Hello All,I have this table:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_TESTING] ([ROW_ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[FNAME] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[LASTNAME] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[MOVEDINYR] [int] NULL ,[MOVEDOUTYR] [int] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOwith these records:INSERT INTO tbl_TESTINGVALUES('JAMES', 'TAYLOR', '1995', '2000')INSERT INTO tbl_TESTINGVALUES('JAMES', 'TAYLOR', '1994', '2005')What I would like to do is be able to select FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME,MIN(MOVEDINYR), MAX(MOVEDOUTYR) for JAMES TAYLOR e.g.FIRSTNAME=JAMESLASTNAME=TAYLORMOVEDINYR=1994MOVEDOUTYR=2005Some sql syntax help appreciated,thanks in advance!
I am facing a problem in writing the stored procedure for multiple search criteria.
I am trying to write the query in the Procedure as follows
Select * from Car where Price=@Price1 or Price=@price2 or Price=@price=3 and where Manufacture=@Manufacture1 or Manufacture=@Manufacture2 or Manufacture=@Manufacture3 and where Model=@Model1 or Model=@Model2 or Model=@Model3 and where City=@City1 or City=@City2 or City=@City3
I am Not sure of the query but am trying to get the list of cars that are to be filtered based on the user input.
I am pretty new to SSIS. I am trying to create a package which can accept data in any of several formats. i.e. CSV, Excel, a SQL Server database/table and import the data into my destination database.
So far i've managed to get this working OK. However I am now TOTALLY stuck. I'm currently trying to just concentrate on the data sources being a CSV (using a Flat File Data Source) and/or an Excel Spreadsheet.
I can get the data in and to my destination using a UNION ALL component and mapping the data sources to it so long as both the CSV file and the Excel spreadsheet exist.
My problem is that I need my package to handle the possibility that only the CSV file might exist and there is no Excel spreadsheet. In which case i'd like the package to ignore the Excel datasource completely. Currently either of my data sources do not exist I get errors and the package terminates.
Is there any way in SSIS that I can check all my data sources to see which ones exist (i.e. are valid). If they exist I want to use them. If it doesn't exist i'd like to disgard it (without error - as long as there is a single datasource the package should run)
I've tried using the AcquireConnection method in a script task on each of my connections, hoping that it would error if the file/datasource did not exist. It doesn't though (in the case of an Excel datasource it just creates a empty excel file for me).
The only other option I can come up with are to have seperate packages depending on the type of data we want to import and then run a particular package depending on the format of the source data. This seems a bit long winded. I am pretty sure I must be able to do what I want to achieve but I can't work out how.
I'll be grateful to anyone who can send me any tips/hints/links on how I can achieve this.
Hello, I have a survey (30 questions) application in a SQL server db. The application uses several relational tables. The results are arranged so that each answer is on a seperate row: user1 answer1user1 answer2user1 answer3user2 answer1user2 answer2user2 answer3 For statistical analysis I need to transfer the results to an Excel spreadsheet (for later use in SPSS). In the spreadsheet I need the results to appear so that each user will be on a single row with all of that user's answers on that single row (A column for each answer): user1 answer1 answer2 answer3user2 answer1 answer2 answer3 How can this be done? How can all answers of a user appear on a single row Thanx,Danny.
I am rather new to reporting on SQL Server 2005 so please be patient with me.
I need to create a report that will generate system information for a server, the issue im having is that the table I am having to gather the information from seems to only allow me to pull off data from only one row.
For example,. Each row contains a different system part (I.e. RAM) this would be represented by an identifier (1), but I to list each system part as a column in a report
The table (System Info) looks like:-
ID | System part | 1 | RAM 2 | Disk Drive 10| CPU 11| CD ROM |
So basically I need it to look like this.
Name | IP | RAM | Disk Drive| ---------------------------------------------- A | | 512MB | Floppy
So Far my SQL code looks like this for 1 item SELECT SYSTEM PART FROM System Info WHERE System.ID = 1
How would I go about displaying the other system parts as columns with info
oConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection oConn.ConnectionString = "user id=MyUserID;data source=MyDataSource;persist security info=False;initial catalog=DBname;password=password;" oCmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand oCmd.Connection = oConn oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure oCmd.CommandText = "TestStdInfo" 'parameters block oParam1 = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@intSchoolID", Me.ddlSchl.SelectedItem.ToString()) oParam1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input oParam1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int oCmd.Parameters.Add(oParam1) oParam2 = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@dob", Convert.ToDateTime(Me.txbBirth.Text)) oParam2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input oParam2.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime oCmd.Parameters.Add(oParam2) oParam3 = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@id", Me.txbID.Text) oParam3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input oParam3.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar oCmd.Parameters.Add(oParam3) oConn.Open() daStudent = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("TestStdInfo", oConn) dsStudent = New DataSet daStudent.Fill(dsStudent) 'This line is highlighted when error happens oConn.Close()The error I am getting :Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure 'TestStdInfo' expects parameter '@intSchoolID', which was not supplied.I am able to see the value during debugging in the autos or command window. Where does it dissapear when it comes to Fill?Could anybody help me with this, if possible fix my code or show the clean code where the procedure called with multiple parameters and dataset filled.Thank you so much for your help.
I am using SSRS 2008 R2 Report Builder 3.0 (10.50.4276.0) . I have simple set of data which has a persons Title and Name e.g. Mr Smith, Miss Jones, Doctor Foster
The report has a parameter where the user can select which records to show based on the matching titles (Mr, Miss, Doctor)
The Query for the report uses Title in (@Title) where @Title is the only parameter which can take multiple values. The report works correctly for any 1 value selected, but as soon as 2 or more values are ticked in the drop down, it fails.
I believe the parameter value is being passed into the query with a comma separating the values e.g. Mr,Miss which causes the IN statement to give an error, as the statement would be where Title IN ('Mr,Miss') which does not match any of the data values.
The parameter value passed needs to be 'Mr','Miss' for the IN statement to work. What statement do I have to put in the report query to get it to select any of the data rows where the title matches any 1 of the selected values?
I'm stuck. I have a table that I want to pull some info from that I don''t know how to.
There are two colomuns, one is the call_id column which is not unique and the other is the call_status column which again is not unique. The call_status column can have several values, they are ('1 NEW','3 3RD RESPONDED','7 3RD RESOLVED','6 PENDING','3 SEC RESPONDED','7 SEC RESOLVED').
The call_id could be any number, I only want the 6 PENDING rows where there are other rows for that call_id which have either 3 3RD RESPONDED or 7 3RD RESOLVED. If someone knows how it would be a great help.
Is there a way to get multiple rows of data to show in 1 row of results? I have a Data Table (ID, Name, Date, etc), Facility Table (ID, Name) and FacilityKey Table (Data ID and Facility ID). The Data table has a 1 to many relationship with the FacilityKey table.
I want to return the Data ID and each Facility Name associated with that Data ID to display in a DataGrid (preferably each Facility Name in the same cell on the grid too), but am stumped on how to get teh query to work (or where to look in the SQL documentation for something like this).
I am stuck. I have some vars being passed to an aspx page that I need to dump into a db table in multiple rows, how do I do it? I am going into a SQL database using VS.Net 2003 here's the format that the vars come in the page as: UserID = 46 k12SessionArray0interaction_id = Interaction_01 k12SessionArray0correct_response = d k12SessionArray0student_response = d k12SessionArray0result = C k12SessionArray0latency = 00:00:02 k12SessionArray1interaction_id = Interaction_02 k12SessionArray1correct_response = c k12SessionArray1student_response = c k12SessionArray1result = C k12SessionArray1latency = 00:00:02 k12SessionArray2interaction_id = Interaction_03 k12SessionArray2correct_response = a k12SessionArray2student_response = a k12SessionArray2result = C k12SessionArray2latency = 00:00:03 now here's the format of the database AnswerID | UserID | InteractionID | CorrectResponse | StudentResponse | QResult | Latency How do I insert the data to have it be mulitiple rows like: 1 | 46 | Interaction_01 | d | d | C | 00:00:02 2 | 46 | Interaction_02 | c | c | C | 00:00:02 3 | 46 | Interaction_03 | a | a | C | 00:00:03
Does anyone have a routine that takes a row of data from database, duplicates/triplicates it, appends some information to it and writes it out as 2/3 CSV rows.
I am running a query to pull data from 2 tables. However multiple data elements could be attached to one unique ID which when I run the query it repeats causing the entire data set to give inaccurate numbers. How to achieve this:
Hi, I am new to to the usage of sql server.I have data in the below mentioned format in table called stock_transaction.
stocknumber transtype transsubtype balance
s01 in cust 100 s01 out cust 200 s01 in deal 300 s01 out cust 100
s02 in deal 200 s02 out cust 300 s02 in cust 100 s02 out cust 200 s02 in cust 300
I want to generate a report which has the sum of balances of each stock number that belong to a particular trans group like (in,cust) (out,cust),(in,deal) as below where (in,cust) (out,cust),(in,deal) are temporary aliases only for displaying as shown below
I am using case statements, I am able to retrieve the data when selecting of single trans group like(in,cust) or (out,cust) by giving its condition but was unable to select all the details of a particular stock number as a single record .
I have a table that has values as follows:PersonID Degree55 MD55 Phd55 RN60 MD60 PhdI need a create a query that will give me output like this:PersonID Degree55 MD, Phd, RN60 MD, PhdAny ideas
First of all Thanks for all the help, I received over the years from MSDN..
Here is my new problem...
I have a SQL table like following table..
Now here is what I want to do€¦ 1> Sort the table based on Start Date (the picture shown is already sorted..) for example first 6 rows for AK - Anchorage 2> select the rows with same city (rows 1-6) 3> Select the rows with distinct start date (rows 1-3-5) 4> Change the End Date of the second selected row (row 3 in this case) to I day below the start date of 1 selected row. (4/1/2007 €“ 1 day = 3/31/2007) 5> proceed till end of selected rows.. 1-3-5 6> do the same thing for rows 2 and 4. 7> follow the same procedure for rest of the file.
The selected file should look like this when done..
Is there way to do this in SSIS? any recommened appprach>?
Any help with this is highly appreciated.. Thank You..
OK here's my question. I want to retrieve from my database employee table all those employees with the name eg. Smith and display them in a list. Can anyone give me any pointers please. I'm using VB 2005 Express Edition. So far this is what I have but it only seems to return 1 row when I know there are more than one entries with the name I am inputting
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim searchString As String
searchString = Me.SearchStringBox.Text
Dim filter As String
filter = "LastName LIKE '" & searchString & "'"
Dim search() As System.Data.DataRow
search = myCDDataSEt.ClientData.Select(filter)
If search.Length > 0 Then
'no code as yet
MessageBox.Show("The client " & searchString & "is not in the database")
Hey all,I am having some serious trouble getting the correct syntax for a select statement to work the way I need it, any help I could get on this would be greatly appreciated.I have a table called Units which stores computers and a table called Software which stores software. I have a bit field in Units called OEM, when this is set to true I don't want the select statement to pull this unit down when I am assigning software to other units.Here is my select statement: SELECT Software.SID, Software.SN, Software.Name, Users.First + ' ' + Users.Last AS 'Assigned User', Units.Make + '-' + Units.Model AS 'Assigned Unit' FROM dbo.Software LEFT JOIN dbo.Units ON Software.SN = Units.SN LEFT JOIN dbo.Users ON Units.UID = Users.UID WHERE (Units.OEM = 'FALSE') AND (Software.SN LIKE '%' + @SearchString + '%')Everything works as expected, unless of course the unit has no software assigned to it yet, it won't return it because its not tied to a Units.OEM field. Is there anyway to have it return ALL records that even arn't joined OR are joined but have OEM set to false?Thanks, let me know if I need to clear anything up.-Matthew
1 ,AU-Australia 1,MM-Myanmar 1,NZ-New Zealand 1,PG-Paua New Guinea 1,PH-Phlippines
Note: we are getting source data from sqlserver tables.
I googled and found below way but did't get the output as required
SELECT A.id, a.country, Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(500)') AS String FROM (SELECT id, country , CAST ('<M>' + REPLACE(country, ' ', '</M><M>') + '</M>' AS XML) AS String FROM #t3) AS A CROSS APPLY String.nodes ('/M') AS Split(a);
Hi, I am stumped and was hoping someone could help me out. Any help isappreciated.I have a view that looks sort of like this (but with a lot moreentries of course)UniqueIdentifyierColumn1Column21 9999 1002 9999 2003 9999 300What I want to do is to add a column to the view that will contain alist of the values from column 2 where column 1 is the same.UniqueIdentifyierColumn1Column2Column31 9999100100, 200, 3002 9999200 100, 200, 3003 9999300100, 200, 300
I know that this is legal sql: "SELECT 1 AS Blah" I want to do something like this except for I need to select multiple rows each with a different value for Blah. The query needs to be legal to be passed to the SqlCommand.ExecuteReader Method. Is this possible?
Does anyone know how to select rows by their position in a table. I need to be able to e.g return the 2,000th - 2,200th rows as a set. I will have many concurrent clients connecting to this table so I do not want to use cursors. The table is 800,000 in length. Any ideas people?