Sending An Alert When A Report Fails

Mar 8, 2007

I want to send an alert (email) to the subscriber of a report when the report fails to execute properly. I€™ve been looking through the documentation for RS 2005 and can not find how to set this functionality up.

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Sending Alert When State Changes

Oct 23, 2007

I'm creating a generic alter that will catch ANY state change in my sql server mirroring setup. I currently have 5 databases that I"m mirroring.

The problem that I'm running into is my message looks like whats below. I'd like to make it more descriptive so I'd like to pull info from wmi about what server the alert came from, the specific databasebase and what is the event.

DATE/TIME: 10/23/2007 1:36:41 PM



JOB RUN: (None)

Here is how the alert is created.
USE [msdb]


/****** Object: Alert [DBM State: Automatic Failover] Script Date: 10/23/2007 13:53:34 ******/

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name=N'DBM State: Automatic Failover',










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Sending Alert To Numeric Pager

Aug 2, 2000

Is there a third party tool that can be used with SQL 7.0 to send an alert to a numeric pager?

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Sending A Alert Message Using Send Mail Task

May 2, 2008

i have developed a pakage which populates a two different tables with reference to the xml files added to a folder which is watched by a security WMI is governed by a sequence container which contains three for each loop container for working on the different files.i have different event handlers set up inside for each loop container tasks which contains , data flow task, execute sql task, and moving the processed file to the desired destination.i want to set up a send mail task on the package level using event handler on error, where i have set up a task for looging the error to the error table , i have tried to collect all the error messages in a array list variable . and trying to use that variable a s a message source. i could not under stand if i set the propogation variable in the sequence container as false than will the onpost execute event will fire the onpostexecute event handler in the package level.if show how can i send only one email for all the errors of package with error looging.

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Email Alert When DTS Package Fails

Jan 25, 2007

I am trying to configure emails alerts on DTS package on one of my servers , i am getting an error somthing like i need to add a new profile.I received emails every day from the scheduled jobs which succeed every day

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - How To Alert When Step Fails

Jun 12, 2015

I have a simple SSIS package that imports an Excel Spreadsheet into a table. The column heading got changed, so the package failed, as expected, but I would like an alert or some way to make the scheduled job show "failed". I tried putting an event handler on the :Data Flow" step to send an email, but it didn't work.

I would like to figure out the event handler problem, but more important to have the job show as failed.

For some reason the Scheduled job shows "success" even though the SSIS package failed. A better solution is to make the scheduled job itself fail, based on the package failing.

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Xp_sendmail Fails But Alert System Sends Email Notification.

Nov 30, 2004

I receive the following error when trying to invoke xp_sendmail 'xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80070005'. However, for alert notifications the email works fine. SQL is using an alias account to send mail. This account doesn't have any funny characters. Any ideas why the alert system works but xp_sendmail does not? The invokation of xp_sendmail is being done by SA.


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Database Mail Fails At Email Server Alert

Apr 23, 2015

We recently had a problem with DB Mail. SQL jobs that sends an email succeeded but the email in the job fail to sent. There was a problem with the email server. The error is included. We fixed the problem with the email server. How can I get an alert when a DB Mail email fails send?

Date4/23/2015 10:01:06 AM
LogDatabase Mail (Database Mail Log)

Log ID5907
Process ID13204
Mail Item ID5702
Last Modified4/23/2015 10:01:06 AM
Last Modified Bysa

The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 1 (2015-04-23T10:01:06). Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Insufficient system storage. The server response was: 4.3.1 Unable to accept message because the server is out of disk space.).

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Add An Alert/warning Via Report Builder

Apr 10, 2007

Hi !
Is it possible to add an alert/warning via reportBuilder ?
An alert is for example a value which is superior of a nominal value for example...
I saw in a demo, it is possible to have it by creating a function, but this way is for the developper, if the user wants to add an alert himself ? how can he do ?
and maybe how can the developper help him ?

thank you for your answer

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Alert When Any Report Breaks While Viewing

Jun 7, 2007


we have many report dashboard project where we have more then 100's of reports being viewed across the organization. at time then the report breaks for some reason like below i wanted the admin should get a mail alert.

Reporting Services Error

The current action cannot be completed because the user data source credentials that are required to execute this report are not stored in the report server database. (rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting) Get Online Help

SQL Server Reporting Services

is this possible in any ways to achive.


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LS Status Report Showing False Alert State

Nov 28, 2007

I have log shipping every 15 minutes working between 2 servers, and while the secondary server reports everything ok (time since last copy, restore are all under 15 minutes), the primary server reports that the time since last backup is 7400+ minutes. I have verified that the LS backup job has no failures. How can I correct this false error state and get the primary server to start reporting actual statuses?

The LS monitor is on the secondary server.

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Sending Parts Of The Report

Feb 22, 2008


I prepared a report including sale information of a company. There are different offices of the company in different locations. And in each offices there are more than 1 saleman. I have to send the report (but just the associated part of the report to the saleman, not the whole one) to each saleman and his/her manager. I prepared a subscriber data (name and mail addy) for each office. How can i send the associated part of the report to the salemen and his/her manager by using just the original report (I dont wanna seperate the report depending on the saleman and send each report one by one, cuz there are many offices and salemen)

Thank you

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Report Auto Formatting And Sending

Oct 30, 2007


Using SQL 2005 Reporting Services, with the click of one button in my custom report viewer, is there a way I can generate my report, format it into PDF and send it to an email address that is shown on the report itself. (Report run may generate 1 copy specific to each, I want one copy to email to each client, and not have to have the clients subscribe to the report).

Any idea?


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Sending Out Same Report But Different Parameters To Different People

Jan 25, 2008

i have a report that is specifc to a user (has a user parameter)

is there a way to send out a dynamic subscription where the report is sent to the user "BOB" using "BOB" as a parameter, and a report that is sent to the user "Sue", uses the parameter "sue"

is this possible - i hope im making some sort of sense

thank you in advance


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Report Viewer Not Sending Credentials

Mar 6, 2008

I have implemented a ReportServerCredentials class in my code and the NetworkCredentials property is set up to pass a domain account. Usually this works fine but occasionaly the ReportViewer stops sending credentials to the report server resulting in the following error:

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.

The IIS logs on the ReportServer don't show any credentials being passed in on these requests.

When this happens in debug mode in Visual Studio, I usually have to create a new project and migrate my code into it to get it to start working again. When it happens on the web server, it seems to correct itself after a while.

It seems like this must be a bug in the ReportViewer or perhaps in IIS. Does anyone know of a work around or a patch?


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Stop Subsciptions From Sending If The Report Has No Values

Dec 5, 2007

What would be the best way of setting up a subscription to not send, if the report is empty?

Do i need to write a new stored procedure that does a count or something? what would i do on the reporting serivices side?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Trigger A Report By Sending Email

Oct 18, 2015

I have a report that gets a Customer_Number parameter and sends a mail with that customer's data.I want my users to be able to get this report's results by sending an email to a certain email address with a customer number in the topic.

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Cannot Get Subscription Email When Including Report, But Can Get It When Just Sending Link

Jul 12, 2007

When I set up an email subscription for a report, I can get the email notification if I only include a link to the report, but get the generic "Failure sending mail: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information." error message when I attempt to include the actual report in the email; either as "Web Archive," or PDF." When I consult the ReportServer log file, I do not see any sort of exception that would indicate the true source of the error.

I have set the file security on the RSTempFiles folder to allow the IIS_WPG group to modify the folder, but when I looked into the RS config files, it looked as though SSRS wasn't configured to use temporary storage.

Any suggestions?


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Sending A Report Via Email Triggered From A Trigger On A Sql Table

Oct 24, 2006

My question is it possible to send a report developed in reporting services via email as either a attachment or imbedded in the email, from an insert trigger placed on a table in sql.
If so could you please help with the string that would be need to achieve this.
The report will need to have one or two parameters passed to it from the table.
The report is built and working through reporting services already. I was impressed with the subscription services that reporting services has in place and would like to utilise the reports further by auto emailing out when a new record is placed in the table. To be sent out either as an attachment or imbedded in the email it self.
Thanks for any assistance in advance

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Failure Sending Mail: An Error Has Occurred During Report Processing.

Dec 7, 2007


Thanks for any help anyone can offer me.

I have SQL Server Reporting services on Windows 2000.

The reports seem to be working well, but I cannot get a subscription to work. The error I get is the one in the subject line.

I look into my log files and see these lines.

ReportingServicesService!emailextension!ab0!12/07/2007-15:02:07:: Error sending email. Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.RSException: An error has occurred during report processing. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during report processing. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80090005): Bad Data.

Can anyone help me out with this one?



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Scheduled Report By Email With Attached Report Fails

May 18, 2006

Can anyone offer any help with this?

Error maesage:
Failure sending mail: The Report Server has encountered a configuration error; more details in the log files

Windows 200 Server: SP4
RS 2000: SP2
SQL Server 2000, on the same server as RS.

get this error whenever we try to run a report with the report
attached. However, the email sends fine if the report is not attached.

Reports can also be exported into different formats without problem when viewing the report through report manager.

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Subscription Error : Failure Sending Mail: An Error Has Occurred During Report Processing

Nov 16, 2007


On the development server, I am trying to work with subscriptions . Report Server is windows authenticated.

When no paramters exist for the report, the sucbscription is successful.
But if there are paramters for the report, email delivery fails.

These are not data driven subscriptions.

Did anyone face the same problem ? Can anyone tell me where to start debugging since logfiles just say failure to send the email.


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CPU Utilization Alert Through WMI Alert

Aug 13, 2015

Can you use the below query to get CPU high utilisation alert purposes for both named and default instance? or, do I need to make any changes here (@wmi_namespace=N'.ROOTCIMV2' ) ?

USE [msdb]
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name=N'CPU_WM_Utilization_Check',


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Report Connection Fails With DNS Name

Apr 3, 2007


I am facing problem while setting connection string in Report Service project.
Problem is when I specify DNS name instead of machine name as the Server in the connection string.

When I specify DNS name in the connection string it gives error that "A connection cannot be made.Ensure that the server is running" on click of "Test Connection"
Also I am not able to view reports directly through IE. I.e. http://<DNS_NAME>/Reports.
When I access Reports, it prompts me to enter username/password. Even after specifying valid username, it shows me the prompt again n again.

Is there some known issue with Reporting Service or with IIS setting not able to connect to a DNS name? I did not face with any issue when
I specified DNS name in the connection string of Analysis Service project.

Did anyone encountered DNS related problem with SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service?

We also verified that:
1: Ping with both machine name and DNS name returns same result.
2: nslookup with both machine name and DNS name resolves to same IP.

3: Tried putting the DNS name in the hosts file.

Eagerly awaiting some positive reply.

Note: I am working with SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition.

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Report Export To PDF Fails At Times

Jul 31, 2007

Dear Friends,

I have created a Report (type Tabular) and deployed it on a report server. I am accessing the report via Report Viewer. Now when the report is exported in to pdf format, It gets exported and the pdf also gets created. But at times user is not seeing any data in the PDF even if the Report had data in it.

I am guessing the following may be the reason:
1. Network issues and bytes not received properly
2. Huge load on the Report Server and something have gone wrong.

But I am not able to get the reason why this happens. Anyone who has encountered the problem, please help me.

S Suresh

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Deployed Report Fails To Start

Aug 17, 2007

VS2005 project with imbedded SQL Server reports works fine in VS IDE going agianst a network SQL Server 2005 or the local SQL Server 2005. However, when the application is deployed (to another computer). the application starts and connects successfully to the network SQL Server 2005. Everything works until the user tries to produce a report. Then the following error is generated:
Named Pipes Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe (the verbose part of the error message is left out). SQL Server agent is running both on the file server and the local computer. Also, named pipes and shared memory are enabled in file server and local computer (TCP and VIA protocoles are disabled). Same is done for Client protocoles.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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Report Builder Fails To Launch

Jun 20, 2007

Good day:

I've searched and found a whole lot of information regarding Report Builder's occasional failures to launch, but every single suggestion has not worked for me. I'll try to describe this as completely as possible.

PC 1: Login with my user id, navigate to either my test or production report server, click 'Report Builder'; application launches and can be used as expected. Login with a 2nd user id, and it works. OS is Win2003 Server. Because both logins work on this PC, which tells me the security credentials are set correctly.

PC2: Login with my user id, navigate to either my test or production report server, click 'Report Builder'; application fails to launch. I do not receive an error message or dialog. The 'frames' for the Report Builder form flash momentarily on the screen. Login with same 2nd user id, and it fails the same way. OS is WinXP SP2; all updates.

PC3: Login with my user id, navigate to either my test or production report server, click 'Report Builder'; application fails to launch. I do not receive an error message or dialog. The 'frames' for the Report Builder form flash momentarily on the screen. Login with same 2nd user id, and it fails the same way. OS is WinXP SP2; all updates.

On PC2 and PC3, I navigate to the ClickOnce cache in my profile, right-click and 'run as' the reportbuilder.exe file. Choosing 'run as' my login and providing a password -- voila -- the application runs. I have to manually set the link to the report server, but it appears all else works fine. Same situation when I use my 2nd user id. If I don't 'run as' and provide the password (just double-click to launch the file), I get the same 'flash frames' above.

Ultimately, the push is to get PC2 and PC3 to function as does PC1. My resident .NET expert is stumped, as am I. Please help.

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Launching Report Manager Url Fails

May 30, 2006

Under Books online, topic "Install client and server components on a single computer"

Configure the Report Server and install samples

3. Verify that installation succeeded by launching Report Manager. In the URL address, type https://localhost/reports or http://localhost/reports. You should see the Report Manager Home page.

I get in IE with url http://localhost/reports :

<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="Home.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.HomePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="MSRS" Namespace="Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI" Assembly="ReportingServicesWebUserInterface" %>

I can see in IIS, Default Web site, "Reports" and "ReportServer" and in SQLStudio Express both tables, "ReportServer" and "ReportServerTempDB"

I am running on Windows XP SP2

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Reporting Services :: Report Fails With COM Exception

Nov 5, 2015

I have a particular report that fails to run.  In the browser, the following is shown when the report is run:The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version.There is an error in XML document (1, 84459).'', hexa decimal value 0x01, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 84459.

When I look into the SSRS logs, I find the following:

library!ReportServer_0-125!6dc0!11/05/2015-08:40:58:: Call to GetPropertiesAction(/PathTo/MyReports/MyReport by Hour, PathBased).
library!ReportServer_0-125!1d34!11/05/2015-08:40:59:: Call to GetSystemPermissionsAction().
ui!ReportManager_0-126!65f8!11/05/2015-08:40:59:: i INFO: PageCountMode 'Estimate' read from config file
ui!ReportManager_0-126!65f8!11/05/2015-08:40:59:: i INFO: AccessibleTablix value not specified in config file.
library!ReportServer_0-125!6dc0!11/05/2015-08:40:59:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
rshost!rshost!1d50!11/05/2015-08:41:02:: e ERROR: WriteCallback(): failed to write in write callback.


There are no other system logs at the corresponding time of this failure.Other reports that use the same data source run fine.  This problem is confined to a few reports within a larger report set.  The reports are provided by a third-party so I don't have a lot of insight to what the report is actually doing.This is running on SSRS 2008 R2.

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Report Works Fine Stand Alone, But Fails When Used As Subreport

Jun 4, 2007

I have a report which I have tested and works fine. now I'm trying to use it as a subreport. the "outer" or main report is very simple: it just has a company standard banner and some header/footer information, and then a single subreport. there is no passing of parameters between main report and sub report. the subreport does have its own parameter to govern its dataset, and provides its own default for that.

The error that I'm getting is this:

[rsErrorExecutingSubreport] An error occurred while executing the subreport €˜subreport1€™: An error has occurred during report processing.

[rsMissingFieldInDataSet] The data set €˜WarrantMasterCube€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜Year€™. This field is missing from the returned result set from the data source.

[rsErrorReadingDataSetField] The data set €˜WarrantMasterCube€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜Year€™. The data extension returned an error during reading the field.

[rsMissingFieldInDataSet] The data set €˜WarrantMasterCube€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜Month€™. This field is missing from the returned result set from the data source.

[rsErrorReadingDataSetField] The data set €˜WarrantMasterCube€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜Month€™. The data extension returned an error during reading the field.

[rsMissingFieldInDataSet] The data set €˜WarrantMasterCube€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜Date€™. This field is missing from the returned result set from the data source.

[rsErrorReadingDataSetField] The data set €˜WarrantMasterCube€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜Date€™. The data extension returned an error during reading the field.

[rsMissingFieldInDataSet] The data set €˜WarrantMasterCube€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜Wt_TO_MTD€™. This field is missing from the returned result set from the data source.

[rsErrorReadingDataSetField] The data set €˜WarrantMasterCube€™ contains a definition for the Field €˜Wt_TO_MTD€™. The data extension returned an error during reading the field.

[rsNone] An error has occurred during report processing.

Of course, this doesn't happen when I execute the subreport by itself. What kinds of things should I be looking at to get to the bottom of this. Thanks!

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Report Builder Deployment Fails With Tivoli Access Manager

Mar 31, 2008

Hi All,

We are currently having an issue with a Reporting Services deployment which is being accessed through Tivoli Access Manager (with a custom SSRS security extension).

When you try to launch Report Builder, we receive the following error when ClickOnce tries to validate the deployed app (Report Builder works fine when accessed outside of the Tivoli Access Manager environment):

Following errors were detected during this operation.
* [20/03/2008 2:49:35 PM] System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (HashValidation)
- File, ReportBuilder.exe, has a different computed hash than specified in manifest.
- Source: System.Deployment

Can anyone shed any light on what might be causing this?

All of the components (including the manifest) are downloaded to the client correctly so the authentication seems to be working and it works outside of TAM so there is no issue with the files on teh server having changed etc. either.


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Rendering A Working RDL Report Fails To Return Any Results - Maybe My Steps Will Help Someone

Mar 7, 2007

Microsoft could not have made SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services any harder given the wacky way you have to add web references in Visual Studio 2005 and then when you finally get the report services working as well as the C# program compiling and seeing the

Here are the steps for you poor souls like me:

When you create you C# program Maybe its the same thing for vb rightclick on the project
and click add Web Reference
To the right of the go button you must put in a path to:

If you used the default ReportServer settings this should work You will need to make sure you have ReportServices working first but by entering this exact URL and press the go button allows you to acess the ReportExecutionServcie object ofcourse you need to properly rename it in the text box in the lower right labled: Web Reference Name: I renamed it to ReportExecution2005

Note us must add a using <myclassname>.ReportExecution2005; which allows access to the the components and allos compiling.


object correctly and want to use them in C# program Microsoft makes you suffer further with problems getting the path in rs.LoadReport(ReportPath,HistoryID) function

I believe I have the correct path string from trial and error when I go to my report services site
It shows me which as a guess I thought might be derived from the webpage:
SQL Server Reporting Services

Home > Report Project2 >

/home/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport but that failed to work. Next I tried:
The RichTextBox stored:

The item '/home/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport' cannot be found. ---> The item '/home/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport' cannot be found.
/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport
??t was all that was returned when I tried this path so I believe but am (Not Sure) this is the reportpath to be used in rs.LoadReport function.

In the browser: I believe the catalog based reportpath should be
/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport

I set up a form with 3 fields:
TextBox: ReportPath so I could play with the path I provide
RichTextBox To store the output from rs.render.
RunButton1 to call up the render code see below:

Please note when I start the program in debug mode I get an error of:

Note the following message proceeds the execution:
The Project cannot be deployed because no target server
is specified. Provide a value for the TargetServerURL
property in the property pages for this project

Any help in getting output on this render function would be appreciated
Perhaps some of my work will help others struggling with this poorly documented service. Even the three poor books I had to work with did not help much. Does Microsoft really expect people to use this?

Here the relevant code. I will assume knowledge of Forms development I provide two pieces: 1 the calling function from the button presss event: and the method called:


public static string GetReportXML2005(string
ReportingServicesURL,string ReportPath)
ReportExecutionService rs = new
//windows authentication
rs.Credentials =
rs.Url = ReportingServicesURL;
byte[] result = null;
ParameterValue[] parameters = new
parameters[0] = new ParameterValue();
parameters[0].Value = "%";
string encoding, mimetype, extension;
Warning[] warnings = null;
string[] streamIDs = null;
try {
rs.LoadReport(ReportPath, null);

result = rs.Render("XML", null, out extension, out encoding,
out mimetype, out warnings, out streamIDs);
catch (SoapException e) {
return e.Message;

return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result);

Any help anyone could give me regarding this would be most appreciated:

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Reporting Services :: RDL Report Rendering For HTML Format Fails

May 13, 2015

We are facing an issue where the report rendering for specific report parameters is failing with an exception 

Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.UnhandledReportRenderingException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.UnhandledReportRenderingException: An error occurred during rendering of the report. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering.ReportRenderingException: An error occurred during rendering of the report. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.SPBProcessing.Tablix.TablixContext.CalculateDetailCell(PageItem topItem, Int32 colIndex, Boolean collect, PageContext pageContext)


The server is running in Native mode. We tried restarting the services and also verified the disk space. Neither of them worked. The ExecutionLog3 table in the "ReportServer" database shows a rrenderingError as the report execution status. Report rendering with Excel format works fine.We enabled verbose logs and they are shared here. URL....

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