Sequence Numbering Items In A Cart

Dec 15, 2005

I'm looking for any help/tricks on creating an item numbering system in a MSSQL database. The object is to number the items in a cart from 1 to whatever and have the ability for the user to change that sequence. The client wants the ability to order the items any way they choose by changing the sequence number. This process would require.

1. Starting at one (1) for the first item in the cart and incrementing from there.
2. If I have 10 items and I change item 3 to 5,  items 4 and 5 have to increment down by one and 6-10 would stay the same. (and vise versa moving item 3 to item 1)
3. If I have 10 items and I delete item 4, 5-10 must incremet down by one.

On 1 my first though in adding items is doing a select count to see if any items exist in the cart. If they don't assign the number one. if it does do a max on the sequence column and increment by one.

on 3 I would simply delete the item and do an update on all items with seq# > then the deleted Seq#

on 2 I'm not sure yet.

Am I on the right track and are there any tricks to doing this? Any help would be appreciated. This would all be done in stored procedures.

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Summing Invoice Items - The Multi-part Identifier Items.TAX Could Not Be Bound

Apr 17, 2007

Hi: I'm try to create a stored procedure where I sum the amounts in an invoice and then store that summed amount in the Invoice record.  My attempts at this have been me with the error "The multi-part identifier "items.TAX" could not be bound"Any help at correcting my procedure would be greatly appreciate. Regards,Roger Swetnam  ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateInvoiceSummary]    @Invoice_ID intAS    DECLARE @Amount intBEGIN    SELECT     Invoice_ID, SUM(Rate * Quantity) AS Amount, SUM(PST) AS TAX    FROM         InvoiceItems AS items    GROUP BY Invoice_ID    HAVING      (Invoice_ID = @Invoice_ID)    Update Invoices SET Amount = items.Amount    WHERE Invoice_ID =@Invoice_IDEND

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SQL Server 2012 :: Identify Sets That Have Same Items (where Set ID And Items In Same Table)

Feb 25, 2015

I am struggling to come up with a set-based solution for this problem (i.e. that doesn't involve loops/cursors) ..A table contains items (identified by an ItemCode) and the set they belong to (identified by a SetId). Here is some sample data:



You can see that there are some sets that have the same members:

- 1 and 10
- 2 and 11
- 7, 8 & 9

What I want to do is identify the sets that have the same members, by giving them the same ID in another column called UniqueSetId.

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Reporting Services :: Group And Sum Items / Sub-items Into One Record

Apr 10, 2015

I'm having an issue creating a report that can group & sum similar items together (I know in some ways, the requirement doesn't make sense, but it's what the client wants).

I have a table of items (i.e. products).  In some cases, items can be components of another item (called "Kits").  In this scenario, we consider the kit itself, the "parent item" and the components within the kit are called "child items".  In our Items table, we have a field called "Parent_Item_Id".  Records for Child Items contain the Item Id of the parent.  So a sample of my database would be the following:

ItemId | Parent_Item_Id | Name | QuantityAvailable
1 | NULL | Kit A | 10
2 | 1 | Item 1 | 2
3 | 1 | Item 2 | 3
4 | NULL | Kit B | 4
5 | 4 | Item 3 | 21
6 | NULL | Item 4 | 100

Item's 2 & 3 are child items of "Kit A", Item 5 is a child item of "Kit B" and Item 6 is just a stand alone item.

So, in my report, the client wants to see the SUM of both the kit & its components in a single line, grouped by the parent item.  So an example of the report would be the following:

Name | Available Qty
Kit A | 15
Kit B | 25
Item 4 | 100

How I can setup my report to group properly?

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How To Reduce Quantity ? [shopping Cart]

Feb 5, 2008

protected void Buy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
{String connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["project_DataFile"].ConnectionString;
conn.ConnectionString = connStr;
cmd.Connection = conn;ArrayList cart = (ArrayList)Session["Cart"];
{String oldSel = "SELECT Qty_warehouse FROM Producttable";
Int32 sel = 0;Int32.TryParse(oldSel, out sel);
string num = cart.Count.ToString();Int32 numQty = 0;
Int32.TryParse(num, out numQty);int nQty_warehouse = 0;
nQty_warehouse = sel - numQty;String sql = "UPDATE Producttable" + " SET Qty_warehouse =" + "'"+ nQty_warehouse +"'";
cmd.CommandText = sql;}
}catch (Exception ex)
{if (conn.State.Equals(ConnectionState.Open))
from this code, i want to reduce product's quantity in database.
when I click buy button,it reduce old quantity and new quantity (quantity from cart when I want to buy it) in auto. 
please advise me.

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Wanted: Sql Shopping Cart Resources

Sep 30, 2005

hi! I'm still fairly wet behind the ears when it comes to databases, especially sql server 2000. But I just got a copy from my University and I really want to spend some time messing with it. The first thing I want to try is making a shopping cart that stores the items in the database rather than in the session. I'm using (VB) and I had previously made a simple shopping cart for a SMALL site that stored all the information in a dataset stored in the session... but I've been told that isn't a good idea and reccomended I store the data in the sql database. so that's what I want to do!

I'm looking for resources that can help me get this started. These are the first questions I have about this approach, and any advice from you experts would be most appreciated!

1) do I store the data in a temporary table or do I use the regular table and make temporary rows? if the former how do I transfer the rows from the temp table to the order table? if the latter how do I change it from temporary to peromanent? in either case, how do I eliminate rows if the user abandons their cart?

2) how do I first initialize an order and keep track of the orderID for each user and ensure that no one is assigned a duplicate orderID?

those are my biggest confusions about this approach. I've looked for books on this but most are either too much about sql syntax and big-time server management, or they are too general and not specific to sql server. I've tried looking online, but I can't find much information on doing this using 2.0. thanks again for your help!


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Empty Temp Shopping Cart Database

Jun 23, 2004

After a user adds items to the cart he doesn't checkout but leaves the site.

The next user on the same computer then opens another browser and sees the same items in the cart.

How do I Empty temp shopping cart database after leaving the site just like if I were using cookies.


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Adding A Delete Functionality To My Shopping Cart

Dec 29, 2005

I'm in the progress of developing a shopping cart system that operates with an SQL database in Visual Web Developer 2005. I've managed to successfully add items to the cart and display them, but I'm having trouble providing the user with the option of removing items from the cart.
My understanding so far is that I've got to adjust the DELETE SQL statement of the data source. At first I was thinking along the lines of a simple statement:
DELETE * FROM ShoppingCart WHERE CartID=@CartID AND CategoryID=@CategoryID AND ProductID=@ProductID
However, I've realised that the parameters I need for this SQL query aren't automatically passed in when a user clicks the "Delete" text of the Delete field (at least I think this is the problem).
The error message which I'm getting when I try to remove an item from the cart is as follows:
Incorrect syntax near '*'.
If anyone could let me know where I'm going wrong and point me in the right direction I'd be really grateful.
Thank you,

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Connecting Users From ASPNETDB.MDF To A Shopping Cart And Order History

Jan 2, 2007

I'm trying to figure out how to associate users in my ASPNETDB.MDF to create a shopping cart.IE: I have 3 tables, for a list of existing orders, list of products, and list of specific orders.The idea is for users who've signed up with the built-in user creation control, can then place orders from the shopping cart, and view their existing previous orders. This would normally be done with a unique UserID # to associate orders with specific users, however I don't BELIEVE there's anything like UserID's associated with each user in the ASPNETDB.MDF, it just uses usernames as the unique identifiers right?Anyway I'm not sure I'm explaining what I'm trying to do perfectly and I apologize, but I don't think it's an un-common problem I'm having. Basically I'm trying to avoid having to have existing ASPNETDB users create a sort of SECOND user that would associate them into a seperate Customers table, it seems like extra user steps that shouldn't be necessary.

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Shopping Cart, How Do I Subtract The Quantity Purchased From The Stock In Database?

Dec 11, 2007

Im making a shopping cart website for a school project in with VB. I need help subtracting the quantity purchased (its saved in a session) from the stock number saved in a database.I know this:UPDATE inventory SET stock = stock - <quantity_purchased> WHERE id = <inventory_id>But I dont understand how to get the quantity purchased from the session to <quantity_purchased>. I tried putting the name of the session there and I got an error, i tried saving the session into a dim didnt work either.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [stock] FROM [product]" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [product] ([stock]) VALUES (@stock)" UpdateCommand="UPDATE product SET stock = (stock - @Quantity) WHERE (productID = @productID)">
<asp:Parameter Name="stock" Type="Int16" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="Quantity" SessionField="Quantity" Type="Int32" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="productID" SessionField="productID" Type="Int32" />
 and I have than in my VB code on submit : SqlDataSource1.Update()

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There Is Nothing Happen After Click Finish Checkout On My Shopping Cart Assignment

Mar 16, 2008

Hi all,
There is nothing happen when I finished my checkout process, I expect the data will be saved to order and orderitem table in my SQL database, but no data found on order and orderitem table and no error messages display during operation!!!
Below is my checkout.aspx.vb code, the whole code line number around 138, I captured the part from 1~ 64 line number, I suspect line 35 - 48 have a problem, can somebody help me, many thanks.
 1 Imports System
2 Imports System.Data.SqlClient
3 Imports SW.Commerce
4 Partial Class CheckOut
5 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
6 Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
7 If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
8 If Profile.Cart Is Nothing Then
9 NoCartlabel.Visible = True
10 Wizard1.Visible = False
11 End If
12 If User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
13 Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex = 1
14 Else
15 Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex = 0
16 End If
17 End If
18 End Sub
19 Sub chkUseProfileAddress_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
21 ' fill the delivery address from the profile, but only if it’s empty
22 ' we don’t want to overwrite the values
24 If chkUseProfileAddress.Checked AndAlso txtName.Text.Trim() = "" Then
25 txtName.Text = Profile.Name
26 txtAddress.Text = Profile.Address
27 txtcity.Text = Profile.City
28 txtCountry.Text = Profile.Country
29 End If
30 End Sub
31 Sub Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.WizardNavigationEventArgs)
33 ' Insert the order and order lines into the database
35 Dim conn As SqlConnection = Nothing
36 Dim trans As SqlTransaction = Nothing
37 Dim cmd As SqlCommand
38 Try
39 conn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("swshop").connectionstring)
40 conn.Open()
41 trans = conn.BeginTransaction
42 cmd = New SqlCommand()
43 cmd.Connection = conn
44 cmd.Transaction = trans
46 ' set the order details
48 cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Order(MemberName, OrderDate, Name, Address1, Address2, Country, Total) VALUES (@MemberName, @OrderDate, @Name, @Address, @city, @Country, @Total)"
49 cmd.Parameters.Add("@MemberName", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
50 cmd.Parameters.Add("@OrderDate", Data.SqlDbType.DateTime)
51 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Name", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
52 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Address", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 255)
53 cmd.Parameters.Add("@City", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 15)
54 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Country", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
55 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Total", Data.SqlDbType.Money)
56 cmd.Parameters("@MemberName").Value = User.Identity.Name
57 cmd.Parameters("@OrderDate").Value = DateTime.Now()
58 cmd.Parameters("@Name").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtName"), TextBox).Text
59 cmd.Parameters("@Address").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtAddress"), TextBox).Text
60 cmd.Parameters("@City").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtCity"), TextBox).Text
61 cmd.Parameters("@Country").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtCountry"), TextBox).Text
62 cmd.Parameters("@Total").Value = Profile.Cart.Total
63 Dim OrderID As Integer
64 OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar())

 Below is checkout.aspx1 <%@ Import Namespace ="System.Data.SqlClient"%>
2 <%@ Import Namespace ="SW.Commerce"%>
3 <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/SWSHOP.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="CheckOut.aspx.vb" Inherits="CheckOut" title="Untitled Page" %>
5 <%@ Register Src="SWShoppingCart.ascx" TagName="SWShoppingCart" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
6 <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
8 <asp:Label id="NoCartlabel" runat="server" visible="false">
9 There are no items in your cart. Visit the shop to buy items.
10 </asp:Label>
12 <div style="float:right">
13  </div>
16 <asp:Wizard ID="Wizard1" runat="server" ActiveStepIndex="1" Width="274px">
17 <WizardSteps>
18 <asp:WizardStep runat="server" Title="Login">
19 <asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server">
20 </asp:Login>
21 </asp:WizardStep>
22 <asp:WizardStep runat="server" Title="Delievery Address">
23 <asp:checkbox id="chkUseProfileAddress" runat="server" autopostback="True"
24 text="Use membership address"
25 OnCheckedChanged="chkUseProfileAddress_CheckedChanged"></asp:checkbox><br />
26 <table border=�0�>
27 <tr><td>Name</td><td><asp:textbox id="txtName" runat="server" /></td></tr>
28 <tr><td>Address</td><td><asp:textbox id="txtAddress" runat="server" /></td></tr>
29 <tr><td>City</td><td><asp:textbox id="txtcity" runat="server" /></td></tr>
30 <tr><td>
31 Country</td><td><asp:textbox id="txtCountry" runat="server" /></td></tr>
32 </table>
33 </asp:WizardStep>
34 <asp:WizardStep runat="server" Title="Payment">
35 <asp:DropDownList id="lstCardType" runat="server">
36 <asp:ListItem>MasterCard</asp:ListItem>
37 <asp:ListItem>Visa</asp:ListItem>
38 </asp:DropDownList>
39 <br />
40 Card Number: <asp:Textbox id="txtNumber" runat="server" Text="0123456789" ReadOnly="True"/>
41 <br />
42 Expires: <asp:textbox id="txtExpiresMonth" runat="server" columns="2" />
43 /
44 <asp:textbox id="txtExpiresYear" runat="server" columns="4" />
45 </asp:WizardStep>
46 <asp:WizardStep runat="server" Title="confirmation">
47 <uc1:SWShoppingCart ID="SWShoppingCart1" runat="server" />
48 <br />
49 <br />
50 Please confirm amount you wish to have deduct from your credit card.
51 </asp:WizardStep>
52 <asp:WizardStep runat="server" Title="Complete">
53 Thank you for your order.</asp:WizardStep>
54 </WizardSteps>
55 </asp:Wizard>
56 </asp:Content>
57 <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder3" Runat="Server">
58 <asp:LoginView ID="LoginView1" Runat="server">
59 <AnonymousTemplate>
60 <asp:passwordrecovery id="PasswordRecovery1" runat="server" />
61 </AnonymousTemplate>
62 </asp:LoginView>
63 </asp:Content>

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DELETE Items Where Count(items) &>1

May 12, 2006

I cannot find an easy way to DELETE items which are > 1 time in my table (i am working with MS SQL 2000)

7fdfd 0

I want to DELETE each Row IN

SELECT doublons.serial, Count(doublons.serial) AS 2Times
FROM doublons
GROUP BY doublons.serial
HAVING Count(doublons.serial)>1

and WHERE isOK = 0

in my exemple , after deleting, my table must look like


thank you for helping

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Row Numbering

May 30, 2008


I am having trouble getting the results I am looking for from this query:

select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY TransTime, DriverNo ORDER BY TransTime) as CustCount
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Left(ToName,2), TransTime, DriverNo ORDER BY TransTime) As DelCount
, DriverNo
, Convert(VarChar(8), TransTime, 108) As TransTime
, Left(ToName,2) As AirPortCode
from transactions

The results I am trying to get would be like this:

CustCount DelCount DriverNo TransTime AirPortCode
-------------------- -------------------- -------- --------- -----------
1 1 042000 04:00:00 NW
1 2 042000 04:00:00 NW
1 1 042000 06:51:00 AA
1 1 042000 08:45:00 NW
1 1 042000 08:52:00 NW
1 1 042000 10:30:00 NW
1 1 042000 10:45:00 NW
2 1 042000 10:45:00 AA
1 1 042000 11:30:00 NW
1 2 042000 11:30:00 NW

But the closest I have gotten is:

CustCount DelCount DriverNo TransTime AirPortCode
-------------------- -------------------- -------- --------- -----------
1 1 042000 04:00:00 NW
2 2 042000 04:00:00 NW
1 1 042000 06:51:00 AA
1 1 042000 08:45:00 NW
1 1 042000 08:52:00 NW
1 1 042000 10:30:00 NW
1 1 042000 10:45:00 NW
2 1 042000 10:45:00 AA
1 1 042000 11:30:00 NW
2 2 042000 11:30:00 NW

The CustCount field should read 1 if there is only one unique AirPortCode during the TransTime with the specific DriverNo, but the query is counting both rows during that transtime. Any ideas?


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Oct 5, 2005

Hi guys,

I have a table with 3 col like below

col1 col2 col3
LastName FirstName Address City
Nilsen Fred Kirkegt 56 Stavanger
Rasmussen Nina Storgt 67

none of them are unique, some are null and there are about 800,000 rows

I want to insert a col before 1 or after 3 and have numbering from 1 to the last row. How can I do that?

Thank you

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Numbering In SQL

May 19, 2006

I have table with 10-20 rows with field P6 which is empty. I want toupdate numbers to P6 starting 1 and increasing by 1. I suppose it isdone by triggers but I don't know how to do that. Help :-)

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Row Numbering...

Sep 20, 2007

Good Day everyone...

I created a simple report for getting the top selling items of a store. I am getting the report well but my team mate requested to include a number at the first column that will hold the ranking of the item. Is there a function for including a rowrank or someway that i can add a column to my query that will provide the rowrank. Please show me how... c",)

thanks in advance guys...

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Please Help..Query With Numbering

Mar 31, 2006

Is It possible that, if there are 5 rows selected out, each row will automatically have the number from 1 to 5?

for example, after select query, results:

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Help Needed On Numbering

Sep 19, 2007

Hi All,

I've upsized my database from access to SQL server, now im very new to SQL etc and i've been reding up on sqential numbering etc and my mind is buzzing with ideas. This is my problem.

I have a table and a colum called PIR ID this colum needs to start the numbering at 372 and increment by 1 each time. Now initially this was o.k by using identify. However it's a problem when 2 users open the form in access they are given the same number.

Now my though on this was to initially have a seperate table called new PIRID and hold the next bumber in there, so that a new number is taken from the list and entered into the record on save ( does that make sense) now the code i've got up to so far is that i've created the table and i get stuck from there.

Can anyone help me with the code of format of code i'm meant to be using, i'm under the understanding that to perform this funtion i may have to use a trigger of some sort.

Thanks In advance

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Auto Numbering

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,For analyses and reporting I would like to add a 'ranking' to atable/view.Example:Using the 'order by desc' clause in query I get a list of Customersordered by Turnover (descending). I would like to add that rankingnumbers (same as recordnumbers) in the query. I would like to have thefollowing result:Cust_nr Cust_Name Turnover_2004 Ranking002234 Bayer 139.000 1003456 Rentokill 123.456 2001231 Air France 105.000 3etc.When the 'ranking' is part of the query/table I can use this ranking inan other query.Important: This questions is not about making an (empty) table structurefor filling in by an application and generating a new unique number eachtime a record is added.I hope you can help me.Thanks,Hans*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Numbering A Query

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a quick way to number a query?ie I want to number the records returned by a recordset consecutively.This seems like it should be simple but I haven't figured out how to do ityet.Any help is appreciated!TIACarter

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Auto Numbering

Feb 23, 2008

I have created an ID column for auto numbering, but in the properties, they didn't have the option of setting it to auto numbering, and how am i suppose to set or code it to autonumbering.

Please and thankyou

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Numbering In Group

Jan 1, 2007

I want to add numbering in group in the reports.(number each row in the detail)

when I worked with access it was possible.

can I do it in the report services?


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Consecutive Numbering WITHOUT Identity

Nov 23, 2006

trying to insert records from one table into another table. The
destination table has a ROWID field which cannot be an identity key,
but needs to 'act like' an identity key and have its value populated
with (Max(ROWID) + 1) for each row added to the table.To my
thinking, simply using (Max(ROWID) + 1) in my SELECT statement will not
work as it will only be evaluated once so if I am adding 1000 records
and Max(ROWID) is 1234, all 1000 entries will end up having a ROWID of
1235.Is there a way to accomplish this?Thanks

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SQL Unique ID - Auto Numbering

May 31, 2008

I know its a simple question. But couldnt find a solution of my own.
My SQL 2005 table has 2 fields, namely - id (primary key), comments(varchar).
I want to automatically increment the value of 'id', starting from 1000.
Is there any DataType which i can specify at the time of table designing, so that the value of the id
field will be automatically incremented, upon inserting each new record.
Im using SQL 2005 Express Edition. Can anyone tell, how to do that ?

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Numbering Issues For Projects

Jun 5, 2008

I'm creating an application to track project issues.  I would like to have the issue number start over at 1 for each project.  I would like to have the issue numbers assigned to each issue in sequential order for each project.  Below is a brief example of what I need it to do.  I don't know where to even start to try to figure this out.  Thanks
ProjectNumber, IssueNumber
TEST0001, 1TEST0001, 2TEST0002, 1TEST0003, 1TEST0003, 2TEST0001, 3TEST0004, 1TEST0003, 3TEST0002, 2TEST0005, 1

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Numbering Rows In A Result Set

Nov 29, 2001

work_id Work_item_code


3 Sup

14 100001

5 100002

16 100003


9 ES3000

10 AppDev

11 100004

I want to have a counter on this select like

work_id Work_item_code counter


3 Sup 1

14 100001 2

5 100002 3

16 100003 4

8 IWSM 5

9 ES3000 6

10 AppDev 7

11 100004 8

I can use rownum in Oracle, what do I do to get this in SQL server ?

Thanks Sonali

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Numbering Rows In A Resultset

Nov 19, 2001

Hello all,

I'm trying to number rows in a resultset by a grouping.

e.g. if my data looks like this:

personname persondata
----------- -----------------
person1 data
person1 more data
person1 other data
person2 stuff
person2 more stuff
person2 even more stuff
person2 lots of stuff
person2 last bit of stuff
person3 info
person3 more info

I want it to return this, with x as a sub-numbered value (like an identity for each grouping):

x personname persondata
-- ----------- -----------------
1 person1 data
2 person1 more data
3 person1 other data
1 person2 stuff
2 person2 more stuff
3 person2 even more stuff
4 person2 lots of stuff
5 person2 last bit of stuff
1 person3 info
2 person3 more info

Any ideas?



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Table - 'Auto-numbering'

Sep 10, 2004

Hi guys,

Is it possible to make a table with 'Auto-numbering'? I mean the same function as in MS Access.

Thanks in advance.

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Insertingupdate Line Numbering

Oct 11, 2004

I have a table which contains order information, which I would like to have line number associated with them

what SQL statement do I use in order to add the line numbering for each line, and have it dependent on reseting on the sales order number?

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Problems With Week Numbering

Jan 7, 2005


I'm trying to get a MSSQL view to return some data marked with a week number based on a date (which is present on every row in the source table). Since I reside in Denmark, I would like the numbering to follow the rule '1. week of a year is the first week with a least 4 days in it'. My instance of MSSQL however is convinced that the rule '1. week starts 1. January'.

Are there any ways to configure my way out of this problem??

This year 1. and 2. January is returned as week=1, 3. January is returned as week 2.
I would like 1. and 2. to be week=53 and 3. to be week=1.

Thanx in advance! :)

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Sequential Numbering Problem

Jul 27, 2006

I've created a sproc that will provide a recordset for an Access report via a pass-thru query. The report is a production schedule.
Some of the runs on the schedule have a note associated with them. I need
to be able to number these notes, so that they can be displayed in the report
bibliography style. When I populate the data in the sproc, if the "notes"
field in my table contains any data I display a 1, else it's a 0


The problem is, I really need to display sequential numbers instead of 1's

If I create a base set with this:


SELECT 1, 'ABC123', 4, 0
SELECT 4, 'DEF123', 5, 1
SELECT 5, 'ABC456', 12, 0
SELECT 13, 'PQR789', 10, 1

How do I go back and convert the note_flag column to read
... 0
... 1
... 0
... 2

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Identity Column Numbering

Mar 6, 2006

We're performing an insert and the column that has identity is numbering the records without a problem, but it's assigning duplicate ID's on the records. Does Autoincrement or Autonumbering need to be turned on somewhere?


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Add Leading Zero For Legal Numbering

Jan 31, 2008

Good afternoon,

I hope the title is self explaining. Here is an example of what i would like to do:




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