I've got 2 servers, with sql server 2000 sp3 and ms windows 2003 server.
I've written a very simple stored procedure to insert 20,000 rows into a very simple table TEST (id int, msg varchar_50)
On the first server (P-IV 2 GHz), it takes 700 ms / 1000 insertions
and on the second (2x Xeon 2,6 GHz), it takes 13 s / 1000 insertions...
(insertion is : INSERT INTO TEST (id, msg) VALUES (@id, 'dummy text'))
SQL Server was installed exactly in the same way...
what could I do see where the problem is ? With profiler, I see no difference while logging all events....
Hi all, I've been building a set of traffic based reports on our website and I've run into a strange problem.
The reports are pretty basic, and up till now I've been really impressed with RS overall.
Recently I've added a StartDate and EndDate and since then the performance has gone from ~10 secs to ~10 minutes.
I've taken a really simple query from my reports. Running this query in Management Studio on the same data returns in less than a second. When its run from a test report with nothing else in it it takes ~1 minute. Even stranger when I run the same query with the same values for parameters inside of RS in the data view it takes less than 1 second. ARG!
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SessionID) as Occurences FROM WebAppSummary JOIN WebAppLocalizations ON WebAppSummary.ClientIp = WebAppLocalizations.ClientIp where FirstTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
The last line that was just added is this part: where FirstTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
So whats going on here? Is this a really poorly performing query that management studio is optimizing but RS isnt? Is RS messing up the databind and getting a bunch of DSs instead of just one?
In my database/MY SERVER (SQL7/Win2K), I run a simple query with a Table/10000 rows (without cluster index): SELECT * FROM TABLE it take over 30s. Why it's slow? How can I check for reason? How to configure my server to improve performance? Thanks in advance. TH ---------------------------------- SP_CONFIGURE's RESULT in MY SERVER ----------------------------------
Table 'spt_values'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0. name minimum maximum config_value run_value ----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- affinity mask 0 2147483647 0 0 allow updates 0 1 1 1 cost threshold for parallelism 0 32767 5 5 cursor threshold -1 2147483647 -1 -1 default language 0 9999 0 0 default sortorder id 0 255 52 52 extended memory size (MB) 0 2147483647 0 0 fill factor (%) 0 100 0 0 index create memory (KB) 704 1600000 0 0 language in cache 3 100 3 3 language neutral full-text 0 1 0 0 lightweight pooling 0 1 0 0 locks 5000 2147483647 0 0 max async IO 1 255 32 32 max degree of parallelism 0 32 0 0 max server memory (MB) 4 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 max text repl size (B) 0 2147483647 65536 65536 max worker threads 10 1024 255 255 media retention 0 365 0 0 min memory per query (KB) 512 2147483647 1024 1024 min server memory (MB) 0 2147483647 0 0 nested triggers 0 1 1 1 network packet size (B) 512 65535 4096 4096 open objects 0 2147483647 0 0 priority boost 0 1 1 1 query governor cost limit 0 2147483647 0 0 query wait (s) -1 2147483647 -1 -1 recovery interval (min) 0 32767 0 0 remote access 0 1 1 1 remote login timeout (s) 0 2147483647 5 5 remote proc trans 0 1 0 0 remote query timeout (s) 0 2147483647 0 0 resource timeout (s) 5 2147483647 10 10 scan for startup procs 0 1 0 0 set working set size 0 1 0 0 show advanced options 0 1 1 1 spin counter 1 2147483647 10000 10000 time slice (ms) 50 1000 100 100 two digit year cutoff 1753 9999 2049 2049 Unicode comparison style 0 2147483647 196609 196609 Unicode locale id 0 2147483647 1033 1033 user connections 0 32767 0 0 user options 0 4095 0 0
Dear Experts,I have a fairly simple query in which adding a where clause slowsthings down by at least a factor of 100. The following is the slowversion of the query-------------------------SELECT * FROM( Select x.event_date From x FULL OUTER JOIN yON x.event_date = y.event_date) innerQWHERE ( innerQ.event_date >= {ts '1980-01-01 00:00:00'} )------------------------Removing the where clause makes the query run quickly. This seemsextremely strange because it seems like SQL Server should simply beable to take the results of innerQ and discard anything with a datethat doesn't match. If I instead split the query into two pieces whereI create a temp table and put innerQ into that and then do the select *WHERE (...) from the temp table things work fine.Any thoughts on what SQL Server might be doing to make things slow andhow I can fix it?Thanks,-Emin
I am running simple queries against test SQL Express installation and they take a very long time to return data. I have two SQL Express instances installed on colleagues' machines to which I connect for my testing and both exhibit the same problem. The setup is Windows XP SP 2 with 2 GB RAM and 3.6 GHz CPU. I am querying a table with around 7000 records and my query is simply SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM MyTable. It takes over 10 seconds to return the recordset!
I have done the research and found posts, which talk about AUTO_CLOSE option, indexes, query execution plan, etc. I have done everything those posts recommend, but performance is still terrible. All the instances have SQL 2005 SP2 applied.
I also found that the query runs fast locally on each SQL Express instance, the problem seem to happen when I am trying to pull the data over the network.
I decided to change over from Microsoft Access Database file to the New SQLServerCe Compact edition. Although the reading of data from the database is greatly improved, the inserting of the new rows is extremely slow.
I was getting between 60 to 70 rows per sec using OLEDB and an Access Database but now only getting 14 to 27 rows per sec using SQLServerCe.
I have tried the below code changes and nothing seams to increase the speed, any help as I would prefer to use SQLServerCe as the database is much smaller and I€™m use to SQL Commands.
Details: VB2008 Pro .NET Frameworks 2.0 SQL Compact Edition V3.5 Encryption = Engine Default Database Size = 128Mb (But needs to be changes to 999Mbs)
Where Backup_On_Next_Run, OverWriteQuick, CompressAns are Booleans, all other column sizes are nvarchar and size 10 to 30 expect for Full Folder Address size 260
14 to 20 rows per second (Was 60 to 70 when using OLEDB Access)
Using Record Sets
Private Sub InsertRecordsIntoSQLServerce(ByVal Group_Name1 As String, ByVal Full_Folder_Address1 As String, ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File_Size_KB1 As String, ByVal Schedule_To_Run1 As String, ByVal Backup_Time1 As String, ByVal Last_Run1 As String, ByVal Result1 As String, ByVal Last_Modfied1 As String, ByVal Latest_Modfied1 As String, ByVal Backup_On_Next_Run1 As Boolean, ByVal Total_Backup_Times1 As String, ByVal Server_File_Number1 As String, ByVal Server_Number1 As String, ByVal File_Break_Down1 As String, ByVal No_Of_Servers1 As String, ByVal Full_File_Address1 As String, ByVal OverWriteQuick As Boolean, ByVal CompressAns As Boolean)
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM BackupDatabase" cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Dim rs As SqlCeResultSet = cmd.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Updatable Or ResultSetOptions.Scrollable)
Dim rec As SqlCeUpdatableRecord = rs.CreateRecord()
rec.SetString(1, Group_Name1) rec.SetString(2, Full_Folder_Address1) rec.SetString(3, File1) rec.SetSqlString(4, File_Size_KB1) rec.SetSqlString(5, Schedule_To_Run1) rec.SetSqlString(6, Backup_Time1) rec.SetSqlString(7, Last_Run1) rec.SetSqlString(8, Result1) rec.SetSqlString(9, Last_Modfied1) rec.SetSqlString(10, Latest_Modfied1) rec.SetSqlBoolean(11, Backup_On_Next_Run1) rec.SetSqlString(12, Total_Backup_Times1) rec.SetSqlString(13, Server_File_Number1) rec.SetSqlString(14, Server_Number1) rec.SetSqlString(15, File_Break_Down1) rec.SetSqlString(16, No_Of_Servers1) rec.SetSqlString(17, Full_File_Address1) rec.SetSqlBoolean(18, OverWriteQuick) rec.SetSqlBoolean(19, CompressAns) rs.Insert(rec) Catch e As Exception MessageBox.Show(e.Message) Finally conn.Close() End Try End Sub
€™20 to 24 rows per sec
Using SQL Commands Direct
Private Sub InsertRecordsIntoSQLServerce(ByVal Group_Name1 As String, ByVal Full_Folder_Address1 As String, ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File_Size_KB1 As String, ByVal Schedule_To_Run1 As String, ByVal Backup_Time1 As String, ByVal Last_Run1 As String, ByVal Result1 As String, ByVal Last_Modfied1 As String, ByVal Latest_Modfied1 As String, ByVal Backup_On_Next_Run1 As Boolean, ByVal Total_Backup_Times1 As String, ByVal Server_File_Number1 As String, ByVal Server_Number1 As String, ByVal File_Break_Down1 As String, ByVal No_Of_Servers1 As String, ByVal Full_File_Address1 As String, ByVal OverWriteQuick As Boolean, ByVal CompressAns As Boolean)
I have a stored procedure that can take over 5 seconds to add simpledata. Please give any advice on optimizing?Here are the details:***** Access Info ******~10 rows are added to the table every secondthe table is read ~20 times a second (with no lock)***** Stored Procedures *****-------CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.getMessagesForSR@serviceRequestId numericASselect *from SRMessages with (nolock)where srid= sridorder by SRMessageIDGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO--------CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.addMessage@sridnumeric,@timestamp bigint,@type smallint,@initiator nvarchar (100),@data ntextASINSERT INTO SRMessages VALUES(@srid,@timestamp,@type,@initiator,@data)GO---------***** The Table *****CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SRMessages] ([SRMessageId] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[srid] [bigint] NOT NULL ,[Timestamp] [bigint] NOT NULL ,[Type] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[Initiator] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[Data] [ntext] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[SRMessages] ADDCONSTRAINT [PK_SRMessages] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED([SRMessageId]) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [SRMessages2] ON [dbo].[SRMessages]([srid]) ON [PRIMARY]GO
Hi,It takes 4 minutes to insert 40 000 records on a SQL Server and 40 secon an other SQL Server. The slower run on windows 2000 terminal serverand the faster on windows 2000. The slower The slower have 2 Go ofram, the faster 512 Mo!!!How to diagnostic what's going wrong on the slower server? I can'tchange the application who do the insertions.
I have a table with 110 nvarchar (255) columns in the database. I receive the data from the server (array) and them loop through it to insert the data into the database. The problem is it takes more than 3 minutes to insert (or update) (in memory) the 310 records it got from the array. I am reusing the Statement (with parameters). How could I improve the performance?
It's really a small quantity of data, the CPU in the device is 520Mhz... it should be alright!
We had a table that had logical fragmentation of 50%. After rebuilding(with default fillfactor 0) I noticed that inserts are much faster. Ifmy page density is 100% wouldn't I get more page splits? I know I ammissing something fundamental here. Could someone get me back ontrack?Table Size 1.5 millionInsert Size 70KBefore: 15 minutesAfter: 3 minutesIndex:Compound clustered across varchar columnsThere are also a couple non-clustered indexes
I support a website (ASP.NET 2.0) where recently users have been unable to insert data due to timeout issues. The functionality executes a query that inserts a single row into a SQL Server 2005 db table. I tried running this query from the backend, and it took 4:48 to insert a single row! Interestingly, after that initial agony any similar inserts I tried took no time whatsoever. I have checked the execution plan, but unfortunately don't really know what I'm looking for with inserts, as most of my experience with execution plans is with select statements. Any resources anyone could point me to for troubleshooting this would be much appreciated.
Hi everybody !!! I have a problem with database SQL server 2000, and I need anyone help me.
I have PC machine with hardware configuration following:
+ RAM : 512M
+ CPU : 2.4 GHz (intel Pentium 4)
+ System : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprice Edition , Service Pack 1
(this is call Machine1 )
and other Server machine with hardware configuration the following :
+ RAM : 2G
+ CPU : 3.6 GHz( intel Xeon)
+System : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprice Edition , Service Pack 2
(use RAID 5)
(this is call Machine2 )
.And SQL Server 2000 is installed in these machine.
I created one table and one script to insert several records into this table. and script for inserting:
declare @count int , @max int
set @count =1
set @max = 5000
WHILE (@count < @max or @count = @max)
insert into TBAT_STOCKEOD(TRDT,SEQNO,COMPID,TRANSTYPE) values('20071219',cast(@count as varchar(5)),'13215','1')
set @count = @count +1
I execute this script on Machine1 and Machine2 :
+ Machine1 : spent 3 seconds.
+ Machine2 : spent 30 seconds. I don't understand why Machine2 is slower than Machine1 ( while configuration of Machine2 is better than Machine1's ). I don't know what happen.
I checked resource usages in perfmon when SQL server execute script and result following :
Proccessor used 100%
whereas,Machine2 used physical Disk 100%
Is there the way to configurate SQL server to improve speed writting of hard disk?
Originally posted by Jeremy at 12/10/2001 11:39:38 AM
Hello all,
I've written a simple dts job that uses oracle (8.x) as a source and oracle (8.x) as a destination. I'm using SQL 2000 and Microsoft's oledb provider for oracle as the two connections. I've chosen "Transform Data Task" with the following SQL "SELECT * FROM REPORTER_STATUS WHERE LASTOCCURRENCE > TRUNC(SYSDATE)". As you can see, it's very simple, however it's very very very slow. (averages about 1000 rows per minute). In my column transformations, I've selected many to many versus the one to one. There are no activex scripts or anything along those lines. Just a simple push of the data from one oracle box to the other. The table schemas are identical etc... I've had this problem before with writing to Oracle and I can't imagine that it's really supposed to be this slow. If you need more details, please just let me know.
The official response from microsoft is that dts only allows for single inserts... not bulk or bcp for oracle. There must be someone out there who has figured out how to configure / modify / call (something) from a dts pacakage to insert millions of records into Oracle in a decent time frame...
I am using an aggregate with the OVER clause.Running the script is fast less than 1 second but when I say insert into a temp table the execution plan is very different at it take 8 seconds.I have attached the execution plans. Also the Statistics IO, Time messages. I am using SQL Server 2014 with backward compatibility to 2008 R2.
if (select OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MM')) is not null drop table #MM CREATE TABLE #MM ([MyTableID] [int], [ParticipantID] [int], [ConferenceID] [nvarchar](50), [Points] [money], [DateCreated] [datetime], [StartPoints] [money], [EndPoints] [money], [LowPoints] [money], [HighPoints] [money]) insert into #MM ([MyTableID], [ParticipantID], [ConferenceID], [Points], [DateCreated], [StartPoints], [EndPoints], [LowPoints], [HighPoints]) selectmm.MyTableID, mm.ParticipantID, mm.ConferenceID, mm.Points, mm.DateCreated,
Hi, how do I perform a simple insert command? I dont need the SQL syntax, just how do i do it using VS2005. using SqlDataSource, for some reason, after writing the insert sentence, the "next" button remains gray. i am using VS2005 and sql server.
I am trying to do a simple insert 3 items into 3 colms the table has 4 the 4th is an identity with a seed of 1
I am getting this error that i need an explicit val for the key
GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Company] Script Date: 03/30/2006 17:48:22 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Company]( [idCompany] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [CompanyName] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Abreviation] [nchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Sol] [varchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Company] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [idCompany] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
INSERT INTO COMPANY VALUES('AmericanExpressCheck','Amex','ax')
Msg 545, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table 'Company' either when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON or when a replication user is inserting into a NOT FOR REPLICATION identity column.
INSERT INTO archivetitles (title_id, title, type, pub_id) SELECT title_id, title, type, pub_id FROM titles WHERE (pub_id = '0766')
How would I modify this if the table archivetitles had columns: titleid, title, newcolumn, type, pub_id and I wanted the newcolumn value to be null, but I still wanted to select the values from titles?
I am able to run a query which runs FAst in QA but slow in theapplication.It takes about 16 m in QA but 1000 ms on theApplication.What I wanted to know is why would the query take a longtime in the application when it runs fast on SQL server?How should we try debugging it?Ajay
Hello,I just started with ms sql. I need to insert data from some textboxes into ms sql 2000 database.I can't get it work.I'm trying this:"INSERT INTO tblUplate (ID_Uplata, JMB, IDOsnovaUplate, Iznos, Datum) Values('', ' + txtJMBUplate.Text + ', ' + ddVrstaPrihoda.SelectedItem + ', ' + txtIznos.Text + ', ' + DateTimePicker1.Value + ')"Is this wrong? Should I use + or & (like I used to use with MS Access)?Thanks
I have a textbox with the id of txtName it is a name text box. and I have a submit button. How do i get the value of the text in the text box to popluate a new row of data in my Sql Server database.
------------------------------- Events ------------------------------- ID | E_EventName -------------------------------
------------------------------- Photos ------------------------------- ID | P_EventID | P_Filename -------------------------------
Given an event like "2005 cookout", and a file like "bob.jpg", I'd like to insert the event id based on the event name and the filename into Photos. How can I do that?
Ive added a primary key called ID to my table, now my insert stored procedure dont no longer work.
i want an unique identifier for each row.
heres my stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE composeMessage -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @username varchar(24), @sender varchar(24), @date dateTime, @subject varchar(255), @message varchar(2500)
insert into Messages( "Username", "Sender", "Date", "Subject", "Message" ) values ( @username, @sender, @date, @subject, @message ) END GO
heres my sqlcreate table:
USE [Messenger] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Messages] Script Date: 09/12/2006 15:13:52 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Messages]( [Username] [varchar](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Sender] [varchar](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Subject] [varchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Message] [varchar](2500) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL, [ID] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Messages] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF
As primary keycan't be null, what do i put for primary key for my insert to work?
I am running A View that INSERTS into #Temp Table - On Only Certain Days the INSERT Speed into #tempDB is so slow. Â Attached snapshot that shows after one minute so many few records are inserted - and it dosent happen every day somedays its very fast.Â
I'm trying to wrap my head around inserting values into a table w/ SQLDataSource. What I'm trying to do is have a form where users can submit their feedback and their responses would get put into a table on the backend. It would store not only their comments, but their userid, the url that they were on last, and which area they're from. The trouble is, I have no idea if I'm coding this correctly. On the submit Here is the form: <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:SqlDataSource runat="server" ID="feedbackSQL" InsertCommand="insertfeedback_sp" InsertCommandType="StoredProcedure" connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Test%>"> <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int16" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Region" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Querystring" Type="String" /> <asp:FormParameter Name="Comments" FormField="Comment" /> </InsertParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> <div> <asp:TextBox ID="Comment" runat="server" Height="200px" Width="350px"></asp:TextBox><br /> <asp:Button ID="Submit" OnClientClick="btn_Submit" runat="server" BackColor="White" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small" Text="Submit" /> <asp:Button ID="Cancel" runat="server" BackColor="White" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small" Text="Cancel" OnClientClick='javascript: window.close()' /> <asp:Button ID="Clear" runat="server" BackColor="White" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small" Text="Clear" OnClientClick='javascript: ClearBox(Comment)' /> </div> </form>Here is the backend: protected void btn_Submit(object sender, EventArgs e) { feedbackSQL.InsertParameters["ID"].DefaultValue = UserId ; feedbackSQL.InsertParameters["Region"].DefaultValue = Region; feedbackSQL.InsertParameters["Comments"].DefaultValue = Comment.Text.ToString(); feedbackSQL.InsertParameters["Querystring"].DefaultValue = URL.ToString(); }When I test it out. Nothing shows up in my database table. I also have another problem, ID is stored in my table as an int, but when I try to set it's value in btn_Submit and try to compile it, I get a "cannont convert 'int' to 'string'" error. Am I missing something here? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks :)
Hi all, I really can't figure out what i'm doing wrong here, and I'd appreciate some help if possible please! SqlDataSource5.InsertParameters("ntuser").DefaultValue = ntuser SqlDataSource5.InsertParameters("datetime").DefaultValue = DateTime.Now SqlDataSource5.Insert()Above is my code to insert into my SQL database a varchar NT user name, and the current date. The Parameters are defined in the HTML as : <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource5" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Test EnvironmentConnectionString %>" InsertCommand="usp_insert_hit" InsertCommandType="StoredProcedure" SelectCommand="usp_select_hits" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" UpdateCommand="usp_insert_hit" UpdateCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ntuser" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="datetime" Type="DateTime" /> </InsertParameters></asp:SqlDataSource> My SQL Database is set up to have a table called "Hits" which has three colums, a hit_id (Autocounter, primary key), ntuser (varchar), datetime (datetime) When the application runs it stops at runtime and highlights the SQLDataSource5.Insert() line, and I can't figure out why - can anyone else tell why please? thanks.
I am trying to figure out what SQL script on how can I do this........I want to insert a record in a table by using the text fieds instead of using a primary key to recognize where it relates to. Fro example, I have two tables: table Make---------------Make ID- Interger (PK) 1 description - text Honda table model----------------Model ID - integer (PK) 1desc.--text AccordMake ID - interger (FK) 1 I am trying to figure out A way to do something like this......... INSERT into model (Model ID which is an auto #, description, Make ID) VALUES (txtmodelID.text, txtdescripton.text, instead of doing MakeID here; I want to use the descripton from the Make table to insert thiis MakeID field) I badly need some help with this logic or syntax as it relates to most of the way I need to insert through out my site. Thanks in advance. In other words I want the user to select a Make from a drop down list not a Make ID# such as Honda that will insert under that Make ID number related to that description..... such as a type of car ; Accord's description into the model table.
I have just one table but need to create a trigger that takes place after an update on the Orders table. I need it to multiply two columns and populate the 3rd column (total cost) with the result as so:
In a Data Flow Task, I have an insert that occurs into a SQL Server 2000 table from a fixed width flat file. The SQL Server table that the data goes into is accessed through an OLE DB connection manager that uses the Native OLE DBMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.
In the OLE DB Destination, I changed the access mode from Table or View - fast load to Table or View because I needed to implement OLE DB Destination Error Output. The Error output goes to a SQL Server 2000 table that uses the same connection manager.
The OLE DB Destination Editor Error Output 'Error' option is configured to 'Redirect' the row. 'Set this value to selected cells' is set to 'Fail component'.
Was changing the access mode the simple reason why the insert from the flat file takes so much longer, or could there be other problems?
I have an update query running which to just now has been running for 22 hours running on two tables 1 a lookuptable that has just been created within the batch the other a denormalised table for doing data analysis on
the query thats causing teh problem is
--//////////////////////////////////// this is the one thats running
Print 'Update Provider 04-05 EmAdmsCount12mths : ' + CAST(GETDATE() AS varchar) GO Update Provider_APC_2004_05 set EmAdmsCount12mths = (Select COUNT(*)-1 from Combined_Admissions where ((Combined_Admissions.NHSNumber = Provider_APC_2004_05.NHSNumber) or (Combined_Admissions.PASNUMBER = Provider_APC_2004_05.PDDISTNO)) and (Combined_Admissions.AdmDate BETWEEN DateAdd(yyyy,-1,Provider_APC_2004_05.AdmDate) AND Provider_APC_2004_05.AdmDate) AND Combined_Admissions.AdmMethod like 'Emergency%')-- and -- CA.NHSorPrivate = 'NHS')) FROM Provider_APC_2004_05, Combined_Admissions
any help in improving speed would be most welcome as there are 3 more of these updates to run right after this one and the analysis tables are almost double the size of this one
1. Let's say I have a SqlDataSource named Fred. Say I have a string variable, call it Barney. If I call Fred.Insert(Barney) HOW Does the insert command GET the Barney value and pass it to the SQL Insers string? 2. Lets say also in this same insert, I want the user Lets say Batty, who is logged in, to have her username automatically inserted into the table along with her Barney value. What is the method to get a hold of user name that is magically floating around in the session somewhere? All said and done, I'd love for it to work like this: "INSERT INTO [BedRock] ([UserName], [Character] ) VALUES (SomethingThatResolvesToSignedInUserName, SomehtingThatResolvesToStringValueofVariable) Table BedrockUserName CharacterBettyRubble 'Bam-Bam' THANKS inadvance fro ANY HelpDan-Simple and sleepless-Harper