I have the following situation (with a site that already works and i cannot modify the database architecture and following CrossRef tables -- you will see what i mean by CrossRef tables below)
foreach hotel, there definitely is a crossRef entry in AddressCrossRef and Address tables respectively (since every hotel has an address)
however not all hotels have thumbnail image
hence i have hotel inner join AddressXReff inner join Address ..... however i must have
left outer join mediaXref left outer join media
the problem is that if there is no entry in Media or mediaXref, I don't get any results
i tried to get over it by using
where (media.mediaTyple like 'thumbnail' or media.mediaType is null)
but then i started getting multiple results for each hotel because media's of type movie or full_image or etc... all got returned
I am receiving funny results from a query. To simplify, I have 2 tables (todayyesterday). Each tbl has the same 8 columns. My query joins the two tables then looks where either of two columns has changed. What is happening is that when checking one of the columns it seems as though sql is flipping the column, causing it to be returned in error.
result set
colA colB colC colD colE colF colG colG (from yesterday) 1 1 a b c d e m 1 1 a b c d m e
So what's happening is that the record above is actually the same record and should not be returned. There is a daily pmt column that changes but I am not using that in the query. Aside from that the two records are identicle.
I don't know if it's Friday or what, but I can't for the life of me come up with an easy way to do this:
I have 3 tables I want to join:
Sale Table: Sale_No Cus_No Sale_Qty 1 Joe01 250
Order Table: Ord_No Sale_No Order_Qty ShipToCode 1 1 20 DestA 2 1 20 DestA 3 1 20 DestA 4 1 20 DestB 5 1 20 DestB
ShipTo Table:
Cus_No ShipToCode ShipToName Joe01 DestA Philadelphia Joe01 DestB Chicago Bob01 DestA Boston
A sale for say 100 tons would have 5 orders (each for 20 tons) associated with it by Sale_No. Each of those orders can go to a different ShipTo destination. Since only the ShipTo Code is stored in the Orders table, I need to get the ShipToName. However, As demonstrated in the example table above, the key in the ShipTo table is both Cus_No AND ShipToCode.
I want a list of Sales and Orders, which is an inner join on Sale_No, piece of cake. However, I then need to use the ShipTo table to go from the ShipToCode to the ShipToName. Unfortunately, Cus_No is not in the Orders table, it is back in the Sales table (proper normalization is a pain sometimes).
What I came up with is this, but is this correct?:
FROM Sales INNER JOIN Orders ON Sales.sale_no = Orders.sale_no INNER JOIN ShipTo ON Orders.ShipToCode = ShipTo.ShipToCode AND Sales.cus_no = ShipTo.cus_no
Which is of messages in a mailbox system, the MessageNum is my primary key, MailboxNum indicates which mailbox it is for and State indicates whether it is 'New' (value = 1) or 'Saved' (value = 0).
What I want to do is write a query to obtain a list of mailboxes, along with how many New and how many Saved messages they have, producing a result table like this:
My problem is I cannot seem to get my SQL right, so far I've got:
PHP Code:
SELECT NewQuery.MailboxNum, NewQuery.NewCount, SavedQuery.SavedCount FROM (SELECT MailboxNum, COUNT(1) AS NewCount FROM VMailMessages WHERE (State = '1') GROUP BY MailboxNum) NewQuery FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT MailboxNum, COUNT(1) AS SavedCount FROM VMailMessages WHERE (State = '0') GROUP BY MailboxNum) SavedQuery ON NewQuery.MailboxNum = SavedQuery.MailboxNum
WHich works only if the mailbox has New messages as well as Saved messages. For mailboxes with only Saved messages, the count appears but, the MailboxNum is NULL. The opposite occurs if I change my SELECT clause to ask for SavedQuery.MailboxNum, but I really want both.
I feel like this is an easy question, but I can't describe it well enough to find the answer I need by searching. Anyway, in my spare time (I'm definitely not a SQL Query pro) I'm putting together a small app for our local Little League to help with scheduling.
I have 2 tables I need to join:
T1 = Schedule has the following fields: ID hTeamID (ID of Home team) vTeamID (ID of Vistor team) Time Date
T2 = Teams ID Name Other info...
I want to be able to do a SELECT statement on the schedule table and JOIN the team names for both home and visitor. I've tried a bunch of different ways but keep getting errors. I can think of 100's of reasons to join the same table more than once, but I still don't know how to and can't find the answer online.
I have listed two tables table 1 has some data. I have to update table 2 [reports] column from table 1 [reports] using self join..I should get as table 2 after updating
In a single table I have 2 columns. Date | Number2006/09/01 - 2352006/09/03 - 2452009/08/01 - 230 I want to write a query that will return the AVG number between two dates. I am assuming this will require a JOIN but I'm having problems implementing my solution. I think about it, it's probably not a join but a sub query...I was trying the following: SELECT Date, AVG(Number) as AVERAGE_NUMBER FROM test.Table WHERE ( Date>='09/01/2006' AND DATE<='09/04/2006' ) But I keep getting date is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate funtion or a group by clause. Thanks in advance for your help.
I've got a simple ( I think) question on views. I've got a view that has a table join in it. With this view, we want to be able to perform updates, inserts, and deletes. At this time we can do the updates and inserts, but not deletes. I've checked the permissions and the users have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Am I missing something or are deletes just not possible in a view with a join?
Please see the attached word file. It has screen shots of the query I am running. My first query shows the result where i have M.ReservationID = MA.MeetingID and it counts NoofRSVP (# of times the query runs). I have to modify first query in such a way that it returns records from eCDReservations table even if there is no matching MeetingID in MeetingAttendees table (means Null, see the result of 2nd query in attached file). So in my result for that case NoofRSVP column should show either Null or 0.
Hi,We are in the process of buying a new server to run mssql. Howeverbefore this as a tempory fix to using a msaccess backend i believethrough odbc i need to address the following issue:SELECT ai.entry_date as CallTime,ai.agent_login as AgentsLogin,ai.campaign as MarketingCampaign,ai.agent_input2 as ProductsSold,ai.first_name as Cust_FirstName,ai.last_name as Cust_LastName,ai.agent_input1 as Cust_PersonalNumber,ai.street_address as Cust_AddressStreet,ai.city as Cust_AddressCity,ai.state as Cust_AddressState,ai.zip as Cust_AddressZIP,rec.file_name as AgreementRecordingFileFROM agent_input ai, leads l, recordings recWHERE ai.whole_phone_number = l.whole_phone_number ANDl.call_status = 1110 ANDrec.whole_phone_number = l.whole_phone_number ANDrec.last_name = l.last_name ANDrec.agent = ai.agent_login ANDrec.campaign = l.campaign ANDlast_call_date between #04/24/2006 12:00 AM# and #04/25/2006 11:59 PM#ORDER BY ai.agent_login, ai.entry_dateI want to make the recordings entry optional so the same results comeout whether it matches a recording or not. If it does i want it topopulate the AgreementRecordingFile column above, if not just put a ''as you would with '' as AgreementRecordFile.Does anyone know how you can do this, in a access based database systemusing SQL through i believe ODBC?ThanksDavid
Two tables:FruitfruitID, fruitNameBasketbuyerID, fruitID(ie. we can see which buyer has what fruit in their basket)I simply want to display all available fruit and whether or not it'sin a specific persons' basket.SELECT Fruit.fruitID, Fruit.fruitName, IsNull(buyerID, 0)FROM Fruit INNER JOIN Basket ON Fruit.fruitID = Basket.fruitIDWHERE Basket.buyerID = 12but this just gives me what's in buyer 12s' basket.What am I doing wrong? Am I a basket case...
This simple query is designed to show all members with the same first name as other members. The result I got shows duplicates of existing members an inconsistent number of times even though I specified not to show duplicates with WHERE m1.MemberID <> m2.MemberID
2 Scharenguivil Rodney 1958-06-24 00:00:00.000 2 Scharenguivil Rodney 1958-06-24 00:00:00.000 2 Scharenguivil Rodney 1958-06-24 00:00:00.000 5 O'Grady Patrick 1975-09-23 00:00:00.000 7 Greenfield Lynne 1955-07-26 00:00:00.000 8 Harvy Simon 1965-08-27 00:00:00.000 8 Harvy Simon 1965-08-27 00:00:00.000 8 Harvy Simon 1965-08-27 00:00:00.000 8 Harvy Simon 1965-08-27 00:00:00.000
Any help in explaining where I have gone wrong here would be greatly appreciated.
select pname, cname from parent table a, child_table b where a.pid = b.pid
Except! Instead of getting the results in the form of:
Ben ben_Child1 Ben ben_Child2 Ben ben_Child3 ...
I would like them in
Ben ben_Child1 ben_Child2
Now normally this would be impossible (I think) since the query would return an unknown number of columns. But in this case I only care about the FIRST TWO children for each parent. So I'm sure there's some way to do this with a simple select, but I don't know how. Anyone?
SELECT task1_.Start as y0_, count(this_.FirstName) as y1_ FROM t_contact this_ inner join t_task task1_ on this_.TaskId=task1_.Id GROUP BY task1_.Start
...when I started this endeavor. I have a previously developed Lotus Notes App. The idea was simple; as I am sefl taught on Lotus Script, I figured I'd be able to stumble my way through VB.Well, it started OK. I used VB Express to get familiar with the stuff, but decided to go with a full version of VS 2005 and try and get this thing properly developed as a web app. I purchased several reference books etc., and have become relatively familiar with the forums here.First issue I have is that I simply want to use code to update or add records to an SQL DB. I know about datagridview etc., but I want to update the DB using forms, not the tabular view those controls provide. I thought it would be relatively straight forward, but found my ignorance runs deeper than I thought. When I tried to do so I am finding I am not really clear on where to make declarations etc. in the web app. If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great. The issue with searching these forums is most posts deal with datagridview or something similar.I have spent a ton of time trying to find relevant posts or articles, but have had no luck yet.Again, all Ireally need is a nudge in the right direction. I am more than willing to plod through reference materials or articles/posts to find what I need to know, I just can't find where to even start on the info I need. Regards, Joe
Hi I have a problem with my sql WHERE query, if i manually type ([Area] = 'The First Area') then it is okay but if i try and pass the variable 'The First Area' using the
([Area] = @Area) it doesnt work. ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure1(@oby nvarchar,@Area char,@Startrow INT,@Maxrow INT, @Minp INT,@Maxp INT,@Bed INT)ASSELECT * FROM(SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY @oby DESC) AS rownum,Ref,Price,Area,Town,BedFROM [Houses] WHERE ([Price] >= @Minp) AND ([Price] <= @Maxp) AND ([Bed] >= @Bed) AND ([Area] = @Area)) AS AWHERE A.rownum BETWEEN (@Startrow) AND (@Startrow + @Maxrow) Please Help I know it must be something simple as the sql works but not when i pass the variable.... Thanks In Advance
Output: First row: initial values of the fields Second row: average of the same fields
Please help me...
select * from ( select HEM_LOKOSIT, HEM_NNS from LPMS.HEMOGRAMS where HEM_PATIENT_ID = 33 union select AVG(HEM_LOKOSIT), AVG(HEM_NNS) from LPMS.HEMOGRAMS where HEM_PATIENT_ID = 33) order by HEM_LOKOSIT desc nulls last;
I'm relatively new to SQL7 but I did use 6.5 a fair bit. I'm trying to test the restore of the Transaction log backup and having a bit of difficulty. The idea is that I make a complete database backup at 1am backup the transaction log every 30 minutes between 7am and 7pm. I need to be able to restore the database to a known state between 7am and 7pm with a max data loss of 30 minutes.
What I am trying to achieve is (as a test):
1)Create a small test database with a test table 2)Add some data to the test table 3)Back up the transaction log 4)Restore the transaction log to 'undo' the data added in step 2
Should be simple I think !!! The problem I am encountering is that in step 4 it won't let me restore only the transaction log (a tick automatically appears in the database backup as well). Bah !
Can someone please tell me what simple steps are required to get this to work. I need specifically on what options to chose during the backup and restore processes.
Hi, I have a table with two columns. I need to find distinct value of col1 and the correspondin repeated value of col2 for that col1 value with comma seperated list. Is there any function for this in MS SQL? I need somethgn like a 1,2,3 b 4,5 c 7 d 5,55,5
I can do that with creating 2 cursors but looking for some easy way around.
DELETE FROM #RptDetails WHERE StructureType <> @StructureType AND #RptDetails WHERE #RptDetails.TraderId <> @TraderId OR #RptDetails.TraderId is null
But it didnt delete the structure types i changed to : DELETE FROM #RptDetails WHERE StructureType <> @StructureType --AND DELETE FROM #RptDetails WHERE #RptDetails.TraderId <> @TraderId OR #RptDetails.TraderId is null
and it did, how do i format the 2nd sql into 1 statement and what was i doing wrong?
I think it's simple, but I can't get it to work.In English its: find records in TableA where the field [Field1] hasmore than one unique value in Field2sample records in TableAField1 Field22241 123452241 123452242 123452242 99856desired return (2 records)2242 123452242 99856thank you for your helpPaul