Similar To COALESCE Function
Nov 4, 2004
I have three fields in a table say [F1, F2 & F3]. I need to fetch anyone of these three fields which has the maximum value between them.
In Simple words i'm looking for some function which is similar to COALESCE function which returns the first NOT NULL value of the fields that were passed as arguments.
FYI I'm using SQL Server 7.0 which does not supports UDF's
Earlier response appreciated
Thanks and Regards
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Aug 7, 2001
Hi guys,
Do you have any idea why COALESCE function gives timeout in SQL2000 and works in SQL7.0
for ex.
in SQL7.0 this statement works fine in one of my SP
but in SQL2000 my SP is not working and my program gives timeout. But, if I change to ISNULL it works fine. Any clues on this issue?
This problem was there in SQL65 with ISNULL and then we have changed to COALESCE. Now, again repeated in 2000.
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Sep 8, 2004
my question is about using coalesce function in SQLServer. This function brings up the first not null value. my problem is i cannot get the corresponding field name. this is what i use
SELECT COALESCE(Stop1, Stop2, Stop3, ...., Stop10)
FROM ...
WHERE ProjectID = #URL.ProID#
it returns,
(no column name)
the fields in the DB goes like stop1, stop2, stop3,...
so, i need to get which stop i am .thanks in advance.
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Feb 6, 2014
If you use Coalesce with Count will it return all values even when null? Reason I pose this question to you is that I am running the below query and am getting escalated results than what should be returned. 1st stop on the debug train is how does Coalesce handle it....for example Boston should return only 143 but the query retunrs 194 for Boston?
Coalesce(Convert(varchar(4000),NewspaperNames), Convert(varchar(4000),MagazineNames)) As PaperNames
From readytoshipOffsite
Group By originatingCity, Coalesce(Convert(varchar(4000),NewspaperNames), Convert(varchar(4000),MagazineNames))
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Feb 3, 2008
Hi all
If you look at BOL for [COALESCE] function we have:
COALESCE ( expression [ ,...n ] )
Arguments an expression of any type.
Return Types
Returns the same value as expression.
Ok as it claimes , arguments can be of any type also the Return value, BUT when i execute the following command:
Print COALESCE('An String',12) -- just for example
and in generel when you have an string argument in this function you will receive the following error:
Syntax error converting the varchar value 'An String' to a column of data type int.
Could anyonel help me?
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 14, 2007
Hi, I downloaded "Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition" v3.1, installed, created database in VS2005, created table TESTTABLE with one column TEST NVARCHAR 200 and run this command against it:
SELECT coalesce(test,NULL) from testtable
but it says
Error : The function is not recognized by SQL Server Compact Edition. [ Name of function = coalesce,Data type (if known) = ]
In this forums there are more usages of coalesce function, so I think it is supported and fully functional, but where is the problem, then ?
My system is Windows Vista Business (Czech version), version of sqlcese30.dll and sqlceqp30.dll is 3.0.5300.0.
thank you for suggestions
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Jan 19, 2007
Hi all,
You know the coalesce function is not offered in the derived column component. how can I use the coalesce function within the component? And how can I use a user defined function within derived column component? Would you be kind enough to give an example?
Thanks! Any reply or comment is highly appriciated.
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Oct 6, 2005
I'm constructing a single string of several counts with concatenated labels using SQL and want to not show zeros (or their labels). Is there a function within an SQL statement that will let me do this? ISNULL() sort of does this, but I really need to test for zero instead of NULL to eliminate noise data from the string.
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Mar 30, 2007
Is there a function to match simalar words
say for example 'tom' will match 'tomy'
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Dec 6, 2007
Is there any Function in T-SQL thats similar to GREATEST() IN Orcl?
Iam trying to find the greatest of two DATETIME datatype Fields in my 'select's.
If there is no in built function, Whats the best approach?
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Jul 23, 2005
Are there any conditional aggregate functions, such as SUM()?An example would probably be the best way to describe what I'mtrying to do...I have the following table, named Orders, with the following records:ItemNo qty_ord paid------ ----------- ------T101B 1 199.00T101B 1 199.00T101B 1 199.00T101B 1 199.00T101B 1 199.00T101B 1 199.00T101B 1 199.00T101B 1 0.00T101B 1 0.00T101B 1 0.00T101B 1 0.00Z200L 1 50.00Z200L 2 100.00I want to produce the following result set:ItemNo qty_gross qty_net------ ---------- -------T101B 11 7Z200L 3 3The "qty_gross" column in the result set is the sum oftotal items ordered within the ItemNo grouping.Easy enough. However, I also want a column "qty_net" thatis the sum of qty_ord but ONLY IF the amount in the"paid" column is > 0.I tried using the HAVING clause, but that produces acatch 22 situation. If I say "HAVING paid > 0" thenthe qty_gross column is wrong because it leaves out rowsthat contain records with paid = 0 values. If I leaveout the HAVING clause, then the "qty_net" is wrong.Any ideas?select ItemNo, Sum(qty_ord) as qty_gross, Sum(qty_ord) as qty_netfrom Ordersgroup by qty_ord, paid, ItemNohaving paid > 0 ?????Thanks,Robbie
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Mar 13, 2008
I just began to use SQL Server 2005 as database programming and
found out that I have to translate mysql_fetch_row into SQL Server 2005
but I cannot find some related functions/api, and I was wondering
Does SQL Server 2005 has similar function like mysql_fetch_row ?
Or if not, any advice how I can program to acheive similar functions ?
thank you in advance.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I m searching for some Script / Function ... to find difference in datab/w 2 similar tables (exactly same fields structure) in sql 2000.plz update me asap !thanks in advance !
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May 26, 2007
I have a table that I am basically reduplicating a couple of times for each part of this database that I want to create.Each table basically has the same data: The tables will be called motherTable, fatherTable, sonTable, daughterTable and so on.I am pretty much using the following in each column: UserID, MotherID(or FatherID or SonID, etc., etc. and so on for each unique table), FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, BirthPlace, Photo, Age.I don't see an option to copy a table and just modify the second ID part and rename that table accordingly.How can I make this an easier way of creating these similar tables without retyping all these columns over and over again?Thanks in advance.
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Apr 10, 2008
Hey Gurus,
I have a problem on getting the sql statement which will group similar column name and sum their number together(another column).
A million thanks in advance.
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Nov 5, 2007
I have a pulldown menu which has like 4 options
producta productb productc and all
I am trying to retrieve the maximum build number value for these products and display on the gridview as per some other conditions like user selected OS etc
Now clicking on All, I want to display the maximum build number values for productA,ProductB ,ProductC
and I am trying to use coalesce but unable to get my result.
I end up seeing only one value which is the maximum of everything.Instead I want the maximums of A B and C and display them concatenated with commas.
If I do the following with no max funciton, i see all the values but i just want max from each branch.
DECLARE @buildList varchar(100)select @buildlist=COALESCE(@buildList + ', ', '') + convert(varchar(10),build) from results
where branch in ('ProductA','Product B','ProductC')
select @buildList
Please let me know how to do this.
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Apr 29, 2008
I have a stored procedure which receives a dynamically built WHERE clause. This is then appended to the sql query within like....'select * from table' +@where_clause.
I know that I am possibly leaving myself open to sql injection so I wanted to find an alternate way of handling this. I stumbled across an article which speaks of using COALESCE as a way to sidestep using dynamic WHERE clauses....
In my application the user can enter 1-to-many textboxes as search criteria. What I have been doing is a series of IF statements to determine if each textbox is populated or not and build the WHERE clause accordingly.If tx_lastname.Text <> "" Then
If (InStr(sqlwhere, "where")) Then
sqlwhere = sqlwhere & " AND lname like '" & tx_lastname.Text & "'"
sqlwhere = " where lname like '" & tx_lastname.Text & "'"
End If
End If
If tx_firstname.Text <> "" Then
If (InStr(sqlwhere, "where")) Then
sqlwhere = sqlwhere & " AND fname like '" & tx_firstname.Text & "'"
sqlwhere = " where fname like '" & tx_firstname.Text & "'"
End If
End IfAnd so forth. But the above article seems to insinuate that I provide a static WHERE clause like this...'select * from table WHERE LNAME = COALESCE(@lname, lname) and COALESCE(@fname, fname). And this would handle it.Have any of you ever used this before? This is my first question. My other question is could this particular method be made compatible to fit with the LIKE operator?My user needs to be able to search based on close matches. For instance, if they enter 'JOHN' in the last name field, the results should contain 'JOHN', 'JOHNSON', 'JOHNS', etc.Any help would be appreciated.
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May 11, 2008
A few people have mentioned that i should use coalesce in the following statement. the problem is i don't know where i should be using itCan someone show me where i should place it? 1 SELECT (SELECT Location
2 FROM Location_Table
3 WHERE (Property_Table.LocationID = LocationID)) AS Location,
4 (SELECT TypeOfProperty
5 FROM Type_Table
6 WHERE (Property_Table.LocationID = TypeID)) AS TypeOfProperty, PropertyID, LocationID, TypeID, Title, Description, Price, Bedrooms
7 FROM Property_Table
8 WHERE (NULLIF (@MinPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@MaxPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@TypeID, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@LocationID, 0) IS NULL) OR
9 (NULLIF (@MinPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@MaxPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@LocationID, 0) IS NULL) AND (TypeID = @TypeID) OR
10 (NULLIF (@MinPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@MaxPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@TypeID, 0) IS NULL) AND (LocationID = @LocationID) OR
11 (NULLIF (@MinPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@MaxPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (TypeID = @TypeID) AND (LocationID = @LocationID) OR
12 (NULLIF (@MinPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@TypeID, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@LocationID, 0) IS NULL) AND (Price <= @MaxPrice) OR
13 (NULLIF (@MinPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@TypeID, 0) IS NULL) AND (LocationID = @LocationID) AND (Price <= @MaxPrice) OR
14 (NULLIF (@MinPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@LocationID, 0) IS NULL) AND (TypeID = @TypeID) AND (Price <= @MaxPrice) OR
15 (NULLIF (@MinPrice, 0) IS NULL) AND (TypeID = @TypeID) AND (LocationID = @LocationID) AND (Price <= @MaxPrice) OR
16 (NULLIF (@TypeID, 0) IS NULL) AND (NULLIF (@LocationID, 0) IS NULL) AND (Price >= @MinPrice) AND (Price <= @MaxPrice) OR
17 (NULLIF (@TypeID, 0) IS NULL) AND (LocationID = @LocationID) AND (Price >= @MinPrice) AND (Price <= @MaxPrice) OR
18 (NULLIF (@LocationID, 0) IS NULL) AND (TypeID = @TypeID) AND (Price >= @MinPrice) AND (Price <= @MaxPrice) OR
19 (TypeID = @TypeID) AND (LocationID = @LocationID) AND (Price >= @MinPrice) AND (Price <= @MaxPrice)
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Jun 21, 2007
I have inherited a db with slowness claims. Last week at a MS seminar where independent SQL Consultant gave presentation on performance gotchas. One of his top 5, do not use coalesce on joins and where clause. Of course it is all over this db. Looking at below was this a bad approach?
WHEREcoalesce(PM.ALTKEYDOC,'x') = coalesce(@AK,PM.ALTKEYDOC,'x')
AND coalesce(PM.FIRSTNAME,'x') LIKE coalesce('%' + @FN + '%',PM.FIRSTNAME,'x')
AND coalesce(PM.LASTNAME,'x') LIKE coalesce('%' + @LN + '%',PM.LASTNAME,'x')
AND coalesce(PM.SEX,'x') = coalesce(@SX,PM.SEX,'x')
AND coalesce(PM.BIRTHDATE,'1/1/1900') = coalesce(@BD,PM.BIRTHDATE,'1/1/1900')
AND coalesce(PM.DIVISION,'x') = coalesce(@DI,PM.DIVISION,'x')
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Jan 29, 2004
I have a piece of a store procedure I don't quite understand, as follows:
SELECT d.DealReference, d.DealId, d.IllustrationId, ci.ContactId
INNER JOIN utContactIllustration ci WITH (NOLOCK)
ON ci.IllustrationId = d.IllustrationId
WHERE d.DealReference LIKE (COALESCE(@DealReference,'%'))
What exactly is the COALESCE function doing here with the parameter?
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May 14, 2008
How would i use a coalesece on this function to get null. if i use coalesce(xxxxx,0). If there is nothing in there it returns a blank space but i need to put null in there
cast([DPVisionPlan] as nvarchar(255)) [DPVisionPlan],
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Oct 4, 2013
I'm new to sql server. I googled the use of coalesce and find out it is another words a replace of ISNULL.I came across a piece of code posted in the forum about the different uses of coalesce.
use adventureworks
DECLARE @DepartmentName VARCHAR(1000)
SELECT @DepartmentName = COALESCE(@DepartmentName,'') + Name + ';'
FROM HumanResources.Department
WHERE (GroupName = 'Executive General and Administration')
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Oct 17, 2005
what the hell does that mean!? how do i use it and where?
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Mar 11, 2008
Here is my statement
COALESCE (Reg_HomeAdd1, N'') + N', ' + COALESCE (Reg_HomeAdd2, N'') + N', ' + COALESCE (Reg_HomeAdd3, N'') + N', ' + COALESCE (Reg_HomeAdd4, N'')
if one of the fields is null how do I stop two commas showing
The Nook,West Street,,Townsville
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Sep 18, 2006
I am having a problem with syntax. I am trying to sum a column where some of the values will be null and because I want to include the rows where the column may be null I am attempting to coalesce to zero.
Below is my sample:
FROM dbo.Student w
LEFT JOIN dbo.StudentDailyAbsence q ON q.StudentID = w.StudentID
Group BY q.StudentID
(SUM(Coalesce(q.AbsenceValue),0) = 0.00)
COALESCE(SUM(q.AbsenceValue) = 0.00,0)
I have tried using the coalesce statement a couple of ways with no resolution, pls help!!
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Sep 27, 2006
Hi,I have the following table with some sample values, I want to return the first non null value in that order. COALESCE does not seem to work for me, it does not return the 3rd record. I need to include this in my select statement. Any urgent help please.Mobile Business PrivateNULL 345 NULL4646 65464 65765NULL 564654654 564 6546I want the following as my results:Number3454646564654654Select COALESCE(Mobile,Business,Private) as Number from Table returns:3454646654654 (this is a test to see if private returns & it did with is not null but then how do i include in my select statement to show any one of the 3 fields)select mobile,business,private where private is not null returns:657655646546thanks
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Feb 6, 2008
Hi everybody,
I have a stored procedure that creates some temporary tables and in the end selects various values from those tables and returns them as a datatable. when returning the values, some fields are derived from other fields like percentage sold. I have it inside a Coalesce function like Coalesce((ItemsSold/TotalItems)*100, 0) this function returns 0 for every row, except for one row for which it returns 100. Does that mean for every other row, the value of (ItemSold/TotalItems)*100 is NULL ? if so, how can I fix it ? any help is greatly appriciated.
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Jun 19, 2008
Hi All
I have a problem in making out why Coalese is considered to be better than ISNULL .According to my investigation Coalesce Returns the data type of expression with the highest data type precedence.If for eg I have declared that I want to return the value only upto 3 char then why will I use Coalesce and override my requirement.Anyone with clear concept about this plz explain.
SELECT ISNULL(@i1, 15.00) /2,
COALESCE(@i1 , 15.00) /2,
ISNULL(@v1, 'Teaser #2'),
COALESCE(@v1, 'Teaser #2')
The result will be
Teaser #2
thanks in advance
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Jun 10, 2008
I'm still getting error messsage that state "encountered dividing by zero:
Is there a problem with my statement?
SELECT COALESCE (SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_MbrQ = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END) * 1.0 / (SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_MbrQ = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END)
+ SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_PnaltyBox = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END) + SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_UnesryTrans = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END)
+ SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_MbrAvoid = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END) + SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_RefTrans = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END)
+ (SUM(CASE WHEN Advoc_ResDrec = 'No' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END) - (SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_MbrQ = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END)
+ SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_PnaltyBox = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END) + SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_UnesryTrans = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END)
+ SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_MbrAvoid = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END) + SUM(CASE WHEN ResDrec_RefTrans = 'Y' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0.0 END)))), 0)
AS ResDrec_MbrQ
FROM limiaca.TPhones_Oct
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Feb 9, 2007
from one of my solution, i havent had time untill now to ask detail what is this coalesce and nullif? Is nullif just like the isnull function? while coalesce is to replace null? can someone explain base on this eg??
d.LocID>= coalesce(nullif(@LocFrom, ''), d.LocID) and
d.LocID<= coalesce(nullif(@LocTo, ''), d.LocID) and
~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~
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Feb 27, 2007
(COALESCE (MaterialNumber, '') + ' - ' + COALESCE (MaterialName, '') )AS materialDescription
I get an error saying cant covert varchar topsoil to type integer
materialnumber = number or null
materialname = name
how do i get
100 - Dirt
- Top Soil
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Mar 11, 2008
Please tell me what's wrong in this query. I am using SQL 2005
It gives too many arguments specified
@nm nvarchar(30), @ID nvarchar(7), @custid nvarchar(10)
SELECT nm, ID, custid, custcode
FROM Customer
(nm = COALESCE(@nm,nm ) OR nm IS NULL) AND
(custid = COALESCE(@custid ,custid ) OR custid IS NULL)
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Aug 20, 2007
Hi guys, can you please help me to solve this problem. I have to get distinct row from offering column of xyz table.
I have to get offering1, offering2 from xyz table. But I am getting only offering1. I should not get duplicate rows from XYZ table.
SELECT DISTINCT @Staging_Off= COALESCE(@Staging_Off + ',', '')+ Offering
FROM xyz
WHERE xyz.Offering NOT IN( SELECT DISTINCT Offering.Offering
FROM Offering Join xyzON Offering.Offering= xyz.Offering
AND Offering.SourceSystem= @SourceSystem
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