Simple Sql Select With 2 Likes
May 20, 2005Hi all might seem simple but im having trouble.
how do i include 2 likes in a select:
SELECT from TABLE WHERE name like 'SIB' or 'MIWS' ORDERBY name;
is this valid
Hi all might seem simple but im having trouble.
how do i include 2 likes in a select:
SELECT from TABLE WHERE name like 'SIB' or 'MIWS' ORDERBY name;
is this valid
I have this query that is searching using the hotel name as its first parameter and the hotels location (e.g. london) ast is second parameter.
My client wants to search on part of the hotel name and part of the location name (so I used the like statement)
Oh and the location searches using like on 3 location fields.
My client is complaining when he types hilton and leeds he gets all the hilton hotel in Leeds plus a few extra hotels that aint hilton hotels. I think the query is to senesitive for its own good but he's pushing me on this issue so could anyone advise me if this query could be made to only select the hotels with a name like hilton in leeds. I've pasted this query below. Thanks for your time.
By the way one hotel it pulls up which is wrong is Heath Cottage hotel whos location field is leeds.
FROM hotel
WHERE name LIKE + '%' @Hotelname + '%' AND
location1 LIKE '%' + @city + '%' OR
location2 LIKE '%' + @city + '%' OR
location3 LIKE '%' + @city + '%'
I have a query below that performs horribly:@KeywordOne char(6),@KeywordTwo char(6),@KeywordThree char(6),@KeywordFour char(6),@KeywordFive char(6)SELECTc.SomethingFROMdbo.tblStuff cWHEREc.SomeColumnName = 0AND (c.Keyword LIKE '%' + @KeywordOne + '%' OR @KeywordOne is Null)AND (c.Keyword LIKE '%' + @KeywordTwo + '%' OR @KeywordTwo is Null)AND (c.Keyword LIKE '%' + @KeywordThree + '%' OR @KeywordThree isNull)AND (c.Keyword LIKE '%' + @KeywordFour + '%' OR @KeywordFour = isNull)AND (c.Keyword LIKE '%' + @KeywordFive + '%' OR @KeywordFive = isNull)The contents of column c.Keyword looks like this:Row1: 123456,321654,987987,345987Row2:Row3: 123456,987987etc.What can I do to get this to perform reasonably? I cannot use full-textsearch.Any help is appreciated.lq
View 4 Replies View RelatedHi all,
I need to search the field containing the word I enter, but this word is bracketed by "{{" and "}}". For example, I would like to search the keyword apple, I need to search by the following sql statement.
select name from table where name likes '%{{apple}}%'
But the case is that that column may contain some space between the bracket and the keyword. i.e. {{ apple }}. How can I write a sql statement to search name from the keyword?
You know how you can go:
Code Block
where control_id in (11111,22222,33333,44444)
Code Block
where TextName in ('11111','22222','33333','44444')
and you can do this:
Code Block
where TextName like '11%' or TextName like '22%'
well how do you do this? Or can you... or can we right a function to do it... or are we just hosed writing like after like.
where TextName like in ('11%','22%',... and so on)? is anything like that possible?
or better yet
where TextName like in ( select substring(columnName, 1, 2) + '%' from whatever )
can you imagine the dynamics if that syntax actually worked?
Can a function be written to mimic this functionality? so I can do something like this:
where TextName = function('11%,22%,33%')
I have a package and added a configuration file to it to hold settings such as connection strings etc.
When I open the package up in the designer and check where the configuration file is from, it likes to specify it with a full path like this:
Where blah.xml is the configuration file and the package file is in the same exact directory.
This creates an issue when I use build and then try to install the package on a server. When installing, the server tries to read the config from \myserverprojectspackageslah.xml which it can not.
Conversely I've tried editing the location in the designer changing it to just be "blah.xml". Then after using the build option I am able to install the package successfully on the server (it can not find the xml file).
However when I then load the package later in the designer to try to edit or chagne it, the designer complains that the "configuration file could not be loaded" and it can't find it even though it is in the same directory that the package definition file is in.
What's going on with this and how do i solve it?
I am trying to select a particular record from a table and for some reason it only returns 1 record when I know there are at least 6. I've tried Rtrim and left to make sure that I'm getting the exact string. The "MyID" field is varchar(32) and the "ExpireDate field is datetime and I have tried the below. Any ideas what could be wrong?
ON K.MyKey = KP.MyKey
Where K.MyID = '013BEB73C2CF11D39F3600105A05264C'
I have a simple select statement that I am having a complex with. I am a C# developer trying to expand and gain a little more knowledge of SQL. I want to send a string to a SQLCommand catagory = 'news,alerts,events' and return a result set if it matches any term.
This is for a blog I am creating for a church and the catagory is like the tags you normally see. I could use something like:
WHERE CATAGORY LIKE 'news,alerts,events'
I can seperate the keywords with any character if needed.
WHERE (ITEM_CATEGORY LIKE '%news,events%')
This only returns ones that have all like what is there not the ones having news only
Is there a way or trick to this.
Hi all,
for some reason (stupidity maybe) I can't solve this problem...
I have a table with this information:
ID SerialNumber Result
1 123 Pass
2 125 Fail
3 234 Pass
I just want a select that shows how many pass and fail...
Like this:
Pass | Fail
2 | 1
Thank you
I Have the following table
I want to pull the data out in the following format,
This basically shows the highest SequenceNumber of each TypeID,
I've tried many different SQL queries but I can't seem to get it! Any ideas?
I am new to ASP, I come from a PowerBuilder background. I like the sqldatasource model, but I have a question. In PowerBuilder I could just write straight 'embeded' sql in the code.such as Select XFROM YWhere XYZ; So my question is this: I want to get the value out of the database and set a variable to it where I know a key field, what's the quickest way to do it? Thanks Dan
View 9 Replies View RelatedHi guys,
I am back again looking for help… ?
Here’s what I am trying to do…
I have a table which looks like following..
ID int
CustID int
SaleType char (3)
Amount money
So data in my table looks like following..
ID CustID SaleType Amount
1 1001 AB 1.20
2 1002 AB .20
3 1001 BA .50
4 1003 BA .50
I need a query to return me Each Customer’s ID, Total Count of SaleType ‘AB’, Sum of Amount where sale type ‘AB’ and Same for SaleType ‘BA’
So I should return something like this…
CustID SaleTypeABCount SaleTypeABAmount SaleTypeBACount SaleTypeBAAmount
1001 1 1.20 1 .50
1002 1 .20 0 0
1003 0 0 1 .50
I have query which is doing something like this…
Select distinct C.CustID, SaleTypeABCount = (Select Count(*) where SaleType = ‘AB’ and CustID = C.CUSTID),
SaleTypeABAmount = (Select Sum(Amount) where SaleType = ‘AB’ and CustID = C.CUSTID),
SaleTypeBACount = (Select Count(*) where SaleType = ‘BA’ and CustID = C.CUSTID),
SaleTypeBAAmount = (Select Sum(amount) where SaleType = ‘BA’ and CustID = C.CUSTID)
from MyTable
It is working except that it is returning me multiple rows of same data…
Any help with this will be really appreciated..
Thanks heaps..
Ok, I do know SQL and have been using it for quite soem time. For some reason, it is giving me an error and I was wondering if someone could help.
Here is the few lines of interest
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command;
command = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(@"SELECT Password FROM User WHERE Username='" + user + "'", this.sqlConn);
dataReader = command.ExecuteReader();
This is the error I am coming up with.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'User'.
I have tried enclosing the Table name in quotes and removing the @. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
This is the query I wrote, but it only selects the personel who have
Workgroups and Access Groups assigned to them but I want to show
all the employies and if they don't have Workgroups and Access
Groups assigned to them then show empty cells on DBGrid... and I
know the red part is the problem but I could not build up the logic to
select the matching records and empty records at the same time...
Thanks in advance
PersonelWG ON CARD.CNUM = PersonelWG.Cnum INNER JOIN
WorkGroups ON PersonelWG.WGID = WorkGroups.WGID INNER JOIN
By the way this is my query structure:
Hi all
There is a stored procedure that updates a "sales" table with the current "sales representative" taken from the "customers" table. I'm changing this mess of cursors into a simple update, my first approach was just to do a select (instead of update) just to verify that the rows selected were the ones that really needed to be changed. The select is very simple but is returning a cartesian product instead of just the 200+ (aprox) rows. I would appreciate if someone took a quick look at this select and see what I'm missing :) (I'm including the code for the cursor as well as the code for the select)
-- Recast salesman
Declare @vsite_code varchar(2)
Declare @vcustno varchar(10)
Declare @vsalrep char(4)
Declare @vcustfx smallint
Declare @Ssite_code varchar(2)
Declare @Scustno varchar(10)
Declare @Ssalrep char(4)
Declare @Scustfx smallint
Declare @i int
Declare @intcnt int
Declare @cnt int
Declare @vprodate datetime
Declare @vpro varchar(20)
Declare @vmesg varchar(30)
Declare @vmesg2 varchar(30)
Declare @vmesg3 varchar(30)
Declare @UpdFlag varchar(1)
Declare @Ucnt int
Declare @icnt int
Set @i = 0
Set @cnt = 0
Set @ucnt = 0
Set @icnt = 0
Set @UpdFlag = 'N'
Declare Customer_cur Cursor for
Select site_code, cust_no, cust_sffx, sales_rep
From Customer
where Active_Flag = 'A'
and sales_rep <> 'XXXX'
Order by site_code, cust_no, cust_sffx
For Read only
Open Customer_Cur
Fetch Next from Customer_Cur
into @vsite_code, @vcustno, @vcustfx, @vsalrep
While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
Declare sales_cur Cursor for
Select site_code, cust_no, cust_sffx, salesrep
From Sales
Where site_code = @vsite_code
and cust_no = @vcustno
and cust_sffx = @vcustfx
and salesrep <> @vsalrep
Order by Site_code, cust_no, cust_sffx
For Update
Open Sales_cur
Fetch Next
from sales_cur
into @ssite_code, @scustno, @scustfx, @Ssalrep
While (@@fetch_status = 0)
--If @vsalrep <> @Ssalrep
-- Begin
Update Sales
set salesrep = @vsalrep
Where current of Sales_cur
set @ucnt = @ucnt + 1
-- End
Fetch Next from sales_cur
into @ssite_code, @scustno, @scustfx, @Ssalrep
deallocate sales_cur
Fetch Next
from Customer_Cur
into @vsite_code, @vcustno, @vcustfx, @vsalrep
set @vprodate = getdate()
set @vpro = 'Recast Salesman '
set @vmesg = Str(@ucnt) + ' Records Changed'
Insert into Batch
(batchdate, process, message )
Values (@vprodate, @vpro, @vmesg )
Close Customer_Cur
deallocate Customer_Cur
use salesdatamart;
Select A.site_code,
From Sales As A
Inner Join Customer As B
OnA.site_code = B.site_code AND
A.cust_no = B.cust_no AND
A.cust_sffx = B.cust_sffx AND
A.salesrep != B.sales_rep AND
B.sales_rep != 'XXXX' AND
B.active_flag = 'A'
Thanks in advance for your help :)
Luis Torres
I have a select statement that is not finding a recordset that I know is there.
SQL_1 = "SELECT cust_id, firstname, lastname, email FROM tbl_customers WHERE email = '" & email & "'"
Works fine on most email addresses, but on email addresses where there is a period in the name it does not find the record. The email string is being submitted via a form. Before the SQL statement above I have the request from the form.
email = Request("email")
Like I said, this select works fine on most email addresses. Im sure this is a formatting issue.
If I manually type the select statement into SQL Query Analyzer it works also, but of couse I am manually typing the email address in there that contains the period in the email address.
I have verified that the request is pulling the correct email address with the period.
The select statement returns no records.
I've been struggling with this problem, hope someone can help. I'm using SQL Server 2005 Express. I have a simple database with 7 tables (m64,m67,m69,m71,m87) all have an identical design(column name, type).
All I want to do is pull out one recordset (if it's in that table) from each of the tables.
This is what I have:
"SELECT * FROM m64, m67, m69, m71, M87 WHERE P_N Like '" & Request.Querystring("P_N") & "'"
If I only enter one table, I get a result.
Hi,I feel so stupid to ask this question, but here it goesWhen I select a column from a table, if the column has a null value Iwant the select to return me a blank. I have done this before but Iforgot, some one help?select name, age from peoplein the above query the name can be null. I do not want to doselect @name=name....Thanks.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHi,I cant figure out how to do this....for example:Select name from mytab order by col1could returnMikeDaveSueSimonPaulFredI would like to show the row number, like in the grid in query analyser. sothe orginal sort order is preservedi.e1 Mike2 Dave3 Sue4 Simon5 Paul6 FredAny ideas?
View 9 Replies View Relatedcan someone read this to me thanks.
SELECT DISTINCT PlanNumber FROM tbmembers WHERE ISNULL(PlanID, '') <> ''
I want to select from a table based of a variable, the variable is either 1 or 2, however is it possible to ask for BOTH 1 and 2 when calling from a variable?I tried this, but it seems to only look for values matching 1 and then stop... SET @FuelType = '1 OR FuelType = 2'SELECT * FROM Engine WHERE FuelType = @FuelType
View 6 Replies View RelatedThis might be too simple of a question to post here. But anyway.... I would appreciate if anyone could answer this:
I have two tables, Visitors and Registrants. The relationship between two tables is that every Registrant is a (web site) Visitor. The primary key of Visitor table (v_id) is foreign key in Registrant table, hence enforcing the 1-to-many relationship between tables. Registrant table has its own PK as reg_id. Essentially, Registrant table contains log of those visitors who in fact registered.
How can I retrieve the rows from Visitors table for users who did NOT register? In other words, just opposite of what I would getting if I JOIN the two tables. Any ideas?
I have searched for what I think is a simple solution.
In my aspx.vb code page, I need to make a connection to SQL Server (my connection strings are in the web.config file) and then make a simple SQL Select to return one or 2 values.
For example, the user will select a customer on the ASP form, then I need to read a couple of default values from that user's record and display them back onto the form.
Can someone provide the sample code or direct me to this? I'm thinking that this is rather simple, but I can't seem to make it work. If I see a sample of exactly what I need to do, such as reading a value using the Northwind sample DB, then I can modify it to fit my table structure, etc.
Thank you.
I know there must be something i'm missing. I'm logged on as sa on the Query Analyzer, and run a simple select statement, or any statement for that matter, and i get an 'INVALID OBJECT NAME' error.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHi,
I have several records in a table of "links", which has the fields ID, UserID, Description and URL. I'm trying to select all the records in this table for a specific user. The stored prodecure I'm using is:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sprocLinkSelect (@UserID uniqueidentifier)
SELECT ID, UserID, description, URL
FROM links
WHERE UserID = @UserID
When I execute the procedure without "UserID" in the SELECT part of the statement it works and returns the correct rows for the UserID entered as a parameter. However, when UserID is included in the SELECT part of the statement (as above), it says:
"No rows affected.
(1 row(s) returned)"
and just shows the column headings, but with no record details beneath. (When the example works as intended, it returns two rows.)
I've tried changing the procedure to take @description as its parameter and return all records with one specific description, and it also only works when UserID isn't included in the SELECT line. I've also tried using SELECT *, but that doesn't seem to work either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm using SQL Express.
Well my problem lies in that I am generating reports with the data I retrieve from my sql database. However my problem resides in the fact that I am generating one report at a time and if I want to grab each entry in the order in which they were produced its no problem.
IE - Using PowerBuilder 10.0 as an IDE for my application to generate reports.
select i_id into :insp_id from inspection where i_id = :index order by i_id asc using sqlca;
But now if I want to grab them in alphabetical order from another table I have problems.
this is the code I am trying to use maybe I am just thinking it through wrong.
select s_id into :insp_id from section where s_id = :index order by s_name asc using sqlca;
any help is appreciated. Is there a way to grab each row in alphabetical order?
I'm trying to return all of rows by applying a simple query to my database, however not all of the rows are being returned. The simple SQL query is:
SELECT `id` FROM `tags` WHERE `tagname`='baseball'
The rows that are left out are those in which the variable being searched for is not the first record listed in the table for a corresponding record. For example, the query of the "tags" table (below) for 'baseball' above returns only ids 10 and 12. id 11 also has a tag "baseball" but it is not being returned. What do I need to add to my query in order to return all of the ids that correspond, and not just the "first" ones? Thanks in advance!
table: tags
id |tagname
10 | baseball
10 | free
10 | stars
11 | fakeguy
11 | baseball
11 | free
12 | baseball
12 | test
12 | fantasy
12 | sports
13 | basketball
13 | hoops
13 | ncaa
I have a table with the name of customers in it. The problem is that I have one column with the full name in it like
|Last First Middle|.
As you can see this is a problem for me.
I need to find a way to put these values into 3 seperate columns.
|Last| First| Middle |
Is there a function to seperate them via a space?
I have been looking on the web and have not found any functions or solutions.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
I am very new to sql and would like some help with a simple select statement. I am trying to pull birthdates using the following code. I can get the query to run but some of the dates are not between the parameters. What am i doing wrong?
SELECT Employees.EmployeeStatusID, People.FirstName, People.LastName, People.BirthDate
People ON Employees.SystemAssignedPersonID = People.SystemAssignedPersonID
WHERE (People.BirthDate BETWEEN '10 - 01 - 1900' AND '12 - 15 - 2007')
ORDER BY People.BirthDate
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Results
10/25/1929 12:00:00 AM
5/24/1933 12:00:00 AM
1/9/1937 12:00:00 AM
2/10/1937 12:00:00 AM
Ok, I have two tables with a child/parent or one -> many relationship:
pid int primary key
pname varchar
cid int primary key
pid int
cname varchar
Say the contents of these two tables are:
pid pname:
1 Ben
2 Jesse
3 Michael
pid cid cname
1 1 ben_Child1
1 2 ben_Child2
1 3 ben_Child3
2 4 jesse_Child1
2 5 jesse_Child2
2 6 jesse_Child3
3 7 michael_Child1
3 8 michael_Child2
3 9 michael_Child3
Now what I would like to be able to do is:
select pname, cname
parent table a,
child_table b
where =
Except! Instead of getting the results in the form of:
Ben ben_Child1
Ben ben_Child2
Ben ben_Child3
I would like them in
Ben ben_Child1 ben_Child2
Now normally this would be impossible (I think) since the query would return an unknown number of columns. But in this case I only care about the FIRST TWO children for each parent. So I'm sure there's some way to do this with a simple select, but I don't know how. Anyone?
I've just inherited a system and have some concerns about the speed ofconnections to a remote server (SQL2000). If I do a simple selectstatement on the table below, it takes 14 minutes to retrive 6 millionrows across a 2Mb line. Obviously it's a reasonable amount of data toretrieve, but I would have thought this would be quicker if I'm honest.Run locally, this is 50 seconds.My thoughts are that there may be some issues with our connection (weget general network errors sporadically, which are being looked at),but wanted some thoughts if the performance is acceptable for what itis doing with what is available. I don't think there is a SQL issue,but want to check if this sounds about right.It's early days, so I'm after a general impression of the speed ofretrieval for the amount of data on the available bandwidth. Assuming abest performance scenario, what is the minimum time it should take as abest guess ?ThanksRyanCREATE TABLE [FIELD_VALUES] ([DEALER_DATA_ID] [int] NOT NULL ,[FIELD_CODE] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[FIELD_VALUE] [numeric](15, 5) NULL ,[CHANGED_TYPE] [int] NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_FIELD_VALUES] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([DEALER_DATA_ID],[FIELD_CODE]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GO
View 1 Replies View Related
Hi all,
I know this sounds rather dumb but my select statement is running forever!
I am trying to execute the statement through my C# code.
If I try to run the query through sql server management studio, sometimes it runs fine, but sometimes it keeps running and never returns a value.
I am doing something like this:
String query = "SELECT studentID from StudentTable WHERE studentDeptID = '100' AND deptName = 'CS'";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
Object myObject = command.ExecuteScalar();
StudentTable contains roughly 1000 rows.
Somebody please help me out of this. Thanks in advance.
Hey there everyone,
I'm sure there's a good reason for this, I just have no idea what it is.
If I run a SELECT * statement on one of my tables, the result set is missing one of the records.
If I SELECT that specific row (by identifier or anything else really), it returns just fine.
Any kind of select (e.g. WHERE ID > X) fails to return that specific row.
Any idea why this might be happening?
Thanks in advance for any guidance!