Should I Have A Table That Stores A Subset Of Data From Other Tables???
Mar 21, 2007
DB design question
I have multiple tables with information about a user. The tables are Roles, Users, Groups and Profiles.
For a user session I need information from all those tables. Would it be better to make a table called UserSession and collect the necessary data from the above mentioned tables and stick them in one the UserSession table or should I just write a query that goes out and gets the data from the different tables.
Hi,I was wondering if you guys have any nth script to reads from tableand outputs into a temp table subset of records. There was a nth toolI used to use it was GROUP1 which was written in C and it used to bevery fast on nth -in a flat file. In this program we used to pass fewparamaeters. For example if I want 30,000 records from the file of500,000. The function seams to work something like this. you dividethe 30,000 records of 500,000 which will result with .090909090909.Now we would pass only the first 7 digit (0909090) as parameter thatwould nth the file down to 30,000 records. This function allwaysworked whichever number you use as long as the read file is largerthan output fileI like to use the similar concept in Sql Server and I was wondering ifanyone has any script to do this or how to go about this?Thank you. I appreciate your feedbackagron
I am trying to implement custom paging. I want to get a subset from my Threads and Post tables by userID. But I can't make the stored proc work. Could somebody have a look at this and tell me what I am doing wrong or if there is a better way of doing this?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[syl_ThreadPost_GetSubsetSortedByUserID2]
@UserID uniqueidentifier,
@sortExpression nvarchar(64),
@startRowIndex int,
@maximumRows int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
IF LEN(@sortExpression) = 0
SET @sortExpression = 'PostID'
-- Since @startRowIndex is zero-based in the data Web control, but one-based w/ROW_NUMBER(), increment
SET @startRowIndex = @startRowIndex + 1
-- Issue query
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)
SET @sql = 'SELECT t.[ThreadName],
(SELECT t.[ThreadName],
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ' + @sortExpression + ') AS RowNum
FROM syl_Threads t RIGHT OUTER JOIN syl_Posts p
ON t.[ThreadID] = p.[ThreadID])
WHERE t.[UserID] = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(16), @UserID) + ' )
AS syl_ThreadPostInfo
WHERE RowNum BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(16), @startRowIndex) + ' AND (' + CONVERT(nvarchar(16), @startRowIndex) + ' + ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(16), @maximumRows) + ') - 1'
-- Execute the SQL query
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
--Execute LogError_Insert SP
EXECUTE [dbo].[syl_LogError_Insert];
--Being in a Catch Block indicates failure.
--Force RETURN to -1 for consistency (other return values are generated, such as -6).
Hi i have a csv file where the last column usually happens to be null. So my file is like this: 1,2,3,,{LF} 4,5,6,,{LF} 7,8,9,,{LF} {CR}
I run the dts export from csv file to db and it doesnt save the last row (column5) in the table us null. instead it stores the {LF} character. Ascii =10. How can i resove this problem. the csv comes from a third party application. the DTS needs to un automatically and somehow resolve that last problem on its own. but how??? is there a code that can trim the last character in the last line to delete the last {LF} or some query in DTS that can achive this.....
Please let me know within Reporting server database which table stores the actual report name,keywords and author of the report.
I want to search the report based on the report name using my own custom code.It will be helpfull if i get the table name so that i can fire select query.
I need to be able to sum items grouped by op_wkctr and op_part and op_date. Here's my latest version which of course does not work.
SELECT op_wkctr, pcs, hrs.b FROM dbo.op_hist INNER JOIN ( SELECT op_part, SUM(op_qty_comp) as pcs FROM dbo.op_hist where op_type='BACKFLSH' group by op_hist.op_part
SELECT op_part, SUM(op_act_setup + op_act_run) as b FROM dbo.op_hist where op_type='LABOR' group by op_hist.op_part ) AS hrs ON op_hist.op_part = hrs.op_part where (op_wkctr = 'P-P36' or op_wkctr = 'P-P38' or op_wkctr='P39') and op_date ='10/22/07'
I have an Execute SQL Task that may return a result set. If it returns a result set, I'd like to log a failure in my package with the results visible.
I have logging turned on and that's working great. I've read about assigning results to a user variable of type Object and that's great. I can shred my results, thanks Jamie, with a Foreach loop no problem. Within that loop, I've got some VB that manipulates the values and will call Dts.Events.FireError as appropriate. However, VB is frowned upon here so my boss has asked that I push the VB logic into a Control Flow item.
I've built custom components already so I've got some familiarity with the process. Where I'm stuck at is figuring out _what_ the actual object type is in my code. The Connection manager is Native OLE DBSQL Native client. My Execute SQL Task uses a connection type of OLE DB with a Full result set. Results are stored in a variable named ErrorResultSet. Within the Execute method, I currently have this code set up in an attempt to pick apart the object and discover the available methods.
// Iterate through the variables that we were // able to lock. Assigning values to entities as // available. foreach (Variable _en in _variableCollection) { switch (_en.Name) { case "ErrorResultSet": Object _rs = _en.Value; System.Type _type; _type = _rs.GetType(); System.Data.DataSet _realResults; _realResults = _rs as System.Data.DataSet; // My expectation is that the cast of _realResults would // not fail. break; } } // unlock before we go _variableCollection.Unlock(); return DTSExecResult.Success;
At this point, my assumption is that the unboxed type of the recordset is not in the System.Data.DataSet inheritance chain as the cast failed. Anyone have insight into what it is? I can't seem to get any hits on google for what it's using behind the scenes in the Foreach ADO Enumerator.
Beyond the immediate question, anyone have thoughts on how else I can solve the problem? I had thought perhaps the task could raise an event if it returned rows but it didn't seem to have that functionality. Even if that had worked, telling the logging provider to capture the result set into the log might have been too much for native functionality. Another option I was thinking about would be to continue using the Enumerator and my custom component is a pure rewrite of the current Script task with the obvious downside being that I'd lose the generic-ness I was hoping to get with being able to hit my dataset.
How would I write a select statement that would return multiple fields in a records based on a a distinct of one of those fiels.
Table Name : Sales Table Field Name : Name Address Phone Zip Sale Rec1: Peter Smith 12 Market St 999-999-9999 12345 99.99 Rec2: John Jones 73 Broadway 999-999-8888 12345 12.34 Rec3: Charle Brown 42 Peanuts Ave 999-999-7777 12345 34.56 Rec4: Peter Smith 12 Market St 999-999-6666 12345 67.89 Rec5: John Jone 73 Broadway 999-999-5555 12345 36.52
How would I be able to return the columns Name Address and Phone based on the distinct of Name.
i have one col in a nonclusted index which is bigint 8 bytes follwoing result shows min_record_size_in_bytes and max_record_size_in_bytes is 20 that is 12+8 page size is 8 kB. does that mean a record will use 20 bytes in a page or it will only use the space equalent to data stored in the col.what i have seen is page count is same weather i put some data in the col or null
I have a need to dump a subset of a database from the server (SQL Server) to a notebook via the network, for data entry to be done on the notebook when it is in the field & not connected to the network & then the changes made to this data on the notebook to be applied to the database on the server.
The application for the front end to this is in Access. Would MSDE be the way to go for the database on the notebook ?
It's a small application with not many users, likelihood of conflicting edits is small.
Would the data transfer best be done with replication or with DTS ? Presumably replication would allow options for control over conflicts, such as the same bit of data being changed on the server & on the notebook’s copy of the data ?
I need guidance re direction to head in with this.
Hi all, I’ve a table with production objects, and another with possible items composition of the object. I need to count how many occurrences of each standard composition appears: Table PROD: PROD_ID COMPONENT TYPE --------- ----------- ----- 1 AAA X1 BBB Y2 AAA X3 BBB Y4 AAA Y5 AAA X5 BBB YTable ITEM_COMPITEM_ID COMPONENT TYPE-------- --------- -----7 AAA X7 BBB Y8 AAA X9 BBB Y The result should be: ITEM_ID OCCURRENCES-------- ----7 28 19 1 Table PROD have millions of rows, my way is too slow (I’ve a loop where each PROD object are separately queried against the ITEM_COMP), some have an idea for a most efficient way?
There is a production database which has ever increasing data. For testing purposes though, I would like to build a test database with exactly the same schema but only a subset of data copied from the production database . I'll specify the criteria (something like a where clause in select query) for copying the data from the production database.
Is there a tool that anyone has come across to do this job ?
Hi there. I'm trying to extract data from my SQL server & everything in the script I've got is working (extracting correct data) except for one field - which is for the most part it's off by +2 days (on a few occasions - I see it off by just +1 day or even +3, but it's usually the +2 days).
I'm told that it's due to the conversion formula - but - since SQL is not my native language, I'm at a bit of a loss.
The DB table has the date field stored as a type: CHAR (as opposed to 'DATE') Can anyone out there help?
I'm trying to insert data into a table from two tables into a single table along with a hard coded value.
insert into TABLE1 (THING,PERSONORGROUP,ACCESSRIGHTS) VALUES ((select SYSTEM_ID from TABLE2 where AUTHOR IN (select SYSTEM_ID from TABLE2 where USER_ID =('USER1'))),(select SYSTEM_ID from TABLE2 where USER_ID =('USER2')),255)
I get the following-
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
What's the best way to convert a large set of records from a simple schema where all fields are in one table to a schema where fields are split across two tables? The two table setup is necessary for reasons not worth getting into here.
Doing this via cursor is pretty straightforward, but is there a comparable set-based solution?
Here are sample create table commands. Obviously, the example below is simplified for discussion purposes.
-- One record from here will produce a record in TargetParentRecords and a record in TargetChildRecords for a total of two records. CREATE TABLE OriginalSingleTableRecords ( ID INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
i have to transfer data from one table to three other new tables. and if there are any duplicates in original table i have to send them to duplicates table.the remaining data should be send to three other tables. so can anyone help writting stored procedure for this.
I have a table, dbo.Table1(Id,Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8) that I need to split between two tables dbo.Table2(Id, Col1, Col3, Col4) and dbo.Table3(Id,dbo.Table2_Id,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8). But in dbo.Table3 I need to have the Id column from dbo.Table2 populated since its a foreign key constraint in dbo.Table3. How do I go about doing this?
I have 3 tables with the follwing schema Table <Category> {
UniqueID, LastDate DateTime }
Assume the follwing tables with data following the above schema
Table Cat1 {
1, D1 2, D2 3, D3 } Table Cat2 {
2, D4 3,D5 4, D6 } Table Cat3 {
1, D7 3,D8 5,D9 }
I have a Master and the schema is as follows Table master {
UniqueId, Cat1 DateTime, -- This is same as the Table name Cat2 DateTime, -- This is same as the Table name Cat3 DateTime -- This is same as the Table name }
After inserting the data from all these 3 tables, I want the my master table to look like this Table Master {
I have 3 tables (accnt, jobcost, and servic15). all with the same fields (code, jno, ven, date). I need to insert the data from these tables into another table called dummy with the same fields, in one statement or query.
I posted the questions in sql forum and got good sql statement to work with it.. However, I want to see if there is a way to do it in SSIS..
May be this is really basic questions but I am having hard time to do it in sql server 2005 SSIS..
I have a flat file that I want to merge with table in SQL server 2005.
1> I have successfully created a data flow task to import data from flat file to Table X (new table I created for this package).
Now here is my question. I have a Table A already in the database with the same column structure as of TableX (Both the tables have 20 columns/same Name/Same design).
I want to merge Table A and Table X and stored the data in TableA. However, I just don't want to merge blindly, I need to insert a new row in Table A only if the same row does not exist in Table A (there is no primary key, i am looking certain fields to see if the rows are same)..
Here is an example: Table A -------------- 1 test test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 2 test test6 test7 test8 test9 test10
Table X ------------ 1 test test1 test2 test99 test4 test5 2 test test98 test97 test 96 test95 test94 -------------------------------------------------------- Now, I want to only insert row 2 of Table X since there is match on 4 of the fields in row1.. The new Table A should look like
NEW Table A' -----------------
test test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test test6 test7 test8 test9 test10 test test98 test97 test 96 test95 test94
------------------------------------ I think, I could do this using Execute SQL task and write all the code in sql, but that will be cumbersome and time consuming.. Is there a simpler way to achieve this?
I've a table named Master in which a column is referenced in other tables like Child1, Child2,.. ChildN. I've deleted a part of data( say Column Id values 1,2,3,4,5) from all the Child tables which pointed to Master table Id column.
Now, I want to delete the same Id values from Master table as there rows are not referred in any of the child tables. When I try to delete the Id values 1 thru 5 from Master table, it is scanning all child tables for the references and taking lot of time for the deletion.
Is there any way to specify to the system(in the query) to delete the Master table values without scanning the child tables..?
I read in a technical journal (somewhere) that it is possible to create a ActiveX DLL in Visual Basic and use the DLL in a stored procedure. There were some limitations (because of stored procedures) but this is still a very powerful feature. Has anyone ever heard of this or read about this? Is there s source for explanation and examples?