Setting Up Ent. Manager With Fix IP

Jan 19, 2004


my host required to have a fix IP in order to access his SQL Server database.

I got the fix IP, but I don't know where to define the port number while creating a SQL Server connection in Enterprise Manager.

Anyone knows ?

Thanks a lot


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Setting Up Alerts In Enterprise Manager

Dec 10, 2002

We are running SQL Server 2000 on a w2k server. I want to set up alerts to notify me through SQL Server Agent. The doc states to open the Mail icon in Control Panel but on this server there is no Mail icon. I thought that if Outlook Express was installed on the server the mail icon would be there. We have OE installed but there is no Mail icon.

Any ideas?


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Setting Query Time-out Not Using Enterprise Manager

Feb 8, 2005


I've set the Query time-out parameter for my default MSDE instance to 1 sec (through the Enterprise Manager) and since the restart of the server I can't connect it through any client tool.
Does anybody know how to return the default value of Query time-out (600s) without using enterprise manager?

thanx a lot

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Setting User Roles Without Using Reporting Manager - Using Setpolicies In Visual Studio VB

Oct 25, 2007

I have created an web reference called ReportingSerivce 2005. i am trying to set an user to have browser rights without going into Report Manager.

But I can't get the SetPolicies function to work correctly. Any ideas?

Code written in VB.

Dim rs As ReportingService2005
rs.Url = ""

Dim Item As String = "/"
Dim Policies() As Policy
Policies(0) = New Policy
Policies(0).GroupUserName = TxtUser.ToString
Policies(0).Roles = New Role(0) {}
Policies(0).Roles(0) = New Role
Policies(0).Roles(0).Name = "Browser"
Policies(0).Roles(0).Description = "May view folders and reports."
rs.SetPolicies(Item, Policies)

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Change Default Zoom Setting For Reports Viewed On Report Manager Web Site

Sep 14, 2007

I've tried changing the default zoom setting by editing the RSReportServer.config file to include



<Zoom>Page Width</Zoom>
under the


<Extension Name = "HTML4.0" etc.
However, all reports still show up with the zoom setting at 100% on the toolbar.
I stop and restart the Report Server Service and it comes up OK so I know my XML syntax is cool. What am I doing wrong?

This is on a 2005 Report Server. Reports are built in VS2005 Report Designer and deployed to the Report Server directly. Reports are accessed via IE7 browser.

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Error:no Report Server Found On The Specified Machine While Setting Up Reporting Services Configuraion Manager

Feb 19, 2007


I have installed sql server 2005 along with reporting services... though i am able to design report using business intelligence studio... i am unable to access the report server.... while trying to start the reporting services configuration manager it says no report server found on the specified machine...Invalid Namespace... the installation is local ...

Due to this problem inspite of designing the entire report i am unable to deploy it on the web..since it is asking for a report server...

Can somebody please help me on this...

Thanks in advance...


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Setting Admin Rights To Report Manager, SQL Server Express 2005 On Vista Business

Mar 7, 2007

Hi all,

I'm a newbie to Reporting Services so please forgive my ignorance...

I've recently installed SQL Server Express 2005 with Reporting Services on my Vista Business Notebook (with no network connections) and have installed VS C# Express as well as the Business Intelligence Studio to create reports.

My C# application can connect to SQL Server fine, however, the reports I created with Business Studio refuses to deploy to the server due to the following reason:

"The permissions granted to user 'localhostJenny' are insufficient for
performing this operation".

I find this odd as I've been able to deploy reports on my other Windows XP machine (with SQL Server Express) no probs at all. Additionally, I cannot see the 'Site settings' link within Report Manager (Web) that I'd normally get with an admin account (i.e. on my Win. XP machine). Various sources indicate that my account has insufficient access rights to view this.

Having browsed through seemingly endless blogs and forums, I suspect that my local account has not been configured to access the Report Manager web client to publish, manage and administer the site.

I have tried the surface area tool for SQL Server, but I suspect that this is relevant only to SQL Server DB access and management. Adding an administrator here does nothing.

The question is, how can I grant access to myself (local account) to allow me to publish reports via business studio, and at the same time - administer Report Manager Site Settings - on my vista notebook??

I would be extremely grateful for any help on this matter - I've tried ceaseless reinstallations, but to no avail!

Many thanks in advance,


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A User Group Account Acting Like A Content Manager And Admin On The Report Manager????

Nov 2, 2007

A user was created with a limited privilege under the USERS group. Once this user loged in the Report Manager he is acting like an Admin and Content Manager, though he is not given even a browser role.

What do u think that this guy is acting like a Super User evenif he is restricted to a browser role on the Report Manager ????????????

I did all my best, but no luck so far

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Problems Running Enterprise Manager And Service Manager

Jul 20, 2005

On one of our machines, all of the SQL Server 2000components except for the main Server component (SQL Servercore) itself were installed (Management tools, etc) a while agoand everything was running fine. Now I go and add/install theServer component and then Service Pack 3a.It seems that Service Manager won't start up (I get an hourglass cursor)and now I find that Enterprise Manager won't run as well. No errormessages appeared and I don't think I saw anything unusual inthe log file.However, I can use Enterprise Manager on a differentmachine and connect to the database (so the databaseitself seems to be running).Any suggestions as to what the problem might be and how tofix it? I like to see if I can repair this without havingto do a reinstall.Thanks.PF

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Help! Enterprise Manager Turns SQL Server Service Manager Off

Dec 6, 2006

IF someone can assist me. Everytime I load up enterprise manager the service manager turns off. And the enterprise manager can't connect to the local database. But everytime i turn it back on and try to connect again it shuts it off and around and around we go. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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The AcquireConnection Method Call To The Connection Manager Excel Connection Manager Failed With Error Code 0xC0202009

Mar 24, 2008

I am using SSIS 2005 on Windows 2003 server. Using Excel Source to dump the data for staging database.
I am getting following error while I execute it through BI studio's execute button.

Please help.

- Sachin

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The AcquireConnection Method Call To The Connection Manager Excel Connection Manager Failed With Error Code 0xC0202009

Mar 11, 2008

I have deployed my packages into Sql Server and I am using Configuration File. As my Data Source is Excel, I have changed the connection string during deployment with Server Path. But I am getting the following errors. Actually the File Exist in Path. May I know What is cause of the issue? Do I need to give any permission to execute the package.

SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

component "Excel Source Service Contract Upload" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

One or more component failed validation.

There were errors during task validation.

DTS_E_OLEDBERROR, Error Code: 0x80004005 Source: "MS JET DB Engine" Description : Path is not valid

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Error: The AcquireConnection Method Call To The Connection Manager Excel Connection Manager Failed With Error Code 0xC0202009.

Dec 27, 2007


I am working on SQL Server 2005 (x64) with Windows Server 2003 (x64) operating system. I am having a major issue in SSIS. Here is the detailed explanation of the issue :

I have an EXCEL file in 2003 / 2007 version. It contains some data. I want to import the data using SSIS into SQL Server 2005 (x64) database table. I have taken "EXCEL FILE SOURCE" and "SQL Server DESTINATION". It was failed on importing data. Surprisingly it works fine in SQL Server 2005 (x32). Can you please explain why it is NOT woking on (x64) ?

Here is the error code i am getting:

[Excel Source [1]] Error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

Appreciate your time and patience !!


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Setting Timeout In ASP.NET Vs Setting Timeout In SQL Server

Oct 22, 2007

In my ASP.NET app, I'm executing a stored procedure via a SQLCommand the searches a customer database. I believe the default timeout is 90 seconds. I'm curious of what happens to the SQL Server Stored Procedure after timing out from the ASP.NET application. Does it timeout at the same time or do you have to set up a value in SQL Server?

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The Connection Type OLEDB Specified For Connection Manager Is Not Recognized As A Valid Connection Manager Type - Why?

Mar 17, 2008


I have an SSIS package that I need to modify. It was developed in Visual Studio 2005 and runs faithfully in production on SQL Server 2005. Suddenly, I can't open the package on my own workstation. I see a big red "X" image and a message stating "Microsoft Visual Studio is unable to load this document." The real reason the document can't be loaded appears to be:

Error loading DataWarehouseLoader.dtsx: The connection type "OLEDB" specified for connection manager "Warehouse Logging OLE DB" is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. This error is returned when an attempt is made to create a connection manager for an unknown connection type. Check the spelling in the connection type name.

Does anyone know what causes this and what I can do? The package has been in production for 9 months and I've never seen this problem before.


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Setting Up SQL

Jan 31, 2004

Hello, I am a SQL rookie. I have followed the tutorial and installed MSDN as it says. However, I am unable to create a database with WebMatrix. I keep getting an error that reads "SQL Server does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen (Connect())."

When I loaded the SQL, everything seemed to go well. I got all of the results that the tutorial said I should.

Please advise on my next steps. Thank you in advance.


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Setting Up SQL To Use A SAN.

Jan 17, 2006

If you have a SQL server setup that isn’t using a SAN but just a normal raid array and you wanted to utilize a SAN now.

What are the steps, I'm guessing that you will need to start the services under a domain user correct?

Is it as easy as detaching the DB and then reattaching the DB on the SAN?

I'm assuming you need to map the data and log arrays from the server to the SAN correct?

I can’t seem to find any documentation on moving a server to a new SAN. Can someone post links if you have them?

Do you need ENT edition or is Standard OK .

Thanks for your help.

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Setting Up A New Job

Feb 20, 2006


I'm trying to set up a new job to update a field in the table, I've managed to get the select syntax to work, but when I added an IF statement and Update syntax it didn't like it and the following error was shown:-

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 9
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'BEGIN'.

This is the syntax I'm trying to use for the job:-

USE EmployerEngagement

FROM tblEmployer LEFT OUTER JOIN tblWP_Details
ON tblEmployer.Emp_ID = tblWP_Details.Emp_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN tblVetting
ON tblWP_Details.Record_ID = tblVetting.Record_ID
WHERE tblEmployer.On_Stop = 0
AND tblVetting.Next_Vett_Date <= GETDATE())
UPDATE tblEmployer
SET On_Stop = 1

Basically I just want to change the On_Stop value from 0 to 1 if the Next_Vett_Date is before or on todays date.

Am I using the wrong syntax for this?


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Setting Up Ith IIS

Jul 30, 2007

How do i do it? do i have to set up an ODBC?

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Setting DTS To Use TCP/IP

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I've noticed on my DTS that it is connecting to the remote SQL Servervia Named Pipes. Not sure why I've been getting the following error:[DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (WrapperWrite()).] but I wanted to changethe DTS from using Named Pipes to use TCP/IP. How to do it?Also, if anyone has any clues on what this error means, please let meknow!Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) DataPumpStep Error Description:The number of failing rows exceeds the maximumspecified. (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (80004005):[DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (WrapperWrite()).]General network error.Check your network documentation.)Step Error code: 8004206AStep Error Help File:sqldts80.hlpStep Error Help Context ID:0Tnks!

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Setting Up A Dsn

Oct 10, 2006

I am trying to connect to my database in SQL SERVER EXPRESS via dreamweaver. I am trying to create DSN connection but when i click on sql server in the optionlist it lists about 100 options of the sql server i want to connect to. How do I find out which one is the one I have my tables in and the sql server express that I use.


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Setting An SqlParameter

Jun 20, 2006

I am unable to set the value of my SqlParameter unless it is to a string.sqlCmd.Parameters.Add('@myParameter', SqlDbType.Bit).Value := false;
 Setting it to false or 0 results in error: "Incompatible types: 'Object' and 'Boolean' (or 'Integer')"
I've tried to cast them as objects and that didn't work.  I don't understand why something like 'false' (as a string) will.
FYI: I'm using Delphi.NET and hating it.

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Aug 27, 2006

sry im an idiotbut how do u take like "SELECTbla FROM blar WHERE blam=blfda" and make the thing it "selects" into a variable thnx 

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Setting SQL @ Variables From Within ASP

Dec 30, 2006

Hi, I have just started with ASP, and have a problem. I have created a stored procedure which looks to a specific tablename for information, based upon the users choice from a dropdown list.
The control works fine when executed from within visual web developer, and I manually enter the value that the variable expects. However I can not get the dropdown listbox value to be written to the SQL value. I have tried for days, traweled the net for answers, borrowed 3ft in height of SQL books! so either I am doing something fundamentally wrong, or I am missing something. My SP is:
ALTER Procedure GenericTableSelect
@tablename VarChar(20)
Declare @SQL VarChar(1000)
SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT [base model] FROM '
SELECT @SQL = @SQL + @tablename
Exec ( @SQL)
and from the page the command to call it is:
But this fails to compile and comes back with "@tablename not defined"
any pointers in the right direction would help.
The object of this is for two drop down boxes - the first is populated from one database of categories, the selection of which populates the second drop down list with items from within that category.

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Setting Up A Cluster

Jan 8, 2007

Hello all,
I've gotten approval at my work place to implement a new web server cluster. We currently have one web server running Windows 2003 and one SQL 2005 box. I've gotten approval to purchase 2 new web servers that will eventually become our primary servers.
I've browsed Microsoft's site but can't seem to find any FAQ's or How-Tos on clustering that are of any help. Is there anyone out there who has some info that could help me get started?
Richard M

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Setting Up SQL Database

Apr 7, 2007

I have been using MySQL as the back end of my .Net 2.0 applications for a while using a custom membership provider without any problems.Having now switched to a new webhost which supports both MySQL and MS SQL Server 2005 and also creating a new site thought I should set up the new site to use MS SQL..... I am having trouble however setting up the SQL server to act as the membership provider. Following the advice on here I tried using aspnet_regsql.exe...  Firstly, when trying to get the list of databasses on the remote server I get the following error: Failed to query a list of database names from the SQL Server. Invalid object name 'Sysdatabases' If I then just type in the name of my database and go through to the end I get the following error:Exception:An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 8152 and the SqlException message is: String or binary data would be truncated.   I can connect to my MS SQL server remotely without any problem using the likes of MS SQL Server Management Studio Express. Is there any other way I can setup the databases needed for user and roles access control or is the usage of MS SQL much more complicated than what MySQL was?  

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Setting Up MSDE

Jun 11, 2007

I've received the error - Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs

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Need Help Setting Up Msde2000

May 23, 2005

hey guys heres my problem iam trying to install SQL server2000 but i keep on running into problems....??
here is what iam having problems with
it keeps saying the instance name specified is invalid there has to be an easyer way to run the program...??
i have all ready set up an instance name and the SAPWD.
any suggestions?? please help

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T-SQL Setting Default Value

Feb 2, 2006

I have the following to create a new table....
CREATE TABLE dbo.test (Id varchar(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,    Name varchar(256) NOT NULL,    visible bit NOT NULL                                          )
I need to set the default value of the bit visible to 1.
How can this be done using a T-SQL statement?

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Setting Default

Jul 15, 2002

Hi all:

How can I change the Default value of a column in a table using sql?
for instance I have a table called Phone and I have a field called AreaCode and the default now is '123' . I would like to change it to '456'.


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Setting Up SQL Mail

May 2, 2000

Can someone point me in the direction of a good place to find out how to set this up properly please.


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Setting Up SQL Mail

Dec 4, 1999


I am using Windows NT 4.0, SQL Server 6.5 and Exchange 5.0. I would like to setup SQL mail.
I tried to create mail login, NT expects for MS mail server name and login.
When i enter my exchange server/login name does not recoganise.

Any guide please.. Thanks in advance


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Lock Setting

Apr 26, 2006

I am getting the message
DESCRIPTION: Error: 1204, Severity: 19, State: 1 The SQL Server cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users or ask the system administrator to check the SQL Server lock and memory configuration.

it is a 3rd party app I can't change with some ugly sql.
My current lock setting is

min max config run
locks 5000 2147483647 0 0

Do I need to change the min value to higher? What would be a good value to try, I have 16 gig of memory on the server

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