I am running SQL Server 7. I have an user that need to run the Set Identity On a table, and he gets an error message:
Server: Msg 8104. The current user is not the database or object owner of table 'tpartners'. Cannot perform SET operation.
I can grant this user with DBO user role, then he can edit anyting on the database.
Is there a work around that he can run the Set cmd and I don't need to grant him the DBO user role?
I'm using SQL Server 2012 Analysis services in Tabular mode and connected to Oracle Database and while importing, I'm getting below error after importing some rows.
OLE DB or ODBC error: Accessor is not a parameter accessor.. The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
HiI have a database with full recovery model.Every night at 11.00pm performs full backup, and dayly every 3 hoursperforms differential backup, and trasnactional log backup performsevery 15 minutes during a day.I am interested what operations i can not recover from log ordifferential backup.I saw that when i drop table i can recover it from log backup, but isthere some operation that can not be recoverThanks a lotAlex*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Dear friends, I was not able to find any perfect toolbox item to use "not in" operation on my selected columns, also how can we use multiple join conditions in the merge join item? Thanks,
Why do I get the message "Operation can't be completed?" when I try to save a stored procedure!!! When I create a new stored procedure and copy the code into it it works fine!
hello, I have a problem where I am calling the BCP utility to write a table to a file. I then need to delete the rows of the table. but not all of them. This all works fine. I've been asked to place this into a transaction..incase a piece fails. When I do that...SQL server hangs. I must shutdown SQL Server. Any idea why that would happen. I am using the xp_cmdshell stored procedure to invoke bcp utility within a stored procdure. The procedure is executed every 15 minutes to provide files to an outboard system.
/*Reset Identity on tables with identity column*/ exec sp_MSforeachtable 'IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(''?''), ''TableHasIdentity'') = 1 BEGIN DBCC CHECKIDENT (''?'',RESEED,0) END'
-- City SET IDENTITY_INSERT City ON INSERT INTO Elbalazo.dbo.City ( [CityID] ,[CityName] ,[CountyID] ,[Active]) SELECT [CityID],[CityName],[CountyID],1 FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_City SET IDENTITY_INSERT City OFF
-- State SET IDENTITY_INSERT [State] ON INSERT INTO Elbalazo.dbo.State ( [StateID] ,[State] ,[Active]) SELECT [StateID],[State],1 FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_State SET IDENTITY_INSERT [State] OFF
-- NumberOfPeopleOption SET IDENTITY_INSERT NumberOfPeopleOption ON INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[NumberOfPeopleOption] ([NumberOfPeopleOptionID] ,[NumberOfPeopleNameOption] ,[Active]) SELECT [NumberOfPeopleID], [NumberOfPeopleName],1 FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_NumberOfPeople SET IDENTITY_INSERT NumberOfPeopleOption OFF
-- DeliveryOption SET IDENTITY_INSERT DeliveryOption ON INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[DeliveryOption] ([DeliveryOptionID] ,[DeliveryOptionName] ,[Active]) SELECT [DeliveryOptionID], [DeliveryOptionName],1 FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_DeliveryOption SET IDENTITY_INSERT DeliveryOption OFF
-- User SET IDENTITY_INSERT [User] ON INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[User] ([UserID] ,[FirstName] ,[LastName] ,[Address1] ,[Address2] ,[CityID] ,[StateID] ,[Zip] ,[PhoneAreaCode] ,[PhonePrefix] ,[PhoneSuffix] ,[Email] ,[CreateDate] ,[Active])
SELECT [CustomerID] ,[FirstName] ,[LastName] ,[AddressLine1] ,NULL ,[CityID] ,[StateID] ,[Zip] ,[PhoneAreaCode] ,[PhonePrefix] ,[PhoneSuffix] ,[EmailPrefix] + '@' + [EmailSuffix] ,[CreateDate] ,1 FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_Customer SET IDENTITY_INSERT [User] OFF
-- EntreeOption SET IDENTITY_INSERT EntreeOption ON INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[EntreeOption] ([EntreeOptionID] ,[EntreeOptionName] ,[Active]) SELECT [EntreeOptionID] ,[EntreeOptionName] ,1 FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_EntreeOption SET IDENTITY_INSERT EntreeOption OFF
-- CateringOrder SET IDENTITY_INSERT CateringOrder ON INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[CateringOrder] ([CateringOrderID] ,[UserID] ,[NumberOfPeopleID] ,[BeanOptionID] ,[TortillaOptionID] ,[CreateDate] ,[Notes] ,[EventDate] ,[DeliveryOptionID]) SELECT [CateringOrderID] ,[CustomerID] ,[NumberOfPeopleID] ,[BeanOptionID] ,[TortillaOptionID] ,[CreateDate] ,[Notes] ,[EventDate] ,[DeliveryOptionID] FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_CateringOrder SET IDENTITY_INSERT CateringOrder OFF
-- CateringOrder_EntreeItem SET IDENTITY_INSERT CateringOrderEntreeItem ON INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[CateringOrderEntreeItem] ([CateringOrderEntreeItemID] ,[CateringOrderID] ,[EntreeItemID]) SELECT [CateringORder_EntreeItemID] ,[CateringOrderID] ,[EntreeItemID] FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_CateringOrder_EntreeItem SET IDENTITY_INSERT CateringOrderEntreeItem OFF
select * from BeanOption select * from CateringItemIncluded select * from CateringOrder select * from CateringOrderEntreeItem select * from CateringOrderEntrees select * from City select * from Country select * from DeliveryOption select * from EntreeOption select * from NumberOfPeopleOption select * from [State] select * from [User]
A standard IN operation is like doing a series of OR statements in your WHERE clause. Is there anything like an IN statement that is like using a series of AND statements instead?
I tried looking into the ALL operator but that didn't seem to do it or else I just couldn't figure out how to use it correctly.
set rowcount 1select Idnum1,Idnum3 from mytable order by Idnum1 DESC, idnum3 ASCis equivelent toselect first(Idnum1),first(idnum3) from mytable order by first(Idnum1)DESC ,first(Idnum3) ASCIsn't that silly? why did Microsoft not add an agregate function Firstfor the Microsoft SQL Server to be consistent with its Microsoft Accessproduct eh?
What I am looking to do is have a stored procedure begin a dialog with my request service. With that dialog established my stored procedure sends 50 request messages, one for each of the 50 of the United States. I want these to be processed asynchronously by a procedure that is called on activation for the request queue. In that activation procedure the request is processed against the respective state and a response message is sent to the response service (to the response queue). I want to be able to tie these request messages and response messages together with some type of shared identifier. These requests don't need to be processed in any specific order and don't need any fancy locking mechanism via conversation group since these requests require to be processed asynchronously. What is the best approach? Do I need to create 50 seperate queues and open dialogs with each? If this is the route to take, would this be a performance hit?
My goal is to have all 50 states process all at once, each finishing with a response message sent to the response queue. The initiating procedure, after sending these 50 requests, would then spin and wait for all 50 to complete, be it a response, error, or timeout. When all 50 have returned, the procedure would then merge the results and return. So as you can see in my scenario, I dont care when a state is complete as they do not affect the outcome, nor do they access any of the same resources when being processed.
Hi I just got a paging procedure from the internet and it’s working just fine, but I would like to return the numbers of pages too. So I used the Count() function to retrieve all records on the table and divided by the page size, but even I doing with float number, this is returning a integer number. I just started with SQL Server, does some knows what is wrong with the following code? or knows a better way to do it.
Declare @Records int, @Pages float, @hey int
Set @Records = (Select Count(*) as 'Friends' From friends
Hi to all, Im using SQL Server 2000. If i divide two integer column values, the result i am getting is integer. i.e Update tblStudents SET Percentage=(AttendedClasses/TotalClasses); AttendedClasses,TotalClasses are two column names(Integer). I hav declared Percentage column as float. The result im getting is integer value.. I want the actual float value(i.e Percentage) How to Resolve this?? Help me with this issue.. thanks in advance.
Hello, I have my table Produits : CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Produit] ( [Produit_ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [Reference] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE French_CI_AS NULL , [Designation] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE French_CI_AS NULL , [Quantite] [int] NULL , [PrixU] [sql_variant] NULL , [MontantHT] [sql_variant] NULL , [TVA] [sql_variant] NULL , [Facture_ID] [int] NOT NULL )GOhere is stored procedure CREATE PROC spBaseTVA_Bis ( @Facture_ID int
) AS
SELECT SUM(MontantHT) AS montantHT, TVA
GROUP BY TVA, Facture_ID HAVING ( Facture_ID = @Facture_ID) GO
My stored procedure fill data in a datagrid with to column TauxTVA and TVA like this : TauxTVA TVA But I would like to add a theard column as (the value of the fisrt colum) * ( the value of the second colum ) I would like to desplay data like this : TauxTVA TVA Prod X Y X*Y How can I modify my stored procedure to perform this ? Regards
I am having trouble trying to import a big file (aprox 250Mb is size) into an SQL Server database and I keep getting the message:
"Not enough storage is available to complete this operation".
The application tries to import the file by executing a stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_updateMaterialBlob @MaterialId Int, @BLOB image AS BEGIN Update Material SET blob = @blob where id = @materialId END
The application uses an ADO connection. I've tried increasing the memory of the client machine but that didn't work. Whenever I do run the import, nearly all the memory on the machine is used up but every time after several hours I get the same error message. What is the cause of the problem and how do I resolve it? Ideally I want to use my application to do the import rather than anything bespoke.
I am trying to update one table on server A/database A with new records from a server B/database B.
Both databases use the same collation. The key-fields of both table do use the same collation, but not the server.
Help: I was thinking, when both databases and the fields inside the tables do both use the same collation, then there will not upcome any conflict ?
Do I have to adapt the database collation, too ? This would'nt be nice as I am retreiving data from different servers with different server collations... Anybody else got the same problem ?
Say I have app, I want to know when I perform any operation like logging, changing username etc, can I get all the tables involved for that particular operation.
I have got a column with the string "I too Love Sql Server". I am trying an output as shown below:
I want to divide this into 4 columns :
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 I too Love Sql Server I.t.L.S.S
The Column 4 contains the first letter of each word. If the string contains only 2 words, Eg: "Sql Server" then Column 2 will be empty and only Column 1,3 and 4 will be filled.
is it possible to replace join type ( for eg. nested loop with hashjoin and so on) in xml plan...we will fst take plan in xml format ( show xml plan ) and then we willreplace join with other one .. and then execute this plane .. to seethe effect....for this we need to understand the way join information get stored inxml ....and then replace...for any extra info we can put garbage .. which will be filled byactual value while execution...so my question is : is it possible...( i think it is very muchpossible)and if yes then guide me... from where i can get these joinformat .. so that i can replace...or just running query on some dataset for both join type and thncomparing the way the get stored .. is sufficient to convert...thankx
I get this exception after awhile of browsing thru my application, i dunno what causes this because it never happens in the same place. I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing this situation and if there is a solution.
SqlCeException Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.
em System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.ProcessResults() em System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.Open() em System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.Open() em System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.QuietOpen() em System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal() em System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill() em System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill()
I've a site configured with SQL Server 2000, RS2000, ColdFusion, and IIS 6.0 and was delivered a prototype application written with VS2005. It wouldn't run until I upgraded the site to ASP.NET 2.0 and now I can't login to RS2000 to deploy a VS2005 developed report. It repeatedly prompts for my username/password. I am also having problems determining it the ASP.NET 2.0 installation is properly configured. Is it possible to deploy VS2005 reports to a RS2000 installation running ASP.NET 2.0 or am I wasting my time. I suspected as much when I started but the demonstation of the VS2005 website is a high-priority with my customer.
I have three sequence containers setup to run in parallel. I have a final step that parses the log file and displays results, and I want to this to occur when all three containers have completed, success or failure. I therefore have a constraint from each container that feeds into my final step, and all three constraint types are set to "completion".
When I run the package and one of the tasks within a container fails (and fails its parent, but not the package) the final step is not executed.
If I take off all the constraints except one, the final step is executed as expected.
I am using checkpointing if that has any impact. Disabling it makes no difference.
Looking for some clarification on the CHECKSUM option of the BACKUP command.
If the the CHECKSUM option is specified in the backup, will the backup fail if CHECKSUM finds bad values (or at least raise an error)? Or, is it only reported when doing a RESTORE VERIFYONLY?
SELECT T1.* FROM TestOne T1 INNER JOIN TestTwo T2 ON T1.ID1 = T2.ID1
Which one among them is better?
I have seen contradictory explanations on the web and hence pasting a query here... Personally I had an experience where IN I felt was in the end costly compared to INNER JOIN... was I correct in such a deduction?
I was working in the SSIS designer and when I found that the DataFlow task I deleted was indeed something I needed, I tried to Undo the operation but Alas the option is not enabled :(
my date_Join is 8char as it is datetime in microsoft sql. cant change to more. when i type the date 2007-12-12. it says Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
I have W2K Adv, SQL 7 Enterprise in a workgroup with mixed security. The SQL installation is an almost entirely default install.
At the console, in SQL Enterprise Manager, when I select open a database, open tables, select a table, open table, and select all rows the system displays "an unexpected error happened during this operation". As far as I know this has never worked on this installation.
The error occurs with every logon account (including sa and local administrator accounts), both the "all rows or top row" options, every table, every database (including the customers database and the Northwind database).
I have tried adding administrators and accounts as users of the databases etc. and given the accounts all the permissions I can dream up.
There are no interesting messages in the event viewer. The SQL agent is running.
Technet found two documents but not related to the problem.
I can run SQL Analyzer and run "select * from table_name". That works on the Northwind and customer database tables - every time.
Colleagues with other installations do not get the error, and their systems return the rows correctly.