Setup And Upgrade :: Attempted To Perform Unauthorized Operation

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to install SQL Server 2008 on a virtual machine with Windows 2008 R2. Setup fails with the error "Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation". Looking at the installation log, I see these details:

2009-09-29 08:24:49 SQLBrowser: sRegLocation = 'SOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server', regView = 'Wow6432', sSddl = '(A;CI;KR;;;[SQLServer2005SQLBrowserUser$ITISFIM])', bOptional = 'False'.
2009-09-29 08:24:49 Slp: Sco: Attempting to create base registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, machine


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Unauthorized Operation Setting Application Security Through VS2005 (Why?)

Feb 12, 2007

I'm attempting to setup the defaco MS security for membership and roles, using a newly created database under SQL 2005 (not express). I created the database using the aspnet_regsql.exe utility and that worked fine. I created my provider connection string logging in as 'sa' wit the proper password. All that seemed to work okay too. However when I attempt to change any of the settings like setting the authentication type or enabling roles, I get the follwing error message: The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. at System.Security.AccessControl.Win32.SetSecurityInfo(ResourceType type, String name, SafeHandle handle, SecurityInfos securityInformation, SecurityIdentifier owner, SecurityIdentifier group, GenericAcl sacl, GenericAcl dacl) at System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity.Persist(String name, SafeHandle handle, AccessControlSections includeSections, Object exceptionContext) at System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity.Persist(String name, AccessControlSections includeSections) at System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.Persist(String fullPath) at System.IO.File.SetAccessControl(String path, FileSecurity fileSecurity) at System.Configuration.Internal.WriteFileContext.DuplicateTemplateAttributes(String source, String destination) at System.Configuration.Internal.WriteFileContext.DuplicateFileAttributes(String source, String destination) at System.Configuration.Internal.WriteFileContext.Complete(String filename, Boolean success) at System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigHost.StaticWriteCompleted(String streamName, Boolean success, Object writeContext, Boolean assertPermissions) at System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigHost.System.Configuration.Internal.IInternalConfigHost.WriteCompleted(String streamName, Boolean success, Object writeContext, Boolean assertPermissions) at System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigHost.System.Configuration.Internal.IInternalConfigHost.WriteCompleted(String streamName, Boolean success, Object writeContext) at System.Configuration.Internal.DelegatingConfigHost.WriteCompleted(String streamName, Boolean success, Object writeContext) at System.Configuration.UpdateConfigHost.WriteCompleted(String streamName, Boolean success, Object writeContext) at System.Configuration.MgmtConfigurationRecord.SaveAs(String filename, ConfigurationSaveMode saveMode, Boolean forceUpdateAll) at System.Configuration.Configuration.SaveAsImpl(String filename, ConfigurationSaveMode saveMode, Boolean forceSaveAll) at System.Configuration.Configuration.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode saveMode) at System.Web.Administration.WebAdminPage.SaveConfig(Configuration config) at ASP.security_setupauthentication_aspx.UpdateAndReturnToPreviousPage(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)Anyone have any clue why this is happening? Do I need to add something to the database as far as users/roles go? I figured 'sa' would have free roam, but something permission-wise just isn't jiving.

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Err. Msg.: Cannot Perform SET Operation

Jan 18, 2003

I have a sp that creates a #temp table and performs a bulk insert.

CREATE TABLE #template (template varchar(8000))
EXEC ('bulk INSERT #template FROM "' + @filename + '"')
SET @html = (SELECT template FROM #template)
DROP TABLE #template

When I access this sp with any other user than 'sa' I get this error message:

The current user is not the database or object owner of table '#template'. Cannot perform SET operation.

I've been everywhere (with no success) in the sql srv admin to look for the appropriate check box to allow another named user to access this sp.

Can anyone help?

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Cannot Perform SET Operation

Apr 14, 2008

IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for table 'Elbalazo.dbo.DeliveryOption'. Cannot perform SET operation for table 'City'

Here's my entire script:

/*Disable Constraints & Triggers*/
exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? DISABLE TRIGGER ALL'

/*Perform delete operation on all table for cleanup*/
exec sp_MSforeachtable 'DELETE ?'

/*Enable Constraints & Triggers again*/
--exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL'
exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? ENABLE TRIGGER ALL'

/*Reset Identity on tables with identity column*/
exec sp_MSforeachtable 'IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(''?''), ''TableHasIdentity'') = 1 BEGIN DBCC CHECKIDENT (''?'',RESEED,0) END'

-- City
INSERT INTO Elbalazo.dbo.City (
SELECT [CityID],[CityName],[CountyID],1
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_City

-- State
INSERT INTO Elbalazo.dbo.State (
SELECT [StateID],[State],1
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_State

-- NumberOfPeopleOption
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[NumberOfPeopleOption]
SELECT [NumberOfPeopleID], [NumberOfPeopleName],1
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_NumberOfPeople

-- DeliveryOption
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[DeliveryOption]
SELECT [DeliveryOptionID], [DeliveryOptionName],1
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_DeliveryOption

-- User
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[User]

SELECT [CustomerID]
,[EmailPrefix] + '@' + [EmailSuffix]
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_Customer

-- EntreeOption
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[EntreeOption]
SELECT [EntreeOptionID]
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_EntreeOption

-- CateringOrder
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[CateringOrder]
SELECT [CateringOrderID]
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_CateringOrder

-- CateringOrder_EntreeItem
SET IDENTITY_INSERT CateringOrderEntreeItem ON
INSERT INTO [Elbalazo].[dbo].[CateringOrderEntreeItem]
SELECT [CateringORder_EntreeItemID]
FROM [ElbalazoProduction].dbo.tbl_CateringOrder_EntreeItem

select * from BeanOption
select * from CateringItemIncluded
select * from CateringOrder
select * from CateringOrderEntreeItem
select * from CateringOrderEntrees
select * from City
select * from Country
select * from DeliveryOption
select * from EntreeOption
select * from NumberOfPeopleOption
select * from [State]
select * from [User]

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Bulk Insert - Cannot Perform SET Operation.

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to use Bulk Insert for a user that is not sysadmin.I have already set up the user as a member of "bulkadmin".When I run the following script:DECLARE @SQLVARCHAR(1000)CREATE TABLE amdbo.#temp ([id] [varchar] (10) NULL,[fld2] [varchar] (10) NULL,[fld3] [varchar] (10) NULL)set @SQL ='BULK INSERT amdbo.#tempFROM ''F: est.txt''WITH (DATAFILETYPE = ''char'', FIELDTERMINATOR = ''|'', ROWTERMINATOR= '''')'EXEC (@SQL)select * from #tempI still get the message ...Server: Msg 8104, Level 16, State 2, Line 1The current user is not the database or object owner of table '#temp'.Cannot perform SET operation.Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?Drew.

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SQL Server Error Message - Operating System Error 10038: An Operation Was Attempted On Something That Is Not A Socket...

Nov 20, 2006

My apologies...I wasn't for sure where to post an error like this...

Over the last 2 months I have gotten this SQL Server error (twice). All existing processes will continue to work, however no new processes can be created and users cannot connect to the server. This is the exact text of the message in the SQL Server error log.

Operating system error 10038: An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket...

Error: 17059, Severity: 18, State: 0

Error accepting connection request via Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'. Execution continuing.

Error: 17882, Severity: 18, State:

While we can typically just stop SQL Server Service and restart the services...I have found it is best to restart the machine during non-production times to take care of any 'residual' effects of this error.

The SQL Server 2000 SP4 box with Windows 2003 Standard SP1 is well maintained by our I.T. team and it typically will run 4 or 5 months without a reboot.

Thank you...


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Integration Services :: How To Perform Series Operation In SSIS

Apr 29, 2015

I have scenario in which I am getting a row from XLS and in that ro I have data for multiple tables based on if one table has some data or not

Search a table in database on basis of column in the xls row
STEP #1 If TABLE A has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE A and move to next step
STEP #2 If TABLE B has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE B and move to next step
STEP #3 If TABLE C has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE C and move to next step
STEP #4 If TABLE D has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE D and move to next step
STEP #5 If TABLE E has that row then do nothing  else insert new row into TABLE E

Currently I am trying to achieve this by using multicast and from that multicast putting inputs into 5 OLE DB DESTINATION but by doing this some time one step execute earlier then previous and integrity constrain violated so getting error.

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URGENT - DTS - Need To Run The Object To Perform The Operation - Exception Access Violation

Jul 23, 2005

Aaaaaarrgghh ! (that's better)I am trying to convert a field within my Oracle 9i Database that is oftype BLOB (but this BLOB may contain a combination of clobs/varchars orimages such as gif images, jpg images) to Microsoft SQL Server 2000using Microsoft DTS.On trying to perform this simple conversion I recieved the error "Needto run the object to perform the operation - Exception AccessViolation" from Microsoft DTS and my table that contains this BLOBfield is not converted across.After further investigation I implemented the fixes suggested by theMicrosoft Knowledge Base and "" but still no joy the errorkept occuring.I discovered my modifying the step in the DTS package that handled thistable conversion that contained the BLOB column that when I changed thedata type on my SQL Server target table to VARBINARY and modified thequery so that only the BLOBs that contained clobs/varchars were broughtacross that the error went away.I then proceeded to create another DTS package step that had a querythat only brought across the BLOB column that contained images such asgif images/jpeg images etc. and the error went away and the target typefor the SQL Server target table was set to IMAGE.As the data for this BLOB contains a combination of VARCHARS/CLOBS(concatanted) and also GIF IMAGES/JPEGS in the same source column withOracle 9i I require the same in my target table within SQL server asone column (and I should be able to do that with type IMAGE especiallyas it can store larger objects than VARBINARY but any source BLOBS thatcontain VARCHAR/CLOBs don't seem to want to be loaded as IMAGE theywill only load in to VARBINARY).However judging by my experiences above this doesn't seem to bepossible ?Can anyone help me out with this ?I am on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 with latest MDAC(2.8.1).Cheers,Gary

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3709-The Connection Cannot Be Used To Perform This Operation. It Is Either Closed Or Invalid In This Context

Feb 10, 2008

We have a nagging issue here in our application side, which I was trying to troubleshoot and reach no where. Can I have your valuable inputs for resolving/understanding the root cause of the issue?

3709-The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context

This error is not coming regularly (twice it happened and after the program is running successfully with out any problem). Problem having exe is running every 2 minutes interval.

Most of the sites saying this is something related to code written in the application but if that is the case why this error is not happening continuously? The problem having exe is running past 4 months with 2 minutes interval and suddenly thrown this error.

I found one MS site describing about this error but not able to find any fixes for this issue ( We are on the process of upgrading the operating system with SP2; will this help us to resolve this issue? Please advice.


1. Windows 2003 with SP1
2. MDAC 2.8
3. SQL 2005 with SP1
4. VB Application.

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Transact SQL :: Cannot Perform Shrink File Operation Inside User Transaction

Sep 18, 2015

I am getting an error about "Cannot perform a shrinkfile operation inside a user transaction", but I don't have a shrinkfile command in my procedure.  Does SQL hang on to that command if it was received earlier in a different procedure?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Package Cannot Perform Moving File Operation

Oct 25, 2015

I have an SSIS package, that move file from one folder (Download) to another folder (Working), where it will be processed and passed to (Processed) folder. The folder (Working) is created at run time and deleted after finishing process. I ran this package using SQL Server Agent (I created a sql job). My problem is that the package fails to move the file from Download to Working, Although it can move it to other folders (say I skipped Working and move it directly to the already-created folder "Processed").

I traced the problem and found the error "Access is denied", when run the package without Agent (double click). I provided the necessary permissions to all levels of folders to the user XX, which I made it the (SQL Server Agent Service Account) as well as the Job Owner. By this, the package executes successfully (again by double clicking it), but with Agent it FAILS.

Why Agent cannot move the file to the run-time-created folder (Working) ?

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Integration Services :: Way Of Creating Shared Folder In Order To Perform Operation From Title

Apr 14, 2015

having on mind that this is my Target server: what is the way of creating shared folder in order to perform operation from the title (and, of course, to continue with installation of packages etc...)? SQL SERVER 2008 R2

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Transact SQL :: Split Date Range Into Monthly Wise And Loop Through Each Month To Perform Some Operation

Oct 20, 2015

Let's say if the date is 01/01/2015 till 01/01/2016

I want split these dates monthly format wise and then use them in variable in cursors to loop

For an example Monthly date should be 01/01/2015 and 01/31/2015 and use these two values in 2 variables and make a loop until it never ends whole date range which is 01/01/2016

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Setup And Upgrade :: 2008 R2 Setup UI Has Incomplete List Of Installed Features - Can't Uninstall RS

Jul 23, 2015

We're doing upgrades from SQL 2008 R2 to SQL 2014. This is blocked due to RS is installed but not configured. Our desired action is to uninstall RS and proceed with the upgrade. But when setuparp.exe is raised, it does not list all the features on the 'Select Features' page.  In fact, it only lists the last 2 shared features (SQ Client Connectivity SDK and Microsoft Sync Framework). However, all items appear to be listed on the 'Select Instance' page including RS. I've seen this issue on 2 of our SQL 2008 R2 Servers already.

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Perform Upgrade Method

Nov 6, 2006


I have two versions of the same dataflow component , i need to use the new version component in the packages created using the old version . How can i do this using the perform upgrade method .



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Under What Circumstances Does A Component Try To Perform An Upgrade?

Sep 1, 2007

I have a component that is on v1.0.0.0 (taken from properties of the GAC'd DLL). Its not finished yet but I want to debug it. Whenever I execute a dataflow containing the component I get a sqldumper window come up and the following errors in the output window:

The component "Normaliser" (1934) could not upgrade itself

The component metadata for "component "Normaliser" (1934)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed.
I don't understand why its trying to upgrade the component. Why would it try and do this?

Some extra info:

All the design-time methods (including Validate() ) work fine

I'm on Vista/SQL Server RTM

If I save a package that contains the component,close the package and reopen it I get the same error messages. Why is it trying to perform an upgrade when opening a package?
You can try this out for yourself. Here's the component: Compressed (zipped) Folder
5.0 KB

All you need to do to make it validate at design-time is hook it up to an output that has IsSorted=TRUE. No configuration required. I can provide the source code if you like.

Source code is here in case anyone is interested:


[Microsoft follow-up] I think you guys will be the only ones that can answer this I'm afraid unless Darren, John etc.. have any ideas!!

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Setup And Upgrade :: Error Setup Account Privileges

Nov 15, 2015

I'm trying to install SQL Server Management studio 2012 on my Windows 7 (x64) standalone laptop.  When I click "New SQL stand-alone installation..." it runs a Setup Support Rules check and always fails "Setup Account Privileges". I've looked into the error and I keep getting that I need to change security rules but I don't have that option in window 7.  How do I get around this without having to resort to a computer running Windows Server?

I have Visual Studio 2013 premium installed along with Localdb v11.  I just want to connect and manage my database engine through SSMS when developing any application.

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Setup And Upgrade :: One Machine 6 IPs - How To Setup DNS For Server

Apr 24, 2015

I am running a number of SQL instances on my PC. Within the network, I have think server with various System Center components. For compatibility reasons, some features of System Center 2012 R2 had to be delegated to different SQL databases. My question is, because there is now more than one IP address on my system, and each instance of SQL is assigned to its own IP, is there a way to setup DNS and SQL so the namespace points to the desired IP address? For Instance:

MSSQL2008 instance is set to run on =
MSSQL2012 is set to run on =
A Record: Mike-PC =
A Record: Mike-PC =

If I want to use MSSQL2008 by specifying Mike-PC as the DNS name, how would I do that with 100% accuracy? If there is another way to get the job done, I am more than willing to approach this differently.

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Setup And Upgrade :: WHY Master On C Drive

Oct 27, 2015

WHY master, msdb, model always seem to be on the " C " drive ....

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Setup And Upgrade :: Splitting MDF And NDF File?

Jul 20, 2015

My SQL Server has one MDF file and  3 NDF file - all almost 100 GB/file. It's leads the disk space almost fill.

I want equal distributed - splitting the MDF and NDF file to 10 or 15 files. So it will solve my space issue.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Cannot Connect To WMI Provider

Jul 23, 2015

I am getting the error: "Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable."I tried the solution posted on the Microsoft support page involving a command prompt and the mofcomp "%programfiles(x86)%Microsoft SQL Server<var class="sbody-var"> numbe r</var>Sharedsqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"...This still does not fix the problem, the result of running the above is: Parsing MOF file: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server110Sharedsqlmgmp roviderxpsp2up.mof...MOF file has been successfully parsed...Storing data in the repository..An error occurred while processing item 1 defined on lines 4 - 7 in file C:Prog

ram Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Sharedsqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof:
Error Number: 0x80041003, Facility: WMI
Description: Access denied
Compiler returned error 0x80041003

Is there way to completely re-install the Configuration Manager? One post suggested the Access denied was Administrator rights but I have full Administrative rights to everything so I don't see that being the problem.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Way To Get To SSIS Or SSAS

Apr 23, 2015

So, I just downloaded and installed Windows 8 and SQL Server 2014 Developer. I used to have Visual Studio, that seems to be gone now. Can't find it. I can't figure out a way to get to SSIS or SSAS.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Allow Only Connection From Same Computer

Jul 17, 2015

I am about to install SQL Server 2012. I have a server with IIS. There is a web application that uses the sql server. 

What should i do when i only want that application to use the database?

And so that you can only connect to the database from the same computer as the SQL server?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Several Same Environment Variables In Path

May 5, 2015

I noticed accidentally today on my PATH and discovered that I have several variables for different sql versions. I can understand this as I have upgraded from 2008, to 2012 then 2014. Here are the list of variables

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100ToolsBinn;
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server110ToolsBinn;
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server120DTSBinn;
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server120DTSBinn;

[Code] ....

Can I delete all variables related to older versions safely without any issue.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Cluster Installation Failed

Oct 8, 2010

when i install sql server 2005 in cluster. I have error at Setup process screen --> the selected components are being configured.all the components are failed.I am using domain account with administrator account privilege on both server.OS : windows server 2008 on virtual machine..when i install sql server agent is enable to select during setup..

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Setup And Upgrade :: Missing System Administrator

Jun 3, 2015

I am using windows 8 and I have only one user in laptop. While installing SQL 2014, I am getting an error (Missing System Administrator). Under SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Database I have select the system user and gave the password but still I am getting the error.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Add A Failover Cluster Node

Jan 3, 2010

I'm trying to do a SQL 2008 cluster installation.I installed one node and now I'm trying to add a failover cluster the "add Node Rules" I get following message:

Rule Check Result...Rule "SQL Server Database Services feature state" failed.The SQL Server Database Services feature failed when it was initially installed. The feature must be removed before the current scenario can proceed.

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Setup And Upgrade :: What Are DB Mirroring Trace Flags And How To Use

Sep 11, 2015

What are the DB mirroring trace flags and how to use ?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Run Multiple Instances On 2014?

Jun 5, 2015

I've a SQL server 2014 setup on a server recently. Can I add a new(second) instance to the SQL server (already running one instance)?

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Setup And Upgrade :: SSMS Restarts Itself After Close It?

Mar 14, 2013

If I close SSMS, it restarts itself as if it crashed and trying to restore itself. Even if I hit cancel as it's restarting, it will restart itself yet again. This happens twice. what's causing this?

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Setup And Upgrade :: TempDB - Configurations Adjustments?

Sep 10, 2015

After installing SQl Server 2012, I need to perform some adjustments for its configurations.

On the TempDB, I want to:

1) Turn on Trace Flag 1117. How to do this?

2) Having only one transaction log file.  How can I make sure of this?

3) Creating multiple files. How to do this?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Database Backup Restore

Sep 19, 2015

I want to restore my SQL Server 2000 database backup to SQL Server 2014.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Moving Log File To Different Disk

Sep 16, 2015

Do you have to move the entire content of the log folder to the new location?

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