Semi-additive Measure In Report

Aug 29, 2007

Hi, there,

I have a semi-additive measure in the report. This measure is additive across product groups (row) but not across the period (column). The period (column) can be drilled up to 1st Half (from Jan to June) and 2nd Half (from July to Dec).

How do I make the subtotal for 1st Half to retrieve from mth June and 2nd Half to retrieve from mth Dec?

Thank you.

Yong Hwee

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Semi-Additive Measures Not Supported In MS SQL Standard Edition SKU

Feb 16, 2007

The Semi-Additive Measures feature of MS SQL Server 2005 is not supported in its Standard Edition SKU. How do solve this issue? What editions support the feature?

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Analysis :: Calculated Measure To Check Measure Value Updates By Month?

May 13, 2015

In my cube there are two measures which are used in different calculations.Now I'm need to show in report if there any months in data when both or even another one of the measures is not updated (value = 0 or NULL).

how should I create the calculated measure for that?

I have tried in mgmt studio to plan this but I'm in a loop of errors.

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Calculated Measure Causes RsMissingFieldInDataSet And Breaks Report Expressions

Sep 17, 2006

Robert Bruckner [MSFT] in his response to "This field is missing from the returned result set" says that rsMissingFieldInDataSet is "only a warning"

I have a report with 7 simple calculated measures to show counts for 7 ratings: ([Measures].[Score Card Count],[Attainment].[Attainment - ATTAINMENT].<rating>).

6 measures work fine; one, for which there is no rating in the fact table returns rsMissingFieldInDataSet warning. Even worse, if I use this field in an expression in the report with other measures, the return is always nothing.

In other words, although this is "only" a warning, it actually causes errors by not returning values from expressions.

I tried to check for null/nothing but could not prevent "breaking" the expressions. Any ideas?

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How To Change The Column Measure Into Row Measure In Reporting Services

Sep 25, 2007


I am wondering how to create a matrix that contains 1 dimension for Top Label (Column), let's say "Year-Month"
and then 2 Measure to be in the row format rather than columnar format.
Example as below :
Year-Month on the column, and the measure is on the row :


Amount Sales

Unit Sales


Please share with me if you have this solution in Reporting services as it works in excel, hyperion brio, bo, cognos but somehow cannot see that function in Reporting Services.

best regards,

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SQL 2012 :: Add Calculated Measure As Child Measure

Sep 15, 2015

In SSAS, I want to add a calculated measure and set that measure as the Parent of existing measure. For example I have the measures as A and B from the fact table. Now i want to add a calculated measure as C and set this measure as Parent for measures A and B. How to do that in SSAS.

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Analysis :: MDX Filter A Measure Based On Another Measure

May 3, 2015

I want to filter a measure based on another measure (both are measures on the same FACT table).Distinct Number of Users HAVING.User Cost above 0.

I tried doing having but because it’s two measures and not a tuple with a dimension it writes an eror.My query is something like:

  [Measures].[Distinct Number of Users ]
having [Measures].[User Cost] >0

Please note, that I want it in a MDX query not needing to change the cube or DWH table.

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MSOLAP To Do SUM(measure A) /SUM (measure B) In Different Levels

May 17, 2001

So far we are happy with MS OLAP 2000 service.

In the past we did cubes with aggregation method using summary.

MS OLAP server allows aggregate functions (Sum, Min, Max, Count, and Distinct Count).

But now the customer wants to know percentage of SUM(measure A) /SUM (measure B) in different levels and dimension combination.

Any idea?

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Insert Semi-colon

Feb 22, 2007

Hi. I need to insert a semicolon into one of my fields in a sql server 2000 database. I have a height column and i was trying to insert height. i know i can't insert 4'5" b/c of the apostrophe and double quote, so i was trying to insert it like: 4'7"now i'm running into a problem with the semicolons. how can i insert the semicolons? thanks!edit:aparently this is removing the same things: here's what i'm talking about:

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Semi-complex Query

Sep 6, 2007

Hi. I'm trying to figure out this query and I'm just having the hardest time with it. I've gotten my entire query figured out except for this last part. Basically, I have an events table (ClientEvents) which has events listed for clients. I'm trying to find out which clients have not completed their service. The begin service event is EventID=27 and the end service event is EventID=28. I'm trying to find the clients who are "missing" (well, not really missing b/c they are technically in the process of their service) EventID=28. This events table keeps a record of service so I can't really use the NOT EXISTS b/c a lot of clients have been serviced before. Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks!

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Deleting Semi Duplicates

Jul 20, 2005

Suppose that I have a table that contains a lot of records that areidentical except for an id field and a date-time-stamp field. ForexampleId Unit Price DTS1 A 1.00 Date 12 A 1.00 Date 23 A 1.00 Date 34 B 1.25 Date 45 B 1.50 Date 56 B 1.50 Date 67 C 2.75 Date 78 C 2.75 Date 89 C 2.75 Date 910 C 3.00 Date 10I want to cull out records that are duplicates in the units and pricefields. I want to use the max DTS as the criteria for which record ina set of "duplicates" will remain. So, If I get the right query, Ishould return withId Unit Price DTS1 A 1.00 Date 14 B 1.25 Date 45 B 1.50 Date 57 C 2.75 Date 710 C 3.00 Date 10Is this possible using a single query? If so, how? I am sure that Ican do this using code, but it will involve a bunch of loops andprocess time. I would prefer a cleaner, more elegant way. Thanks forany help.Jerry

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How To Insert A Semi Colon Into A Table

Mar 15, 2004

How to insert a semi colon into a table is this possible

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What Is Purpose Of Semi Colon After Procedure Name

Jul 23, 2005

I've seen some system sp's that have a semi colon and number after thethe name such ascreate procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset;2what does this do?

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Left Anti Semi Join

Jul 20, 2005

Hi!Whether there is an example where is used "Left Anti Semi Join"?Join Bytes!

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Spooky Semi-dynamic Sql Update Statement

Nov 9, 2006

I rewrote my working Sql statement to prevent Sql Injections. I copied some code I used in another project but this time I can't get it to work, possibly because it's an update statement and not an Insert one, which I used before.
Sorry for the boring question, but does anyone have a clue what's wrong with the syntax?
Here's the original code (I changed the parameter names for clarity and security):
    Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyConnectionString").ConnectionString)    Dim strSQL As String = "Update MyTable Set " & typ & num & " = '" & pname & "' WHERE personID = " & fid    Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, conn)
Here's the code from codebehind:
    Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyConnectionString").ConnectionString)    Dim strSQL As String = "Update MyTable Set (" & typ & num & ") Values (@" & typ & num & ") WHERE personID = " & fid    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, conn)    With cmd.Parameters       .Add(New SqlParameter("@" & typ & num, pname))    End With    TestLabel.Text = strSQL & "        " & pname    cmd.Connection.Open()    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()    cmd.Connection.Close()   
Here's my test message; first the sql, then the new string to be inserted:
Update MyTable Set (picturename) Values (@pname) WHERE personID = 2       2_adin.jpg  
Here's my error code:
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '('. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '('.
Source Error:
Line 489:            TestLabel.Text = strSQL & "  " & pnameLine 490:            cmd.Connection.Open()Line 491:            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()Line 492:            cmd.Connection.Close()Line 493:        End If 
I could understand it if I'd get an error in VWD Express for using dynamic variables, but they work correctly in the text message so I'm clueless. Any help is deeply appreciated!
Pettrer (VB, Sql Server 2000)

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Pass Semi Colon Delimited Parameter To Stored Procedure

Sep 16, 2013

I have a table with the following structure:

[tabid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[tabname] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[description] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[url] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[parent] [int] NULL,

[Code] ....

I wrote a stored procedure that takes a string of values, seperated by semicolon as parameter. The procedure is below;

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[selectUserTabsByRoles]
@var varchar(max)
SELECT distinct * from tbl_tabs
where ( PATINDEX('%'+left(@var,1)+'%', roles) > 0
or PATINDEX('%'+right(@var,1)+'%', roles) > 0 ) AND parent is null and tabstatus =1
ORDER BY tabposition

My problem is, when I pass a parameter like 1; it fetches all rows with roles having 1. But I realised that the last row in the sample data does not have 1 as roles, but rather 11.

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Power Pivot :: List Separator Not Properly Recognize Semi-colon Instead Of Comma

May 19, 2015

I am using Excel 2013 64bit and use an english Excel version, but with a comma as a decimal seperator and semi-colon as a list seperator.

In Excel everything works fine, but PowerPivot does not properly recognize that I use a semi-colon for formulas.

PowerPivots lets me write formulas with the semi-colon and not the comma, so that is fine.

However, two issues appear:

the yellow smart formula help box that appears when you start typing a formula, thinks I have to use commas, so when I use semi-colons instead, it does not jump to the next parameter.This problem also causes parameters where I have to enter a table or field to not suggest me table and fields when I start typing.Sometimes the formula validation even throws me an exception, that my formula syntax is incorret, ebcause Id id not use a comma. However, commas also do not work. I have to do some weird playing around until it finally accepts my formula.

I hope this buggy behaviour gets fixed, but is there a way I can work around this without changing my formula/list seperator? I also do not want to use a German Excel version, because I am used to the english formulanames.

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Create A Query Where Semi Item Materials Are Also Listed In Finished Item Recipe?

Dec 6, 2013

I have a BOM table with all finished item receipes and semi items recipes. create a query where semi item materials are also listed in finished item recipe.

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Percentage Measure

Sep 14, 2004


easy question for advanced users:

I have a dimension called "Movement rate". The members are "1" to "6".
There is a measure called "No. of Products".

What i easily like to do is showing the percentages "No. of Product" for each "Movement rate" of the amount of "No. of Products" without using the frontend-tool.

Thx in advance for any help.


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Dimenstion On Measure

Dec 2, 2005

There is count measure in the cube. I need to create a dimension that should list the range of values based on that count values:

and so on.
User wants to pick the any range level in the dimension and cube should show corresponding cell values of count measure which would fall into range of the dimension level value.
For example:
if user picks up level 100-199 then cube would filter cell values of measure that has a value between 100 and 199 within 12 month range. So, it would be year to date value of the measure. My problem is how go about creating Dimension that based on measure in the cube and dimension should have level with range of measure values.
Any hint would be appreciated greatly.
Thank You.

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Filter A Measure With MDX

Dec 27, 2005

HI all friends

I have a Fact table like this


I just want make the next query with MDX

SELECT sales
FROM myFactTable
WHERE salesws > 0

Note that salesws is a measure not a dimmension

How it would be in MDX? I need a lot of help


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Total Sum Of A Measure

Apr 13, 2004


for a calculated measure I need the total sum of a measure in different dimension. So for example I want to get in my first dimesion 1500 as my sum and in my second dimension too. Is there a way to get it?
(FirstDimension.CurrentMember.Parent, [Measures].myMeasure) doesn´t work!

Best regards,

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Dynamic Measure?

May 31, 2004

I am newbie in Analysis services. My problem is that I have to show a yearly report for credit expiry. In my fact table the measure is credit rate.
I have attributes of start_day_key and end_day_key. Now when I go through analysis services it does not let me create a measure so that I can count end_day_key for a year (end_day_key is linked to day table with daykey. It has date) and show. The thing is the measure I want is not stored (i.e: the count of end days for a year ). How do I go about it?

Should I create a calculated cell? (I tried that, but mdx does not work)
I used : Count({[Measures].[End Key]})< 366
Now this is not wha I want, I want the end_key count by matching date in day dimension for the current year? Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Filter Measure

Jan 18, 2007

I have a delima.

I have a dataset that needs to return "Fatalities Involving drivers age 15-17". For years 2003 , 2004, 2005.

So i set up 3 different filters: Year : 2003,2004,2005

Person type: Driver

Age : 15,16,17

Now this is fine for getting a crash count and fatalities (for teen drivers). But i want the fatalities for everyone ( All Person Types) and (All Ages) do i go about this. All i get right now, is the fatalities for Drivers 15-17.

Please confused!

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How To Measure Performance?

Mar 6, 2008

I need to create one or two tables in the database. There are a few ways I can design these tables, so I€™d like to measure data loading performance. My primary concern is level of IO generated by SELECT. I don€™t expect CPU utilization to have any meaningful impact, but it would be nice to know how to measure processor utilization as well.
PerformanceMonitor application is not really an option, because it measures IO and CPU at SQL Server process level.
My development box is not going to match production boxes, so I would like to measure IO in terms of amount of data loaded from disks instead of timing stored procedure execution. The same is true for stored procedure CPU utilization.
It is my understanding that SQL Server keeps table content loaded in memory as much as possible to improve performance. How do I negate effect of caching on my IO numbers?

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Measure The Table Length

Dec 28, 1999

I have created a table in the sql server 7.0 and I wanted to know the what is the size of the table, is there any storeprocedure or command that can be used to measure the space used by the table in the database

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Comparing 2 Fields As A Measure?

Sep 1, 2000

I need to build a cube for membership over time. Active membership is the gap from the record's CreationDate to SuspendedDate, as compared to a reference date (today's active members have CreationDates before today, and SuspendedDates > today, or NULL).

Any idea how to build a cube so I can count membership over a Time dimension? The only approach I've been able to come up with is to create a table with a record for each active member on each date (brute force).


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Calculation From Measure && Dimension, Please Help !!

Dec 16, 2005


I am a newbye with Analysis Services and am desperately trying to find a way to include a calculation between one of my measures (Teus), divided by the vessel capacity, where vessel is one of my dimensions (and is therefore not depended on other dimensions...)

Any ideas how I could implement that ?? This would help a lot, thanks for your help,

Aurore Bui.

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How To Measure The Transaction Speed?

Apr 2, 2004

Hi, everyone:

Does anyone have the idea how to measue the transaction log speed? Do I need a special tool?



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Measure Displayed Without Aggregation ?

Sep 27, 2007


I have a Sales cube and I want to be able to display Products and the
Price at which they were purchased in a given period. I have a
Product dimension while Price is a measure in my Sales Fact Table. Is there a way to have a "Group By" aggregation instead of a Sum? This way, I can show Products grouped by their list price.

My Product Dimension consists of product_numbers (such as 100, 101,
102 etc...)
My Sales Fact Table consists of sales data (such as product_key,
price, net_sales, returns, etc...) at the transaction level.

I want to be able to view the data like this:

Price Net_sales Returns
100 $5.99 $2005 $320
101 $3.51 $7110 $998

where Net_sales and Returns are "summed" and Price is simply a "Group
By". In other words, this report would show the net sales and returns
by product for a given price.

I'd rather not use a Price dimension since we have hundreds of
products at hundreds of different prices. Moreover, this data is
already in the Sales Fact table.

Thanks for any help provided

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Replication Performance - How To Measure It ?

Aug 24, 2006

Hello,could you please advice on how to measure replication performancein Oracle, DB2 & MS SQL Server RDBMS installed in Windows servers ?I've got two servers with databases installed and configured,I prepared set of data using DBGEN from TPC and I already imported theminto databases.Also, I configured the replication.Now I have to do a test with a few kind of replications methodimplemented in these RDMBS, but I don't know which tool or reports or"v$iews" should I use to measure replication performance.The replication is configured only between the same RDBMS, I meanOracle <-Oracle, DB2 <-DB2 and MSSQL<-MSSQL.Most of applications are great for checking performance of local DB,not for replicated/distributed.I've found description of CA Unicenter Database Performance Managementfor distributed RDMBS, and I think it could be the right one, but Ican't find any demo or trial version :(Could you please advice any place to download it, or other application,script, description, just whatever.Perhaps just any other idea how to check the replication mechanismefficiency ?Regards,Mark

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Analysis :: Get Measure Value By Different Condition

Jul 17, 2015

I am very new to MDX. I have the sales amount measure and date dimension.

I need two measure sales value for the below condition. I am going to display this result in SSRS.

1. For between from date and todate
2. For last week range

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Analysis :: MDX - More Than 1 Measure On Output

Nov 12, 2015

Any example on how to output more than one measure in an MDX query. Lets say I want to display stdev(x) and average(x) (or any other two measures)?

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