Seperate And Convert Varchar To Int

Jan 14, 2008

I have a field that contains values such as 8ft , 7ft, 18ft
I have a report in reporting services that shows this:

Before Restock After Restock

Date 1/12/2008 8ft 9ft

1/13/2008 10ft 7ft
1/14/2008 5ft 4ft

I want to create a subquery that grabs the before restock and figures out if it sheds the "ft" part of the value, and then put in a where before restock > (greater than) After Restock.

Is there a an easy way to do this?

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Select Convert(varchar(16), Getdate(), 101)+LEFT(REPLACE(convert(varchar, Getdate(), 108), ':', ''),4)

Sep 26, 2007

select convert(varchar(16), getdate(), 101)+LEFT(REPLACE(convert(varchar, getdate(), 108), ':', ''),4)

From above query I get


but it' s yyyy and hour can not be separated


How can I separated the year and hour ?


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Varchar, Convert In Sql

Feb 21, 2008

I am trying to run this statement
Select Calims, ProCode From Inquiry Where ProCode Between 80000 and 89999

ProCode is a varchar but I am still checking a range on it.
It seem to work fine but then there is some invalid data entry in this column
for example 'abace' or '100i' so I get the error.
1) how I can exclude them out of my query.
Someone suggested the following but I dont understand how do achieve that. thanks

" However, there would appear to be different data types. If Value is a character
--based type then you may want to limit the search by first extracting numeric values
-- with something like ISNUMERIC(Value) = 1 and then converting them to numerics using
--the convert function - CONVERT(int, Value) BETWEEN 10000 and 20000."

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How To Convert VARCHAR To TEXT

Mar 18, 2004

Hi all
iam trying to but a varchar variable into a TEXT var but i get this error "The assignment operator operation cannot take a text data type as an argument"

anybody know what shall i do
best regards

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Convert Varchar To Datetime!!!

Apr 20, 2005

I have a column call Date_Sent (28/02/2004)(dd/mm/yyyy) format as varchar at beginning. I want to convert to other column as datetime. 
I use Query like:
CAST(SUBSTRING(Date_Sent,1,2)as int) + '/' +CAST(SUBSTRING(date_sent,4,2) as int) + '/' +CAST(SUBSTRING(DATE_SENT,7,4) as int)
From MyTable
It is not working, anybody can give me some advise!

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Convert Varchar To Number

Apr 25, 2001


In my MSSSQL database I have a table that contains "AGE" and its datatype is varchar.

I want to calculate the min(age) and max(age).

But the AGE field's datatype is varchar and I canot do any mathematical functions.

In Oracle There is a code for doing that.I think this is the code

select max(tonumber(age));

what is it's MSSQL equivalent.



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How Can I Convert Varchar Value To Integer

Mar 13, 2002

hi i want to insert the varchar value inter column, how can i convert the values and insert in to the record if i give direct column name i am getting a message
insert into EMP(id)
SELECT name from STU

i am getting a message like this
Syntax error converting the varchar value '200.00' to a column of data type int.

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How To Convert Varchar Datatype To Int??

Jul 2, 2007

Hi all,

I am using a varchar datatype for PIN number to handle zero at start. Now i want to do mathematical calculation to encrypt the PIN so i need to convert that varchar datatype to int so that zero should not be discarted after conversion. i.e. 0123 and 123 must not be treated as same PIN.

Please kindly give me a way out. I am using RSA encryption.

Thanks in anticipation.

Haider Abbas.

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Convert Varchar To Number

Dec 4, 2007

Using SQL 2005. I have a field with dollar amounts but field type is VarChar. Need to convert to number to sum. What's the best way to do this or how can I sum a field type Varchar that has dollar amounts. Thank you, David

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Convert From Money To Varchar?

Mar 8, 2004

I want to print in an error message a money value but have to convert it to a varchar first. I do not have any clue how to do this. Could someone help me out?

SELECT @iError = @@error, @iRowCount = @@rowcount
IF(@iError <> 0 OR @iRowCount <> 1)
CONVERT(@dValue, @cValue)
set @cError = 'Error attempting to insert new record. Product : ' + @cProduct + ' Sub-account : ' + @cSubAccount + ' Cost : $' + @cValue
RAISERROR(@cError, 16, 1)

@cValue is a varchar(20)
@dValue is money

Any help?

Mike B

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Convert Date To Varchar

May 27, 2008

I have a datetime column and I would like to update another column in the same table with the varchar value of date. e.g. date column has 06-08-2008 as a value. I would like to have the same value in the varchar field.

wondering which function can I use to accomplish this task?


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Convert Varchar To Date

Nov 18, 2005


I have a varchar field with values like "Jun 13 1995 12:" I want to change the type of the field to Date and the format of the values to "mm/dd/yyyy".

If I change the type of the field in the design view to Date, SQL gives me an error saying that the type cannot be changed and data would be lost.

So I think changing the dates to the mm/dd/yyyy format first and then changing the field type from varchar to date would work.

Can someone please help me as how to do this.


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Convert Float To Varchar(20)

Apr 11, 2006

I have a sp that receive a rango of float values,and I need to convert this values to a varchar(20).

I am trying the next but I got a strange result.

@intNoTarjIni = 121456790
set @strTarjeta=cast(@intNoTarjIni as varchar(20))
returns: 1.21457e+008

set @strTarjeta=convert( varchar(20),@intNoTarjIni)

How can I convert sucessfully a float to varchar?

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Convert Float To Varchar

Jun 26, 2007

Hi -

My field TDMergerVotePercent is defined as a float field. I want it to return 'NA' when the value is -1 but I'm getting the error message

'Error converting data type varchar to float' in my aspx page. Is there where the CAST function can be used? Thanks

WHEN TDMergerVotePercent = -1 THEN 'NA'
WHEN TDMergerVotePercent IS NULL THEN ''
ELSE TDMergerVotePercent
END AS TDMergerVotePercent

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Convert Text To Varchar

Oct 22, 2007


i would like to convert text string(field) to varchar so I can use later group by a special string.

what shall i use?

thank you

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Convert From Varchar To Date

Feb 3, 2008

Can any one help me in that case?
I have 2 colomns one have the month (1,2,3,4,....,12) and the other have the years (2007,2008,....)
I want to merge both in one date field MM/DD/YYYY and the day will always be '01'
Thank you

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Convert VARCHAR Into Money Value

Mar 8, 2006

Ok i know this is simple but i just don't know the syntax. What I haveis a bunch of values and i want to be able to display them as moneyvalues with a $ in THIS$16,000,000.00$1000.00$16,000.000I'm using MS SQL 2000Cheers

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How To Convert Varchar To Numeric ?

Jul 20, 2005

I have imported data from excel file. When data came to SQL table, the typeof AMOUNT column was varchar. I tried to convert and cast amount type ofamount column to number type but it does not allow me to convert.What is the best way of importing data into SQL and type stays the same asit was in excel file ?Or anyone has any better solution, please let me.Thanks.

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Convert Varchar To Float?

Mar 7, 2008

Is this possible? I'm trying to user a lookup task and the data I want to compare is a varchar to float. How can I do this? I tried using the data conversion task and it didn't work and also tried cast and convert. Is this even possible or is there a way around it?


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Convert Varchar(12) To Binary(12)

May 31, 2007

I need help converting a varchar field to binary.

I have a Data Control Task that has a OLE DB Source and corresponding OLE DB Destination Data Flow Task. In the referenced source table there exists a field defined as a varchar(12), in the corresponding destination table it is defined as a binary(12). How do I perform this conversion?

I tried inserting a Data Conversion Task and assigning the new data type as byte stream[DT_BYTES] and a Length = 12, but this was a bust. Output test is as follows:

Error: 0xC020901C at DFT - Windows, OLE_SRC - Windows [1]: There was an error with output column "Payload" (40) on output "OLE DB Source Output" (12). The column status returned was: "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".

Can anyone help me out here?


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How To Convert Float To Varchar Or String..

Feb 12, 2007

I've three columns:
Length          Width            Height
1.5                  2.5              10
2                   3.7                19
in Query I want to display Like 1.5 X 2.5 X 10 (Length, Width, Height).....

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How To Convert Varchar To Xml Datatype In Sql2005

Dec 26, 2007

 I have a talbe with a column type varchar(8000). i am facing problems sometimes as it corsses the limit also have the problems with special characters. so i went through few articles and been advised to use xml datatype. but when i am changing comumn name from varchar (8000) to xml as: 
alter table tblStudentForm alter column FormDetails xml not null
 i am getting following error:
Msg 9400, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
XML parsing: line 46, character 402, unexpected end of input
The statement has been terminated.
Please any one can advice how to alter on this.

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Convert Image Datatype To Varchar

Aug 28, 2005

I have a table Table1 which has a Col called "Msg" datatype image<binary>. Msg alreay has the plain text or RTF text as a image datatype (binary)If I execute the following query "Select Msg from Table1 where id =3" then this query is returning the following ASCII/Binary data.Msg = "0x7B5C727466315C616E73695C616E7369637067313235325C64656666305C6465666C616E67313033337B5C666F6E7474626C7B5C66305C6673776973735C66707271325C66636861727365743020417269616C3B7D7B5C66315C6673776973735C66707271325C666368617273657430204D6963726F736F667420"Can any body tell me how can I convert the above binary data to plain text from my query?Thanks for any reply.

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Convert Varchar To Money Type

Mar 10, 2006

I write using the SQL ODBC driver from software into a SLQ table called UPSSHIPMENT the format is as followed:
JobNumber varchar 50
Weight real 4
FreightCost varchar 8
TrackingNumber varchar 50
Shipmethod varchar 50
VOIDID varchar 3

I then have a trigger set to update the PACKAGE table as followed


WHERE inserted.VOIDID = 'N'

WHERE inserted.VOIDID = 'Y'


The format of the PACKAGE table is as followed
Jobnumber varchar 50
FreightCost money 8
TrackingNumber varchar 50
Comments varchar 2000
Weight real 4

I am getting the following error
Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)
Error 260: Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'TESTing.dbo.Package', column 'FreightCost'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

How do you use the convert function to change the data before the update? Thank You!

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Convert Varchar Or Char To Float

Jan 4, 2006

Is there a way to convert varchar or char to float?
Thank you

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Will Varchar Automatic Convert Into Datetime ?

Aug 8, 2006

hi, good day, if i have a table as follow:

Create table test
student_name varchar(20),
student id varchar(20),
register_dt varchar(50)

and insert data like

insert into test values('rebecca','0001','2006-08-08 12:15:03')

after all , i would like to query the data and insert into another table say data_tbl where it define as follow

Create table data_tbl

student_name varchar(20),
student id varchar(20),
register_dt datetime

would the test table regiter_dt auto convert into datetime format or we need to convert it before insert into data_tbl table?

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Convert Columns In Table To Int From Varchar

Nov 11, 2011

I have a table that imported as varchar. Most of these columns need to be in a numerical format. How can I convert a table with columns named column0 (needs to be int),column1 (stays varchar), column2(needs to be int), and column 3(needs to be int)?

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Convert Varchar To Float / Decimal?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a field in my database that is stored as varchar. The values are usually contain a decimal, and should have really been a float or decimal. In order for me to do analytics in my BI environment, I need to convert this to a float or decimal.

eg of values.


or could be missing when I use cast(value as float) or cast(value as decimal(9,2)) or convert(float, value) I get an error

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 2

Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

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How To Convert Varchar Type To Integer

Sep 19, 2014

SQL command ....

declare @found int;
set @found = 'select sid from StickyContent where StickyId='+0+' and UserId='+171
exec (@found)
delete from StickyContent where sid = @found

I need to pass this statement from my UI i.e in a single query. I am getting this error.

"Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'select sid from StickyContent where StickyId=' to data type int.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Convert Varchar Value To INT

Apr 25, 2014

I am new to T-SQL development and here's what I am trying to do.

declare @cmd varchar(255)
set @cmd = 'select dbid from sys.sysdatabases where dbid not in (1,2,3,4)'

while (@cmd <=13)
insert into #dbcheck values (@cmd)
Set @cmd = @cmd + 1

but it is giving me an error

'Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'select dbid from sys.sysdatabases where dbid not in (1,2,3,4)' to data type int.'

Note - #dbcheck has only one column id int

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert Varchar To Float

Feb 11, 2015

I have the following CASE statement:

SELECT CASE WHEN [TBL_whole_rock_geochem].au = 0 THEN '<' + [TBL_ActLab_codes].[Au] ELSE [TBL_whole_rock_geochem].[Au] END AS [Au det]

It errors on the highlighted code.

Error converting data type nvarchar to float

the code should return :


I have tried '<' + ISNUMERIC([TBL_ActLab_codes].[Au]) but received this error

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '<' to data type int.

How I can concatenate the < with a float value?

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How To Convert A Varchar To A Yyyy-mm-dd Datetime?

May 27, 2008

Hi All,

I have a table called Table1 with a field Date (varchar type). The records are like this;


I want to convert the above into datetime (yyyy-mm-dd format) the above example my output should be;


How can i do this?

Please help.


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How To Convert Image Type To Varchar (max)

Jul 12, 2011

A table contains image type data. Actually it is text file. I don't know how to convert it to text and display. The image data size is about 20kb.

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