I am trying to write a simple search page that will search all the fields in a database to find all records that match a user input string. The string could happen anywhere in any of the fields. I have a dataset and can write a query but am unsure what the format is for this simple task. I figured it would look like this:
SELECT Table.* FROM Table WHERE * = @USERINPUT But thats not working. Can someone help.? Thanks..
Hi, Im trying to create a simple search page to return a list of products from a table in a sql database. Id like to be able to search a product description column in a table I have called products using the contents of a text box. I was wondering how i can go about getting the search to check for all words the user types in rather than just a single word or an exact phrase. Im currently using the following sql query SELECT [product_title], [product_description] FROM [products] WHERE ([product_description] LIKE '%' + @product_search + '%') this works fine for single words and exact phrases but if i had product called 'fred w bloggs' and i enter 'fred bloggs' it will not return anything. Please could anyone suggest how i shoud go about this? Im not sure if my web hosting company will enable full text search or will this be required? Thanks for any help! pete_ (very new to asp.net!)
Hi all I need to implement a search function in Asp.net. Its nothing complicated, just find out whether a value exists in a particular table and return a boolean accordingly. However, the table has about 300,000 records. Is simply querying the table from the web (SELECT barcode FROM tblProducts where ID=123) the best way considering the releant column has been indexed.Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks
Hello new in sql and asp.net here.I have this Select * from InvoiceHeader where TransactionDate > '03/16/2008' That code isn't working instead of returning a row with a transaction date that is greater than 3/16/2008 what it return is all the row. How can fix this? Thanks!
------------------------------------- Articles ------------------------------------- ID | Date | Headline | Body -------------------------------------
I'm trying to write a stored procedure that will search for a given keyword. Here's what I have:
CREATE PROCEDURE sproc_SearchArticles ( @keyword varchar(50) ) AS SELECT ID, Date, Headline, Body FROM Articles WHERE Body LIKE %@keyword% ORDER BY Date DESC RETURN
That keeps giving me an error. If I put quotes around it, it will literally look for the term @keyword anywhere in the body.
Hello all, I am trying to build a simple search page using SQL Server 2005, Visual Web Developer in C#.I have enabled Full-Text Search on my DB and created the catalogs and indexes, but I am lost on the next step to build a search form that calls the data based on the users input in a textbox. Any suggestions? Thanks!Travis
I'm not trying to do anything too fancy; given a string, I just wanna see if anything in the column of my database matches the string. I'm using an SQL query that takes a string, then selects the data using LIKE %searchword%.This works fine when the user enters only one word. But I guess you can see that a problem arises when they enter more than one word.So how can I implement a very simple search that will take more than one word?
hello I have this code Select Waste.WasteName AS [Waste Name], InvoiceDetail.Volume, Branch.BranchLocation AS [Branch Location] From InvoiceHeader INNER JOIN InvoiceDetail ON InvoiceHeader.InvoiceNo = InvoiceDetail.InvoiceNo INNER JOIN Waste ON InvoiceDetail.WasteID = Waste.WasteID INNER JOIN Branch ON InvoiceDetail.BranchID = Branch.BranchID Where WasteName = 'Sludge' AND InvoiceDate >= '" + TextBox1.Text + "' AND InvoiceDate <= '" + TextBox2.Text + "'; The problem is everytime I will search for example InvoiceDate 03/27/2008, I need to add one day for example --> 03/28/2008 for me to be able to get that Invoicedate 03/27/2008.. What's do you think is the problem with my code? Thanks!
I'm very new to SQL so please forgive my ignorance... I've made a simple .net search page which queries an sql database with the following query, (in a stored procedure): SELECT Category, Number, RegisteredUser, DeptName, Surname, Forename, Site, IDFROM tblTelephonesWHERE (@surname IS NULL OR Surname LIKE @surname) AND (@site IS NULL OR Site = @site) AND (@deptname IS NULL OR DeptName LIKE @deptname) This works fine, as expected if i leave fields null or enter an exact match, but I (of course) have to add a wildcard in my search string for a wildcard search. For example, looking for 'duncan' i need to enter 'du%' or 'duncan'. What I really want is for all searches to have wildcards behind them so only the first few characters need be inputted, and I could just search for 'd' or 'dun' without adding the '%' to get 'duncan'. I think I am aware of the implications of this approach and do want to go ahead as there are only about 850 records. Any help or links to useful articles would really be greatly appreciated.
This question probably applies to Visual Web Developer but I don't know if it belongs in this Forum or that, sorry if you have to move it. Hi there kind person reading this I've created a stored procedure in SQL2000 that selects records where (name = @name) AND (site = @site). It works as I have tested it with Enterprise Manager. I have also created a page with VWD that has a drop-down list populated with the site records and a text box. I have put an SQL data source on the page that is configured to select from the stored procedure. However, I can't set the @name and @site variables to collect from the ddl and txtbox through the wizard! I've tried selecting a Control as the source for @site but neither the ddl or txtbox appear in the control dropdown list. So I want to crack it with handwritten code. Does anyone know of a post or article that can help me link the ddl and txtbox to a search button, which calls the stored procedure with the chosen variables allowing me to put the returned data into a gridview? I've been through a great walkthrough for VWD (Student Activities) but it doesn't seem to apply to the latest version - or there's something wrong with my (seems fine though) instalation. Thanks if you can help, I owe you a
------------------------------------- Articles ------------------------------------- ID | Headline | Article -------------------------------------
I'm trying to write a search function that will search through the text in the Article column. Here's my stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE sproc_SearchNews ( @keyword varchar(50) ) AS SELECTID, Headline, Article FROMArticles WHEREArticle LIKE '%' + REPLACE(@keyword, '%20', '%') + '%' RETURN
There's a few problems with this however... 1. If I enter "Dog" into the search, it will skip over the article if it contains "dog". I need to convert the search term and the article text to lowercase. 2. If I enter "iron" into the search, it will find articles containing "iron", but it will also find articles containing "environment". How can I fix that without affecting my multiple word search in the WHERE clause?
I have a search form in an ASP.NET/VB page. The form has the input text box and the button "search". The keywords are passed in the URL to results.aspx.
Here is an example of what I get in the URL, when I write the keywords "asp", "book" and "london" in the input text box and click "search": results.aspx?search=asp%20book%20london
The database table has 3 fields: "id", "title" and "description".
I want to display all the records where at least one of the keywords is found in any of the 2 fields "title" and "description".
1. I suppose I need to get the words out of the URL to be used by SQL. Maybe: string[] searchString = request.queryString("search").split('search'); ??? How can i make this run when page loads? I supose i need it. Right?
2. How should the SQL look? I supose i need to use the "Like" command SELECT * FROM books WHERE title LIKE ... But how to I use it if I can have 1, 2, 3, ... keywords?
I'd like to build a simple search engine against Sql Server. Does .NET Framework provide some class to help in this task? From what I've heard there is an interface which implements it..
Hi - I'm short of SQL experience and hacking my way through creating a simple search feature for a personal project. I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out with writing a stored procedure. Problem: I have two tables with three columns indexed for full-text search. So far I have been able to successfully execute the following query returning matching row ids: dbo.Search_Articles @searchText varchar(150) AS SELECT ArticleID FROM articles WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @searchText) OR CONTAINS(Title, @searchText) UNION SELECT ArticleID FROM article_pages WHERE CONTAINS(Text, @searchText); RETURN This returns the ArticleID for any articles or article_pages records where there is a text match. I ultimately need the stored procedure to return all columns from the articles table for matches and not just the StoryID. Seems like maybe I should try using some kind of JOIN on the result of the UNION above and the articles table? But I have so far been unable to figure out how to do this as I can't seem to declare a name for the result table of the UNION above. Perhaps there is another more eloquent solution? Thanks! Peter
I've got an nvarchar(max) column that I need to transform with some simple text processing: insert some markup at the very beginning, and insert some markup just before a particular regular expression is matched (or at the end, if no match is found).
Since the SSIS expression language doesn't support anything like this, is a Script Component the only way to go? Does Visual Basic .NET provide regular expression matching?
Hi,how do I do a simple formula, which will search a field for specialcharacters and return a value.If it finds "%" - it returns 1elseIf it finds "?" it returns 2endIf this is the incorrect newsgroups, please direct me to the correct oneregards Jorgen
I am trying to make a single display page for an author's books.the books page only displays books of a type "type" (novels, non-fiction, etc)I would like to make it so that it can also show all books if "type" isn't selected. I THOUGHT the string would look like this: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDSBooks" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:csK2Reader %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Books] ( If @Type <> "" then WHERE ([Type] = @Type)) ORDER BY [SortDate] DESC"> But it doesn't seem to want to work. I get a "server tag is not well formed" error.
I have a table called "member" that has two fields (amongst others) called "firstname" and "city"I want to return a list that sorts people who live in the same city, but does not return people who do not have a city in common.For example if this is my data:Karen - ParisMike - RomeTim - Dallas
Jim - ParisChris - DallasJohn - ManhattanSarah - OrlandoDavid - DallasThe query would return this:Dallas - ChrisDallas - DavidDallas - TimParis - JimParis - KarenI have this SQL so far: Select city, firstname From member Order By city, firstnamebut it includes all the cities including those that only have 1 resident.Can someone tell me how to do this?Thanks a lot,Chris
hi,i have three fields in the database tablep1 p2 rank10% 20% 3 21% 40% 2now i am passing the input as 15%...this 15% is related to 3rd rank.. so i need the o/p rank as 3..if the p1 and p2 datatypes are varchar..then how we can we write the query for that one tgo get the rank as 3.Ramesh
Hi All Can anyone tell me what this simple SQL query would be: Find all the words "black", "dvd" and "player" from any of the fields "Product", "Brand" or "Description".
I am trying to select players from a database based on the userid not having any user's name in it with an order by ASC. I basically want all the players that haven't been taken. Here is what I came up with and it gives me empty.
strSQLA="SELECT UserID, playerName from Allplayers WHERE UserID = '' ORDER BY playername ASC"
I hope it's considered appropriate to post a SQL query question here; it's not I'll gladly post this question elsewhere. That having been said, I've run into a simple but quite tricky SQL query and was wondering if the community might be able to help. Here's what's going on: I have a "Documents" table. Let's call it DI have a "Benefits" table. Let's call it B.There is a many-to-many relationship between D and B so I have a third table to store the relationships. Let's call that table BD. When I create a document it creates a row in D. Let's call that D1, D2...DN. When I create a benefit it creates a row in B. Let's call that B1, B2...BN When I associate a document to a paritcular benefit, let's say that if D1 and B2 are associated, that I created row B2-D1 in my BD table. Now here's what my challenge is. Suppose I have these entries in my tables: D: D1, D2, D3B: B1, B2, B3 Table BD:B1-D1B2-D1B2-D2 When the user goes to add documents to benefit B1, I want to show the user only documents that are not yet added to B1. In this case, I want to show the user D2 and D3 but not D1 since that one's already added. How do I write a SQL query to do this? Here's what I've been using, but it shows too many results (e.g. included D1, D2, D3) SELECT D.*, BD.*FROM Documents AS d LEFT JOIN rel_BenefitsDocuments AS bd ON d.doc_id = bd.doc_idWHERE (benefit_id <> @benefit_id OR benefit_id IS NULL) Any thoughts?
I want to write a sql query for an asp page which will display only unique rows from the specified column along with the number of count for each unique row.
Table that I want to query
Last Name || First Name Gates || Bill Boyce || Mike Gates || Bill Gates || Phil
Results I want:
Last Name || First Name || Count Gates || Bill || 2 Boyce || Mike || 1 Gates || Phil || 1
I am new to SQL and this question may be most easiest to many of you. Here is what I need.
I have two identical tables (exactly the same in structure) having a compound primary key with a combination of 3 columns. Can someone give me the most efficient query that fetches all the rows from table1 that are not in table2.
from sales_contact sc , invoice i , invoice_line_item il , sales_region_special_section srss , sales_region sr , issue_date idd
where sc.sales_contact_id = i.sales_contact and i.invoice_id = il.invoice and srss.sales_region = sr.sales_region_id and il.issue_date = idd.issue_date_id and srss.invoice_line_item = il.invoice_line_item_id
order by sc.sales_contact_id
heres some of the result set I want only the records with the greatest id for each unique sales contact...
AF85F32E-8E34-4C40-9468-00148A34E903, 41, N AF85F32E-8E34-4C40-9468-00148A34E903, 42, N 5D26328A-192B-4E4E-9B34-010C4E077CF8, 77, N 5D26328A-192B-4E4E-9B34-010C4E077CF8, 70, N 5D26328A-192B-4E4E-9B34-010C4E077CF8, 34, BC B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 25, NW B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 26, NW B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 24, NW B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 28, HC B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45 , 28, NW
this would be an ideal result set using the data above...note there are situtations where there are n* for a greatest issue id.
AF85F32E-8E34-4C40-9468-00148A34E903, 42, N 5D26328A-192B-4E4E-9B34-010C4E077CF8, 77, N B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 28, HC B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 28, NW
This should be easy, I'm just having a brainfart at the moment, can't remember how to do this:
Say I have a bunch of records in a table, with an ID field as Key. I want to return the count of times each ID shows up, so for the following example data:
This should be obvious but for some reason I can't see it.
When this is done I'm going to join in another table to get a name based on the ID with the highest count. I believe it's faster to do a TOP 1 here rather than after the join, but I want to verify that while I'm at it also.
I am a complete newbie to SQL. I have a simple query to make in SQL, but I'm not being able to construct the statement properly. I've already tried googling this info, but with little luck. If someone could help me here, I'd be very thankful.
The problem:
I have a table with a list of questions. All questions have a serial number. The query has to return whether a particular question is the last one in the table or not (according to serial no.)
Logically, this is the query -
select islast = 0 if count(*) from question where serialno > $serial != 0 else select islast = 1;
The '$serial' part will get replaced dynamically before query execution through another program.
Any idea how to code this in valid SQL? I would like to make it a simple statement and not a stored procedure. Thanks.