Send A File As @message In Xp_sendmail

Mar 3, 2000

Can i send a file as the body of @message
in the extended sp xp_sendmail?
Pls help! thanks for any help.

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Xp_sendmail @from? Send On Behalf Of

Feb 22, 2006


can xp_sendmail send on behalf of someone, i.e. i need to send it from a sql profile mailbox, but i need the address to read FROM:

i know you can do this easily with XPSMTP, but i need a way to do it with xp_sendmail (sql mail)


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Formating An Email Send With Xp_sendmail

Mar 4, 2008

Does anyone know if this can be done?  I've looked everywhere.  This is how my info is appearing in an email...
 These are the files I requested and this is how it's being displayed.  Any suggestions? Requestor
Requested Shipped
---- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
Approaching the Corporate Heart
02/07/2008 02/07/2008

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Check And Send Data With Xp_sendmail

Jan 29, 2004

How yould i loop trought all the records in a table and fetching a specic record that is flagged and sending for each record found a email with that records data to a mail recipient. this should be part of a step in a sql job. PLZ HELP

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Send HTML Maile Using Xp_sendmail In SQL Mail

Mar 9, 2005

I am using SQL Mail to send an email. Is there some way to send it with an HTML body?

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Xp_Sendmail Does Everything But Actually Sending The Message

Jul 20, 2005

I have everything set up with SQL Server 2000 and Outlook 2000 and theprocedure works fine but the message sits in my inbox. When it openthe e-mail it says this message has not been sent. I just click sendand the e-mail sends. Is there any reason I have to manually sent thee-mail after the xp_sendmail procedure works and should send thee-mail itself.ThanksJohn

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Sending Message Using Xp_sendmail

Jun 18, 2007

Hi I have difficulty in sending message to different reciepients. I am using SSIS package to send in the parameter. If anybody could help to resolve will be great.


declare @MailMsg varchar(1000)
select @MailMsg = 'Hi there,
Here are the Documents Nos. and details

Thank you.'
exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@recipients = ?,
@subject = 'Documents Status',
@message = @MailMsg,
@attachments = 'C:MyWorkDocument.XLS'

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Passing @parameters And TEXT To Xp_sendmail Message!!

Jan 29, 2004

How do you pass parameters and text to the message area... i know how to pass parameters or pass text how do i do both... for example.

Exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = 'johndoe' @message = 'hello and @number'

PLZ HELP!!!!!!

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Integration Services :: Send Excel File From SSIS Using Send Mail Task Without Saving Excel File Locally?

Jul 14, 2015

Is there anyway to  send excel file from ssis using send mail task without saving the excel file locally. I need to automate the process which involves loading the excel file from the database and send it to some people. 

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Xp_sendmail Problem - Body Message Breaking Onto New Line..

Sep 13, 2005

Created a SP that uses system function XP_SENDMAIL. I wantto be able to send a HYPERLINK in the email. TheHYPERLINK is created dynamically and generally long in length (exceedsdefault width of 80 characters) and when rendered in the email is splitacross 2 lines. The problem is that when you click on the link itdisregards the part of the link that has been split onto the linebelow.Does anyone know a solution to this - how to extend the width of theemail to wider that 80 characters so that the link is not split over 2lines? I know that you can use the @width parameter when placing themessage in an attatchment, however I want the link to be placed in thebody of the email and not in an attachment.Any help is much appreciated..

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SQLServer2000 Xp_sendmail Message Larger Than 8000 Chars

Sep 3, 2007

Books Online gives a way to send a message larger than the VARCHAR max of 8000 chars, but the @query argument to xp_sendmail is a simple text string and my data is much more complex, and formatted. Also BOL shows an example using a temporary text file, but it is not clear precisely how you write your insert statements. I tried the following, which writes out all the data and sends it ok except, after each row, there is about a page of blank spaces. What is wrong with my syntax?

DECLARE @forename VARCHAR(30)
CREATE TABLE ##texttab (c1 text)
INSERT ##texttab SELECT @msgstr
IF @PMID > 1000
SELECT @forename = ISNULL(Forename,' ') FROM surdba.SVY_PERSONNEL_GENERAL WHERE EmployeeID = @PMID
SET @forename = ' '
INSERT ##texttab values (RTRIM(@forename))
INSERT ##texttab values ( ' - This information is autogenerated from the Survey database.')
SET @cmd = 'SELECT c1 FROM ##texttab'
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = 'Robin Pearce',
@subject = 'ALL PENDING QUOTES',
@query = @cmd,
@no_header = 'TRUE'
DROP TABLE ##texttab

Would appreciate any help on this one, I do not have time to learn HTML,
Robin Pearce

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I Am Getting This Message System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Xp_sendmail: Procedure Expects Parameter @user, Which Was Not Supplied.

Jun 21, 2005

I have looked all over my code and can not find anywhere that I am referencing the xp_sendmail procedure! Here is all the code<code>With sqlCmdUpdateParticipants
.Parameters("@ClassID").Value = ddlClass.SelectedItem.Value
.Parameters("@Person").Value = tbName.Text()
End With
cnCapMaster.Close()</code>I am just getting a couple values and and inserting them into the database.  the insert works then I get darn error message.  This code worked at one time but it has been about 2 years sense I worked on it so who knows what might have happened sense then.Thanks,Bryan

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Net Send Message

Nov 9, 2000


I know that is possible to programmatically send an e-mail with the command xp_sendmail, but i want to know if it's possible to programmatically send a Net Send message.


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Trying To Send Message In SQl Jobs

Jul 13, 2001

I'm trying to figure out how the SQL Agent sends email through jobs using the notification option for operators. I have had little success using SQL mail so I want to use an alternate such as blat. I have not been able to find where the SQL jobs are actually sending the mail. Can someone help please. OI have checked the system stored procedures without suscess. I'm using SQL2000.


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Sp To Send A Message To A User ?

Sep 23, 2006

Do you know a stored procedure ( or a query) to send a message to a SQLServer user ?

Something like NET SEND but with a spid user


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Trying To Send Message To User

Jan 14, 2004

I am having a problem getting informational type messages to display for my end users.

I have a SQL2000 db with a Delfi front end. When I issue either the raiserror or print nothing is displayed inside the app. With raiserror I can get it to display if I make the severity higher than 10. The problem with this is that it stops the app from processing the transaction. This is ok in one case but not with just informational type stuff. Any suggestions? Thanks.


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Can We Send A Blob In A Message.

Sep 20, 2006

Say i want to send a blob in a message from queue A to queue B. These locations can be geographically different. How can i implement this ?

Also anything which i want to send as a message should be stored in the database. and then I should store it in a variable. this can be used as the message body. am I right ?

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SEND/RECEIVE And Message Order

May 12, 2007

I understand that SQL Service Broker will RECEIVE messages in the same order of SEND, so long as the messages are on the same conversation.

I would like to accomplish queue-level ordering instead of (or in addition to) conversation-level ordering.

There is a significant business case for this level of ordering. Consider an order processing system which is specified to fulfill orders in the sequence they are received. The reason for the ordering is as follows. Suppose the process(es) that RECEIVEs from the queue is down for several hours and the messages back up in the queue. Various customers place orders throughout this period of time. If more orders are placed than there are quantity for an item, the customers who placed their orders earliest in the day ought to be the ones that receive the merchandise and the later orders should be placed on backorder.

Limited experimentation showed that SQL Server totally disregards the order in which the messages were sent (on different conversations to the same queue).

The potential solution to use the same conversation has some drawbacks:

1. Difficult to do error handling because of the way error handling works in conversations.

2. It is not possible to RECEIVE using multiple threads. (Yes, RECEIVEing on multiple threads also would reorder the messages, but the reorderings would be localized in time so this would be tolerable by a lot of applications. In other words, orders from 1:00 AM would not be mixed with orders from 9:00 AM.)

Can anyone see a good solution to this in the current version?

If there are no good solutions, it would be great if Microsoft considers adding a feature where you can declare an ordering requirement when you CREATE QUEUE. Even support for an "approximate" ordering (messages can rearrange +/- several seconds) would be helpful, but the current way which seems to totally randomize the message order is not good for certain kinds of significant applications.

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Unable To Send The Message Across 2 Servers.

Apr 5, 2008

Hi All

I am stuck in this strange issue since the last two days. I have followed the tutorial to configure the 2 databases to send and receive messages which works. I added my own objects in the DB's also but when I try to send a message to the service I added I get a message:

"Dialog security is unavailable for this conversation because there is no security certificate bound to the database principal (Id: 1). Either create a certificate for the principal, or specify ENCRYPTION = OFF when beginning the conversation."

Security is setup in the same way for my objects as the security specified in the tutorial. The service binding on the initiator and target use the same account as specified in the tutorial. Please help.


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Send Email Message - OnError

Nov 2, 2006

I used onError event to send email in case ssis pckage fails

but it send multiple email with errordescription. for ex below are the errordescription of four diferent emails i received.

Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.
An error occurred with the following error message: "The connection "{01AF859A-CF97-4F6C-9C78-1AA4B1C9C27B}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.".
Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.
The PrimeOutput method on component "Flat File Source - Read from source file" (1) returned error code 0xC0202092. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Can anyone suggest if we can combine all this error description and send this as one email.

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SQL Service Broker To Send Message To SSRS

Jan 23, 2008

Hi All,
I want to send notification to SSRS on change in database for that I am using SSB to send message to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Can I use SSB and if yes, how? Please guide me I am new to this.


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Send Message To Running .Net [Asp.Net With C#] Application From Sql Server

Apr 25, 2008

Hi Guys,
I have already spent so many days in trying to find a solution to this problem but ..all in vain....
so please help me.

I have to send message to my running .Net [Asp.Net with C#] application from sql server. How can i do it?
We should not use notification services.
Please give me some examples / links.
Thanks in advance!

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Sending A Alert Message Using Send Mail Task

May 2, 2008

i have developed a pakage which populates a two different tables with reference to the xml files added to a folder which is watched by a security WMI is governed by a sequence container which contains three for each loop container for working on the different files.i have different event handlers set up inside for each loop container tasks which contains , data flow task, execute sql task, and moving the processed file to the desired destination.i want to set up a send mail task on the package level using event handler on error, where i have set up a task for looging the error to the error table , i have tried to collect all the error messages in a array list variable . and trying to use that variable a s a message source. i could not under stand if i set the propogation variable in the sequence container as false than will the onpost execute event will fire the onpostexecute event handler in the package level.if show how can i send only one email for all the errors of package with error looging.

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Is It Possible To Send Message From SQL Server Express To Applications Using It On Different Machines ?

Mar 8, 2008


Is it possible to send message from SQL Server Express to Applications using it on different machines ?

For example When an important record is inserted or updated, a message appears on Application user's screen.

If yes then how ?


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Send Mail Task Message Source Type Variable

Jun 13, 2007


I am trying something very simple but cannot see why it is failing.

I am trying to add a filename to the message source of a mail task from a variable.

I have Variable 1 User::CurrentFilePath, Scope = ForEachLoop, Data Type = String

and Variable 2 User::mailSource, Scope = ForEachLoop, Data Type = String

Variable 2 EvaluateAsExpression is set to True and the Expression for now is simply "Processing of File " + [User::CurrentFilePath] + "has Begun"

However when i enter this i get

The expression for variable "Test2" failed evaluation. There was an error in the expression.

In the Value and Value type boxes of the variable property.

Any advice greatly received



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Poison Message. The Conversation Endpoint Is Not In A Valid State For SEND.

Aug 1, 2007

Hi all, i searched everywhere but couldn't find any info on the following error that i'm currently receiving:

"The conversation endpoint is not in a valid state for SEND. The current endpoint state is 'DI'."

I understand that this is due to some problem in my send/receive protocol but how do i fix this problem so that i can continue with my testing? Right now i'm forced to drop my entire test database and reinstall everytime this message shows up because i can't send/receive any messages at that point. Is there anyway to get rid of it?

Thanks in advance. This is driving me nuts.

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SQL CE Error 28562 - Failed To Create The Delete Message To Send To The Server

May 13, 2004

Hi when I am performing a merge replication between my PDA (SQL CE) and SQL I get the above message. There is no information about it anywhere.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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CLR Trigger -&&> Send Insert/Update/Delete Message To Windows Service

Feb 1, 2007


I have an c# windows service, which is running on the same machine where my mssql server is installed. This service must be informed for each insert/update/delete event on one specific table.

My idea was to create an CLR Trigger for this table which can communicate with this service via .NET remoting. But the problem is, that the system.runtime.remoting assembly is not integrated within the mssql clr enviroment => i can't use remoting.

Are there any other idea's how can i solve this?

Best regards,

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Sending File Contents In The Body Of The Email With Xp_sendmail

Jul 23, 2005

I would like to send the contents of a file using xp_sendmail howeverI do not want the file contents to be an attachment.I have no problem sending the file as an attachement.Can anybody give me an xp_sendmail example of how to do this.The results of a query can easily appear in the body of the email butall myattempts to include the contents of a file in the body of the emailhave not worked.TIA

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File Name Includes File Path In DTS Send Mail Task - Help

Jan 26, 2004

I have an issue with a DTS package. We create a zip file and then attach it to emails going out using DTS. The problem is that the attachment, when received, is named using the full path to the file, so it is quite long.

Has anyone seen this before? Is there a way out of this?

I am considering mapping a drive to the share holding the file to be named, but the fact is this will shorten the name but will still result in the path being included.

I am wondering if this is a bug, as I suspect this isn't the default behaviour.

Thank you in advance.


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Transact SQL :: Why Does File Seem Displaced When Send Server Results To A File

Aug 24, 2015

I have the following SQL

IFOBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable_Lockbox_File_Header_Record')IS NOTNULLDROP TABLE#TempTable_Lockbox_File_Header_Record
IFOBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable_Lockbox_Batch_Header_Record')IS NOTNULLDROP TABLE#TempTable_Lockbox_Batch_Header_Record


When I send my query results to a file in SQL Server Management Studio, how come I'm seeing the following in Notepad++? FH   TEST "FH" which I thought should be in a CHAR(2) data column is there but "TEST" seems to start in Column 6...not column 3 as I would have expected. I was expecting... FHTEST.

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CSV File Saved As An Excel File - Error Message

Aug 2, 2007

I hope someone can help me with this - I started receiving this error message in the past month or so when I open a csv report and save it as an Excel file in a folder I use on my VPN and in My Documents. It does not show up when I save it to my Desk Top.

I have Microsoft Office Student and Teacher and Office XP Professional installed on my notebook. I tried to uninstall Office XP and it would not let me. Something about a "patch could not be opened......"

The error message is as follows:

Header: .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. Error

Excel error message The instruction at 0x0beab865 referenced memory at "0x00000008"

The memory could not be "read".
Click ok to terminate the program.

I hope someone could please help me with this I received 60 - 80 csv files a week and everythime I save on I get this pop up message!

Thank you!


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How To Send File To Different Server Using FTP

May 4, 2015

I found following script but getting invalid command error.

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[FtpPutFile] Script Date: 03/25/2014 10:07:58 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author:<Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>


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