I am working on an application to analyse down time on a production line system. The system has about 40 rows inserted per minute. The inserts are coming from about 10 different stations.
I need to a analyse the downtime between each insert from each station. The plan is to copy the data to another database on a different server so as not to affect the live system that is being updated by the production line.
However the initial requirement was to do this at night while the production line was down but now they want the data to be updated every 3 hours which means performing this huge query while the production line is bombarding the DB with inserts.
I am wondering what is the best way of doing this. Is there any way I can limit the abount of processor this proceedure will take.
I have a database setup and the fields setup as nchar(200). Now, when I update a row using the code below it inserts the text but then seems to fill the rest of the field with spaces. i.e. if the text is only 10 characters, mssql seems to put 190 characters on the end of it to make 200. Is there any reason how I can stop this/1 // Create new command 2 comm = new SqlCommand( 3 "UPDATE Pages SET PageBody=@PageBody, " + 4 "PageMetaTitle=@PageMetaTitle, PageMetaDesc=@PageMetaDesc, PageMetaKeywords=@PageMetaKeywords " + 5 "WHERE PageID=@PageID", conn); 6 7 // Add command parameters 8 comm.Parameters.Add("@PageID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); 9 comm.Parameters["@PageID"].Value = idTextBox.Text; 10 comm.Parameters.Add("@PageBody", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); 11 comm.Parameters["@PageBody"].Value = contentTextBox.Text; 12 comm.Parameters.Add("@PageMetaTitle", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); 13 comm.Parameters["@PageMetaTitle"].Value = titleTextBox.Text; 14 comm.Parameters.Add("@PageMetaDesc", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); 15 comm.Parameters["@PageMetaDesc"].Value = descriptionTextBox.Text; 16 comm.Parameters.Add("@PageMetaKeywords", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); 17 comm.Parameters["@PageMetaKeywords"].Value = keywordsTextBox.Text;
Hi, I have the following problem: Within a VBScript, I use a component (written in C++ I think with use of ADO) for sending "Insert", "Update" Statements to an SQL Server 2000 for inserting, updating data. If I insert 100 - 120 Records in a Loop, all works fine. If I insert 1000 records, approximately 150 records will be inserted very quick, then the program pause fo approx. 8 - 15 minutes and then it proceed for the next 150 recs, pause for 8 - 15 minutes and so on.
If I use a SQL Server 2005 for the database, all works fine. The same happens with another customer and another program written in Visual Basic 6.0 with ADO. The access to SQL 2000 pause and with SQL 2005 all works fine. It seems to me that this is a problem with some buffers, timeout, or so. Has anyone an idea on what screw I can turn?
I'm new to reporting services and this is a very general question. I'm working on a large sales stats report with many results. I want to be able to compare many results for two dates. These results include, average sales value per day, average sales per weekday, sales with payment received, etc.
So basically there is lots of analysis needed mainly based on one database table (a fairly standard orders table).
What seemed the most logical thing to do is get all the relevant order rows for these two date ranges, A and B, and append a period column to the results, and then do all the maths/aggregate functions in Reporting Services. Thus only having to connect to database once.
And use a matrix with date period columns. So my query gives me results like:
Period order_total, is_weekday, no_weekdays_in_period.....
A 123 0 22....
A 54 1 22....
B 134 0 20...
Does this make the most sense? Or should I do the maths (grouping and aggregate functions) in lots of different queries (in which case, is Reporting Services worthwhile using?)?
I have an application that reads a monitoring devices that produces 200 digital outputs every second and I would like to store them in a table. This table would get quite big fairly quickly as ultimately I would like to monitor over a hundred of these devices.
I would like to construct queries against each of the individual digital channels or combinations of them.
M first thought is to set up a table with 200 separate columns (plus others for date stamp, device ID etc) however, I am concerned that a table with 200 boolean (1-bit) fields would be an enormous waste of space if each field takes maybe one to four bytes on the hard disk to store a single bit. However, this would have the advantage of make the SQL queries more natural.
The other alternative is to create a single 200 bit field and use lots of ANDing and ORing to isolate bits to do my queries. This would make my SQL code less readable and may also cause nore hassle in the future if the inputs changed, but it would make the file size smaller.
In essence I am asking (hoping) the following : If I create a table with 200 boolean fields, does SQL server express automatically optimise the storage to make it more compact? This means that the server can mess around at the bit level and leave my higher level SQL code looking cleaner and more logical.
I have a table that is fairly large, and I need to make a change to one of the columns in the table. Namely I need to change the datatype and rename that column. When I try to save the updated table, I keep getting a timeout error that says.
'eligibility (dbo)' table - Unable to create index 'PK_eligibility'. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Any ideas on how to make the table change more efficient or change the timeout period. I need to keep the existing data in the table. I am using sql server managment studio(2005) connected to a sql server 2000 database.
Hi,I would have used the aspnet membership tool to auto-create all the ASP.NET membership tables. However, the hosting company don't allow remote connections which meant I had to create the tables by hand, scripting the tables using script to CREATE using management studio.However, I noticed one of the tables has data without any users: aspnet_SchemaVersions, which causes an error when trying to log onto my site.The fix is to make sure the table has the 4-5 rows of data in it (which is missing off the live server). Its just a few rows of data, but I want to script the inserts for each row so I don't have to type them in using myLittleAdmin (the host's web version of management studio). Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I want to insert a row for a Global user in Table 'A' whenever ADO.Net code inserts a Local user row into same table. I recommended using a trigger to implement this functionality, but the DBA was against it, saying that stored proecedures should be used, since triggers are unreliable and slow down the system by placing unecessary locks on the table. Is this true OR the DBA is saying something wrong? My thinking is that Microsoft will never include triggers if they are unreliable and the DBA is just wanting to offload the extra DBA task of triggers to the programmer so that a stored procedure is getting called, so he has less headache on his hands.Thanks
Hello all. I've got a problem with really slow INSERTs on one (and only one) of the tables in a database. For example, using SQL Management Studio, it takes 4 minutes and 48 seconds to insert 25 rows. There are only about 8 columns in the table and only about 1500 records. All the other tables in the database are very fast for inserts.
Another odd thing uniquely associated with INSERTs on this table: prior to inserting the 25 new rows of data, SQL Management Studio tells me that it inserted 463 rows of data which I know did not happen. Here's the INSERT statement:
INSERT INTO FieldOps(StudySiteID , QA_StructureID , Notes , PersonID) SELECT DISTINCT StudySiteKey , QA_StructureKey , SampleComments1 , '25' FROM ScriptOutput_Nitrate WHERE (ScriptOutput_Nitrate.StudySiteKey IS NOT NULL)
and SQL Management Studio (eventually) says: (463 row(s) affected) (463 row(s) affected)
(25 row(s) affected)
The table has an index on the primary key (INT data type with auto increment). I tried running the following code to fix things but it made no difference:
I'm guessing that the problem might be related to the index (??). I don't know... Does anyone here have a suggestion as to what I should do to fix this problem.
Dear All, I developed an application years ago where I have to insert records in multiple table from asp.net page during registration process with one button click. I have seperate Insert statements and then i have to select Identity column value and insert into another table as a foriegn key and so on. I want to run all these SQL insert in one statement or Stored procedure. becuase currently, if one of insert statemetn fails, I have no way to roll back previous inserts and start over again.
Any advice or sample T-SQL Where I can insert in Table A, and then read the identity from Table A and insert in Table B, in one single Transaction, so if it fails at end of Transaction, i want to roll back the all the inserts and updates in table(s).
I've been looking online and cannot find any help / resources with this so I brought it here :D I'm looking for help in creating a Cursor (this will be inside a SP) that will loop through the records of a "Table" (Temporary or Retrieved) and for each row that is looped through I can use it's values to do inserts against a few other tables. Any resources / help would be great! I work best by example.
I have data in an old database I would like to capture for my new system but I dont have the original insert scripts. Is there a tool (in SQL Server 2000 or thirdparty) that will help me export the data as SQL inserts?
I have a table into which the inserts will be done by multiple users at the same time;
The table has a primary key, non clustered, on unique id; each insert will have unique id, which is a seqence generated number, so they are always different for different transactions.
Is this possible to set the settings of sql server in such a way, that these inserts are done at the same time i.e. during insert by one user that table is not locked so that other inserts can take place at the same time as well?
I need to create a table that only allows records to be inserted or deleted. Once the record has been created it can only be deleted. Is there anyway to configure a table in this manner?
Table Definition
I have a situation here. Please advice me on this.
I have a master table and a child table. They have a PK and FK relationship. The master table has an identity column with auto increment set to true. This map as a FK in the child table. My questions are:
Can I have a single form to insert a new record into master and child table at the same time?This has to be accomplished without stored procedures. Can it be done?Is it possible to do this with a single insert query? If yes, can it be done with sql data source or dataset or tableadapters’?Please point me towards appropriate link for doing so.
I am using vwde2008 and created db and table. i want to create a stored procedure that will insert values. I am bit lost on how write this. this is my table info table = BusinessInfo Columns = BusinessID, BusinessName, BusinessAddress how can i create a stored procedure ?
I am looking for pros and cons for the following scenarios:
When a table contains a unique key constraint is it viable to always do an insert and immediately check the @@ERROR value and if @@ERROR states a duplicate key exception then perform an update statement?
Another possible solution would be to always check if the key exists and then do the insert / update based upon that result. This method will always require two steps.
Hopefully someone can at least point me in the right direction for moreresearch (e.g.: correct terminology). My only previous experience was justdumping data into a database using ODBC, and that was some years ago so nowmostly forgotten.I need to write an NT Service/Application (in C/C++) that will be gettingdata sent to it via SQL Server 2000. The data will arrive in my SQL Server(read-only access), via replication of tables from another remote SQLServer.My application needs know when new row are inserted, or updated so it can toread this data (needs to be quick/timely so hopefully no polling) to theninterface with other remote proprietary systems.T.I.A.PS: If you can recommend appropriate books on SQL Server 2000 that wouldalso be useful.
Hello,Can someone point me to getting the total number of inserts and updates on a tableover a period of time?I just want to measure the insert and update activity on the tables.Thanks.- Vish
I have a SSIS package that imports data into a staging table from an excel sheet (This works fine). From the staging tabler i want it to insert the values into my members table, take that unique indentityID that gets created and insert the other values into other tables for that member that was just created.
In the staging table, i have all the values for a single member. But the structure of the database needs all the values inserted into seperate tables. There is no conditions ID in my members table, so the member first has to be created and from there i need to use the newly created member's MemberID and insert the conditions into a seperate table using the MemberID
I have created some sample data that can be used. I think i have an idea of how to do it, but i'm not totally sure if it will work that way, i have however included it in the sample data.
Code Snippet DECLARE @ImportedStagingData TABLE ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), Name VARCHAR(50), Surname VARCHAR(50), Email VARCHAR(50), [Chronic Heart Failure] INT, [Colon Cancer] INT ) INSERT INTO @ImportedStagingData VALUES ('Carel', 'Greaves', 'CarelG@Email.com', 1,0) INSERT INTO @ImportedStagingData VALUES ('Jamie', 'Jameson', 'JamieJ@Email.com', 1,1) INSERT INTO @ImportedStagingData VALUES ('Sarah', 'Bolls', 'SarahB@Email.com', 0,1) INSERT INTO @ImportedStagingData VALUES ('Bells', 'Scotch', 'BellsS@Email.com', 1,1) INSERT INTO @ImportedStagingData VALUES ('Stroh', 'Rum', 'StrohR@Email.com', 0,0) DECLARE @Conditions TABLE ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), Condition VARCHAR(50) ) INSERT INTO @Conditions VALUES ('Chronic Heart Failure') INSERT INTO @Conditions VALUES ('Colon Cancer') DECLARE @Members TABLE ( MemberID INT IDENTITY(1,1), Name VARCHAR(50), Surname VARCHAR(50), Email VARCHAR(50) ) DECLARE @memConditions TABLE ( MemberID INT, ConditionID INT ) SELECT * FROM @ImportedStagingData SELECT * FROM @Conditions SELECT * FROM @Members SELECT * FROM @memConditions /* --- This is the part that i am battling with --- DECLARE @CurrentValue INT DECLARE @numValues INT SET @numValues = (SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM @ImportedStagingData) WHILE @numValues <> 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Members SELECT Name, surname, email FROM @ImportedStagingData GO SET @CurrentValue = (SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('@ImportedStagingData')) INSERT INTO @memConditions (MemberID), (ConditionID) VALUES (@CurrentValue, --ConditionValue from @ImportedStagingData, all the values that have a 1)
I have a Problem with my SQL Statement.I try to insert different Columns from different Tables into one new Table. Unfortunately my Statement doesn't do this.
If object_ID(N'Bezeichnungen') is not NULL Drop table Bezeichnungen; GO create table Bezeichnungen ( Artikelnummer nvarchar(18), Artikelbezeichnung nvarchar(80), Artikelgruppe nvarchar(13),
I am trying to create a trigger on a table. Let's call it table ABC. Table looks like this:
[Code] ....
When someone updates a row on table ABC, I want to insert the original values along with the current date and time getdate() into table ABCD with the current date and time into the updateDate field as defined below:
[Code] .....
The trigger I've currently written looks like this:
/****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[ABC_trigger] Script Date: 4/10/2015 1:32:33 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[ABC_trigger] ON [dbo].[ABC]
[Code] ...
This trigger works, but it inserts all of the rows every time. My question is how can I get the trigger to just insert the last row updated?
I can't sort by uniqueidentifier in descending as those can be random.
Hello everyone,Small and (I think) very simple quesiton;-) which makes me creazy.Let's say I have two tables listed below:T1====IDX====134T2===============IDD fk_IDX===============A1A2A4B1B3B4C4D1D2D3D4I would like to select from table T2 all distinct records IDD whichhave all of fk_IDX containded in T1.The select statement should return in this case ONLY:B and Dbecasue:B has 1,3,4andD has 1,2,3,4 so it has this combination 1,3,4 contained in the T1also.I've tried to do that with group by, with having, in and it neverworks (I always became all records which one of them is in this T1table).Maybe some one from you did try something like that, and can give afast answer.I will be very greatfullGreatingsMateusz
CREATE TABLE [Sales].[Test_inmem] ( [c1] [int] NOT NULL, [c2] [nvarchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [ModifiedDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [IMDF_Test_ModifiedDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()),
[Code] ....
I have to generate 1000000 random records into it. I tried various ways to insert records, but not being a developer could not do it. I hope to make the C1 as a serial number, C2 can be anything, C3 I want to be the timestamp.
Assuming I should be using values from temp inserted to insure correct record... Need help coding IF...THEN INSERT statements in following After TRIGGER:
Create TRIGGER trg_insertItemRows
ON dbo.a_form AFTER INSERT
AS SET NOCOUNT ON -- Checkbox Driven: IF a_form.missingCheckbox = -1 THEN Insert into b_items (form_ID, parent_ID, ItemTitle) Values (Select Distinct i.form_ID,i.parent_ID from inserted i)', '+ 'User checked Missing Data')
-- Textbox Driven: IF a_form.incorrectTxtbox <> 'na' THEN Insert into b_items (form_ID, parent_ID, ItemTitle) Values (Select Distinct i.form_ID,i.parent_ID from inserted i)', '+ Correction: Replace '+ incorrectTxtbox + ' with '+replaceWithTxtbox)
Sample code below:
-- Source table the Trigger acts on Create Table a_form ( form_ID int Not Null, parent_ID int, missingCheckbox bit, missingNote varchar(100), incorrectTxtbox varchar(50), replaceWithTxtbox varchar(50) )
--Target table Trigger inserts into Create Table b_items ( items_ID int Not Null, form_ID int Not Null, parent_ID int, ItemTitle varchar(150) )
I need a script that inserts the data of an excel sheet into a table. If something already exists it should leave it, unless it's edited in the excel sheet and so on and so on. This proces has to go through a stored procedure... ...But how?
is there some way to allow this to execute, using a function or something?:
select * from 'cusomer'
you see i have a list of about 300 table name in string format, and i want to use a cursor to itterate through each table, but as all the table names are in string format i cant get it done. any ideas??
This is, I'm hoping, a simple thing that I just don't know how to do. But I've searched my books and read a lot of threads but so far, no luck in what I'm trying to do. Here's the basic layout of 2 tables from my d/b (MSDE):
tblCity cityID (p/k) stateID (f/k to tblState.stateID) cityName (varchar 35)
tblStudent studID (p/k) cityID (f/k to tblCity.cityID) hometownID (f/k to tblCity.cityID) studFName (varchar 25) studLName (varchar 35) ...
I *hope* that what I tried to do there is allowed. Basically what I'm trying to do is to tie the student to both his current City (by foreign key cityID) and his hometown city (also by foreign key cityID).
So, if New York is (127, 33, 'New York') and Birmingham is (1050, 1, 'Birmingham') (in tblCity), then in the student table (tblStudent), John Smith would be Quote: 12150, 127, 1050, 'John', 'Smith', ... How would I format my SQL statement to get both cityNames? I thought this would work
SELECT s.studID, c.cityID, c.hometownID, s.studLName + ', ' + s.studFName AS studNameName, c.cityName, c.cityName AS swapconNum FROM tblStudent AS s INNER JOIN tblCity AS c ON (s.cityID = c.cityID) WHERE s.studID = 12150
Can I do this? If so, what am I doing wrong? Sorry, I'm kinda sorta new to SQL.
hi, i am sure this is very simple, but its just got me stuck! i have a table which i use for inserting products, now its not very exciting to see the cat_id so i wanted to put a dropdown box on there which would show the cat_description from tbl_cat and then put the tbl_cat.cat_id into tbl_products.cat_id any help would be greatful Jez
hi there, i have a page where on my button click i need to select address, pcode from tbl_person where person_id = querystring and update or insert those values into tbl_del where order_ID = querystring 2 below is the code i am using, although im stuck on the sql stringSqlConnection objConnAddy = new SqlConnection(sConnectionStringCustInfo);using (objConnAddy) { objConnOID.Open(); // insert values into delivery table, second line updates price + VAT string sqlAddy = "?????"; SqlCommand objCmdAddy = new SqlCommand(sqlAddy, objConnAddy); objCmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); i had a look on the net and here but i cant seem to find exactly what i want, any help would be great! Cheers Jez