Set Amounts To Zero In Addition If No Records Found
May 9, 2006
How can I check for Null for the amounts if no records are returned in either select. Basically it errors out if one or both of the Amounts return no records. I need to do some sort of IF statement to set one of the amounts or both amounts to zero in those cases so it doesn't error out on me
SELECT (Coalesce(pd1_Amount, 0) + Coalesce(PD2_Amount, 0)) as Amount
SELECT pd.Amount as pd1_Amount
FROM Master m (NOLOCK)
LEFT JOIN dbo.pdc pd ON pd.number = m.number
INNER JOIN dbo.Customer c ON c.Customer = m.Customer
WHERE pd.Active = 1
AND pd.Entered BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate))
AND pd.Entered <> '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000'
AND pd.Deposit BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate))
--AND pd.Deposit IS NOT NULL
--AND pd.OnHold IS NULL
AND c.customer <> '9999999'
SELECT pdd.Amount as PD2_Amount
FROM Master m (NOLOCK)
LEFT JOIN dbo.pdcdeleted pdd ON pdd.number = m.number
INNER JOIN dbo.Customer c ON c.Customer = m.Customer
WHERE pdd.Entered BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate))
AND pdd.Entered <> '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000'
AND pdd.Deposit BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate) + 1, @FirstDayMonthDate) AND DATEADD(DAY, -DATEPART(DAY, @FirstDayMonthDate), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDayMonthDate))
--AND pdd.Deposit IS NOT NULL
--AND pdd.OnHold IS NULL
AND c.customer <> '9999999'
) as PDC_Main
create table dbo.customer ( customer_id int identity primary key clustered, customer_name nvarchar(256) not null ) create table dbo.purchase_order ( purchase_order_id int identity primary key clustered customer_id int not null, amount money not null, order_date date not null )
Implement a query for the report that will provide the following information: for each customer output at most 5 different dates which contain abnormally high or low amounts (bigger or less than 3 times SDTDEV from AVG), for each of these dates output minimum and maximum amounts as well.
I have a query that takes blobs that have been created within the lastday out of sql server and places them on a disk drive. The query is astored proc which runs in a DTS job. The job shows failure when thereare no pdf's created in the last day, how do I correct this??Here is my stored proc code:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_PDFExport] ASbeginset quoted_identifier offdeclare @pk intdeclare @where_clause varchar(100)declare @file_name varchar (50)declare @debug varchar (50)Declare @cmd varchar (50)--debug/*if @Debug = 1print @cmdexec Master..xp_cmdShell @cmd */-- begin cursorDECLARE LOOKUP CURSOR FOR select pr.[id]from plan_report pr, plan_version pvwhere pv.plan_id = pr.plan_id and pv.status = '30' and pr.create_time
Can someone help to fix this query so that it returns a 0 (zero), as opposed to a blank or null value, when case_id # 1049 record is not found. And if the record is indeed found it should return the case ID (numeric value).
I am trying to return the number of records found by the query but keep seeing -1 in label1. This query should return many records. sub findcustomers(sender as object,e as eventargs) dim connection1 as sqlconnection=new sqlconnection(...) dim q1 as string="select * from tblcustomers where store='65'" dim command1 as sqlcommand=new sqlcommand(q1,connection1) dim a as integer a=command1.executenonquery() label1.text=a.tostring() command1.connection.close() end sub What am I doing wrong?
I need to run a sequel statement in a stored procedure and get if it found any records because the next statements depend on if records were found or not. How do I do this?
Hi! I'am new to this forum and would apreciate any feedback on my problem. I have a quarry that returns the count of former customers with average cell-phone usage between 200 and 299. The ressult is grouped in year and week with group by. The dates are represented by the closingdate of the customers subscription.
The ressult is used for reporting purposses, but I need my selection to return '0' on weeks where there are "no reccords found".
SELECT '200-299' AS ARPU, year AS YEAR, week AS WEEK, COUNT(nummer) AS Antall FROM
NB: Using SQL Server 2005. Any tip or solution will be a big help Best regards Gard S
Table A has columns CompressedProduct, Tool, Operation
Table B in a differnt database has columns ID, Product, Tool Operation
I cannot edit table A. I can select records from A and insert into B. And I can select only the records that are in both tables.
But I want to be able to select any records that are in table A but not in Table B.
ie. I want to select records from A where the combination of Product, Tool and Operaton does not appear in Table B, even if all 3 on their own do appear.
This code return all the records from A. I need to filter out the records found in Table B.
SELECT ID, CompressedProduct, oq.Tool, oq.Operation FROM OPENQUERY (Lisa_Link, 'SELECT DISTINCT CompressedProduct, Tool, Operation FROM tblToolStatus ts JOIN tblProduct p ON ts.ProductID = p.ProductID JOIN tblTool t ON ts.ToolID = t.ToolID JOIN tblOperation o ON ts.OperationID = o.OperationID WHERE ts.ToolID=66 ') oq LEFT JOIN Family f on oq.CompressedProduct = f.Product and oq.Tool = f.Tool and oq.Operation = f.Operation
How can i make a sum (concatenation) of strings of one column in a table. for example i have a table like this field1 field2 1 abc 1 bcd 2 sdf 2 sdd I want to get these strings added group by field 1 Thanks
I hv executed the following query in the Query Qnalyzer (Ofcourse I am Using SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition) and Surprisingly I am getting the Output as follows,
query:- select '5' + 10
Output:- 15
Can anybody please tell me, why it is happening like this? OR Did I miss any Configuration Parameter in the Server Settings?.
i have to find the total salary(i.e. salary+bonus)
this is how i managed to do it:
select empname,(salary + commission) as 'total salary' from emp where commission is not null union select empname,salary from emp where commission is null
now my question is,wht if the case now is different as below:
salary bonus hra 1 null 6 2 5 null 3 null null
now how do i calculate total salary(i.e. salary+bonus+hra)
I Have 3 columns. First 2 columns are Text and the third one is Number. I need to see if any duplicate values are there in first 2 columns. If so then i need to add the values of 3 columns and make it one. So the output should look like this,
Hi I have a query, what I would like to do is create a column that takes the results in two coulms and add them together: Col A Col B Col C Row1 1 1 2 Row2 2 3 5 Here is the query declare @t table( player_name varchar(100), BuyIn int, TopUp int, ReBuy int, Winnings int, Events int, Test int) INSERT INTO @t (player_name, TopUp) SELECT Player_name, SUM([Top-ups]) AS TOPUPS FROM (SELECT Event_data.Transaction_type, Players.Player_name, Events.Top_up, Event_data.Transaction_value, Events.Top_up * Event_data.Transaction_value AS [Top-ups] FROM Event_data INNER JOIN Events ON Event_data.Event_id = INNER JOIN Players ON Event_data.Player_id = Players.Player_id WHERE (Event_data.Transaction_type = 2)) AS Topups GROUP BY player_name INSERT INTO @t (player_name, ReBuy ) SELECT Player_name, SUM([Re-buys]) AS REBUYS FROM (SELECT Event_data.Transaction_value, Players.Player_name, Events.Rebuys, Event_data.Transaction_value * Events.Rebuys AS [Re-buys] FROM Event_data INNER JOIN Events ON Event_data.Event_id = INNER JOIN Players ON Event_data.Player_id = Players.Player_id WHERE (Event_data.Transaction_type = 3)) AS REBUYS GROUP BY Player_name Insert into @t (player_name, BuyIn) SELECT dbo.Players.Player_name, SUM(dbo.Events.Buy_in) AS BuyIn FROM dbo.Players INNER JOIN dbo.Event_data ON dbo.Players.Player_id = dbo.Event_data.Player_id INNER JOIN dbo.Events ON dbo.Event_data.Event_id = GROUP BY dbo.Players.Player_name, dbo.Event_data.Transaction_type HAVING (dbo.Event_data.Transaction_type = 1) ORDER BY SUM(dbo.Events.Buy_in) DESC
Insert into @t (player_name, Winnings) SELECT dbo.Players.Player_name, SUM(dbo.Event_data.Transaction_value) AS Winnings FROM dbo.Players INNER JOIN dbo.Event_data ON dbo.Players.Player_id = dbo.Event_data.Player_id GROUP BY dbo.Players.Player_name, dbo.Event_data.Transaction_type HAVING (dbo.Event_data.Transaction_type = 1) insert into @t (player_name, Events) SELECT dbo.Players.Player_name, COUNT(dbo.Event_data.Place) AS Expr1 FROM dbo.Players INNER JOIN dbo.Event_data ON dbo.Players.Player_id = dbo.Event_data.Player_id INNER JOIN dbo.Events ON dbo.Event_data.Event_id = GROUP BY dbo.Players.Player_name HAVING (NOT (COUNT(dbo.Event_data.Place) IS NULL)) insert into @t (player_name, test) select player_name, ((TopUp) + (Rebuy)) as Test from @t SELECT player_name, min (BuyIn) as BuyIn, min(TopUp) as TopUps, min(ReBuy)as ReBuy, min(Winnings) as Winnings, min(Events) as Events, min(test) as test FROM @t GROUP BY player_name ORDER BY BuyIn DESC --ORDER BY TOPUPS DESC
THis is where I attempt to add the coloms but I get a null result
insert into @t (player_name, test) select player_name, ((TopUp) + (Rebuy)) as Test from @t
I am trying one of the examples from the .NET Framework 2.0 Web-Based Client Development and I'm having a problem authenticating. I'm running everything on my local computer (IIS, SQL 2005 STANDARD ADDITION and Visual Studio). While in Visual Studio (in other words, debug mode) when I run the example, I get the following error: Cannot open database "pubs" requested by the login. The login failed.Login failed for user 'DPJ-6E95AFFA416ASPNET'. This could be more of a SQL question that a ASP.NET question, but I'm not sure. I'm running under the local administrator account, but this seems to indicate that ASP is using it's own credentials to access SQL. This is my first time using these tools, and I'm guessing this is a fairly well know issue. I was looking for a "User Admin" function in SQL and could not find it, so I'm a bit lost here. Can anyone help please. Thanks
I have a form set-up and am trying to add multiple items in my checkbox to the database; however, the only thing added to the database is the first item checked. Here is the code and any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConConnectionString %>" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO Consultations(FullName, Email, Business, BusinessInfo, Services, Comments) VALUES (@FullName, @Email, @Business, @BusinessInfo, @Services, @Comments)" SelectCommand="SELECT Consultations.* FROM Consultations"> <InsertParameters> <asp:ControlParameter Name="FullName" Type="String" ControlId="fullname" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="Email" Type="String" ControlId="emailTextBox" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="Business" Type="String" ControlId="bisDropDownList" PropertyName="SelectedValue" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="BusinessInfo" Type="String" ControlId="businessTextBox" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="Services" Type="String" ControlID="checkboxlist" PropertyName="SelectedValue" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="Comments" Type="String" ControlID="commentsTextBox" PropertyName="Text" />
@quantity is the number that the user has input in the txtbox. I want to use this value to ADD together with the current quantity value in the shopcartitem table. I do not know how, my current query only replaces the old quantity with the new .. can someone help me? strSql = "UPDATE ShopCartItem sci SET sci.Quantity" & _ "WHERE sci.ProductID=@ProductID AND sci.ShopCartID=@ShopCartID"Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand(strSql, conn) cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Quantity", quantity)cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductID", productId) cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ShopCartID", ShopCartID)
I've two databases with different structures, i want to add a record with it's data from the first database into the second database in the place i define, this action must happen automatically as soon as the record is created in the first database.
Are there any differences between the Developer Addition and Enterprise Addition of 64 Bit SQL Server 05 that would prevent me from testing full capabilities of my production Enterprise Addition in a QA environment utilizing Developer Addition? Any known restrictions on number of DB connections, memory, CPUs etc??
Hi, I was wondering if you can help. In my form I am running a query to insert data from one database table to another. However what I need to do is to be able is to add the id of a record I have just created to this insert into sql command. I have managed to use @@ identity to get the id of my first sql insert statement but I am wondering how I can use it in the second insert into and select statement. At the moment my sql statement just copies exactly what is in the select statement. I can't figure out how to add the @@identity value to my second sql statement. My second sql statement is a follows: sql2 = "INSERT INTO ProjectDeliveData(ProjId,ProjDeliveId,RoleId,MeasurementId,ProjDeliveValue, ProjDeliveComments,ProjDeliveYear,FinDataTypeId, FinFileId, ProjDeliveMonthFrom, ResourceId,ProjDeliveDateAdded)" & " select ProjId,ProjDeliveId,RoleId,MeasurementId,ProjDeliveValue, ProjDeliveComments,ProjDeliveYear,FinDataTypeId, FinFileId, ProjDeliveMonthFrom, ResourceId,ProjDeliveDateAdded from ProjectDeliveData where FinFileId=" & strActualFileId I hope you can help Cheers Mark :)
I manage complete online system for two locations, connected via dialup lease line. I have to used merge replication for the same data should be at both locations. It is working fine, I don’t like disturbe it but current requirement is addition of two column in one table which one as also use in merge replication.
How I can add aforesaid columns in table x, column name c1 numeric , c2 character?
SQL Server allows addition of two "datetime" values. For example let d1='April 10,2004' and d2='April 11, 2004'. Now when I execute d1+d2 I get 2108-07-20 00:00:00.000. On what logic is this calculation done.
I am actually looking to derive the same result in Oracle. Hence wanting to know the funda behind this.
My goal is to be able to include test information in the change request that will make the operations manager confident that the change can proceed. Right now all I can think of is to add the index in dev and staging and compare some before and after stats. But I am concerned that an index change might also affect other operations besides SELECTs - such as updates, transactions, or scheduled jobs.
I've got a package which reads a text file into a table and updates another. I set up configurations so that I could import it into the SSIS store on both my dev and live servers. Now, I'm getting this error. I tried removing the configs and am still getting it.
I've been through each step and everything looks okay. Does anyone have any idea (a) what's wrong, (b) how to localise the error or (c) get any additional information? Or do I just have to recreate the package from scratch?
Error at PartnerLinkFlatFileImporter: The connection "" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.
Error at PartnerLinkFlatFileImporter [Log provider "SSIS log provider for SQL Server"]: The connection manager "" is not found. A component failed to find the connection manager in the Connections collection.