Should SQL 2005's BPool Reservation Size Vary With -g Startup Parameter?

Oct 17, 2007

Hello, all

We are trying to work out a memory problem associated with a SQLCLR procedure we have developed.

This procedure will run properly on a SQLExpress box, but fails with an Insufficient Memory error (701) when run on our 32-bit enterprise edition server on W2K3 Enterprise Server. The server has 3.25 GB of RAM, and does *not* have the /3GB switch enabled; AWE is *not* enabled on SQL Server.

I initially suspected the problem was due to the idiosyncracies of how the BPool is allocated on SqlExpress and its 1GB buffer pool limitation, giving a 1GB MemToLeave region for SQLCLR allocations -- substantially larger than the default available on the server with it's default 256MB allocation (+128MB for thread stacks). That seemed to explain why a memory problem might not manifest itself on the client, but would on the server. I then altered the server to include an explicit "-g" parameter at startup, reserving 512MB for MemToLeave, but the query still fails with the same memory errors. I've tried values as high as 1GB (-g1024), but none have worked Our DBA has installed a recent hotfix associated with certain memory errors, to no avail.

It appears that the server will max out the CLR allocations at 102MB, regardless of the presence of the -g parameter. Could it be that the MemToLeave region really is that severely fragmented? There are still log messages indicating failures to reserve virtual memory...

One thing I notice is that the buffer's VM Reserved value never seems to change regardless of the value of the "-g" option. I would expect to see it decrease by the amount specified as reserved, eg -g 768 should leave, for example, something like 1.2GB VM Reserved for buffer pool allocation, but it doesn't. That tells me I'm not really establishing a larger MemToLeave area. Is this expectation incorrect?

Bottom line, we don't know why this procedure is running on the server, but not in SqlExpress. It is a procedure that connects to a remote Oracle database and collects about 14,000 records, but dies after sending about 7,000 or so records when run on the server. Again, the same query running against the same code on a SqlExpress box works perfectly.

Any thoughts or suggestions welcomed and greatly appreciated.


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SQL 2005 Resize Initial Log Size: MODIFY FILE Failed. Specified Size Is Less Than Current Size.

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I€™m using€?


And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn€™t keep the changes.

Any help with this process?

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Server Startup / 100 % Cpu Utilization While Recovering Database @ Startup

Dec 7, 2000

database : MS SQL server ver 6.50.201
problem: server startup / server time out
SQL server shows usage of 100 % CPU utilization, if started automatically / manually. and does not proceed / hangs up(server time out), but win nt operates extremely slow.

The background of the situation in brief is as stated below.
The errorlog was found to have the messages
warning : OPEN OBJECTS parameter may be too low.
Attempt was made to free up descriptors in localdes()
Run sp_configure to increase parameter value.

Error : 644, severity : 21, state; state 1
the non clustered leaf row entry for page 2 row 1 was not found in index page 40 indexid 2 database 'tempdb'

Error : 2620 severity 21 state 3
the offset of the row number at offset 32 does not match the entry in the offset table of the follwoing page : page pointer = 0x1395800, page no= 40, status = 0x2, objectid = 1, indexid = 2

Action taken
I used the sp_option to increase the open objects from default 500 to 1000, and the LE threshold maximum value to 400 from the default 200.
after which I used reconfigure go and restarted the computer to take the effect. The following did work fine and server was working ok. But then from yesterday I am having the problem that the MS SQL sever is utilizing the cpu to 98 - 99 % and I am not able to connect to the server.
I tried to start the server with the minimal configuration by specifying the -f option in the service manager start up options, it showed the following message
00/12/07 10:40:49.73 ods Unable to connect. The maximum number of '5' configured user connections are already connected. System Administrator can configure to a higher value with sp_configure.
00/12/07 10:40:50.02 ods Unable to connect. The maximum number of '5' configured user connections are already connected. System Administrator can configure to a higher value with sp_configure.

afterwhich I tried with the option of starting the sql server with the option -c -f
which in the event detail of the win nt shows
"mesg 18109: Recovery dbid 6 ckpt(55813,8) oldest tras= (55813,0)"

The open procedure for service "MSSQLServer" in DLL "SQLCTR60.DLL" has taken longer than the established wait time to complete. The wait time in milliseconds is shown in the data.
DB-LIBRARY error - SQL Server connection timed out.

and in the errorlog present in MSSQLLOG directory

00/12/07 15:06:43.24 spid1 Recovering Database 'master'
00/12/07 15:06:43.31 spid1 Recovery dbid 1 ckpt (7944,28) oldest tran=(7944,0)
00/12/07 15:06:43.41 spid1 1 transactions rolled forward
00/12/07 15:06:43.49 spid1 Activating disk 'AM'
00/12/07 15:06:43.49 kernel initializing virtual device 1, D:MSSQLDATAAM.DAT
00/12/07 15:06:43.50 spid1 Activating disk 'AMLOG'
00/12/07 15:06:43.50 kernel initializing virtual device 2, D:MSSQLDATAAMLOG.DAT

The dbid is / was 6 for both the instances, the database which is having this dbid is database name "AM" and is having above 1300 tables (approx)
what could be the problem and solution for it?
kindly help me out of this situation.

If any more information is needed please contact me on /


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SQL Server 2005 - Change Startup Parameters

Oct 6, 2007


I installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition and then executed SP2. So, when I try to move master database to another place, I don't obtain to change the Startup Parameters, because the instance SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) in SQL Server 2005 Services in the SQL Server Configuration Manager isn't shown. I observed that if not execute the SP2 the instance SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) is shown.
What it can is happening ?
Somebody knows some thing on this?

Please, somebody could help me ?



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Detect That SQL Server 2005 Is Checking A Specific Database On Its Startup

Oct 3, 2007


is there a way to find out that SQL Server 2005 (Express) engine is performing startup checked of a selected database?

The problem we are faced to is that our users shutdown brutally their laptops running their database. When they start laptops again, they impatiently start the application that tries to connect to the database. However, they get an error message:

Cannot open database XXXXX requested by the login. The login failed.

When they try after a minute or two, it works.

What we would like to do is provide an information message that the SQL server is checking the database and that they must wait for a while. Is there is a specific error code for this, can anyone help? We are using .NET 2.0.

Thank you,

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Reservation System

Aug 27, 2007

I am trying to come up with a query for a reservation system for a small hotel. I have come up with 5 tables, of which only two will be used when searching for a vacant room. The first table is a roomTable and this contains info regarding the rooms at the hotel. eg room# floor, serviceStatus. The primary key in this table is room#.

The second table involved is a Session table. This table has a session number as primary key, and also has room# as foreign key. This table also contains a sessionType, startDate of a session and an endDate. Every time a room booking is made or a user is checked into the hotel a session is recorded into the sessions table.

When searching for room, the user supplies the date when the session should start and the date when this session should then end. I need a query that will enable me to pick all those rooms that are in the roomTable but do not have sessions running during / between the startDate and endDate specified by the user.

If anybody could be of assistance I would be most greatful

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Sql 2005 Install Error. MODIFY FILE Failed. Specified Size Is Less Than Current Size.

Jun 15, 2006

I installed sql 2005 a while back. Then I recently found out my file system was fat32 (I don't understand why the hardware people did this...) and I had to convert to NTFS. Naturally the sql service no longer worked so I uninstalled inorder to reinstall now I can't reinstall it I keep getting this message

native_error=5039, msg=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size.

I'll try to post the full log in a new post.

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CTE ResultSet Counts Vary

Jan 18, 2013

I have the below CTE that I just can't seem to get to give me the right results. Basically what im trying to do is use the first query to show the "sources" that are involved in each inquiry and the second query to show which of those have became "admissions" the thing is the counts of the sources when the CTESource query is ran alone is different than my query to join the two tables.

With CTESource(Total, ID, Source, Program) AS
SELECT count(Inquiry.ID) as Total, Referral.InquiryID_fk, Source, Inquirer.Program from Referral
Inner Join Inquiry on Inquiry.ID = Referral.InquiryID_fk
Inner Join Inquirer on Inquirer.ID = Inquiry.InquirerID_fk


The total inquiries can be higher than the source totals since a source isnt required in the system as well as there does not have to be admissions regardless of inquiry count.

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Dataflow Where Sourcecolumns Vary ?

Feb 17, 2006

Is it possible to set up at dataflow with for example an excel source that points to a sheet with varying number of colums.

In the file there is some information about number of columns. But the question is here how you use that information to define the columns in the dataflow ?

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Advice For Storing Reservation/booking Date Ranges...

May 19, 2005

I am building a small app that will display availability data for properties. I have a calendar that displays the dates for a whole year in month rows with each days colour representing the availability status, i.e. booked, on hold etc.
My question is about how to store these dates in the db. At the moment I have the table below:
TABLE Availability [PropertyID] [int] NOT NULL , [StatusID] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [StartDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL , [EndDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL
I was planning on having four status's for any given date, unknown, available, on hold or booked.
Displaying the dates has proved pretty simple but updating availability means I would need to query the db to see if any of the dates overlapped, I would then have to add the new date range/status as well as change any date ranges that overlapped, either in the sp or in the code and this is what made me wonder if there was a better way.
Does this sound a reasonable approach? Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated, This is the first time I have had to store date ranges and I want to make sure I am doing it right.

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How To Store And Access Reservation Data (was Small Project)

Jan 11, 2005

I have a project need to store the information of reservation. For example, somebody wants to reserve a laptop. She will sign in the date from calender to use. I would like to let the administrator to access the database and update the database in the intranet. Also the user who want to reserve a resource can access the intranet to fill a form, after approving it, she can borrow the resource. Of course, this is small database. And we also have a report on this.Do you have any idea how to do it? I appreciate.

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Problem With Custom Reservation System, Date Querying

May 8, 2007

Hi, I'm having issues trying to get a query working the way I want, it maybe
that i'm overly complicating things though.

What I have done so far is have 2 seperate tables one holding details about
the item to be booked out with an ID the second linking to the Item via the
ID and also having the startdate and the enddate of the booking, thus an item
will have multiple rows in the bookings table for multiple bookings.

What I want to have is a "quick" booking method where a user enters the
startdate they would like and the enddate, a drop down is then filtered (via
a query) returning only the items that are avalible.

The issue i'm having is that because my bookings have multiple rows for each
item, for what maybe true in the rules for an item in 1 row maybe false
alittle later - i which case the returned data i am getting is incorrect!

Hopefully I have made sense, and maybe someone can help?

my querry for the filter so far: -

SELECT DISTINCT DeviceDetails.Device_ID, DeviceDetails.Device_Name
BookingDetails ON BookingDetails.Device_ID =
WHERE (BookingDetails.Bookout_Date IS NULL) OR
(BookingDetails.Bookout_Date >= GETDATE()) AND
(@Dateout <= BookingDetails.Bookin_Date) AND (BookingDetails.Bookout_Date >=
@Datein) OR
(BookingDetails.Bookout_Date >= GETDATE()) AND
(@Dateout >= BookingDetails.Bookin_Date) AND (BookingDetails.Bookout_Date <=

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Recovery :: OS Memory Reservation For Two Node Cluster Having Three Instances

Nov 9, 2015

We are running with a 2 node windows cluster having three SQL instances on it. 

OS: Windows server 2008R2 SP1
SQL : SQL server 2008R2 (10.50.6529)

Currently both nodes have 256 GB or memory and we are having multiple auto failover for resources. What will be the best practice for OS memory reservation (OS+tools) so that we can set SQL max memory settings accordingly?

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Snapshot Generation Times Vary Substantially

Sep 25, 2007

HI all,

I implemented Pull snapshot replication about 3 weeks ago on a live server. Everything has been working very well and I really have no complaints. However, I am currently working towards optimization, which brings me to my question.

I have noticed that the snapshot agent will vary in the duration of time it takes to generate the snapshot.

Here is the job history:

9/25 - 3.48min

9/24 - 17min

9/23 - 17min

9/22 - 3.3min

9/21 - 17min

9/20 - 17min

9/19 - 3.39min

The distribution agent currently retains history for 12 hours and the snapshot agent runs once every 24 hours so I don't think this variation in performance could be related to a cache issue.

There are no sql jobs that are scheduled during this timeframe and both severs, Publication and Subscription, are decent boxes with very little load during the replication window.(currently 1am - 2am)

Any ideas why this variation in snapshot generation exists?



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Parameter Size

Jan 7, 2008

Hi All,
In SSRS 2005, how to fix the size (length) of the parameter since it is getting extended by length when the characters (data) is more.
Is there any way to fix the size and on click of the parameter then it should show the full value. Like usual drop down box.
Please let me know if you have any idea on this.


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Select Data Horizontally - Max Sequence Number May Vary

Sep 8, 2012

I have the following table:

Policy Sequence LossDate Description Amt
123 1 9-1-2012 property 100
123 2 10-1-2012 property 200
345 1 9-1-2012 property 100
345 2 10-1-2012 property 100
678 1 9-1-2012 property 100

I want to select the data as follows:

Policy LossDate1 Description1 Amt1 LossDate2 Description2 Amt2
123 9-1-2012 property 100 10-1-2012 property 200
345 9-1-2012 property 100 10-1-2012 property 100
678 9-1-2012 property 100 NULL NULL NULL

Is there a way to do this using T-SQL?

The max sequence number can vary, so far the max has been 12, but may be higher in the future.

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Analysis :: Top N Rows Vary Depending On Reporting Layer?

Oct 16, 2015

trivial example, i have a tabular model for orderlines.Each line has a product.A product fits under a hierarchy Category > Product.I need to display the top N rows by quantity under each category. My can break down as follows: Warehouse,  Product category, Product, PurchaserID

If im to do the top N in excel i use pivot table functions to get the top N by whatever measure i pick from the dropdown:I cant do this in powerbi builder though, as it works very differently, or powerview which again is done differently.Do i have to take a different approach depending on the report platform,  or is there a way to do this in the tabular model that will work on any platform?

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SQL Parameter Size Limit?...

May 28, 2008

Hey all --

Does anyone know if a sprocs parameter has a size limit? For example if you're passing in a XML document to a sproc - could that call fail based upon the size of the XML document? Consider memory a non-issue.

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Varying Parameter Size..?

Nov 6, 2006


I want to write a function that takes varying number of parameters.I mean:




There is a way to do this in T-SQL?

Thanks in advance...

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Multivalue Parameter Textbox Size

Jan 16, 2007


In my report,I have multivalue parameter for this parameter the Available values are from the Dataset.Suppose the dataset contains Names like this:
'AL - Alabama Center (Tuscaloosa)',
'AL - Regional Control Center (Birmingham)',
'AR - Arkansas & Rock)',
'Arizona Department of Health'
But my problem is the Multivalue parameter TextBox is of fixed size.Now i want the size of the text box to the size of the name which is of length long in the Name.
Whether it is possible or not.
How to achieve this.

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Visual Studio 2005 Automatically Sets SSIS Project As Startup Project

Feb 23, 2007

I have a Visual Studio 2005 solution which contains a Sql Server Integration Services (SSIS) project.

In this solution I have explicitly set a Web application project as startup project, but whenever I edit a DTS package within the SSIS project, VS automatically sets the SSIS project as startup project and the package I edit as startup object.

Needless to say, this may cause some really unwanted incidents when running the solution - thinking that you're about to run the Web application project (that was explicitly set as startup project), but instead, you run the edited package in the SSIS project.

Is there any way to avoid having the SSIS project automatically setting itself as startup project, any workaround here at all? :)


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SQL Server 2005 Startup Error - TDSSNIClient... Error 0x5... Code 0x51

Jul 13, 2006

Hi,My SQL Server 2005 won't start - can anyone provide some help? Thisseems to be the most significant error:- TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x5, status code 0x51.There was some info here, but the reg key described looks okay:- am running SQL Server 2005 64-bit Standard Edition. The server inquestion is the first node of an Active/Active Cluster. This firststarted happening while I was trying to add a share as a clusteredresource of the other node (not to this node's resources).I have not yet reinstalled SQL Server 2005 because I am hoping for moreexplanation of the problem and a possible fix.Thanks,Tom

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Vary Column Names In Cross Apply Based On Different Columns In Each Table

Feb 26, 2015

I am using CROSS APPLY instead of UNPIVOT to unpivot > one column. I am wondering if I can dynamically replace column names based on different tables? The example code that I have working is based on the "Allergy" table. I have thirty more specialty tables to go. I'll show the working code first, then an example of another table's columns to show differences:

select [uplift specialty], [member po],[practice unit name], [final nomination status]
,[final uplift status], [final rank], [final uplift percentage]
,practiceID=row_number() over (partition by [practice unit name] order by Metricname)
,metricname,Metricvalue, metricpercentilerank


Rheumatology Table:The columns that vary start with "GDR" and [GDR Percentile Rank] so I'm just showing those:

GDR (nvarchar(255), null)
GDR Percentile Rank (nvarchar(255), null)
GDR PGS (nvarchar(255), null)
GDR Rank Number (nvarchar(255), null)
PMPM (nvarchar(255), null)

[Code] ....

These are imported from an Excel Workbook so that's why all the columns with spaces for now.

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Integration Services :: SSIS - ODBC Parameter Size

Dec 12, 2014

I have created a SSIS package which runs every hour from my Machine. First part of my Package runs a Execute SQl Task and result set (single row, single column) is a comma separated list of Unique Record Ids which have been updated in last hour. (i.e. FJ1,FJ2,FJ3) I capture this result in a variable and when I User script taks to display the value of this property, it appears as it should be.I pass this Variable to Execute SQL Task on Different ODBC Server using a Stored Procedure.My SQL Statement is as Following

call DeleteRowsById(?)

And then I have assigned my Variable (as SQL_Longvarchar) to Parameter 1 in Parameter mapping Section. (ParameterSize is -1) but it doesnt delete the records from the table. (I ran the SP manually in Workbench and it works as expected) Then i had an Idea and
as part of my SP I started making entries in a Temp table just to see whats coming up as variable. Insert in the table shows only first Charecter from the variable and which is why its not deleting any records.I can not find why my variable is being truncated.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Parameter Dynamic Font Size

Oct 22, 2015

Is there any possibility to have the  Defaultvalue of  a Parameter in Bold fonts and rest of it as Default parametervalue=Defaultvalue ,"Bold","Default".So for example in drop down of parameter if the C is the current value it would look like this:


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RS 2005: Stored Procedure With Parameter It Runs In The Data Tab But The Report Parameter Is Not Passed To It

Feb 19, 2007

since a couple of days I'm fighting with RS 2005 and the Stored Procedure.

I have to display the result of a parameterized query and I created a SP that based in the parameter does something:

CREATE PROCEDURE [schema].[spCreateReportTest]
@Name nvarchar(20)= ''


declare @slqSelectQuery nvarchar(MAX);

set @slqSelectQuery = N'SELECT field1,field2,field3 from table'
if (@Name <> '')
set @slqSelectQuery = @slqSelectQuery + ' where field2=''' + @Name + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @slqSelectQuery

Inside my business Intelligence Project I created:
-the shared data source with the connection String
- a data set :
CommandType = Stored Procedure
Query String = schema.spCreateReportTest
When I run the Query by mean of the "!" icon, the parameter is Prompted and based on the value I provide the proper result set is displayed.

Now I move to "Layout" and my undertanding is that I have to create a report Paramater which values is passed to the SP's parameter...
So inside"Layout" tab, I added the parameter: Name
allow blank value is checked and is non-queried

the problem is that when I move to Preview -> I set the value into the parameter field automatically created but when I click on "View Report" nothing has been generated!!

What is wrong? What I forgot??

Thankx for any help!
Marina B.

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Default Parameter Value Is No Longer Part Of Cascading Parameter In SSRS 2005?

Jan 30, 2007


I need "conditional" cascading parameters: In Report Manager when one changes parameter 1, parameter 2 get changed based on parameter 1. Optionally, one can also enter values to parameter 2 directly.

I was able to achieve this in SSRS 2000 (SP2) with the following setups. SSRS 2005 and SP1 no longer works - Parameter 2 always shows its default value regardless whether one select a value in Parameter 1 or not.

Parameter 1
available values: from query
default values: non query (specify a value "<None>")
Parameter 2
available values: Non query (no value specified)
default values: from query (based on Parameter 1)

It seems to me that the default value in SSRS 2000 is considered as cascading parameter. But it is no longer the case in SSRS 2005.

Is this a SSRS 2005 bug? is there any other work arounds or suggestions?



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SqlDbType.Int, 4 - Does Specifying The Parameter Datatype Size Eventually Stop Auto Increment In The Database

Jun 17, 2008

Hi, I'm specify the size of the interger dataypes in my code behind files; e.g.
commad.Parameters.Add("@SomeID", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
I know it may seem silly, but I have to ask:
Will specifying ths size (i.e. 4) eventually stop the auto-icnrement of the underlying primary key SomeID in the SQL Server 2005 database?
What restriction, if any, does this place if the next SomeID value is 10000, which is 5 digits? or 999999, which is 6 digits?
Thank you

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Integration Services :: Unable To Update Packet Size Parameter In Connection Manager

May 22, 2015

I have an expression based project connection manager in an existing package and updating Packet Size parameter.

After update and clicking on OK, Packet Size value reverts back to 0 (which is old value). This connection manager is used by lot of Dataflow tasks in my package and recreating the connection manager and updating the reference is not a viable option.

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Index Was Out Of Range. Must Be Non-negative And Less Than The Size Of The Collection. Parameter Name: Index

Jan 22, 2006

Keep getting this error when positioning to the last page of a report.

Using Server 2003...SqlRpt Svcs 2000 sp2

Detail error msg:

Exception of type Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.ReportRenderingException was thrown. (rrRenderingError) Get Online Help

Exception of type Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.ReportRenderingException was thrown.

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

Anyone have any suggestions?  Any way to find out what collection is blowing?...or where parameter name: index comes from?

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Parameter Passing In SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) 2005 From VB.Net2005

Sep 7, 2007

Is it possible to parm in a value to a SSIS

in my SSIS i have a variable;

Name : FileName
Scope : PackageName
Type : String

Value : ""

I have tried adding the following code in my project ;

pkg.Variables("filename").Value = "C: emp estfile.001"

but come up with the following error

A first chance exception of type 'System.MissingMemberException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Public member 'Variables' on type 'IDTSPackage90' not found.

can anyone help ?

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Parameter Passing In SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) 2005

Jan 16, 2007

Hi All,

Parameter passing in SSIS 2005 sometimes appears to be a cumbursome task. I have been digging into this topic for quite some time and here i note down some simple steps to demonstrate parameter passing at Package level.

(1) Create a SSIS project using Business Intelligence 2005 Or VS 2005.

(2) Create datasource (.ds) and Data Source View as required.

(3) A default SSIS Package by the name Package.dtsx is created. Double click this and you are shown tabs for Control Flow, Data Flow, Event Handlers, Package Explorer. On the Control Flow, drap and drop Execute SQL Task from Control Flow Items in the toolbar.

(4) Lets now create a variable at Package level. Right click anywhere in the control flow box (not on the Task created in Step 3 above). Click on the Variables on the context menu displayed. Variables window appears on the left of the screen. Click the Add Variable box in this window to create a variable. Name it var1 (or whatever you may like), Scope as Package, DataType as String and Value as MyValue. This is only the default value.

(5) Now let us edit the SQL Task created in Step 3. Double on it, on the General tab you can change its Name, Description. Set ResultSet as None. We shall proceed to execute a stored procedure by name MySPName and pass it a parameter. Set ConnectionType as OLE DB. Select the connection you creates in step 2. Set SQLSourceType as Direct input. SQLStatement as MySPName ? . Note the ? mark after the name of the stored procedure. This is important to accept the variable value (var1) created in Step 4.

(6) Select Parameter Mapping tab now. Click on Add button. Select the Variable Name as User::var1. This is the user created variable of Step 4. Select Direction as Input, DataType as Varchar and Parameter Name as @var1. Click on OK now.

(7) This sets up the basic of parameter passing. Compile the project to verify everything works. Right Click on the SQL Task and select Execute Task. This will execute the package taking default value of the variable. This can be used along with dtexec command with /set option to pass the parameter at command prompt.

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Sql 2005 Transaction Log Size

Aug 9, 2006

We have a database that is backed up every night (full backup). The database size is around 5GB and the transaciton log is about 3GB. And it's 3GB after the backup too. I thought the log size should shrink after each full backup. I can't imagine what data the log needs to maintain after a full backup is complete.

What can be done about this large transaction log?



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