Shriking Database Job Fails With Errors.

May 8, 2008

Hi all
I have a Job

Code Snippet
set nocount on
declare @My_Return int
declare @command1 varchar(1000)
set @command1 = 'use [?] DBCC SHRINKDATABASE ([?], 50)'
print @command1
exec @My_Return = master.dbo.sp_MSforeachdb
@command1 = @command1
print @My_Return

Some of Errors are comming like

Cannot shrink log file 2 (modellog) because requested size (1234KB) is larger than the start of the last logical log file. [SQLSTATE 01000]

Cannot shrink log file 2 (xxxxx_Log) because all logical log files are in use. [SQLSTATE 01000]

Msg 1205, Sev 13: Transaction (Process ID 33) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. [SQLSTATE 40001]

Any suggestion appreciated.

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Database Fails Dbcc Check Db With Multiple Errors

May 1, 2014

I am not a DBA but have responsibility for a particular MSSQL 2008 R2 file server running a particular to solve a database consistency check problem.The database fails dbcc checkdb with multiple 8903 errors. Unfortunately this was not discovered until well after any good backups were deleted. The good news is that the DB otherwise seems fine. We have experienced zero problems with the DB or the applications. Running the checkdb with the "repair_allow_data_loss" option does not fix the problem.

However, I would still like to fix the problem. Using a popular SQL recovery product I am able to recover the database.The original, vendor designed and supplied DB, has 2 file groups, and three files (MDF, NDF, LDF). The output of the recovery process produces 1 file group and 2 files (MDF and LDF). Vendor says they cannot support me since the recovered DB is 'non-standard' according to their design.

I am able to set up a new, blank version of the vendors database on another dev system with the proper file and filegroup structure. How can I get the data moved/copied from the recovered (MDF/LDF) database into the dev database (MDF, NDF, LDF). I've tried the import/export function but it fails (I can rerun and give details if necessary).

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Shriking Logfile Using WIZARD

Mar 31, 2008

Hi All

What is the Database ->All Tasks -->ShrikDatabase ->Files --> in ShrikAction Shrikfile to ...Here there is minium MB

what is the Minimum MB,If I shrik the Log file minimum MB is there any possiblility to loss data.

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My Build Fails - No Errors

Feb 16, 2007

Hi all, I have newly implemented a Try, Catch in my code (pasted below) and for some reason when I try to have the text of a label changed in the Catch exception, it says "Build failed" and doesn't tell me where the error is.  Could anyone tell me what they can see is wrong please?  Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Try 'error handler for if there is a dulplicate tillname in database (e.g. when user clicks refresh after submit)

Dim tillname As String

tillname = TxtTillName.Text

SQLDataSource1.InsertParameters("Till_Name").DefaultValue = tillname


TxtTillName.Text = ""

Catch ex As SqlException 'What to do if there is a duplicate tillname

'Label2.Text = "test"
errorLabel.Text = "This till already exists"
'errorLabel.Text = "Till sucessfully added"
End Try

End Sub

Protected Sub SqlDataSource1_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs) Handles SQLDataSource1.Selecting

End Sub

Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.SelectedIndexChanged

End Sub

Protected Sub SqlDataSource2_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs) Handles SqlDataSource2.Selecting

End Sub  

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Build Fails But No Errors Are Returned

Apr 19, 2007


I moved my ssis solution from on dev machine to another.

When building the solution, visual studio keeps saying that the build failed but no errors are returned which is not really helpful...

any clues would be appreciated.


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Migrating From Sql2000 MSDE Database To Sql2005 Express - Attach Database Errors

Apr 23, 2006

I have a medical records system, SoapWare v4.90, that uses MSDE (SQL2000) databases. Due to the 2gb limitation, I am trying to migrate over to SQL 2005 (Standard or Express) which I have heard works fine. The SoapWare has a datamanager that allows me to log in to the MSDE instance, detach the SoapWare databases from msde (as well as do backups, etc) which I can confirm are detached.

Then I log back into a SQL2005 database instance using the datamanager and try to attach the database. This is what their pictured instructions demonstrate. However, I get the following error:

Database 'sw_charts' cannot be upgraded because it is read-only or has read-only files. Make the database or files writeable, and rerun recovery.

Of course, some of the entries will be read only, since doctors have to sign off the charts and are not allowed to subsequently change them.  But I should still be able to switch over to sql 2005?!?!?!?

Or... is there a way to attach the databases to SQLExpress manually?

Help pls?

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Calling Stored Procedures From ADO.NET-VB 2005 Express:1)Compile Errors && Warnings,2)Northwind Database In Database Explorer?

Feb 13, 2008

Hi all,

I try to learn "How to Access Stored Procedures with ADO.NET 2.0 - VB 2005 Express: (1) Handling the Input and Output Parameters and (2) Reporting their Values in VB Forms". I found a good article "Calling Stored Procedures from ADO.NET" by John Paul Cook in I downloaded the source code into my VB 2005 Express:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

Public Class Form_Cook

Inherits System.Windows.Form.Form

#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "

Public Sub New()


'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.


'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call

End Sub

'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.

Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

If disposing Then

If Not (components Is Nothing) Then


End If

End If


End Sub

'Required by the Windows Form Designer

Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer

'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.

'Do not modify it using the code editor.

Friend WithEvents GroupBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox

Friend WithEvents labelPAF As System.Windows.Forms.Label

Friend WithEvents labelNbrPrices As System.Windows.Forms.Label

Friend WithEvents UpdatePrices As System.Windows.Forms.Button

Friend WithEvents textBoxPAF As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

Friend WithEvents TenMostExpensive As System.Windows.Forms.Button

Friend WithEvents grdNorthwind As System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid

Friend WithEvents groupBox2 As System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox

<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()

Me.GroupBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()

Me.labelPAF = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()

Me.labelNbrPrices = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()

Me.textBoxPAF = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()

Me.UpdatePrices = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()

Me.groupBox2 = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()

Me.TenMostExpensive = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()

Me.grdNorthwind = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid()



CType(Me.grdNorthwind, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()





Me.GroupBox1.Controls.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.Control() {Me.labelPAF, Me.labelNbrPrices, Me.textBoxPAF, Me.UpdatePrices})

Me.GroupBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 8)

Me.GroupBox1.Name = "GroupBox1"

Me.GroupBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(240, 112)

Me.GroupBox1.TabIndex = 9

Me.GroupBox1.TabStop = False




Me.labelPAF.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 16)

Me.labelPAF.Name = "labelPAF"

Me.labelPAF.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(112, 32)

Me.labelPAF.TabIndex = 2

Me.labelPAF.Text = "Enter Price Adjustment Factor"




Me.labelNbrPrices.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 80)

Me.labelNbrPrices.Name = "labelNbrPrices"

Me.labelNbrPrices.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(216, 16)

Me.labelNbrPrices.TabIndex = 5




Me.textBoxPAF.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, 16)

Me.textBoxPAF.Name = "textBoxPAF"

Me.textBoxPAF.TabIndex = 0

Me.textBoxPAF.Text = ""




Me.UpdatePrices.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 48)

Me.UpdatePrices.Name = "UpdatePrices"

Me.UpdatePrices.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(88, 23)

Me.UpdatePrices.TabIndex = 6

Me.UpdatePrices.Text = "Update Prices"




Me.groupBox2.Controls.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.Control() {Me.TenMostExpensive, Me.grdNorthwind})

<Part 1----To be continued due to the length of this post>

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Connecting To A Database Twice Fails Because Database Is Uses By An Other Process

Apr 23, 2008

 Hi all,I come up with a problem aleady discussed in some posts especially in the post but I got in not finally solved.The main problem is connecting to a database twice which causes errors. So I think this might be the right place to ask my questions.  Here ist the problem in short:I'm using VWD on XP-Professional with SQL-Server Express and Reporting Services Express. All with Windwos Integrated Security and User Instance (SQLExpress). In my web-application I had for all Datasources the connect string:Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|mydatabase.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True This works fine so far. I also have Reports designed with the Report designer using the same connection string. I can preview the reports and I deployd thre reports successfully. I want to call these report using a report viewer web control.Now the problem:when I call the remote remote report from my web-application, the database cannot be opened because an other process is using the database (see post mentioned above). It seems that this is a problem with attaching the database twice: from the sql-server and from the report-server.So I used now a new connection string without "attaching" the database (in vwd and in report designer):Data Source=.SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=C:inetpubwwwrootmyappAPP_DATAmydatabase;Integrated Security=True Now everything works...but ... only on my machine. On the production machine this does not work. I wonder anyway, why its working on my machine, because I never "attach" the database (there is no connection string with  AttachDbFilename and I have not opend the developer and have not opened the sql management studio).On the production machine the concurrent (SQL-Server and Report-Server) connection to database does not work with either connection strings, no matter if i attach the database with sql server manager or not).This all drives me crazy for days now. All I want is to use SQL-server and Reporting- Services with its nice features and not repairing my tools. I thought I have a standard Installation, nothing special, but the standard obviously makes problems.Here finally my question:Does this environment ( web-application with remote reports) with Express edition cause normally no problems?Can I "attach" a database only once?  How should I connect with my web application that uses the sql-server connections and also  the report-server-connections (attaching twice does not work).What connection strings to use and when (AttachDbFilename or Initial Catalog).Are these problems specific to the Express Editions? I thank you in advance for any help  Dieter

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2 Errors When Connecting To Database!

Sep 7, 2007

 I uploaded my website to a server and I face some problem to connect with the data base
In the website I have one databse that combaine the membership and roles tabels
when I try to login the website I got this error
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
I use the login control
another error I get it when I request data from tables other than the member ship and roles tables,
the error is
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value.)
maybe the second error related to the first becouse in the second stuation I also request the userName wich comes from the membership's table
Please, advise me to solve these problems

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Errors Persist In New Database(s)

Apr 19, 2008

I am getting this error condition on two different machines, so I think it is something I am leaving out. The database is being created with a script (pasted at end of this post) executed within SQL Management Express 2005. The database shows up in the database tree but is not expandable, i.e. no plus sign. If I try to get Properties, the following sequence:Database cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space Error 945 TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express------------------------------Cannot show requested dialog.------------------------------ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Cannot show requested dialog. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SqlMgmt)------------------------------An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)------------------------------Database 'Cart1' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space.  See the SQL Server errorlog for details. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 945)For help, click: had been using "Cart" as the name, saw a reference that said not to use the same name in a new database. The new name is "Cart1"; no help.In the application,  I initially get the "cannot find the physical file, but if I Refresh the page, I get: "Cannot open database "Cart1" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'GW20Bob'Please assist in this. I will test or answer any questions I haven't supplied.This and associated files are from Build Your Own ASP.NET 2.0 Web Site Using CSharp And VB by Doug Lowe if anyone is familiar without.Script======USE masterGOCREATE DATABASE Cart1ON (NAME=Cart,    FILENAME = 'C:APPApp_DataCart1.mdf',    SIZE=10 )GOUSE Cart1CREATE TABLE Categories (  catid VARCHAR(10)  NOT NULL,  name  VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL,  [desc]  VARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY(catid) )  GOCREATE TABLE Products (  productid VARCHAR(10)  NOT NULL,  catid     VARCHAR(10)  NOT NULL,  name      VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL,  shorttext VARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL,  longtext  VARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL,  price     MONEY        NOT NULL,  thumbnail VARCHAR(40)  NOT NULL,  image     VARCHAR(40)  NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY(productid),   FOREIGN KEY(catid) REFERENCES Categories(catid) )  GOCREATE TABLE FeaturedProducts (  productid   VARCHAR(10)  NOT NULL,  featuretext VARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL,  saleprice   MONEY        NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY(productid),  FOREIGN KEY(productid) REFERENCES Products(productid) )  GO    CREATE TABLE Customers (  email     VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL,  lastname  VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL,  firstname VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL,  address   VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL,  city      VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL,  state     VARCHAR(2)   NOT NULL,  zipcode   VARCHAR(9)   NOT NULL,  phone     VARCHAR(20)  NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY(email) )  GO    CREATE TABLE Orders (  ordernum  INT           IDENTITY,  orderdate SMALLDATETIME NOT NULL,  custemail VARCHAR(50)   NOT NULL,  subtotal  MONEY         NOT NULL,  salestax  MONEY         NOT NULL,  shipping  MONEY         NOT NULL,  total     AS (subtotal + salestax + shipping),  PRIMARY KEY(ordernum),   FOREIGN KEY(custemail) REFERENCES Customers(email) )  GO    CREATE TABLE OrderItems (  ordernum  INT          NOT NULL,  productid VARCHAR(10)  NOT NULL,  name      VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL,  price     MONEY        NOT NULL,  quantity  SMALLINT     NOT NULL,  total     AS (price * quantity),  PRIMARY KEY(ordernum, productid),   FOREIGN KEY(ordernum) REFERENCES Orders(ordernum),  FOREIGN KEY(productid) REFERENCES Products(productid) )  GO

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Saving Changes To Database, Errors

May 19, 2008

I'm using vs2008 programming in the latest and am pretty new to sql server. I looked up tuts and such to save changes to databases after I understood on how to connect to them get them to display and such. This is my code when I hit the "Save" button. It worked last time I was working on the program, now it doesn't, when I load up the program sometimes (i'm not sure why or under what circumstances) it'll load up the changes I made to the database through the datagrid and saved, but others it won't. What am I doing wrong? Here's my code:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Update failed")
End Try
End Sub

edit: It saves, but not completely. By that I mean, it'll save, but i'm not sure if it actually saves to the database or not. It will load back up with the data that I modified fine..unless I change any code in the program. Even if I just add a comment, the data reloads with the original data. However, if I don't touch code, it'll save my data fine. Why does it do this?

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Database Consistency Errors

Feb 15, 2006

Hi all,

Would appreciate your words of wisdom on the errors below. It's SQL Server 2000 SP3 on Windows 2000. We had hardware problems on one of the disks in the array the data files are on, which precipitated a number of errors in the Application Event log:

Event ID 17052,MSSQLSERVER,Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 2 I/O error (torn page) detected during read at offset 0x000002ed448000 in file 'E:SQLDATA2XDB_Data.MDF'.

Running DBCC CHECKDB resulted in the following:

Server: Msg 8928, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 1901458048, index ID 0: Page (1:1534500) could not be processed. See other errors for details.
Server: Msg 8939, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1901458048, index ID 0, page (1:1534500). Test (IS_ON (BUF_IOERR, bp->bstat) &&bp->berrcode) failed. Values are 2057 and -1.
DBCC results for 'XDB'.
DBCC results for 'sysobjects'.
There are 328 rows in 18 pages for object 'sysobjects'.
DBCC results for 'sysindexes'.
There are 843 rows in 56 pages for object 'sysindexes'.
DBCC results for 'syscolumns'.
There are 4018 rows in 98 pages for object 'syscolumns'.
DBCC results for 'systypes'.
There are 26 rows in 1 pages for object 'systypes'.

<snip lots more successful checks>

DBCC results for 'tblXMLListsRecords'.
There are 3302391 rows in 79187 pages for object 'tblXMLListsRecords'.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'tblXMLListsRecords' (object ID 1901458048).
DBCC results for 'tblPhotosFolder'.
There are 6121 rows in 228 pages for object 'tblPhotosFolder'.
DBCC results for 'tblImageUpload'.
There are 5 rows in 1 pages for object 'tblImageUpload'.
DBCC results for 'tblLogs'.
There are 2049298 rows in 50892 pages for object 'tblLogs'.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in database 'XDB'.
repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKDB (XDB ).
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

So the questions are - what does the first error mean (the table error)? And does a report of 2 consistency errors in tblXMLListRecords mean that we will lose two records? We have a backup but it would mean losing today's work if we went back to it - admittedly not much, but I'd like to be able to make an informed choice as to whether repairing the database or restoring it would be favourite. Any thoughts gratefully received!

I've also taken a backup of the corrupted database, restored it to another server and run
DBCC CHECKDB ('XDB',REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS) with the following results. So now I'm thinking restoring from backup is probably best after all - correct?

DBCC results for 'XDB'.
DBCC results for 'sysobjects'.
There are 329 rows in 18 pages for object 'sysobjects'.
DBCC results for 'sysindexes'.
There are 843 rows in 56 pages for object 'sysindexes'.
DBCC results for 'syscolumns'.
There are 4018 rows in 95 pages for object 'syscolumns'.

<snip successful checks>

DBCC results for 'tblMenus'.
There are 0 rows in 1 pages for object 'tblMenus'.
DBCC results for 'tblImageProcessingFilenames'.
Server: Msg 8928, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 1901458048, index ID 0: Page (1:1534500) could not be processed. See other errors for details.
Server: Msg 8939, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1901458048, index ID 0, page (1:1534500). Test (IS_ON (BUF_IOERR, bp->bstat) &&bp->berrcode) failed. Values are 2057 and -1.
Server: Msg 8978, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1901458048, index ID 1. Page (1:1180423) is missing a reference from previous page (1:1534500). Possible chain linkage problem.
Server: Msg 8976, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1901458048, index ID 1. Page (1:1534500) was not seen in the scan although its parent (1:1243134) and previous (1:1232752) refer to it. Check any previous errors.
There are 687 rows in 188 pages for object 'tblImageProcessingFilenames'.
DBCC results for 'tblData15C69B09E60A4DC5B19D8C8BD69E6C15'.
There are 842 rows in 23 pages for object 'tblData15C69B09E60A4DC5B19D8C8BD69E6C15'.
DBCC results for 'tblDataLinksChild15C69B09E60A4DC5B19D8C8BD69E6C15'.
There are 848 rows in 24 pages for object 'tblDataLinksChild15C69B09E60A4DC5B19D8C8BD69E6C15'.
DBCC results for 'tblUpdateFields'.
There are 1 rows in 3 pages for object 'tblUpdateFields'.
DBCC results for 'tblData1FDBC8FBD862435E8AD7C648F37F6D3A'.
There are 5 rows in 1 pages for object 'tblData1FDBC8FBD862435E8AD7C648F37F6D3A'.
DBCC results for 'tblDataLinksChild1FDBC8FBD862435E8AD7C648F37F6D3A'.
There are 5 rows in 1 pages for object 'tblDataLinksChild1FDBC8FBD862435E8AD7C648F37F6D3A'.
DBCC results for 'tblXML031029'.
There are 83683 rows in 3331 pages for object 'tblXML031029'.
DBCC results for 'tblXMLListsRecords'.
The error has been repaired.
The error has been repaired.
The error has been repaired.
The error has been repaired.
Repair: Page (1:1534500) has been deallocated from object ID 1901458048, index ID 0.
Clustered index successfully restored for object 'dbo.tblXMLListsRecords' in database 'XDB'.
There are 3302279 rows in 79187 pages for object 'tblXMLListsRecords'.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 4 consistency errors in table 'tblXMLListsRecords' (object ID 1901458048).
CHECKDB fixed 0 allocation errors and 4 consistency errors in table 'tblXMLListsRecords' (object ID 1901458048).
DBCC results for 'tblPhotosFolder'.
There are 6109 rows in 224 pages for object 'tblPhotosFolder'.
DBCC results for 'tblImageUpload'.
There are 5 rows in 1 pages for object 'tblImageUpload'.
DBCC results for 'tblLogs'.
There are 2048554 rows in 50870 pages for object 'tblLogs'.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 4 consistency errors in database 'XDB'.
CHECKDB fixed 0 allocation errors and 4 consistency errors in database 'XDB'.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

Please let me know if there is anything else I should post - many thanks in advance.

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Database Restore Errors

Jun 29, 2007

I recently made a move to a new server, and I made a backup of all my databases which all work except one.

This is the error I get:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

Restore failed for Server ',1433'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)

For help, click:


System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The media set has 2 media families but only 1 are provided. All members must be provided. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)

For help, click:




Backup Name: CMS-Full Database Backup
Backup Desc: NULL
Backup Type: 1
Expir Date: NULL
Compressed: 0
Position: 1
DeviceType: 2
USername: sa
DB Name: CMS
DB Ver: 611
BackupSize: 5521408
First LSN:75000000044600037
Last LSN:75000000046400001
Checkpoint LSN:75000000044600037
Backup DB LSN: 0
Sort Order: 52
CodePage: 0
Unicode Locale ID: 1033
Unicdoe Comparision Style: 196609
Compatibility Level: 90
Software Vendor ID: 4608
Software Ver: 9
Flags: 512
BindingID: 669064E1-617C-4C90-9CA0-4B7DDF772F99
Recovery Fork ID: 552CCBF1-AF5C-4A35-AF63-E4AE854B4CB2
Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
FamilyGUID: 552CCBF1-AF5C-4A35-AF63-E4AE854B4CB2
HasBulkLoggeddata: 0
IsSnapshot: 0
IsReadOnly: 0
IsSingleUser: 0
HasBackupChecksums: 0
IsDamaged: 0
BeginsLogChain: 0
HasIncompleteMetaData: 0
IsForceOffline: 0
IsCopyOnly 0
FirstRecoveryForkID: 552CCBF1-AF5C-4A35-AF63-E4AE854B4CB2
ForkPoint: NULL
RecoveryModel: FULL
DifferentialBaseLSN: NULL
Backuptype Desc: DB
Backupsetguid: 97743B90-FABB-4296-9198-8FECB7B5DE07

MediaName: Null
FamilyCount: 2
FamilySequenceNumber: 2
MediaFamilyId: 9085DAC7-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
MediaSequenceNumber: 1
MediaLabelPresent: 0
Media Desc: NULL
SoftwareName: Microsoft SQL Server
Software Vendor ID: 4608
MediaDate: 2007-06-06 21:06:50.000
MirrorCount: 1

Based on what I read I need two files, however I can't seem to find a second file. I don't know why it would need one as I backed it up the same way as the other 30 databases! This is my most important database and is hurting me by the day!

Is there anyway I can remove the familyCount, or ignore the error? Thanks

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Getting Rid Of Consistency Errors In Database

Aug 1, 2007

We've got the following error when we ran the "DBCC CHECKDB WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS" command. Please advise what would be the best method to fix this problem without lossing any data (if possible).


DBCC results for 'PRODUCTION'.
DBCC results for 'sysobjects'.
There are 314 rows in 7 pages for object 'sysobjects'.
DBCC results for 'sysindexes'.
There are 361 rows in 15 pages for object 'sysindexes'.
DBCC results for 'syscolumns'.
There are 1009 rows in 15 pages for object 'syscolumns'.
DBCC results for 'systypes'.
There are 26 rows in 1 pages for object 'systypes'.
DBCC results for 'syscomments'.
There are 153 rows in 19 pages for object 'syscomments'.
DBCC results for 'sysfiles1'.
There are 2 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysfiles1'.
DBCC results for 'syspermissions'.
There are 153 rows in 1 pages for object 'syspermissions'.
DBCC results for 'sysusers'.
There are 14 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysusers'.
DBCC results for 'sysproperties'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'sysproperties'.
DBCC results for 'sysdepends'.
There are 353 rows in 2 pages for object 'sysdepends'.
DBCC results for 'sysreferences'.
There are 62 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysreferences'.
DBCC results for 'sysfulltextcatalogs'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'sysfulltextcatalogs'.
DBCC results for 'sysfulltextnotify'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'sysfulltextnotify'.
DBCC results for 'sysfilegroups'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysfilegroups'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM1'.
There are 17010 rows in 107 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM1'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.FORMS'.
There are 12 rows in 1 pages for object 'MHGROUP.FORMS'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM2'.
There are 161612 rows in 1495 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM2'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.DOCCACHE'.
There are 579 rows in 7 pages for object 'MHGROUP.FORM_CONTROLS'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM3'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM3'.
There are 15656 rows in 131 pages for object 'MHGROUP.QUICK_RETRIEVE'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM4'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM4'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.ROLES'.
There are 5 rows in 1 pages for object 'MHGROUP.ROLES'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM5'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM5'.
There are 4 rows in 1 pages for object 'MHGROUP.USERROLES'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM6'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM6'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.KEYWORDS'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM7'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM7'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.DOC_KEYWORDS'.
There are 182 rows in 2 pages for object 'MHGROUP.ROLE_PROFILES'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM8'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM8'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object 'MHGROUP.SECURITY_TEMPLATE'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM9'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM9'.
There are 7 rows in 1 pages for object 'MHGROUP.SYSTEM_PREFERENCES'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM10'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM10'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.USER_PREFERENCES'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object 'MHGROUP.USR_SCTY_ACC_TEMP'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM11'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM11'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM12'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM12'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object 'MHGROUP.GRP_SCTY_ACC_TEMP'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM29'.
There are 14 rows in 1 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM29'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM30'.
There are 131 rows in 3 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM30'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object 'MHGROUP.USR_SCTY_TEMP_ASSC'.
DBCC results for 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM31'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.CUSTOM31'.
There are 4 rows in 1 pages for object 'MHGROUP.USERACTIONS'.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 190233706496 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:70653:1) EDITWHEN = May 3 2007 12:42AM and DOCNUM = 438753 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 249893486592 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:78576:3) EDITWHEN = May 3 2007 4:04AM and DOCNUM = 547171 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 226056470528 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:79561:4) EDITWHEN = May 3 2007 4:34AM and DOCNUM = 506724 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 250617135104 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:93581:0) EDITWHEN = May 7 2007 8:56AM and DOCNUM = 300158 and VERSION = 41.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 148611661824 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:97144:1) EDITWHEN = May 8 2007 8:48AM and DOCNUM = 371047 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 247374348288 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:101411:1) EDITWHEN = May 9 2007 8:53AM and DOCNUM = 542832 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 251084603392 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:103097:4) EDITWHEN = May 10 2007 3:39AM and DOCNUM = 549268 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 183028940800 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:104120:0) EDITWHEN = May 10 2007 9:04AM and DOCNUM = 429670 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 10331947008 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:105331:1) EDITWHEN = May 11 2007 3:41AM and DOCNUM = 84626 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 251640938496 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:108119:7) EDITWHEN = May 14 2007 4:34AM and DOCNUM = 550202 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252161425408 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:116159:0) EDITWHEN = May 16 2007 8:09AM and DOCNUM = 551368 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252471803904 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:120284:4) EDITWHEN = May 18 2007 2:02AM and DOCNUM = 551970 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 250536984576 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:122958:2) EDITWHEN = May 18 2007 8:20AM and DOCNUM = 548281 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 206225408000 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:123289:0) EDITWHEN = May 18 2007 10:14AM and DOCNUM = 449652 and VERSION = 8.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252530786304 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:123815:1) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 2:29AM and DOCNUM = 552102 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 58982203392 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:125063:1) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 6:42AM and DOCNUM = 197503 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 250440187904 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:125578:10) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 9:52AM and DOCNUM = 548097 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252884549632 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:126217:3) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 10:37AM and DOCNUM = 552814 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252885336064 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:126217:4) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 10:37AM and DOCNUM = 552823 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252898705408 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:126371:0) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 1:49PM and DOCNUM = 552720 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252899229696 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:126371:2) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 1:52PM and DOCNUM = 552738 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252677914624 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:126371:4) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 2:06PM and DOCNUM = 552331 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252900016128 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:126371:6) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 2:36PM and DOCNUM = 552842 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 246325903360 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:126371:7) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 2:40PM and DOCNUM = 541091 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 251883880448 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:126371:8) EDITWHEN = May 21 2007 2:49PM and DOCNUM = 522753 and VERSION = 5.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 117782872064 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:126447:2) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 1:22AM and DOCNUM = 316151 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 164379951104 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:126447:3) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 1:22AM and DOCNUM = 397610 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 183754752000 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127392:0) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 1:28AM and DOCNUM = 430878 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 166120128512 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127392:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 1:29AM and DOCNUM = 400652 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252898705408 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127392:3) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 1:30AM and DOCNUM = 552720 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 229398937600 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127393:0) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 1:31AM and DOCNUM = 511737 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252900016128 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127393:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 1:31AM and DOCNUM = 552842 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 251084603392 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127395:2) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 1:40AM and DOCNUM = 549268 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 204838666240 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127398:0) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 1:55AM and DOCNUM = 469609 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 148611661824 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127824:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 2:00AM and DOCNUM = 371047 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 58982203392 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127825:2) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 2:06AM and DOCNUM = 197503 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 195948838912 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127826:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 2:14AM and DOCNUM = 453377 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 2315714560 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127830:4) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 2:42AM and DOCNUM = 49333 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 219683880960 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127831:2) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 2:44AM and DOCNUM = 446037 and VERSION = 7.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 136499429376 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127831:4) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 2:45AM and DOCNUM = 351353 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 97868775424 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127992:4) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 2:47AM and DOCNUM = 277606 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 108305776640 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127996:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 2:57AM and DOCNUM = 297781 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 246325903360 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127996:2) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 2:58AM and DOCNUM = 541091 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 208979886080 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127996:3) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:02AM and DOCNUM = 477254 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 211872514048 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127996:5) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:02AM and DOCNUM = 479398 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 73371942912 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127998:0) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:07AM and DOCNUM = 228381 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 226056470528 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:127999:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:17AM and DOCNUM = 506724 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 180270596096 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128064:3) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:18AM and DOCNUM = 424808 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 153409421312 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128065:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:19AM and DOCNUM = 378903 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 176867508224 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128068:0) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:33AM and DOCNUM = 418823 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 127582076928 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128068:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:33AM and DOCNUM = 335751 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 41496477696 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128070:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:44AM and DOCNUM = 160458 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252530786304 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128070:4) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:45AM and DOCNUM = 552102 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 250617135104 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128070:6) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:49AM and DOCNUM = 300158 and VERSION = 41.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 213345239040 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128071:2) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:50AM and DOCNUM = 484473 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 211040141312 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128240:2) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:54AM and DOCNUM = 480799 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 215276191744 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128241:2) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 3:58AM and DOCNUM = 484020 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 227707453440 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128245:3) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:08AM and DOCNUM = 509645 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 17572626432 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128245:5) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:09AM and DOCNUM = 104597 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 190558240768 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128247:3) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:15AM and DOCNUM = 443514 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 233244852224 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128392:5) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:18AM and DOCNUM = 518211 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 236761710592 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128395:0) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:27AM and DOCNUM = 135768 and VERSION = 3.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 4776329216 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128396:0) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:31AM and DOCNUM = 67067 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 4781637632 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128396:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:31AM and DOCNUM = 67147 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 57178390528 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128396:2) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:31AM and DOCNUM = 193517 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 132154130432 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128397:1) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:36AM and DOCNUM = 343930 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 181863710720 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128399:3) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:43AM and DOCNUM = 427662 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 157604446208 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128399:4) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:44AM and DOCNUM = 385594 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 53393555456 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128512:0) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 4:47AM and DOCNUM = 185489 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 249893486592 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:128544:2) EDITWHEN = May 22 2007 6:01AM and DOCNUM = 547171 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252885336064 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:131422:1) EDITWHEN = May 23 2007 4:54AM and DOCNUM = 552823 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 4781637632 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:217589:1) EDITWHEN = Jan 30 2002 2:45PM and DOCNUM = 67147 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 2315714560 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:217981:11) EDITWHEN = Apr 19 2002 5:22AM and DOCNUM = 49333 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 190233706496 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:226945:0) EDITWHEN = May 26 2007 2:04AM and DOCNUM = 438753 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 97868775424 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:231817:5) EDITWHEN = Oct 11 2004 5:51PM and DOCNUM = 277606 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 17055547392 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:232186:10) EDITWHEN = Oct 26 2004 3:22PM and DOCNUM = 103068 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 247127146496 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:234352:0) EDITWHEN = May 28 2007 8:01AM and DOCNUM = 542357 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 117782872064 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:235268:9) EDITWHEN = Mar 4 2005 3:41PM and DOCNUM = 316151 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 17572626432 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:237531:0) EDITWHEN = Jun 9 2005 11:48AM and DOCNUM = 104597 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 108305776640 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:237547:6) EDITWHEN = Jun 9 2005 6:03PM and DOCNUM = 297781 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 132154130432 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:239829:14) EDITWHEN = Sep 17 2005 12:07PM and DOCNUM = 343930 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 153409421312 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:240034:13) EDITWHEN = Sep 26 2005 7:07AM and DOCNUM = 378903 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 250536984576 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:241157:1) EDITWHEN = May 29 2007 8:07AM and DOCNUM = 548281 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 53393555456 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:241754:16) EDITWHEN = Oct 26 2005 8:13AM and DOCNUM = 185489 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252471803904 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:243337:1) EDITWHEN = May 31 2007 7:23AM and DOCNUM = 551970 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 164379951104 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:245986:11) EDITWHEN = Dec 8 2005 8:10AM and DOCNUM = 397610 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 166120128512 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:246003:5) EDITWHEN = Dec 9 2005 3:55AM and DOCNUM = 400652 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 183028940800 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:246096:0) EDITWHEN = Jun 5 2007 3:19AM and DOCNUM = 429670 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 251883880448 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:247655:2) EDITWHEN = Jun 6 2007 10:08AM and DOCNUM = 522753 and VERSION = 5.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252884549632 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:248826:4) EDITWHEN = Jun 7 2007 11:59AM and DOCNUM = 552814 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 136499429376 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:251952:13) EDITWHEN = Feb 17 2006 10:57AM and DOCNUM = 351353 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 251640938496 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:252074:1) EDITWHEN = Jun 13 2007 12:54AM and DOCNUM = 550202 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 178253660160 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:252644:5) EDITWHEN = Jun 13 2007 10:49AM and DOCNUM = 421231 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 157604446208 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:253275:6) EDITWHEN = Feb 24 2006 11:58AM and DOCNUM = 385594 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 178253660160 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:253835:11) EDITWHEN = Mar 7 2006 6:35PM and DOCNUM = 421231 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 183754752000 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:254587:12) EDITWHEN = Apr 4 2006 2:11PM and DOCNUM = 430878 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 181863710720 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:254770:13) EDITWHEN = Apr 13 2006 10:45AM and DOCNUM = 427662 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 127582076928 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:255302:1) EDITWHEN = Apr 27 2006 3:33PM and DOCNUM = 335751 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 243133972480 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:256195:3) EDITWHEN = Jun 18 2007 1:37AM and DOCNUM = 535717 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 180270596096 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:256497:3) EDITWHEN = May 24 2006 12:06PM and DOCNUM = 424808 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 176867508224 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:256516:2) EDITWHEN = May 24 2006 3:20PM and DOCNUM = 418823 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 132764663808 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:259424:0) EDITWHEN = Jun 21 2007 2:01AM and DOCNUM = 322854 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 235844730880 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:260029:0) EDITWHEN = Jun 21 2007 9:19AM and DOCNUM = 522982 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 70246727680 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:263169:1) EDITWHEN = Jun 15 2006 5:05PM and DOCNUM = 218997 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252161425408 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:267150:1) EDITWHEN = Jun 29 2007 2:17AM and DOCNUM = 551368 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 250440187904 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:268884:1) EDITWHEN = Jul 3 2007 7:07AM and DOCNUM = 548097 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252899229696 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:268887:3) EDITWHEN = Jul 3 2007 7:19AM and DOCNUM = 552738 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 247374348288 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:269197:6) EDITWHEN = Jul 4 2007 2:47AM and DOCNUM = 542832 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 70246727680 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:273514:4) EDITWHEN = Jul 11 2007 4:26AM and DOCNUM = 218997 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 17055547392 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:273514:5) EDITWHEN = Jul 11 2007 4:27AM and DOCNUM = 103068 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 190558240768 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:278155:8) EDITWHEN = Jul 27 2006 3:49PM and DOCNUM = 443514 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 225814315008 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:279369:10) EDITWHEN = Jul 20 2007 3:30AM and DOCNUM = 506132 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 206225408000 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:281667:3) EDITWHEN = Jul 23 2007 3:23AM and DOCNUM = 449652 and VERSION = 8.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 248579358720 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:283210:3) EDITWHEN = Jul 25 2007 3:41AM and DOCNUM = 544720 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 252677914624 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:285801:6) EDITWHEN = Jul 29 2007 7:05AM and DOCNUM = 552331 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 247185997824 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:286463:3) EDITWHEN = Jul 30 2007 9:40AM and DOCNUM = 525566 and VERSION = 3.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 10331947008 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:286858:8) EDITWHEN = Jul 31 2007 1:52AM and DOCNUM = 84626 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 71545126912 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:286860:10) EDITWHEN = Jul 31 2007 2:01AM and DOCNUM = 224547 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 204838666240 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:288739:4) EDITWHEN = Aug 28 2006 2:44PM and DOCNUM = 469609 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 132764663808 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:290973:5) EDITWHEN = Sep 7 2006 3:55PM and DOCNUM = 322854 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 41496477696 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:291224:7) EDITWHEN = Sep 14 2006 2:26PM and DOCNUM = 160458 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 211872514048 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:294648:6) EDITWHEN = Sep 22 2006 9:49AM and DOCNUM = 479398 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 73371942912 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:301158:8) EDITWHEN = Oct 2 2006 4:06PM and DOCNUM = 228381 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 215276191744 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:303316:6) EDITWHEN = Oct 6 2006 5:04PM and DOCNUM = 484020 and VERSION = 2.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 208979886080 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:303334:1) EDITWHEN = Oct 9 2006 11:20AM and DOCNUM = 477254 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 219683880960 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:307749:6) EDITWHEN = Nov 3 2006 2:36PM and DOCNUM = 446037 and VERSION = 7.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 71545126912 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:308015:17) EDITWHEN = Nov 15 2006 12:54PM and DOCNUM = 224547 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 225814315008 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:308666:16) EDITWHEN = Dec 11 2006 3:46PM and DOCNUM = 506132 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 195948838912 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:309091:7) EDITWHEN = Dec 19 2006 3:15PM and DOCNUM = 453377 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 211040141312 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:309183:7) EDITWHEN = Dec 26 2006 7:56AM and DOCNUM = 480799 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 235844730880 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:310481:14) EDITWHEN = Feb 12 2007 1:57AM and DOCNUM = 522982 and VERSION = 1.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.ARCHIVETBL'.
There are 3325 rows in 37 pages for object 'MHGROUP.USERHISTORY'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'MHGROUP.RESTORETBL'.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 229398937600 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:310481:15) EDITWHEN = Feb 12 2007 1:58AM and DOCNUM = 511737 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 236761710592 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:310531:3) EDITWHEN = Feb 13 2007 2:40AM and DOCNUM = 135768 and VERSION = 3.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 57178390528 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:310908:12) EDITWHEN = Feb 28 2007 12:48AM and DOCNUM = 193517 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 4776329216 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:310908:14) EDITWHEN = Feb 28 2007 12:51AM and DOCNUM = 67067 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 213345239040 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:311313:12) EDITWHEN = Mar 8 2007 7:40AM and DOCNUM = 484473 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 243133972480 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:312159:4) EDITWHEN = Mar 28 2007 3:04AM and DOCNUM = 535717 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 227707453440 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:312868:1) EDITWHEN = Apr 12 2007 4:05AM and DOCNUM = 509645 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 247127146496 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:312967:13) EDITWHEN = Apr 16 2007 2:48AM and DOCNUM = 542357 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 248579358720 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:313311:12) EDITWHEN = Apr 23 2007 11:26AM and DOCNUM = 544720 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 247185997824 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:313312:12) EDITWHEN = Apr 23 2007 11:31AM and DOCNUM = 525566 and VERSION = 3.
Server: Msg 8929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 597577167: Errors found in text ID 233244852224 owned by data record identified by RID = (1:313352:10) EDITWHEN = Apr 24 2007 6:03AM and DOCNUM = 518211 and VERSION = 1.
Server: Msg 8935, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 4. The previous link (1:321250) on page (1:321251) does not match the previous page (1:128129) that the parent (1:92152), slot 9 expects for this page.
Server: Msg 8936, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 4. B-tree chain linkage mismatch. (1:128129)->next = (1:321251), but (1:321251)->Prev = (1:321250).
Server: Msg 8935, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 22. The previous link (1:417102) on page (1:122442) does not match the previous page (1:127506) that the parent (1:321964), slot 59 expects for this page.
Server: Msg 8936, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 22. B-tree chain linkage mismatch. (1:127506)->next = (1:122442), but (1:122442)->Prev = (1:417102).
Server: Msg 8977, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 22. Parent node for page (1:127505) was not encountered.
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 22. The high key value on page (1:282065) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:127505), slot 0 of the next page (1:417545).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 22. The high key value on page (1:282065) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:127505), slot 0 of the next page (1:417545).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 22. The high key value on page (1:417467) (level 1) is not less than the low key value in the parent (0:1), slot 0 of the next page (1:127505).
Server: Msg 8935, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 22. The previous link (1:127505) on page (1:417624) does not match the previous page (1:417467) that the parent (1:416972), slot 8 expects for this page.
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 27. The high key value on page (1:127753) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (0:1), slot 0 of the next page (1:436964).
Server: Msg 8936, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 27. B-tree chain linkage mismatch. (1:127754)->next = (1:436791), but (1:436791)->Prev = (1:436790).
Server: Msg 8935, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 27. The previous link (1:436963) on page (1:436964) does not match the previous page (1:127753) that the parent (1:85406), slot 106 expects for this page.
Server: Msg 8936, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 597577167, index ID 27. B-tree chain linkage mismatch. (1:127753)->next = (1:436964), but (1:436964)->Prev = (1:436963).
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:1760), slot 4, text ID 70246727680 is pointed to by page (1:273514), slot 4 and by page (1:263169), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:2057), slot 84, text ID 153409421312 is pointed to by page (1:240034), slot 13 and by page (1:128065), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:2172), slot 86, text ID 71545126912 is pointed to by page (1:286860), slot 10 and by page (1:308015), slot 17.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:6160), slot 48, text ID 148611661824 is pointed to by page (1:127824), slot 1 and by page (1:97144), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:6328), slot 19, text ID 229398937600 is pointed to by page (1:127393), slot 0 and by page (1:310481), slot 15.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:8822), slot 59, text ID 132154130432 is pointed to by page (1:128397), slot 1 and by page (1:239829), slot 14.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:12815), slot 81, text ID 53393555456 is pointed to by page (1:241754), slot 16 and by page (1:128512), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:16730), slot 87, text ID 97868775424 is pointed to by page (1:231817), slot 5 and by page (1:127992), slot 4.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:17759), slot 86, text ID 2315714560 is pointed to by page (1:217981), slot 11 and by page (1:127830), slot 4.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:26744), slot 8, text ID 4776329216 is pointed to by page (1:310908), slot 14 and by page (1:128396), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:26744), slot 88, text ID 4781637632 is pointed to by page (1:128396), slot 1 and by page (1:217589), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:28388), slot 88, text ID 108305776640 is pointed to by page (1:127996), slot 1 and by page (1:237547), slot 6.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:31464), slot 24, text ID 176867508224 is pointed to by page (1:128068), slot 0 and by page (1:256516), slot 2.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:31467), slot 15, text ID 127582076928 is pointed to by page (1:128068), slot 1 and by page (1:255302), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:36278), slot 28, text ID 117782872064 is pointed to by page (1:126447), slot 2 and by page (1:235268), slot 9.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:43582), slot 44, text ID 251640938496 is pointed to by page (1:108119), slot 7 and by page (1:252074), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:44314), slot 4, text ID 10331947008 is pointed to by page (1:286858), slot 8 and by page (1:105331), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:45037), slot 52, text ID 132764663808 is pointed to by page (1:259424), slot 0 and by page (1:290973), slot 5.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:47759), slot 61, text ID 211872514048 is pointed to by page (1:127996), slot 5 and by page (1:294648), slot 6.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:55853), slot 51, text ID 251883880448 is pointed to by page (1:247655), slot 2 and by page (1:126371), slot 8.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:56802), slot 2, text ID 236761710592 is pointed to by page (1:310531), slot 3 and by page (1:128395), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:57600), slot 69, text ID 249893486592 is pointed to by page (1:128544), slot 2 and by page (1:78576), slot 3.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:58994), slot 65, text ID 252161425408 is pointed to by page (1:267150), slot 1 and by page (1:116159), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:60464), slot 49, text ID 166120128512 is pointed to by page (1:246003), slot 5 and by page (1:127392), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:63176), slot 68, text ID 190558240768 is pointed to by page (1:128247), slot 3 and by page (1:278155), slot 8.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:64153), slot 44, text ID 183028940800 is pointed to by page (1:246096), slot 0 and by page (1:104120), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:66227), slot 57, text ID 213345239040 is pointed to by page (1:311313), slot 12 and by page (1:128071), slot 2.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:68734), slot 32, text ID 17055547392 is pointed to by page (1:273514), slot 5 and by page (1:232186), slot 10.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:69921), slot 3, text ID 252471803904 is pointed to by page (1:243337), slot 1 and by page (1:120284), slot 4.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:69921), slot 36, text ID 252530786304 is pointed to by page (1:128070), slot 4 and by page (1:123815), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:69925), slot 14, text ID 252677914624 is pointed to by page (1:285801), slot 6 and by page (1:126371), slot 4.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:70435), slot 84, text ID 17572626432 is pointed to by page (1:128245), slot 5 and by page (1:237531), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:73290), slot 72, text ID 157604446208 is pointed to by page (1:128399), slot 4 and by page (1:253275), slot 6.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:73412), slot 44, text ID 252884549632 is pointed to by page (1:126217), slot 3 and by page (1:248826), slot 4.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:73412), slot 45, text ID 252885336064 is pointed to by page (1:126217), slot 4 and by page (1:131422), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:73412), slot 65, text ID 252898705408 is pointed to by page (1:127392), slot 3 and by page (1:126371), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:73412), slot 66, text ID 252900016128 is pointed to by page (1:127393), slot 1 and by page (1:126371), slot 6.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:73413), slot 11, text ID 252899229696 is pointed to by page (1:268887), slot 3 and by page (1:126371), slot 2.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:82724), slot 41, text ID 250440187904 is pointed to by page (1:268884), slot 1 and by page (1:125578), slot 10.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:82726), slot 41, text ID 250617135104 is pointed to by page (1:128070), slot 6 and by page (1:93581), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:82727), slot 23, text ID 250536984576 is pointed to by page (1:241157), slot 1 and by page (1:122958), slot 2.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:91947), slot 44, text ID 136499429376 is pointed to by page (1:251952), slot 13 and by page (1:127831), slot 4.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:93297), slot 87, text ID 219683880960 is pointed to by page (1:127831), slot 2 and by page (1:307749), slot 6.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:100224), slot 14, text ID 251084603392 is pointed to by page (1:103097), slot 4 and by page (1:127395), slot 2.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:100592), slot 0, text ID 248579358720 is pointed to by page (1:283210), slot 3 and by page (1:313311), slot 12.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:100971), slot 86, text ID 164379951104 is pointed to by page (1:126447), slot 3 and by page (1:245986), slot 11.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:104784), slot 45, text ID 73371942912 is pointed to by page (1:301158), slot 8 and by page (1:127998), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:113944), slot 40, text ID 183754752000 is pointed to by page (1:127392), slot 0 and by page (1:254587), slot 12.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:129608), slot 19, text ID 247127146496 is pointed to by page (1:312967), slot 13 and by page (1:234352), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:129608), slot 62, text ID 247185997824 is pointed to by page (1:286463), slot 3 and by page (1:313312), slot 12.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:130151), slot 6, text ID 247374348288 is pointed to by page (1:269197), slot 6 and by page (1:101411), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:143138), slot 76, text ID 233244852224 is pointed to by page (1:128392), slot 5 and by page (1:313352), slot 10.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:148306), slot 43, text ID 41496477696 is pointed to by page (1:291224), slot 7 and by page (1:128070), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:150355), slot 15, text ID 226056470528 is pointed to by page (1:127999), slot 1 and by page (1:79561), slot 4.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:163849), slot 44, text ID 208979886080 is pointed to by page (1:127996), slot 3 and by page (1:303334), slot 1.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:167976), slot 42, text ID 215276191744 is pointed to by page (1:128241), slot 2 and by page (1:303316), slot 6.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:173613), slot 50, text ID 190233706496 is pointed to by page (1:70653), slot 1 and by page (1:226945), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:196399), slot 67, text ID 57178390528 is pointed to by page (1:310908), slot 12 and by page (1:128396), slot 2.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:202131), slot 10, text ID 58982203392 is pointed to by page (1:125063), slot 1 and by page (1:127825), slot 2.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:204002), slot 87, text ID 181863710720 is pointed to by page (1:254770), slot 13 and by page (1:128399), slot 3.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:212002), slot 75, text ID 204838666240 is pointed to by page (1:127398), slot 0 and by page (1:288739), slot 4.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:223699), slot 1, text ID 243133972480 is pointed to by page (1:256195), slot 3 and by page (1:312159), slot 4.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:233650), slot 52, text ID 235844730880 is pointed to by page (1:310481), slot 14 and by page (1:260029), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:236621), slot 38, text ID 211040141312 is pointed to by page (1:309183), slot 7 and by page (1:128240), slot 2.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:242372), slot 87, text ID 180270596096 is pointed to by page (1:256497), slot 3 and by page (1:128064), slot 3.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:253181), slot 85, text ID 227707453440 is pointed to by page (1:312868), slot 1 and by page (1:128245), slot 3.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:266611), slot 43, text ID 225814315008 is pointed to by page (1:279369), slot 10 and by page (1:308666), slot 16.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:357824), slot 81, text ID 178253660160 is pointed to by page (1:252644), slot 5 and by page (1:253835), slot 11.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:373278), slot 67, text ID 195948838912 is pointed to by page (1:127826), slot 1 and by page (1:309091), slot 7.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:413233), slot 14, text ID 206225408000 is pointed to by page (1:281667), slot 3 and by page (1:123289), slot 0.
Server: Msg 8974, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID 597577167, text, ntext, or image node page (1:457340), slot 66, text ID 246325903360 is pointed to by page (1:127996), slot 2 and by page (1:126371), slot 7.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:126554) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:126555) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:126556) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:126557) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:126558) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:126559) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127680) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127681) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127682) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127683) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127684) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127685) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127686) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127687) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127904) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127905) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127906) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127907) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127908) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127909) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127910) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127911) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127952) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127953) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127954) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127955) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127956) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127957) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127958) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:127959) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:128056) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:128057) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:128058) allocated to object ID 1525580473, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect obj

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24 Consistency Errors In Database

Sep 6, 2007

Hello all,

I have a problem on SQL 2000 Server Std (inc sP4)
OS: Windows 2000 Server

What can i do for errors?


DBCC results for 'GOLD_DB'.
DBCC results for 'sysobjects'.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 24 consistency errors in database 'GOLD_DB'.
CHECKDB fixed 0 allocation errors and 24 consistency errors in database 'GOLD_DB'.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

Greetings from istanbul, regards.

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Database For BCM Causing Errors??

Feb 28, 2007

Hi All,

I tried to create a new project in BCM and I get an error indicating that there is already a project with that name. There is no project with that name in my list of projects! However, I think during one of the frequent installs and uninstalls before I was able to install a somewhat stable BCM, i might have created a project with that name prior to one of the many crashes (it still hangs and has to be killed in task manager periodically). I suspect I might have a rogue database that was created during one of the reinstalls which included installing and uninstalling small business accounting, which I have since also uninstalled. I have tried to use studio manager express to look at the tables in the databases, of which there are two, "mssmallbusiness" and "contctmgr 16022007" , in order to find an instance of a record with the name in question, no joy yet. Do I need the "mssmallbusiness" database to run BCM and if not can I delete it? I suspect that the mssmallbusiness database could be interfering somehow with the "contctmgr 16022007".

Since installing BCM, my outlook has slowed down considerably and hangs often on launch, I would abandon BCM, but I think it's a really cool tool and I would like to install small business accounting too! My machine is a centrino duo with 1 GB RAM and plenty HD space.

I know this message is somwhat convoluted, but if you can make sense of my issues, pls help.



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Database Offline Errors

Oct 31, 2007

I currently have a very long script that I need to run on several servers through an SSIS package. The issue stems from servers that have one or two databases offline. This causes the script to fail. Is there an easy way to get the script to either run on offline databases or skip those that are offline? Thanks

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Database DBCC CHECKDB Errors

Jan 30, 2007

Hi all

I have a database that is being restored to another instance of SQL server 2000 sp4 by attatching the mdf and ldf files. I then run EXEC sp_change_users_login to sync the users. When I try to run some delete commands on the new restored database I get 'Fatal error 8908'

I then run a DBCC CHECKDB on the database and told to run it again with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS

I have noticed that when I create a new databse and restore a .bak over this the delete commands work.

Am I correct in thinking that I can get rid of the corruption on the original database by creating a new database then restoring a valid .bak backup on this new database.

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Database Mirroring Connection Errors

Apr 24, 2007

I'm currently using database mirroring as a hot-standby, without a witness. Everything appears to be running fine, but I'm receiving intermittent errors that appear to state that my servers are loosing connectivity, thus disabling (inactivating) the mirror until the connection has been reestablished.

The errors are listed below, basically, I note a block of log entries for each mirrored database stating that mirroring is inactive for the database(s), next Error 1474, next the connection error, then another block of log entries for each mirrored database stating that the mirroring session is once again active.

Database mirroring is inactive for database 'NetRS'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

Error: 1474, Severity: 16, State: 1.

Database mirroring connection error 4 '64(The specified network name is no longer available.)' for 'TCP://SQL01NRS:7024'.

Database mirroring is active with database 'Telephony' as the principal copy. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

I have confirmed that the sessions are in sync, so am not concerned about the data - but would love to get rid of these errors / disable / enable. I'm assumming that if I had setup a Witness, that I would see the mirrored database flip-flopping back and forth between Principal and Mirror.

Please let me know if I can provide any additional details to assist ...

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Make Sproc Return Errors For Underlying Table Errors

Jul 1, 2015

I recently updated the datatype of a sproc parameter from bit to tinyint. When I executed the sproc with the updated parameters the sproc appeared to succeed and returned "1 row(s) affected" in the console. However, the update triggered by the sproc did not actually work.

The table column was a bit which only allows 0 or 1 and the sproc was passing a value of 2 so the table was rejecting this value. However, the sproc did not return an error and appeared to return success. So is there a way to configure the database or sproc to return an error message when this type of error occurs?

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Errors Accessingf Database SQL SERVER 2005 Exp From Asp.Net Vb 2.0 Web App

Feb 21, 2008

Hello everyone.
I have a problem in accessing my SQL SERVER Express 2005 database.

The error is:
Cannot open database "MyDB" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYSERVIZIO DI RETE'.

My ConnectionString is:
Data Source=(local); User ID=ExtApp; Initial Catalog=MyDB; Trusted_Connection=yes; Connection Timeout=15

In SQL SERVER I have set the Database log in ExtApp with SQL Authentication mode, instead of Windows Auth mode, and even inserted in my database the user associated with this login

The debugger keeps on telling me the same error that occours when I Try to open a connection (please note that the code has no errors because it works in another application, a client app not an 2.0 web app, so I assume that there are no errors or mistakes in the code).

Please can anyone tell me something about this????


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Debugging Database Errors With SQL Server Express

Apr 24, 2006

I am trying to debug a classic ASP application using Visual Web Developer Express and SQL Server Express editions. When my application tries to execute a stored procedure, I get the following error:

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available.

Is there a way for me to trace queries that are getting executed in SQL Server Express so I can see which stored procedure is failing? I seem to remember being able to do this with SQL Server 2000. Any other ideas on how to debug SQL Server errors like these using SQL Server Express?

TIA for the help.


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Reporting Services And IIS Errors - Cannot Connect To Database Etc.

Mar 29, 2008


I set up Reporting Services about 9 months ago when I installed Microsoft CRM 3 (Dynamics?), but these problems have only just started occurring. Lost count of how many hours have been wasted looking for answers!

Apologies if this rambles on like a cheap book but i don't want to miss out any of the detail..

CRM stops working within an hour of IIS starting up, but if somebody logs in to CRM before it goes down then it's fine for the rest of the day. However the next day it's back to square one. Looking through Event logs it seems to be caused by SQL Reporting Server, because;

Report Server errors show it starting up after IIS, but within an hour throws up "Exception: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException - Message: Unable to find assembly 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics". It's at this point that IIS stops responding altogether, hence CRM stops working.

Running iisreset from the command line makes IIS work again, but this becomes a pain in the backside running it every morning before my colleagues get in. I have set up a schedule to run it for me, which works, but as i said if nobody logs in within the hour (which does happen at least once a week), then CRM won't work until i manually run iisreset again.

Also Reporting Services Configuration Manager does not start properly, so i can't even go through that to see if it's a config problem - when launching it i get an alert box with "An unknown error has occurred in the WMI Provider. Error Code 800706B3". That's with the default server name already in the box, but no matter what server name or IP I try to get it to connect to, it just will not have it. Also that error code seems to be unique to me, since not one webpage exists with the same code.

Other things i've gone through;

- SQL Server Configuration Manager shows everything Running, including Report Server
- SQL Management Studio shows all CRM & Reporting Services databases exist and are online.

- The Report Server error log shows this: "w3wp!library!1!29/03/2008-12:34:00:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerServiceUnavailableException: The Report Server Windows service 'ReportServer' is not running. The service must be running to use Report Server."

- http://localhost/ works fine.
- http://localhost/Reports/ shows up a .Net error page with Security Exception error: "The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy".
- http://localhost/ReportServer/ shows up a page with "localhost/ReportServer - / ---- Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 8.00.1038.00" which i assume is lacking correct content.

- When CRM was configured the setup wizard moaned that it could not use the existing Reporting Services database or IIS directories, so for that purpose there are two more virtual directories in IIS..
- https://localhost/ReportsSQL/ shows up an error: "Unable to connect to the remote server"
- https://localhost/ReportServerSQL/ shows up an error: "Reporting Services Error - The Report Server Windows service 'ReportServer' is not running. The service must be running to use Report Server. (rsReportServerServiceUnavailable)"

- While trying everything i am logged in as server admin
- Software specs: Windows 2003 Small Business Server (SP2), SQL Server Standard 2005 (9.0.3054 / SP2), all patches from Microsoft Update (not just Windows Update) have been applied.

If you managed to read this far then thank you.. I'm nearly bald with frustration so if someone could please suggest things worth looking into or trying, that would be very much appreciated.


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Restore Database Fails Because Database Is In Use.

Jul 23, 2005

I'm a newbie so please be gentle.In attempting to run a restore I get the following error message:"Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is inuse." However, it doesn't appear that there are any connections to thedatabase. At the suggestion of another thread, I ran sp_who2 and thereare no connections to the database in question. I've been running thesame restore for months and all has been well, until yesterday....I wrote an .asp page (below) to test connectivity to this database.The vb code ran successfully and soon thereafter, my nightly restorefailed. Task manager does no show that the asp page is active.Lastly, I did add a user ("jbtest") as well as change the option to useeither Windows authentication or SQL Server authentication inEnterprise Manager.Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.Thanks.<%@ Language=VBScript %><%companyName = "agemni"Set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")cnn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER=SQLServer;SERVER=SHEELA-NA-GIG;UID=jbtest;PWD=test1;APP=MicrosoftDevelopment Environment;WSID=SHEELA-NA-GIG;DATABASE=" & companyName &";Trusted_Connection=No"cnn.ConnectionTimeout = 300cnn.CommandTimeout = 300cnn.OpenSet RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Preferences"RS.Open strSQL, cnnResponse.Write "connection established with the <b>" & RS("CompanyName") & "</b> database. They are a <b>" & RS("street") & "</b>customer. "RS.CloseSet RS = Nothing%>

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Parent Package Reports Failure On Errors, But No Errors In Log

Jul 31, 2006

I have a parent package that calls child packages inside a For Each container. When I debug/run the parent package (from VS), I get the following error message: Warning: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

It appears to be failing while executing the child package. However, the logs (via the "progress" tab) for both the parent package and the child package show no errors other than the one listed above (and that shows in the parent package log). The child package appears to validate completely without error (all components are green and no error messages in the log). I turned on SSIS logging to a text file and see nothing in there either.

If I bump up the MaximumErrorCount in the parent package and in the Execute Package Task that calls the child package to 4 (to go one above the error count indicated in the message above), the whole thing executes sucessfully. I don't want to leave the Max Error Count set like this. Is there something I am missing? For example are there errors that do not get logged by default? I get some warnings, do a certain number of warnings equal an error?



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Database Maintenance Job Fails

Apr 21, 2003

I have several Maintenance jobs that keep failing. They
are , Integrity Checks, Index rebuild, and Update
statistics. I keep getting a similar error on all three. I
have pasted it below. None of my other SQL 2000 servers
have any problems. I have tried changing the database
options in question. The error I keep getting is as

Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version Logged
on to SQL Server 'DAPHNE' as 'CDCNorm' (trusted)
Starting maintenance plan 'FSPRD84A Integrity Checks' on
4/21/2003 10:20:59 AM
[1] Database FSPRD84A: Check Data and Index Linkage...
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 1934:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC failed
because the following SET options have incorrect

The following errors were found:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC failed
because the following SET options have incorrect
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 8 secs **

End of maintenance plan 'FSPRD84A Integrity Checks' on
4/21/2003 10:21:07 AM
SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)

Any suggestions?

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Attach Database Fails

Sep 20, 2004

Folks, i had a database with data and log file on seperate disks. After reboot, i've lost the log file; now i am trying to attache the data file using EM and QA, i get the following error; plz guide:

sp_attach_single_file_db 'production', 'd:production_data.mdf'

Server: Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not open new database 'production'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
Device activation error. The physical file name 'D:production_log.LDF' may be incorrect.


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Restore Database Fails

Jun 4, 2007

I'm trying to use ADO to restore a SQL 7 database using a backup file. Thedatabase already exists on the target computer, and is named the same as onthe source computer, and the MDF and LDF files are named the same as well.I am running the below in a stored procedure:RESTORE DATABASE DB1FROM DISK = 'c:mssql7ackupDB1.bak'WITH MOVE 'DB1' TO 'c:mssql7dataDB1.mdf',MOVE 'DB1_log' TO 'c:mssql7dataDB1_log.ldf'And I get an error message "File 'DB1' is not a database file for database'DB1' ".I also tried it without the LDF file in the expression. Same results.Thanks.

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Restoring A Database Fails...

Jan 30, 2008

Hello all,

I am trying to restore a database made on a Windows Server 2003 machine using SQL Server 2005 Standard, to a Windows XP Pro machine running SQL Server 2005 (both express, and Standard on another machine). I am doing this using Management Studio (tried express on the other computer).

The restore process seems to go okay, it states it finished, but the database name still looks like this: "DBName (Restoring...)", and it stays that way.

This has happened to me on both XP SP2 computers, and happened with backups from SQL Server 2000 in the past as well. I have no idea what causes this; i've even tried SQL Server 2000. It has worked a few times, but it seemed to just be luck. My thoughts on the SQL Server 2000 backup were that the data was corrupted, but at this moment i no longer believe that.

I don't have experience with doing the restore process outside of management studio, and my knowledge with SQL is basicly the part you use when programming (data and table manipulation, joins, some stored procedures).

I hope any of you can help me, it's really appreciated!


[edit]More information
I first created a database, right click > All Tasks > Restore > Database
Selected the file, checked the box at the left of the file
Went to Options, checked 'Overwrite existing data', changed the 2 filenames to the new ones, selected the 'leave the database non-operational ... (restore with norecovery)' option and clicked OK.

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Database Login Fails

Jun 28, 2006


I can logon to my Sql server using the SSMS management tool, I am using Windows Authentication to logon to SSMS. Create a database OK, with all the necessary tables.

However when I start a VB Express app and try to connect to this database I get an error that login filed for user AMDLarry, AMD is my PC name and my login (Larry) is the computer Administrator logon. The PC is a standalone ie not part of a domain etc.

Can anyone help?



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Copy Database Fails

Jun 17, 2007


I am getting the error below when I try to copy a database.

OnError,SQLSERVER2005,AUTORIDADE NTSYSTEM,XX_XX_XX_XX_SQLSERVER2005_Transfer Objects Task,{E2404B46-E96F-47DA-91F7-ACBB914BD89D},{6D380D9F-9A9E-42F6-AE14-B8852DF6B8E9},16/6/2007 22:24:02,16/6/2007 22:24:02,0,0x,ERROR : errorCode=0 description=CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors. helpFile= helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}
StackTrace: em Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dts.DtsTransferProvider.ExecuteTransfer()
em Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Transfer.TransferData()
em Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.TransferObjectsTask.TransferObjectsTask.TransferDatabasesUsingSMOTransfer()

I am using SQL Server 2005 SP2 (9.0.3042) with Windows XP SP2 inside a virtual machine (Virtual PC 2007 version

I am copying the database to a local drive (C:) and the error occurs after 45 minutes.

Using SQL Server 2000 takes 40 minutes to copy the same database without problem.

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Stored Procedure Not Updating Database (no Errors Appearing)

Dec 1, 2003

Hi All,

I have a stored procedure (works form the SQL side). It is supposed to update a table, however it is not working, please help. What is supposed to happen is I have a delete statement deleting a payment from the payment table. When the delete button is pushed a trigger deletes the payment from the payment table and transfers it to the PaymentDeleted table. The stored procedure is supposed to update the PaymentDeleted table with the empID and reason for deleting, the delete and transfer work fine, however these 2 fields are not updated. Below is the sp and below that is the vb code. Thanks, Karen

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.PaymentDeletedInfoTrail (@EmpID_WhoDeleted varchar(10), @Reason_Deleted varchar(255), @PmtDeletedID int)

UPDATE dbo.PaymentDeleted
SET EmpID_WhoDeleted = @EmpID_WhoDeleted
WHERE PmtDeletedID = @PmtDeletedID

UPDATE dbo.PaymentDeleted
SET Reason_Deleted = @Reason_Deleted
WHERE PmtDeletedID = @PmtDeletedID


Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSubmit.Click
If Me.IsValid Then
Dim DR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader

Dim strPmtID As String
strPmtID = lblPmtIDDel.Text

Dim MySQL As String
MySQL = "DELETE From Payment WHERE PmtID = '" & strPmtID & "'"
Dim MyCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(MySQL, SqlConnection1)
DR = MyCmd.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

Dim strDeletePmt As String
strDeletePmt = lblPmtIDDel.Text

Dim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("PaymentDeletedInfoTrail", SqlConnection1)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim myParam As SqlClient.SqlParameter
myParam = cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@PmtDeletedID", SqlDbType.Int))
myParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
myParam.Value = lblPmtIDDel.Text

myParam = cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@EmpID_WhoDeleted", SqlDbType.VarChar))
myParam.Value = txtEmpIDDelete.Text

myParam = cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Reason_Deleted", SqlDbType.VarChar))
myParam.Value = txtDeleteComments.Text


End If
End Sub

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Errors 602 / 3903 - Database Maintenance Plan Setup

Aug 21, 2000

I set up a Database Maintenance Plan for my SMS Databases. Through the wizard, I set up an Optimization Job which is causing tons of errors (5,400 since yesterday at 1:00 am) in my SMS logs.

The messages occur in a series of three kicking off approximately every minute (see below).

Thanks everyone for any help!

Error 602
Severity Level 21
Message Text:
Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID %d, object ID %ld, index ID %d. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on sysindexes.

This error occurs when Microsoft® SQL Server™ cannot find a row in the sysindexes table for a needed table or index (for example, when executing a stored procedure that references a table that has been dropped).

If the error occurs because a stored procedure references a dropped table, drop and re-create the stored procedure. This error may also occur in conjunction with other error messages that better point to the root cause of the problem. Execute DBCC CHECKTABLE on sysindexes; also execute DBCC CHECKDB.

If the problem persists, contact your primary support provider. Have the output from the DBCC CHECKDB statement available for review.

Error 3903
The rollback transaction request has no corresponding begin transaction.

Microsoft article (Q198265):
Failure to prepare a statement, either by means of ODBC or OLE DB, incorrectly results in the failure of the entire transaction. Potential causes for such a failure include syntax errors or incorrect object names in the statement. Subsequent operations that depend on the transaction being active, including attempts to commit the transaction, will fail.

SQL Server incorrectly closes the whole transaction after any error, rather than stopping execution of the statement only.

To work around this problem, execute the statement without first preparing it, using SQLExecDirect or ICommandText::Execute. An error during either of these operations will cause only the statement, rather than the whole the transaction, not to be processed. The application can then determine the appropriate response, such as ignoring the error and continuing with other statements, resubmitting the query without the problem, or rolling back the transaction.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version 7.0. This problem has been corrected in U.S. Service Pack 1 for Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0. For information about downloading and installing the latest SQL Server Service Pack, see

SMS Discovery Data Manager failed to process the discovery data record (DDR) "C:Program FilesSMSinboxesddm.box638JL00J.DDR", because it cannot update the data source.

Possible cause: On a Primary site, it is probably a SQL Server problem.
1. Review the immediately preceding status messages from this component about SQL Server errors.
2. Verify that this computer can reach the SQL Server computer.
3. Verify that SQL Server services are running.
4. Verify that SMS can access the SMS site database.
5. Verify that the SMS site database, transaction log, and tempdb are not full.
6. Verify that there are at least 50 SQL Server user connections, plus 5 for each SMS Administrator console.

If the problem persists, check the SQL Server error logs.

Possible cause: On a secondary site, SMS Discovery Data Manager probably cannot write to a file on the site server, so check for low disk space on the site server.
Solution: Make more space available on the site server.

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