Set MaximumErrorCount Does Not Work!

Feb 13, 2007


I'm new in SSIS and I'm trying to copy data (1 table) from server1 to server2; I've set the MaximumErrorCount to 10 at control flow level, the transfer fails with this message :

Warning: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

1. I'm wondering why SSIS tells me the maximum allowed (1) even if MaximumErrorCount = 10 ? do I miss something in settings ?

2. How to tell SSIS to transfer fails row to flat file and continue to processes next rows.

Thank you very match for your help

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MaximumErrorCount Ole DB Destination

May 7, 2008

I have a problem with the maximum error count. I am creating a package to move data into a SQL Server table. If I don't have any errors I am fine. I am using an Ole DB Destination. To test the maximum errors I am creating primary key violations. The problem is that whenever I get an error on insert it is always 4 errors. So If I set the MaximumErrorCount to 5 it will always update the table even if I have 100 records with primary key violations (those records won't be insterted but all the rest will.

The SQLServerDestination has a maximumErrorCount value but it only works if you are on the same server.

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SSIS Packages And MaximumErrorCount

Feb 2, 2007

1st question:

1. Create a new SSIS package
2. Add Script Task. Modify the script: Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure
3. Run the package. Results into message:"Warning: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors". This is expected behaviour.
4. Add another Script task after the 1st Script Task and connect the tasks using "Failure" type of precedence constraint.
5. Run the script. The message is identical. There are now two tasks that set return value to Failure. Shouldn't there be two erroneous tasks and shouldn't the message say something like:"... number of errors raised (2) reached the maximum allowed (1)..."?

2nd question:

The documentation of MaximumErrorCount-property of a SSIS package is:"The maximum number of errors that can occur before a container stops running. The default value of this property is 1". What does this mean precisely - what does the statement "container stops running" mean. Let's assume MaximumErrorCount=M=1. If there is one task that fails should the whole SSIS package stop running? And secondly, how is the total number of errors calculated, i.e. if it is some kind of counter, when is the counter incremented. This relates to my 1st question, in which I though the number of errors would be two, but it only was one.

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Access MaximumErrorCount From Script Task

Mar 8, 2006

Is it possible to get or set the value of MaximumErrorCount through a script task ?

I tried to assign User variables to MaximumErrorCount but could not succeed.

Any type of help will be appriciated.



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MaximumErrorCount Problem With Copy Database Wizard

Apr 30, 2007

I am getting the MaximumErrorCount error when running the Copy Database Wizard. There is an error that I recognize with a stored procedure. I am not interested necessarily in fixing the stored proc error. Rather, I want to just simply copy it "as is" (working in production by the way) and then modify it locally.

I am trying to copy a production database to a develoment environment in order to test against some data. I keep getting the following error:

"The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount."

How do I configure the MaximumErrorCount on a particular Copy Database process?

I have looked through the documentation, and have not found any place in the UI to make this change.

I am copying a SQL 2000 db to a SQL 2005 (SP1) instance running on Windows XP SP2.

It makes no sense that I cannot make a configuration as recommended by the error message.



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Why Does This Not Work

Feb 27, 2007

 My error is that 'Name tr is not declared'  tr.Rollback() I tried moving the 'Dim tr As SqlTransaction' outside the try but then I get 'Variable tr is used before it si assinged a value'.
What is the correct way?        Try            conn.Open()            Dim tr As SqlTransaction            tr = conn.BeginTransaction()            cmdInsert1.Transaction = tr            cmdInsert1.ExecuteNonQuery()            cmdInsert2.Transaction = tr            cmdInsert2.ExecuteNonQuery()            cmdInsert3.Transaction = tr            cmdInsert3.ExecuteNonQuery()            tr.Commit()        Catch objException As SqlException           tr.Rollback()            Dim objError As SqlError            For Each objError In objException.Errors                Response.Write(objError.Message)            Next        Finally            conn.Close()        End Try 

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Can't Get LIKE To Work

Apr 19, 2007

I have the below procedure that will not work- I must be losing my mind, this is not that difficult - mental roadblock for me.
Using SQL Server 2000 to create SP being called by ASP.Net with C# code behind
stored procedure only returns if input exactly matches L_Name
PROCEDURE newdawn.LinkNameLIKESearch @L_Name nvarchar(100)AS SELECT [L_Name], [L_ID], [C_ID], [L_Enabled], [L_Rank], [L_URL] FROM tblContractorLinkInfo WHERE L_Name LIKE @L_Name RETURN
I tried: WHERE L_Name LIKE ' % L_Name % '  no luck. What am I missing?
Thank you

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SP Does Not Work.

May 24, 2007

SP below is not work.It gives null for @kaysay 
I used parametric table name. Is this the problem? 
My aim to calculate record count of a table
CREATE PROCEDURE Tablodaki_Kayit_Sayisi(@TABLO varchar(30))AS
Declare @kaysay bigintDeclare @SQLString nvarchar(100)Declare @Param nvarchar(100)
Set @SQLString = N'Select @kaysayOUT = count(BELGE) From ' + @TABLOSet @Param = N'@kaysayOUT bigint'
Execute sp_executesql@SQLString,@Param,@kaysayOUT = @kaysay
Select @kaysay

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Can Anyone Tell Me Why The Following Sql Does Not Work?

Sep 3, 2007

SELECT, H.CategoryID ,H.Image ,H.StoryId ,H.Publish, H.PublishDate, H.Date ,H.Deleted ,SL.ListTitle,C.CategoryTitle
FROM HomePageImage H
JOIN shortlist SL on H.StoryId =
(INNER JOIN category C on H.CategoryId = C.CategoryId)
order by date DESC

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Please Help Me To Keep My Work...(:

Apr 12, 2004


I am trying to query with my stored procedure. I am getting comma separated list as input parameter (which is VARCHAR) .

The table column, which I have to compare with input parameter value , is in INTEGER datatype.

So when , I compare Like as follows:-


I am getting error. "Syntax error converting the varchar value '34,343' to a column of data type int."

Could anybody help me , to solve this ?

Thanks !


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Why Won't This Work!?

Aug 31, 2004

I have a textbox and a checkbox on a form and I'd like to add both values to a db. The textbox value gets inserted fine but I'm having trouble with the checkbox. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Form1 is the column in my db.

SqlCommand myCmd = new SqlCommand();

myCmd.Parameters.Add("@ClientCode",SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox2.Text;

myCmd.CommandText = "UPDATE table SET Form1 = 'Yes' WHERE ClientCode = @ClientCode";

myCmd.Connection = sqlConnection1;

if( CheckBox1.Checked == true)


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DBA Work

Aug 29, 2001


Beside working right from the server how else someone can perform the SQL admistration job, I guess my question is how do most SQL DBA perform their administration without going to the server directly. Anyone --- can help please??

Thanks in advance.

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Does This Work?

Mar 15, 2007

Declare @StartDate datetime
Declare @EndDate Datetime
Set @StartDate = dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, getdate()), 0)
Set @EndDate = getdate()

The job runs at 11:30 pm so I want the start date to be the same but the time to be equal to 00:00:00.0 When I run the getdate does it also return a time stamp?

The Yak Village Idiot

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Why Did It Work?

Aug 6, 2007

I had a problem where some users were experiencing timeouts when trying to add a single record to a table with 2.3 million records.
It's not a very wide table; only 10 columns and the biggest column in varchar 500. The rest are guid, datetime, tinyint...

There is also an old VB app that inserts about 3000 records a day into this table during office hours while users occasionally try and insert a record into this table.

Something said to me that the problem could be indexes but I wasn't quite sure because I though indexes only have an impact on select, delete & update. And not particulary on insert. But I checked it out anyway and noticed that the 3 indexes (1 column PK, 1 column Clustered & 1 column non-clustered) weren't padded. So I changed that (Fill Factor 95) and the problem has gone away. But why? I thought the insert would just have appended it to the end of the index before I made this change? Why would that time out?

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Why Does One Work, But Not The Other?

Mar 25, 2008

I have the following queries. The first returns the 'Unknown' row, the second works the way I would expect. Are my expectations wrong? Can someone describe for me what is going on?


Code Snippet
select *
SynonymComFinancialCategory b
LEFT JOIN TT_FinancialCategory a
a.FinanceGroup = b.FinanceGroup
AND a.FinanceCode = b.FinanceCode
AND a.Finance = b.Finance
AND b.Finance <> 'Unknown'
a.FinanceGroup IS NULL
AND a.FinanceCode IS NULL
AND a.Finance IS NULL

Code Snippet
select *
SynonymComFinancialCategory b
LEFT JOIN TT_FinancialCategory a
a.FinanceGroup = b.FinanceGroup
AND a.FinanceCode = b.FinanceCode
AND a.Finance = b.Finance
a.FinanceGroup IS NULL
AND a.FinanceCode IS NULL
AND a.Finance IS NULL
AND b.Finance <> 'Unknown'

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Coalesce Does Not Seem To Work

Sep 27, 2006

  Hi,I have the following table with some sample values, I want to return the first non null value in that order. COALESCE does not seem to work for me, it does not return the 3rd record. I need to include this in my select statement. Any urgent help please.Mobile    Business     PrivateNULL        345           NULL4646        65464        65765NULL                        564654654     564           6546I want the following as my results:Number3454646564654654Select COALESCE(Mobile,Business,Private) as Number  from Table returns:3454646654654 (this is a test to see if private returns & it did with is not null but then how do i include in my select statement to show any one of the 3 fields)select mobile,business,private where private is not null returns:657655646546thanks

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Update Does Not Work Well

Sep 29, 2006

Hello,I created a formview in a web page. The data are in a sql server express database.With this form, I can to create a new data, I delete it but I can't to modify the data.The app_data folder is ready to write data; the datakeynames element in formview web control declared. I replace the automated query created by VS 2005 by a strored procedure to see if the problem solved.The problem is the same with an update query or a update stored procedure...Have you an idea, please.Than you for your help.Regards.

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Update Does Not Work

Jan 9, 2007

Im working with a detailsview and when I try to edit something and then update, the changes are not saved.
I have 2 tables ("[etpi.admin].Ocorrencias" and "[etpi.admin].SMS") that store the data that Im trying to change. Since Im having problems with the name of tables, Im coding it manually, using SQL server management studio and VWD.
I believe my code can be wrong (Im new to vwd and C# world), so here it is:
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [etpi.admin].Ocorrencias SET [Status_Ocor] = @Status_Ocor, [Percentual] = @Percentual, [IDPriori] = @IDPriori, [Abertura] = @Abertura, [IDTecRes] = @IDTecRes, [Area] = @Area, [CodEquip] = @CodEquip, [Descricao] = @Descricao, [Destinatario] = @Destinatario, [Data_Implanta] = @Data_Implanta WHERE [etpi.admin].Ocorrencias.IDOcorre = @IDOcorre
UPDATE [etpi.admin].SMS SET [idSMS] = @idSMSWHERE [etpi.admin].SMS.IDOcorre = @IDOcorre"> 
<UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="idSMS" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Status_Ocor" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="Percentual" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="IDPriori" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Abertura" Type="DateTime" /><asp:Parameter Name="IDTecRes" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Area" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="CodEquip" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Descricao" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="Destinatario" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="Data_Implanta" Type="DateTime" /><asp:Parameter Name="IDOcorre" Type="Int32" /></UpdateParameters>

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My Rollback Does Not Work

May 30, 2007

My rollback does not work
In my SP I want any of cmdS,cmdS2,cmdS3,cmdS4 produces error Rollback must be executed for all of cmdS,cmdS2,cmdS3,cmdS4 . I tested for error producing situation but no rollbak occured.
How can I solve this problem. Thanks.
Below is my SP .
begin transaction
..........If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS)))>0
 If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS2)))>0
execute(@cmdS2) If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS3)))>0
 If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS4)))>0
If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS2)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS3)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS4)))>0
Beginif @@ERROR <>0
rollback transaction
set @Hata = 'Error !'
Beginset @Hata = 'Sucessfully executed :)' End
commit transaction

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Does Not Work On Page

Jun 5, 2007

I can test it in query builder but when i preview the page and go to do the search i get nothing
Here is my statement
SELECT     Employees.Last_Name, Employees.First_Name, Job_Transaction.Name, Seq_Descript.Seq_DescriptionFROM         Call_List INNER JOIN                      Call_Group ON Call_List.Group_ID = Call_Group.Group_ID AND Call_List.Group_ID = Call_Group.Group_ID INNER JOIN                      Employees ON Call_List.Clock = Employees.Clock INNER JOIN                      Job_Transaction ON Call_Group.Group_ID = Job_Transaction.Group_ID INNER JOIN                      Seq_Descript ON Call_List.Sequence = Seq_Descript.SequenceWHERE     (Call_List.Clock = @Clock)

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Delete Does Not Work.

Jul 2, 2007

Hi all.I have used a SqlDataSource in my page with this delete command:DELETE FROM tblPersonnel WHERE (ID = @original_ID)and the "OldValueParameterFormatSring" property of the datasource is "original_{0}".and i also have a GridView and a button for delete in rows.(it's CommandName is "Delete"). But when i try to delete a record, the record does not get deleted and this button only makes a PostBack on the page! Why doesn't it work?
Thanks in advance.

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Sep 10, 2007

hi all, i have created a gridview with the select,delete and insert commands working properly. but the update command does not work. when i edit a column and click the update button, it generates no errors but does not save the changes. it just brings back the original values. i dont know wats missing. can anyone help me?
this is part of my code:UpdateCommand="UPDATE [test101] SET Surname=@Surname, Names=@Names,Registration=@Registration,[Course code]=@Course_code,Grade=@Grade WHERE ID=@ID1 "<UpdateParameters>                <asp:Parameter Name="Surname" Type=String />                <asp:Parameter Name="Names" Type=String />                <asp:Parameter Name="Registration" Type=String />                <asp:Parameter Name="Course_code" Type=String />                <asp:Parameter Name="Grade"  Type=Int32 />                <asp:Parameter Name="ID1" Type=Int32 />            </UpdateParameters>

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Should This WHERE Clause Work?

Jan 16, 2008

Hi,I am having trouble with a WHERE clause:WHERE (([A] = @A) AND ([B] >= @B) AND (([C] < [D])) OR ([C] = 0 AND [D] = 0)) It's meant to only select data where A = @A, and B is more than or equal to @B, and one of the next two are true: C is less than D or C and D are both 0 Thanks,Jon 

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Why Would This Code Won't Work

Feb 21, 2008

I am trying to get the id of last entered record and I used select ID command but it doesn't give me the ID of last record enteredProtected Sub Submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submit.Click
Dim name, address, nice As String
Dim sConnString, sSQL, sID As String
Dim u As MembershipUsername = = Me.address.Text
u = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name)
nice = u.ToString()sSQL = "INSERT into test ([Address],[Name], [username]) values ('" & _
address & "', '" & _name & "', '" & _
sConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("aspnetdbConnectionString1").ConnectionString.ToString()Using MyConnection As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(sConnString)Dim MyCmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sSQL, MyConnection)
End UsingResponse.Redirect("transferred.aspx?value=2")
End Sub
End Class

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WHERE Clause Will Not Work

Feb 27, 2008

I am using the below WHERE clause and it will not filter out records where Companies.CompanyEmail =
 WHERE (Companies.CompanyEmail <> '')  this does not work, is the @ causing a problem?  also tried '' with no success.
WHERE (tblCompanies.C_CompanyEmail <> 'none')  this works fine.
Thank you

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My SQL Dataset Will Not Work!

May 2, 2008

For the life of me, I cant get this thing to work.. any insight would be greatly appreciated. What I'm trying to do is simply get the RealName field from my aspnetdb.Here the code.           SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;Integrated Security=SSPI");                    SqlDataAdapter a = new SqlDataAdapter                    ("select RealName from dbo.aspnet_Users where UserName='Dude';", conn);                    DataSet s = new DataSet();                    a.Fill(s);                    foreach (DataRow dr in s.Tables[0].Rows)                    {                    getusersrealname.Text = (dr[0].ToString()); 

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Group By Won't Work??

May 30, 2008

can anyone explain why, when i do a group by clause on the following has no effect?
Part          SubPart         Qty
120887     66743             83
120887     66743            100
120887     667443            25
553212     122987           119
553212     122987             67
here's my select statement:
select part, subpart sum(qty) from partdata group by part,subpart,qty
the resulting data looks identical to the original.
what i was expecting was a return of just two lines:
Part          SubPart         Qty
120887     66743             208
553212     122987           186

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Simple SP Won't Work, This Is Sad.

Dec 14, 2004

I am kicking myself, but cannot seem to get a simple stored procedure to return ANY records. I know it's soming that has to do with the Joins. Don't know what. I ran query analyzer and passed it a valid city and nothing was returned, but no errors either. If I run the query without any parameters, all the records are retrieved fine. ANY IDEAS?

@city varchar

SELECT A.unitcity, A.unitid, B.radioip, B.radiomac, C.videoserverip

FROM tbl_units as A

INNER JOIN tbl_radios as B ON A.unitid = B.unitid
INNER JOIN tbl_videoservers as C ON A.unitid = C.unitid

WHERE A.unitcity = @city

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Why Won't My Sql Procedure Work?

Apr 13, 2005


For some reason my stored procedure is returning no results, when I
know it should be.  I am trying to take a textbox someone has
typed into and returning all names from the database which include that
string.  My SQL statement is

ALTER PROCEDURE getLecturerNames
    @lName as varchar(20)
SELECT * FROM Lecturers
WHERE lName LIKE '%@lName%'

When I step into the procedure, the @lName parameter shows lName =
'ike' (what I typed to search) but no results are returned. 
However when I change the procedures last line  to :

WHERE lName LIKE '%ike%'

2 records are returned.  Is SQL server adding the quotation marks causing the problem, or if not what is?

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How To Work With Sql Parameters?

Jan 23, 2006

I am trying to use parameters in an sql statement, that runs inside a loop. every cycle I have to change the parameters values, and I'm not sure if I do it right.
I'm using the DefaultValue property like this:
SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters["Text"].DefaultValue = txt;
is it the right way? (I had some errors when I did this, something like "value can not be truncated ")

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Why Does This Trigger Not Work?

Feb 28, 2006

why does this trigger not work? i'm winging this and hoping for some input. nobody's responded to my earlier posts. I get no errors, but no update either.
CREATE TRIGGER UpdateLineTotalON CartItemsFOR UPDATEASDECLARE @lineTotal Numeric(9)DECLARE @itemSell Numeric(9)DECLARE @pounds Numeric(9)SELECT * FROM CartItemsSET @lineTotal = @pounds * @itemSell

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Should This Insert Work?

May 17, 2006

the 1st insertcommand works but the 2nd one does not. Shouldn't I be able to substitute a var in the parameter's place?
Dim zid As String = Session("ID")
SqlDataSource2.InsertCommand = "insert into cart (lmca_nbr,office,noun, price, quantity) values (?,?,?,?,?)"
SqlDataSource2.InsertCommand = "insert into cart (lmca_nbr,office,noun, price, quantity) values (zid,?,?,?,?)"

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DTS Won&#39;t Work Over Network

May 15, 2000


i am trying to run a data transformation service from my win 98 machine running the sql7 server client. i keep getting the error 'general network error'

it used to work before but doen't anymore. any ideas?


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