Sending File Contents In The Body Of The Email With Xp_sendmail
Jul 23, 2005
I would like to send the contents of a file using xp_sendmail however
I do not want the file contents to be an attachment.
I have no problem sending the file as an attachement.
Can anybody give me an xp_sendmail example of how to do this.
The results of a query can easily appear in the body of the email but
all my
attempts to include the contents of a file in the body of the email
have not worked.
We have a DTS package that sends smtp email from an ActiveX script task. The body of the emails are in template files that we read in and then replace values relating to the customer.
I am looking for suggestions of handling this process from an SSIS package. This is what our existing code does.
'Name or IP of Remote SMTP Server objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = DTSGlobalVariables("RemoteSMTPServer").Value objMessage2.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = DTSGlobalVariables("RemoteSMTPServer").Value
'Your UserID on the SMTP server objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "CustomerService" objMessage2.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "CustomerService"
'Your password on the SMTP server objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "cslogin" objMessage2.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "cspassword"
If oRS.Fields("Rejected").value = 1 Then 'Rejection Message objMessage.Subject = "electronic request notification"
If oRS.Fields("ProductType").value = "Fixed" Then Set htmlTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile (DTSGlobalVariables("EmailTemplateRejectedFixed").Value) Else Set htmlTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile (DTSGlobalVariables("EmailTemplateRejectedVariable").Value) End If
Else 'Successful results objMessage.Subject = "electronic confirmation #" + CSTR(oRS.Fields("ConfirmationId").value) objMessage2.Subject = "Customer request for hard copy of contract"
If fso.FileExists(termDocument) Then objMessage.AddAttachment termDocument objMessage2.AddAttachment termDocument End If
If oRS.Fields("ProductType").value = "Fixed" Then Set htmlTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile (DTSGlobalVariables("EmailTemplateSuccessFixed").Value) Else Set htmlTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile (DTSGlobalVariables("EmailTemplateSuccessVariable").Value) End If
If oRS.Fields("SendHardCopy").value = True AND oRS.Fields("Rejected").value = 0 Then
' Attach Instructions for Hard Copy delivery instructionDocument = DTSGlobalVariables("TermDocumentsRepository").Value + "Instructions.txt"
set file = fso.CreateTextFile(instructionDocument, true) file.WriteLine("The customer has requested a hard copy of their contract to be sent to them.") file.WriteLine("") file.WriteLine("Instructions:") file.WriteLine("1) Print the email") file.WriteLine("2) Print the attached Terms & Conditions document") file.WriteLine("3) Mail both items to the address below") file.WriteLine("") file.WriteLine("Customer Address:") file.WriteLine(oRS.Fields("ContactFirstName").value + " " + oRS.Fields("ContactLastName").value) file.WriteLine(oRS.Fields("BillingAddress1").value) If oRS.Fields("BillingAddress2").value <> "" Then file.WriteLine(oRS.Fields("BillingAddress2").value) End If file.WriteLine(oRS.Fields("BillingCity").value + ", " + oRS.Fields("BillingState").value + " " +oRS.Fields("BillingZip").value) file.Close set file=nothing
objMessage2.AddAttachment instructionDocument
objMessage2.Send End If
set objMessage = nothing set objMessage2 = nothing
First, I would like to apologize if this is in anyway not related to Transact-SQL. And I would greatly appreciate your help for this is an urgent requirement. I just have a batch file which performs an ftp. Now, if the ftp process aborts, i would like to send out a mail and page the on-call person. I am not sure how to do this - I mean how to send email and send message through pager. My batch file is called by the Windows scheduler.
My @subject in an xp_sendmail job is appearing in the email subject where it's supposed to, but also as the first line of the body. Does anyone know of a way to disable this behavior?
Created a SP that uses system function XP_SENDMAIL. I wantto be able to send a HYPERLINK in the email. TheHYPERLINK is created dynamically and generally long in length (exceedsdefault width of 80 characters) and when rendered in the email is splitacross 2 lines. The problem is that when you click on the link itdisregards the part of the link that has been split onto the linebelow.Does anyone know a solution to this - how to extend the width of theemail to wider that 80 characters so that the link is not split over 2lines? I know that you can use the @width parameter when placing themessage in an attatchment, however I want the link to be placed in thebody of the email and not in an attachment.Any help is much appreciated..
I'm generating emails using sp_send_dbmail. Everything works perfectly except for one thing. In the body of the email I need to show a link to a web page (eg http://myweb/login.aspx).
The problem is that the received email shows the "link" as plain text, ie it is not a clickable link. I've tried adding char(13) (and char(10) and both) after the link text but that doesn't help.
Is there a way to make the link text a real link when received by Outlook? (All recipients will be using Outlook if that helps).
I have everything set up with SQL Server 2000 and Outlook 2000 and theprocedure works fine but the message sits in my inbox. When it openthe e-mail it says this message has not been sent. I just click sendand the e-mail sends. Is there any reason I have to manually sent thee-mail after the xp_sendmail procedure works and should send thee-mail itself.ThanksJohn
Hi I have difficulty in sending message to different reciepients. I am using SSIS package to send in the parameter. If anybody could help to resolve will be great.
declare @MailMsg varchar(1000) select @MailMsg = 'Hi there, Here are the Documents Nos. and details Status.
hello, need help with a simple trigger i have been working on. the trigger automatically sends me an email out when a record is inserted, how ever i can't seem to get the row column data into the email. The part i do not understand is that I get the row column data information in the email if I update the row. This is for 2005 SQL Any direction would be greatly appreaciated OneIDesigned
I have an Htm file that i want to use as my email body on Send Mail Task MessageSourceType: File Connection MessageSource: Email.htm
It sends the email with the file in the body but not in HTML format it outputs the HTML tags + data eg: <span style="font-size:9.0pt;">Period: 2008.04</span>
I used the same file in a DTS package & that works fine.
I currently have a web form posting back to a SQL table using a StoredProcedure. Part of this SP is that it pulls data from another tableand inserts a new row into the registration table.I want to have a trigger on the registration table that will fire whenthe row is inserted which will use the sp_send_cdosysmail sproc to sendan e-mail to the user.However, I want to be able to include the value of one of the fieldswithin the BODY of the message. I can't find a way to includeparameters/variables within the Body of a message usingsp_send_cdosysmail and it's driving me nuts.Here's what I have in a sproc (not a trigger) that executessp_send_cdosysmail...I currently pass a parameter for the "To" e-mailaddress and that works fine._________________________________________________EXEC sp_send_cdosysmail'',@stremail, <--This is the Parameter passed for the "To" e-mail addy-->'Test Subject','Test Body,Additional TextAdditional Text<--THIS IS WHERE I WANT TO PUT THE PARAMETER-->Additional TextAdditional Text'__________________________________________________ _Is there any way to do this?The sp_send_cdosysmail I used is the standard MS one..Here it is forreference:Thanks for any help offered!ElliotCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_send_cdosysmail]@From varchar(100) ,@To varchar(100) ,@Subject varchar(100)=" ",@Body varchar(4000)/************************************************** *******************This stored procedure takes the parameters and sends an e-mail.All the mail configurations are hard-coded in the stored procedure.Comments are added to the stored procedure where necessary.References to the CDOSYS objects are at the following MSDN Web site:************************************************** *********************/ASDeclare @iMsg intDeclare @hr intDeclare @source varchar(255)Declare @description varchar(500)Declare @output varchar(1000)--************* Create the CDO.Message Object ************************EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'CDO.Message', @iMsg OUT--***************Configuring the Message Object ******************-- This is to configure a remote SMTP server.-- @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg,'Configuration.fields("").Value','1'-- This is to configure the Server Name or IP address.-- Replace MailServerName by the name or IP of your SMTP Server.EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg,'Configuration.fields("").Value','SMTPServer'-- Save the configurations to the message object.EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @iMsg, 'Configuration.Fields.Update', null-- Set the e-mail parameters.EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'To', @ToEXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'From', @FromEXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'Subject', @Subject-- If you are using HTML e-mail, use 'HTMLBody' instead of 'TextBody'.EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'TextBody', @BodyEXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @iMsg, 'Send', NULL-- Sample error handling.IF @hr <>0select @hrBEGINEXEC @hr = sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @source OUT, @description OUTIF @hr = 0BEGINSELECT @output = ' Source: ' + @sourcePRINT @outputSELECT @output = ' Description: ' + @descriptionPRINT @outputENDELSEBEGINPRINT ' sp_OAGetErrorInfo failed.'RETURNENDEND-- Do some error handling after each step if you have to.-- Clean up the objects created.EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @iMsgGO
Everyday morning I email the sql query/stored procedure output results to the users, I was wondering if I can use some kind of t-sql code or DTS packages so that I can automate this process where I want to send the sql/stored proc results in the body of the email.
I dont know how to place the field 'strTitle and datBorrowed " in my email? Not as an attachment though....Just write it in the mail as part of message body...
I use this SQL select statement to retrieve the strTitle and datBorrowed fields
strSQL += @"Select replace(strtitle,'[Original Book] - ',''), datBorrowed from tblBooks where convert(varchar(10),datBorrowed,101) = convert(varchar(10),(getdate() - 1),101) ORDER BY strTitle asc";
Dict.AddVal(0, "EMAIL_MESSAGE", "*** This e-mail is automatically generated. ***" + "*** PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL. ***" + "" + "Books Borrowed Yesterday are:" +
"" + "" + "Thank you," + "" + "eLibrarian" + "" + "================================================== ===============" + "" + "This e-mail is automatically generated by the Library system." + "Please do not reply.");
i need to put or wedge the data i got from the SQL Statement into this or after the line "Books Borrowed Yesterday are:" +
I am trying to insert a carriage return in the select statement after the web link where I had highlighted code in bold. When I insert a record into the table, I receive the email with the message body is in single line.I need the result to look like this in the message body:
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[SendNotification] ON [dbo].[TicketsHashtags] FOR INSERT AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
On the SQL Server Express 2005 download page there are two large download options:
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit
Is one a subset of the other? Or, are both unique? Just by reading it appears that the 'Toolkit' is an addition to the 'Express Edition with Advanced Services' ?
Second question is:
Is the any way to send an email(just text) based upon when an item is added to a table? From my reading it appears that Express does not include SQL Mail or Database Mail, so is there some other way to skin the cat? I found XPSMTP, but it appears to be limited to some other versions of SQL Server....
What I am trying to do, Extract the data from SQL table and Insert in Email Body and email to user. I got good article on Internet, I follow all steps as it is, but still I am getting error.
Here is the link : [URL] ....
But I am getting Error:
Error: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list. at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args) at System.String.Format(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args) at ST_7f59d09774914001b60a99a90809d5c5.csproj.ScriptMain.Main()
Does anyone know if this can be done? I've looked everywhere. This is how my info is appearing in an email... These are the files I requested and this is how it's being displayed. Any suggestions? Requestor Requested Shipped Due ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Approaching the Corporate Heart 02/07/2008 02/07/2008 02/06/2008 PASSION FOR CUSTOMERS 3 copies
I have developed a B2B Application which is successfully running, now the problem is that my client says that he need a process which sends report of total orders on daily bases.
I am using SQL Server and think that SQL Mail is a good idea, I can find many articles about which needs Outlook for that which is much difficult on the web server. Remember I need to send email only not to receive.
The following SP adds a record to a table. I want to then send an email from within this SP to notify someone that their login is blocked. I can get their email address easily with a simple select but how does the xp_sendmail procedure actually fit in ?? I've tried adding it in just before the raiserror part but it doesn't work ? The raiserror part is used to trigger an alert to notify me but i need to also notify the client. Can anyone see what i am doing wrong please. Many thanks.
I want to send an email to all the addresses that are contained in a table. I have tried using xp_sendmail, but I just get an error saying that xp_sendmail cannot be found. Any ideas???
Ok I am going to try and explain this best as possible. I have a report that gets everyones name who has not filled in attendance for a class. what they want is when the report is ran an email gets sent out. so I have written the sql to create a temp table that will get the distinct email.... so lets say the table consists of
My code below works fine when run from my pc (changed all the values forobvious reasons). The code is placed inside a DTS task via VBS scripting.But when I try to run directly from the server where sqlserver is installed,the script fails.I have SMTP running, but there is no outlook installed.Can someone please advise what I am missing.ThanksBobSet objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")objEmail.From = ""objEmail.To = ""objEmail.Subject = "TEST SUBJECT"objEmail.AddAttachment "\server est.csv"objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "SERVER_NAME"objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "username"objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "userpwd"objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25objEmail.Configuration.Fields.UpdateobjEmail.Sendset objEmail = nothing
If SQL is restarted for any reason, I need SQL server to send emails to others letting them know that the server is has restarted once it comes back up.
Is there an Error # that I can build an Alert on? Ideas???
Does anyone know how to send emails from within a trigger without the use of a mail server. I know that xp_sendmail can be used if a mail server, such as MS Exchange Server is available and SQL Server is set up as an e-mail client. However is there a way to send mail to the outside world without the use of a mail server? (Perhaps there is a third party product or extended stored procedure that can give me this ability?)
I would like to send email from Sqlserver 7.0, and I don't have a MS exchange server(I have a smtp server). Do I need to have MS exchange server and if not, how can I get around this? Can Outlook express be of any use?
I'm trying to send email through Integration Services (based on when a package has been executed successfully) however I get this error message:
SSIS package "CopyEmailTable.dtsx" starting. Error: 0xC002F304 at Send Mail Task, Send Mail Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Failure sending mail.". Task failed: Send Mail Task SSIS package "CopyEmailTable.dtsx" finished: Success.
Sending email via Mgmt Studio works fine, but not through Integ Services.
Hi. I found this article on 4GuysFromRolla ( about sending an email when the database is updated. Well, I need to take this example a bit further. We are allowing people to enter their email address on our site to receive email updates on their case. I have all of that working in the database. But I don't know how to modify their example to loop through a listing of email addresses who want to receive an email when the case has been updated. Does anybody know how I can accomplish this? Thanks for all your help!
Follow-up to my original post.Is it possible for the "objEmail.To" to lookup the values from a sqlservertable?At the moment, I type the email address separated by a semi-colon.TIA~Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")objEmail.From = ""objEmail.To = ""objEmail.Subject = "TEST SUBJECT"objEmail.AddAttachment "\server est.csv"objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "SERVER_NAME"objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "username"objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "userpwd"objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25objEmail.Configuration.Fields.UpdateobjEmail.Sendset objEmail = nothing
HiTrying to send email from sql server seems a very hard task, can iteven be done without using exchange? all examples I can find relies onexchange but I would rather send it to any SMTP server since we do notuse exchange.rgdsMatt
I receive the following error when trying to invoke xp_sendmail 'xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80070005'. However, for alert notifications the email works fine. SQL is using an alias account to send mail. This account doesn't have any funny characters. Any ideas why the alert system works but xp_sendmail does not? The invokation of xp_sendmail is being done by SA.