Setting The Defualt Database In SQL 2005

Mar 28, 2006

Its not a big deal but enoying enought that i always have to

USE MyDatabase

-- Instead of having it set as the defualt and not adventureworks

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What Is The Defualt Database?

Jan 13, 2006

i am trying to install portal starter kit but i am getting error
that the program can not open the default database server.

what is the default database?


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Cannot Open User Defualt Database. Login Failed.

Dec 15, 2006

I know that there have been numerous posts on this topic, however none of the suggestions seems to resolve my problem. I am running a ASP 2.0 web application locally using SQL server 2005 express, but after using SQL Server Management Studio to browse the database of the application i get the following error everytime i log into the website:
Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user '<<machine name>>ASPNET'
All i had done is attach then detatch the database in SSMS and it seems to have changed the access permissions somehow.I have ensured that the ASPNET user has full permissions (server roles and User mapping) in SSMS and i have granted the ASPNET user full rights to the ASPNETDB.MDF and log file, but i still get the same error.
Its really urgent i sort this problem out as soon as possible, so if anyone has tackled this problem before please help. Ideally i don't want to have to reinstall sql server, but if that is the only option and it will definitely fix the problem then i will.

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Setting The Port For The Database Connection In Vs 2005 And Also In Web.xml

Feb 15, 2006

I've mapped a sqlserver machine within vs2005, but when I attempt to set the database connection, I dont see place to stick the port number (even in the advanced area)... it continues to fail when I test the connection.. I can telnet into the machine on the sql server port, so I know its open to me...
Also - when I publish this to an IIS server, what is the syntax for placing the connection and port number in web.config?  I've tried various settings, cant get it to work. <appSettings><add key="con" value="Server=;PORT=1234;UID=*****;PWD=*****;database=mydb" /></appSettings>
Thanks in advance for the help,

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Setting Up SQL 2005 Linked Server Connecting To A DB2 Database

Oct 21, 2006


I have setup a linked server to a DB2 database using "Microsoft OLE DB  Provider for ODBC Drivers",

the connections works fine i am able to run select queries.

but the number of rows returned from the two following statements are different.

select * from linkedserver...tablename

select count(*) from linkedserver...tablename

e.g. The First statement returns  116 rows, whereas the second query returns count as 144....

I am a bit confused ?????

could anybody think of any possible reasons..



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Issue In Setting Up The Database Mirrioring Environment For SQL Server 2005.

Jan 30, 2006

Environment:SQL Server 2005 Enterprise in Win2k3 Enterprise on 32(x86) bit machine
I am able to enable the Trace Flag 1400 using DBCC TRACEON (1400) GO. Only then we can able to configure for the ENDPOINTS.
I successfully configured the ENDPOINTS for both the principal server and Mirror server .And then when I started the START MIRRORING.
I got the error message. Please find the Message below.
An error occured while starting mirroring.
additional Information:
:..>Alter failed for Database 'KQDB', (Microsoft SqlServer.Smo)
:..>An exception occured while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch
:..>Database mirroring Transport is disabled in the endpoint configuration.
[Microsft SQL Server,Error: 1486]

If anyone have a solution on how to setup a database mirroring environment.Please send.

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Date Created Defualt Value

Jul 1, 2007

 in my database i have a "datecreated" feild, its datatype is "datetime", is it possible to set the defualt value as the time now? if so what do I put in the defualt value property? thanks a million si!

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SQL Express Datatime Defualt

Apr 28, 2008

Hi everybody

I pages and use Ms sql Express and would like to have it condition-shape defual value to be the date, but if I choose the field have to be date-hour and then defual value chooses have nowly () to be it doesn't give myself any law, some that know what I do mistakes here?

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Visibility Of Defualt Valus In Front End .adp

Feb 14, 2008

Don't know if this is the right place to ask the question, didn't know where to put it...

Strange thing is happening to me...I created different forms that all point (Record Source) on tables (one form - one table). Each table has some columns with Default or Binding Value set.
I have a user that has Insert, Delete, Update and Select permissions.

When I insert a new record using the front end, some forms show the default values correctly, others don't show them at all (all the columns that should be populated with a default value are empty). If I add a View Definition permission to problematic tables --> surprise, surprise, default values get implemented...I'm confused...

Any ideas? Can a user w/ View Definition do some damage to the table?

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How To Set The Current ConnectionString User As A Defualt Value?

Feb 19, 2007


I'm using username & password in my connectionString to connect my program ( with Sql Server 2005..

I put in defualt value in one feild: user_name()

it replace the user: dbo, not the user which I used in my connectionString.

so.. how to get this user??


I tried to put: currnet_user

but I get the same result, "dbo" not the user in my connectionString..


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Setting SQL Database So That Cold Fusion Will Go To New Database Instead Of Master

Apr 17, 2001

whenenver i run cold fusion, it automatically gets my tables out of the master database instead of the new one i have created. i've added a user that has a default to the new database instead of the master, but i need to know how to use that new user correctly, and what i will need to do once i start adding more databases so that cold fusion will go to the appropriate database and not to the master.

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Setting Up MSSQL 2005

Nov 27, 2006

hi all,

My company has finally decided to go with MSSQL 2005.

now i havent used mssql since version 7.. which was a while ago..

whats the difference in terms of the setup and the easy of use ?

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Setting Up SQL 2005 Express

Dec 5, 2005

It must be that i'm new to SQL, but i've tried upgrading to SQL 2005 but my views doesnt work?

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Setting Up And Connecting To SQL 2005

Mar 19, 2006

I have deployed a web server using server 2003 standard edition and have created a functional web site... Now I want to create a SQL data base and make a DB connection using ASP.NET using Dreamweaver as my HTML editor... This is where I get totally lost and confused...I have SQL 2005 instralled on my web server and have gone through the help files and some of the tutes but am still spinning my wheels... Can anyone please help this wanna be MSDN...

I need help configuring my sql server and then connecting to it via dreamweaver and then creating a data base for data collection from my web site...

Any help here would be awesome!


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Path Setting For SQL 2005

Jun 25, 2007

I used SQL 2000 before. There are options for setting program files path and data path, which I usually install programs on C: and then data files in D: for easier maintenance. However, I cannot find this options in SQL 2005. Is that both (program files and data) must be locate in the same drive/path? or how can I do it same as SQL 2000? Please advise. Many thanks.

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Setting Up SQL Database

Apr 7, 2007

I have been using MySQL as the back end of my .Net 2.0 applications for a while using a custom membership provider without any problems.Having now switched to a new webhost which supports both MySQL and MS SQL Server 2005 and also creating a new site thought I should set up the new site to use MS SQL..... I am having trouble however setting up the SQL server to act as the membership provider. Following the advice on here I tried using aspnet_regsql.exe...  Firstly, when trying to get the list of databasses on the remote server I get the following error: Failed to query a list of database names from the SQL Server. Invalid object name 'Sysdatabases' If I then just type in the name of my database and go through to the end I get the following error:Exception:An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 8152 and the SqlException message is: String or binary data would be truncated.   I can connect to my MS SQL server remotely without any problem using the likes of MS SQL Server Management Studio Express. Is there any other way I can setup the databases needed for user and roles access control or is the usage of MS SQL much more complicated than what MySQL was?  

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Database Setting

Dec 9, 2004

. The BPA recommend that the model database setting for the items below be set to on. I can accomplish this task through the query analyzer and run the set command. (Set ANSI_NULLS on). The response is positive but when I re-run the report the setting are back off.



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Setting Up A Database

Feb 20, 2006

Hi people,

I'm in the process of trying to set up my first SQL Server database and things aren't going as per the book! (surprise, surprise).

The 'Identity Specification' option during Table creation, is 'greyed out' and won't let me set (Is Identity) to 'Yes' or anything else for that matter.

I guess that there's a simple answer to this one, but as a newbie to SQL Server ( and VB 2005) I'm curently at a loss.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


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Setting Up A Synonym In SQL Server 2005

Aug 15, 2006

Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error when I try to select * from a table through a newly created synonym? I have admin rights to both db, but they are on separate servers.


OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "srvDEV" returned message "Communication link failure".

Msg 10054, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 0

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'.



CREATE SYNONYM ARContractTerms_syn FOR srvDEV.EricsAdeptCastle.dbo.tblARContractTerms

SELECT * FROM ARContractTerms_syn


Am I running into schema problems?

Thanks all

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.2047.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.2047.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.085.1117.00 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
Microsoft MSXML 2.6 3.0 4.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.42
Operating System 5.1.2600

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Error Setting Up Distribution On SQL 2005 SP2

Mar 6, 2007

I am attempting to set up Distribution on SQL 2005 using the wizard.

All goes well until the actual script fires off... this line:

use master

exec sp_adddistributor @distributor = N'NAVSOLDEVSQLSERVER2005', @password = N''


Causes this error:

Msg 22538, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSrepl_check_job_access, Line 155

Only replication jobs or job schedules can be added, modified, dropped or viewed through replication stored procedures.

The rest of the script fails due to this line... Now, I am fair at SQL, but I am no DBA. I did some searching and found one post that seemed to have the same problem, and the gentleman solved it himself, but did not explain how lol.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Dave Borneman

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Internationalization Setting - SQL Server 2005

Mar 7, 2007

Is there any setting to indicate Unicode data to handle, so that no need to exclusively use Unicode data types ( ex nvarchar ).
I need to execute both Unicode and non Unicode SQL statements with in one environment. I don't want to create seperate database again.
Please let me know if any one had approached on SQL server this way. I am looking the way Oracle provides where you don€™t need to declare the data type of the column as Unicode type in table definition but can indicate when running a query to manipulate that field as Unicode field.

Thank youSunil

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Setting Up SQL Server 2005 Replication

Jun 14, 2007

Hi there

im trying to set up a replication from a local server to a remote server.

when starting up and selecting the Distribution / publisher, i get the following errors --->
Details as followed...

TITLE: New Publication Wizard

SQL Server is unable to connect to server 'SERVERX'.

For help, click:


SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through a server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'SERVERY'. (Replication.Utilities)




SQL Server is unable to connect to server 'SERVERX'. (New Publication Wizard)

For help, click:


SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through a server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'SERVERY'. (Replication.Utilities)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ReplicationSqlConnection.CheckServerAlias(ServerConnection conn)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ReplicationSqlConnection.Open()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.CreatePublicationWizard.PrepareToShow()

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Sql 2005 Password Policy Setting

Oct 4, 2006

What are the exact requirements implied by the sql 2005 option:

"Password Must Meet Complexity Requirements "



P.S. I found this one:

-Cannot contain all or part of the username
-Must be at least 6 characters long
-Contain 3 of the 4 following character groups
- A to Z
- a to z
- 0 to 9
- Special Characters i.e. ! ^ $ *

and I have also found

"At least 7 characters in length"

Combines letters. numbners, and symbolds

Is not a dicitonary word, name of a command, person's name or user's account name

As the saying goes "close, but no cigar!"

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Setting Database Data

Apr 4, 2008

I'm having trouble changing data in my database. It is actually a VB cuestion, but you see, i just finished lesson 9 of the begginers Visual Basic 2005 video series and in my last run i can't save the data i've changed into the database. no errors are shown, it just does't change the values.
i know for a fact that the code is well written and there is no problem with the configuration of buttons and such, because i folowed the steps 50 times so I believe it must be a SQL configuration problem.
does anybony have any insight on what the problem might be.
THX malcolm

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Readonly Setting For Database

Jan 29, 2004

we have a database that only serves Select requests (no OLTP) for our very high traffic websites.
what are the benefits of turning on read-only setting for the database if there are no transactions occuring in the database?
does sql server put locks on tables for SELECT statements?

is it the same as using HINT (NOLOCK) ?


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Setting Up Database On A New Server

Feb 23, 1999


There has been a lot of discussion about moving single databases or devices in same server. Can someone suggest the most simplest method to set up a identical server with all the logins, permissions and password etc?

Building a new server with sp_help_revdatabase and dumps/loads is relatively easy but moving the master is confusing to me. I should run the new server and databases for a little testing period (with diffrent server name, of course) and then go live by dropping the old and by adding the new. I remember someone said that this would be as easy as copying master.dat to new machine (when servers are identical), any experience or other suggestions?


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Setting Database Priority

May 9, 2006

Hi all.

Does anyone know how to set a database priority? I have a SQL Server that contains multipule databases. One of the databases is very high priority. I need to make sure that no matter what is running on the server that this database's processes take priority and nothing slows it down.


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Default Database Setting

Mar 18, 2015

Is there any practical downside to setting ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER to ON at the database level? Almost all devs will simply leave these default settings at the top of a stored proc script anyway.

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Check For A Database Setting

Feb 14, 2007

I want to query my databases to find out if Auto Shrink is set. I know the status column in sysdatabases holds this value as a bit setting but I don't know how can I check this value using a query.

Canada DBA

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Connecting Without Setting Up A Database Possible?

Nov 28, 2007

Hello everyone, I am fairly new to SQL Server Express and I have a question I was hoping someone could help with. I know this will sound very wacky but please entertain the possibility of such scenario taking place...

Is it possible to connect to an instance of an SQL Server Express 2005, using asp, without having a database created and without configuring anything such as permits or users first ?

The SQL Server Express was installed on a PC that runs a web server as well but nothing else was done, I only have the instance name and I know the SQL Server is configured for local access only.

I was hoping to create a database and begin using it with an asp file that runs SQL commands I can input on a text window, but I can't find connection strings that work without specifying a database name, and also I don't know which user and password to use because it is set to windows authentication.

I thought the code would go something like this:

Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=SQLinstance;Address=localhost,port;Database=;Uid=;Pwd="

To top things out the web server is configured to send out a generic error message, so I can't see what the error I'm getting actually is...

Any thoughts ?


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Setting Password For Each Database

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,When I create a new database from Enterprise Manager (right click ondatabases > New Database) I noticed that I am not prompted to create apassword or user name. Can I take it then that all databases under thesame local group will have the same password and user name?I have tied to access the newly created database using the samepassword and username but haven't had any luck.Thanks

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Setting Up Database Snapshot

Oct 26, 2007

I have created a snapshot

CREATE DATABASE AdventureWorks_Snapshot1200 ON
(NAME = N'AdventureWorks_Data', FILENAME=
N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL')
AS SNAPSHOT Of AdventureWorks

I changed the records
from 1970 Napa Ct. to 1970 Napa Ct. Apt 1

When i run
select * from Person.Address
AventureWorks_Snapshot1200 where addressid = '1'

select * from Person.Address
AventureWorks where addressid = '1'
Both appear as 1

When i change Apt to 2 and run it both appear 2
Changed again to 3 both appeared as 3 too.

I was under the impression that the snapshot would remain as 1 when the new update 2 has been performed.

Any light be appreciated.

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Setting Up A Database Copy.

Mar 31, 2008

Hi all :-)

I am new to Sql server and hope that someone in here might be able to help me out with a little advice on how to go about how to achive the following.

My boss wants me to set up a copy of one of our production databases, the copy is supposed to be used for running questions against thru businessobjects. There will be aprox 10 simultanious users, the original and the copy must never be further apart in time then 15 min. The database is today about 25 gigs and to make it even more complicated the copy must be available at all time during business hours (8-17). The solution is also supposed not to influence the production databases perfommance to much (really low impact to the performance is a key issue).

The options I have thought of is:
1. Use mirroring and then take a snapshot of the mirror for the users to connect to.
2. Replicate only the data that is needed.
3. Log shipping in a combination with the online restore option in sql 2005 server.
4. Log shipping and then take a snapshot of the copy for the users to connect to.

I have also thought about if the need for current data is that high it might even be better to let them run their questions directly against the production db instead since there will not be so many simultanious users.

Any of you guys that have any ideas, all tips will be very appreciated!

Thanks in advance :-)

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