblCustomerB)
to get the different records between the two tables (i.e. those in A but not in B), but even though there are two users in A that do not appear in B, the results are coming back with nothing. I am guessing this is a problem comparing on text fields?
What is an effective way around this problem?

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Adding Conditions (if/else) When Selecting Fields

Aug 18, 2004

We have three fields in a table: firstname, Surname & Organisation. Firstname & surname will always be filled but in most cases organisation is NULL.

Part of what these fields will be used for is a mailshot. If there is no organisation data then the mailshot will open with 'Dear Firstname Surname, ' but if the organisation is present they would like 'Dear Organisation'.

Is it possible to create a select state that checks the organisation field, and if a value is present return that value else return the firstname, surname combination? I have tried various things but I cannot get it to work.

I know the ideal situation would be to do this type of condition check at scripting level (PHP, ASP, Visual Basic) but my bosses would like to try it at SQL level.

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Error Selecting Date Convert Fields With Nulls

Aug 3, 2000

I have a select statement which has to convert some date fields stored
as varchar based on critera of adding numbers to the date. What I have below
will return data show below but gives me an error message when it encounters
any data with null in the field. Is there something wrong in my conversion?

declare @tdate varchar(10)
declare @rldate datetime
select @tdate = 20000630
select @rldate = @rldate + 2
select patient_.df_admit_date, patient_.df_ppdb_date from patient_
where (convert(datetime, df_ppdb_date, 101)+ 12) >= @tdate or
(convert(datetime, df_admit_date, 101) + 2 ) >= @tdate

19980910 20000626
19981215 20000627
19590114 20000621
20000629 NULL
20000706 NULL
20000711 NULL

(6 row(s) affected)

Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 5
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

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Selecting Unmatched Records Based On Multiple Fields

Jul 21, 2004

I need to list all the records in Table2 which don't have matching field values in Table1.

This the the exact opposite of what I need:

The above seems to give me all records in Table1 in which the five fields match the five fields specified in Table2. What does not show up is the test record I put in Table2 which is not in Table1.

What I need, however, is the exact opposite.

I tried the above using NOT EXISTS but I get no records at all.

How do do this?

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Problem Selecting Count, Comparing 2 Fields In Same Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have the following table structure.group1 group2 group1_result group2_result'One' 'Two' 3 2'One' 'Two' 3 1'One' 'Two' 2 5'One' 'Two' 4 1'One' 'Two' 0 5I need to sum up the number of times 'One' is greater than 'Two', andvice-versa. For example, the result I would like to achieve is asfollows.group1 group2 group1_total group2_total'One' 'Two' 3 2I'm using the following SQL statement, but I get 5 rows returned,giving me a '1' or '0' for each group1, group2,sum(CASE WHEN group1_result > group2_result THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),sum(CASE WHEN group2_result > group12_result THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)FROM table1GROUP BY group1, group2Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Selecting The Most Recently Edited Item AND Selecting A Certain Type If Another Doesn't Exist

Sep 20, 2007

I've got a big problem that I'm trying to figure out:
I have an address table out-of-which I am trying to select mailing addresses for companies UNLESS a mailing address doesn't exist; then I want to select the physical addresses for that company. If I get multiple mailing or physical addresses returned I only want the most recently edited out of those.

I don't need this for an individual ID select, I need it applied to every record from the table.

My address table has some columns that look like:
[AddressID] [int]
[LocationID] [int]

[Type] [nvarchar](10)
[Address] [varchar](50)
[City] [varchar](50)
[State] [char](2)
[Zip] [varchar](5)
[AddDate] [datetime]
[EditDate] [datetime]

AddressID is a primary-key non-null column to the address table and the LocationID is a foreign key value from a seperate Companies table.
So there will be multiple addresses to one LocationID, but each address will have it's own AddressID.

How can I do this efficiently with perfomance in mind???

Thank you in advance for any and all replies...

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Subreports: Parameter Value Dropdown Shows Sum And Count Fields But Not The Actual Data Fields.

Jan 28, 2008

I have just started using SQL Server reporting services and am stuck with creating subreports.

I have a added a sub report to the main report. When I right click on the sub report, go to properties -> Parameters, and click on the dropdown for Parameter Value, I see all Sum and Count fields but not the data fields.

For example, In the dropdownlist for the Parameter value, I see Sum(Fields!TASK_ID.Value, "AppTest"), Count(Fields!TASK_NAME.Value, "CammpTest") but not Fields!TASK_NAME.Value, Fields!TASK_ID.Value which are the fields retrieved from the dataset assigned to the subreport.

When I manually change the parameter value to Fields!TASK_ID.Value, and try to preview the report, I get Error: Subreport could not be shown. I have no idea what the underlying issue is but am guessing that it's because the field - Fields!TASK_ID.Value is not in the dropdown but am trying to link the main report and sub report with this field.

Am I missing something here? Any help is appreciated.


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Creating A Table In SQL Server With Fields From Other Tables And Some Fields User Defined

Feb 20, 2008

How can I create a Table whose one field will be 'tableid INT IDENTITY(1,1)' and other fields will be the fields from the table "ashu".
can this be possible in SQL Server without explicitly writing the"ashu" table's fields name.

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Public Overridable ReadOnly Default Property Fields() As ADODB.Fields

Jan 26, 2008


I have got this error message to establish connction with recordset vb .net, Can you please rectify this

Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable ReadOnly Default Property Fields() As ADODB.Fields'

my code like this

rs = New ADODB.Recordset

rs.Open("Select * from UserLogin where userid='" & txtUserName.Text & "'", gstrDB, DB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic)

If txtUserName.Text = rs.Fields.Append(userid) Then

MsgBox("OK", MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "Confirmation")

End If


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Update Fields With Searched First Date Record Fields

Jul 23, 2005

Hello !I'm trying to update one table field with another table searched firstdate record.getting some problem.If anyone have experience similar thing or have any idea about it,please guide.Sample case is given below.Thanks in adv.T.S.Negi--Sample caseDROP TABLE TEST1DROP TABLE TEST2CREATE TABLE TEST1(CUST_CD VARCHAR(10),BOOKING_DATE DATETIME,BOOKPHONE_NO VARCHAR(10))CREATE TABLE TEST2(CUST_CD VARCHAR(10),ENTRY_DATE DATETIME,FIRSTPHONE_NO VARCHAR(10))DELETE FROM TEST1INSERT INTO TEST1 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+5,'11111111')INSERT INTO TEST1 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+10,'22222222')INSERT INTO TEST1 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+15,'44444444')INSERT INTO TEST1 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+16,'33333333')DELETE FROM TEST2INSERT INTO TEST2 VALUES('C1',GETDATE(),'')INSERT INTO TEST2 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+2,'')INSERT INTO TEST2 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+11,'')INSERT INTO TEST2 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+12,'')--SELECT * FROM TEST1--SELECT * FROM TEST2/*Sample dataTEST1CUST_CD BOOKING_DATE BOOKPHONE_NOC12005-04-08 21:46:47.78011111111C12005-04-13 21:46:47.78022222222C12005-04-18 21:46:47.78044444444C12005-04-19 21:46:47.78033333333TEST2CUST_CD ENTRY_DATE FIRSTPHONE_NOC12005-04-03 21:46:47.800C12005-04-05 21:46:47.800C12005-04-14 21:46:47.800C12005-04-15 21:46:47.800DESIRED RESULTCUST_CD ENTRY_DATE FIRSTPHONE_NOC12005-04-03 21:46:47.80011111111C12005-04-05 21:46:47.80011111111C12005-04-14 21:46:47.80044444444C12005-04-15 21:46:47.80044444444*/

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Transact SQL :: Get One Row From Multiple Based On Fields And Also Get Sum Of Decimal Fields?

Jul 2, 2015

I am using MS SQL 2012.  I have a table that contains all the data that I need, but I need to summarize the data and also add up decimal fields while at it.  Then I need a total of those added decimal fields. My data is like this:

I have Providers, a unique ID that Providers will have multiples of, and then decimal fields. Here are my fields:

ID, provider_name, uniq_id, total_spent, total_earned

Here is sample data:

1, Harbor, A07B8, 500.00, 1200.00
2, Harbor, A07B8, 400.00, 800.00
3, Harbor, B01C8, 600.00, 700.00
4, Harbor, B01C8, 300.00, 1100,00
5, LifeLine, L01D8, 700.00, 1300.00
6, LifeLine, L01D8, 200.00, 800.00

I need the results to be just 3 lines:

Harbor, A07B8, 900.00, 2000.00
Harbor, B01C8, 900.00, 1800.00
LifeLine, L01D8, 900.00, 2100.00

But then I would need the totals for the Provider, so:

Harbor, 1800.00, 3800.00

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Search Multipe Fields, Compounding Fields, Like, Contains...?

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to search a table for a phrase, or for a partial phrase,eg on table product - for name or description, or name + descprition.How does one say select * from product where name + description like%phrase%or contains phraseCurrently I can get where name, or where descriotion like %phrase%,eg, where name like krups, or where description like coffee makerBut if I search for where name like %krups coffee maker% i get noresults. krups is in the name field, coffee maker is in thedescription field.Thanks,-M

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Update Fields With Data From Other Fields In Same Row

Jun 30, 2000

Pardon me if this question is too elementary. I am trying to create a trigger that will cause certain datafields to be updated with values from other data fields in the same row when a certain column, created specifically to fire the trigger, is updated. The purpose of this is to reduce data entry by field personnel.I think I have the create trigger statement correct, but I'm a little confused on the update statement.

In a nutshell, how can I write something like:

I do know that I have to ensure that sp_dboption Recursive Triggers value is set to false, thanks.

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Using LIKE To Find Any Of Fields In One Table In Fields Of Another

Jul 31, 2013

I have a list of items in one table and a field (pageName) in another table that may contain one of the aforementioned items somewhere within that field. There is no fixed position within the field where the itemNo may be so I can't just use SUBSTRING(pageName,2,5) in(select itemNo from tblItem).

Logically, it's like I need to combine IN and LIKE: select pageName where pageName LIKE IN %select itemNo from tblitemNo%..LIKE can only handle one comparison string.

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Drillthrough In Calculated Fields Enable When Drillthrough Option Is Disable In Original Fields, Is This A BUG?

Jan 21, 2008

Hi people
My users are having troubles with link to default drillthrough report when reports are exported to excel (they REALLY don't like this behavior ), so I decided set all of them disabled in report model, this work fine, but calculated field in reports has this drillthrough link.

Let me show you the situation. Entity Product has an UnitaryCost field, I set the EnableDrillthrough Property in False so when I export a report with this field, no link is shown.

But if I create in the report a calculated field Round(UnitaryCost) this field has a Drillthrough Link

Is this the standard and expected behavior? or its simply a BUG?

Have I done something wrong in my model? and in this case, How I can correct this?

Julio Diaz.

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Selecting A View And Selecting FROM A View Is Wildly Different

Feb 21, 2006

A colleague of mine has a view that returns approx 100000 rows in about 60 seconds.

He wants to use the data returned from that view in an OLE DB Source component.

When he selects the view from the drop-down list of available tables then SSIS seems to hang without any data being returned (he waited for about 15 mins).

He then changed the OLE DB Source component to use a SQL statement and the SQL statement was: SELECT * FROM <viewname>

In this instance all the data was returned in approx 60 seconds (as expected).

This makes no sense. One would think that selecting a view from the drop-down and doing a SELECT *... from that view would be exactly the same. Evidently that isn't the case.

Can anyone explain why?



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Selecting NOT TOP 1

Jun 10, 2004


I am trying to select all entries from a database apart from the top/latest entry, via a stored procedure.
Below is the code that i have but i am doing it wrong somehow.

Any ideas?




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Selecting A Set For Min Value

Apr 14, 2006

Hi,I have the following set and would like to select all rows that havemin value of column 4 for a given column 1 and 2 group, irrespective ofcolumn 3, as below:C1 C2 C3 C4---------------------A B x 5A B y 10A BB XX 55A BB YY 11AA CC z 1AA CC zz 11Need---A B x 5A BB YY 11AA CC z 1using sql server 2000 (which does not provide rank or partition by)Thanks in advance,Tamas

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SDS Selecting Even Though I Cancel

Sep 5, 2006

Hello,I have a gridview bound to a sqldatasource control.  I have an emptydatatemplate setup.  In the selecting event, I make sure that an actual select has been performed (and not on null data); however, I have cancelselectonnullparameters set to true to stop it, because initially it will be null.However, the selecting event runs, even when I cancel it, the emptydatatemplate shows up.  How do I prevent that from occuring?

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Selecting Nothing With SQL Statement

Jan 7, 2007

Hi Folks,
You can select all fields with:SELECT * FROM [TableName]
How do you select NOTHING or NONE with a SELECT statement?

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Selecting Between Two Times

Feb 19, 2007

Dear All,
 I need to select records between two datetimes.
My Database Structure and sample values are as below
Fromdate                                                        ToDate
2007-02-20 09:00:00.000                                 2007-02-20 12:00:00.0002007-02-20 08:00:00.000                                 2007-02-20 12:00:00.0002007-02-20 06:00:00.000                                 2007-02-20 13:00:00.000
Query i used
select * from tablename where ((fromdate between Convert(datetime,'2007-19-2 10:00',103) and Convert(datetime,'2007-19-2 11:00',103)) or (todate between Convert(datetime,'2007-19-2 10:00',103) and Convert(datetime,'2007-19-2 11:00',103))) 
My query is not returning values when i am querying between '2007-19-2 10:00' and '2007-19-2 11:00'
Please help

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Selecting Distinct

Jul 18, 2007

 Hi, This is quite an obvious problem, but for some reason I can't think through the solution. I have two columns, a datetime (datecreated) and an id (FK)  othertableid (id)what I would like to be able to do is select a list of id and datecreated, but only chose the latest row for each id.So I guess it's a bit like a distinct on the id column, but ensuring the date returned is the top date. Please help 

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Selecting Record

Sep 4, 2007

Hi i was wanting to know how to select a record in a gridview. I have a gridview with firsname and lastname. I currently have select command on it but don't want it. I want to be able to select first name or last name and have it take me to that record on the database.  

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Need Some Help On SELECTING Event

Apr 21, 2008

hello all,
i have a nested gridview. how do i add a SELECTING event for this datasource for my inner gridview? because i need to increase the commandtimeout. thnx.
   private SqlDataSource ChildDataSource(string strCustno)    {        string strQRY = "Select ...";        SqlDataSource dsTemp = new SqlDataSource();                dsTemp.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString  ;                        dsTemp.SelectCommand = strQRY;                return dsTemp;    }

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Sql Ranged Selecting

Jun 15, 2008

How can I select data between Mth row and Nth row from a specific search condition? for example , I want to get the 5th to 10th employee who is born in March and ordered by their name.

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Do While Skip In Selecting...

Oct 21, 2004


I have one table and it contains a column named ID Number, and a column named Date. I have a Do While statement that runs a SQL select statement a few times based on the number of records with the same ID Number. During the Do While statement the information is copied into another table and deleted from the old table. After I look at the results, I see that at the second Do While loop, the data was not selected and the Select statement did not run... so the old variable value from varValue is used again... Any reasons on why?

Here is a code snippet of what is going on:
Do While varCount < varRecordCount
cmdSelect = New SqlCommand ("Select * From temp_records_1 where [id number]=@idnumber and date<@date", conSqlConnect)
cmdSelect.Parameters.Add( "@accountnumber", "10000" )
cmdSelect.Parameters.Add( "@date", dtnow )
dtrdatareader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()
While dtrdatareader.Read()
If IsDbNull(dtrdatareader("value")) = false Then
varValue = dtrdatareader("value")
End If
End While

'#####The information above is copied to another table here
'#####The record where the information was received is deleted.

varCount = varCount + 1
LoopAny ideas?

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Selecting * WHILE Converting

Jun 2, 2005

I have a tbale with maybe 30 columns and I'm selecting all where a
record number matches a parameter I've passed.  That works fine,
however is there any way to do some conversions to fields when
selecting without having to list out each column?  For instance
this is what it looks like now:

FROM Losses
WHERE @AppRecord = AppRecord

But I want to convert say one column, is there a way to keep similar syntax instead of listing out each column?

SELECT *, CONVERT(varchar(15), [Losses]) as [Losses]
FROM Losses
WHERE @AppRecord = AppRecord

And the column I'm converting is of type 'money'.  I'm converting
it to get rid of the extra zeroes at the end.  If you know a
better way to do it I'd be interested in knowing.

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Selecting The Same Field Twice

Sep 6, 2005

CREATE PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier} [PreciseData_IssueTracker_GetAllIssues]@moduleId intASSELECT AS 'issueId', AS 'statusName',PreciseData_IssueTracker_Issue.subject AS 'subject', AS 'typeName',Users.Username AS 'assignedUserName',Users.Username AS 'raiserUserName',PreciseData_IssueTracker_Issue.raiseDate AS 'raiseDate'FROMPreciseData_IssueTracker_Issue INNER JOIN PreciseData_IssueTracker_Status ON PreciseData_IssueTracker_Issue.statusId=PreciseData_IssueTracker_Status.idINNER JOIN PreciseData_IssueTracker_Type ON PreciseData_IssueTracker_Issue.typeId=PreciseData_IssueTracker_Type.idINNER JOIN Users ON Users.UserID=PreciseData_IssueTracker_Issue.assignedUserIdINNER JOIN Users ON Users.UserID=PreciseData_IssueTracker_Issue.raiserUserIdWHERE PreciseData_IssueTracker_Issue.moduleId=@moduleIdORDER BY PreciseData_IssueTracker_Issue.raiseDate DESCGOHow do i make it work?

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Selecting A Date

Mar 23, 2006

Hi --
What is the proper way to select results with a date in the where statement when the datatype of the column is datetime?
select * from table where date_field = '3-23-2006'     does not get any results.
Thank-you for your help.

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Please Help!!!!! Selecting Rows

Jan 7, 2002

how can I select 10 random rows from a table?
Please help

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Selecting Indexes

May 8, 2001

We are developing an Access application that will be used to run adhoc reports against a SQL Server table. Selection criteria is entered on a form, a passthru query is built on the fly, and the results are formatted for output via an Access report.

There are 16 different fields on the query form. Two are date fields (from / to), the rest are text. The user is required to supply a date range for the report. They may specify any combination of the remaining query fields.

From/To dates, part number, work order number
From/To dates, location, operation, sales order number, operator

What is the best scheme to use for the indexes? One index for each potential query field? Or, a single index that includes ALL query fields? Or, some other combination?

I should also mention that there will be no realtime updates to the table. On a weekly basis, we will import updates from a mainframe extract (dropping the indexes prior to the import, rebuilding them afterwards).

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