Shall I Use Microsift Visio To Draw The Physical Design Of My Database??
Nov 8, 2007
i want to do the physical modeling using MS Visio. Whether is it availble with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or not?? If Yes, Could you please asssit what necessary loaded with Studio and Version Details.
hi we are in the process of developing a project and we r at the initial phase i.e. at the analysis phase and we have been discusssing on what is physical and logical database design. can any body send any links or articals on this will be hightly appreciated.
I got a server that has a RAID-5 array partitioned into C: and D:drives (OS Win2K Adv. Server installed on C:). The server also has amapping to a NAS device using the latest protocols that trick thesystem into thinking the map is actually a local SCSII drive. That'sdrive X:.This server is used only for SQL, and contains an OLTP database thatsees a lot of use and is pretty heavily indexed.I am toying with the idea of centralizing my data storage on the NAS(data center network segment is 1-gigabit ethernet). So I wasthinking about putting my primary data file on the NAS (drive X:) andkeeping all tables there, creating a secondary data file on localRAID-5 (drive D:) and putting all non-clustered indexes there, as wellas keeping the tempdb there and specifying the sort in tempdb option.Log files would also remain on D:.If anyone can suggest a better scenario given the above setup - I'dlove to hear it. Much appreciated.Alexey Aksyonenko
Can someone recommend an application that produces an estimate of the size of a database from column definitions and estimated number of rows in each table? -- Thanks
I am trying to generate a report from the database. I am using Visio 2010. I would like to include the table names, column names , column types and the comments that I entered in the NOTES field associated with the tables and columns. Basically, I would like to generate a data dictionary report.
Hello, I was working with Microsoft Time Series (MTS) algorithm and simulated data in order to evaluate/know it a little more. I simulated 24 points of the model y[t] = 5.74-0.1486 y[t-1] + e[t] and 19 points of the model y[t] = 10.48-0.0486 y[t-1] + e[t] (a change of level), where e ~ N(0,0.01). The MTS output is: if time>=23.5 then AR(3) else AR(1): y[t] = 6.23-0.2536 y[t-1]. So, I am wondering: how the algorithm works whit the time variable as a split variable? Like the other variables? Only considering 4 time points? Why the MTS algorithm produces AR(p) models where p is a little large (like the example: I simulated an AR(1) model and the output is an AR(3) model), what about parsimony models? A AR model is a stationary model, so what happen if some data have trend? We need eliminate the trend before the MTS algorithm can be used?Thanks for your time
I had to to relocate the database log file and I issued an Alter database command but by mistake I put a space in the file name as below. The space is at the beginning file name. Now I am unable get the database loaded to SQL Server. The database has 2 replications configured, so deleting and re-attaching the database means the replication needs to be re-configured. Is there an alternative way to issue a command to update the database FILENAME ? Not sure if this can be edited in master database (sys files).
I usually crate relation with database but not use physical relation * My question is if crate physical relation is best way or not and what advantage and disadvantage of physical relation and if it the best way to make relation
I want to move 2 databases to another physical disk. They are both single file databases. It looks like a fairly straigtforward attach and detach procedure, but I have a couple of questions:
The log files (.ldf) currently reside on a separate physical disk from the data files, if I attach and reattach the data files will the logs remain where they are by default or do I have to re specify there location?
Is there any advantage to running the update statistics portion of the sp_detach_db?
I have been trying to use DMO(C++) to backup a database and then restore from that backup to a new db name AND physical data and log files, with no success. I have been able to successfully restore the backup to the same database and change the physical file names using the RelocateFiles property on the Restore object, but not change both. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have detached the database via sp_detach_db in a job, (I was trying to use a job to detach the database, then make copies of the mdf file, then attach the databases as different copies, somehow the job failed due to file locked) I tried to delete the physical files, but they were still locked. I tried several times, two of them I was able to delete the mdf files, but not the ldf file. The other one both mdf file and ldf file can not be deleted. I was not able to see the database via Management studio.
Hi,We have a situation where we want to move our current databaseserver to a different hardware and rename the server.If we change the Physical server name, do we have to go thru the wholeprocess of changing it in sql server by running sp_dropserver,sp_addserver?Can we have an alias for the server name in DNS and can sql serverresolve the server name internally by going thru DNS?For eg: Our current database server name is FFSQL-PRD01. We have itregistered in EM as FFSQL-PRD01. Now we renamed the server toSTLSQL-PRD01, and added an entry in DNS for STLSQL-PRD01 with alias ofFFSQL-PRD01( the same old name as alias). After doing this when I goto EM and click on FFSQL-PRD01 would it give me an error? or can itresolve the server name by going to DNS.When you install SQl server the default instance has to be the physicalserver name, Why? Is the physical server name stored in Masterdatabase( SYSSERVERS table)?Thanks for your help.Geetha
Is there a method in SQL Server 2k to re-locate the physical databasefiles at the time the server reboots. Currently, the only way I know todo this is by scripting some OS-level commands.Thanks in advance for your help.Amy BoydDatabase AdministratorNetwork Associates*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Ok, I'm doing a football database for fixtures and stuff. The problem I am having is that in a fixture, there is both a home, and an away team. The tables as a result are something like this:
It's not exactly like that, but you get the point. The question is, can I do a fixture query which results in one record per fixture, showing both teams details. The first in a hometeam field and the second in an away team field.
Fixture contains the details about the fixture like date and fixture id and has it been played
Team contains team info like team id, name, associated graphic
TeamFixture is the table which links the fixture to it's home and away team.
TeamFixture exists to prevent a many to many type relationship.
Make sense? Sorry if this turns out to be really easy, just can't get my head around it at the mo!
I am in the process of creating another database for one of our departments, I'm creating a diagram of the structure in visio 2003. I'm done with the diagram but when I try to export to sql it wont let me. Anyone ever had this problem before?? This is the Error message I'm getting
ODBC Error: 01000 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Warning: The table 'Audit_Tbl' has been created but its maximum row size (20070) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds 8060 bytes.
CREATE TABLE employees ( employee_number char(6) NOT NULL , known_as char(20) , surname char(20) , job_title char(20) , manager_number char(6) NULL , unique_identifier char(6) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ) --unique_identifier is in the format 000123456789
Now I have a conundrum when trying to create organization charts in Visio, so I figured I'd try reproduce the format that a bunch of walkthroughs suggest, which is with the first column being an int identity(1,1) column as the employeeID with the managerID being an int column also, referencing the employeeID. Hope I've not lost you just yet ;) So here's what I figured - create a new table with the new integer columns, slap my current data into it and then update the managerID as necessary...
Except I can't work out the update statement for this!
CREATE TABLE gvVisioTest ( employeeID int identity(1,1) , employee_number char(6) , job_title char(40) , department_reference char(10) , managerID int , manager_number char(6) ) GO
INSERT INTO gvVisioTest(employee_number, job_title, department_reference, manager_number) SELECT employee_number, job_title, department_reference, manager_number FROM employees GO
--Update managerID with relevant employeeID GO
DROP TABLE gvVisioTest
Any ideas?
Oh and this is legacy so the design is flawed, modified over time (the manager field is a bodge put in 5 years ago), so yeah unfortunately I have to work with what I've got :(
I am doing a project where I heed to extract data from a table in a sql server and then automatically create a bar chart with this data preferrably in PowerPoint (or excel). I was thinking myself that it may be done in vba/macro added to a button in powerpoint. If anyone knows how to do this i would be very grateful or if anyone know a useful website could they post it up.
I am having data model diagram containing 150 odd tables in MS Office Visio 2007.The Datamodel Diagram even has the Relationships between the Tables.
Do we have any Procedure to export the Datamodel Diagram from the Visio to the Sql Server carrying all the relationships.
We are having the reverse engineer procedure to export database diagrams from Sql server to the datamodel diagram in the Visio in the same way, do we have any procedure to Export DataModel diagram from Visio to SQL Server to create tables with all the relationships?
Is it possible to import the SSIS workflow diagram into visio? Is there a way to extract the images and import them into SSIS for use with creating a workflow, or better yet, is there a way to re-engineering the workflow in SSIS with Visio?
For an initial step, I would like to re-create the SSIS workflow in Visio for presentations.
I'm running Visio 2003 on Windows XP with SQL Server 2005 Express rather than MSDE. Is this configuration supported? If yes, how does the SQL database get built since SSADMIN.exe (delivered with the Visio SDK) does not detect an MSDE compatible database when SQL Server 2005 Express is not installed?
Data mining add-in for Office Visio 2007 is great. But what I am concerning is-to end users (to technical users) how could we deliver the data mining models results in a better way (e.g. integrate with other possible clients ) to make it dynamically and easily undertood?
I'll try to explain what I'd like to do. On my SQL Server 2005, SSAS contains a mining model (In fact a cluster one). I'd like to show a detailed diagram build from this model on a web site. This diagram (and this is why I need automation) would depend on the user who's consulting it. For example, a firm A will see the number of its customers in each cluster, and this information will be different for another firm B
So, I thought about several steps to perform: 1) Feed the model with the data for each firm 2) Build a Visio diagram from the previous data using the DM addins for Visio 2007 3) Generate HTML using the Visio export wizard 4) Publish HTML And (important) this should be done automatically.
I made some experiments: Step 1 is easy to perform with SSIS Step 3 is also easy to do with the Visio SDK (using, among others, the exportAsHtml control) and Step 4 is trivial
I failed to perform stage 2, even with the SDK, since creating a diagram from a DM template requires the user to fill a wizard. By code, I'm able to create a document from a DM template, Drop a DM Stencil but when the wizard appears I'm unable to get a handle on it. And even if I was, I dunno if it would be a "clean" way of doing.
So my question is: first of all: isn't there an easier way to generate HTML from Mining Models automatically? And if my approach to this problem is the best (or the "least bad"), how to generate datamining Visio diagrams from code automatically?
Hi All, Is it possbile to define connection string for web and database server which is running on different machine. Note( Not same LAN). E.g (My Web Server is in London and Database server in Sydney). Please can any one help me.?? Thanks in advance...