Short Circuit Evaluation In Conditional Split Expression
Jun 23, 2006
I think I know the answer to this but thought I'd ask anyway.
I have a conditional split to check a column for null values or empty string values. It looks like this:
(!ISNULL(Ballot)) || (LEN(TRIM(Ballot)) > 0)
My question is: Are both sides of the expression evaluated? My testing says yes, because a Null value causes an error. Is there a way to short circuit the evaluation like the || operator in C# or the (less than elegant, and seemingly threatening) OrElse operator in VB? Whats the best alternative:
A slightly more complex expression that turns a null value into an empty string
A script component
Two conditional splits
Two paths out of one condtional split
I went with the first option, here is the expression I came up with:
I have as csv-file wich I import into an SQL Server table. Now I want to do some checks on it. I use a conditional split to direct data to the other tables (1 table for the correct data, 1 table for the rejected data).
Is it possible to use a regular expression in a case in a conditional split to check if a columns has the right format?
I'm using a conditional split to discriminate modified records. My expression looks like this: col1_source != col1_dest || col2_source != col2_des.....and so on. I use OLE DB Command afterward to update modified records.
It all works fine if no columns evaluate to null. If any (source or dest.) evaluates to null, component fails.
Any tips how to solve a problem?
It has to work like this:
If colX_source is null and colX_dest is not null --> Update If colX_source is not null and colX_dest is null --> Update If both colX_source and colX_dest are null --> No update
p.s. i apologize if a similar thread exists, I haven't found something of use to me.
First of all, I get the following error message for one of my packages which uses user variables:
SSIS package "UsageAnalysis.dtsx" starting. Information: 0x4004300A at Perform xmlState Shredding, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning. Information: 0x4004300A at Update Analysis Table, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning. Information: 0x4004300A at Update Analysis Table, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning. Error: 0xC001700E at UsageAnalysis: A truncation occurred during evaluation of the expression. Error: 0xC0019004 at UsageAnalysis: The expression for variable "GetAnalysisData" failed evaluation. There was an error in the expression. Error: 0xC02020E9 at Update Analysis Table, UsageAnalysis Source [1]: Accessing variable "User::GetAnalysisData" failed with error code 0xC001700E. Error: 0xC0024107 at Update Analysis Table: There were errors during task validation. Warning: 0x80019002 at Usage Analysis Process: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (5) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors. SSIS package "UsageAnalysis.dtsx" finished: Failure.
Now my package has the following variables: GetMaxUsageID: scope package level, type string, statement SELECT MAX(UsageID) AS MaxUsageID FROM XX.XXX MaxUsageID: scope package level, type int32, default value 0, value get assigned from the following statement executed from sql task that runs GetMaxUsageID variable as above GetAnalysisData: scope package level, type string, Evaluate as Expression "SELECT * FROM dbo.UsageAnalysis WHERE UsageID > " + (DT_STR, 8, 1252) @[User::MaxUsageID]
The package has worked fine until MaxUsageID value reached to 10,00,000 and since then I have been getting above mentioned error message. The problematic step is related to Data Flow task where I use GetAnalysisData. I have tried replacing user variable with literal as follows
"SELECT * FROM dbo.UsageAnalysis WHERE UsageID > 1000000"
the error message stays the same. Please note that package has worked fine before and it still works ok if I don't use user variables. Obviously, some of you would see eliminating user variables as workaround but I would appreciate if cause of that error message could be investigated.
I have experienced problem while trying to use variable with expression based on several other variables in tasks running parallel.
The details are as following:
There is a SSIS package with simple Control flow: one Script Task which actually do nothing and two Execute Process Tasks, they run after Script Task in parallel. Then there are three simple (EvaluateAsExpression = False) string variables ServerName, Folder and JobNumber with values ServerName = €œ\test€?, Folder = €œtest€? and JobNumber = €œ12345€?. And there is one variable FullPath with expression @[User:: ServerName] + "\" + @[User::Folder] + "_" + @[User::JobNumber]. All the variables are of the Package scope. Then in Execute Process Tasks I have similar expressions based on FullPath variable: Execute Process Task 1 has expression @[User::FullPath] + "\date.bat" and Execute Process Task 2 has @[User::FullPath] + "\time.bat" one. As you understand these expressions define what exactly task should execute.
Then I€™m going to execute package from command line so appropriate XML configuration file has been created. The file contains following values for variables described above: ServerName = €œ\LiveServer€?, Folder = €œJob€? and JobNumber = €œ33091€?.
After series of consequent executions I have got following log file:
€¦ Execute Process Task 1€¦ Executing the process €œ\LiveServerJob_33091date.bat€?
€¦ Execute Process Task 2€¦ Executing the process €œ\Test est_12345 ime.bat€?
€¦ Execute Process Task 1€¦ Executing the process €œ\Test est_12345date.bat€?
€¦ Execute Process Task 2€¦ Executing the process €œ\LiveServerJob_33091 ime.bat€?
€¦ Execute Process Task 1€¦ Executing the process €œ\LiveServerJob_33091date.bat€?
€¦ Execute Process Task 2€¦ Executing the process €œ\Test est_12345 ime.bat€?
€¦ Execute Process Task 1€¦ Executing the process €œ\LiveServerJob_33091date.bat€?
€¦ Execute Process Task 2€¦ Executing the process €œ\LiveServerJob_33091 ime.bat€?
As you can see one of Execute Process Tasks usually receive correct value of the expression (based on values of variables from the configuration file) while another - incorrect one (based on €œdefault€? values of variables set directly in package). Sometimes wrong value appears in Task 1, next time in Task 2. Situations when both expressions in tasks evaluated correctly are very rare.
Then if you add some more Execute Process Tasks with similar expressions in the package (for ex. simply by copying existing tasks) you€™ll get a good chance to catch error like this:
OnError,,,Execute Process Task 1,,,8/17/2007 2:07:12 PM,8/17/2007 2:07:12 PM,-1073450774,0x,Reading the variable "User::FullPath" failed with error code 0xC0047084.
OnError,,,Execute Process Task 1,,,8/17/2007 2:07:12 PM,8/17/2007 2:07:12 PM,-1073647613,0x,The expression "@[User::FullPath] + "\time.bat"" on property "Executable" cannot be evaluated. Modify the expression to be valid.
Seems variable with expression FullPath is locked during evaluation by one of the parallel tasks in such a way that another task can€™t read it value correctly. Can someone help me with the issue? Maybe there are some options I missed which could prevent such behavior of application? Please let me know how I can make the package work correctly.
For doing this I used a simple Conditional Split Task after table 1 First Approach Output Name; Null Data Condition: ISNULL(Col2)
I routed the output Null Data to Table3 and the default to Table2.
Strangely I see some data in Table3 which is not NULL. That is Table 3 is having a data which is not equal to null in Col2. I have no clue why will it do that.
Second approach Output Name: Data, Condition: !(ISNULL(Col2))
I routed the output: Data to Table2 and the default to Table3.
Strangely I see some data in Table3 which is not NULL. That is Table 3 is having a data which is not equal to null in Col2.
I have a oledb source and destination in a data flow task.. I would like to put the records where customer_key is null to an error table and rest of records to a destination table ( customers) using conditional split task.. how can i do this?
I am using a conditional split to evaluate the condition below. It should only send records to my SQL Server database if the PatientZip matches one of the eight below and the PatientCity is not Wichita Falls (you wouldn't believe how bad this is mispelled sometimes). I checked the output table and it has all records for the zipcodes below both matching and non-matching the cityname of Wichita Falls. The table should not have entries for records with the cityname of Wichita Falls. Do I have the code correct or could I have missed something?
I want to use conditional split on a column that has either a 0 or 1 in order to proceed with the workflow on my conditional split command i have ([colnam])==1 but the transformation still grabs all the data in the table whether the condition is 1 or 0. What could I be doing wrong?
Hi, In my Excel file I have the columns Col1, Col2. I want to send those records to Sqlserver table only if the Col1 and Col2 is not null. For this I am using the Conditional Split expression like this: (!ISNULL([Col1])) && (!ISNULL([Col2])). And sending this result to Sqlserver table. But I am not getting any records into the table. But the records col1 and col2 not null exist in Excel file. Is there any thing wrong in my expression?
When I call ExecuteResultSet(SqlServerCe.ResultSetOptions.Scrollable) I am getting the following error when the data type is Numeric(18, 4): Expression evaluation caused an overflow. [ Name of function (if known) = ]
The numbers involved are not that big and work fine when ExecuteReader() or ExecuteResultSet(SqlServerCe.ResultSetOptions.None) are called on the same SQL.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Cheers, Dave
Code: Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim errorDescription As String = String.Empty Dim numericNumber As String = String.Empty Try Using sqlCE As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection("Data Source = '" & My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "MyDatabase.sdf';")
Dim sqlCECommand As SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand = sqlCE.CreateCommand() sqlCECommand.CommandText = "SELECT SUM(MT.TPM_Measure1) AS CurrentAmount FROM BUS_Table MT"
Dim reader As System.Data.IDataReader = Nothing If RadioButton1.Checked Then reader = sqlCECommand.ExecuteReader() 'Works fine ElseIf RadioButton2.Checked Then reader = sqlCECommand.ExecuteResultSet(SqlServerCe.ResultSetOptions.None) 'Works fine Else reader = sqlCECommand.ExecuteResultSet(SqlServerCe.ResultSetOptions.Scrollable) 'Causes the error! End If
If reader.Read() Then numericNumber = reader(0).ToString() End If
reader.Close() reader.Dispose() End Using Catch ex As Exception errorDescription = ex.Message Finally Me.lblError.Text = errorDescription Me.lblNumeric.Text = numericNumber End Try End Sub
TPM_Measure1 datatype is Numeric(18,4)
When the above query works the value is: 4053723.6300
I am have an ID column that sometimes contains all numeric characters and sometimes contains all digits. I would like to the records with all digits (0-9) to continue downstream in my Data Flow. I would like the records that contain characters other than digits to be logged to a table.
This sounds like a job for the Conditional Split transformation, but I don't see a way to easily test for a numeric value. For example, I would like to use something like ISNUMERIC([MyIDField]) for testing the values in my Conditional Split, but I don't see a way to do this.
Do I have to create a Derived Column transformation prior to my conditional split that populates a "numeric" ID column for each of my records then test this Derived Column in my Conditional Split? Seems like more work than I would to see for something as simple as testing for a numeric...
I have a zipcode column that contains xxxxx-xxxx, i want to use conditional split so that i can take the last 4 digits and put them into a different column, I tried to use the SUBSTRING ("ZIP", 6, 4) but it returns an error, any ideas on how i can split it?
I have setup a SSIS package that takes a flat file fixed width input, and stores it to two SQL server tables in the same database. The flat file contains two types of records, lets call them Type1 and Type2. The two types of records are formatted differently, and the first character determines what type the record is. I used a conditional split to send record type1 down one path, and type2 down the other. On each of those I use a derived column task to build all the fields and then store to the table with the OLE destination. I put any errors that occur (like truncation) into an error table by setting the "redirected row" feature vs "Fail Component". This all works well and I have no issues.
The dilema is as follows. Type1 is essentially a parent record and the Type2 record is a child. There is a shared primary key / foreign key relationship field. I want errors when processing type1 to cause the associated type2 to also be redirected to the error table vs being inserted.
If anyone has suggestions on how this could be done, reference articles, etc... please let me know.
I have been transfering data from text file to sql databases.
I have a conditional split where i check to if the address has changed for a particular person.If yes i direct to update else i direct to default output which means no change.
when i connect error output of conditional split to a database or union all couple of rows are directed to error output.But i dont understand the reason.How would i be able to know why they r directed to error.
Good Day All, I have an interesting situation that I cannot believe is unique. I have a flat file (ragged right) that contains 5 different record types. Each row in the file identifies the record type in the first character. The layout is something like this:
File Header Group Header (Contains group id number) Data Item (Contains group id number) . . . Group Footer (DOES NOT CONTAIN GROUP ID NUMBER) Group Header (Contains group id number) Data Item (Contains group id number) . . . Group Footer (DOES NOT CONTAIN GROUP ID NUMBER) File Footer
Now I only want to extract data for ONE of the aforementioned groups, however I need the group footer as well because it contains some control totals for the group. The real problem is that the footers do not contain the group id number it goes with. It is a completely positional thing. Silly, yes I know but this particular file layout is an industry standard.
I thought the conditional split would be the way to go. Unfortuately, it seems the conditional split wants to split the entire data set before passing the results down stream rather than processing a single row at a time and passing that row down stream before processing the next one. (Blocking versus streaming I think its called) I could do it in a single god-awful script but I would rather try not to have to code the entire thing.
If I have 2 input fields to my conditional split, how can I do a compare based on if they are alike. Example, I have 2 IDs, I want to see if the IDs match for a PK/FK relationship, if they match, then output those rows to the conditional's output stream. Do I literally do this or is this not right for the expression? Is there a like statement I should be using instead?
[IDName] == [IDName]
Basically I have 2 OLE DB sources coming in, 2 sets of columns, and both tables behind each OLE DB souce have an ID field to determine the PK/FK relationship. Out of all the records going through from the OLE DB source to the conditional split, I want to output each set of records where the IDs are equal...thuse after my conditional split, I could then take those records and input them into another txt file....and then the process would repeat for the next records in the pipe where IDs are the same...
EmployeesA empId integer, empName varchar(60), empAge integer, empStatus char(1) - can be N,D or S - New, Deleted or Shifted
and the following in Sql2005
EmployeesB Id smallint, Name varchar(60), Age int, Status char(1) - Bydefault 'N'
I have written a Foreach File package that populates the sql server tables (EmployeesB) from Access(EmployeesA). However i want to check for a condition now.
If empStatus = N in EmployeesA, then insert a new record in EmployeesB If empStatus = D in EmployeesA, then search for that field in the EmployeesB by passing empname and age and if found, mark the Status field in EmployeesB as 'D' If empStatus = S in EmployeesA, then search for that field in the EmployeesB by passing empname and age and if found, mark the Status as 'S' in EmployeesB and insert a new row.
How do I do it for each table each row in EmployeesA using a foreach file loop?
I am trying to do a simple thing using Conditional Split Task. But I get this error everytime.
[Conditional Split [462]] Error: The expression "ColName1 == "AWM"" on "output "Case 1" (506)" evaluated to NULL, but the "component "Conditional Split" (462)" requires a Boolean results. Modify the error row disposition on the output to treat this result as False (Ignore Failure) or to redirect this row to the error output (Redirect Row). The expression results must be Boolean for a Conditional Split. A NULL expression result is an error.
What I wanted to do is. Split the result result set accoring tro data in Colunm "ColName1". and if the data is AWM then pull that row.
Currently I have NO row for ColName1 that has AWM in it. But still if it didn't find any then all the row must go to default.
Also, when I give a valid name instead of AWM it works.
I have a package which has a conditional task which directs rows to its respective OLEDB command. The records are sorted from the source system in chronological order. The problem I am experiencing is that some of the operations do not seem to be occurring in the same order. An example of this would be someone inserts a record, deletes the record and reinserts in the record in that order. When we run the package we can see the records are coming down in chronological order but the delete from the split seems to occur after the inserts. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there anything I might be missing to ensure things happen in the order they should? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I've about 8 output files from the "conditional split". For each run, only one condition is valid. When I run the package with value 0, I need to get only one output file with condition 0's data. That's working fine but I'm getting all other output files with 0KB, which I don't want. I'm getting like: Var0.txt ---------------> 2KB Var1.txt ---------------> 0KB Var2.txt ---------------> 0KB Var3.txt ---------------> 0KB ........... etc.
I have a DT_DATE column. I'd like to achieve a conditional split to ignore all records for which the date is below a specific hardcoded date (eg: 2007-03-01).
I'm having a hard time trying to express this using the conditional split transform.
What is the correct syntax to express a DT_DATE literal ?
I have set up a conditional split task which i want to use with a flat file data source. The flat file consists of multiple rows of data where the first column is an ID. The conditional split is based on the first column value.
What i'd like to know is if in the conditional split once it splits the data can the output be transformed. e.g. If one of the values coming from the flat file requires to be either split up into two values or requires to be passed into a stored procedure to manipulate it, can this be done?