Setup And Upgrade :: Extract Only Client Installation Folder From Complete Media

Sep 8, 2015

Is there a way to extract only installation files to install SQL 2012 client tools from complete media set. I'm interested in SQL MGMT Studio/Profiler/Data Quality services/Configuration tools.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Adding Database Instance To Existing Installation - No Media

Sep 2, 2015

I have an existing, licensed installation of SQL 2008 R2, with one database instance.  I need to add a second instance, but do not currently have access to the installation media.  Can I use the Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 Enterprise

Evaluation: Trial Experience for IT Professionals installer that's available for download from the Microsoft download site?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Differential Backups Periodically Taking Longer Than Expected Time To Complete

Jun 15, 2015

We are running a SQL Server 2008R2 64-bit database system on a Windows 2012 R2 64-bit Standard system. I have noticed in recent weeks that our differential backups periodically are taking longer than expected to complete. The usual amount of time is about one hour, but on several occasions, it has taken upwards to five hours. The nights when the job takes longer to complete are on Friday.

I did some checking online, and one possible reason for this issue is my scheduling the reindexing of the database on the morning of the Differential backup. For example, this past Friday the reindexing occurred at 1:00 AM with the Differential running at 10:00 PM that night.The article that I read suggested the reindexing, which takes several minutes, if that, to complete, should be scheduled to run just before the Full backup job.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Cluster Installation Failed

Oct 8, 2010

when i install sql server 2005 in cluster. I have error at Setup process screen --> the selected components are being configured.all the components are failed.I am using domain account with administrator account privilege on both server.OS : windows server 2008 on virtual machine..when i install sql server agent is enable to select during setup..

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Setup And Upgrade :: Installation Of Express 2014 Blocked By Framework 4.0?

Sep 17, 2015

I have a very strange problem when I try to install SQL Express 2014 on 1 PC on my network.

The setup is blocking on the step "rules of functionnality" (I hope it is the good translation ...).

I ha ve a message that indicates that there is a problem the following checking : "It exists a Internet connection with the download center for Microsoft Framework 4.0". At the beginning I had Framework 3.5 and 4.5 installed on the PC.

When I tried to install manually Framework 4.0 I had a message that indicated that the setup was not possible because there was a Superior version. So I uninstall v4.5 and install v4.0 normally.

I run again SQL 2014 Express setup but I have always the same error. I take a look on Internet to look for the same problem but I found nothing.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Cluster Installation Failed On Adding Node To Cluster

Oct 10, 2015

During the installation of Adding node to a SQL Server failover cluster(On passive node) getting error like.. The MOF compiler could not connect with the WMI server. This is either because of a semantic error such as an incompatibility with the existing WMI repository or an actual error such as the failure of the WMI server to start.We  run the below commands but didn’t get any resolution & got the same above error .
1<sup>st</sup> Method…

1. Open console command (Run->CMD with administrator privileges). 

2. net stop winmgmt 

3. Rename folder %windir%System32WbemRepository to other one, for backup purposes (for example _Repository). 

4. net start winmgmt

2<sup>nd</sup> Method..

1. Disable and stop the WMI service.

a) Command : - sc config winmgmt start= disabled

b. Command : -                 net stop winmgmt

2. Run the following commands.

a).  Command:  Winmgmt /salvagerepository %windir%System32wbem

b). Command:   Winmgmt /resetrepository %windir%System32wbem

3. Re-enable the WMI service

Command:          sc config winmgmt start= auto 

Last command to run after above steps

4. Command:     mofcomp "%programfiles(x86)%Microsoft SQL Server100Sharedsqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"

File not found Error for above command.

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SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition - Installation Media

Mar 30, 2007


We were recently let down by our software supplier who have happily provided us with a single processor license for SQL Server 2005 before the weekend.. but haven't been able to provide any installation media.

I notice on the website that there is a trial edition of the Enterprise edition for download, that can be converted into a full installation by using a valid license key.

My question is.. would I be able to use that trial edition with my license key? Or are they fundamentally different?

If that isn't an option.. is there anywhere where I can obtain installation files for standard edition?

Thanks in advance,


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Setup Error : [SQL Native Client] Encryption Not Supported On The Client

Nov 1, 2006


I have SQL2000 installed as the default instance, and now I'm trying to install SQL 2005 standard edition as a named instance.

I receive this error :
SQL Server could not connect to database service for server configuration.. [SQL Native client] Encryption not supported on the client. However I'm able to install client tools

The setup works fine on other box with the same config : SQL 2000/Windows XP, is there any work around for this issue ?

In my SQL 2000 client network utilty "Force proctocol encryption " is desabled and did not find the setting for SQL 2005 !

Thank you

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Extract File Folder From Database

Mar 7, 2008

I have a repository that is currently stored on our SQL 2005 database. I would like to pull this repository from the database and place it on our files server. Is there anyway for me to extract this from our database?

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Setup And Upgrade :: 2008 R2 Setup UI Has Incomplete List Of Installed Features - Can't Uninstall RS

Jul 23, 2015

We're doing upgrades from SQL 2008 R2 to SQL 2014. This is blocked due to RS is installed but not configured. Our desired action is to uninstall RS and proceed with the upgrade. But when setuparp.exe is raised, it does not list all the features on the 'Select Features' page.  In fact, it only lists the last 2 shared features (SQ Client Connectivity SDK and Microsoft Sync Framework). However, all items appear to be listed on the 'Select Instance' page including RS. I've seen this issue on 2 of our SQL 2008 R2 Servers already.

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Upgrade Client Connectiviity Tools On Client Machines

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,Is it necessary to upgrade the Client Connectivity Tools on all clientmachines after the SQL Server database server is upgraded from Version7.0 to 2000?Thank you in advance!Eddy

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(Complete Newbie) Please Help! Installation Problem (I Think)

Apr 13, 2007


I most likely am being incredibly stupid here, but I have installed SQL 2005 Enterprise and Service Pack 2 on my Acer laptop running Vista Business and cannot for the life of me figure out how to start the thing.

When I hit the start button on the toolbar, and go to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, there is one folder that expands down called Configuration Tools. This has the options Notification Services, Configuration Management, Error and Usage Reports, and Surface Area Configuration. But no where can I find an icon that actually starts the database thing so I can create a database and learn some SQL stuff.

I would be most grateful if anybody could point out where I am going wrong or if there is anything I need to do.

Many thanks,


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Setup And Upgrade :: Error Setup Account Privileges

Nov 15, 2015

I'm trying to install SQL Server Management studio 2012 on my Windows 7 (x64) standalone laptop.  When I click "New SQL stand-alone installation..." it runs a Setup Support Rules check and always fails "Setup Account Privileges". I've looked into the error and I keep getting that I need to change security rules but I don't have that option in window 7.  How do I get around this without having to resort to a computer running Windows Server?

I have Visual Studio 2013 premium installed along with Localdb v11.  I just want to connect and manage my database engine through SSMS when developing any application.

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Append To Media Vs Overwrite An Existing Media In SQL Server Database Backup

Sep 24, 2007

Dear All,

I know the basic defiinition of these two options, but i am not very clear why would someone choose one over another,
currently I am using Append to Media option, and every day backup, I see my backup files growing in size.

can someone give me nice example about these two options,


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Please Post Setup And Installation Questions In The Setup Forum

Nov 17, 2005

This forum is intended for users who are new to SQL Server, and have basic usage questions. If you have setup or installation issues or questions, you should check out the Setup forum.


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Restore A Complete SQL Server Installation Into A New Clean One

Oct 13, 1998

A customer is about to replace their PDC with SQL Server running on it.
MY companies role is to build the new server, and get their SQL Server running again.
I need to have the devices, databases, tables, data and the USERS copied across. I cannot use transfer manager as their will be only 1 instance of SQL Server running on the network.

If all we have is an NT backup is perfomed on the entire disk, i.e. the MSSQL/DATA directory.
How do we recreate the databases and their associated tables and also, how do we recreate the User accounts ?
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Please feel free to e-mail me with a response


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Setup And Upgrade :: One Machine 6 IPs - How To Setup DNS For Server

Apr 24, 2015

I am running a number of SQL instances on my PC. Within the network, I have think server with various System Center components. For compatibility reasons, some features of System Center 2012 R2 had to be delegated to different SQL databases. My question is, because there is now more than one IP address on my system, and each instance of SQL is assigned to its own IP, is there a way to setup DNS and SQL so the namespace points to the desired IP address? For Instance:

MSSQL2008 instance is set to run on =
MSSQL2012 is set to run on =
A Record: Mike-PC =
A Record: Mike-PC =

If I want to use MSSQL2008 by specifying Mike-PC as the DNS name, how would I do that with 100% accuracy? If there is another way to get the job done, I am more than willing to approach this differently.

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Express Edition SP2 - How Long To Wait For Complete Installation?

Mar 19, 2007

Just curious if there's a reason why everytime I try to apply the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 2 from Windows Update that it will sit at "Installing" and appear to do nothing (no hard drive activity, but the MSI and setup processes are chewing a little bit of CPU time). How long should I give this update to complete? I am running a 2-CPU dual-core Xeon 3.0GHz w/ 2GB of RAM setup, so I would have thought it would be completed very quickly. :(


Disregard; I had to wait for a full 15 minutes! :O

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SQL Tools :: Media Set Has 2 Media Families But Only 1 Provided

Feb 13, 2014

We are getting error and we are aware that there should be 2 files but we are able to find the second file,how to search all files(2) so that we may restore DB.

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Different Folder Locations During Setup

Apr 18, 2007

Hello there,

I need to install SQL 2005 in one drive on my computer, and data folders in another drive. Can anyone tell me how this can b done during setup please?

Thanks in advance.


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The Media Set Has 2 Media Families But Only 1 Are Provided

Nov 6, 2007

Hi, I'm from Argentina. I made a backup of my database from ServerA (SQL 2000) and trying to restore it to ServerB (SQL 2005) I'm getting the following error: "The media set has 2 media families but only 1 are provided".

Any ideas? Thanks.

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Installation To Different Folder Issue

Oct 15, 2006

I have only SQL engine installed to my D drive. (SQL Server 2005 no SP1)

I want to install SSIS to my D drive but i can not.

It only gives me the option to install to the default drive C:...

saying that "the sql shared path has already been configured"

Is this a BUG ?

No Tools nor Notification Services are installed (which i understood to be related to the same path as SSIS)



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DB Engine :: Extract Configuration To Replicate Installation

Apr 26, 2015

Say I inherit from an undocumented installation of SQL server.  Is there a way to extract all features, configurations and such to apply them on a different installation?For instance, if the setup was executed multiple times, can I generate a configuration.ini file contains the culmination of every setup executed?

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Alternate Snapshot Folder During Setup In 2005

Nov 28, 2006

One of the things that annoys me in 2005 is that you cannot change the snapshot location during the setup of the replication. Does anyone know if I missed something or if they are going to change that in a future patch?

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Is Is It Advisable For SQL Installation Folder To Be On The Same Drive As Windows?

Dec 22, 2006

Hey Community,

What are the guidelines for installing the SQL Software? Is it bottleneck if both Windows and SQL software are installed on the same drive ( I have all the database .mdfs and and .ldfs on a seperate RAID array)?

Saptagiri Tangudu
PNT Marketing Services

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Installation To Default Folder For 2000 And 2005

Apr 29, 2008

Sql server 2000 was installed to a default folder C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server

And sql server 2005 was installed to the same location C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server

how do i know which files are related to 2000 and which are related to 2005

please let me know

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SQL Server 2005 Installation Problem - Error Not Enough Space To Extract This Package

Mar 29, 2007


I downloaded the SQL server 2005 trival version (180 days trival
peroid) from the MS website. But i got a error saying that I have
don't have enough space to extract the package on my C: drive when I
do the installation. Actually I have 13g space on my c drive, so I
may be miss something? I looked up the internet and found a solution
using SET TEMP=C:TEMP and SET TMP=C:TEMP, but it doesn't work for me.

Does anyone have a better idear? I had a SQL 2005 express edition
installed on my laptop before, but I have remove it, maybe I did not
remove it completely and cause this problem?

Thanks in advance


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DB Engine :: Setup Backup Share Folder In Clustered Environment While Setting Up Logshipping?

Oct 25, 2015

I am trying to set up log shipping in a clustered server environment. I am pretty confused about the location of the shared folder to be created to put backup created by  log shipping job. Which drive should I use either local or clustered shared drive to store the backups in primary server and  to copy the same in secondary Server?

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Upgrade 6.5 To 7.0 For Client

Mar 22, 2000

Quick question,
After upgrade the server from 6.5 t 7.0, is it necessary to upgrade all its clients as well ? (any documentation)
I learned from "pricing policy" that upgrade to 7.0 is considered as a major upgrade and CALS needed to be upgraded as well.
But I tried to connect from a 6.5 client to 7.0 server with SQL/W
with no problem ? however if try to connect through Enterprise Manager, I got a message saying "I need to upgrade the SQLDMO EM), Why was I able to connect
using SQL/W or ISQL ?

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Installation Will Only Allow Client.

Feb 5, 2001

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Installation Will Only Allow Client.

Feb 5, 2001

I had SQLServer 7 installed when my machine (using Windows 98)was hit by a virus. This necessitated running the original setup disk. When I did this, I found a number of existing files had been deleted (history files for a credit card program, Windows dial-up connections ) including some needed for the SQLServer. I eventually uninstalled SQLServer and attempted to reinstall it. When I do, I get a message saying that this disk can only install the client version. I originally installed it from this disk so why can't I install it again?

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RTM Will Only Allow Client Installation

Jan 5, 1999

When installing the RTM version of SQL Server 7.0 it only lets me install the client tools. It will not let me install the Enterprise edition or Standard edition. Has anyone else run into this problem.



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SQL 7 Client Installation

Apr 14, 1999

Can I installed Enterprise Manager from my workstation PC or any ways to remotely access the Enterprise Manager(SQL Server 7.0) at the server end and other utilities. I have installed the client network utility but do not know how to configure.

I've installed SQL SERVER 7.0(Standard version with 5 clients)on the WINNT 4.0 server.

Anyone knows where to source out for SQLSERVER7.0 RESOURCE KIT?

Thanks in advance.

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